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Story: “Love at First Sight

“Love at first sight”

How a chance meeting at a music festival brought Cooglife writer Sofia Gonzalez true love and years of happiness


Before heading to their Waffle House date, Sofia and Felix took this photo to capture the moment.

It was November 17, 2018, the day of Travis Scott’s first Astroworld Music Festival, and I was ecstatic to be going. Little did I know, later that day I would be meeting the love of my life.

I showed up at the festival with my friends, but they decided they wanted to stay in the merchandise line, which was hours long. I told them that they could take my debit card and buy whatever they thought I would like because I didn’t want to stay there all day, I wanted to go watch all the performances. So, I left them to go find another one of my friend groups that I knew was at the festival.

About halfway through the day, I decided that I wanted to meet back up with the original group I came with. So, I got on my phone and I called them. I, unfortunately, could not hear anything, and I knew I had to come up with a Plan B fast.

After ending the call and giving up on finding my friends, I walked two more steps and introduced myself to a group of guys. I told them what happened and asked if I could stay with them for the rest of the festival because I really did not want to be alone. That was when I met Felix.

Felix and I locked eyes, and he came to talk to me. He introduced himself, and it was from this moment on that we became inseparable. We talked for the rest of the festival, and we even left the crowd so we could be by ourselves. We talked about everything and anything. Time felt like it had slowed down just for us. It felt like we were the only two people at the show, and there were a total of


40,000 people there that day. It felt like love at first sight. After talking all night, he kissed me. I felt like I was living in a movie.

Once the festival ended, I stayed with Felix until I could get a hold of my friends, but we made sure to exchange Snapchats, Twitter accounts and phone numbers.

After leaving the festival grounds, he texted me to tell me that he wanted to see me again before he left the next day. I knew I needed to get home, but I asked him if he wanted to get breakfast, and he said yes.

For me, seeing him one last time was important because Felix had told me that he lived in Austin. I knew I would regret it deeply if I didn’t go.

The next morning I drove to get Felix, and we went to Waffle House. This was the place that solidified everything for us. We knew that this wasn’t just what most would call a “festival crush,” that what we shared between us was deeper than that. After dropping him off at his hotel we vowed to text and FaceTime until we could see each other again.

The next two weeks were filled with hours of FaceTime calls unbelievably long text logs, and a lot of Snapchats. It was all worth it the minute he came back to Houston to take me on our first official date. Thus, the actual start of it all.

After those first two weeks, we began to see each other every weekend, this made the distance bearable. It was hard to be away for long, but because of our love, we only did long distance for a year. Our love was too strong and we couldn’t take another year of having to drive more than two hours just to see each other.

Fast forward to now, Felix lives in Houston, attends the University of Houston with me and we’re going on two years and counting. It took a lot of trust to do the distance in the first place, but with Felix, that was easy. I knew that I had to trust in the fact that he wouldn’t hurt me, and that what we have is real.

Our story is like a fantasy, I still can’t believe it happened, but every day I thank the universe for it.

Sofia and Felix attended the 2019 Astroworld Music Festival together, one year after meeting.

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