The Co-operative's Pride Guide 2012

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>The Co-operative’s support of pride >About our parade entries >Health & Safety >Further information about World, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, Northern and Nottinghamshire pride’s >Messages of support from some well known faces >Respect’s ‘Pride Playlist’ PLUS: >Details of FIVE RESPECT SOCIAL EVENTS>WIN – A pair of Manchester Pride VIP tickets plus signed The Saturdays cd’s. Enjoy! 1

Thank you for volunteering to represent The Co-operative at one of the huge sixteen lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride events we are supporting in 2012. If you have not yet volunteered but would like to or have any questions email us at Hundreds of employees and members will be joining us in the parades this year. What are you waiting for? Everyone is welcome.

"We are delighted to again be supporting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Pride events taking place across the UK. The Co-operative believes firmly in inclusion and equality for all, irrespective of sexual orientation or difference. We are the only retailer to make the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index and we were voted ‘Business of the Year’ at the 2011 LGF Homo Heroes Awards."

"The level of support The Co-operative is showing the LGBT community all over the UK this year is unprecedented. The pride events are a brilliant way to spread the important messages of equality and celebrating difference to our employees, members and customers. The Co-operative was recently placed 11th in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index and we are leading the way with the level of support we are showing to the LGBT community. We have a diverse workforce and all employees should feel and know they can be themselves whilst at work, irrespective of difference. We are proud to be flying the pride flag."

We can guarantee that rain or shine you will have lots of fun. We would be disappointed if you didn’t. The events are all about CELEBRATING the differences that make us all special and promoting acceptance and equality through celebration. Wouldn’t the world be a boring place if we were all the same!

In this guide we bring together lots of useful and essential information that we ask you to read and make yourself familiar with before joining us on the day. This includes health and safety, meeting points, clothing etc that we ask you to be aware of and respect.


Bradford Pride th

26 May:

Nottinghamshire Pride th

28 July:

Sheffield Pride

Liverpool Pride

2nd June:

4th August:

Calderdale Pride

Manchester Pride

16 June:

17th – 27th August:


Swansea Pride 1st July:

London/World Pride

Cardiff Pride st

1 September:


7 July:

Brighton Pride

Glasgow Pride

1st September:

14th July:

Bristol Pride th

Leicester Pride st

1 September:

14 July:

Reading Pride

Northern Pride (Newcastle)

8th September:

21st July:

Cumbria Pride (Headline Sponsor) 29th September:


2012 is ‘International Year of Co-operatives’. We have decided to fully embrace this celebration and the theme to all of our 2012 pride entries around the UK is ‘Co-operative’s make the world smile’. Below is an illustration of some of what you can expect from our entries. We have lip outfits, rainbow umbrellas, vibrant t-shirts, fab giveaways, morph suits, huge spectacular displays, branded trolleys and lots more. Our entries are going to look amazing. Come and be a part of it! Individual volunteer roles will be allocated on the day of the parades. You will not be expected to do something you are not comfortable with.

We will be giving away more than 200,000 free giveaways to the huge crowds at the pride events this year. Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas for giveaways. Some of what we will be giving away includes the ‘Smiling with Pride’ stickers (see pic to left) that we have had produced in lots of different languages including Welsh, flags, hand clappers, sweets and lots more branded goodies. We know the crowds will love them.

We have a new parade entry opening banner


The health and safety of everyone taking part is very important. Please read though the information below. This information has been included in the interests of everyone involved in the events. Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility.              

The parade will take place whatever the weather. If it is glaring summer sunshine, please bring sunscreen. It is also recommended you bring a small bottle of water (this will be provided where possible) Snack vans will be located around the parade at most events. We advice you eat something before the parade starts. You will use lots of energy. No food is to be eaten during the parade You will not be able to leave the parade once it has started. Remember to wear comfortable footwear  The events are family events. Any person or persons taking part in the parade displaying nudity, simulated sex or acting in any lurid way will be pulled out of the parade by The Co-operative and/or the parade organisers. They may also be liable for prosecution under the Public Decency Act. This could also result in action taken against you by The Co-operative You must be able to keep up with the speed and duration of the parade. They normally last around two hours but could be longer. There will be limited toilet facilities but there will be venues around that will allow you to use the toilet if needed If you have any mobility or health concerns these should be flagged up to the Respect network or your named contact prior to the event so suitable advice can be sought and given. Otherwise you may not be able to take part in the parade Remember – you are representing The Co-operative at all times whilst wearing your Co-operative t-shirt or branded clothing. The events are supported by the senior management teams and executive and they will be attending lots of the events If you are walking near a vehicle, please keep a safe distance If you spot anything suspicious in the vicinity of the parade route, please flag this up to your parade entry co-ordinator (these will be made clear on the day) and to the pride organisers If anyone in the parade entries is injured at any time, this is classified as a Road Traffic Accident and you may be subject to a breathalyser test Children under 16 must be supervised at all times and remain the responsibility of either their parent or guardian, The age restriction is different at most events. If you plan to bring along any children, please email to check before the day In many locations, such as Manchester, the local public transport will run as normal during the parade (metro links etc). Please co-operate with police and the pride organisers at all times No smoking is allowed during the parade The consumption of alcohol is not prohibited during the parade and can only be drunk in authorised areas. You can be fined for drinking alcohol in alcohol free areas. Anyone under the influence or deemed to be drunk will be asked to leave the parade

In the event of an emergency on the day, please immediately flag this to your Co-operative pride co-ordinator or the pride event organiser. These will be made clear on the day of the parades Whether it rains or shines we will be there. We hope you will too! What we have come to expect is you can never predict the weather. No matter what the weather, if you have committed yourself to join in a parade entry, please turn up on the day. Places are limited and the planning will all be in place. We will be delighted if you can join us!


Lots of effort has gone into making each parade entry as vibrant and interesting as possible. To ensure the messages in our entry are not lost we would appreciate it if:     

You did not wear coats or jackets over your official Co-operative Pride 2012 t-shirt or costume Due to limited storage, please keep personal items to an absolute minimum Any items left unattended by you are left at the owners risk and not that of The Co-operative or its agents No personal umbrellas are allowed in the parade At the end of the parade there is very limited time to vacate the route. Please support us by returning any promotional items, banners etc. We will be reusing lots of the items at lots of other pride events so this would be appreciated Collect any personal items immediately

Protesters: We would like to remind all participants that there are a small number of protesters who attend lots of pride events to protest because of their strongly held beliefs that being LGBT is wrong or immoral. The Co-operative strongly discourages any abusive language or conduct towards protesters. You are representing The Co-operative at the events. If you choose to go against this guidance you may be asked to leave the parade and further action could be taken against you.



The route

The theme for this year’s World Pride parade is 'One World, One Pride, One Voice' and all participants will be reflecting this in their walking groups on the 7 July 2012 – including us. The World Pride procession will start at Baker Street at 11am and make its way down Oxford Street and Regent Street, moving down Pall Mall and Cockspur Street as it passes Trafalgar Square and continues down Whitehall. IMPORTANT: All volunteers for The Co-operative’s entry will meet between 9.30am and 10am at the following location:

The Hellenic Centre is on Paddington Street which

Come and join lots of Respect members at our World Pride social event

is a stones throw from the meeting point of Baker

15 Respect members will be staying at the Premier

Street. We have arranged coffee, tea and pastries

Inn, 1 Dukes Road, Euston Station on the 6 July.

for those that will have travelled in and it should give us the opportunity to meet each other face to face, change into t-shirts and work out who is

The plan is to meet in the lobby of the hotel at 8:00pm on 6 July then head out to experience the nightlife London has to offer.

doing what in the parade. We look forward to meeting you all.

We will stop by the world famous Soho and soak up the amazing atmosphere – including a stop off at the

There are many London Underground Stations that will bring you into the heart of London for World Pride. These include Baker Street, Marble Arch, Bond Street, Oxford Circus, Piccadilly

G.A.Y bar. Come and be a part of it! If you don’t fancy taking part in the parade but still want to meet some Respect members, why not come along? Email us at

Circus, Green Park and Charing Cross.

Your contact on the day: Pinky Badhan- Regional Co-operative Membership Manager Contact telephone number: 07738 135 069 Contact email address: Alternative contacts on the day: Peter Ware – LGBT Representative – Membership Diversity Working Group: 07976 746986 and Thomas Anderson – Co-chair, Respect network: 07702 130348

Tips: Plan your journey at to find the best route to the event.

For great discounts on food at lots of train stations, check out

Download the official World Pride guide and find out more at


A little message from Stewart Livingstone, Regional Co-ordinator for the Respect network, ‘It is absolutely fantastic to see The Co-operative having our first ever Scottish pride entry.

On 14 July the parade starts at Kelvingrove Park at Kelvinway and will come down Argyle Street, St Vincent Street, West George Street, Nelson Mandela Place, George Street and finishes on George Square. All floats and participants for the parade must be in place by 11.45am for the parade to start at

As a local resident it makes me proud that our employees and members have the opportunity to be involved in our parade entry in Glasgow. It is shaping up to a very fun and exciting day. I’m particularly looking forward to seeing the ‘Cheeky Girls’. I hope lots of you are up for walking in our parade entry. Please get in touch. From your very cheeky Regional Co-ordinator’

12pm. IMPORTANT: All volunteers for The Co-operative’s entry in the parade will meet at 11am at Kelvingrove Park at Kelvinway. This will give us enough time to assign roles to everyone and get in place. We have lots to do so all help is appreciated. It is anticipated that the parade will arrive at George Square for 1.30pm where the rally will take place. The Parade will once again be led by Sheboom. Did you know it costs around £30,000 to put on the event? - you get to enjoy it for FREE. You can support the event by donating £3. Donating is easy especially via text just send a message to 70070 with the words PRID12 £3 (you can change the 3 to any amount between £1 and £10).

Your contact on the day: Stewart Livingstone – Respect Regional Co-ordinator Contact telephone number: 07912 627 193 Contact email address: Additional info: Only contact Stewart on the day (or day before) of the parade with any queries. All queries before this date should be sent to the Respect email address. Further contact details and info will be communicated closer to the event.

Come and join lots of Respect members at our Glasgow Pride social event Straight after the parade finishes we will be heading to a fabulous venue in Glasgow for drinks, fun and a good old knees up. If you don’t fancy taking part in the parade but still want to meet some Respect members, why not come along? Sign up at and we will keep you updated. Respect’s Regional Co-ordinator Stewart Livingstone is really looking forward to welcoming lots of Respect members from all over the UK to Glasgow.


Bristol Pride is back and on the 14 July and they declare WE ARE: PROUD with a massive free outdoor festival. Kicking off with the Pride parade, the biggest and most colourful parade in the South West, Pride Day offers well over 40 acts already confirmed to perform across five performance areas with two full stages of music.

The Co-operative Membership is proud to sponsor the huge community area at the event. Other highlights include the market stalls and new to 2012 they welcome the Enterprise Family Area which will be the home to the We Are: Proud Alternative Families Campaign, and a chance for LGBT Parents and parents of LGBT children to come together, network and socialise. Pride Night will see Bristol come alive with special performances, carnival and DJ’s.

The Co-operative Membership are proud sponsors of the ‘Youth Zone’ 

Pride Day is free but relies on your donations to

in with a game of volleyball or tennis and learn how to

help make it happen and keep it free. Why not get

“street dance”

a Pride Supporter Wristband to access special

offers, discounts on food and drink, free entry to

the Pride Night events and warm fuzzy feelings! £4 Day Wristband: Support Pride, access Pride

Feeling energetic ~ enter the football tournament, join

Up for a challenge? ~ See how far you can row Stroll around the “Flower Garden Quiz” for a chance to win prizes

Visit our summer touring Campervan as it stops off in

Day discounts including market and food

Nottingham and you could be the lucky winners of

concessions and get free entry into the Pride Day

£1,000 worth of Co-operative vouchers 

raffle. £15 Day + Night Supporter Wristband: Q jumps, Pride Day discounts including market and food

Join other Respect members by joining us in the parade. Email us at to register your interest

concessions, raffle entry, free entry to Pride Night Street Fiesta and includes entry to the O2 After Party. Money raised will also go to support Freedom Youth – Bristol’s dedicated LGBT Youth Service.


Newcastle has a very vibrant and thriving gay scene. I’ve had many a good night out there. It is where I came out! Twist was the first gay bar I ever stepped foot in and I loved it. Northern Pride has an overall mission to reduce homophobia, promote awareness of equality and to unite LGBT communities across the north east region of the UK. They do this by staging a series of events to bring LGBT people and their families and friends together in an environment where they can feel at home, feel safe and ultimately be

A little message from Thomas Anderson, Respect network Co-chair, ‘I was born and brought up in Alnwick, 30 miles north of Newcastle and a I worked and lived in Newcastle for a few years. I am over the moon to see The Co-operative supporting the event again and I hope as many of you as possible will go and show your support. Have lots of fun. I may see you there!’

Recommended bars include Switch, The Bank, Rusty’s, Eazy Street, @ne Bar – there is load’s more. If you’re after a nightclub you can’t go wrong with Powerhouse. Girls Aloud, Westlife, Vengaboys and many more have graced the venue. The disco light dance floor will have you spinning.

themselves. This is what ‘Northern Pride’ is all about.

The Co-operative Membership is proud to be a ‘Platinum Package’

Join in the pride celebrations and parade which

Come and join lots of Respect members at our Northern Pride social event

starts at Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge,

On the evening of Pride on 21 July we will be

Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH where hundreds

heading to a lovely restaurant in Newcastle for a

of people will parade down Northumberland

bite to eat and a cocktail or two (or cheeky

Street, up to Leazes Park where the celebrations


continue with lots of great entertainment.

Why not come along? Sign up at

sponsor of Northern Pride.

Dress up in fancy dress, blow whistles, wave flags and march with the bands. This year the theme for the parade is ' The Mad Hatters Tea Party'. The parade starts at 12pm sharp on 21 July. and we will keep you updated. The venue etc will be communicated to those that express an interest in attending.

It will remain a free event as it has been for the last four years when it started. The festival starts in earnest at 1pm with speeches on the main stage followed by five hours of acts and entertainment from a variety of top acts including Sonia, Scooch and the Cheeky Girls (cheeky cheeky) – plus tons more. In addition to the main stage the festival site has a number of other entertainment areas including a Cabaret Tent, The Steve Paske Health Zone, Fun Fair, market stalls, sports games and six bars. A new addition to the line up is the Woman’s Tent Area that has been created to cater exclusively for women and will have its own bar area and stage.


We will keep you updated about our involvement at Cardiff, Brighton, Leicester, Reading and Cumbria pride events over the coming months. Keep updated by joining the Respect network. Email us at

The Co-operative is proudly sponsoring Liverpool Pride in 2012 A little message from Liverpool boy Mattie Stephen, Attraction & Engagement Officer for the Respect network, ‘I am really excited that The Co-operative is supporting the great city of Liverpool in their huge celebration of LGBT With even more participants than the Queen's pride this year. Liverpool is a fantastic city and Jubilee Pageant expected to take part, the ‘Nautical celebrates diversity and culture, and it’s my home town too. but Nice’ themed flotilla will journey through the I really hope we can get as many Respect members, centre of Liverpool as part of the city’s third annual members, family, friends and community groups official celebration of all things LGBT, to be held on involved in our entry in the Liverpool pride parade. Saturday 4 August. IMPORTANT: All volunteers for The Co-operative’s entry in the parade will meet at 11am at William Brown Street. This will give us enough time to assign roles to everyone and get

Let’s fly the big colourful pride flag for The Co-operative and everything we stand for as a business. It has been said before but we really are leading the way with our support of our LGBT employees and their local communities.’

The route

in place. We have lots to do so all help is appreciated. The march starts at 12pm. It will then process along Lime Street before taking in Queen Square Bus Station and Whitechapel; from here, the march will make its way along Lord Street and North John Street before turning down James Street, crossing The Strand over Mann Island and ending in front of the main stage at the Pier Head, where the afternoon’s rally and entertainment will begin. 2011 X Factor runner up Marcus Collins will be

Come and join lots of Respect members at our Liverpool Pride social event

headlining the main stage. The event is 100% free to

On the evening of Pride on 4 August we will be

attend. You can make donations via their website.

heading to a fabulous venue in Liverpool for what is shaping up to be a great night.

We recommend the use of public transport to get to Liverpool Pride. For information call Traveline on 0871 200 22 33.

If you don’t fancy taking part in the parade but still want to meet some Respect members, why not come along? Sign up at and we will keep you updated.

Your contact on the day: Mattie Stephen – Respect Attraction & Engagement Officer Contact telephone number: 07712 410 176 Contact email address: Additional info: Only contact Mattie on the day (or day before) of the parade with any queries. All queries before this date should be sent to the Respect email address. Further contact details and info will be communicated closer to the event.


The Co-operative is proudly sponsoring Manchester Pride for the fourth consecutive year Exact details of the route, the parade start A carnival atmosphere will fill the streets of Manchester and is set to excite the expected audience of 200,000 spectators - young and old,

times and more info will be available soon. Sign up at and we will keep you updated.

gay and straight, friends and family - who come down to see the glamorous and the outrageously fabulous people who take part. This year the parade is on Saturday 25 August and will celebrate all things Blighty with a 'Queer'd Science' theme. Hit TV show Hollyoaks will be having a parade entry too – look out for lots of the cast showing their pride. You do not need Big Weekend tickets or wristbands to watch the parade, it’s free. You will need them to get into the Big Weekend site in and around Canal Street afterwards. Why not join Manchester Pride's Big Weekend. From Friday 24 to Monday 27 August, tens of thousands of people descend upon Manchester's world-renowned Gay Village to celebrate the climax of the Manchester Pride’s ten-day festival. By day, there's three stages packed full of worldclass entertainment as well as hundreds of Market & Lifestyle Expo stalls. By night, Manchester's exciting gay bars and clubs take you through to the early hours of the morning with events that will make you wish the Big Weekend never came to an end.

Your contact on the day: Matthew Thatcher – Respect Events Coordinator Contact telephone number: 07895 095 076 Contact email address: Additional info: Only contact Matthew on the day (or day before) of the parade with any queries. All queries before this date should be sent to the Respect email address. Further contact details and info will be communicated closer to the event.

Come and join lots of Respect members at our Manchester Pride social events Matthew (pic to right) and the team are currently working on an exciting programme of social events to celebrate our support of Manchester Pride. There will be a big gathering of volunteers the week before the parade as well as a special Respect cocktail party (with beers too) plus a few surprises – we will keep you all updated! If you don’t fancy taking part in the parade but still want to meet some Respect members, why not come along? Sign up at and we will keep you updated.


Manchester Pride has recently announced their headline performer – and it’s a good one. They are hidden beneath the grid below. Who are they? Email us your answer to We have a pair of ‘platinum passes’ (VIP tickets) to give away to one lucky Respect member. The passes are worth £90 each and sell out very quickly.

th no later than 5 August 2012 to be in

with a chance of winning. You must also have volunteered to join us in our parade entry to be eligible for winning this

The Platinum Pass includes an exclusive four day

amazing prize. Good luck!

pass to the festival site as well as entry to the stylish and exclusive VIP lounge, complete with elevated Main Stage viewing platform. Wind down (or up!) with a welcome cocktail on Friday 24 August along with three free drinks each day (Sat / Sun / Mon). There is also a fast track pass collection centre to ensure your smooth and swift entry into the site.

You’ve got to be in it to win it….. To be in with a chance of winning this amazing prize all you need to do is volunteer to join us in our parade entry at Manchester Pride on 25 August and answer the question to the right.

George House Trust Candlelit Vigil

Monday 27 August 2012, 21:15 in Sackville Gardens The culmination of the Big Weekend is the George House Trust Candlelit Vigil in which Sackville Gardens is turned into a sea of flickering candles as we take a minute to remember those we’ve lost to the HIV virus and join together to fight the epidemic ACCESS TO THE VIGIL: A Big Weekend wristband is


not required to attend the Vigil, however, the capacity The Vigil is the spiritual heart of the Manchester Pride festival and

of the site is limited and we would strongly advise that

there is a truly magical and moving atmosphere of quiet reflection in

you arrive early to avoid any disappointment.

the gardens.

Whether a member, an employee or customer, when you turn up on the day of whatever pride event(s) you are supporting remember that you are in a safe space and you can be yourself. You will be amongst like minded people. You work and/or shop with a business that celebrates and promotes difference. So…let your hair down, wave your arms, have fun and be LOUD and PROUD. 14 .

1. Loreen : Euphoria (Eurovision 2012 winner)

2. Marcus Collins : Seven Nation Army (Liverpool Pride headliner)

3. Sonia : You’ll Never Stop Me From Loving You (Northern Pride performer) 4. Cheryl : Call My Name (wow, nothing more) 5. Joe McElderry : Ambitions (Glasgow Pride headliner) 6. 2 Shoes : Turn Me On (Turn Me Out) (Liverpool Pride performer) 7. Basshunter : Now You’re Gone (Nottinghamshire & Hull Pride headliner) 8. Carly Rae Jepsen : Call Me Maybe (Summer classic) 9. The Saturdays : 30 Days (Birmingham Pride headliner) 10. Jimmy Somerville : Don’t Leave Me This Way (Pride regular)

To celebrate pride, America's favourite biscuit brand ‘Oreo’ posted this picture on their Facebook page.

We want one!

Songs to get you ‘bursting with pride’ They were chosen by the Respect Pride team to reflect this years pride events

We have four signed copies of ‘The Saturdays’ top 10 hit ’30 Days’ up for grabs!

To be in with a chance of winning a copy, email the answer of the question below to by 15th September 2012. // How many members are there in The Saturdays? (a hard one we know!) 15

Water Polo - Wet & Wild Presented by Manchester Sharks (Manchester Pride Fringe) Saturday 18 August // 17:00 - 20:00 Manchester Aquatics Centre, Ardwick A fun taster event for members of the LGBT community to find out what water polo is, have a go and meet the team. Not well-known and often misunderstood, water polo is an exciting, fun team sport, closer to football than regular polo. FREE but booking advised W: E: Find out more about the ‘Manchester Sharks’ in the August edition of the Respect newsletter. They have received funding from The Co-operative Community Fund.

Paws with Pride Presented by Northern Pride, Newcastle Sunday 29 July // 11:30 – 16:30 Leazes Park, Newcastle This year they’re introducing ‘gay walkies’ – pride’s very own pride parade for dogs. 'Gay walkies' will raise much needed funds for Guide Dogs and there will be rosettes for the most colourfully dressed dogs taking part. So 'rainbow up' your Rotweiler and make this a dog walk to remember. Find out more at

Pride at the Pictures 2012

Tickets for Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus’s summer 2012 concert, Seven Year Itch: No Rash Decisions, are now on sale via BrightonGMC’s very own, brand new ticket website A timeless tale of the seven year itch and whether a rash decision will really change one man’s life for the better. Richard and Julian have reached a critical point in their relationship. Julian wants nothing more than to settle down, but Richard hankers after greater excitement. Offered a new job, he has to decide whether to leave both his lover and Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus. His mind made up, Richard is visited by a series of mysterious men, who show him how his life would have turned out had he not joined the chorus and met Julian. Who are they? Can they change his mind? Will the music work its magic? Lead by MD Marc Yarrow, and accompanied by pianist and composer Tim Nail, Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus explore the highways and byways of love, the power of song and the satisfaction to be gained by singing together in this story of a rotter, a romance and, perhaps, a reunion. DATES: 8.00pm on both Friday 3 and Sat 4 August 2012. Doors open at 7pm for pre-show drinks at the licensed bar.

Presented by Liverpool Pride in partnership with Picturehouse at FACT Romeo (15) Thursday 9 August // 20:30

VENUE: St Georges Church, St George’s Road, Kemp Town, Brighton, BN2 1ED

Lukas moves to Cologne and spends a long hot summer clubbing with his friend Ine, until he meets sexy neighbourhood heart-throb Fabio. This is no ordinary boy-meets-boy story however. Sabine Bernardi's 2011 film looks at the emotionally turbulent world of female to male gender reassignment, exploding many preconceptions of gender identity and its correlations to sexuality. In this beautiful and compelling film Bernardi brilliantly captures the emotional nuances of transitioning and the conflicts of sexual identity that can arise. Subtitled. Find out more at

Find out more about the ‘Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus’ in a future edition of the Respect newsletter.

TICKETS: £12 or £10 concession

They have received funding and support from The Co-operative Membership. They also joined The Co-operative on our 2011 Brighton Pride float providing some great musical entertainment.


John Amaechi was the first NBA basketball player to come out of the closet. He is also a psychologist, New York Times best selling author and social entrepreneur. John was also awarded an OBE in the 2011 Birthday Honours for services to sport and the voluntary sector. Have fun, enjoy yourself, laugh and love the craziness. As you walk, run and march through the parade, remember that there will be a kid hiding in the crowds and this will be a rare time for them when they will feel normal, special and not alone. The significance of the pride events is beyond the party. For some kids it will be a rare experience away from homophobia in their households and school.

Bringing a bit of glam to the Britain’s Got Talent semi finals, The Showbears performances were dazzling. They are playing at lots of pride events around the UK this summer. Be happy, be proud of who you are, Love like it’s your last day, and if ever you feel sad know there is always someone that does love you. Keep up the fabulous work and SPREAD THE SPARKLE!!!!!!

Alexandra Burke is an old friend of Respect, she did a special meet and greet with nine Respect members last year at Manchester Pride. She has a new album out called ‘Heartbreak On Hold’ – it is rather amazing! Stay true to who you are. There is only one you and you are unique and special. Good luck!

Shayne Ward shot to fame as the winner of series 2 of the X Factor. He has released three albums and has had number one albums and singles in nine countries. He is now starring as Stacee Jaxx in 80s-themed musical ‘Rock of Ages’ in the West End, London. If you are an employee of The Co-operative Group and you support the Respect network, why not become a member! You will receive a digital copy of our regular newsletter and updates on the LGBT activities and social events. You don’t have to be LGBT.

Everyone is welcome.

Email us at

It is brilliant you are taking part. The more people that take part the bigger the message will be. Good luck! Shayne also revealed that he would love to perform at Manchester Pride at some point in the future.

>> This guide has been produced by The Co-operative’s LGBT network Respect. The information is accurate as of the time of publication. Please check dates and times before setting off. If you have any queries, send us an email. 17

We announced our support of 16 LGBT pride events on the Intranet in June and very quickly the news got around. Articles on both The Co-operative and The Co-operative Employees Facebook pages followed and they generated in excess of 90 likes and lots of comments. It is one of the most liked articles this year. Our article about our support of ‘International Day Against Homophobia’ is one of the most popular stories of the year with almost 200 likes. The story was also featured on over 30 external websites including some of the biggest LGBT websites. These included Gay Star News, Pink Paper, Gay UK News,, GT, LGBT Collective, Lesbian Sugar Lounge and G Scene. It also featured on some non LGBT websites too including Mancunian Matters and Stand Out. Thomas Anderson, Co-chair of the Respect network recently had an article published on leading LGBT news website Gay Star News. Thomas was approached by the site to give his views on what pride events mean to the LGBT community in the wake of the World Pride downsizing and controversial changes. You can read it at


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