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Activate The Outdoor Spaces

"Pocket Parks" focuses on the outdoor spaces within the project area, redesigning all vacant lots as urban, outdoor, public pocket parks supporting various uses. Outdoor gathering is encouraged within these concentrated “pockets” within the neighborhood. Programming that can take place in a pocket park could include exercising, group gatherings, play areas, gardens, and picnicking. Through community engagement, it was heard that non-profit organizations along Main Street are looking for outdoor spaces to host groups of people. These groups can vary from large groups of children to smaller groups of elderly folks participating in facilitated events. The design of individual pocket parks should provide a mixture of shade and sun for user comfort and accommodate a range of uses. Adding visual art, such as murals, interactive bench art, and decorative gateways, can make a space feel like it has a purpose (Januchta-Szostak).

Design Benefits

• Creates outdoor destinations and gathering spaces.

• Concentrates activities off of the busy roads.

• Adds shade to the municipal parking lot to better accommodate gatherings and events.

Design Drawbacks

• Less space for new development, as pocket parks occupy vacant lots that could be developed.

• All parks will need maintenance.


Designed By: Eva Hogue & Bindu Nicholson Spring 2023

This design includes a flower and bench lined pathway through an empty lot, connecting Main Street to the alley behind the buildings. People using the space can enjoy looking at a colorful mural while relaxing in the shady corridor. In the evenings, the space is warmly lit by string lights.



The municipal parking lot has shade sails over a portion of the lot and trees along the perimeter to relieve people from the hot sun and pavement. Soucy Park has an added water feature for kids to play in, and the play set has been moved underneath the trees. The space can be used as both a parking lot and a shaded gathering space for events with food trucks.


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