2015 bci australasia annual report v1 0 fin

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ANNUAL REPORT Business Continuity Institute (Australasia) Limited




This report is produced to cover the Financial Year 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 for BCI (Australasia) Limited, abn 154 918 840, an organisation registered as a Not for Profit company limited by guarantee under the Australian Corporations Act (2001 as amended).

Contents PRESIDENT’S REPORT ..................................................................................................... 5 Our Vision .......................................................................................................................................................5 Strategic Highlights .........................................................................................................................................5 Looking Ahead ................................................................................................................................................6

GOVERNANCE REPORT ................................................................................................... 7 TREASURER’S REPORT .................................................................................................... 8 AREA FORUM REPORTS ................................................................................................ 10 Australian Capital Territory (ACT) ................................................................................................................10 South Australia & Northern Territory (SA/NT) ............................................................................................10 New South Wales (NSW) .............................................................................................................................11 Queensland (QLD) ........................................................................................................................................12 New Zealand ................................................................................................................................................13 Victoria and Tasmania (Vic/Tas) ..................................................................................................................14 Western Australia (WA) ...............................................................................................................................14

KEY CHAPTER EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES ......................................................................... 16 2015 Business Continuity Summit ...............................................................................................................16 Continuity Forum Acquisition ......................................................................................................................17 2015 BCI Australasian Awards .....................................................................................................................17 Business Continuity Awareness Week 2015................................................................................................18 Global Membership Council ........................................................................................................................18

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ............................................................................................... 20 Statement of Profit and Loss .......................................................................................................................20 Balance Sheet ...............................................................................................................................................21 Statement of Cash Flows .............................................................................................................................22

MEMBERSHIP ANALYSIS................................................................................................ 23 BCI Members By Grade .................................................................................................................................23 BCI Members by Area ...................................................................................................................................23 Regional Corporate Partnerships ..................................................................................................................24

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ........................................................................................... 25 ABOUT THE BCI ............................................................................................................ 26

© 2015 Business Continuity Institute (Australasia) Ltd.

President’s Report Welcome to the second Annual Report of the Business Continuity Institute (Australasia) Ltd. It really is a pleasure and honour to be bringing this report to you. Yet again, the last 12 months have been a mighty year – one seeing tremendous growth and some really major enhancements to member benefits across the region. The Chapter has been steadily growing over the past 11 years - thanks to numerous past and present volunteers - to represent and provide local benefits to the Australasian members of the BCI. Last year, it felt that the time was right to build on this sound foundation and to extend the influence of the BCI and its principles. The Chapter seized an opportunity to strengthen the membership across the region and create an even more powerful voice to ensure the BCI remains relevant as the peak body for Business Continuity and Resilience professionals. Building on the great successes we had in 2014, the Chapter created a vision for growth, and 2015 has seen us move forward with that goal.

OUR VISION At its core, the BCI Australasia vision is to retain our standing as the peak body for business continuity and resilience professionals in the region. Furthermore, we aim to expand and enhance the benefits of membership through the promotion of business continuity and resilience as a discipline to the wider community, to increase competency and capability of practitioners and to provide fulfilling opportunities for networking, learning and recognition amongst and for our members. The Chapter actively seeks opportunities to actively engage in the development, maintenance and review of standards pertaining to the discipline.

STRATEGIC HIGHLIGHTS As you read through this Report, you will see that BCI Australasia is active in many areas. For example, the Chapter presents a series of major events each year as well as supporting BCI members with over 50 Forum meetings and events across the region each year. However, there are some specifics I would like to call out. Not only are they major successes that the wider Chapter team can be, and are, proud of. They also epitomise what can be achieved when a group of likeminded individuals come together with a common vision and purpose, and work together to deliver it. Some of the key highlights include: 

November 2014. BCI Australasia inaugural AGM It may not have been the best attended event, but the first AGM was a major milestone in our history. It was a demonstration of the Chapter’s maturity and a reflection of our organisation’s capacity to hold such an event, where the Directors presented the Annual Report to the members.

March 2015. Business Continuity Awareness Week An annual event that keeps going from strength to strength. In particular, the public presentations and displays conducted by the Wellington Forum team were outstanding, and again show what can be achieved by believing in something and working together.

May 2015. BCI Summit Australasia, Luna Park Sydney This was an absolute breakthrough in the development and maturity of the Chapter; the 5

2015 Summit was our first hosted solely by BCI Australasia. A committee of 6 Board Members assisted by Kay Pepper put in a huge amount of time, effort and skill to bring together the biggest and most ambitious event the Chapter has undertaken. The event was an amazing success and I urge you to stay tuned and keep your eye out for an even more impressive BCI Summit Australasia 2016! 

May 2015. Acquisition of Continuity Forum Pty Ltd This was a real leap of faith, but in keeping with our vision, and with the endorsement of the BCI Global Board, the BCI Australasia Chapter purchased Continuity Forum as a going concern. This acquisition has created new opportunities that will benefit all members. As we leverage the scale of Corporate Memberships, the Chapter will be well positioned to deliver some new and exciting benefits to all stakeholders interested in Business Continuity and Resilience in the region.

Many of these headline activities are covered in more detail in later sections of this Annual Report. I encourage you to read on and consider whether, among the wide range of activities described, there may be something new that could assist you in your personal and professional practice.

LOOKING AHEAD The opportunities for us in coming years are boundless, and the enthusiastic but small group of volunteers who run the Chapter in Australasia are up for the challenge of delivering on the vision. The Chapter is very much a volunteer-run organisation, and is dependent on enthusiastic and committed members who are prepared to devote time to providing benefits and services to other members. These efforts are essential to enable the Chapter to deliver on our strategies and, consequently, our vision. Last year I noted a personal goal to further develop and enhance the engagement model to enable any member to get involved at whatever level they feel comfortable with. This has started happening, and the number of volunteers now engaged in the Special Interest Groups, Awards Night coordination, Forum Teams across the region and the Summit is both appreciated and rewarding to see. As with any activity that is looking to deliver a meaningful and sustained outcome, a stable financial foundation is a prerequisite. Due to the success of events like the Summit and the Continuity Forum corporate partnership members, the BCI Australasia is both self-supporting and in a sound position. It has taken considerable time and effort to get to this place and be in a position to drive real and tangible local events and member benefits. Through these activities, and the tremendous continuing support from sponsors and corporate supporters, we are confident our vision will become reality, and the members of the BCI and the BCI Australasian Chapter will be the beneficiaries. I very much look forward to working with our members and our support community over the coming 12 months to continue to move ahead and set the stage for even more growth and success as we further mature! Howard Kenny FBCI President and Chair July 2015


Governance Report The Financial Year 2014/2015 has been the first period where the BCI Chapter has operated under the new Constitution, which both fully complies with the Australian Corporations Act and conforms to the BCI Central Office Governance and Operations requirements for BCI Chapters via an “Acknowledgement of Authority”. During this period, the major Governance activities of the Board have been related to the purchase of Continuity Forum. A considerable amount of work was undertaken by various Board members to ensure that the purchase of Continuity Forum was commercially viable, was in accordance with the goals and objectives of the BCI Chapter, and had an operating model that aligned with the global model established by the BCI Central Office. The achievements of the Secretariat and the Board over the past year have included: 

The successful incorporation of Continuity Forum into the BCI Chapter organisation. Highlights include: o

Effective due diligence prior to the purchase, to ensure commercial viability and gain BCI Central Office support for the strategy being adopted by the Chapter.


Registration of Continuity Forum with ASIC as a For-Profit subsidiary of the Chapter with separate corporate governance and financial accountability – the BCI Board retains strategic control over Continuity Forum operations.


Establishment of a corporate office and part-time staff to manage the commercial interests of Continuity Forum and operational support to the BCI Chapter.


Creation of new Australasian Corporate membership and Partner membership models, aligned with Central Office models, which will, over time, transition Continuity Forum members to the BCI model.

Board Director tenure management. In accordance with the tenure terms defined within the Constitution, the Director positions that were managed during FY15 are: o ACT Representative, Nov 2014 o SA/NT Representative, Nov 2014 o WA Representative, Nov 2014 o President, Nov 2014 o Company Secretary, Nov 2014 o Non-Executive Director, Nov 2014 While none of the above positions were contested, Members would have been given the opportunity to vote for Board appointments for the first time during the past year if more than one candidate had been nominated.

The governance focus of the Board will expand to consider the principles and practices of the Forums. The purpose will be to support the Forums with the broad objective of organisation building and development and the provision and maintenance of member services and benefits. Barry Pendle AMBCI Company Secretary July 2015 7

Treasurer’s Report Our sound financial position and asset base in 2014-15 allowed the Business Continuity Institute (Australasia) Ltd to organise and run the regional Forums as well as special events such as the BCI Summit Australasia 2015 and the annual BCI Awards. Our financial strength now allows the Chapter to carry the financial risk that comes with such events. As in previous years, expenses included support to area forums, governance and board expenses and administration. This year also saw BCI (Australasia) Ltd acquire Continuity Forum Pty Ltd, which involved acquisition expenses including legal, accounting and other due diligence requirements. The UK grant derived from member fees this year was lower than in the previous year. However, this was offset by the excellent efforts and skills of the organising committee in running the BCI Summit Australasia 2015 combined with the continuing contributions by a large group of volunteers across the Chapter. Consequently, the BCI Australasian Chapter made a healthy surplus for the financial year, with a profit from ordinary activities of $46,700. At 30th June 2015 net assets were $139,242, including cash and the value of the BCI ownership of Continuity Forum Pty Ltd.

Sources of Income 2014-15

BCI Capitation Grants Sponsorship Summit registrations Summit workshops Website advertising Interest received Admin fees Other income

Please refer to pages 19-21 for detailed Financial Statements, including  Statement of Profit and Loss  Balance Sheet  Statement of Cash Flows Graham Nisbet MBCI Treasurer July 2015



Area Forum Reports AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (ACT) Area Representative and Board Member. James Buchanan MBCI The ACT Forum held a number of events over the past 12 months. Some of the highlights were: 

Business Continuity Awareness Week, where approximately 30 members and guests attended. At the 2015 BCAW event we had two speakers: o

Business continuity consultancy model in the public sector: The intersections of accountability, responsibility and service delivery at the Department of Human Services; and


A BCI 2020 update and further discussion on current BC practices, what's working and what's not, how BC is positioned in the broader resilience landscape, emerging trends and a vision for the future.

A catered Christmas function where we had an interesting panel presentation on the process and key lessons learnt from running a DR cyber exercise with the IT Executive.

A member event held at the National Gallery of Australia where we learnt about the challenges of merging two large and complex BC frameworks (Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and Department of Immigration and Border Protection) and the challenges of providing security and continuity arrangements for national art institutions (including a $5 billion art collection).

Moving forward, the ACT chapter hopes to continue to provide engaging member events and build networks with other local business continuity focused networks. We hope to see some new members attend our catch ups along with existing members that may not have attended for a while, and welcome the input of local members in shaping future member events.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA & NORTHERN TERRITORY (SA/NT) Area Representative and Board Member. Michael Keen MBCI The SA and NT Forum conducts at least four meetings a year focused around member networking and speaker presentations. The following meetings were conducted in 2014-2015: 

“The right tools for the job: A look at BCM software”. Anita Gover, RiskLogic Pty Ltd

“IT service continuity and disaster recovery”. Rinske Geerlings, Business As Usual

“Resilience a Dependent Life Cycle” David Mack MBA CEM, SA Metropolitan Fire Service

“How do you respond if the hackers attack?” Saul Midler FBCI, Director, Linus Information Security Solutions Pty Ltd

All meetings are planned to start around 4:00pm for registration, welcome and networking. The speaker presentation usually starts around 4:30pm, with further networking with catering to follow (overall lasting about 2-2.5 hours). We use the Thomas Cooper Room at the Earl of Aberdeen Hotel, Adelaide as the regular venue. The meetings are promoted, co-hosted and supported by a number of local organisations - The Business Continuity Management Information Exchange (BCMIE - an affiliate of the Disaster Recovery Information Exchange (DRIE) in Canada), Australian Computer Society (ACS), IT Project


Management SIG (jointly provided by the ACS and the Project Management Institute (PMI) Adelaide Chapter), Government agencies and the BCI Australasia Chapter. Overall, with small BCI member numbers in SA, the ongoing support of the regular attendees, organisational relationships, and opportunities for local networking, ensure we are able to continue to provide an avenue for the successful promotion of Business Continuity in South Australia.

NEW SOUTH WALES (NSW) Area Representative and Board Member

Sarah McDonald MBCI

Forum Team Members

Roger King, Pauline McCann, Lubie Vincent, Kathryn Burnett, Carmen Lee, Anthony Woods + (Retired) Dale Condon, Linda Vergison

The NSW Area Forum supports an active community of BC professionals and associated disciplines across a wide range of industries. 2014-15 was an active year for NSW members with four chapter meetings organised and a special BCI debrief on the Sydney siege. These events always include BCI initiatives or areas of interest and continually include a variety of interesting presentations. At our July 2014 meetings, hosted at Westpac, an audience of approximately 41 members and guests heard from Anita Gover from RiskLogic. She shared an abridged version of presentation delivered at the 2014 Business Continuity Summit exploring ‘Business Continuity in the Information Age.’ Roger King, NSW Forum Team member, provided further exploration of the 2014 Summit through a synopsis and overview of the themes and presentations. The October Forum Meeting provided an opportunity for 30 BCI members and guests to hear Steve Mellish, the then current Global Chair of the BCI, share his thoughts on the 20th Anniversary of the BCI. He explored the future roadmap, highlighting plans and developments in professional education, current and emerging standards and the BCI Strategic Plan and impacts for the Australasian Chapter. December’s meeting allowed the Chapter to get into the festive spirit with a presentation by Paul Breen at Suncorp. 47 BCI members and guests heard about how Suncorp prepared and responded to the disruption during the G20 event in Brisbane. In February 2015, a unique event was held, facilitated by Tim Janes Hon FBCI, to enable Members and invited Guests to participate in a Post-incident Debrief of the siege that occurred in December 2014 at the Lindt Café in Martin Place, Sydney. 57 members attended the event, kindly hosted by Swiss Re, and shared their experiences and practical lessons learned during the incident. The debrief outcomes were summarised into a report and shared with attendees. The report is available to download on the BCI Web site and provides a valuable planning resource. In March 2015, during Business Continuity Awareness Week the NSW Area Forum BCI organised a meeting on the theme ‘testing and exercising business continuity plans’. The meeting was hosted by Echelon and included four interesting and unique presentations, from a wide cross section of the BC industry. Craig Olsson from Westpac shared his Supply Chain Management expertise, Monique Bryant from Opscentre gave an overview on testing, Dale Condon from the Office of Finance and Services talked through their testing approach and David Shaw from MYLE Consulting delivered a presentation on why testing is important. Many presentations from previous meetings are available to members and they are downloadable from the website. The NSW Area Forum Team would also like to formally thank Dale Condon and


Linda Vergison for their tireless assistance and invaluable contribution to our activities over the last few years.

QUEENSLAND (QLD) Area Representative and Board Member

Paul Trebilcock OAM MBCI

Forum Leader

Andrew Darby MBCI

2014-2015 has been another productive but challenging year for the Queensland Forum team. A number of member and guest events were conducted and feedback from the attendees was very positive. These included formal industry guest speaker presentations, Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW) activities and the annual Forum Christmas function. The Forum team also participated in regular national Chapter Forum Leader teleconferences and provided regular status reports to inform Chapter Board meetings and strategies, particularly in relation to improving services for the Queensland members. The numbers attending scheduled Forum meetings/events was down when compared to the previous reporting period, however in the majority of cases it was due to a clash with business as usual activities. The guest speaker presentations and events conducted in 2014-15 included: 

The QLD Forum Christmas function which was again held at the ‘Pig n Whistle’ hotel in Brisbane and was sponsored by the BCI Australasian Chapter.

A joint event was held with Continuity Forum at Deloitte and included a guest presentation by Graeme Newton who leads Deloitte’s Australian Crisis Management business, including the firm’s Centre of Excellence for Crisis Management for the South East Asia region. Graeme is the former Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, and was responsible for the $14 billion reconstruction program for disasters. There were 60 registrations.

During Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW) the Forum team assisted local members to develop and implement activities to raise awareness of BC, including advice on scheduled Global BCI on-line initiatives. In addition, as the Chair of the Emergency 2.0 Wiki BC Reference Group, the Qld Area Rep coordinated daily Blogs and communications via the Wiki global website.

A panel discussion on business continuity and crisis management exercising, testing and related training was held at QSuper. The panel comprised representatives from QSuper, Powerlink, and a Senior BC Consultant specialising in DR recovery sites. Registrations were open to both BCI/CF members and invited guests. Approximately 30 attended and feedback was excellent.

The Forum team has already commenced planning for 2016 with the full year schedule of events to be available by the end of November and posted on the Chapter website. Members are invited to contribute to the process by contacting the Forum Leader or Secretary (contact details on the Chapter website). With the recent appointment of a new Forum Leader (Andrew Darby) and increase in membership through the Chapters acquisition of Continuity Forum, the key focus for the team will be to continue to demonstrate value for money to its members by offering improved services, events and networking opportunities, as part of a consultative approach. However, to be successful, it will require member input and active participation in scheduled events and activities. 12

NEW ZEALAND Area Representative and Board Member

Glen Redstall MBCI

Forum Leader - Auckland Forum Team - Auckland

Nalin Wijetilleke MBCI Peter Halliwell MBCI

Forum Leader - Wellington Forum Team - Wellington

Steve Streefkerk AMBCI David Thompson Eric Sidoti AMBCI Debbie McCoard AMBCI

This past year has seen both the Auckland and Wellington Forums run a regular series of events for New Zealand based members of the BCI. These events have been a combination of the traditional two hour education session, one hour interactive lunchtime sessions, and networking lunches. A total of eighteen events have been run between the two Forums. There has been a noticeably higher attendance in the second half of the year, with most events attracting between 15 and 20 attendees. There has also been a noticeable increase in the depth of the discussions both in relation to the presentations on the day and in the networking time following the meetings. Meeting topics in the last year have included: 

Building Business Resilience and its Challenges;

Emerging threats: the role of BCM in tackling cyber threats, IT failures and supply chain disruptions (panel discussion);

Turning the BIA inside out;

What the CEO’s need to know about BC – Engaging with Senior Management; and

Reaching 2016 – How we can make Business Continuity Management BETTER?

Both Forum teams are actively working to meet member needs with the Auckland Forum conducting a survey of members to determine when, where and how long they think their meetings should be; and the Wellington Forum consulting members on their proposed 2016 programme. There were two notable events this year for the New Zealand BCI community. The first was the Bank of New Zealand winning the BCI’s Global Award for Recovery of the Year; and the second being the Public Expo held by the Wellington Forum as part of Business Continuity Awareness Week to spread the business continuity message to the public at large – a special thanks to David Thompson for organising and co-ordinating this very successful event. In addition, the New Zealand Forums were well represented at the BCI Summit Australasia 2015 this year with fifteen attendees including six contributors, and the first ever New Zealand vendor.


VICTORIA AND TASMANIA (VIC/TAS) Area Representative and Board Member

Steven Cvetkovic (Retired)

Forum Leader Forum Team

Tim Rippon MBCI Zoe Moulton Ellie Wilkinson MBCI Michelle Sutherland

The Victoria & Tasmania BCI Forum has delivered some exciting activities over the last twelve months focusing on providing member value. The Forum team worked hard to ensure they delivered presentations of continuing significance to the business continuity and resilience community. Various member events were held throughout the year with valued speakers, organisations and information. We would like to thank them all and the sponsors for providing venues for these events. Some of the highlights included: 

BCAW presentations including; o

ITSCM SIG launch @ Deloitte


Breakfast @ KPMG.

A local BCI lunch took place on Thursday 16 July at The Metropolitan Hotel in Melbourne’s CBD.

The Victorian and Tasmanian Christmas party drinks which was well attended.

The Victorian and Tasmanian Forum team also took the lead in planning and delivering the 2015 BCI Australasian Awards, after a very successful event in Docklands in 2014. Their professional approach and extensive efforts ensured that the 2015 Awards were a great success with well over a hundred members and guests celebrating the achievements of their peers. During the year, the Victorian and Tasmanian Forum team experienced some changes, particularly the retirement of Steven Cvetkovic, as the Area Representative/ Board Member. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Steven and all the Forum team members for their invaluable contribution over the year. Their willingness to volunteer their time to support BCI members reflects their pride of being part of the BCI and is much appreciated.

WESTERN AUSTRALIA (WA) Area Representative and Board Member:

Kenny Seow MBCI

Forum Leader: Forum Team:

Alta Terblanche MBCI Helene Stoltz Yue Lin Sun

The quarterly Western Australia Forum meetings were well attended, with registrations averaging 30 people at each meeting. As WA has a relatively small membership base, the Forum team decided to extend the meeting invitations to non-members for some of the events to help promote BCI and generate greater awareness and interest in business continuity. 14

KPMG and Ernst & Yong provided the venue and refreshments for our meetings in Perth as they have done for the past few years, and their continuing support is very much appreciated. Topics at forum meetings have included: 

“Conducting a large-scale exercise - lessons learnt at Curtin University”, Ashlyn Hendricks, Critical Incident Manager, Curtin University

“Cyber Threat Protection and Business Resilience”, Troy Douglas and Chris Boudewyns, Technology Crime Investigations, Computer Crime Squad, Western Australian Police

“Why you’re more reliant on cloud computing than you may realise, and what it means for business resilience”, Alex Niven, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young

BCI members-only event for a behind-the-scenes visit to the Public Transport Authority’s Train Control Centre and to examine the way they response to and manage major incidents.

The Forum will continue to explore other opportunities for members to network and share experiences, and organise events to further promote business continuity and BCI membership in Western Australia.


Key Chapter Events and Activities 2015 BUSINESS CONTINUITY SUMMIT The BCI Summit Australasia 2015 was the ninth annual summit that the BCI Australasian Chapter has been involved in organising. The Summit was held over 13th and 14th May 2015 at the popular Luna Park venue beside Sydney Harbour and drew in over 120 attendees. The event was particularly notable in two areas. 2015 was the first time that the BCI Australasian Chapter had planned and delivered the Summit as a solo activity. The Summit also opened with the Chapter President, Howard Kenny, announcing that the BCI Australasian Chapter had completed its acquisition of Continuity Forum. The theme of this year’s Summit was “Looking to the Future, Learning from the past”, and looked to build on the BCI’s expanded Vision statement by presenting a number of recognised resilience practitioners as part of the programme. Dr Erica Seville from New Zealand’s University of Canterbury opened the Summit with a key note address “What is Organisational Resilience?” which presented a practical model. This presentation was backed up by a mini-workshop conducted by Peter Brouggy which introduced the Organisational Resilience Health-Check tool which organisations can use to assess their current level of resilience. Over the two days there were a total of 21 sessions ranging from presentations, to mini-workshops and a panel discussion; and covering topics such as Crisis Management, Innovation and Business Continuity in Action. Other highlights of the Summit included Craig Beaumont’s presentation on the Bank of New Zealand’s recovery from the Seddon earthquakes (which was recognised at the BCI Global Awards as the Recovery of the Year), and David Porter’s presentation on Building a Successful BCM team. The speaker program worked brilliantly well and the participant feedback confirmed the success of the programme. On the day following the Summit two full-day workshops were conducted by BCI licenced training providers. The workshops were “Delivering High Impact Simulations” and “Benchmarking your BCM program against the requirements of ISO22301”. Both workshops were well attended and received excellent feedback. Despite operating in a challenging economic environment, the BCI Summit Australasia 2015 provided substantial savings for members on the cost to attend compared to previous years. The conference dinner was inclusive for all delegates for the first time and was well attended and enjoyed by all. It was very encouraging, and a reflection of the professional efforts of the organising committee, that the 2015 summit generated a healthy profit. The figure was significantly greater than the profit share the BCI Australasian Chapter had received in previous years, making additional funds available to be re-invested into the 2016 BCI Summit Australasia. The BCI Australasian Chapter would like to thank our speakers and sponsors without whom we would not have been able to produce such a successful event. Our enormous thanks also goes out to the members of the organising committee. Their huge efforts in keeping costs as low as possible without compromising quality, and their skill and humour in overcoming a range of issues along the way, has resulted in the Summit being a resounding success. The BCI Australasian Chapter is pleased to advise that planning is well underway for the BCI Summit Australasia 2016, which will take place on 4th and 5th of May 2016 with workshops on 6th May 2016.


This will be our 10th annual event, and so we will be looking to celebrate this milestone event in style. A new venue has already been announced, Rydges World Square in Sydney, and planning is underway to deliver four streams of presentations. We look forward to seeing you there.

CONTINUITY FORUM ACQUISITION After several months of discussions during 2014-15, involving the owner of Continuity Forum and the BCI Australasian Chapter Executive and Board, and after careful due diligence review, the Chapter Board agreed to purchase Continuity Forum Pty Ltd. The transaction was completed in May 2015. Since then an enormous amount of work has been completed to ensure continued member support and provide CF members with access to the BCI resources and benefits, while getting to grips with the day-to-day operations of Continuity Forum. We have established a virtual office, recruited a membership manager, set up accounts, issued invoices and banked membership fees. There were 70 corporate members of Continuity Forum in May 2015. As each membership comes up for renewal, they have access to several attractive membership packages that build on the former CF offer and give access to a full range of BCI resources and benefits. These membership packages come under the BCI Australian Regional Corporate Partners (ARCP) programme. We have established a base of operations in a serviced office in Australia Square to provide phone and mail reception services. Being a practical, forward looking organisation (and with our resilience in mind), our technology arrangements allow for virtual operations from anywhere in the Australasian region. Our physical address is now Level 33 Australia Square, 264 George St, Sydney. NSW 2000. We also now have toll free numbers for the Continuity Forum office - 1800 987 844 for Australia and 0800 088 884 for New Zealand. Lisa Riordan MBCI has joined as Membership Manager and works part-time, usually all day on Wednesday and half days on the other 4 days of the week. Lisa works from home or our city office as required. The BCI Australasian Chapter has taken over the CF website, www.continuity.net.au , and will continue to maintain the site so that information remains current. A more substantial rebuild of the website will be addressed in 2016.

2015 BCI AUSTRALASIAN AWARDS The BCI Australasian Awards were held in Melbourne in August 2015 with strong competition from an excellent field of cross industry submissions. The Awards recognise the outstanding contributions by business continuity professionals and organisations alike throughout our region. The evening was held as a black-tie event in the stylish surroundings of mon bijou:Penthouse at the Adelphi Hotel in Melbourne, where over 100 members and guests mixed in a relaxed environment to recognise their peers in the industry. Of the contested categories, the following awards were won by: 

Industry Personality 2015: Paul Trebilcock OAM FBCI

Continuity and Resilience Professional (Private Sector) 2015: Tim Rippon MBCI

Continuity and Resilience Professional (Public Sector) 2015: David Porter MBCI

Continuity and Resilience Team 2015: Australian Taxation Office

Most Effective Recovery: Westpac 17

Continuity and Resilience Consultant 2015: Brad Law

Continuity and Resilience Provider (Service/Product) 2015: Linus Information Security Systems for Linus Revive

Continuity and Resilience Innovation 2015: RiskLogic for CQCommand

Congratulations to all our winners and we thank the sponsors for their support of the successful Australasian Awards. Each regional Award recipient is automatically considered for The Business Continuity Institute’s Global Awards which will be held in the UK in November 2015.

BUSINESS CONTINUITY AWARENESS WEEK 2015 Once again, all of the Forums participated in BCAW in 2015, hosting over 200 participants throughout the week of 16th to 20th March 2015. This year, the Global theme was ‘testing and exercising business continuity plans’ Several variations on the main theme were presented at events organised by the Chapter Forums across the week, which were open to members and guests. A notable inclusion in 2015 was the BCAW Posters Expo prepared and presented by the Wellington Forum. The exhibition was held in the Asteron Building in Central Wellington and was manned by Wellington Forum members who engaged with members of the public passing by and answered their questions. It was a highly successful demonstration of how we can bring ‘business continuity awareness’ to the general public. BCAW is designed to assist Business Continuity professionals to spread the word about Business Continuity Management, and is a great opportunity for promoting the BC discipline and its benefits to a wider audience. BCAW2016 will be held between the 16th and 20th May 2016.

GLOBAL MEMBERSHIP COUNCIL The BCI Australasian Chapter forms part of a growing global network of Chapters and Forums created and operated by BCI members around the world. The interests and needs of the global BCI membership are represented within the Institute through the Global Membership Council (GMC). Each BCI Chapter and Forum can nominate a member to sit on the GMC, which meets at least four times a year (usually more often) to discuss matters of interest or concern to BCI members. It is a widely underappreciated fact that over 60% of BCI members are located outside the UK and this percentage is expected to increase. Because of this, the GMC plays a critical role within the Institute as the representative voice of the members wherever they live. The GMC is an evolving body within the wider BCI global organisation. As an example of its broad remit, here are some example of some of the activities that the GMC undertakes; 

Providing professional expertise to enable the implementation of the BCI Strategy as defined by the Global BCI Board

Advising on the development, growth and standing of the BCI Membership as a whole

Identifying and advising the Board on membership issues raised by any Chapter or Forum

Identifying issues or threats that affect membership to the BCI that require action


Assisting the BCI management team with the development and review of new knowledge assets, such as the GPGs and supporting ‘how to’ guides and new training courses

Assisting the BCI management team to monitor and comment on external issues that affect the BCI members, such as the development of new international standards or national legislation

Monitoring and commenting on issues regarding professional practice, standards and ethics.

The BCI Australasian Chapter nominated Tim Janes to be its representative on the GMC for 2015 and 2016. Tim was also elected by the GMC members to be one of two GMC Membership Directors who sits on the Global BCI Board. Although the GMC may appear remote and unimportant, it matters to the BCI members based in Australia and New Zealand. The BCI Australasian Chapter was one the earliest Chapters to form, and has been the most active and influential chapter in the BCI’s global network. For example, the Australasian Chapter currently has 3rd highest penetration rate of BCI members measured as a percentage of the total national population, and has the 3rd highest total number of members across all of the BCI chapters and forums. It is important that all BCI members are able to express their views about the BCI and business continuity generally. This is how we can individually and collectively influence how our industry develops and grows for the benefit of all. It is the role of the GMC to provide you with this voice.


Financial Statements STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS BUSINESS CONTINUITY INSTITUTE (AUSTRALASIA) LTD ABN 15 154 918 840 L33 Australia Square, 264 George St, Sydney NSW 2000

Profit & Loss Statement July 2014 through June 2015 Income Grant Website Advertising Interest received Sponsorship Summit Income Admin Fees – CF Other Income Total Income

$10,960 $250 $739 $68,523 $90,804 $10,500 $72 $181,848

Function costs Conference & Workshop costs Bank Charges Telephone Accounting & Bookkeeping Filing & Legal Fees Meeting Expenses Fees – PayPal Postage, Printing & Stationery Staff Training Subscriptions & Membership Travel, Accommodation & Conference Advertising and Promotion Administration Fee Committee Expenses Total Expenses

$36,114 $62,955 $213 $1,470 $14,869 $617 $3,918 $2,145 $1,079 $905 $2,625 $6,317 $45 $719 $1,155 $135,148


Net Profit/(Loss)



BALANCE SHEET BUSINESS CONTINUITY INSTITUTE (AUSTRALASIA) LTD ABN 15 154 918 840 L33 Australia Square, 264 George St, Sydney NSW 2000

Balance Sheet As at 30th June 2015

Assets Westpac Cheque 4812 Westpac Cash Res 4839 Westpac Res Bonus 4820 Trade Debtors Prepayments Other Income & Loans Shares in subsidiary company Total Assets

$3,889 $12,905 $80,343 $4,027 $397 $12,173 $27,644 $141,378

Liabilities Accrued Expenses Trade Creditors GST clearing Loan from Assoc Accs Total Liabilities

$0 $0 $440 $1,696 $2,136

Net Assets


Retained Profits/Accumulated losses Total Equity

$139,242 $139,242








Operating A/c




@ 0.00%

Cash Reserve

Savings A/c




@ 2.15%

Cash Reserve Bonus

Savings A/c




@ 2.75%



Balance of Cash on Hand at 30th June 2015




Membership Analysis Figures Correct as of October 2015

BCI MEMBERS BY GRADE Total Members - 588

Australasian Chapter - BCI Members By Grade 160 140






100 80 60 40 20 0

45 11



4 1

Hon Fellow







Partner Affiliates

Corporate Partner Contacts

BCI MEMBERS BY AREA Figures in square brackets indicate the total number of BCI members for each area.

Australasian Chapter - BCI Members By Area 0% 6%



NZ [94]


ACT [50] New South Wales [199]


Queensland [53]


SA & NT [25]


Victoria & Tasmania [132] Western Australia [33] Overseas [2]


REGIONAL CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS A number or Australasian corporate entities have partnered with the BCI under the new Australasian Regional Corporate Partner Program. They include: 

Australian Office of Financial Management

Plan B Limited (NZ)

Safety Return to Work & Support

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Westpac Group

Toyota Finance Australia Limited

Australian Taxation Office

Australian Office of Financial Management

A major focus of 2015-2016 will be on building the Partnership Program and further enhancing benefits for Corporate Affiliates (the staff of Corporate Partners).














ABOUT The BCI The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) is the world’s leading institute for business continuity. Established in 1994, the BCI has established itself as the leading membership and certifying organisation for Business Continuity (BC) professionals worldwide.

Our Purpose: To promote a more resilient world Our Vision: To be the Professional Body of choice for resilience professionals Our Values: Membership Focused – where our members are at the heart of EVERYTHING we do Quality Led – consistently delivering a high value, independent service Global Reach – building a worldwide community of influential thought leaders Our Goals: To deliver a consistent “BCI experience” for members to develop and enhance their qualifications and expertise To strengthen BCI’s role as “the global thought leader” for continuity and resilience To increase BCI’s global influence within both mature and emerging markets which will be reflected by a growth in membership The BCI offers a wide range of resources for business professionals concerned with raising levels of resilience within their organisation or considering a career in business continuity. With around 8,000 members in more than 100 countries worldwide, working in in an estimated 3,000 organisations in private, public and third sectors, the BCI truly is the world’s leading institute for business continuity professionals and the global peak body of excellence. The BCI stands for excellence in the business continuity profession and its statutory grades provide assurance of technical and professional competency in BC. The BCI Partnership, through corporate membership, offers organisations the opportunity to work with the BCI to promote best practice in business continuity and to raise their corporate profile in the global BC arena. The BCI Corporate Partnership currently has approximately 120 Partners worldwide. The BCI seeks to promote and facilitate the adoption of good business continuity practice worldwide by: 

Raising standards in business continuity

Undertaking industry research

Driving thought leadership in business continuity

Facilitating the sharing of best practice in business continuity

Training and certifying BC professionals

Raising the value of the BC profession

Developing the business case for business continuity.


Business Continuity Institute (Australasia) Ltd L33 Australia Square, 264 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 1800 987 844 (Aust) 0800 088 884 (NZ) Email info@thebci.org.au


Web www.thebci.org.au


Promoting a More Resilient World

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