7 minute read
‘I aim to be active every day. It could be walking, gardening, vacuuming the house, that fun ten minute low-impact exercise video on YouTube, dancing in the kitchen while cooking dinner, anything that moves my body. When I’m alone, I’ll dance all the way through a favourite album. Why do I wait until I’m alone? Because my teenage son cringes at my ‘Mum-dancing’, that’s why!’ Kim Whysall-Hammond
What little things do you do to stay healthy? ‘To keep a healthy life there are some good habits ‘I like to go for walks in the country and I like to meditate. Going for walks makes me feel connected to something greater than myself, and it helps my physical health. The meditation helps me to calm my mind and set positive intentions for the day. Then there’s what I call ‘the ole’ punch ‘n scream’. Get a pillow, and have a good old scream. Then punch. I believe that which I would suggest everyone to include in their lives. 1. I breakfast like a king, which includes with half cup yogurt and sometimes an egg. 2. I live an alcohol-free life. There are days in my life when I feel low and stressed out and I use meditation to help me through those times.’ Dr. Hadia Jaleesi there are no negative emotions; only challenging ones. You have to let yourself feel the full ‘To spectrum of emotions; let yourself exist. I improve my health I prefer screaming to feeling nothing.’ actively choose simple, straight forward food that looks good and feels good after eating. This means stay ‘One small thing I do for my mental health is set an hour aside for my mental health. From 6am till 7am I focus on selfgrowth. I watch videos about philosophies for life, childhood trauma, spiritual work, etc., I write down any thoughts and eventually turn them into writing projects. My morning self-growth gives me insight into other peoples struggle and lets me know I ‘Working from home, I spend a lot of time staring at a ing away from greasy pizzas or sugary snacks that leave me feeling bloated and tired. For me, good, honest food means fresh vegetables or big leafy salads, with bright tomatoes, cucumber and carrot slices or whole orange cut into four slices and eaten one by one. It is deeply rewarding to buy, prepare and eat food that nourishes your body. Choosing to eat good food is an easy way to value and support all your body is meant to do.’ Rebecca Carter to the spirit so I’m not indoors on a treadmill unless weather precludes am not alone. If I take the time to address computer screen so I recently hung going out. Another thing I do is try to a bird feeder in the tree outside my learn something new. Right now I’m learn myself more mentally present during window. The to-and-fro of the garden birds ing to cook with my new air fryer. I made fried the day and more aware of other encourages me to rest my eyes. A friend also chicken that was great and no greasy cleanup. people’s feelings and views.’ persuaded me to sign up to the NHS Couch Tonight – Brussel sprouts! I set aside time for Steve Kish to 5k programme. I had gotten into the habit strengthening exercises at home to follow up of walking most days so I swapped one or two on my physical therapy. And I write. I feel walks a week for sessions of this programme. productive and the typing is good for Took me longer than the programme’s nine got there!’ 68 Sharon Clark
‘Among the small What little things do you things I do to improve my health: I exercise every morning, constantly try to improve my eating habits, wear a mask whenever I go outdoors, practice do to stay healthy? ‘My partner and distancing even when others don’t, and try to think good thoughts.’ Gary Beck ‘Some- I buy organic food when thing I do to im- we can, eat relatively little red prove my health is maintain a meat, and make relatively little use regular routine of practicing yoga. of processed foods. I cook most meals Either by winding down with a calm- from fresh ingredients. My partner sufing practice at night, or starting off my fers from osteoporosis and heart prob lems: we go out for a walk most days strengthen my body while also centering (except when it’s raining heavily) – it’s my mind. I think caring for my mental really too slow for me since she has health as well as my physical health is to push a walking trolley around really important and helps keep me the local streets.’ feeling in touch with my body Manz York and soul.’ Carly Silva ‘There are a few ‘Hav- things I do to improve m ing learned the med- health, including: Going to a quiet ical community has no cures spot on the coast or even in the middle want an addiction to pain medications, focussing on my breathing, the smells and I eat more fruit/vegetables, less meat, do sounds of nature, and listening to the world. low-impact exercises (walking, light danc- Talking to my friends and family and just feels good after eating. This means stay- ing, etc.,) rest when needed, pray/meditate/ ing away from greasy pizzas or sugary snacks deep breathing, be with loved ones (espe- medicine. Relaxing in front of a good book that leave me feeling bloated and tired. For me, cially my cat), do lots of creative activities, or box set really helps too. Giving yourself good, honest food means fresh vegetables or big and remind myself to concentrate on some alone time and realising that leafy salads, with bright tomatoes, cucumber and what I CAN do, not what I can’t – oh, it’s okay to do nothing and it is carrot slices or whole orange cut into four slices important!’ and eaten one by one. It is deeply rewarding to Michelle Mead Kit Williams buy, prepare and eat food that nourishes your body. Choosing to eat good food is an easy way to value and support all your ‘I walk outside every day. Being outdoors is refreshing ‘The little things matter the to the spirit so I’m not indoors on weave them into my daily routine. One a treadmill unless weather precludes of my favourite things to do is take long and going out. Another thing I do is try to regular walks in nature, even if it’s a canal, a city learn something new. Right now I’m learn- park or a small amount of greenery. Taking time to ing to cook with my new air fryer. I made fried observe the trees, plants, animals and the gradual chicken that was great and no greasy cleanup. changes in the season have much more of a health Tonight – Brussel sprouts! I set aside time for impact than I think any of us could ever imagine. I like strengthening exercises at home to follow up to take herbal tea with me on my walks, drinking hot on my physical therapy. And I write. I feel water is good for the body, it awakens the digestive productive and the typing is good for system and soothes the organs. Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of hot herbal tea and waby my muscle disease).’ ter is probably the most basic yet under Bethanie Gorney. rated health routine out there.’ Yasmin Dahnoun 69
The Team at Continue The Voice The driving forces behind issue 7 Head Editor: Kirsty Taylor Editor: Grace Balfour-Harle Graphic Designer: Anna McFarlane Illustrator and Editor: Sophie Freestone Social Media Coordinator: Hannah Matheson
Published twelve times a year by Continue The Voice.
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Copyright © 2021 Continue The Voice. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Artists and writers accredited maintain copyright to their own work so they should not be reproduced without written permission from them also. The views expressed in Continue The Voice are not necessarily those of the contributors, editors or publishers. All information contained in this magazine is for information and information only and is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Continue The Voice does not accept any responsibilities for errors or inaccuracies in such information.
The Team at Continue The Voice The driving forces behind issue 7 Head Editor: Kirsty Taylor Editor: Grace Balfour-Harle Graphic Designer: Anna McFarlane Illustrator and Editor: Sophie Freestone Social Media Coordinator: Hannah Matheson
Published twelve times a year by Continue The Voice.
Share your thoughts, send us your stories, read our blog and buy us a coffee.
Copyright © 2021 Continue The Voice. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Artists and writers accredited maintain copyright to their own work so they should not be reproduced without written permission from them also. The views expressed in Continue The Voice are not necessarily those of the contributors, editors or publishers. All information contained in this magazine is for information and information only and is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Continue The Voice does not accept any responsibilities for errors or inaccuracies in such
Issue 7 Health
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