3 minute read
Finding inspiration
The fast-paced world we find ourselves in today certainly creates new challenges.
Challenges that are, at times, overwhelming.
I often think of myself as juggling a set of balls up in the air, trying to keep each one afloat, with the risk of at least one falling. This is because we are living in an exceptionally busy time.
This year is moving at lightning speed for the business events industry. Business events are definitely back in full force, but why is it that we are feeling overwhelmed?
From what I gathered, and what I have seen within our own organisation, we went from a big team, to a small team during Covid-19. Even with companies expanding their teams, they are not employing the same amount of people as they did pre-Covid, and the people that they are recruiting lack the skills required, as they are from outside the sector. Furthermore, what has also happened is that people are doing more than one person’s job, in a company.
The good thing is that the industry is seeing an increase in new blood, but on the downside, do we have the time to upskill people in this fast-paced environment? The fact is that you need to find the time or look for industry short courses, via a university or training institution. Trade associations would also be able to assist with information on these training courses.
In the go-go environment in which we find ourselves, we can definitely see people are tired, and something has to change.
As we head into the sixth month of the year, we need to stop and re-strategise. We need to find the inspiration which we lost, as we are all on autopilot, making things happen.
To add to the pressure, budgets are so much tighter. People want the same conference, event, or service that they received a few years ago, but for less.
Where do we recoup what we lost during the lockdowns?
Then, add to the mix, sustainability — which I totally agree is a non-negotiable, and the introduction of AI into companies’ communications, without losing the personal touch. These are just two of the trends that are top of mind at the moment.
In addition, maybe for just a moment, let’s put away all those balls we currently have in the air.
Remember, your people are your biggest asset — stop, take the time to listen and communicate with them. Then, slowly start again, maybe you don’t need all those balls in the air.
The business events industry is a small sector, made of inspirational people. Take the time to reconnect where you can — and listen to one another. Make use of the upcoming industry events to do this. We are definitely not alone.
This is where the trade associations can play a pivotal role.
Email: gomesi@iafrica.com