Converge Point - Summer 2012

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From the President



CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Fran Anderson Point (issn/1546-3257, usps#517-620) is published quarterly (with a special edition in December) by the Bap­tist General Conference, 2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60005. Printed in U.S.A. Periodical postage paid at Arlington Heights, Ill., and at additional mailing offices. © Baptist General Conference 2012.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Point, 2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4193.

SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New In­ter­national Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Pub­lish­ing House.

When they returned home to Antioch, Paul and Barnabas described the results of their first missionary journey: “They gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles” ( Acts 14:27). In a similar way, Converge gathers together every two years as a family of churches to rejoice in all God is doing as he continues to open doors of faith communities worldwide. So this special issue of Point contains snapshots of what the Lord has been doing the past year through our ministries together, along with plans for 2012-2013 and opportunities to participate. Dee and I are especially grateful for several highlights of the past year: n We are excited about welcoming Ivan and Susan Veldhuizen to our team. Ivan is the new executive director of International Ministries. Since our last biennial meeting, 16 missionary appointees have raised their support and have been sent out as career missionaries. In addition, 13 new appointees are support-raising. n In 2010 we began a five-year “surge” to see at least 351 new congregations started by 2015. We are now ahead of schedule as we close in on 180 new congregations — new plants and new sites — at some phase in the launch process. Converge districts’ leadership teams and churches are championing this faith journey. n We have been blessed by the able leadership of pastor John Jenkins, who has served as our vice president of National Ministries. We honor Pastor Jenkins as he completes his term, and we are excited about pastor Michael Henderson as his recommended successor. n Since 2010 two key national events have grown in size and influence. The Transform Network Gatherings and the Ignite Church Planting Conference totaled nearly 750 participants this past year. The momentum is exciting. n We are also grateful for how God has provided during a financially testing couple of years. We finished in the black and were able to see two areas of depleted funds restored to a balanced position. n And there is the record-setting growth of the Converge Cornerstone Fund, which has exceeded expectations in both investments and funds loaned to churches for needed facilities. For all this and much more, we praise God for the joy of serving him and experiencing his blessing in our lives and ministries.


Opening doors of faith

REPRINT PERMISSION: Permission is granted to photocopy articles in small quantities for personal, church or school use. Please protect our copyright by writing or typing before copying: “Reproduced from Point by permission.” This permission does not extend to articles reprinted from other publications, reports for another publication or large quantity reproductions. For such purposes, written permission must be obtained from Point or from the original source.

Jerry Sheveland President, Converge Worldwide (BGC)

contact us 800.323.4215

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Converge Worldwide



One mission: many locations U.S. Districts l Great Lakes l Heartland l MidAmerica l MidAtlantic l Minnesota Iowa l Northeast l Northwest l PacWest l Rocky Mountain l Southeast l Southwest

International Regions l Africa l Asia l Europe & North Africa l India l Latin America l Middle East l Nordic-Baltic

Converge Headquarters


Arlington Heights, Ill.

H Orlando, Fla.

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International Ministries

REGIONS: n Africa n Asia n Europe & North Africa n India n Latin America n Middle East n Nordic-Baltic

the nations, his wonders among all peoples” (Ps. 96:3, nkjv). Our goal is always to bring people into a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ and then equip them to become multiplying reproducers for the kingdom. In short, we intend to multiply transformational churches all around the world. For U.S. churches, engagement in international missions is at an all-time high.The recent wave of each congregation personalizing missions, emphasizing hands-on involvement, is a reality to embrace. This phenomenon has profound potential that can be captured through what we’re crafting at present: a “church-driven missions model.” Keep watching for future developments. Stories from the field

All around the world, stories of transformation are coming to our attention. Consider a few highlights: l Through our India partnerships, we have seen 3000 baptisms, new churches started and a generation of children being well taught and biblically trained in our 14 schools there. lO ur missionaries in Brazil, the Philippines and Mexico are training local leaders to be missionaries to other countries such as Cambodia, India, Vietnam and more. l In Africa, 3000 hiv/aids orphans have been placed in Christian foster parent homes, and more than 30,000 people are presented with the gospel each year through vital health initiatives. Development work, evangelism and equipping the churches overseas continue unabated. lN early all our Spain team is on the field, preparing to launch evangelism strategies directed at a significant under-reached people group there. lO ur Nordic-Baltic Initiative is focused on church planting movements and raising up a generation of young church leaders. lT wo international English-speaking churches are being planted through our a2:5 efforts, one each in Germany and Panama. lO ne mayor in Japan’s earthquake/tsunami-affected area said, “I wish everyone were Christian. They really care.” Christians are the only people still helping and serving those assaulted by the 2011 disaster.


MISSIONARIES n 132 deployed n 27 countries n 7 regions of the world

Our International Ministries has the great privilege to “declare his [God’s] glory among


MINISTRIES n Church planting n Evangelism n Discipleship n Theological Education n Pastoral training n Leadership development n Compassion n Child education n Disaster relief work n Health care n Teaching English n Diaspora engagement

A view to the future

4000+ baptisms Number of new disciples, determined by baptisms counted.

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The past two years represent a season of transition for International Ministries. We are engaged in some deep assessments as we learn to do mission work in new ways in our changing world. As we move into the future, we will pursue several distinctives with a passion: n Become a movement focused on multiplying transformational churches. n Make disciples who make disciples, and $ plant churches that plant churches. n Develop and partner with local leaders overseas to do the work of ministry. n Create a leadership culture rather than a management culture. n Do the right things, not just good things.


Key 2012-2013 Plans

n Converge Worldwide missionaries serve in seven international regions in places ranging from isolated plateaus to global centers of influence. The following 2012-2013 goals represent a composite sample from a large number of mission endeavors, but do not express our comprehensive ministry plans.



n Baptisms anticipated: 6028 n Leaders in training [formal and nonformal theological]: 2802 l 130 students in undergraduate theological training. 20 will graduate with Bachelor of Theology degrees. l1 00 students in graduate school. 20 will graduate with MA or M.Div. degrees. l1 0 students will enroll in a new Ph.D. program in Scriptures. n Community impact: lE vangelize and disciple members of unreached people groups in the 10/40 window by training missionaries from the Global South. lE stablish one house church of maturing Muslim-background believers. lU tilize peer education through Community Couples Groups to meet the basic needs of younger families in West Central Africa. lR ecruit church development workers to serve at various places among different caste, community, tribe and people groups to proclaim the gospel in western Asia. lT est and treat 25,000 for hiv/aids, presenting the gospel to each. lR ebuild the lives of 500 individuals and families in northeast Japan by April 2013, resulting in one new congregation. lC ontinue to care for 3000 African orphans in Christian foster homes. lB iblically train and spiritually mentor a young generation of children in our 15 schools in India and Cambodia. lS tart Celebrate Recovery Groups across Estonia by request and support of the national government.


n Church plants planned: 35

Prolific church planting Did you know that 20 churches have been planted in the past 12 months in a multi-organizational effort to reach the under-reached Ndolo people of Nigeria? More than 500 baptisms have been recorded. The compassion ministries of GECHAAN HIV/AIDS ministry have opened doors of opportunity to people in need of Christ.

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Church Planting


The purpose of our Converge Church Planting office is to “make the hard work of church planting easier and the easy work of complacency harder� for those who do the work of starting new congregations. Accordingly, we assist our district and church partners by casting vision, developing recruiting platforms, assessing potential church planting couples for their suitability and seeing that planters are coached. In this multiplication effort we work to live out core values so that our churches multiply disciples, leaders and congregations throughout the world. Methods used: l 2010-2015

Church Planting Surge. A specific emphasis to plant at least 351 churches and campuses between 2010 and 2015 is under way. We are nearing the day when together we are launching two congregations (autonomous churches or multisites) each week.

l Assessment Centers. We objectively assess the giftedness of potential church planters through

nationally sponsored four-day Assessment Centers to determine if they are properly suited to the ministry of church planting.

l Recruitment.

We broadcast the Converge Church Planting brand nationally, providing a seamless pathway for potential church planters to connect with our district partners.

l Coaching

Networks. We train and position coaches to pose questions, draw out giftedness, customize plans and mentor church planters to be spiritually alive to achieve mission goals.

l lead Teams. These groups of pastors and church planters do relationship and mission together

as teams to reproduce leaders and congregations collaboratively. They are driven by a mission to ignite a thriving, global network of lead Teams. Across our districts, teams meet four or five times a year to Learn planting strategies, Encourage personal growth, Achieve missional results and Dream about kingdom expansion.

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Number of new churches and campuses under way between January 2010 and September 2011.


2011-2012 accomplishments



n Converge districts committed to plant at least 351 new churches and campuses between January 2010 and the end of 2015. n 129 new churches and campuses were under way as of September 2011. n Key training opportunities were instituted through regularly scheduled webinars. n Converge Church Planting hosted training events such as Multisite and Church Multiplication Network Gatherings, Coaching Quickstarts and The First Steps Experience. n Our national church planting conference, Ignite 2012, was a success, with more than 400 attendees.

Key plans for 2012-2013



n Further regionalize the key systems to make assessment and training more accessible to the 11 Converge districts. n Expand our national branding and presence and continue to implement PlanterApp to systematize recruiting efforts. n Launch an intentional effort to engage young leaders in our movement, working to develop a farm system to raise up more church planting leaders within Converge. n Propel Church Planting energies by hosting Ignite 2013, our national church planting conference, with a goal of 450 attendees.

Free webinars


Want training in specific areas of church planting? Our free webinars are for you. Visit www. events for upcoming webinars, or click on Previous Webinars to view recordings of webinars you may have missed. Stay abreast of all upcoming opportunities and events by following us on Twitter @ConvergeCP or visiting our Facebook page: ConvergeCP.

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CONVERGE PEOPLE GROUP CHURCHES Latino: 52 Filipino: 34 Haitian: 37 Vietnamese: 17 Multicultural: 10 Japanese: 4 Native American: 4 Chinese: 3 Brazilian: 3 Cruzian: 3 Bahamian: 2 Mien/Laotian: 2 Jewish: 1 Russian: 1 Ethiopian: 1



Percentage of ethnic congregations in Converge.

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Reaching diverse people groups in the United States is a Converge Worldwide commitment and priority. Statistics show that since 2006 more than 1 million new immigrants have come to the United States annually. Converge continues to reach them through its regional church planting efforts, aggressive evangelism and discipleship. These ministries are conducted by its U.S.-based cross-cultural missionaries and through strategic partnerships with missions organizations such as International Students Incorporated and Reaching Japanese for Christ. This Converge missions engagement has come full circle — these People Group churches are now reaching back to their countries of origin.


Intercultural Ministries



2011-2012 accomplishments



n One by One Haiti child sponsorships expanded to 490 children in four cities in Haiti: Maissade, Port-Au-Prince, Leogane and Cap-Haitien. n Two People Group Ministries, the Vietnamese and Haitian Ministry Expansion Teams, developed new strategies and plans for their outreach work in the U.S. and in their respective countries. Missions teams led by the leaders of these two Converge People Ministries conducted missions work last year. n A new ICM missionary couple joined the staff to reach Muslims in the U.S. and to equip Converge churches to effectively evangelize them. Two ICM couples conducted major evangelistic events in Florida and in Egypt.

Key 2012-13 plans n Recruit, assess and deploy at least two new U.S.-based ICM missionaries. n Start at least six pilot People Group Ministries centers (among Filipinos, Latinos, Haitians and Vietnamese) for church planting and strengthening churches. n Grow One by One Haiti child sponsorship to serve at least 600 children in the four cities where Converge has partner schools. n Develop church planting models among Latinos in two Converge U.S. districts. n Recruit at least 20 Converge churches as financial partners with Converge ICM ministries. n Reestablish a strategic ministry partnership in a Southeast Asian country.




Make an impact God has brought the nations to the U.S. and given us the privilege of reaching them with the gospel. Contact Steve Bracco at (or call Steve at 847.879.3511) for information on how your church can join the ICM support team.

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National Ministries

National Ministries develops relationships with churches and ministries within and outside Converge to provide meaningful opportunities to engage in ministry. Current National Ministries initiatives include Network Gatherings, the Converge School of Church Leadership, strengthening churches, 2nd Half Ministries, chaplaincy and leadnet. Leading these efforts is pastor Michael Henderson of New Beginnings Church, Matthews, N.C.

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n Network Gatherings are all about connecting. It’s what we do at Converge. The first combined Network Gathering was held in Orlando, Fla., January 23-26, 2012, with 370 total attendees. Sessions were held for African-descent pastors, pastors of churches based on size of congregation, executive pastors, Filipino pastors, 2nd Half ministries leaders, administrative assistants and pastors of missions, youth, children and worship. n The School of Church Leadership, fully accredited by Bethel University, is our professional, graduate-level training program for volunteer leaders and staff members of Converge churches. More than 150 students enrolled in the first year at 11 sites nationwide, from Los Angeles to Indianapolis. n To Strengthen Churches, Pinnacle Ministry’s Retool Kit Pathway has been a source of significant encouragement to a number of Converge pastors and leaders throughout recent years. The three-year contract between Converge and Pinnacle Ministries to provide mobilization services to churches concluded at the end of April 2012. A team of leaders is investigating additional successful ministry tools and programs that have demonstrated church health and growth. n 2nd Half Ministries continues to grow as Converge church leaders learn of tools, networking and service opportunites for volunteer leaders. The Boomers and Beyond newsletter was redesigned, and 2nd Half Ministries Facebook page and website were developed to engage volunteers and share relevant information and reports. n Chaplain endorser Col. David Kennedy completed his service, entering retirement. n leadnet was restructured to better engage ministry spouses in meaningful conversation and dialog. A team of women has been meeting to learn, discuss and consider networking options for the future.


2011-2012 accomplishments

Key 2012-2013 plans n The Combined Network Gathering will be held January 23-31, 2013, in Garden Grove, Calif. Save the dates and plan for your entire church staff and their spouses to attend. Groups for volunteer and creative arts leaders have been added to the lineup. n In the School of Church Leadership, the next two years will bring our first “graduating class” into the Master of Arts program offered by Bethel University. The six courses include studies in Spiritual Formation, Christian Worldview, Ethics, Leadership, Cultural/ Ministry Perspective and Church Management. The goal is to enroll 300 students in more than 25 locations. n The Strengthening Churches task force is at work to provide the best possible tools for Converge leaders. n 2nd Half Ministries Re-Ignite Retreats are being planned. A new ministry in Sweden is underway. ServeTeams are doing just that in our districts. Join with other second-half adults populating the Internet by clicking on n A new chaplain endorser will be hired this year. With new leadership come new ideas and opportunities. Stay tuned. n leadnet anticipates developing new social networking tools to better support and connect ministry spouses.

Bring leadership training to your church School of Church Leadership dean Jim Erickson is eager for your church to host the SCL on-site. Learn more at www. Contact Jim at

Want to serve overseas? Want to serve overseas? Increasingly adults in midlife are seeking opportunities to serve the Lord internationally through short- and long-term missions. Above: Basil and Vera de Klerk found a vital ministry in Belize. For more information about opportunities, e-mail Steve Valentine at stevev@convergeww. org, or call 407.563.6086.



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Generosity & Communications

Missional Generosity

Inspiring Opportunity

Communications Video, web, print, email and social media all tell the stories of our movement and inspire involvement. The Communications team designs and delivers information media such as this special issue.


Join us in Orlando for our next Generous Church Summit, September 21-22, 2012, at CrossPointe Church (same location as the Converge Orlando office). Register online at www.

Developing a culture of generosity is the key focus of Converge Missional Generosity. This team works with church leaders, helping them to maximize the generosity potential of their congregations through consulting, immersion events, Generous Church Summits, Generosity 2.0 leadership training, customized coaching and expanding networks of generous leaders. Most churches on the generosity journey experience increased vitality and health, resulting in greater impact in evangelism, reduced personal debt in the lives of members, increased per capita giving to the local body and to work around the world and more stories of life change than ever before. If you are interested in hosting a generosity event, contact Scott Ridout, director of Generosity, at 480.632.8920 or

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Key 2012-2013 plans

n Develop and share Converge mission and vision utilizing print, video, web and social media. n Provide online tools to enhance involvement and interaction of Converge constituency.

Converge Retirement Plan

The Converge Retirement Plan offers two retire-


ment plans to its pastors, missionaries, district leaders, national staff and full-time staff of churches or district conferences. Many participate in both plans. The Defined Benefit plan offers lifetime monthly payments during retirement years. The Defined Contribution plan offers a retirement savings account balance that grows with participant contributions and investment earnings. The Plan currently has about $128 million in assets. It added 65 new participants in 2011. There are 617 retirees, drawing an average benefit of $893 each month from the Defined Benefit plan. The Plan paid out more than $6.4 million in pension benefits in 2011. The Plan has 811 active, contributing participants and 545 inactive participants (not yet retired, but not currently contributing).

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Harvest is the distribution arm of Converge Worldwide for Christian resources. In fact,


Harvest is one of the country’s largest distributors of Sunday school and vbs curriculum. When you order your curriculum, small group Bible studies, books or Bibles from Harvest, you are helping to Key 2012-2013 plans support the ministries of Converge Worldwide. Building relationships with churches, pastors n Sales of approximately $1.5 million ontinue to build strong relationships and key leaders is important to Harvest. Our n C through consistent customer contact friendly, knowledgeable and experienced staff dd more products and helpful features to strive to serve our customers with excellence, n A our website whether on the phone, through emails or pern B egin serving 60 new curriculum sonal contact at conferences. customers If you have never ordered from Harvest, why not give us a try? Take advantage of our competitive n Ship all in-stock orders within 24-48 hours e your single source for Sunday school pricing and fast service. We will match com- n B and vbs curriculum, Christian books and petitors’ offers whenever possible. Call Harvest Bibles at 800.323.3885 to order or visit our website: You can also email us at

Bethel University

Bethel University has been a leader and model

in Christian higher education since 1871. For generations the fusion of evangelical faith with top-ranked academics has transformed women and men, preparing them for unique callings in the kingdom of God. With more than 100 academic programs in two colleges, a graduate school and a seminary, Bethel is one of the most comprehensive interdenominational Christian universities in the nation. Its main campus, in the heart of the Twin Cities metro, gives quick access to service projects, internships, churches, ministry organizations and cultural opportunities. Everything at Bethel is guided by core values rooted in Scripture. Faculty, staff and students are Christfollowers, character-builders, truth-seekers, learners, salt and light, reconcilers and world-changers. Bethel is, above all, a community — serving and encouraging one another toward our individual potential. Working together in Christ’s name, students become personally transformed so that they can transform our world.

14 n point | summer 2012

H $3 arv ,7 es 67 t/ ,0 Ot 87 h er

G $4 en 6, ero 58 s 4 ity

2011-2012 INCOME

C L on $7 ead ve 50 er rge ,0 sh 00 ip Fu nd

In M te $9 ini rna ,4 str tio 41 ie n ,4 s al 97

S $9 CL 3, 97 9

H $3 arv ,2 es 38 t/ ,1 Ot 00 h er

A $6 dm 45 in ,9 . 05

N M at $2 ini ion 28 str al ,0 ie 96 s In M ter $4 ini cu 57 str ltu ,2 ie ra 68 s l

S C $9 CL $1 hu 3, 97 36 rch 9 ,0 P 21 la nt in g

In M te $8 ini rna ,8 str tio 36 ie n ,0 s al 13

F $1 und 2, ra 88 is 5 in g

A $1 dm ,9 in 52 . ,7 76

H $2 arv ,1 es 50 t/ ,1 Ot 27 h er

G C en $5 om ero 38 m si ,9 . ty/ 70

By God’s grace, it was a very good year. Our general income increased for the first time in many years. And our ministry leaders worked hard to manage well the resources entrusted to them. We saw an increase in giving to our missionaries, with some undersupported missionaries moving toward or achieving full support. God provided the resources we needed to finish in the black again this year. Thank you for your consistent support of Converge missionaries, leaders and ministries.

In M te $9 ini rna ,5 str tio 36 ie n ,9 s al 20

2011-2012 financial update

A $6 dm 22 in ,5 . F 50 $5 und 00 ra is in g C Le on $8 ad ve 50 er rge ,0 sh 28 ip Fu C nd Gr on $9 ow ve 0, th rge 00 F 0 u nd B $2 eq 20 ue ,9 sts 56

Budget Summaries

In M te $7 ini rcu 79 str ltu ,9 ie ra 37 s l

2012-2013 INCOME

N M at $2 ini ion 44 str al ,0 ie 00 s

C P hu $2 lan rch 40 tin ,0 g 00 In M te $9 ini rna ,0 str tio 52 ie n ,5 s al 50

C $2 on 80 tin ,0 ge 00 n cy

G C en $6 om ero 04 m si ,7 . ty/ 08 Ha $1 rv ,6 es 36 t/ ,5 Ot 29 h er A $1 dm ,9 in 64 . ,2 43 Fu $1 nd 24 ra ,3 is 98 in g

S $9 CL 3, 00 0

In M te $6 ini rcu 20 str ltu ,3 ie ra 89 s l

G $3 en 4, ero 40 s 0 ity

N M at $4 ini ion 73 str al ,0 ie 23 s

C P hu $3 lan rch 90 tin ,7 g 79

2011-2012 EXPENSES

2012-2013 EXPENSES In M te $8 ini rcu 53 str ltu ,9 ie ra 30 s l

C P hu $4 lan rch 17 tin ,3 g 43 N M at $4 ini ion 40 str al ,1 ie 39 s

S $9 CL 3, 00 0

2012-2013 financial plans

We have again planned conservatively for the next fiscal year, understanding that our Converge family is still in recovery in the midst of a weak economy. We see progress in the financial condition of many of our churches, however, and thankfully some congregations and individuals are beginning to increase their giving toward prerecession levels. Thanks to those who have taken these restorative actions. Please consider taking this step if you haven’t already, when your financial situation improves. We continue in prayer for your ministries as you faithfully serve in the name of Jesus. It is an honor to serve with you.  summer 2012

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Cornerstone Fund

The mission of Converge Cornerstone Fund is to assist Converge Worldwide churches and affiliated ministries by providing financial resources and services that enable them to expand their ministries, while offering a competitive investment for the constituency of Converge Worldwide. The Fund seeks to be the “lender of first choice” for Converge churches and is positioned to provide financing for church building projects, renovations, property acquisition and the refinancing of existing mortgages. Cornerstone Fund can also assist churches with their building project fundraising through our experienced, successful and competitively priced Capital Campaign Service. On the investment side, the Fund offers fixed-rate term certificates ranging from 6 months to 5 years, plus a demand certificate with a variable rate. Additionally, the Fund has no-fee Traditional and Roth iras and welcomes transfers and rollovers. With low overhead costs and an operating effi- 2011-2012 accomplishments ciency, the Fund has historically offered very comn Grew to $167 million in total assets petitive investment rates when compared with n Gained 169 new investors in 2011 similar general market investment options. n Online account portal established: Email us at, visit us at n A record $34.3 million in new sales or call 877.228.8810.

Key 2012-2013 plans n Assets objective: $188 million n Become the “lender of first choice” for Converge churches n Hold Cornerstone Sundays in Converge churches with Dr. Lou Petrie n Conduct 8 new capital cam- paigns n Launch Cornerstone Kids certificate program n Launch mission-minded certificate opportunity

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