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American Express launches 2021 Global Travel Trends Report

American Express recently released the American Express Travel: Global Travel Trends Report, which provides unique insight into consumer sentiment toward travel, nearly one year after the Covid-19 pandemic began. The findings in the report, grounded in survey research across seven countries, including the United States, Australia, India, Canada, Mexico, Japan and the United Kingdom, demonstrates that consumers are looking forward to travelling again and that they are planning for future trips.

“Our latest global trends report shows that there is a pent-up demand for travel among consumers, with many people longing for and beginning to plan future trips.”

Top insights include:

• Strong pent-up demand for travel: 87 per cent of people surveyed said that having a trip planned in the future gives them something to look forward to, 76 per cent of respondents are creating their destination wish list for future travel, even though they might not be able to travel yet, and 63 per cent of respondents said that they are saving their credit card points so that they may go on a vacation once they feel comfortable travelling.

• Ready to book now: 56 per cent of respondents said that they miss travelling so much that they are willing to book a trip now, even if they might have to cancel it in the future.

• Rise of the digital nomad: 54 per cent of respondents said that the freedom and flexibility of being able to live and work, while travelling the globe, is more appealing now than it was prior to the pandemic.

• Safety is a priority: 65 per cent of respondents said that they plan to travel after they and their family members have received a vaccine for Covid-19.

• Privacy is the new ultimate luxury: 75 per cent of respondents agree that the experiences that offer ultimate privacy are becoming a key sought-after feature of luxury travel.

• Increase in sustainable travel: 68% of respondents agree that they are trying to be more aware of sustainability-friendly travel brands to support.

“Our latest global trends report shows that there is a pent-up demand for travel among consumers, with many people longing for and beginning to plan future trips,” said Audrey Hendley, president of American Express Travel.

“In addition, the pandemic environment is giving rise to emerging trends, such as the increasing appeal of working from anywhere while travelling globally, luxury

being defined as more personalised experiences, cleanliness and privacy as the ultimate luxury amenities, as well as a growing interest in the environmental and social purpose of their trips and travel companies.”

Here’s a look at key findings from the report:

Consumers are looking forward to travelling again

People are finding hope and comfort in thinking about and even planning future trips.

• Travel to uplift health and wellness: 78 per cent of respondents indicate that they are wanting to travel in 2021, to relieve the stresses from 2020.

• Planning and paying for future travel: One in three say that they will more frequently use travel credits or points to pay for all or part of a trip in 2021 than they did prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.

• Making up for missed travel: 61 per cent of survey respondents plan to spend more than they normally would on a trip in 2021, since they could not travel in 2020.

• Consumers willing to make sacrifices to travel: 64 per cent of respondents miss travelling so much that they would be willing to give up social media for a month to be able to go on vacation.

• Culinary tourism is here to stay: 62 per cent of respondents say that eating is the top activity they are interested in doing while travelling. American Express Travel booking data for January 2021 shows foodie-centric cities as top destinations for U.S. and International Card Members. Miami, San Francisco, Chicago and Houston are hot spots for U.S. American Express Card Members whereas Mexico City, Singapore and Tokyo are topping the list for international American Express Card Members.

The new travel mindset

With regular changes to booking policies, travel offers, and new destinations to consider, there is a new travel mindset today.

• Luxury travel: The pandemic has changed peoples’ perception of luxury travel with personalised experiences (82 per cent), high cleanliness standards (81 per cent) and privacy (79 per cent) being the most desirable luxury amenities among respondents. 59 per cent indicate that they want to use a travel agent to help plan and customise their next trip and 80 per cent indicate they are willing to travel to destinations during the offseason so that it’s less crowded.

• Surge in ‘second-city’ destinations: 69 per cent of respondents are interested in visiting lesser-known destinations and American Express Travel booking data reinforces this trend, showing a rise in reservations for second-city destinations. For example, Dallas and Charlotte saw a higher share of bookings from International Card Members in January 2021 than the previous year and American Express Travel consultants are seeing requests for smaller cities like Porto (instead of Lisbon) in Portugal, and Wellington (instead of Auckland) in New Zealand.

Travelling with purpose

Consumers are becoming more conscious travellers, are more aware of travel companies aligned with their values and will journey to destinations where they may have a positive impact on communities.

• Backing local communities: 72 per cent of respondents agree that they are passionate about travelling to destinations to help boost tourism revenue and the local economy.

• Supporting travel brands that prioritise diversity and inclusion: 69 per cent of respondents agree that they want to choose an airline/hotel that values diversity and inclusion, and whose employees reflect a diverse customer base.

• Carbon-conscious travellers: 60 per cent of respondents agree they want to book airlines that have a carbon neutral commitment.

For additional findings and more information on the American Express Travel: Global Travel Trends Report, visit https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id =smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fw ww.americanexpress.com%2Fglobaltravel-trends&esheet=52392774&new sitemid=20210309005322&lan=en-US &anchor=here&index=2&md5=d0fd b70230176d3682392cf24c2de5dd.

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