F E AT U R E HR—Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce by Dale Carnegie staff
workers - of achieving career milestones. HR is often tasked with raising important when you include them in employee engagement scores. Looking the decision-making process At least 66% of the employees are eBook alecarnegie. across the ranks, HR sees a multinot fully engaged. More importantly, • Appreciate their strong work ethic, om generational team. Each generation engagement levels with experienced willingness to work long hours, and has its unique mindset, work style and middle managers are very low. desire to prove themselves. ways of communication. This translated into different attitudes and concepts • Communicate face-to-face and Learn to communicate, of what drives employee engagement. directly. Give them continual feedback HR is often tasked with raising employee engagement scores. Looking across the coach, motivate andprovide To cope, HR sets out to train managers with evidence. ranks, HR sees a multi-generational team. Each generation has its unique mindset, to recognize how to motivate team feedback for each generation work style and ways of communication. This translated into different attitudes and • Recognize them publicly. They like to members individually. The goal is to Tocope, understand how concepts of what drives employee engagement. To HR sets outtotobetter train motivate managers be praised in front of others. capitalize on the strengths each member employees, The we need to to know some of to recognize how to motivate team members individually. goal is capitalize onthe brings to the team. the strengths each member brings to the team.main characteristics of the groups that Understanding attitudinal and Generation X dominate today's workforce. behavioral differences team (b. 1960–1980) Understanding attitudinalamong and behavioral differences teamBoomers membersare of near Manyamong of the Baby 1 members of different generations an of driving different generations is an importantistool engagement. Generation X entered the job market retirement age. In some cases their important tool of driving engagement.¹ in the wake of the "Boomers" and retirement has been put off due to the A Dale Carnegie employee engagement employee engagement study shows that "Middle-aged Dale Carnegie global economic crises.²employees (40-49 were confronted with new terms like that "Middle-aged study years) areshows less engaged or are disengaged with their organization." This might be "downsizing" and, "outsourcing." They employees (40-49pressure years) are less because of external due to family life Baby or feelings that they have reached a tend to be skeptical toward authority Boomer plateau in their careers. engaged or are disengaged with their and cautious in their commitments.³ (b. 1945–1960) organization." This might be because of Managers need to recognize those • Recognize unique qualities In contrast, the study found that "young (aroundtheir the age of 30) and external pressure due to family life or employees characteristics and provide the following: characteristics. Boomers like to those ages 50+ might be and attributed to the youthful feelings that are theymore haveengaged." reached aThis plateau • Freedom from traditional management expectation of a new career, or - for older workersfeel - ofunique achieving milestones. and career different from their in their careers. practices. Give them the elbow room co-workers. In contrast, the study found that "young to be creative in the way in which they employees (around the age of 30) and • Provide them with resources and accomplish tasks and goals. Allow those ages 50+ are more engaged." involve them in the decision making. them the opportunity to make choices This might be attributed to the youthful They like a collaborative and to use their own resources and expectation of a new career, or - for older consensual environment. They feel creativity to achieve success. Invite them to engage in multiple projects and empower them to prioritize these 35 projects themselves so they feel in control. 30
% o f E n g a g e
• Provide challenging tasks. Allow opportunities to learn new skills and provide a variety of responsibilities. This group loves learning opportunities and training programs. They know that keeping their abilities current is critical for their professional success, so investing in training programs can build on job satisfaction and engagement.
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A t le a st 6 6 % Motivation of t he em pTheory: loyee sIdentifying a re n ot fuMulti-Generational lly e n ga g ed . More im p in ortthe a ntWorkplace. ly, e n ga g”em e n t leve ls ¹ “Work Values Rhonda Rochelle Brown-Crowder. Walden University. 2017 wit h e xp erie nc e d for m id dle mOlder a na ge rs a re” ve ry Bersin low. and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic. Harvard Business Review. September 26, 2019. ² “The Case Hiring Workers. Josh
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C O N T R A C T O R ’ S
Work Motivation Theory: Identifying Multi-Generational Values in the Workplace.” Rhonda Rochelle Brown-Crowder. Walden iversity. 2017