2 minute read

Unlock your potential

By Projeni Pather, chairperson of AAXO

We think it’s safe to say that we probably all in crisis mode. The onset of Covid-19 has forced us into this state. The origin of ‘crisis’ in Greek implies ‘decision’, not tragedy or catastrophe, but rather ‘decision’. As we all involuntarily go through the phases of crisis, it is important to understand the depth of each phase and be mindful of the decisions we make.

As motivational speaker, Wayne Dyer wrote, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” As an association, our commitment to our industry is to support you and engage with you mindfully through these phases. It is in this mindfulness that lies the learning, and the road to recovery.

Our crisis began in March this year when the Disaster Management Act was imposed, banning mass gatherings, which brought our industry to a grinding halt. This devastating news threw us into a state of anxiety. Exhibitions and events had to be cancelled or postponed; the workforce had to be equipped to work from home; the loss of skilled staff; leases and agreements had to be negotiated; the prospect of businesses closing down, among many other stressors. Anxiety then escalates into defensiveness, where we lose sight of rationality in our efforts to try to save the situation. Losing rationality then leads to risky choices that could harm yourself or your business.

To ease your anxiety, we are working with the SA Events Council to put together a safety framework to lobby for the reopening of our industry. Exhibitions and events are organised gatherings, with compulsory registrations that allow for vigilant, screening, tracking, and tracing together with a host of safety protocols that will ensure the safety of every attendee. We are not a careless industry, we are accountable to our stakeholders, we act responsibly, and we put safety first.

During this time, I ask you to relook at the challenges we are faced with, to unlock the full potential for your business and our industry. Yes, the loss is massive, but so is the opportunity it brings. Now is the time to re-energise and innovate, revitalise your ideas, and create new business opportunities. The crisis highlights where the gaps are and how to fix them so we can make our businesses stronger; it galvanises us towards a better future.

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