NOLINA BURGE * ART Interview by Mike Vensel
NOLINA BURGE * ART Interview by Mike Vensel
NB: My name is Nolina Burge and I am painter, I paint contemporary landscapes. MV: How long have you been painting? NB: Pretty much my whole life I’ve been painting, seriously for the last 10 years. MV: What inspires you? NB: I started off being inspired by art history and that what i was first going to school for, I was inspired by painting, and with my recent interesting landscapes I would look at the backgrounds in paintings and I was intrigued with the landscapes in the backgrounds as being the main subject, so I used to do snippets of backgrounds of paintings and then i started doing my own landscape paintings using a little Polaroid to capture the little bit of landscape that I wanted to paint. MV: Can you tell us about the process about how you go from an original idea to a painting? NB: All of my paintings are from Polaroid’s, so I almost consider myself a photographer because that’s how I work, I see something I want to take a picture of and through doing that it transforms my image to one that I want to paint, I am not a plain air painter, I would never go outside and paint, that’s just not what I do I use the camera to transform the landscape into the image I want and then I use that image in my painting. MV: Why do you choose paint your photographs instead of showing the photographs themselves?
NB: I have shown my Polaroid’s, and somehow its so small that people don’t respond as much to it, they respond more to the painting when I bring attention to the things that \respond as much to it, they respond more to the painting when I bring attention to the things that are interesting to me. It’s hard for people to notice those details in such a small format. I really use the photograph as my transformative medium to take the landscape from the word into the painting. MV: What do you like most about being an artist? NB: I don’t know, I’ve always done it so I don’t know, its an interesting way to look at the world, I guess I’ve never been motivated to go for the big job or the big money, its just what I like to do and how I see the world MV: What do you like least about being an artist? NB: I miss interacting with people a lot, I like to socialize and when you are painting its kind of lonely sitting there day after day kind of working by yourself. MV: What advice can you give to an artist starting off? NB: Find out what interests you about your subject and what you want to present, and stick to that which is hard to do if you are an artist because you want to explore different routes, if you work at it for a while and get to know your subject and your medium and it will come through that you are interested and serious about it.