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SANCB and SITE competition Youth development programme 2020

The South Africa National Convention Bureau (SANCB) and Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE), have joined forces with the launch of a youth development programme in the form of a competition.

The mission of this programme is to create a strong group of individuals who will become leaders in Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE), their local chapters and the greater industry. As a first step, the SANCB and SITE will identify a young person through the competition to participate at the SITE Young Leaders Academy at IMEX Frankfurt 2020 (12 -14 May 2020). The SITE Young Leaders programme provides education and networking opportunities that appeal directly to SITE members who are new to the incentive travel industry. The main aim is to generate an interest among young people within the incentive travel sector to ensure exposure of potential career opportunities within the industry. The competition will require young people to write a two-page essay on how they see incentive travel sector and a motivation why they should be chosen to be part of this program. The winning proposal will be chosen by three judges who will be selected by both SANCB and SITE. The following criteria will apply for a Young Leader:

• The entrants must be 35 or younger.

• The entrants must have worked for two years but not more than five years in the business travel industry.

• The entrants must be South African citizens.

Ideally the person who will be selected for this opportunity should be young, dynamic, growing individual that will assist in further bolstering SITE, South African Tourism and hospitality as a whole. The judges will be looking for someone who has a clear understanding of the impact upon individuals who win incentive trips, as well as impact on the destinations hosting these trips.

Ideal candidates for this competition will come from the following tourism sectors:

• Destination management companies.

• Incentive houses.

• Convention bureaus.

• Suppliers, such as hotels or venues that deal with incentive groups.

How to enter:

• Only electronic entries will be accepted.

• Entrants need to display their understanding of the benefits and impact of incentive travel both from a motivational perspective for the individual winning a trip, as well as the financial and socio-economic benefits to incentive destinations.

• Entrants are welcome to include supporting documents to their arguments.

• All entries and supporting documents/ videos/photographs should be sent to imex2020FRA@siteafrica.africa. Any entries larger than 10MB should be sent via WeTransfer to the same email address.

• Any entries not sent to the above email will not be received. Competition rules:

• Only South African citizens are eligible for this competition.

• Entrants must be younger than 35 years and have 2-5 years’ experience in business travel.

• Entrants must have a valid passport until at least December 2020 and three blank pages by the time the winner is announced.

• Closing date for all entries is 20 March 2020. No late entries will be accepted.

• Finalists will be announced by 6 April 2020.

• Winners will be announced by 10 April 2020.

• Judges’ decisions will be final and no correspondence or discussions will be entered into.

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