Managing Multi-Generation Teams – A Necessity For Top Level Executives In German Work Environment
For most organizations operating in Germany, having a multi-generational work force is a common phenomena. This is because the limited population growth of the country has led to the creation of a huge gap between two consecutive generations of professionals. This often makes finding the most suitable younger professionals to replace the ageing ones within an organization, quite difficult for even the most renowned recruitment consultancy in Germany. That is why the top level executives in the German work environment are expected to possess the capability to efficiently manage teams comprised of members from different age groups. This can prove to be a real challenging as the people from different generations not only have significant ideological differences but also tend to work in completely different ways. The inability of a management level
executive to sort out these differences and make the whole team operate as a single unit, can have disastrous consequences for an organization. A company offering professional services for executive search Germany, understands the need to focus on evaluating the ability of a candidate being considered for leadership roles, to efficiently manage a multi-generation team. At the same time, business organizations also need to inculcate this ability in their existing managers by using the following methods. Allow Greater Flexibility Of Timing:It is important for a good manager to understand that while professionals from the older generations are attuned to a structured routine, the younger one prefer a more flexible timing. The best way to solve the problem is to communicate the core working hours to all the professionals while providing them the freedom to arrive and depart according to their will during the laze hours. At the same time the team members should be made to acknowledge the need to spend a minimal number of hours at work which comprise of both the core working and laze hours. Encourage The Buddy System: A new trend that is emerging in multigeneration work environments is that of younger employees turning to older ones to get benefit from their knowledge and experience in both personal and professional life. Competent leaders generally encourage the trend, which is known as the buddy system, as it automatically helps to eliminate the differences between employees of different generations. Moreover the system helps to create a strong bond of friendship and belonging amongst the team members and motivates then to operate as a single entity for overall organizational growth. Implement The Concept Of Reverse Mentoring: Reverse mentoring is often confused with the buddy system primarily because both rely on greater involvement and engagement of older employees. However, unlike the buddy system, reverse mentoring is about changing the traditional mentoring system followed by most organizations. Here, the idea is to seek the advice and guidance of long time employees by mentors belonging to the younger generations for directing the new recruits in the right manner. This not only helps the elderly employees feel valued for their wisdom and expertise but also makes the younger managers fulfill their roles as mentors in a satisfactory manner.
Innovative Rewards And Recognition Schemes:Giving the employees the freedom to define their individual rewards and recognition programs rather than forcing them to accept age specific gifts is an effective management methodology. It will ensure that the employees do not feel the dissatisfaction of being assessed by their age rather than their performance and capabilities and hence do not develop a sense of frustration in them.