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meets the art of label
Last November, on the occasion of Simei fair, the International Enological and Bottling Machinery Exhibition, during a well-attended press conference, as discussed the important role of the label in the ultra-rapid decision-making process that determines the purchase of a bottle of wine. Our day is made up of decisions: think that we face about 35,000 decisions in one day, and they are very difficult because we are bombarded with information: info-obesity is a term coined to summarize the feeling of information overload that we all constantly suffer, in fact it is undeniable that our daily diet of information is increasingly loaded and consistent.
Capture The Moment
We are always in a hurry and we are also in a hurry when we go shopping. The average time a buyer dwells in front of the shelf is 15 seconds, only 4 seconds are dedicated to observing a product. In such a context, producers and brands must ensure that their product is visible and distinctive, communicate the values of the brand or product to create an emotional involvement, and this is the first moment of truth. The second is related to the moment in which the consumer picks up the product, in our case a bottle, and exactly at this point that the label becomes the absolute protagonist of the communication, because it “must” involve emotionally, communicate the right values zando questa volta un prodotto realmente in commercio e aggiungendo un ulteriore novità, ovvero la degustazione. Il vino chardonnay si chiama Asio Otus di Mondodelvino. Ricordiamo che il 29 settembre dall’unione di Botter e Mondodelvino è nata Argea che vuole portare la qualità del vino italiano nel mondo, come ha spiegato durante l’incontro Enrico Gobino, direttore marketing Argea, che ha anche sottolineato che Argea rappresenta il più importante player privato nel settore vinicolo nazionale con 500 collaboratori e ricavi consolidati per 420 milioni di euro nel 2021. to arrive at the decision to buy the bottle. It is the emotions that drive us to buy this or that product, in the decision-making process reason weighs little, only 5%.
Andrea Ciceri, president of SenseCatch, stated that the decision-making process that leads to the purchase of wine has strong emotional and social connotations and furthermore the quality of the product can only be assessed after consumption, and this is why the label on the bottle becomes the facilitator par excellence, a tool for describing wine and transmitting the values of the winery that produces them, and must also in some way anticipate the sensory experience by preparing the consumer for tasting of product. SenseCatch offers consulting and market research services to companies to understand people’s real behaviors, desires and attitudes. It applies validated research models to objectively understand the person’s emotional experience during any type of experience. By adopting an approach that integrates traditional research techniques (questionnaires and interviews) with the me- asurement of behavioral parameters, that is emotional involvement and visual attention, the real decision drivers.
Of course, many of us will argue that it’s not true, whether we choose it for quality or for other reasons, but as we have seen, the label on the bottle is essential. Precisely to better understand the role of papers in enhancing wine, UPM Raflatac, manufacturer of self-adhesive papers, in 2018 commissioned SenseCatch a study, capable of providing a basis and a starting point for those who design or produce labels. For the study, whose trials and tests took place in Italy, at the time a red wine was chosen and now all data and research results have been collected in a volume, which can be downloaded scanning the QR