1 minute read

Keep calm and carry on – but it’s not business as usual

By Projeni Pather, chairperson of AAXO

As we face the brunt of the outbreak of the COVID-19 (Corona) Virus in South Africa and the rest of the world, it is essential to acknowledge that it will not be ‘business as usual.’

We are swimming in unchartered waters as far as the situation goes, and no one has the right answers as yet. BUT the exhibition industry must rally together to secure our collective business futures.

With the South African government prohibiting public gatherings of more than 100 people, major events on the annual events calendar have been postponed or cancelled.

As organisers in troubled times, we live and learn; we change our strategy and direction; we do what we can to salvage revenues, manage our reputation and the reputation of our brands, protect our customers, employees, suppliers, and stakeholders. It is the health and safety of all our patrons that are at stake, and we act in the best interest of all involved.

We have to take control of the consequences of the many events that can no longer go ahead due to the stringent travel restrictions in place across the world.

Simultaneously, we must remain cognisant of the well-being of the people affected by the virus and the small businesses that exist and prosper because of the exhibition and events sector. The high number of postponements to the latter part of the year poses its challenges. As organisers need to consider venue availability, the pressure on suppliers to deliver, the extensive local and international calendar of competing events, potential loss of revenue, the battle for marketing space, and the overall impact on all involved.

Communication is essential during the next few months to maintain relationships with our exhibitors, partners, employees, and suppliers; AAXO is committed to ensuring the continuance of our businesses and the future prosperity of the exhibition industry.

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