KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015

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Dennis Curtin proves that leadership is not simply a title, but an example. “Simply do the right thing for the right reason, and you’ll get your reward.”




40TH ANNIVERSARY 40 years ago, Dennis Curtin had a dream to become a real estate leader in helping people buy and sell their homes. Purchasing his first RE/MAX franchise in 1975, Dennis quickly grew his offices through dedication and hard work. Kansas City Homes & Style recognizes this great accomplishment with this special issue.




Pam Turner Harbin & Courtney Filing


Brian Reed, Carie Averill, Mary Godfrey, Tina Roe & Shelby Tipton



14 RE/MAX PREMIER REALTY Sharon G. Aubuchon


The Scottie Broderick Team

20 RE/MAX RESULTS Dan & Brenda Vick




KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015








Always doing the right thing for the right reason STORY BY ANN E. BUTENAS | COVER PHOTO BY APRIL MICK PHOTOGRAPHY S P O N S O R E D


KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015




Dennis Curtin and the 2015 RE/MAX Mid-States Region staff.

t has been said that desire is the starting point of all

short, it’s a veritable page-turner that, when told by the man

achievement. Bearing that sentiment in mind, it would appear

himself, captivates you from the first moment you meet him. His

that Dennis Curtin, Region Owner of RE/MAX Mid-States &

friendly and approachable demeanor instantly puts you at ease,

Dixie, has always been someone with significant desires with

and his ability to connect with any audience is undoubtedly his

respect to his professional ambitions. Like most success stories,

true secret to success. As he stands on the threshold of 40 years

this one is peppered with a litany of anecdotes, life lessons, and

of dedicated service within the RE/MAX organization, Curtin is

certain inevitable stumbling blocks, all notably tempered with

showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon, and to spend

unparalleled achievements, personal growth, and inspiration. In

just an afternoon with him is to understand that sometimes the best life lessons are learned, not just preached. Curtin has been on an incredible journey, certainly not without its trials, but for the most part, he appears to have come through it all relatively unscratched and with a strong spirit of enthusiasm for what’s still to come. Currently, as a region owner, Curtin devotes his time to providing leadership and strategies for existing franchisees in addition to mentoring for market dominance throughout his seven state region. His resume boasts an impressive timeline of events, but Curtin prefers not to stand in the limelight of his accomplishments, and instead chooses to offer his insight and experience to assist those who continue to champion the RE/MAX name as franchisees, agents, managers, administrators and all others who comprise not

Above... Dennis Curtin participating in a RE/MAX balloon luanch in the late 70’s. On the Cover... L to R Paul Catterson, Kelley Curtin Catterson, Olivia Zappia, Domenic Zappia, Kerrie Curtin Zappia, Brooklyn Zappia, (Front) Dennis Curtin, Evan Catterson, Tamara Libbey

just a business organization, but a true family. Certainly the numbers from RE/MAX International tell a compelling story, there are 101,903 agents in 6,893 offices world-wide. The company has offices in nearly 100 countries –– more than any



KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015




Left... Dennis Curtin when he first started RE/MAX. Right... RE/MAX LLC was just barely starting in Denver, Colorado when Dennis heard of it and journeyed out to investigate the new real estate concept. These are the renegades who started it all, Daryl Jesperson, David Liniger, Don Hachenberger, Dennis Curtin and Bob Fisher. (Not pictured is Gail Liniger.)

“Some folks thought I was nuts with respect to where I opened my offices, but I wanted to take a different approach and appeal to professional agents and serious clients, which is why I wanted these offices to be in professional centers, similar to the image

other real estate organization. One of the most inspirational stories

associated with medical and legal offices,” explained Curtin.

comes from the heart of the man who has kept his finger on the

Curtin’s visibility quickly gained velocity and inquiries to purchase

pulse of this amazing organization for four decades and counting,

franchises came from other prospective buyers but Liniger offered

as an agent, franchisee and region owner. He will tell you that, yes,

first rights to Curtin.

RE/MAX is the most productive real estate network offering a

“He told me he had a guy who wanted to buy all rights to

highly recognizable brand and massive global presence, but the

Missouri, but that I was his first guy,” recalled Curtin. “So I bought

relationships its agents build with their clients make it seem more

the regional rights in 1977 just for the state of Missouri (with the

like a friendly next door neighbor in whom you trust and with whom

exception of St. Louis).”

you enjoy a wonderful relationship. The familiar red, white and blue

The evolution of Curtin’s rise to success had begun and he soon

brand wrapped around a hot air balloon logo doesn’t just catch

purchased three more offices in Kansas City. He then purchased

your eye, it can also capture your heart once you understand the

the sub franchise rights to Kansas, then Arkansas and Oklahoma

company’s overall philosophy.

in 1985, giving him the Mid-States Region. By 1990 the four state

Curtin, a native of St. Joseph, Missouri, with a B.S. degree in

region had started to take off and Curtin decided to sell his

Business Administration and Marketing from Rockhurst College in

Northland offices so he could fully focus on franchise development

Kansas City (Class of 1972), is known in RE/MAX circles as the

in his region. At the time he sold the offices to his managers the

guy who purchased the first RE/MAX franchise in the country. Prior

operation had more than 110 associates and sales volume in

to taking this leap of faith, he was working as a Realtor for a father

excess of $200,000,000 that constituted a market share of 43%.

and son team north of the river in Kansas City. In 1975, Curtin had

Three years later, Curtin purchased the RE/MAX Dixie Region,

read an article about RE/MAX in the Kansas City Star newspaper

which gave him the sub franchise rights for Mississippi, Alabama

and his interest was piqued.

Curtin, along with the afore

and Louisiana, giving him a seven-state region. Now as a Master

mentioned son, decided to check it out and went to Colorado to

Franchisor, Curtin sells the rights to franchisees and services

meet with Dave Liniger, co-founder and Chairman of RE/MAX

them by providing marketing, training and technology for them. His

International. Six months later, Curtin became the first franchisee

vision and hard work have combined to make RE/MAX Mid-States

and opened his new office in North Kansas City in an area which

& Dixie Region a powerhouse with 3,360 associates in 228 offices

is now the Cerner Campus.

to date.


KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015



typically tag along. He may not be one to take himself seriously, but he does take this business seriously with respect to its growth and the people who take pride in promoting the RE/MAX name, and he recalls that point in time when it hit home for him.

The original co-founders of RE/MAX LLC, Dave and Gail Liniger with Dennis at an open house in 1986. The initial open house to announce RE/MAX of Kansas City was held Nov. 19th, 1975. The 40th anniversary celebration will be held this year on the same date with brokers, sales associates and guests joining.

Curtin points to 1986 as a pivotal year. That was when he began to notice the momentum was building. RE/MAX may have It was an exciting morning on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on Nov. 12, 2013

struggled with certain limitations in the beginning, especially when

as RE/MAX LLC went public. As one of the original franchisees, Dennis was part of

comparing itself with the bigger players in the arena, but it certainly

the group that rang the bell to announce the IPO to the market.

had no problem setting out to defy those limitations. “By 1986, we were on a roll,” recalled Curtin. “We were getting

There are some folks who might want to paint a rosy picture of

recognition in various trade journals and finding our way among

Curtin’s success. After all, he got into this business on the ground

the big boys in the industry. We were newer, obviously, but

floor. Lady Luck was certainly on his side, right? In reality, it took a

making strides while breaking the status quo. We gave our

spirited combination of hard work, dedication and perseverance

agents the opportunity to get in business for themselves, not just

to weather the inevitable storms that came his way over the years.

by themselves.”

He learned how to effectively adjust his sails and likes to joke that

RE/MAX’s claim to fame, according to Curtin, is that the company

Liniger, in the early days, told Curtin that in this business a person

sells more real estate than anyone else. That doesn’t mean they

can work just half a day to be successful.

have more agents, and Curtin gives a strong nod to Century 21

“You just have to decide which 12 hours you want to work,” laughed Curtin.

and Keller Williams in that regard, but he attributes that dynamic to the different business models they employ.

Of all his primary senses, it’s a safe bet to assume that Curtin’s

“With our model, our agents invest in themselves,” expressed

sense of adventure and sense of humor are usually on full throttle.

Curtin, keeping an open mind to the possibilities in the industry.

When opportunity knocks to experience something new and exciting,

“There is room for a lot of models out there, and with RE/MAX, we

he’ll boldly open the door, and wherever he goes, fun and laughter

know what works for us.”



KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015


Left... RE/MAX has long been a supporter and major fund raiser for Children’s Miracle



“We have about 60,000 agents in the US now,” he noted. “With

Network, Dennis literally “got into it” participating in a dunk tank to raise money in the 90’s.

roughly one million real estate agents overall in the US, we represent

Middle... A love of travel combined with the world-wide presence of RE/MAX has made

about six percent of that population.”

for some interesting business trips. After consulting with newly organized RE/MAX South Africa in Capetown, Dennis found his way to the great Pyramids of Giza

Will Curtin ever retire, or will he pursue this endeavor until his

and of course, planted a RE/MAX sign. (This was in 1995.)

last breath? The undeniable passion and tenacity he has for this

Right... Following a presentation by motivational speaker Bob Davies who challenged

business seems to suggest the latter, and he certainly has the

the audience to “face their fears” Dennis joined a group of brokers and associates

enthusiasm to go the distance. Besides, Curtin presents more as

who tandem jumped out of a perfectly good airplane.

someone who, in the end, would rather wear out than rust out. “I’ve told people that if you see me becoming irrelevant, that it

Curtin’s commitment to ensuring the success of fellow RE/MAX agents doesn’t necessarily equate to just a significant bottom line.

is time for me to leave,” he pondered. “But I love the game, and it’s not about the money. It’s about positively influencing others.”

Instead, he prefers to celebrate with them when their hard work

Curtin has created his own success story not simply on just a

translates to such rewards as making a spouse’s dream come true,

wing and a prayer, but by sheer determination, enthusiasm and a

sending a kid to college, or benefiting a local charity. Curtin aspires

“roll-up-your-sleeves and get it done” mentality from which all-day

to make a difference and believes that RE/MAX has changed the

success seminars could be developed. However, he is quick to

lives of so many individuals for the better. Sure, agents have made

point out the inherent fallacy of an “all work and no play” mindset

good money, but it is what they do with that money that makes all

within the real estate arena.

the difference in the world.

“I know a lot of agents who burn the candle at both ends, but in

As Curtin eyes his future, he realizes that after 40 years of

doing that, you have no quality of life,” he assessed. “To stay long

being in business, he is not the new kid on the block anymore and,

term in this industry you need to create balance in life. You want to

admittedly, while he did enjoy those early years, he now appreciates

serve, but you sometimes have to back off to serve better.”

how his business has evolved over the last four decades while still


allowing for tremendous future growth.

Branding has played an important part in the growth of RE/MAX both locally and internationally.

KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015



Above.. Dennis networking with Irish Associates at the RE/MAX International Convention held in Vegas yearly. Left... RE/MAX has been a source of wonderful lifetime friends and traveling together has provided an excellent opportunity for brainstorming and networking. Julie and Mark Korting of RE/MAX Alaska, Nan and Daryl Jesperson, RE/MAX LLC (retired), Dennis Curtin and Tamara Libbey, Vinnie and Michelle Tracey, RE/MAX LLC (retired).

was not. That potential client did me a huge a favor and made me realize that as an agent, my time is not more important than the priorities of my clients. Now, I always make sure to be on time as That approach has led RE/MAX to maintain its number one spot

it is so important to have respect for others’ time.”

within the industry with respect to productivity. As of this year

Any number of factors can be applied to the formula for Curtin’s

the company booked 890,000+ U.S. residential transaction sides.

own success, but the pivotal one to which he gives the credit was

While some folks might try to conjure up the reason for the

his passion for the deal.

consistent success realized by RE/MAX agents, the secret ingredient employed is to attract high-producing individuals.

“As an agent, I loved it. I was good at it, and I approached it not with an ego mindset but with an attitude of servant leadership. You

“You simply become better and more productive when you

have to do what is in the best interest of others, not solely yourself.

surround yourself with more productive people, and that is the

It’s not about the ego. It’s not about the money. It’s about doing

environment we foster for our agents,” explained Curtin, who noted

what’s right for your client and making a huge difference in their

that while the industry average for yearly transactions is seven,

lives by helping them get into the right home. For me, there was

RE/MAX agents typically realize 17 transactions per year.

always a self-high that came from that experience,” Curtin reflected.

And there was one potential transaction for Curtin years ago that

When one person gives, two people receive. If ever Curtin were

taught him the best approach to being productive, which doesn’t

to pen a book on success in business –– that would be the title, the

necessarily equate to being perpetually busy.

message, the inspiration and the call to action.

“When I was a young agent, perhaps 26 or 27 years of age, I was always trying to do too much and was often a few minutes

“Simply do the right thing for the right reason, and you’ll get your reward,” smiled Curtin.

behind schedule,” recalled Curtin. “I was excited about a listing appointment I had with a client who was probably in his 50s. Well, I was running about 15 minutes late and when I got to his home, I extended an apology for my tardiness, to which he replied, ‘I can

Mid-States & Dixie Region

see you are busy. It was nice to meet you, but we won’t be doing


business together. It’s obvious you had something more important than doing business with me.’ I lost the listing, and it was a great one, by the way. I thought I was being productive, but in reality I 8


KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015

2860 NE Kendalwood Pkwy, Gladstone, MO 64119 Toll Free: (800) 397-3629 | Local: (816) 459-7740 Email: dcurtin@remax.net




s the faces of RE/MAX Metropolitan, the dynamic mother-daughter team of Pam Turner Harbin and Courtney Filing has certainly made a name for itself

within the metro area. With offices in the heart of Kansas City at 300 Westport Road, they can easily get to any destination within minutes to make a client’s dream come true. A native of Iowa, Pam came to Kansas City in the early 1970s and began in her work within the real estate industry in the mid-1990s. By 2001, Courtney acquired her real estate license and within two years had partnered with her mom. After three years of working together at another RE/MAX office, Pam and Courtney decided to completely join forces and purchase their own brokerage in 2006. Working with family members may not always be the best choice for some, but Pam and Courtney appreciate a harmonious balance of professional strengths. “We have learned how to work with each other over the years and how to

300 Westport Road Kansas City, MO 64111


TurnerFilingHomes.com 10


KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015

accommodate our different strengths while respecting how each other work,” noted Courtney. “Our number one goal above all else, though, is taking care of our clients.” Striving to find ways to best serve their clients is always at top of mind with this team, and by employing each others’ talents, skill sets, interests and strengths, they have successfully created a winning combination to that end.




“Pam has an incredible eye for detail,” expressed Courtney. “She knows exactly what to look for to help the seller get the biggest return possible and to help the buyer acquire the best deal. Her past experiences with selling homes she fixed up definitely prepared her for this business and was a natural transition for her.” And when these two professionals work together, it’s easy to understand why their business enjoys the success that it does. By integrating each of their respective talents, experience and skillsets, they have created a strong and cohesive partnership. Pam and Courtney each bring to the equation unique skill sets that highly complement one another, providing an undeniable winning edge. While Pam embraces a highly creative mindset, Courtney offers dynamic marketing and technology prowess that allows the team to effectively brand itself while simultaneously providing the best in customer service and, most of all, results, which stem from Pam and Courtney’s unwavering passion for what they do. “Most of all, we both love Kansas City and we both love houses,” emphasized Courtney. Now working with a highly experienced and growing team, Pam and Courtney work diligently to keep ahead of the game by remaining continually well-versed in all areas of the market. They understand that purchasing a home is the single largest investment for people and they endeavor to make the process as simple, seamless and effortless as possible. “We want to make it a success for our clients,” said Courtney. “We offer a black and white solution in an area that is typically gray for them because it is an emotional decision. We do this by educating them as much as we can and offering the best guidance to make the best decision for them.” Further, this team is completely dialed in from a technological standpoint and takes advantage of every opportunity to promote the home, both in online presence and in person. From the first day on the market, the house is perfectly staged and poised for sale. The team uses a professional photographer who knows how to effectively showcase each home, and they also utilize a vast database of Realtors and potential buyers to quickly spread notice of the home within the market. “Often, our houses will sell within days, if not hours, of being on the market,” assessed Courtney. “We work diligently up front to get the home on the market, and, yes, we do ask a lot of our clients in the process, but our intention is to sell that home quickly.” The team at RE/MAX Metropolitan has streamlined its processes to make the entire experience efficient and satisfying, and all of the agents are incredible business people with an intense entrepreneurial drive, which is evidenced by a 186% increase in sales volume in the last two years. “We give our agents access to all the tools and technology they need,” said Courtney. “We want them to be able to work smarter and make more money in the process. And we always welcome new agents who are ready to grow their business.”

KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015






s broker/agent for RE/MAX Preferred,

resolve to continue the legacy he had established with his mom and

Brian Reed presents as a natural leader

he now oversees RE/MAX Preferred with the same determination and

with an ability to remain just as welcoming

purpose as when it began.

and friendly as the guy next door. He has

With a primary focus on homes within the greater Lee’s Summit

certainly earned his stripes not only as an

area, most specifically the west side, Brian approaches each transaction

agent but also as a broker, and operates his

with one of the most important philosophies inherent to exceptional

office with an open door policy for all of the

customer service.

agents working under his broker umbrella.

“I simply treat my clients just as I would want to be treated,” he

“I essentially have two roles –– one as broker of the office and the

expressed. “It is my job to look out for their best interests and to give

other as a real estate agent,” he explained. Opening this RE/MAX

advice as if it was my own money.” Buying or selling a home is an

office has allowed him to successfully wear both hats while at the same

extremely emotional process, and Brian resolves to mitigate any related

time offering an opportunity for other agents to grow their businesses.

stress and anxiety by assisting his clients to make the best decision.

The experience Brian brings to the table provides immeasurable

“I just like helping people make a good decision,” he offered.

insight for those agents, and he is more than willing to avail himself to

“And in order to do that, I simply represent them the way I’d want to

their future growth.

be represented.”

Brian initially got his feet wet in the industry working as an appraiser

Within his office, Brian enjoys working alongside two dynamic

at just 22 years of age back in 1998 and within two years had

teams which include business partners Mary Godfrey and Tina Roe

established is own business, Appraisal Works, Inc. After the economic

and independent agent, Carie Averill, all of whom appreciate the

downturn several years ago, Brian refocused his efforts on real estate

positive and supportive environment that allows each of them to grow

sales and acquired his license in 2009. He spent his first 18 months

their businesses.

with RE/MAX Heartland and was named Rookie of the Year during his

“We continually share resources,” noted Brian. “Our primary

inaugural year. From there, he transitioned to RE/MAX Elite. In July of

motivation to start a RE/MAX office was because of the way it makes

2013, he realized an opportunity to partner with his mom, Mary Carol

people feel welcome and excited to come to work. Plus, there is

Schriefer, to establish RE/MAX Preferred. With Brian’s background in

so much opportunity for growth because we do all share insight,

real estate sales and Mary Carol’s 40+ years of experience in the

information and resources. It’s all about supporting each other and

mortgage arena, they were a perfect fit. The team spent nearly two

being happy with each other’s successes.”

years working together providing some of the best real estate services in the Lee’s Summit area. Unfortunately, Mary Carol passed away in May of 2015 from a brain tumor. However, that did not diminish Brian’s 12


KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015





o-partners, Mary Godfrey and Tina Roe have

worked together since 2011 and enjoy a harmonious business relationship that allows for each of them to


hone their own skill sets

icensed since 2003, Carie Averill can

while simultaneously building a strong and cohesive team built upon mutual respect, trust and passion for the business.

job. Originally from Kansas City, she spent 20

“We both love working together and helping people,” said Tina.

years in northern California, the last 10 of

“When you like who you work with, it’s a fun and rewarding job.”

which she worked in real estate, before

As they motivate each other and keep one another accountable,

returning to the metro area three years ago.

they remain clearly focused on their clients. They take extreme pride in the level of customer service they deliver and prefer to surround themselves with people who embrace the same philosophy. Shelby Tipton is one such agent who works with Tina and Mary, and as they

barely contain her enthusiasm for her

A noted short sales specialist, Carie also covers all price brackets, because for her, it’s all about the client. “I absolutely love what I do,” she beamed. “I love it when I can put a smile on someone’s face.”

grow their team, they purposely aspire to align each member with the

An integral part of Carie’s success exists not only in the rapport she

mindset of fully servicing each client without growing to the point where

shares with the other agents and teams within the RE/MAX Preferred

they are unable to do so.

office, but also her ability to effectively communicate with her clients.

“We pride ourselves on customer service. Our conviction reflects our

“I believe that if you are a good communicator, you can do anything,”

client’s trust in us to the extent that 100% of my personal transactions

she explained. “Of course, my goal is to make someone happy and

this year to date are referrals from contacts or past clients,” said Mary.

get a referral in the process, but it requires being honest and speaking

In addition to their attention to unparalleled customer service for buyers and sellers in all price brackets, Mary and Tina are Certified

the truth every step of the way.” Carie’s easy-going yet focused demeanor translates to her ability to

Luxury Home Marketing Specialists (CLHMS) with specialized training

reduce the stress of her clients while continually staying on point to

and experience in the upper bracket market. Realizing that there are

achieve the desired results. She is unafraid of the negotiating process

more challenges within that sector, the team has developed a premier

and whether helping someone sell or purchase a home, her primary

product for listing those homes with a group of IT specialists

focus is to ensure the client is making the right decision.

called Showing.ly, which utilizes the latest in iBeacon technology

Carie also appreciates the vast availability of resources that RE/MAX

to showcase detailed aspects of mid to upper bracket homes.

provides its agents, including the continually available training and

With successful test-marketing completed, they hope to roll out this

technology tools.

product within the next six months. “Showing.ly will provide more detailed information about a home which will benefit both the seller and buyer,” explained Tina. This technology, along with a host of effective marketing tools and

“We also enjoy sitting down and sharing our successes with other RE/MAX agents so we can learn from each other what has made us marketable,” noted Carie, who is licensed in both Kansas and Missouri. “I have my SFR, Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource certification.”

strategies, allows the team to fully educate their clients. “We want to provide the highest level of technology while also adding a personal touch by maintaining regular contact with our clients,” smiled Mary. “We love our RE/MAX Preferred team, as it is all about sharing ideas in a fun and ethical environment.”

816.783.5800 | PreferredKC.com KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015





f results are what you seek, then look no further than to Sharon G. Aubuchon of RE/MAX Premier Realty. An independent agent

who surrounds herself with the best of the best, it’s no surprise that she is a multi-million dollar producer serving both sides of the state line and has been the recipient of numerous industry honors, including Voted #1 Agent, Best of KC 2012, 2013, and 2015; 5 Star Professional Award Winner; and Top Agent by KC Magazine, July 2015. Aubuchon has been an integral part of the real estate scene in the metro area for the past five years. However, her business savvy and prowess was developed well before she acquired her license. With her strong background in corporate leadership roles, sales and highly successful entrepreneurial endeavors, Aubuchon understands business and approaches each transaction with that mindset while simultaneously incorporating a highly personal touch. “The sale or purchase of a home is the biggest financial undertaking most families will make in a lifetime, and I treat it as such,” explained Aubuchon. “When an agent becomes numb to that philosophy, then it is time to transition to a new career. My priority is to treat my clients like a friend or family member with the express intent of keeping their best interests at top of mind from beginning to end.” Her tenacity, drive, enthusiasm and results-driven mindset provide the fuel for her to reach the desired results, and she is not satisfied until her clients are satisfied. Unafraid of hard work, she will do whatever it takes to get the job done, and she realizes that she has positioned herself to be top leader in the industry because

P R E M I E R R E A LT Y 2210 W. 75th Street Prairie Village, KS 66208

816.863.3003 office: 913.529.1414 cell:

Sharong.Remax-MidStates.com 14


KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015

she chose to become a part of a dynamic real estate organization. Choosing to align herself with RE/MAX was done without hesitation on her part. “These are the most seasoned and experienced agents ever, both on a national and worldwide scale,” she noted. “I feel that within this organization I am surrounded with better resources; more knowledgeable people and have much greater opportunities for exposure.”




That level of exposure frequently translates to fast results, too. The minute a home goes live, it hits the MLS syndicate and is given a broad band of exposure. Because of such a vast network, some houses get sold well before someone ever sets foot in them. “The internet gives the first impression of a home before it is even seen,” noted Aubuchon. Thanks to all of the tools that RE/MAX has provided Aubuchon to succeed, she remains a dominating force in the industry and has successfully learned to surround herself with resources that, like herself, are at the top of their professional game, including stagers, inspectors, photographers, movers and other key individuals that allow her to continually produce the results her clients desire. “I do well because I have these resources and because I am available at all times, including holidays, weekends and during events,” said Aubuchon, who rarely unplugs from her role, which is essentially an advisory one, and one that she takes quite seriously. “My goal is to get top dollar when selling a home,” she expressed, noting that she does not put it on the market until she has completed her homework. “You have to care enough to take the time to do it right. I know my clients are busy and overwhelmed, so I make it easy for them. I’ll do what is necessary to make it happen, but in return my clients must be willing to listen to me in order to make this a successful transaction.” In an effort to cover all of her bases, Aubuchon is extremely hands-on throughout the process. She attends all of the inspections and conducts all of the negotiations. (Thanks to her former sales background, this comes quite naturally to her!) She is also one of the first agents to utilize the 360 tours (as opposed to a virtual tour). She will even sit with the client at the computer to instruct them on how to complete the requisite paperwork. Whatever tool is available to her that works to the advantage of her clients, she will employ. “I can do a contract from anywhere,” she noted. “The technology we use and the systems we have in place have made it so much easier and have allowed me to be so much more organized and efficient.” Aubuchon is quite forthcoming when it comes to revealing the true secret to success in her industry, and it has less to do with selling and more to do with teaching. “It’s an educational process, and it is my job to make it comfortable for the clients from beginning to end,” she emphasized. “And to let them know I am still available after the closing. It’s not just a transaction. It’s a relationship.” TOP TO BOTTOM...

12215 N. Eastern Ave., Kansas City, MO 2809 W 127th St., Leawood, KS 26265 W 67th St., Shawnee, KS For more details on these homes, visit my website for listings. G



KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015



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KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015






hen you meet Scottie Broderick, Owner/Partner of RE/MAX

State Line, if you sense a genuine, kind hearted, driven and

be the agent she is today if it wasn’t for the dynamic organization known as RE/MAX.

welcoming presence, then please don’t abandon that initial conclusion.

“I want to congratulate Dennis Curtin on his 40th anniversary with

She is someone who can immediately put your anxieties at ease and

the company and to thank him for introducing me to RE/MAX when I

is clearly passionate about what she does. She is unafraid to dream big

first began in 1980,” smiled Scottie.

and go for what she wants, and in the process she makes sure her

Scottie offers a fun and vibrant face to the field of real estate sales.

clients get what they want. In short, working with Scottie is a veritable

She came to Kansas City in 1973 by way of New York, and ever since

“win-win” for everyone.

she dove into the real estate arena, she has been continually making

Despite all of her well-earned accolades and awards which run as

monumental strides. Among her many notable accomplishments

deep as they do wide, Scottie will be the first in the room to take the

include being a part of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame since 1990; Realtor

spotlight off of herself and shine it on those to whom she feels she

Salesperson of the Year; the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement

owes a debt of gratitude. To that end, she realizes that she would not

Award and the Distinguished Service Award, as well as being recognized as the #1 RE/MAX agent in Johnson County since 1996. When it comes to her business philosophy, Scottie is not interested in reinventing the wheel. Instead, she aspires to perfect it. Even though she has risen to the championship heights within the industry, that does not mean she ceases learning and growing, a habit that, in the end, results in continued growth due to impressive word-of-mouth praises. “We are always teaching, learning and improving,” she emphasized. “And one of the best compliments we can receive is a referral from a client. We love it when we not only help a family buy or sell a home, but ultimately help them with subsequent transactions and those involving

913.312.3620 ScottieBroderickTeam.com 18


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their children and eventually their grandchildren. We enjoy being a part of their lives for the long-term.” With her new tag line, “Re-defining Real Estate,” Scottie’s team is an adaptable company that generates new opportunities. Never settling




for the status quo, the company always redefines its core business in ways that open up new avenues for growth. For more than 35 years, The Scottie Broderick Team’s mission has been to redefine the real estate experience through innovation, integrity and collaboration with a strong approach to build and strengthen relationships with clients and achieving goals by providing exceptional results. Primarily specializing in the cities of Leawood, Overland Park and Fairway, Scottie has a team of seven agents and eventually hopes to grow that number to 12. “We don’t want to get too big, or we risk losing that sense of family,” she cautioned. Scottie is blessed to have among her talented team two of her daughters, Heather Broderick and Shannon Broderick. Heather has been working alongside Scottie for 18 years as an agent and Shannon brings to the table her prowess as a business analyst, helping the team to streamline its processes and forecast where it is headed in the next 10 years and beyond. “Shannon is teaching us to run our business like a business and identifying growth areas and mapping extended financial plans,” said Heather. This well-oiled machine enjoys a family-like atmosphere and most of their agents have been with them for many years. Team members are encouraged to discover their niches in the market and communicate with their clients and friends on a more consistent basis. This team does not focus on the selling, but rather on bringing useful information to the market in a fun and social manner. “We focus on goal setting and accountability,” expressed Heather. “Working with the team members to set their goals and seeing those goals on paper and what it will take to get us there is extremely motivating.” With a strong focus on growth and expansion, it is imperative to bring on the right team members who display passion for customer service, are driven, and understand team dynamics while simultaneously displaying a level of respect that this is a business for the entire group, not just a hobby. Team members include Kasey Bourk, Brent Arnold, Jason Willett and Lesa Simonson. “We enjoy working together and love to be able to take care of our clients, as they, too, become a part of our family,” said Scottie. “Our clients are extremely important to us. They understand just how much we care, and they also know that we will provide the best service possible. They are comfortable with us and have learned that we can and will help them with all of their real estate needs.” More than anything, Scottie and her team desire to instill trust in their clients, and they do so by pursuing excellence in all areas, surrounding themselves with the best in the industry, and making sure to fully understand the needs of their clients by listening first to understand and then to reply. While they utilize the best in technology to promote their listings and continually stay abreast of such trends, they also endeavor to place a premium on open and honest communication. They never want to lose that comforting sense of familiarity with their clients. “When we hand over the keys to someone who has found that dream home, it’s a highly personal matter, and we are not just a Realtor at that point; we are a friend…someone with whom the client has shared so much,” reflected Heather.

KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015





E/MAX Results agents Dan and Brenda Vick need a mantel extra long and extra wide to accommodate all of the

awards they have acquired over the years for their prowess within the real estate industry. However, despite all of the welldeserved accolades, that is not what inspires or fuels their ambitions. Instead, they are motivated by providing the ultimate in customer service. With over 38 years of experience in real estate, the last 32 of which have been with RE/MAX, Dan brings an incredible amount of industry knowledge and expertise to the table. Four years ago, he merged RE/MAX of k.c., where Dan had been Broker/Owner

previously, with Greg Koons at RE/MAX Results near Zona Rosa. This afforded Dan the opportunity to release some of the day-today operational duties to which he previously dedicated the majority of his time and focus more on what he loves the most: spending time with clients. “You realize how much you love your town and all of its surroundings as you show people around,” he noted. With an equal amount of drive and determination, as well as passion, Brenda teamed up with Dan 12 years ago after retiring from her job at Hallmark Cards as an IT Helpline Manager. The skills she acquired from that endeavor have seamlessly translated to successful and efficient systems for their real estate team. “With Brenda’s IT and organizational skills, she has taken the services we provide to a much higher level now,” noted Dan. “And she really helps me to not let things fall through the cracks. Because of her efforts, we have highly efficient systems in place that allow us to excel with each client’s needs.” Success seems to come naturally to this husband and wife team, as they are recognized as the number one real estate

R E S U LT S 7020 NW 83rd Terr. Kansas City, MO 64152


DanVick.com 20


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team at RE/MAX Results. RE/MAX Results is Platte County’s most productive office in terms of total volume and transactions and is home to an additional 45 agents. When Dan broke into the real estate arena, he was Rookie of the Year for the entire metro area his inaugural year and was inducted into the RE/MAX Hall of Fame in 1995. Since combining forces with Brenda, some of this team’s awards and honors include the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2003 and the RE/MAX




Mid-States Distinguished Service Award in 2006. The team has also been selected as a Five Star “Best in Client Satisfaction Real Estate Agent” for seven years and was also heralded as Missouri Broker/Owner of the Year in 2009. Dan’s years of experience coupled with Brenda’s personal touch have created a winning force and most recently this duo was picked as the top-rated Zillow Agent for Missouri in 2014. Even though all of the best systems, years of experience and industry knowledge have definitely leveraged this team, what truly places Dan and Brenda on a unique level is their understanding for what this business is truly all about. “We are not just providing a transaction; we are creating relationships with our clients,” emphasized Dan. Because of that dynamic, their business has grown exponentially through repeat clients and referrals. “I enjoy meeting new people and feel so lucky to be in Kansas City,” stated Brenda. “Everyone is genuinely nice here and it’s fun getting to know people. Some of our clients have become some of our very best friends!” While




relationships, Dan and Brenda have created a significant network that allows them to list a home within 72 hours on over 260,000 web sites. “Ninety-five percent of buyers start their search for a home online now, and it is our job to stay on top of that dynamic,” noted Dan. To that end, Dan and Brenda are highly visible on Zillow, Trulia and Homes.com and also use the latest digital technologies such as DotLoop and social media platforms that include Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram. Their goal is to help clients achieve their own goals. “Getting to work with Dan is my very favorite thing. It’s such a joy to work with him and if I didn’t work with him, I’d probably never see him!” laughed Brenda. “And I can honestly say that Dan approaches each day with consistent effort and a positive attitude.” As Brenda’s biggest fan, Dan suggested that he could not do the volume of business he does without her. “She provides a unique personal touch to each client, even something as simple as a handwritten note or a gift for a new born baby,” he stated. “The relationships we create with our clients don’t just end at the closing table.”

KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015





or Patty Farr, an independent RE/MAX agent with House of

Dreams in Smithville, Missouri and her newest location in Platte

City, Missouri, her bottom line is not measured in dollars and cents, but in acts of service rendered selflessly from the heart. Being a real estate agent is simply a side benefit of who she truly is. Patty grew up in the Platte County area so she knows this land like the back of her hand. Born of homegrown sensibilities and a natural desire to be of service to others, her undeniable heart of compassion can be seen in all she does. She loves this area. It’s where she raised her two sons and it’s where she leaves footprints of service all over the land. She eagerly maintains a steady finger on the pulse of all the activity that makes her hometown exciting. She is also the kind of real estate agent who is not afraid to throw on some jeans and boots and trudge through a muddy field if that is what it takes to get the job done and the property sold. “I dress for the walk,” she noted. “I have walked many acres of land with clients.” An award-winning and highly respected real estate agent and broker specializing in the Platte County and Clay County areas, Patty has extensive experience within the rural and farmland market in Platte City, Smithville and in all of the small towns north of Kansas City. However, she is equally adept at assisting buyers and sellers in a wide range of price brackets, markets and neighborhoods. In short, Patty is an esoteric fountain of knowledge for her clients. Even though she leans heavily towards the rural market, Patty personifies what it means to be a top agent and broker within the RE/MAX family. Because of her commitment to all that RE/MAX champions, Patty stands out for multiple reasons.

House of Dreams 1103 S. 169 Highway N


Smithville, MO


2000 Kentucky Ave | Platte City, MO


PattyFarr.com 22


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First of all, she brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. She is well-versed in the industry, the market and the neighborhoods she serves. She has also created a vast network of connections within the industry upon which she consistently relies, from other agents and brokers to buyers and sellers to appraisers, home inspectors and mortgage loan officers. Her friendly and approachable demeanor easily draws others into her influential circle of contacts.




“I get to work with some of the friendliest people in this market,” she smiled. “Not only are they great people, but many of them become good friends.” Patty also pays attention to detail. She is extremely organized; follows up on leads; and most important, pays attention to the needs of her clients. She wants to make sure her clients get the best deal possible. She understands that listing and marketing land or homes for sale can be challenging, especially when the market gets a bit persnickety. It’s one thing to just tidy up the property. It’s another thing to get it ready for sale. Patty’s job is to ensure a property is ready to list, and it’s also her job to ensure that buyers get the best price possible on that property. Patty also has that undeniable drive and hustle. She operates on nothing less than full throttle and consistently puts work at top of mind. Sure, she puts in the hours, but she also employs a smart work ethic. She dedicates the right amount of time to make sure the deal is perfect, and best of all, she does so with enthusiasm. Patty has a way of making the transaction fun and without all the added stress and anxiety that typically tags along in these matters. Of course, all of this lacks some of its luster without an engaging and fun loving personality to keep it flowing. Her natural ability to make friends wherever she goes definitely works to her advantage. She is confident in her abilities, is extremely motivated and works to solve any problems that come her way. Her strong entrepreneurial drive is what motivates her to remain at the top of her field, but her ego never gets in the way.

Patty with the Mayor of Platte City, Frank Offutt.

“I am really just a small town, country person who appreciates friendly and honest people,” she noted. Buying and selling real estate is a complex business and should be handled by someone who truly understands the subject matter. As an experienced broker and agent, Patty has that understanding and is indispensible to her clients when it comes to eradicating any surprises at closing time. Patty does her homework for her clients, giving them the power of knowledge and peace of mind.

KCH&S Real Estate Experts 2015



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