Choose Life, Choose Multifocal Contact Lenses

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When we age, our clarity of vision begins to fade. Presbyopia is a condition usually blamed on the aging process and results in being unable to see close objects clearly.This makes it difficult to read the daily newspaper, books, even computer screens. It can be very disconcerting. Presbyopia normally affects individuals after the age of 40.

Multifocal contact lenses are the ideal solution for those suffering from Presbyopia and other conditions that result in poor eyesight.

After it became apparent that regular glasses weren’t sufficient to overcome the symptoms of Presbyopia, bifocal lenses were created and offered some relief to those unable to see things clearly up close or far away (myopia). Yet bifocals were not overwhelmingly successful as they were only useful for those who had mild or moderate forms of Presbyopia.

Multifocal contact lenses on the other hand, gave new freedom to those with less than perfect vision. Finally, it was no longer necessary to switch glasses or lenses when transitioning from an activity that requires close up attention like reading to one like driving which relies on seeing objects in the distance clearly.

You can purchase multifocal contact lenses in soft material or in Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) form. Generally speaking, RGP’s are the preferred option as they ensure the lenses stay in one position so offer greater freedom to move your eyes.

There are three types of multifocal contact lenses commercially available:


Concentric lenses are the most commonly used and offer the flexibility to alter the position of the lens. Altering lenses are designed for those who have moderate Presbyopia but read often during the course of their day. With simultaneous lenses, both near and far prescriptions are placed in the center of the contact.

Of all the contact lenses on the market, none are as effective as multifocal lenses. They give those who have to endure severe Presbyopia a new lease on life. It is a comforting thought knowing that although blurred vision is likely to happen to most of us as we age, innovations like multifocal lenses ensure that our failing vision will not limit our freedom.

Going into the optician’s and learning that you have Presbyopia is one of the most depressing things anyone who truly cherishes their sight can hear. In our modern society our eyesight is often something we take for granted along with just about every other aspect of our health.

The realization that life has taken a change for the worse only dawns on us when it’s too late. Luckily, Presbyopia is not such a terrible affliction as multifocal contact lenses are able to restore vision to a reasonable level.

While these signs of aging are seldom embraced, it’s reassuring to know there are corrective measures we can take.

You should take the time to look around with your new contact lenses and see the beauty of nature. When your optician announces that the muscles around your eyes are starting to weaken causing blurred vision, don’t be surprised to hear the diagnosis, “Presbyopia”.

A grave mistake made by many uninformed individuals is to completely ignore the onset of Presbyopia. While it may seem like common sense to have blurred vision checked, there are some stubborn individuals who make excuses. Perhaps it is just the sun’s glare or they simply believe they are tired.

No amount of sleep is going to restore your eyes once Presbyopia develops. Then if you don’t visit an optician and obtain the contact lenses so desperately needed, your vision will decline further. Left for too long, there may be nothing that can be done to improve your vision short of surgery.

Multifocal contact lenses ensure that people unable to focus on objects either up close or far away no longer have to rummage through their belongings to switch lenses when everyday tasks demand it. Choose multifocal lenses and enjoy life before it passes you by.

Find an eye care professional near you who offers prescription contact lenses.

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