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Design Details
Large Road Sign
s ignage T rail b uilding T e C hniques
Large signs along Park Rd. (Flynt Park) and Ely Rd. (Keep Homestead Museum) can be installed with the same dimensions and style to tie the trail system together.
Large Kiosk
Large kiosks at each welcome area give the user a sense of the identity of the place. Trail maps and other information about programming can be found here.
4X4 wooden posts at the key junctures along the trail indicate (from top to bottom) the trail system, trail name, direction, any destinations, and a blaze unique to that trail.
Trail Sign Reassurance Marker Trail Sign
Reassurance Marker Wheel Stop
For shorter trails and loops, wooden post trail markers should be 60 inches from the trail tread and be securely installed in the ground.
Creating a trail corridor at appropriate widths depending on the type of vegetation along the trail enhances the experience, sight line, and safety for users.
Wheel stops help delineate parking spots and separate zones of use. The distance between the wheel stop and the start of the walkway should be at least 2 feet and six inches.
Drainage Lens Water Bar
By raising the trial, a drainage lens consisting of soil, gravel, and different sized rocks can be placed over persistent wet soil to limit erosion and muddy feet for users.
N.T.S Switchback
Reassurance blaze marks on trees should be placed 5 feet up the tree and be 8 inches in length. One blaze should be visible from the previous.
At 30-45 degrees, a water bar made out rocks is installed where heavy runoff is expected. This helps divert water of the trail tread.
Any signs along the trail should ideally be placed 4 feet from the trail to allow for safe passing.
Where curves are necessary at steep sections of the trail, cutting into the slope at 2% makes an "inslope". A ditch with culverts carries runoff across the trail. Rocks are placed at the radius of the curve to avoid users short-cutting across.