Cuban Beans
ed: Cu
Ha lle
with Yellow Rice, Pineapple-Banana Salad, and Green Salad with Lime Dressing
a: Cub
Cuban cuisine is a fascinating fusion of food traditions that descend from Africa, Spain and the Caribbean. The blending of these different cultures has created a style of food uniquely Cuban. Staples include rice, beans, and root vegetables, such as potatoes, yuca (also known as cassava), sweet potatoes and yams. Black beans are widely used in Cuba. They grow well on the island, since the climate is very similar to the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, where black beans likely originated. You can also find red beans and white beans in other typical Cuban dishes. Cuban food is mildly seasoned and commonly flavored using sofrito—a mixture of cooked garlic, onion, green and red bell peppers, tomatoes, cumin and oregano.
Unfortunately, Cuba has a history of food shortages. Sometimes it can be difficult for everyone to find access to fresh produce, but when available, Cubans enjoy eating fresh salads made from lettuce, cabbage, avocados, and other fresh vegetables to accompany their meals. Plantains are a large, starchy variety of banana. They are boiled, baked, or fried and are served with savory and sweet dishes alike, you can find them on any Cuban plate! Tropical fruits such as pineapples, mangos, bananas, and guava grow in abundance and complement any meal.
Grades 2-3 © 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. We all know what that means, but we get it. We’re educators, too. So make copies of what you need. It’s okay. Just don’t overdo it, please. If not for the sake of this copyright and the people at this humble, non-profit organization who poured their hearts and souls into this curriculum, at least for the sake of the environment! Also, please don’t sell this curriculum as your own. We put a lot of work into it with the hope that other educators will find it useful and beneficial to the kids in their community. More than anything, we’d love your feedback about how you’re making hands-on learning happen in your community. Thanks for keeping things honest, and happy cooking!
Lesson Plan
Before You Begin Cooking Class Design Working with real food takes time and planning. If you have less than two hours, consider breaking the lesson up into smaller segments or preparing only one of the recipes. The kids will still have a great hands-on experience.
What’s in this Lesson?
»» Step-by-step instructions »» Shopping & equipment lists »» Classroom recipes & helpful tips »» Safety tips »» Take-home recipe and in-class student activities
Before Class Set-up: The Essentials
»» There’s no way around it—you have to go shopping ahead of time! »» Check the “Helpful Tips” page for recipe-specific tasks to do before class. »» Print at least TWO copies of each classroom recipe. »» Set out equipment and ingredients on a table. »» Choose one or more student activity pages and make copies for students to complete while the food cooks.
During Class: The Basics
• Ask several students to unpack the groceries. • Ask a few kids to wash the fruits and vegetables. • Direct students to help clean the tables and move any chairs or obstacles out of the way.
»» Before Class Set-up: 30 to 45 minutes »» Cooking Class Time (students present): 2 hours »» After Class Clean-up: 15 - 30 minutes »» Number of Students: maximum of 30 (classroom recipes make enough for each student to have a small taste of each food) »» Ideal Number of Adult Helpers: 1 per cooking group
Everyone Helps Set Up
»» Always provide a safety demonstration before you start cooking. »» Have something for everyone to do. Before doing a task, ask yourself, “Could a child do this?” If so, facilitate this process. »» Choice is empowering: Serve everyone a small portion and allow students to decide whether to taste. »» Send a take-home recipe with students so they can share their cooking experiences with their families!
• If you have an adult helper, ask them to set up a dishwashing station.
Everyone Helps Clean Up
With this simple setup, everyone can easily help wash dishes. Label the wash tubs and change the water often! • Wash tub: Use dish soap and water as hot as is safe and comfortable. Fill tub half full. • Rinse tub: Fill the second tub with warm/hot water for rinsing. Fill tub half full. • Dish drainer: Set the dish drainer in a third tub to catch excess water. Use clean dry towels to dry dishes.
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Grades 2 - 3
Lesson Plan
Alignment with Standards National Health Standards The Center for Disease Control has developed National Health Education Standards to encourage school-age students to make healthy lifestyle choices. To learn more, visit
National Health Standards Grades 2-3 1.2.1 - Identify that healthy behaviors impact personal health. 1.5.1 - Describe the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health. 5.2.1 - Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed. 5.5.5 - Choose a healthy option when making a decision.
7.2.1 & 7.5.2 - Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.
Common Core State Standards
Many states have adopted some or all of the Common Core State Standards as academic guidelines for mathematics and English language arts/literacy programs in public schools. Look for specific standards on student activity pages. For more information, visit
Next Generation Science Standards
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) provide a framework for K-12 science instruction. Cooking with Kids hands-on lessons and student materials can be used to meet several of these standards. Look for specific standards on student activity pages. For more information, visit
NGSS: Life Science Progression Standards
Science and Engineering Practices
LS1.A - Structure and function
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
LS1.B - Growth and development of organisms
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
LS1.C - Organization for matter and energy flow in organisms
Integrated Curriculum Cooking with Kids hands-on cooking lessons and student activities can be used to meet additional educational standards in science, social studies, visual arts, and career readiness.
Grades 2 - 3
Š 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Lesson Plan
Grades 2-3: Cuban Beans Lesson Plan Total Time: 2 hours Focus: Nutrition
Learning Objectives Students will learn (knowledge): • An important way to be healthy is to eat a variety of foods. • Different kinds of foods contain different nutrients. Students will learn how to (skill): • Practice literacy skills.
Vitamin B6 & Potassium
• Explore healthy foods through hands-on activities. • Work in cooperative groups. • Practice food preparation. • Exercise choice about eating.
Essential Questions
• Why might it be a good idea to eat new or different foods?
Pineapples: Vitamin C & Fiber
• What are the benefits of eating new or different foods? • How can cooking new or different foods change people’s lives?
Fun Intro Ideas:
1. Discuss
• Who has eaten black beans? Red beans? • Ask students to identify some of the fruits and vegetables we are using today.
• Pass the whole fresh pineapple for students to hold, smell, and touch.
Introduction and Discussion (20 minutes)
• Bring samples of chiles and bell peppers. Discuss their differences.
• Pass cumin seeds and ground cumin to smell. • Bring plantains or other varieties of bananas to show and explore. • Pass varieties of beans around to look at and touch.
• Ask students about Cuba. Who knows where Cuba is?
2. Use the Student Materials • Read some or all of the Bananas and Pineapples page with the students. Use the questions for discussion. • Use the map in the student materials to locate Cuba. • Review additional student materials for use during the time when the food is cooking.
3. Review Safety & Sanitation • Demonstrate knife techniques and kitchen safety rules before students begin cooking. • Review hand washing and cleaning procedures.
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Grades 2 - 3
Lesson Plan
Food Preparation (60 minutes) 4. Get Organized • Make sure that long hair is tied back and that everyone has washed their hands. • Divide students, as needed, into groups. There should be at least one adult in each group of students. • Assign a recipe to each group, and review the classroom recipes to show what each group will do.
Try one of these great enrichment activities: • Read Gathering the Sun by Alma Flor Ada or Tía Isa Wants a Car by Meg Medina. • Ask a student from each group to stand and tell the class what his or her group made.
• Direct students to read and prepare the recipes.
• Explore whole and ground dried spices with the students.
• Allow students to do as much food preparation as possible. Be sure an adult oversees the use of knives and heat in each group.
• Take a supervised walk to the school garden if your school has one.
5. Prepare the Food
• Check in with each group frequently to keep students on task and ensure that the food will be ready on time.
• Ask each group to clean up their tables and cooking equipment.
• Direct students to complete the student materials OR lead an enrichment activity until the food is ready.
Eat Together & Clean Up (40 minutes) 6. Serve the Food & Eat Together
• Briefly discuss ways to show good manners. Remind the class to wait until everyone has been served before eating. • Invite several students to help serve the food. • Thank everyone for their help! Before eating, invite everyone to say, “Buen provecho (bwEHn-pro-VAYcho),” which means “Enjoy your meal” in Spanish. • Play music while everyone is eating.
7. Clean Up • Ask students to help wash the tables, dispose of trash, and clean up the floor. Take food scraps to the compost area if available.
Have fun practicing these Spanish phrases with each other! ¡ Buen pr ovech “Enjoy o your m ! eal”
¡Gracias! “Thank you”
da! ¡De na e “You’r e” m welco
Additional Resources • Cuba (Lands, Peoples, and Cultures Series) by April Fast and Susan Hughes. • Hungry Planet by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio.
Music Recommendations Tasting and eating are always voluntary! The best way to encourage a child to try something new is to allow choice.
Grades 2 - 3
• Buena Vista Social Club. Company Segundo. • Cuba. Putumayo.
© 2097 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Lesson Plan
Shopping List Cuban Beans
Yellow Rice
Lime Dressing
2 cans (15 ounces) black beans 1 can (15 ounces) red beans 1 ⁄2 red onion 2 tomatoes 1 green or red bell pepper 4 garlic cloves 1 ⁄4 cup vegetable oil 3 ⁄4 teaspoon ground cumin 3 ⁄4 teaspoon dried oregano 1 bay leaf 1 ⁄4 cup cilantro leaves Salt Black pepper Lime wedges, optional
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 ⁄2 teaspoon turmeric 13⁄4 cup long grain white rice 31⁄2 cups water Salt
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon sugar 1 ⁄3 cup vegetable oil Salt Black pepper
Pineapple-Banana Salad 1 fresh pineapple 3 bananas
Optional Display Items:
1 head green leaf lettuce 1 ⁄4 head green cabbage 2 carrots 4 ounces cherry tomatoes 1 avocado, optional
Dried beans Whole cumin seed
Green Salad
General Equipment & Supplies Stockpot with lid (8-qt) Medium saucepan with lid Hand citrus juicer
Basic Kitchen Equipment (see attached list) Hot plate (2 burners)
Plates & napkins Stainless steel forks or plastic forks
Equipment for Each Recipe
Cuban Beans
Yellow Rice & Fruit Salad
Green Salad
Dry & liquid measuring cups Measuring spoons Cutting boards Stainless steel mixing bowls Mixing spoons Ruler Stockpot with lid Colander or net strainer Can opener
Dry & liquid measuring cups Measuring spoons Cutting boards Stainless steel mixing bowls Mixing spoons Ruler Medium saucepan with lid
Dry & liquid measuring cups Measuring spoons Cutting boards Stainless steel mixing bowls Ruler Hand citrus juicer Whisk Colander Vegetable peeler Salad tongs
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Grades 2 - 3
Lesson Plan
Helpful Tips for Making Cuban Beans with 2-3 Students Shopping Tips
During Class
• Store ripe pineapples in the refrigerator. How to pick a ripe pineapple:
• Resist the temptation to stir the rice while it is cooking! Stirring the rice will make it mushy. • Consider peeling and pre-slicing the fresh pineapple as part of your knife demo at the beginning of class. Students in the fruit salad group can cut the slices into bite-sized pieces. • For the best flavor, allow garlic, onion, bell pepper and tomatoes in the sofrito to cook completely before adding the beans. • To extract the most juice from the limes, roll them on the table using light pressure before cutting them in half.
»» Color under scales should be yellow, not brown. »» Pull a leave out of the top—it should come out easily and should not be brown. »» Pineapple should smell fragrant and sweet. • If you can only find unripe pineapples, store them at room temperature for a few days to allow them to ripen. If fresh pineapple isn’t available, buy unsweetened canned pineapple. • Avocados vary in ripeness. Look for avocados that are slightly soft to the touch but still firm. Avocados will ripen if left out at room temperature.
• If you need to speed up the ripening process, place your avocados and pineapples in a paper bag with the bananas.
• Pour the salad dressing over the salad and toss right before serving so salad greens remain crisp.
Keep Things Safe
Adults Only
• An adult should peel the pineapple and slice it before giving it to students to finish cutting. • An adult should cut the avocado in half and remove the seed. Students can easily scoop the avocado out of its skin and cut it with butter knives.
Cutting Vegetables and Fruits • Tomatoes, bell pepper, and pineapples can be cut with a butter knife with a little preparation. Cut produce lengthwise into long thin strips about 1⁄4-inch wide. • Use a sharp knife to cut the onions—it produces fewer tears! • Mincing garlic is a safe and easy way to use a sharp knife with children.
Caution! • This recipe directs students to peel the carrots into long strips rather than grating or cutting them. Vegetable peelers are sharp tools and need adult supervision.
Grades 2 - 3
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Kitchen Equipment Portable Cooking Equipment (as needed)
This Kitchen Equipment List was created with 3 groups of students in mind. If you are working with smaller groups of students, less equipment will be needed. Adapt the list to what works for your situation!
2-burner hotplate Electric skillet with lid Electric griddle
Cooking Equipment Stainless steel mixing bowls (Set includes: large, medium, small) Cutting boards Colanders Wire mesh strainer Potholders
About this List
Measuring Tools 1
⁄2 cup
⁄3 cup ⁄4 cup
2 cups
Chef knives (store separately in plastic box for safety) Diamond steel or sharpening stone Butter knives Wooden mixing spoons Stainless steel mixing or serving spoons Stainless steel or plastic spatula Rubber spatulas Stainless steel tongs Vegetable peelers Can openers Whisks Box graters Micro grater
1 cup
Dry ingredient measuring cups (Set includes: 1-cup, 1⁄2-cup, 1⁄3-cup, 1⁄4-cup) Liquid ingredient measuring cups (1-cup or 2-cup) Measuring spoons (Set includes: 1 tbsp, 1 tsp, 1⁄2 tsp, 1⁄4 tsp, 1⁄8 tsp) Plastic rulers
1 cup
Extra Equipment
Some cooking lessons require additional recipespecific equipment.
Check the General Equipment & Supplies list in each cooking lesson for additional equipment such as rolling pins, stockpots, or saucepans.
Quantity 1 1 1 Quantity 3 sets 9 - 12 2 1 4
Quantity 3 sets 3 3 sets 3
Quantity 3 1 12 - 16 2-3 2-3 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 1
Kitchen Equipment Food Storage Large plastic containers (for flours & grains) Small plastic containers (for spices)
Washing & Cleaning Supplies
Quantity 2 1 each 2 1 bottle 6 1 bottle 2
First aid kit Plastic tablecloths or oilcloths Extension cords/power strip
Dishware & Utensils • Enamelware plates are a great alternative to plastic plates. • Paper plates make a good back-up if pressed for time. • Stainless steel forks and spoons are a sustainable alternative to plasticware. • Small plastic rice bowls can be used for soup. If using disposable bowls, make sure to get heat-safe bowls.
Dish tubs Dish drainer in large dish tub Sponges Dish soap Dish towels Multi-purpose cleaner Cleaning cloths
Additional Supplies
Quantity 4 6
Simple & Sturdy is Best!
Select equipment that is easy to clean and will withstand wear and tear!
Quantity 1 4 2
Where to Cook Choosing the right space is key to a safe, successful cooking class. Make sure your space has the following: • Running water • Large sink • Work space • Oven/stovetop OR • Electrical outlets for portable cooking equipment use
Cuban Beans Classroom Recipes Cuban Beans Yellow Rice & Pineapple-Banana Salad
Green Salad with Lime Dressing
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. We all know what that means, but we get it. We’re educators, too. So make copies of what you need. It’s okay. Just don’t overdo it, please. If not for the sake of this copyright and the people at this humble, non-profit organization who poured their hearts and souls into this curriculum, at least for the sake of the environment! Also, please don’t sell this curriculum as your own. We put a lot of work into it with the hope that other educators will find it useful and beneficial to the kids in their community. More than anything, we’d love your feedback about how you’re making hands-on learning happen in your community. Thanks for keeping things honest, and happy cooking!
Classroom Recipe
Cuban Beans Ingredients
Cook’s Checklist:
❒❒ Are your hands washed? ❒❒ Do you have all your ingredients? ❒❒ Are the vegetables and fruits washed? ❒❒ Do you have all your kitchen tools?
2 cans (15 ounces) black beans 1 can (15 ounces) red beans 1 ⁄2 red onion 2 tomatoes 1 green or red bell pepper 4 garlic cloves 1 ⁄4 cup vegetable oil 3 ⁄4 teaspoon (tsp) ground cumin 3 ⁄4 teaspoon (tsp) dried oregano 3 ⁄4 teaspoon (tsp) salt 1 ⁄4 teaspoon (tsp) black pepper 1 cup water 1 bay leaf 1 ⁄4 cup cilantro leaves Lime wedges, optional
1. Open the cans of beans into a colander and rinse well. Let the beans drain while you prepare the other ingredients. 2. Wash the bell pepper and tomatoes. Slice the tomatoes and cut into 1⁄4-inch pieces. Cut the bell pepper in half and remove the seeds. Slice into thin strips and then cut into 1⁄4-inch pieces.
3. Slice the onion and chop into 1⁄4-inch pieces. Peel and mince the garlic cloves. 4. Measure the oil into a pot. Add the chopped onion and cook over medium heat until softened, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and bell pepper and continue to cook, stirring often, for several minutes more. Add the tomatoes and cook until softened. 5. Add the cumin, oregano, salt, and pepper and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. 6. Add the beans, water, and bay leaf, stirring to combine. Increase the heat to medium high and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for 10 to 15 minutes. 7. While the beans are cooking, wash the cilantro, remove the stems, and chop the leaves. Add to the beans just before serving. 8. To serve: Spoon the beans over the yellow rice and serve with a wedge of fresh lime. Serve pineapple-banana salad and green salad on the side.
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
de clase
Frijoles cubanos Ingredientes
Lista del cocinero: ❒❒ ¿Se lavó las manos? ❒❒ ¿Tiene los ingredientes? ❒❒ ¿Lavó todas las verduras y frutas? ❒❒ ¿Tiene su equipo de cocina?
2 latas (de 15 onzas) de frijoles negros 1 lata (de 15 onzas) de frijoles rojos 1 ⁄2 cebolla roja 2 tomates 1 pimento verde o rojo 4 dientes de ajo 1 ⁄4 taza de aceite vegetal 3 ⁄4 cucharadita (tsp) de comino molido 3 ⁄4 cucharadita (tsp) de orégano seco 3 ⁄4 cucharadita (tsp) de sal 1 ⁄4 cucharadita (tsp) de pimienta negra 1 taza de agua 1 hoja de laurel 1 ⁄4 taza de hojas de cilantro Rodajas de lima, opcional
1. Abra las latas de frijoles y enjuágelos bien en un colador. Déjelos escurrir mientras prepara los otros ingredientes. 2. Lave el pimiento y los tomates. Corte los tomates en trozos de 1⁄4 de pulgada. Corte el pimiento por la mitad y quítele las semillas. Rebánelo en tiras finitas y luego córtelo en trozos de 1⁄4 de pulgada.
3. Rebane la cebolla y córtela en trozos de 1⁄4 de pulgada. Pele y pique los dientes de ajo. 4. Mida el aceite y échelo a la olla. Agregue la cebolla y cocínela a fuego medio hasta que se ablande, unos 4 minutos. Agregue el ajo y el pimiento y continúe cocinándolos varios minutos más, revolviendo a menudo. Agregue los tomates y cocínelos hasta que se ablanden. 5. Agregue el comino, el orégano, la sal y la pimienta y cocínelos de 1 a 2 minutos. 6. Agregue los frijoles, el agua y la hoja de laurel y revuelva todo. Aumente la temperatura a fuego medio-alto. Cuando los frijoles comiencen a hervir, reduzca la temperatura y déjelos hervir a fuego lento, tapados, de 10 a 15 minutos. 7. Mientras cocina los frijoles, lave el cilantro, quítele los tallos y pique las hojas. Échele el cilantro a los frijoles cuando esté a punto de servirlos. 8. Para servir: Ponga una cucharada de frijoles sobre el arroz amarillo y sírvalos con una rodaja de lima. Sirva la ensalada de piña y plátano y la ensalada mixta a un lado del arroz.
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Classroom Recipe
Yellow Rice Ingredients
Cook’s Checklist:
1 tablespoon (tbsp) vegetable or olive oil 1 ⁄2 teaspoon (tsp) turmeric 13⁄4 cup long grain white rice 31⁄2 cups water 3 ⁄4 teaspoon (tsp) salt
Directions 1. In a saucepan, heat the oil over medium-high heat.
❒❒ Are your hands washed? ❒❒ Do you have all your ingredients? ❒❒ Are the vegetables and fruits washed? ❒❒ Do you have all your kitchen tools?
2. Add the turmeric and rice and cook for about 1 minute, stirring constantly.
3. Add the water and salt, increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and cook for about 20 minutes, until all of the liquid has been absorbed. Do not stir the rice. Remove from the heat. 4. Let the rice rest for at least 10 minutes before serving.
Classroom Recipe
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Pineapple-Banana Salad
Cook’s Checklist:
❒❒ Are your hands washed?
1 fresh pineapple 3 bananas
❒❒ Do you have all your ingredients?
Directions 1. Peel the bananas and slice them into 1⁄4-inch rounds. Put the bananas into a bowl.
❒❒ Are the vegetables and fruits washed? ❒❒ Do you have all your kitchen tools?
2. An adult will cut the peel from the pineapple, core it, and cut it lengthwise into wedges. Cut the wedges into 3⁄4-inch pieces. 3. Add the pineapple pieces to the bowl and stir gently to combine.
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
de clase
Arroz amarillo Ingredientes 1 cucharada (tbsp) de aceite vegetal o de oliva 1 ⁄2 cucharadita (tsp) de cúrcuma 13⁄4 tazas de arroz blanco de grano largo 31⁄2 tazas de agua 3 ⁄4 cucharadita (tsp) de sal
Instrucciones 1. En una cacerola, caliente el aceite a fuego medio-alto.
Lista del cocinero: ❒❒ ¿Se lavó las manos? ❒❒ ¿Tiene los ingredientes? ❒❒ ¿Lavó todas las verduras y frutas? ❒❒ ¿Tiene su equipo de cocina?
2. Agregue la cúrcuma y el arroz y cocínelos 1 minuto, revolviendo constantemente.
3. Agregue el agua y la sal. Cuando hiervan, reduzca la temperatura a fuego bajo. Cocine el arroz, tapado, unos 20 minutos, hasta que absorba todo el líquido. No revuelva el arroz. Retírelo del fuego. 4. Déjelo reposar por lo menos 10 minutos antes de servir.
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
de clase
Ensalada de piña y plátano Ingredientes 1 piña fresca 3 plátanos
Instrucciones 1. Pele los plátanos y córtelos en rebanadas de 1⁄4 de pulgada. Ponga los plátanos en un tazón.
Lista del cocinero: ❒❒ ¿Se lavó las manos? ❒❒ ¿Tiene los ingredientes? ❒❒ ¿Lavó todas las verduras y frutas? ❒❒ ¿Tiene su equipo de cocina?
2. Un adulto pelará la piña, le quitará el centro y la cortará a lo largo en cuartos. Corte los cuartos en trozos de 3⁄4 de pulgada. 3. Agregue los trozos de piña y revuelva cuidadosamente para mezclar.
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Classroom Recipe
Green Salad Ingredients
Cook’s Checklist:
1 head green leaf lettuce 1 ⁄4 head green cabbage 2 carrots 8-ounce package cherry tomatoes 1 ripe avocado, optional
❒❒ Are your hands washed? ❒❒ Do you have all your ingredients? ❒❒ Are the vegetables and fruits washed?
Directions 1. Wash the lettuce, cabbage, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and avocado. Place the vegetables in a colander inside a bowl to drain.
❒❒ Do you have all your kitchen tools?
2. Gently tear the lettuce into 2-inch pieces. Cut the cabbage into thin strips about 1⁄2 inch long. Put the lettuce and cabbage into a serving bowl. 3. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add to the bowl.
4. Use a vegetable peeler to peel the carrot. Then use the peeler to make thin strips of the entire carrot. Add the carrot to the bowl.
5. An adult will cut the avocado in half lengthwise and remove the seed. Use a spoon to carefully scoop the avocado out of its skin. Cut in into 1⁄2-inch pieces and add to the salad.
Lime Dressing Ingredients
3 tablespoons (tbsp) fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon (tsp) sugar 1 ⁄4 teaspoon (tsp) salt 1 ⁄8 teaspoon (tsp) black pepper 1 ⁄3 cup vegetable oil
Cook’s Checklist: ❒❒ Are your hands washed? ❒❒ Do you have all your ingredients? ❒❒ Are the vegetables and fruits washed? ❒❒ Do you have all your kitchen tools?
1. In a small bowl, whisk together the lime juice, sugar, salt, and black pepper. 2. SLOWLY, add the oil, whisking constantly until the mixture is smooth. 3. Set the dressing aside. Just before serving, pour the lime dressing over the salad and toss until the salad is evenly coated. Serve immediately.
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
de clase
Ensalada mixta Ingredientes 1 lechuga de hojas verdes 1 ⁄4 de repollo verde 2 zanahorias 1 paquete de tomatitos cherry de 8 onzas 1 aguacate maduro, opcional
Lista del cocinero: ❒❒ ¿Se lavó las manos? ❒❒ ¿Tiene los ingredientes? ❒❒ ¿Lavó todas las verduras y frutas? ❒❒ ¿Tiene su equipo de cocina?
1. Lave la lechuga, el repollo, las zanahorias, los tomatitos cherry y el aguacate. Ponga las verduras a escurrir en un colador y ponga el colador dentro de un tazón.
2. Rompa la lechuga con los dedos en trozos de 2 pulgadas. Rebane el repollo en tiritas de 1⁄2 pulgada de largo. Ponga la lechuga y el repollo en una ensaladera. 3. Corte los tomatitos cherry por la mitad y agréguelos a la ensalada. 4. Use un pelador de verduras para pelar las zanahorias. Luego use el pelador para hacer tiritas con toda la zanahoria. Agréguelas a la ensaladera.
5. Un adulto cortará el aguacate por la mitad a lo largo y le quitará la semilla. Use una cuchara para sacar el aguacate de su cáscara. Córtelo en trozos de 1⁄2 pulgada y agréguelos a la ensalada.
Aderezo de lima Ingredientes
3 cucharadas (tbsp) de jugo de lima fresco 1 cucharadita (tsp) de azúcar 1 ⁄4 cucharadita (tsp) de sal 1 ⁄8 cucharadita (tsp) de pimienta negra 1 ⁄3 taza de aceite vegetal
Lista del cocinero: ❒❒ ¿Se lavó las manos? ❒❒ ¿Tiene los ingredientes? ❒❒ ¿Lavó todas las verduras y frutas? ❒❒ ¿Tiene su equipo de cocina?
1. En un tazón pequeño, mezcle el jugo de lima, el azúcar, la sal y la pimienta. 2. Agregue el aceite, LENTAMENTE, batiendo la mezcla de manera constante hasta que quede homogénea. 3. Deje el aderezo a un lado. Justo antes de servirla, échele el aderezo de lima a la ensalada y mézclela. Sírvala de inmediato. © 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Cuban Beans Student Materials Take-Home Recipe (copy & send with students)
Informational Text: “Bananas and Pineapples”
Map: “Central American and Caribbean”
Plant: “Banana Plant”
Mathematics: “How Much?”
Writing and Drawing: “Healthy Snacks I Like to Eat”
Grades 2-3 © 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. We all know what that means, but we get it. We’re educators, too. So make copies of what you need. It’s okay. Just don’t overdo it, please. If not for the sake of this copyright and the people at this humble, non-profit organization who poured their hearts and souls into this curriculum, at least for the sake of the environment! Also, please don’t sell this curriculum as your own. We put a lot of work into it with the hope that other educators will find it useful and beneficial to the kids in their community. More than anything, we’d love your feedback about how you’re making hands-on learning happen in your community. Thanks for keeping things honest, and happy cooking!
Home Recipe
Cuban Beans with Yellow Rice, Green Salad & Pineapple-Banana Salad Serves 6 Beans and rice can be a simple, satisfying meal for the entire family. In Cuba, beans are often cooked with a seasoning mixture called sofrito. Sofrito is made from garlic, onion, bell pepper, tomato, cumin, and oregano. Try combining this version of Cuban beans and rice with a crisp green salad of lettuce, cabbage, and tomatoes. Add a little sweetness to your plate with fresh pineapple and bananas.
Yellow Rice
Cuban Beans
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1⁄2 teaspoon turmeric 1⁄2 red onion, chopped 11⁄2 cups long grain white rice 4 garlic cloves, minced 3 cups water 1 green or red bell pepper, chopped 1⁄2 teaspoon salt 2 tomatoes, chopped 3⁄4 teaspoon ground cumin 3⁄4 teaspoon dried oregano 3⁄4 teaspoon salt 1⁄4 teaspoon black pepper 2 cans (15-ounce) black beans, rinsed and drained 1 can (15-ounce) red beans, rinsed and drained 1 cup water 1 bay leaf 1⁄4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves 1 lime, cut into wedges Make the beans: Heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook until softened, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and bell pepper and continue to cook, stirring often, for several minutes more. Add the tomatoes and cook until softened. Stir in the cumin, oregano, salt, and pepper and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the beans, water, and bay leaf, stirring to combine. Increase the heat to medium high and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for 10 to 15 minutes. Just before serving, stir in the cilantro. Make the rice: In a saucepan, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the turmeric and rice and cook for about 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add the water and salt, increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and cook for about 20 minutes, until all of the liquid has been absorbed. Remove from heat. Do not stir the rice. Let the rice sit for at least 5 minutes before serving. To serve: Spoon the beans over the yellow rice and serve with a wedge of fresh lime. Serve pineapple-banana salad and green salad on the side.
Cooking with Kids, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. © 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Home Recipe
Pineapple-Banana Salad 1 fresh pineapple, peeled, cored, and cut into 3⁄4-inch pieces 3 bananas, sliced into 1⁄4-inch rounds In a bowl, combine the pineapple and bananas and stir lightly. Serve immediately.
Lime Dressing 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon sugar 1⁄4 teaspoon salt 1⁄8 teaspoon black pepper 1⁄3 cup vegetable oil
Green Salad with Lime Dressing
Green Salad 1 head green leaf lettuce 2 carrots, peeled 1⁄4 head green cabbage, sliced into 1⁄2-inch strips 8 ounces cherry tomatoes, washed and cut into halves
Make the lime dressing: In a small bowl, whisk together the lime juice, sugar, salt, and black pepper. Add the oil in a slow steady stream, whisking constantly until the mixture is smooth. Set the dressing aside.
Make the salad: Gently tear the lettuce into 2-inch pieces and put it into a serving bowl. Use a vegetable peeler to make thin strips of both carrots. Add the carrots, cabbage, and tomatoes to the bowl. Just before serving, pour the lime dressing over the salad and toss until evenly coated. Serve immediately.
What Kid s Can Do
Wash ve getables Measure ingredie nts Juice lim es Whisk sa lad dres sing Peel and slice ban anas
Cooking with Kids, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. © 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Receta de casa
Frijoles cubanos con arroz amarillo, ensalada verde y ensalada de piña y plátano Para 6 personas El arroz con frijoles puede ser una comida sencilla y sustanciosa para toda la familia. En Cuba, los frijoles se cocinan a menudo con una mezcla para sazonar llamada sofrito. El sofrito se hace con ajo, cebolla, pimentones, tomates, comino y orégano. Trate de combinar esta versión de frijoles cubanos con una ensalada fresca de lechuga, repollo y tomates. Agregue un poco de dulzor a su plato con piña fresca y plátanos.
Frijoles cubanos
3 cucharadas de aceite vegetal 1⁄2 cebolla roja, picada 4 dientes de ajo, picados 1 pimento verde o rojo, picado 2 tomates, picados 3⁄4 cucharadita de comino molido 3⁄4 cucharadita de orégano seco 3⁄4 cucharadita de sal 1⁄4 cucharadita de pimienta negra 2 latas (de 15 onzas) de frijoles negros, enjuagados y colados 1 lata (de 15 onzas) de frijoles rojos, enjuagados y colados 1 taza de agua 1 hoja de laurel 1⁄4 taza de hojas de cilantro frescas, picadas Rodajas de lima, opcional
Prepare los frijoles: Caliente el aceite en una olla a fuego medio. Agregue la cebolla picada y cocínela hasta que se ablande, unos 4 minutos. Agregue el ajo y el pimento y continúe la cocción varios minutos más, revolviendo con frecuencia. Agregue los tomates y cocínelos hasta que se ablanden. Agregue el comino, el orégano, la sal y la pimienta y cocine de 1 a 2 minutos.
Agregue los frijoles, el agua y la hoja de laurel y revuelva para mezclar bien. Aumente a fuego medio-alto hasta que comience a hervir. Tape la olla, reduzca la temperatura y hierva a fuego lento unos 10 a 15 minutos. Justo antes de servir, agréguele el cilantro.
Arroz amarillo
1 cucharada de aceite vegetal 1⁄2 cucharadita de cúrcuma 11⁄2 tazas de arroz blanco de grano largo 3 tazas de agua 1⁄2 cucharadita de sal
Prepare el arroz: En una olla, caliente el aceite a fuego medio-alto. Agregue la cúrcuma y el arroz y cocínelos, revolviendo constantemente, durante un minuto. Agregue el agua y la sal, aumente la temperatura a fuego alto y espere a que hierva. Reduzca la temperatura a fuego bajo, tape la olla y cocine unos 20 minutos, hasta que todo el líquido se haya absorbido. Retire del fuego. No revuelva el arroz. Déjelo reposar por lo menos 5 minutos. Para servir: Ponga un cucharón de frijoles encima del arroz amarillo y sírvalo con una rodaja de lima. Sirva la ensalada de piña y plátano y la ensalada verde como acompañamientos.
Cooking with Kids, Inc. es una organización 501(c)(3) sin fines de lucro. © 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. •
Receta de casa
Ensalada de piña y plátano 1 piña fresca 3 plátanos, pelados y cortados en rebanadas de 1⁄4 pulgada Pele la piña y quítele el centro. Córtela en trozos de 3⁄4 de pulgada. En un tazón, mezcle la piña y los plátanos y revuelva ligeramente. Sirva de inmediato.
Ensalada verde con aderezo de lima
Lo que p ueden hacer lo s niños
Aderezo de lima 3 cucharadas de jugo fresco de lima 1 cucharadita de azúcar 1⁄4 cucharadita de sal 1⁄8 cucharadita de pimienta negra 1⁄3 taza de aceite vegetal
Ensalada verde 1 lechuga de hojas verdes 2 zanahorias, peladas 1⁄4 repollo, cortado en rebanadas de 1⁄2 pulgada 8 onzas de tomatitos cherry, cortados en mitades
Lavar las verduras Medir lo s ingred ientes Sacarle ju go a las limas Batir el a derezo de la ens alada Pelar y r ebanar p látanos
Prepare el aderezo de lima: En un tazón pequeño, mezcle el jugo de lima, el azúcar, la sal y la pimienta negra. Agregue el aceite en un chorro lento pero continuo, batiendo la mezcla constantemente hasta que quede homogénea. Deje el aderezo a un lado. Prepare la ensalada: Rompa cuidadosamente las hojas de lechuga en trozos de 2 pulgadas y póngalas en una ensaladera. Use un pelador de verduras para hacer tiras delgadas con las zanahorias. Agregue las zanahorias, el repollo y los tomates a la ensaladera. Justo antes de servirla, échele el aderezo de lima a la ensalada y mézclela. Sírvala inmediatamente.
Cooking with Kids, Inc. es una organización 501(c)(3) sin fines de lucro. © 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. •
Name/Nombre Date/Fecha
Cuban Beans Cuba
ed: v i r r A
o a: d a g Ha lle
Frijoles cubanos
Today I learned. . . Hoy aprendí. . .
Grades 2-3 Original artwork by Stephanie Morris and Monica Welsh © 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
del estudiante
Los plátanos y las piñas Datos de nutrición Los plátanos y las piñas son parte del grupo alimenticio de las frutas. Los plátanos tienen vitamina B6. Nuestros cuerpos usan las vitaminas de los alimentos que comemos para crecer fuertes y sanos. Las piñas tienen mucha vitamina C. Cuando nos enfermamos o nos lastimamos, la vitamina C le ayuda al cuerpo a sanar.
Las piñas y los plátanos en la historia Los primeros plátanos crecieron en Asia hace miles de años. Las primeras piñas crecieron en Sudamérica. Hoy los plátanos crecen en partes del mundo donde el clima es cálido y húmedo.
El cultivo de las piñas y los plátanos
Los plátanos crecen en plantas altas que parecen árboles. Existen cientos de tipos de plátanos. Los plátanos tienen cáscaras gruesas. Muchos son amarillos, pero algunos son rojos, verdes o cafés. Algunos son muy pequeños. El plátano es la fruta que más se cultiva en el mundo.
Las piñas crecen en plantas que tienen hojas largas y puntiagudas. Cada piña crece de un tallo largo en el medio de la planta. A la piña se le llama el rey de las frutas. ¿Puede adivinar por qué?
Palabras de vocabulario sanos
Preguntas para discusión ➤➤¿Cómo le ayuda la vitamina C al cuerpo?
➤➤¿Qué tipo de clima necesitan las piñas para
poder crecer?
➤➤¿Alguna vez ha visto un plátano rojo? Grade 2 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RF.2.4 / RI.2.1 / RI.2.2 / RI.2.5 Grade 3 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.3.1 / RI.3.2 / RI.3.3 / SL.3.1 / SL.3.1B
Grade 2 NGSS: LS1.C Grade 3 NGSS: LS1.C
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Student Page
Bananas and Pineapples Nutrition Facts Bananas and pineapples are part of the fruit food group. Bananas have vitamin B6. Our bodies use the vitamins in the foods we eat to help us grow strong and healthy. Pineapples have a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your body heal when you are hurt or sick.
Pineapples and Bananas in History Bananas first grew in Asia thousands of years ago. Pineapples first grew in South America. Today bananas and pineapples grow in many parts of the world where the weather is warm and rainy.
Growing Pineapples and Bananas
Bananas grow on tall plants that look like trees. There are hundreds of kinds of bananas. Bananas have thick skins. Many are yellow, but some are red, green, or brown. Some are very small. More bananas are grown than any other fruit in the world.
Pineapples grow on plants that have long leaves with sharp pointed tips. Each pineapple grows on a thick stem in the middle of the plant. The pineapple is called the king of fruits. Can you guess why?
Vocabulary Words healthy
Discussion Questions ➤➤What does vitamin C do to help our bodies?
➤➤What kind of weather do pineapple plants need
to grow well?
➤➤Have you ever seen a red banana? Grade 2 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RF.2.4 / RI.2.1 / RI.2.2 / RI.2.5 Grade 3 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.3.1 / RI.3.2 / RI.3.3 / SL.3.1 / SL.3.1B
Grade 2 NGSS: LS1.C Grade 3 NGSS: LS1.C
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
del estudiante
América Central y el Caribe Cuba es la isla más grande del Mar Caribe. Es una isla larga y angosta. Tiene montañas, cerros y llanos. Cuba tiene una gran costa. La costa es donde el mar y la tierra se encuentran.
➤➤Encuentre la palabra Cuba en el mapa y subráyela. ➤➤Cuba es una ________________. ➤➤¿Cree que hay playas en Cuba? ¿Por qué o por qué no?
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Estados Unidos
Océano Atlántico
Golfo de México
Puerto Rico
República Dominicana
Mar Caribe
El Salvador Océano Pacífico
Costa Rica Panamá Colombia
Map Images derived from maps copyright © 2014 Map Resources, Lambertville, NJ 08530
Grade 2 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.2.1 / RI.2.5 / RF.2.3 Grade 3 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.3.1 / RI.3.7
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Venezuela Venezuela
Student Page
Central America and Caribbean Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea. It is a long and narrow island. There are mountains, hills, and flat lands called plains. Cuba has lots of coastline. Coastline is where the land meets the water.
➤➤Find the word Cuba on the map and underline it. ➤➤Cuba is an ________________. ➤➤Do you think there are beaches in Cuba? Why or why not?
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
United States
Atlantic Ocean
Gulf of Mexico
El Salvador
Caribbean Sea
Dominican Republic Puerto Rico
Honduras Nicaragua
Pacific Ocean
Costa Rica Panama
Venezuela Colombia
Map Images derived from maps copyright © 2014 Map Resources, Lambertville, NJ 08530
Grade 2 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.2.1 / RI.2.5 / RF.2.3 Grade 3 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.3.1 / RI.3.7
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
del estudiante
La planta del plátano ¿Sabía que…? ¡Los plátanos crecen en plantas altas como los árboles!
➤➤Encuentre las partes de la planta del plátano. Una con una línea el nombre de la parte de la planta con el dibujo.
la fruta
la hoja
➤➤¿Qué hace cada parte para la planta? Escriba sus respuestas abajo.
el tallo
Grade 2 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.2.5 / RI.2.7 / RF.2.3.F Grade 3 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.3.1 / RI.3.4 / RI.3.7
Grade 2 NGSS: LS1.A Grade 3 NGSS: LS1.A
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Student Page
Banana Plant Did You Know? Bananas grow on plants that can be as tall as trees!
➤➤Find the parts of the banana plant. Draw a line from the name of the plant part to the drawing.
➤➤What job does each part do for the plant? Write your answers below.
Grade 2 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.2.5 / RI.2.7 / RF.2.3.F Grade 3 CCSS: ELA.LITERACY.RI.3.1 / RI.3.4 / RI.3.7
Grade 2 NGSS: LS1.A Grade 3 NGSS: LS1.A
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
del estudiante
¿Cuántos? =
1 nickel = 5¢
1 dime =
➤➤Use la información en el casillero para ayudarle a llenar los espacios en blanco.
¢ 3 dimes = ______________
¢ 2 dimes = ______________
¢ 3 nickels = ______________
1 dime
1 dime
5 pennies
¢ = ______________
¢ 1 nickel = ______________
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
Student Page
How Much? =
1 nickel = 5¢
1 dime =
➤➤Use the information in the box to help you fill in the blanks.
¢ 3 dimes = ______________
¢ 2 dimes = ______________
¢ 3 nickels = ______________
1 dime
1 dime
5 pennies
¢ = ______________
1 nickel = ______________¢
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •
del estudiante
Student Page
Writing and Drawing Activity / Actividad para escribir y dibujar ➤➤Draw a picture of a healthy snack you like to eat. Write about what other healthy snacks you might like to try.
➤ Haga un dibujo de un bocadillo saludable que le gusta comer. Escriba
acerca de los otros bocadillos saludables que le gustarían probar.
© 2019 Cooking with Kids, Inc. All rights reserved. •