Converge Point - Summer 2013

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From the President

Volume 5 n Number 4 Editor Bob Putman

Designer, Production Manager Pam Nelsen

Contributing Editor Fran Anderson Point (issn/1546-3257, usps#517-620) is published quarterly (with a special edition in December) by the Bap­tist General Conference, 2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60005. Printed in U.S.A. Periodical postage paid at Arlington Heights, Ill., and at additional mailing offices. © Baptist General Conference 2013.

I love how Nehemiah encouraged those who were rebuilding the walls and gates of Jerusalem. When opposition threatened completion of the task, Nehemiah gave a clear instruction, “The work is great and widely spread, and we are separated on the wall, far from one another. In the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us” (Neh. 4:1920, esv). I picture the churches, leaders and ministries of Converge Worldwide scattered around the globe. Each is in its own place of calling and each faces its own threats and discouragements. Yet together we are united in a common mission and strengthened by a shared faith. Our God will fight for us! It is a powerful thing when leaders rally around the clear trumpet call of a God-given vision. In this issue you will read about how Converge is aligning its various ministries around a shared vision. The Lord has granted us missional unity as churches, districts and national and international ministries. Together we are enjoying ministry momentum as transformational churches are being multiplied. We are focusing our efforts on several “force-multipliers”:


Listen for the trumpet blast

n Church

Planting We are trusting God to finish the task of starting at least 351 new congregations by the end of 2015.

n Church Strengthening We are launching a fresh effort to help churches grow in health and effectiveness at reproducing disciples and congregations. n Church-Driven Missions Our global team is establishing a clear pathway to connect Converge churches around strategic missions efforts. n World-Class Services Our staff is enhancing and expanding the Converge Cornerstone Fund and the Retirement Plan to meet the needs of our growing movement. In all this, we know we can do nothing apart from Christ. We rally around him and the trumpet blast of his call to mission.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Point, 2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4193.

Scripture references: Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New In­ter­national Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Pub­lish­ing House.

Jerry Sheveland President, Converge Worldwide


on the cover

Permission is granted to photocopy articles in small quantities for personal, church or school use. Please protect our copyright by writing or typing before copying: “Reproduced from Point by permission.” This permission does not extend to articles reprinted from other publications, reports for another publication or large quantity reproductions. For such purposes, written permission must be obtained from Point or from the original source.

Pastor Clark Pfaff, Valley Brook Community Church, Granby, Conn., baptizes Chelsey Herzig in Salmon Creek, August 5, 2012 — one of the 14 vbcc baptisms last year. PHOTO: laurie smith

contact us 800.323.4215

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Converge Worldwide


Together to transform U.S. Districts n Great Lakes n Heartland n MidAmerica n MidAtlantic n Minnesota Iowa n Northeast n Northwest n PacWest n Rocky Mountain n Southeast n Southwest

International Regions n Africa n Asia n Europe & North Africa n India n Latin America n Middle East n Nordic-Baltic

Converge Headquarters n Arlington Heights, Ill.

n Orlando, Fla.

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International Ministries


Converge International Ministries experienced a year of healthy transition and promising

Church planting Evangelism Discipleship Theological education Pastoral training Leadership development Compassion Child education Diaspora engagement Health care Teaching English Disaster relief work


formulation. This was the season to evaluate and recalibrate in order to stay on the cutting edge of ministry effectiveness. With the world rapidly changing, the dynamics and needs of missions radically changing and the engagement of churches much different from that in years past, forming “The New IM” was essential.

Our One Mission: “Multiplying transformational churches.” This means we are committed to developing communities of Jesus-followers who regularly meet and fellowship in reproducing, multiplying movements that holistically impact individuals, communities and regions through the power of the gospel. We have numerous promising developments in the works, which could soon give Converge International Ministries a tremendous surge in stimulating church planting movements all over the world — mostly among least-reached peoples (3 percent or fewer evangelicals). Our Central Ministry Focus: “Develop transformational leaders.” This answers the question, “What

Africa Asia Europe & North Africa India Latin America Middle East Nordic-Baltic


must we do every day to see our one mission accomplished?” Developing leaders begins in the home office and extends to every missionary on the field and finally to every indigenous leader we can influence. Our New IM Values:

129 deployed 18 appointees preparing for deployment 29 countries

1. We are Bible-based and Spirit-empowered. 2. We prioritize least-reached peoples. 3. We pursue multiplication rather than addition. 4. We are results-oriented. 5. We resource for effectiveness. 6. We are sensitive to other cultural points of view. 7. We are partnership-driven. 8. We deploy within local support networks.

Key developments in 2012-2013 n I dentifying “The New IM” — our pathway for

future ministry effectiveness.


n E nfolding Intercultural Missionaries into



the organizational structure of International Ministries. This group is now called “U.S. Field Missionaries.” n I ncorporating A2:5 as an International Ministries entity. A2:5 is the unique ministry of planting international English-speaking churches in major cities around the world. n C reating a new dimension in International Ministries called “Diaspora Initiatives.” Dr. John Baxter, with expertise in this area, leads this new focus — to reach and send people from everywhere to anywhere. Snapshots from the field:

Key terms Reproducing: always creating more of the original (churches, disciples, leaders) Movement: a God-empowered impact of biblical proportions Indigenous: people native to a location or region Multiplication vs. addition: producing 100-fold (10 x 10) rather than 10-fold Partnership-driven: working with other leaders and organizations here and abroad

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One indigenous partner-evangelist in India currently has 1200 small groups of Muslim converts studying the Bible regularly. He leads a group of 57 evangelists. any Converge missionaries work in the nonM glamorous role of training nationals to be pastors and missionaries in their regions. Thousands of leaders are being equipped to effectively engage in fulfilling the Great Commission. 36 churches have been planted in the past 16 months among Africa’s remote Ndola people, a formerly least-reached people group.

5000 surgeries were performed in Cameroon’s Mbingo Hospital, along with training numerous surgeons needed for this country. New ministry partnerships have been signed with the Nordic-Baltic nations of Finland and Latvia. Our first two A2:5 international Englishspeaking churches were launched this past year in Panama City, Panama (photo at l.), and Darmstadt, Germany. 16,000 orphans are in foster care in Nigeria.

Key 2013-2014 plans

n P ut feet to “The New IM� pathway in order

to see alignment among currently deployed missionaries and to achieve a clear strate$ gic focus among our new missionaries. n C reate various pathways that will quickly catalyze church planting movements among least-reached people groups. n Continue developing meaningful partnerships with our 11 Converge districts and their churches. n Bring clarity and new strategies to our missionaries in need of fresh initiatives. Anticipated results from our key plans: Baptisms: 6647 hurches started: 127 (as measured by church C planter(s) newly deployed or new church core group(s) formed) Church plants underway: 83 (as measured by churches started in the past five years)

Leaders in training: 7681 (formal and informal theological) Children taught: 40,000 Adults receiving literacy training: 920




Learn more about current opportunities to serve with Converge International Ministries. Contact us at or 407.563.6086.

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Church Planting

The purpose of our Converge Church Planting office is to “make the hard work

of church planting easier and the easy work of complacency harder” for those who start new congregations. Accordingly, we assist our district and church partners by casting vision, establishing standards, developing recruiting platforms, assessing couples for their church planting potential and suitability and ensuring that planters are coached. In this multiplication effort we work to live out our one mission of multiplying transformational churches. Initiatives include: Church Planting Rate. Currently we are seeing one new work every six days. Our corporate trajectory is to become a movement that plants one new congregation per day. We encapsulate this with the phrase, “One more day, one more place, one more story.” 2010-2015 Church Planting Surge. A specific emphasis to plant at least 351 new works during the 66 months between 2010 and June 2015 is under way. Church Planting Standards. Together with our district partners, our office establishes national standards our district partners aspire to in the development of key systems. We provide national expressions of key systems such as Assessment Centers and First Steps training, and we support customization of those expressions on a district-by-district basis. Key Systems. Our key systems include Recruiting, Assessing, Coaching, Training and Funding — recruiting potential church planters, assessing them for their leadership ability, coaching so that no one plants a church alone, training in the basics of starting a new church and working to provide start-up funding.

Ignite Church Planting Conference. Our office provides Ignite, our annual vision-and-training event held in Chandler, Ariz., rallying nearly 500 church planters and church planting leaders to unite in a common mission.

181 Number of new churches and campuses underway between January 2010 and March 2013.


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2012-2013 accomplishments

n Committed to plant at least 351 new churches and campuses between January 2010 and

June 2015 through Converge districts. n Began 181 new works as of March 2013. n Instituted multisite training opportunities through regularly scheduled webinars. n Hosted training events such as Multisite

and Church Multiplication Network Gatherings, Coaching Quickstarts and The First Steps Experience. n Held a successful Ignite 2013 event in March in Chandler, Ariz., with nearly 500 attendees.

Free webinars Want training in specific areas of church planting? Our free webinars are for you. Visit for upcoming webinars, or click on Previous Webinars for webinars you may have missed.

Stay connected



Key plans for 2013-2014

n Further regionalize the key systems to make assessment and training more accessible to the

11 Converge districts. n Intentionally engage young adult and student leaders at our

Ignite 2014 conference under the theme “Next.” n Expand the volunteer base of Converge Church Planting by challenging participants to “tithe their time.” n Provide a district-by-district audit of central church planting systems.

Stay abreast of all upcoming opportunities and events by following us on Twitter @ConvergeCP or visiting our Facebook page:

Opportunity Converge Church Planting needs you. Did you know we have a volunteer coordinator who can help you find your role in our movement? Contact us at to get connected.



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National Ministries

Converge to provide meaningful opportunities to engage in ministry. Current initiatives include Network Gatherings, the Converge School of Leadership, strengthening churches, 2nd Half Ministries, chaplaincy and leadnet. Leading these efforts is Rev. Dr. Michael Henderson, pastor of New Beginnings Church, Matthews, N.C. Pictured: Glenn Havumaki, chaplain, Eliim Park Baptist Home, Cheshire, Conn.

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National Ministries develop relationships with churches and ministries within and outside


2012-2013 accomplishments

peer-to-peer affinity group sessions that help strengthen leaders in more than 15 specialized ministry roles. n The Church Strengthening Team conducted multiple meetings to develop an entire system of church health resources, implementing a preliminary pilot plan. n Women’s Ministries launched its Women in Leadership website as a tool to facilitate virtual community, encouragement, resources sharing and conversation. n The Converge chaplain endorser issued ecclesiastical approval for the U.S. Army National Guard Chaplain Candidate Program, hosted a chaplains gathering, met with numerous others and celebrated the retirement of several chaplains. n The leadnet coordinator presented leadnet International at a conference in Malaga, Spain, coaching pastors wives and church planting wives relationally, missionally and spiritually. n 2nd Half Ministries co-directors facilitated a retreat in Sweden and represented Converge at a church planting covenant-signing $ event in Estonia.



n More than 400 church leaders participated in Transform 2013 Network Gatherings, which are

Key 2013-2014 plans

n Serve more than 400 church leaders in specialized ministry roles at the Transform 2014

Network Gathering in Tampa, Fla., January 19-22, 2014. n Facilitate an international Re-Ignite retreat in Sweden to promote celebrating and mobilizing older adults in church congregations. n Host the Strengthening Team in July 2013 to present a preliminary pilot plan for Church Health and implement a Church Health system. n Continue to endorse military chaplains and apply to the Bureau of Prisons to become an authorized chaplaincy endorsing agency. Encourage chaplains serving in hospital/ retirement facilities and Veterans Affairs. $

Get involved Converge National Ministries is always seeking volunteers to assist in Network Gatherings and in Church Health/Strengthening and Chaplaincy ministries. Our goal is to be the strengthening agent of Converge Worldwide and to bring health to its churches and various ministries. For more information contact Teresa Colson at 407.563.6074 or


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Intercultural Ministries

OTHER PEOPLE GROUP CHURCHES Latino Multicultural Japanese Native American Chinese Brazilian Cruzian Bahamian Mien/Laotian Jewish Russian Ethiopian


Cultural Diversity is one of four core values of Converge Worldwide. Our Intercultural Min-

istries is one effort to faithfully promote and foster this strategic charge to our family of churches. As former icm director Cirilo Doguiles and his wife Dory return to the Philippines, they leave an icm legacy through three Ministry Expansion Teams. The three people groups impacted by these teams — Vietnamese, Filipinos and Haitians — now define our icm Office. Each met is self-governed by a team of leaders, with home office oversight provided by Converge senior vice president Doug Fagerstrom. Each met serves the Converge ethnic churches and ministries in its country of origin. Other Converge churches engage in these shared ministry opportunities through our People Group churches and ministries in the various countries. met leadership teams filmet (Filipino) — director Mike Ebbah. Team

members Vince Arnaldo, Charlie Carlos, Ric Doguiles, Ruel Navarro and William Taghap.

hmet (Haitian) — director Mullery Jean-Pierre,

U.S. area director Phil Phillips and Haitian Ministries director Withny Pierre.

vmet (Vietnamese) — three directors. Two additional team members (names withheld for security).

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2012-2013 accomplishments

n Three mets — which combined oversee

nearly 100 U.S. churches — were formed. n 7 U.S.-based Intercultural missionaries



were transferred to Converge International Ministries. n Nearly 450 children in Haiti were supported by U.S. sponsors.

Key 2013-2014 plans

Give hope to a Haitian child

pastors with Filipino pastors serving in the Philippines who desire mentors. n All U.S. Filipino pastors and spouses will gather for an enrichment conference. Two retreats are being planned to strengthen U.S. Haitian churches. n Several U.S. Vietnamese churches will be started as Viet congregations respond to the growing immigrant population from Vietnam. n We will seek to expand food distribution, education and orphan care ministries in Haiti.

For $30 a month, Converge’s One by One Haiti child sponsorship program provides tuition, uniforms, school materials and meals for one student in Haiti. Sponsor gifts supplement teacher salaries and provide a nutritious daily meal and educational materials. Learn more at one-by-one.

n Upon his return to the Philippines, Cirilo Doguiles will serve as an executive coach, linking usa



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Generosity & Communications

Missional Generosity Inspiring opportunity Attend our next Generous Church Summit, September 27-28, 2013, at Homewood (Ill.) Church. Register online at

Developing a culture of generosity is the key focus of Converge Missional Generosity. This team works with church leaders to maximize the generosity potential of their congregations through consulting, immersion events, Generous Church Summits, Generosity 2.0 leadership training, customized coaching and expanded networks of generous leaders. Most churches on the generosity journey experience increased vitality and health, resulting in greater impact in evangelism, reduced personal debt in the lives of members, increased per capita giving to the local body and their work around the world and more stories of life change than ever before. If you are interested in hosting a generosity event, contact Scott Ridout, director of Generosity, at 480.632.8920 or

Communications Web, print, email, social media and video all tell the stories of our movement and inspire involvement. The Communications team designs and delivers all types of information media, including special issues such as this.

Key 2013-2014 plans

n Develop and share Converge mission and vision through

print, video, web and social media. n Provide online tools to enhance involvement and interaction of

Converge constituency.

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Converge Family Funds

The Converge Family Funds enable steward-minded followers of Jesus to donate

money to start new churches and support other types of ministries. The Converge Family Funds provide donors/investors the opportunity to open a private Donor-Advised Family Fund in which monies deposited can be designated to any ministry within Converge or to other Christian 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. There is no administrative cost to the donor/ investor. It’s easy to get started in opening a donor-advised fund account and recommending gifts to charity. To learn more about benefits and planning, contact Greg McDonald at or 407.563.6097.


Converge Retirement Plan

The Converge Retirement Plan offers two retirement plans to its pastors, missionar-

ies, district leaders, national staff and full-time staff of churches or district conferences. Many participate in both. The Defined Benefit Plan offers lifetime monthly payments during retirement years. The Defined Contribution Plan offers a retirement savings account, its balance growing through participant contributions and investment earnings. The Converge Retirement Plan currently has about $138 million in assets and in 2012 added 61 new participants. Each month 634 retirees draw a benefit from the Defined Benefit Plan, the payments averaging $864. The Plan paid out more than $6.5 million in pension benefits in 2012. The Converge Retirement Plan has 774 contributing participants and 602 inactive participants (not yet retired and not currently contributing). If you would like more information about the plan or to view our reference material, please visit our new website: To schedule a phone conference, call toll-free at 877.482.6882. summer 2013

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Harvest is the distribution arm of Converge Worldwide for Christian resources. What’s

more, Harvest is one of the country’s largest distributors of Sunday school and vbs curriculum. When you order your curriculum, small group Bible studies, books or Bibles from Harvest, you are helping to support the ministries of Converge Worldwide. Building relationships with churches, pastors and key leaders is important to Harvest. Friendly, knowledgeable and experienced staff strive to serve our customers with excellence, whether on the phone or through emails or personal contact at conferences. If you have never ordered from Harvest, why not give us a try? Take advantage of our competitive pricing and fast service. We will match competitors’ offers whenever possible. To order, call Harvest at 800.323.3885 or visit You can also email us at

Key 2012-2013 plans

n Achieve sales of approximately $1.3 million daniel patterson

n Continue to build strong relationships through

consistent customer contact n Add more products and helpful features to

our website n Begin serving 75 new curriculum customers n Ship all in-stock orders within 24-48 hours n Be your single source for Sunday school and

vbs curriculum, Christian books and Bibles

Bethel University

excellence — working together in Christ’s name to transform our world. Bethel has been a leader and model in Christian higher education since 1871. For generations its fusion of evangelical faith with top-ranked academics has transformed women and men, preparing them for unique callings in the kingdom of God. With more than 100 academic programs in two colleges, a graduate school and a seminary, Bethel is one of the most comprehensive, interdenominational Christian universities in the nation. Its main campus, in the heart of the Twin Cities, Minn., metro gives students quick access to service projects, internships, churches, ministry organizations and cultural opportunities. Everything at Bethel is guided by core values rooted in Scripture. Faculty, staff and students are Christ-followers, character-builders, truth-seekers, learners, salt and light, reconcilers and worldchangers. At Bethel, excellence isn’t a destination, but a commitment — a calling, an ever-changing process that compels students and faculty to work together in Christ’s name to transform our world. Learn more at

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Bethel University is a community of

Budget Summaries

2012-2013 financial update

We experienced a very unusual double blessing this year. In November 2012 the board of overseers accepted the net assets of Vision360, a ministry started by Converge, including its Orlando building. Within a month of that decision, we received notification of two large bequests sufficient to pay off the outstanding mortgage on that building. Our general operations finished in the black this year, without the use of any bequest income. Both income and expenses were under budget in our general operations.

Administration $1,886,238

Fundraising $125,096

International Ministries $8,728,820

Bequests $3,058,441

Converge Leadership Fund $803,518 International Ministries $9,123,595

Administration $633,661 Harvest/Other $3,231,460

Converge Growth Fund $1,250

2012-2013 INCOME

Generosity $39,140 School of Church Leadership $80,929

Intercultural Ministries $623,097

Church Planting $197,962

Harvest/Other $1,749,865

TOTAL: $18,122,241

National Ministries $329,188

Converge Growth Fund $269,491 Communications & Generosity $535,277 School of Church Leadership $80,829

2012-2013 expenses National Ministries $436,129

Church Planting $462,715

Intercultural Ministries $752,211

TOTAL: $15,026,671

Administration $881,839

Converge Leadership Fund $800,000

International Ministries $9,737,787

Harvest/Other $3,204,800

Generosity $40,000

2013-2014 INCOME

School of Church Leadership $70,000 Church Planting $255,000

Administration $2,792,622

Fundraising $143,444

Communications & Generosity $587,559 School of Church Leadership $70,000

National Ministries $505,696

2013-2014 expenses Intercultural Ministries $114,055

National Ministries $323,680 International Ministries $8,871,467

Harvest/Other $1,577,444

Church Planting $388,819

Contingency $285,000

Intercultural Ministries $23,000

TOTAL: $15,336,106

2013-2014 financial plans

We anticipate additional missionary income and expenses in the new fiscal year and have returned leadership of our Intercultural missionaries to International Ministries. We have a significant increase in depreciation and operating expenses related to the Orlando building and some IT investments. We are grateful that cash flow from rental income covers the building’s cash expenses. Both the additional income and expenses for these items show up in the “Administration” figures.

TOTAL: $15,336,106 summer summer 2013 2013

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Cornerstone Fund

The mission of Converge Cornerstone Fund

is to assist Converge Worldwide churches and affiliated ministries by providing financial resources and services that enable them to expand their ministries, while offering a competitive investment for the constituency of Converge Worldwide. The Fund seeks to be the lender of first choice for Converge churches and is positioned to provide financing for church building projects, renovations, property acquisition and the refinancing of existing mortgages. Cornerstone Fund can also assist churches with their building project fundraising through our experienced, successful and competitively priced Capital Campaign Service. On the investment side, the Fund offers fixed-rate term certificates ranging from 6 months to 5 years, plus a demand certificate with a variable rate. Additionally, the Fund has no-fee Traditional and Roth iras and welcomes transfers and rollovers. With low overhead costs and an operating efficiency, the Fund has historically offered very competitive investment rates when compared with similar general market investment options. Email us at, visit us at or call 877.228.8810.

Key 2013-2014 plans n Assets objective: reach $200 million n 60-year celebration on the Carnival

Sunshine. Call for information n Increase ira investments by

$5 million n Start 8 new capital campaigns

2012-2013 accomplishments n Grew to $187 million in total assets n Gained 197 new investors in 2012 n First quarter of 2013 set record

number of new investors: 142 n $30.7 million in new sales

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