5 Qualities to be kept in mind by a Recruitment Company for a flat structured Organisation

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5 Qualities To Be Kept In Mind By A Recruitment Company For A Flat Structured Organisation

In the quest of better outcomes in terms of efficiency, results, productivity and growth a lot of companies are adopting Holacracy, a much flatter organisational structure with no job titles or managers over the traditional Hierarchy with clearly defined job roles and layered structured. This flattened hierarchy promotes employee involvement through a decentralised decision making structure. The idea is that well trained employees will be more productive if they work with certain degree of freedom with direct involvement in decision making process. Such organisations cannot afford to recruit bad people. Over the years, our recruitment agency in Germany has seen a lot of change in the requirements of various companies while hiring resources for them.

These are the qualities which we try to judge while recruiting for such companies: Self-Motivation is the key “If you love what you are doing, You will be successful.” Abraham Maslow in his “Need Hierarchy Theory” said that the foremost need of an individual which can keep him motivated for the longest period of time is “Self Actualisation” that is Individuals with an urge to work up to their full potential. Ask them “What course you would like to take if given a chance and why?” Trustworthy “Without TRUST, we don’t truly collaborate; We merely coordinate or, at best, cooperate. It is TRUST that transforms a group of people into a TEAM.” This can be figured out from the past records of an employee. Feedbacks from the old companies and Testimonials from ex-employees can go a long way in making the right decision while hiring a person for such organisations. Give them various situations where their loyalty can come in jeopardy and listen to their answers and also the confidence with which they are speaking. Goal-oriented “In most cases being a good boss, Means hiring talented people & then get out of their way” A person with a goal is a gem treasured by any company. Make sure that the goal of the organisation coincides with his/her personal goal. Ask them “Where do they see themselves in next five years?” “What are the criteria on which they measure their achievements?” Innovative “We don’t have scripts Because we trust our employees To use their best Judgements - Zappos” Innovative employees help bring 1000 ways on the table to solve a particular problem. Hiring innovative and creative individuals is the key to success of any organisation but it is a prerequisite when it comes to Holacracy. Make case studies centred to a business problem. Discuss it in the interview. Cross question every solution provided by them.

Enthusiastic “You don’t build a Business. You Build People. And then People Build the Business.” Every company wants to hire empowered, curious, confident and responsible individuals and not managed robots. Try to test applicant’s intellectual curiosity. Ask them “What book are you reading?” “What do you think was wrong in your previous company and if given a chance what improvements you would have suggested?” Flat organizations empower employees who are closest to the problem. After all, the success of any organisation lies in having “Right people at the Right place at the Right time.”

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