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Letter from the Editor:

Hello Tiny Camper Enthusiasts!

Teardrop and squaredrop camping trailers stand out from the crowd whether you are at a gas station, campground, parking lot, or driving down the highway. We have to get used to people wanting to talk to us at the most inopportune time (setting up, tearing down, backing in, etc.) or just be ready with a friendly wave as you head to your destination.

As owners or renters of these tiny campers, we must be ready for a barrage of questions and comments. “Do you get claustrophobic”? “How do you get dressed”? “ “Where do the dogs (or kids) sleep?” “Where do you cook?” And last but not least, “Where is your bathroom”?

Teardroppers love their camping trailers, and I’m no different. I’m always willing to give nickel tours. Over the last year, I’ve had several people want to see our teardrop because they are contemplating purchasing one from the same manufacturer, but they often didn’t want to drive out west to see one first. Each time, I’ve let them poke around through the drawers and cabinets, climb on the bed to see if they “fit,” etc. I’ve talked about the features that are “nice to haves” versus “gotta haves” for us and have explained why we think so.

We’re on our second teardrop from the same manufacturer, so we’ve made some upgrades over the years, such as more cabinet space, a built-in stove versus one we had to carry separately, a 12-volt refrigerator versus cooler, a solar panel, lithium battery, and square versus round fenders. I love the look of the rounded fenders, but the square ones are so much more functional! I didn’t know that until we owned a teardrop for a while. I digress.

The point is that as teardrop or squaredrop owners, we should expect to be approached by people asking questions regardless of where we are. We’re all ambassadors of the tiny camping movement, and we should be supportive in providing them with the necessary information to make the right choice for them. I’m three for three! Everyone who has come to see our teardrop has purchased one from the same manufacturer.

As tiny camper ambassadors, be open to people curious about teardrops or squaredrop trailers. And let’s continue to grow our community!

Do you have a funny experience to share with our readers about an interaction at a gas station, grocery store, campground, etc.? Email me at Lisa@cooltears.com, and we’ll publish some of the best stories. n

Happy travels and stay safe

Live Tiny. Live Free.

Lisa Adams Editor Cool Tears Magazine™ Lisa@cooltears.com

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