9 minute read
Admissions Information in Español
Divulgación Obligatoria acerca de la política de Anti- Discriminación por la falta de habilidades del idioma Inglés.
El Distrito Escolar de Contra Costa College se compromete a ofrecer igualdad de oportunidades en programas educativos, empleo y actividades en general. El Distrito no discrimina con respecto a edad, raza, color, incapacidad, sexo, estado civil, nacionalidad, religión, orientación sexual, o por ser veterano. La carencia del idioma Inglés no es un impedimento para la admisión a Contra Costa College y la participación en programas y servicios vocacionales.
El Distrito Escolar de Contra Costa esta comprometido a la igualdad y no discriminación conforme a: El Acta de los Derechos Civiles; Título IX de las enmiendas Educacionales de 1972; El Acta de Rehabilitación de 1973 (Sección 503 y 504); El Acta de Americanos con Discapacidad de 1990; Las Ordenes Ejecutivas 11246 y 11375; El Acta de Reajuste de lo Veteranos de la Era de Vietnam de 1967; El Acta de Discriminación por la Edad en Empleo de 1967; y las leyes no discriminatorias del estado de California. Si tiene preguntas acerca de esta información, por favor contacte a Vicki Ferguson, Directora de los Servicios de Negocios, al (510) 215-3921.
Proceso de admisión a Contra Costa College
Admisión es el proceso en el cual usted es admitido a Contra Costa College y considerado elegible para la inscripción en cursos escolares semestrales o de verano.
Quien es elegible para admisión
Usted es elegible para admisión si cumple con cualquiera de las siguientes categorías: • Es mayor de 18 años. • Es un estudiante graduado de la secundaria. • Es un estudiante que pasó el examen de Habilidades Secundarias de California (California High School Proficiency Exam) y obtuvo el certificado de aprobación. • Es un estudiante de secundaria entre los grados K-12 y el director de su escuela o persona asignada ha aprobado un permiso para su ingreso a Contra Costa College. • Es un estudiante que posee una visa F-1 y ha sido admitido a Contra Costa College. • Es aprendiz contratado matriculado en un programa de entrenamiento relacionado a su trabajo.
Quien no es elegible para admisión
Usted no podrá ser admitido a Contra Costa College si cualquiera de las siguientes categorías le es aplicable: • Usted no ha saldado una deuda pendiente de matrícula. • Si usted debe dinero a la biblioteca por algún material perdido o que no entrego. • Usted tiene cualquier otro tipo de deudas con el colegio o el Distrito. • Si usted ha sido suspendido académicamente o esta con un estado de alerta académica.
Pasos para ser admitido a Contra Costa College
• Presentar una Solicitud de Admisión • Aplicar para Ayuda Financiera • Completar el proceso de colocacion de cursos en Inglés, matemáticas o Inglés como Segunda Lengua (ESL) • Inscribirse en COUN -108 o ESL-108 (para estudiantes cuyo idioma natal no es inglés) • Inscribirse en las Clases y Pagar por Éstas • Obtener su Tarjeta de Identificación de Estudiante
Costo de los cursos en Contra Costa College basados en el Estatus de Residencia
La Legislación del estado de California requiere que las universidades y los colegios Comunitarios de California apliquen reglas uniformes para determinar si un estudiante debe ser considerado como residente o como no residente al registrase a dichas instituciones y consecuentemente determinar el costo de los cursos a tomar. La información a continuación esta basada en el Código de Educación de California, Sección 54001, y del 68000 al 68023. Más detalles están disponibles en la oficina de Admisión en SSC-115.
Para determinar el costo de los cursos, en Contra Costa College su estado de residencia se determina en el momento en que su aplicación de admisión es aceptada.
El distrito escolar pueda que requiera que usted complete un cuestionario de residencia y certificar sus respuestas al cuestionario.
Usted es considerado “residente” de California si ha vivido legal y físicamente por más de un año y un día en este estado al momento en que comienza el semestre. Para poder ser clasificado como estudiante residente, usted debe de proveer pruebas de residencia. Para los estudiantes graduados de una escuela secundaria de California existe la estipulación 540 (Assembly Bill 540), que se hizo efectiva el 1 de enero de 2002. Ésta establece que algunos estudiantes de secundaria considerados no residentes legales, quienes han asistido a las escuelas secundarias de California por tres años y recibido su diploma de bachiller o su equivalente, pueden ser excluidos de los requisitos de residencia y pagar su educación al precio que pagaría un ciudadano o residente legal de California. Si usted no es considerado residente legal de California, usted puede matricularse como no residente y pagar un precio más alto por unidad de clase.
This chapter provides information to help construct a student education plan to meet your educational objectives. At Contra Costa College, you may take: • Courses that lead to a certifi cate of accomplishment and/or achievement in a particular career technical skill. • A program of courses leading to a local associate in science (AS) or an associate in arts (AA) degree; or an associate degree for transfer (AA-T/AS-T). • General education and major courses leading to transfer to private or public universities to complete a bachelor’s degree. Contra Costa College has agreements with many transfer institutions for many program majors, either as course-to-course agreements or as lower division preparation for a major. For more information please refer to the website: www.assist.org or schedule an appointment with a counselor.
Contra Costa College Certifi cates and Degrees
Certifi cate of Accomplishment
Contra Costa College off ers a certifi cate of accomplishment in several specifi c career technical areas. Certifi cates of accomplishment are not noted on transcripts and are awarded by individual departments.
Certifi cate of Achievement
Contra Costa College off ers you the opportunity to earn a certifi cate of achievement in a specifi c occupational skill. The major fi elds of study at CCC are indicated on the chart on page 59, “Degrees and Certifi cates.” If you plan to earn a certifi cate of achievement, you must choose a program major that off ers a certifi cate of achievement and satisfactorily complete all the courses listed for that certifi cate (usually 8 or more units) with a grade of “C” or better. The certifi cate requirements are listed under the respective program headings in Chapter 4.
Associate Degree Requirements
The general education component of the curriculum at Contra Costa College is designed to provide you with the knowledge, values and skills needed to be an eff ective individual in our society. A collegeeducated person should understand the variety of means through which people comprehend the modern world and the interrelatedness of certain basic principles, concepts and methodologies, both unique to and shared by the various disciplines. General education is intended
to lead to better self-understanding and the ability to evaluate and appreciate the physical environment, culture and society in which we live.
To earn an associate degree from Contra Costa College, you must: • Complete a minimum of 60 units of degree credit course work, including breadth, proficiencies and major requirements. • Maintain a “C” grade or better in all major courses. • Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0. • You may receive credit for courses completed at other colleges, but at least 12 units must be completed at Contra
Costa College.
Associate Degrees for Transfer
The associate in arts (AA-T) or associate in science (AS-T) degrees are intended for students who plan to complete a bachelor’s degree in a similar major at their transfer institution. Students completing these degrees are guaranteed admission with junior standing somewhere in the CSU system. Priority admission consideration is granted to their local CSU campus, or to a program or major deemed similar to their community college major. This priority does not guarantee admission to specific majors or campuses.
The following is required for all AA-T or AS-T degrees:
• Complete a minimum of 60 semester units of CSU transferable coursework with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher. Note: While a minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for admission, some majors may require a higher GPA. Please consult a counselor for more information. • Complete all courses in the AA-T or AS-T major with a “C” grade or higher. • Complete the required number of courses/units within each of the general education areas for the CSU General Education
Breadth or IGETC (Intersegmental General Education
Transfer Curriculum) patterns. Note: For certain high unit majors a reduced number of general education units may be completed while still obtaining a transfer degree. Please consult a counselor for information.
Associate degrees and certificates of achievement or certificates of accomplishment are awarded at the end of each term (fall, spring and summer). Formal commencement exercises are held every spring.
Applying for Degrees and Graduation
Degree requirements must be completed by the end of the term in which you are requesting your degree to be awarded. For example, if you complete all degree requirements by the end of the fall term, your degree will be awarded the last day of the fall term. Submit a petition to graduate by the deadline of your final semester to the Admission and Records Office. If you plan to participate in the commencement, the petition must be returned to the Admissions and Records Office (SSC-115) by the deadline. You will be notified regarding the outcome of your petition for degree/graduation. We advise you to meet with a counselor to verify that all degree requirements are met prior to submitting your petition for degree/ graduation to Admissions and Records. For details contact the Admission and Records Office.
Catalog Rights
Graduation requirements are determined according to the college catalog in effect at the time of first enrollment in any college within the Contra Costa Community College District. Students may follow the catalog requirements that were in effect for the academic year when they began their attendance at Contra Costa College or follow the catalog requirements in effect during any new catalog year that follows their initial enrollment, provided that continuous enrollment has been maintained. Continuous enrollment is defined as enrollment in at least one course at Contra Costa College, Diablo Valley College or Los Medanos College in an academic year (fall, spring, summer). The student must receive a grade or notation on their transcript of A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, I, MW, EW, or W for the course. This continuous enrollment policy applies to students who are new, returning or continuing. If students break continuous enrollment, they will be granted catalog rights to the catalog in effect when they enroll or apply for the degree or certificate.
Catalog rights do not apply to CSU GE or IGETC certification. Students must follow the CSU GE or IGETC pattern in effect when they petition for certification. Courses used for certification must be on the approved list at the time they are completed.