5 Ways In Which Managers Can Help New Employees Settle In Their New Workplace
The recruitment process cannot be termed as successful, if the new employees do not stay long with an organization due to on-boarding problems. This problem is faced by organizations even when they hire the services of a top recruitment company in Germany, as the reason for the same is more organization centric. In fact, most organizations fail to understand the significance of making the new recruits feel satisfied and welcomed within the initial on-boarding phase. In this respect, the managers, under whom the new employees are working, can play a major role in helping their faster settlement within the organization. Discussed below are the five important ways in which the managers can ensure the same.
Start with A Gradual Handover: Most managers feel that handing over responsibilities to the new employees from day one will make them feel burdened. However, this might not be the best way to make the new recruits feel comfortable within their new setting. Rather, starting with gradual handover of responsibilities from the first day itself can go a long way in making such employees feel at home. Making them aware of their responsibilities in a steady manner gives the employees enough time to familiarize with the work environment without feeling bored or out of place. Get them Acquainted with Key Stakeholders: According to the onboarding consultants from one of the top 10 recruitment company in Germany, most managers tend to delay the introduction of new employees with key stakeholders. This is often taken by the employees as an indication of lack of trust in them, which can make the feel unwelcome and alienated within the new setting. As such it is important for the managers to acquaint the new recruits with the key stakeholders at the earliest so that they can work towards building a strong relationship with them. Be Clear about what is Expected from them: Most new employees often feel lost in terms of what their managers expect from them with respect to their work and general conduct. Clearly defining the expectations from them helps the new recruits to work towards satisfying the same in the best possible manner. At the same time the managers need to ensure that the employees get all the necessary support and motivation to help them fulfill the various expectations especially during the first few weeks. Provide Information about Appraisals and Assessments: A top recruitment company in Germany may or may not provide some basic information about the assessment and appraisal process followed within the client organization. As such it is important for the managers to provide detailed information about the appraisal and assessment policy to the employees who have just joined the workforce. This is essential to keep the employee focused and motivated and also to assure them of ample growth opportunities in accordance with their skills and performance. Look Beyond the Professional Skills:While professional skills are of utmost importance, the managers should also look beyond them at the
personal qualities and traits of the new employees. These qualities can not only help the managers to identify the factors that drive these individuals and can be used to get improved results.