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PROJECT OVERVIEW In the heart of Hanover, Massachusetts, there is a long-lived park.

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B. Everett Hall Field has been in the center of town for over ninety years. During this time, individual components have been added on an ad hoc basis as time and funds allowed: a bandstand, veterans memorial, skating rink, street hockey court, softball field. The park's nearly 32 acres of land surrounding Sylvester School and Center Elementary have reflected town residents’ changing needs and desires without a long-term vision of compatible uses.

In 2022, the Town of Hanover embarked on a master planning process for B. Everett Hall Field to create a long-term, conceptual redesign with a plan for phased construction over a number of years. This project was funded by the Community Preservation Committee as the result of a 2022 Annual Town Meeting vote authorizing Community Preservation Act funds. At B. Everett Hall Field, the Town would like a space comfortable for people of all ages throughout the day, connection and cohesion between park elements and between the park and its neighborhood context, and a place for large and small community events.

Master Plan Goals

All-age, all-day comfort

Welcome people of all ages and provide basic amenities for comfort, like shade, bathrooms, benches, and water.

Connection and cohesion

Connect the sports courts, fields, and gathering spaces on site; connect B. Everett Hall Field to surrounding neighborhoods and town center.

Community gathering space

Maintain a place for beloved community events like Hanover Day, and a variety of programmed and unprogrammed events.

Low Maintenance

Improve site conditions in a way that will reduce maintenance over time.

Ecological function

Protect or improve the ecological functions of the site, including the protection of water resource areas.

“The field overall just looks tired and neglected.”

“I’ve been coming here for 15 years. My kids love it.”

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