7 minute read
Directory and associations of interest
46 Waterford Office Park, Waterford Drive, Fourways, Johannesburg t: +27 (0)11 465 8955 e: aaxo@aaxo.co.za Association coordinator: Molebegeng Masote e: mole@aaxo.co.za Chairperson: Projeni Pather, Exposure Marketing e: projeni@exposuremarketing.co.za Vice-chairperson: Devi PaulsenAbbott, dmg events e: devipaulsen@dmgevents.com Treasurer: Mark Anderson, Specialised Exhibitions e: marka@specialised.com Board of directors: Carol Weaving, Reed Exhibitions e: carol.weaving@reedexpoafrica.co.za Chanelle Hingston, Clarion Events Africa e: chanelle.hingston@clarionevents.com Phetogo Kubheka, Synergy Business Events e: phetogo@synergybe.co.za Suzette Scheepers, Messe Muenchen South Africa e: suzette.scheepers@mm-sa.com
179 Jan Smuts Ave, Parktown North, Private Bag X7000, Parklands 2121 t: +27 (0)11 447 4777 e: info@eventgreening.co.za www.eventgreening.co.za Chairperson: Greg McManus, Heritage Environmental Management Services Vice-chairperson: Morwesi Ramonyai, Borena Energy Treasurer: Justin Hawes, Scan Display Secretariat: Lynn McLeod e: lynn@eventgreening.co.za Marketing: Pippa Naudé e: pippa@eventgreening.co.za
www.exsa.co.za Chairperson: Gill Gibbs, BluCube t: +27 (0)83 260 8035 e: gill@blu3.co.za
Vice chairperson: Gabi Babinsky, Brandex t: +27 (0)64 655 3323 e: gabi@brandexpro.co.za Treasurer: Moses Nefale, Scan Display t: +27 (0)79 882 8616 e: moses@scandisplay.co.za Past chairperson: Doug Rix, DK Designs t: +27 (0)82 579 7071 e: dougrix@wol.co.za Association manager: Lee-Ann Alder t: +27 (0)82 550 0349 e: info@exsa.co.za Board members Kerry-Lee Bester, Brilliant Branding t: +27 (0)72 265 6600 e: kerry@brilliant-branding.co.za Mike Mira, Efam Distributors t: +27 (0)83 445 2261 e: mike@efam.co.za Presley Mokotedi, Garona Communications t: +27 (0)81 578 4455 e: presley@garonacom.co.za Chad Botha, Inspire Furniture Rentals t: +27 (0)76 644 0271 e: info@inspirefurniture.co.za Sibusiso Mchwabe, Marketing Well t: +27 (0)83 477 5536 e: sibusiso@marketingwell.co.za Gar y van der Watt, Resource Design t: +27 (0)76 339 5320 e: gary@resourcedesign.co.za
ICCA African Chapter Chairperson: Taubie Motlhabane, Cape Town International Convention Centre t: +27 (0)21 410 5000 e: Taubiem@cticc.co.za Deputy chairperson: Jacinta Nzioka, Kenya National Convention Bureau t: +254 722464221 e: jacinta@kncb.go.ke Secretariat: Esmaré Steinhöfel ICCA Africa Regional director c: +27 (0)84 056 5544 e: esmare.s@iccaworld.org. www.iccaworld.com/dbs/africanchapter www.iccaworld.org
CONFERENCE INDUSTRY Learning | Growth | collaboration
Chairperson: Kim Roberts Mise-en-place Solutions e: info@mise-en-placesolutions.com t: +27 (0)82 652 2008 Vice-chairperson: Jaques Fouche Formative e: jaques@formative.co.za c: +27 (0)60 993 7542 Treasurer: Glenn van Eck, Magnetic Storm e: glenn@magnetic.co.za c: +27 (0)82 800 2616 Public officer: Denise Kemp, Eastern Sun Events e: denise@esternsun.co.za c: +27 (0)82 654 9755 Chief executive officer: Glenton De Kock e: ceo@saaci.org c: +27 (0)82 575 7565 Membership services consultant: Alshanthé Smith t: +27 (0)11 880 5883 e: members@saaci.org
EC chairperson: Andrew Stewart PeriExpo e: andrew@periexpo.co.za c: +27 (0)82 578 5987 KZN chairperson: Tracey Delport The Hospitality Experience e: tracey@thehospitality experience.co.za c: +27 (0)83 293 5190 JHB chairperson: Lorin Bowen Lorin Bowen Business Events e: lorin@lorinbowen.co.za c: + 27 (0)82 433 8687 WC acting chairperson: Angela Lorimer, Century City Conference Centre e: angela.l@ccconferencecentre.co.za t: +27 (0)21 809 1101 Tshwane chairperson: Leon Pheiffer EPH Productions e: leon@ephproductions.co.za c: + 27 (0)82 924 9046 Co-opted youth: Minister Kganyago CSIR e: MKganyago@csir.co.za c: +27 (0)79 513 8708 Venue rep: Michelle Bingham Sandton Convention Centre e: Michelle.Bingham@tsogosun.com c: +27 (0)82 339 0342
Branch chairperson: Andrew Stewart, PeriExpo e: andrew@periexpo.co.za c: +27 (0)82 578 5987 Branch vice-chairperson: David Limbert, Magnetic Storm e: david@magnetic.co.za c: +27 (0)82 9064 198 Branch treasurer: Alistair Stead, Scan Display e: alastair@scandisplay.africa c: +27 (0)73 236 6618
Learning: Caroline Morgan EXBO e: caro@exbo.co.za c: +27 (0)82 553 6185 Communication: Gill Dickie Bidvest Car Rental e: gilld@bidvestcarrental.co.za c: +27 (0)79 527 7619 Networking: Melissa Palmer B&E Conference Centre e: melissa@becbc.co.za c: +27 (0)82 437 7600 Networking: Wanda Fourie Eastern Sun Events e: registration@easternsun.co.za Branch coordinator: Hayley Pretorius e: ec.za@saaci.org c: +27 (0)79 507 3607 c: +27 (0)62 758 7933
Branch chairperson: John Arvanitakis, Chat’r Xperience t: +27 (0)83 415 2774 e: john@chatr.co.za Branch vice-chairperson: Lorin Bowen, Lorin Bowen Business Events t: +27 (0)82 433 8687 e: lorin@lorinbowen.co.za Branch treasurer: Chris de Lancey, Multi-Media t: +27 (0)82 854 2230 e: chris@multi-media.co.za
Aidan Koen, Ogada Group t: +27 (0)82 561 3188 e: aidan@ogada.co.za Carmen Rudd, Synergy Business Events t: +27 (0)82 707 3977 e: carmen@synergybe.co.za Emma Kumalo, Potters Hand Activations t: +27 (0)84 250 6850 e: emma@pottershand.co.za Leigh Anne Luis, Upatone t: +27 (0)82 409 3680 e: leighanne@upatone.co.za Rendani Khorommbi, Joburg Tourism t: +27 (0)82 773 2999 e: rendanik@joburgtourism.com Branch coordinator: Angelique Smith c: +27 (0)60 970 7653 e: Jhb.za@saaci.org
Branch chairperson: Leon Pheiffer EPH & Monte de Dios e: leon@ephproductions.co.za; e: leon@montededios.co.za c: +27 (0)82 924 9046 Branch vice-chairperson: Corné Engelbrecht, Savetcon e: corne@savetcon.co.za c: +27 (0)82 925 9241 Branch treasurer: Refilwe Nchebisang, CSIR ICC t: +27 (0)12 841 3770 e: rnchebisang@csir.co.za
Melanie Pretorius, At Zone Hospitality Consulting c: +27 (0)82 410 1202 e: melanie.pretorius@mweb.co.za Herkie du Preez, Event Wizards c: +27 (0)82 839 3489 e: herkie@eventwizards.co.za Branch coordinator: Heather Heskes, SAACI c: +27 (0)76 321 6111 e: tsh.za@saaci.org
Branch chairperson: Irene Vallihu, Durban International Convention Centre c: +27 (0)79 692 4604 e: irenev@icc.co.za Branch vice-chairperson: Gill Slaughter, Turners Conferences c: +27 (0)31 368 8000 e: gills@turnersconferences.co.za Branch treasurer: Sibusiso Mncwabe, Marketing Well c: +27 (0)83 477 5536 e: sibusiso@marketingwell.co.za
Tracey Delport, The Hospitality Experience c:+27 (0)83 293 5190 e: tracey@thehospitalityexperience. co.za Tarannum Banatwalla, Jellyfish Catering & Event Management c: +27 (0)83 254 9462 e: tarannum@jellyfishcatering.co.za Kim Jackson, Greyville Convention Centre c: +27 (0)82 378 2264 e: kimj@goldcircle.co.za Mabuyi Mosia, Ikhono Communications c: +27 (0)71 117 7509 e: mabuyi@ikhono.co.za Denver Manickum, I-cube Alternative Advertising c: +27 (0)83 482 8525 e: denver@icube.co.za Kavitha Dhawnath, Gearhouse SA c: +27 (0)83 607 2006 e: kavitha.dhawnath@gearhouse. co.za Wiseman Mnguni, Mboniseni Events and Project Management) c: +27 (0) 78 220 2162 e: mboniseni.events@gmail.com Sandile Dlamini, Anzomode c: +27 (0) 79 104 5510 e: sandile@anzomode.co.za Branch coordinator: Kerry Potgieter c: +27 (0)84 777 3452 e: kzn.za@saaci.org
Branch chairperson: Angela Lorimer c: +27 (0)21 410 5000 e: angelajacobson862@yahoo.co.za Branch vice-chairperson: Alex Wrottesley c: +27 (0)21 430 2060 e: alex@intoafrica.co.za Branch treasurer: Thiru Naidoo t: +27 (0)21 487 8600 e: thiru@wesgro.co.za
Ansu Colditz c: +27 (0)82 457 8071 e: ansuc@millenniumtravel.co.za Esti Venske t: +27 (0)21 460 3518 e: estivenske@gmail.com Zimkitha Bavuma c: +27 (0)72 172 5746 e: zim@live.co.za Esmare Steinhofel c: +27 (0)84 056 5544 e: esmare.s@iccaworld.org Andrew Gibson t: +27 (0)860 111 625 e: Andrew@magnetic.co.za Bianca van Niekerk t: +27 (0)21 410 5000 e: biancav@cticc.co.za Stefan Huggett c: +27 (0)83 740 8897 e: stefanh@spier.co.za Gheeta Payle t: +27 (0)861237890 e: gheeta.payle@inhousevtm.com Branch coordinator: Lara Van Zyl c: +27 (0)822234684 e: wc.za@saaci.org
President: Tes Proos c: +27 (0) 84 682 7676 e: tes@crystalevents.co.za International board member: Daryl Keywood c: +27 (0)82 904 4967 e: daryl@walthers.co.za Treasurer: Peter-John Mitrovich c: +27 (0)82 318 1889 e: peter-john.mitrovich@ grosvenortours.com Board member at large: Rick Taylor East Africa (Rwanda): Chris Munyao North Africa: George Fawzi North Africa support: Brad Glen Young Leadership: Clinton Els Secretariat & Events: Gauteng: Clare Neall c: +27 76 898 0420 e: clare@eventstuff.co.za Western Cape: Mariaan Burger c: +27 (0)82 557 8041 e: info@sitesouthernafrica.com
e: hello@saeventscouncil.org C hairperson: Tes Proos, SITE president V ice-chairperson: Glenton de Kock, SAACI chief executive officer Interim treasurer: Glenn van Eck, CEPA chair Spokesperson: Projeni Pather, AAXO chair Members Carol Weaving, AAXO board member Tiisetso Tau, AAXO member Corne Koch, Best Cities Global Alliance chair Justin Hawes, Event Greening Forum treasurer Mike Lord, Event Safety Council interim chair Sibusiso Mncwabe, EXSA board member; EXSA KZN Forum Chair; SAACI KZN committee member and treasurer Chad Botha, EXSA board member Doug Rix, EXSA board member Gill Gibbs, EXSA chairperson Taubie Motlhabane, ICCA Africa chapter chair Esmare Steinhofel, ICCA Africa, regional director Ellen Oosthuizen, PCO Alliance network chair Charlotte Kemp, PSASA deputy president Kim Roberts, SAACI national chair Kevan Jones, SACIA executive director Justin van Wyk, SALPA chair Septi Bukula, SITE member Sharif Baker, TPSA chairperson; SACIA board member
ABTA – African Business Travel Association Box 2594, Pinegowrie, 2123 t: +27 (0)11 888 8178 c: +27 (0)83 679 2110 e: monique@abta.co.za | www.abta. co.za Founder: Monique Swart ASATA – Association of Southern African Travel Agents PO Box 650539, Benmore, 2010 t: +27 (0)11 293 0560/61 e: barbara@asata.co.za e: general@asata.co.za Office manager: Barbara Viljoen Council of Event Professionals Africa M16 Ticketpro Dome Cnr. Northumberland & Olievenhout Roads, Northriding Executive Director: Kevan Jones kevan@sacia.org.za t: +27 (0)11 083 6418 c: +27 (0)82 555 5556 Chairperson: Glenn van Eck Magnetic Storm c: +27 (0)82 800 2616 e: glenn@magnetic.co.za FEDHASA National Office – Federated Hospitality Association of Southern Africa PO Box 3853, The Reeds, 0157 c: +27 (0)82 552 9862 e: ceo@fedhasa.co.za www.fedhasa.co.za Chief executive: Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa PSASA – Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa t: +27 (0)11 462 9465 c: +27 (0)83 458 6114 e: admin@psasouthernafrica.co.za www.psasouthernafrica.co.za SABOA – Southern African Bus Operators Association Postnet Suite 393, Private Bag X033, Rivonia 2128 t: +27 (0)11 511 7641 e: saboa@saboa.co.za www.saboa.co.za SACIA – Southern African Communications Industries Association M16 Ticketpro Dome Cnr. Northumberland & Olievenhout Roads, Northriding t: +27 (0)11 083 6418 c: +27 (0)82 555 5556 e: kevan@sacia.org.za Executive director: Kevan Jones SATI – South African Translators’ Institute Executive director: Marion Boers t: +27 (0)11 803 2681 e: office@translators.org.za www.translators.org.za SATSA – Southern Africa Tourism Services Association Box 900, Ferndale 2160 t: +27 (0)11 886 9996 e: pa@satsa.co.za | www.satsa.com SKAL International South Africa Secretary: Anne Lamb t: +27 (0)21 434 7023 c: +27 (0)82 708 1836 e: anne@yebo.co.za www.skalsouthafrica.org STA – Sandton Tourism Association t: +27 (0)83 558 5445 e: secretariat@sandtontourism.com www.sandtontourism.com TBCSA – Tourism Business Council of South Africa Box 11655, Centurion 0046 t: +27 (0)12 664 0120 e: comms@tbcsa.travel www.tbcsa.travel www.tomsa.co.za Member relations manager: Boitumelo Moleleki TGCSA – Tourism Grading Council of South Africa Private Bag X10012, Sandton 2146 t: +27 (0)11 895 3000 f: +27 (0)11 895 3001 e: enquiries@tourismgrading.co.za TINSA – Interpreters/ Translators Network of Southern Africa e: info@interpreter.org.za t/f: +27 (0)11 485 2511 c: +27 (0)83 249 0010 www.interpreter.org.za TPSA – Technical Production Services Association M16 Ticketpro Dome Cnr. Northumberland & Olievenhout Roads, Northriding t: +27 (0)11 083 6418 c: +27 (0)82 555 5556 e: kevan@sacia.org.za www.tpsa.co.za Executive director: Kevan Jones TTA – Tshwane Tourism Association Box 395, Pretoria 0001 t: +27 (0)12 841 4212 e: secretary@tshwanetourism.com www.tshwanetourism.com Chairperson: Bronwen Cadle de Ponte Secretary: Sithembile Nzimande Membership coordinator: Liz Oosthuysen e: membership@tshwanetourism.com