PhobsbyanselactutAne J'mal Nex
ForthisThanksgiving tabe setung,interior decorator Nancy paircdwith pest-Ar August of Grand V ewchosepeMerdishesby Wiliams-Sonoma gvesthetabe a touchof gtamour. napkinrjngs.A customshantung silktablecloth
Hosting theholiday Fall'sbeautiful colorsaadyourimagination cancombine to makea stunning setting Mary Lynn Mitcham
This story,revealinsa host oi her expertIips,shouldsiveyouplenryof time
Let'ssetlhe -l recordstraighrllis is not another harfissilrnglood sLor').The place Instead,we wantedto concentsate ot Whenyou'retalkiDgaboutdecoratthe ins andouts of decoratingfor this ing for a holidaythat revolvesaround holiday - setting an unJorsettable food, it's hard to ignore the dining tableandcreatingabeautituiautumnal room. But for this Thankssivins,Audisplayin thedininsroom. diferentand srst wantedsornething To showus howlocreatebeautiful.orig;nal,so insteadof stasinsour sqa-!!41de!o!,tLat would !!rr ou ereolirajon.3ldining spae,Artsust $ests at ease,weenlistedinteriorde suggestedwe movethe party outs;de sisnerNancyAugrst of crand 14ev/s ontothe palio."I thoughtthis space Nanry AusustInteriors.At the hone was outrageous,'says Augxst of of felow Grand\4ew resident,Nancy Philips'front patio. 'So I thoushi: Philips,Augustcreateda spectacular 'rthy not?'lt ties into tne 6rstThanks' hoiidaydisplay.Grarted,it mightseem sivins.Andfall is sucha beaufil tirne a litde early to think about your Thanksgivingscape- afteraI, westill That'snot to implyyou shouldhost - but Thanksgivingoutdoorsin chily No- Pumpkins, needto get throushHallorveen goudsandmumsmakea asAusrst ]vi[ tel yorl,the 6rst lesson naturaafiangernent. Toprplacecards in brilliant decoris to plan,plan,plan. adda Personaltouch to thetable, S E ET H A N K SVGI N G , 2 8
009 TheJournalNews
No{tress decorating NancyAugustreveals the and secretsto decoraling havingfunwhiledolngit.
r Pan,pan, plan.Starta few weeks€headandseecl key plecesthatwillanchoryour your decor:familyheirlooms,
r set yourlableaheadof time weeksahead,ifyouhaveto. Shopnowior the accessorie youneed."lalwaysbuyefta pumpkins at Halloween and Thanksgiving," saysAugust.
r Makeit a Zenthing.Take naturewalksto nndtwigs, roryour rocksandreaves .enterpieces andyourmante
Vhat A eading,book-srgning Indquesiion.and-answer iessionwithSlsanBdler, ruthoror "Eastto Dawn:The .le ol Amela Earhart," which €tuedas oneofthe sources orthe newmovie,'Anella,"
r Debgateprcjects:Letyour kldsmakeyourplacecafds;le yourhusband spraypalnt pumpkins. Geteveryone
)olleges ReidCastle,2900 ,urchase St.,Purchase.
u)cat oecoraung
flckots:Thiseventdoesnot equir€tickets,butthe college roesaskthatguestsRsvPto
Wheninteriordesigner Nancy
accessorles, heres whereshe )1,432?5239.
wlrll.rcsonona:'l tholght thencoors andaccessores madeoneof the nicest collections Ive seenin a long time,' sats August.(The wesichester,125 westcheste Ave.,WhtePlains,914-644 8360;Palisades Centef,1761 PaisadesCenierDr.,West Nyack,845.35?3510i
;heloomed." Though Buder concenrateson Earhart'shish-&ing nqela Cauvhe Jounrl Nes if€style,her biographydoes A goldpumpkin is the centerpiece in thls arrangement. lelve into the mystery sur' oundinsEarhart'sdisappearm€e.She rejectsihe ,rvilder fieories collected over the tecades,includinci]te arguG.noRood:'Nobody hasa Tenisthat Earhartwasa spy s€nseof stylelikeGene.she )r lhat shecrashlandedand handplcks every{hing in the r€s capturedby theJapanese. youte looklng for styk Instead,Budersubscribes go see Gene,"saysAugust. o thenotionthatDarhartwent (74 S. Broadway, Nyack,a4t CON-IINUED FROIM 18 she says.'The tableclothis pewter for a Thanksgivins 35&3750) lownin theSouthPacificnear Howlandlsland.Shesaysthe the €anr€sfor the bea tiful's very ColonialNew r a England," she says. The A n A . r n : ' l u s et h e ml o^They :easonthe phne hasnt been vember, but lefs just say table-"Augxstcustom'made August. r bund is that the waterin that thinkingout of the box in shantungsilk cloth that pewter charsers add gl.m- framing,'says Ave. termsof aholidayparry- or bringsin the bluevelvetfrom our, while the pewter- great.'(211N. Highland deep. rea is 17,00ofeet "But robotsubmarinesare anyparty- neverhurts.And the chairs. "I wanteda cozy rimmed, orange'mustard 0ssinlng,9147624997, )eingbuilt thal canpro,,vlthe so, we asreed to brins the New England feel to this platesaddcolor. "Ne Placecardsandsilverware 6d KollyandComp€ny: )ceanfloor, so I think we'l dinins-roomfrrniture outside table,but I alsowanted;t to be creative ras e amorousaccessones an ind her in the next few onto the porch - and then be beauiitulandglamorous.areanotherwayto "Placecards nowerdesgns.' (458Piemo "l re3rs,'shesays. canl imag' prayfor sun.Fromthere,Au- Thats why I choseto makea with your table. seetheir Ave,,Permont,44t3594440 n€ it'll take very long, now glrst focusedon three key iableclothand bring a lus- areexciting.Guests 'W'}to'ssit- nedkellyandco-com) points decorating settins we have the iechnology." color into dre mix. nanes and think }lat ciousblue "lPickuP to me?"' saysAu II thathappens,Buderpre the tabie,anansinsthe flow- I thought that would give it ting n€xt "lt addsanotherdimen- PhlllFburgManor: and a random fG will be ers creatjng iicts that Earhan reallycutestuff candes, s!st. -61 calpoint.By followinsher ad morepopularthanever. Dishesplay a sp€cialrole, sionto your table."As lor sil' placecards,pumpkins "I thirk her life wi stand vice in theseareas,you're too."I lanted to bring a fam- verrare, bring out thosespe thegft shop,'saysAugust. "Theyhavea ot oi stuifthats )uI evenmore stronglyas a sureto setas€enethafs e\tra ily heirloominto this settiu, cial occasionpiecesthat you reryunusuallJe, andasa life warrnandinviting. becauseI think ihat holida]€ rarelyuse.Placethemnextto veryfall.' (381N. Bloadway 9121531.39 fiat could be opento every The table arethe only time peopleever your dishes,or $ra! them in SleepyHollow, August wraps Gings thai belonsed napl0ns. Here, body,if they opentheir eyes "On out set Thanksgiving, set to theirgrandmothers," says hers in pewer napkinrinss md educatethemselvesand take advantageof what the yourtableapartfom aI other Auslsr "lt's soodto bringira- and ties them with raffia, rcrld basto offer,"shesays. days," says Nancy AuStst. ditionalpiecesin."Here,sh€ which bringsyei anotherre 'Ifs a very up messasefor The placeto start?The table chosea pewtercouection by ninder offall to the table. cloth."lt's your baselayer," Willians-Sonorna.'llove
Putsome THANKSGIVING: intoholiday decor thought
r, ,r j: rl., rt. \.rj.n
Nancy August lnteriors
Callherlor customtableclot rch.r*.i
.r;-.d,r ct! ng
,"pt;".. tl*". erC,;.t ;;;i nersIn pewternapkinrinss ano Ees rhem wirh raIfia. which bringsyet anotherr€rmnderoffall to the tabte.
I lEtlvtsot{ !!td. t rdubt,
w I3![l.
Callherforcustom tablecioths, "Food is the .oh tros/ on lpro rraryorr.r\ rn,rrnc your tableror Tfianksqivins.' Shelleven yoLr;et herp iour saysAuerst.''buttheienriF lable.(41River Road, ci:and p|ecers ,mportantas wel. viewontheHudson, 914,772 3342, .rhe cotorn yow flowerswill onngthewhotetable.settins together."For this table,Au: gust createsan arrangement ing,August says,.you want or sunnowers, mums,Cer someoneto waik into vodr oeraqarsresand com."Idon.t home and feel wetcoire " alwayslike to do traditional That's the goal. So she sua colors, but I did for this bF sests.picking another locit causcof the fal colors.AI of porntrntneroom_ or wher_ Inrsrs seasonat;you pick can everglests wilt b€ _ and 't updmostanFvhere. lt,snot addingseasonal uxe you haveto sD€nda ioF aswell trlanretsd6corthere.'s a[ right there."she this son ofthins.aresredt lor ,saysj PuFpkns, sourds, For our Thanksgivins,AuDemesandnutsaregreatIor grst createsa dessert table .l tull of seasonal atrributes. .!Yhai's great about wantedthis oneto Iooklike a Thankssivinsis rhatyou can harvest,so I put out cor4, Dnngbts of naturalihinss to scaftered andflled a your table,' says Ausust. bowl wili teaves, potpourriso you "Pick twigs and work r-hem get a Oeautitul spicedscent 'nto yourflowers.FaUis rhe wnen you sit down at the best time to work with na- table." Other ideas?Spray-pa;nl PIaywith candles, pumpKns andgourdssilver canwork them;ntoyour cen- anaplacemirro|s terpiece,or just placethem cardles to reflectundervour tle isht aroundthe room.fiey add everlqhere. Ananre ilowers rKeeD $armth,"$ys Aususl in beautitulpircheniostead theehandelier downtowara of vases.Buy bis pumpkini! lrsh sitl ca'dteI8hl. Il ano mum ptanr<. Ljne your bnng-siou backto another mantelqirh bineFweet. The skvs th€ linrir.\1lo knows, Youmaj€!,endecide!o bring The unexpocted youlr ortung-momkble out. When hostinsThanlGsiv-
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NancvAugust Interiors