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Pray with your child. Together ask God to give courage and to take away anxiety. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and selfdiscipline.” This means we can be brave because God is with us and he helps us be disciplined in the tough things like going to school.
After school, take time to celebrate together the successes of the day. Maybe go out for a special afternoon tea. Ask your child, “What were the good/great things about today?” Don’t ask, “How was school?” Also ask, “Who did you enjoy playing with?” and, “What did you enjoy learning?” These positively framed questions help your child focus on the good and positive aspects of school.
Start a diary, writing down the great things and drawing pictures together. This will also remind and reinforce the positive things of school and give you a chance to unpack thoughts and feelings together. You can also go back over these entries on mornings when the anxiety creeps back in.
Negotiate with the class teacher for your child to create a photo album. They can take photos of friends, activities, places, etc. at school that they enjoy. This can then be shared at home or when you come to pick up your child in the afternoon.