Public Toilet Case study Bandra Kurla Complex
Location • Bandra Kurla Complex
Landmarks • Income Tax office • Reserve Bank of India building • City Park An active transport route.
User group • • • •
Cleaners, all around the day. People coming to the City Park. Drivers (auto, cab, private cars). Office-goers, during lunch break.
Counter, with basins and mirrors.
Entrance Indian Western commode
Western commode
Indian Storage room
Services • Water supply for 24hrs, water supplied from an exclusive borewell(approx. 20m deep) • Overhead tank capacity 7000lit. • Flushing system available. • Drainage: Connected to the municipal sewage line.
Aesthetics • • • • •
Very well maintained. Cleaned 4-5 times a day. A number of mirrors provided. Anti-skid tiles used for the flooring. Ample natural as well as artificial light.
Economical factor • Built by private builders, Lokhandwala. • Pay-and-use, Rs.2/• Revenue generated by advertisements on the outer façade.
The western commode, hand shower and Indian toilet.
The counter, exhaust fan and the storage room.
Points of comparison
Dr. E Moses Road
Bandra Kurla Complex
Cleaned only when told to by the users
Cleaned 4-5 times a day
No wash basins, only 1 western w.c., all other 12 indian w.c.s
Clean basins and mirrors, hand showers and flushing system
Number of cubicles
2 indian w.c.s for women,7 urinals and 10 indian w.c.s for men, 1 common western w.c. for handicapped users
1 indian and 1 western wc for women;2 urinals, 1 western and 2 indian wcs for men.
Situated right beside a slum
Situated in a high end commercial area
60% women users from the slums, 60% of total users are the slum dwellers-regular users.
Entirely floating population of which 20% users are women
Water facilities
BMC supply only for an hour in the morning.
Exclusive bore-well only for the toilet.