Farmville’s police chief will retire in December after nearly
30 years of
service 16
For the past 13 years, Farmville
Greene, who has become a staple
Police Chief Donnie Greene has
in the Farmville community, started
started off his mornings the same way.
his career in 1992 in Winterville. He
He wakes up, grabs what he needs
moved to Farmville’s department in
for the day, then heads to the police
1993 and has been there ever since. He
department by 8:30 a.m. Most days,
started on bike patrol for a year and a
he gets to leave at 6:30 p.m., but duty
half, then moved to shift sergeant and
frequently calls him back.
lieutenant after that. In 2007, Greene
Come December, mornings will
was named chief of police.
look a little different for Greene, who
“I knew when I was 9 years old I
is set to retire after 28 years in law
wanted to be a police officer,” Greene
said. “That’s what I always wanted to
“I have a 12-year-old granddaughter
do, and so that’s what I did.”
and a 3-year-old grandson, so for a
Greene said his favorite thing about
month or so, honestly, I don’t plan
his job is the connections he makes
on doing a thing,” he said. “I have a
with citizens and the day-to-day tasks
honey-do list that’s a mile and a half
that have an impact on someone’s life.
long, so I’m sure I will be doing that at some point.”
“I’m not talking about arresting bad guys or that kind of thing,” Greene said.