10 minute read
Double blow
from picke rgw34t
by coolkdei2
My treatment was gruelling
Helping others
Tracy Holden, 46, from Blackburn, returned from holiday with a devastating diagnosis... A dmiring my tan in the mirror, I grinned proudly. It was June 2016, and I was on holiday in Gran Canaria with my husband Phil, now 45, and our kids Reece, 14, and Annabelle, seven.
‘You’ve done well,’ Phil winked, admiring my bronzed skin.
‘I’ll get ready for dinner,’ I said, taking off my bikini.
Just then, looking in the mirror, I noticed that my right nipple was completely flat. That’s odd, I thought. Feeling my breast, I couldn’t feel a lump, so I put it to the back of my mind.
But to be safe, when we got home a few days later, I went to my GP.
She couldn’t feel any lumps either, but referred me to the breast clinic at Burnley Hospital.
Two weeks later, I had a mammogram, an ultrasound and a biopsy done.
As I lay on the table WORDS BY LAEA MARSHALL PHOTOS: SWNS AND GETTY being tested, I knew deep down that something was very wrong.
And I was right. A week later, I was back to see a consultant.
‘I’m so sorry, but you have breast cancer,’ she said.
That wasn’t all. She went on to say that I actually had two types of breast cancer – lobular and a ductal carcinoma. One was on top of the other, and together they had covered my entire breast. ‘It explains why there was no lump,’ she said.
My mind was racing, but now, my main concern was for y kids. as I o die? e left without a mum?
‘So what do we do now?’ I asked, wiping my tears.
The first step was a single mastectomy, which I underwent that November.
Thankfully, it was a success, and I was home the same day. But it felt odd –my once full breast had been taken away and was now flat down to my ribs. The following month, I started chemotherapy. The sickness that came with it was unbelievably horrible. I was throwing up every day, my hair fell out, and everything I ate tasted horrible. By my fifth session, I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes. ‘I look like a monster,’ I cried.
Losing the hair on my head had been one thing –at least I could cover that up. But losing my eyebrows just made me look so ill. Still, I tried to stay positive for the kids. In March 2017, I Cancer covered my entire breast BIG health sto ry I did it for my family
finished chemo.That was followed by 15 sessions of radiotherapy – which was a walk in the park n comparison. After that, a mammogram showed o evidence of disease. I felt like a prisoner nally released from jail. In January 2019, I had econstructive surgery, aving me feeling so uch more confident th my body. I was finally healthy d ready to move on th my life. After everything I’d en through, I felt I eded to help others.
o, in October last year, gned up to take part in BreastFest campaign. Run by the charity
vent Breast Cancer, it a campaign to make ple more breast aware. igned up as one of 100 men who had been
ted by breast cancer – were advocates for the paign and called elves BooBees! We visited local businesses, educating staff about breast cancer, and hosted an ‘afternoon bee’, where we performed a catwalk show in our underwear!
It was all to raise awareness and have some fun.
My message to other women would be to check your breasts once a month, and if you feel something, no matter how small, get it checked out. And remember, it’s not always a lump you’ll feel. Having breast cancer has completely changed my life. I appreciate thingsmore and I’m so grateful to be here.
Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK breast cancer charity funding groundbreaking research solely aimed at preventing the disease for future generations. Their mantra is ‘predict, prevent, detect’.
They predict – by identifying who is at risk of breast cancer. They prevent – by offering interventions to stop breast cancer before it starts.
They protect – with a goal to shield future generations from breast cancer. Visit preventbreastcancer. org.uk for more information. FACT FILE
Run, swim WORDS: ROSIE CRASS PHOTOS: GETTY Disclaimer: Medical advice provided is for interest only and should never be substituted for seeing a doctor or seeking medical advice. If you have specifi c medical concerns please seek advice from a qualifi ed medical professional. Health news G erman scientists have found even more evidence to suggest that regular exercise can protect the brain from damage and helps keep it healthy as we start to age.
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TRUE or One in three people suff er from SAD in the UK
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
1SAD is sometimes known as ‘winter depression’ True False 2 Feeling lethargic and sleeping during the day are symptoms of SAD. True False 3 There are no treatments for SAD. True False 4 The exact cause of SAD is unknown. True False 5 SAD is easy to diagnose. True False
This is due to the symptoms being more apparent during the winter months. 1 TRUE
Other symptoms include a persistent low mood, craving carbohydrates and gaining weight. 2 TRUE
A range of treatments are available including light therapy and talking therapies. 3 FALSE
It is often linked to reduced exposure to sunlight during the shorter autumn and winter days. 4 TRUE
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