Cooroy rag april 13 2016

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Phone: 5442 6699




April 13, 2016


New mayor promises consultative, united Noosa Council

The newly elected Noosa Council members took their oath last week NOOSA’S new councillors took their oath last Tuesday, with Mayor Tony Wellington vowing to be a ‘consultative’ leader, heading up a ‘collaborative’ council. Teamwork was the key message as the mayor and his six fellow councillors took their declarations of office and addressed an overflowing public gallery at Noosa Council’s Tewantin chambers. Cr Wellington acknowledged a ‘new era’ for Noosa Council, which features new faces and Noosa’s first ‘untried’ mayor since 1997. Cr Wellington welcomed the councillors’ mix of skills and experience and paid tribute to past mayors Noel Playford and Bob Abbot for their work over almost three decades. “The new councillors’ skills will be put to good use as Noosa Council develops a future-oriented planning scheme, drives sustainability in both the Council and the local economy, and continues to

build on the work of past councils to enhance our local environment,” Cr Wellington said. Cr Frank Wilkie is Noosa’s deputy mayor, elected at the new council’s Post-Election Meeting. Council also elected the members of two new standing committees. Councillors Tony Wellington, Ingrid Jackson, Joe Jurisevic and Brian Stockwell make up the Planning and Environment Committee. The Services and Organisation Committee consists of councillors Tony Wellington, Jess Glasgow, Frank Pardon and Frank Wilkie. The new committees replace the former Planning and Organisation Committee and Infrastructure and Services Committee. Cr Wellington said the restructure would better divide the workload. Council will begin its first full round of meetings on 19 April.



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Page 2 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016

Anzac Day in Cooroy THE Cooroy Pomona RSL Sub Branch will be conducting Anzac Day commemoration services and other functions on Anzac Day, 25th April 2016, in Cooroy. The day will start with the Dawn Service at the War Memorial in Tewantin Road. Police and SES will be diverting traffic away from the streets near the memorial from 4.30 am and Tewantin Road will be closed to through traffic between Miva Street and Elm Street. The service will commence at 0455. Groups or individuals who wish to lay wreaths should give their details by calling the front desk at Cooroy RSL Club on 5447 6131. We suggest that families bring a small torch or two so that they can read the order of service and the words of the hymns. Following the Dawn Service, a breakfast will be held in the RSL Club at a cost of $5. The staff of the Club are donating their time and effort so that the proceeds from the breakfast go to the Cooroy Pomona RSL Sub Branch for their support of veterans and their families. Because of the closure of the Cooroy Memorial Hall, the Anzac Day march and the Memorial Service have been moved from Ma-

ple Street to the other side of the railway line. Tewantin Road will again be closed so that the march and parade can take place. The march will travel from the intersection of Elm and Diamond Streets and proceed up Tewantin Road and then turn into Kauri Street and then around the Memorial Triangle to finish in Diamond Street. Marchers will assemble in Pearl Lane from 10 am and the march will commence at 10.30 being led by a parade of military vehicles. Veterans who wish to travel in these vehicles should make a booking with the front desk at the Cooroy RSL. Similarly, owners of military or vintage vehicles who are willing to carry passengers who cannot march in the parade, should give their details to the staff at the front desk of the club. Veterans travelling in these vehicles should assemble at the Club by 0945 and report to Mr Ron Sutton [wearing the army slouch hat] so that they can be shown to their allocated vehicle. The RSL Sub Branch will be using its community vehicles to pick up veterans who re-

Gallipoli - After the Landing In 2015 on Anzac Day we remembered the landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp at Gallipoli on 25th April 1915, and the fighting that continued over the months that followed. In a stalemate that lasted for eight months each side attempted to break through the others’ lines for the first four months and then realised that without large reinforcements and more equipment it would not be possible. The Allies last attack was in the August Offensive when Australia had heroic attacks and appalling losses at the Battle of Lone Pine and the Battle of the Nek and the Australians, New Zealanders and British had similar results at Chunuk Bair. One of the most famous assaults of the Gallipoli campaign, the Battle of Lone Pine was originally intended as a diversion from attempts by New Zealand and Australian units to force a breakout from the ANZAC perimeter on the heights of Chunuk Bair and Hill 971. The Lone Pine attack, launched by the 1st Brigade AIF in the late afternoon of 6 August 1915

pitched Australian forces against formidable entrenched Turkish positions, sections of which were securely roofed over with pine logs. In some instances, the attackers had to break in through the roof of the trench systems in order to engage the defenders. The main Turkish trench was taken within 20 minutes of the initial charge but this was the prelude to 4 days of intense hand-to-hand fighting, resulting in over 2,000 Australian casualties. Seven Australians were awarded the Victoria Cross for their action at Lone Pine. At the “Nek” at dawn on 7th August 1915, on a piece of ground the size of three tennis courts, first brought to Australia’s attention in the movie “Gallipoli” starring Mel Gibson, one of the great failures in Australia’s military history took place. Two regiments of Light Horse soldiers, on foot, attacked the Turkish lines where machine gunners and riflemen were expecting them. The 8th Light Horse from Victoria had 154 killed and 80 wounded out of 300 men and the 10th Light Horse from Western Australia had 80 killed and

54 wounded. No ground had been gained; no strategic purpose served. It was just a stupid disaster. A little over a thousand metres away, on Sari Bair ridge line, an attack by New Zealand, Australian and British forces was taking place. 760 members of the New Zealand Wellington Battalion reached the crest of Chunuk Bair but by nightfall only 49 had not been killed or wounded. The British and Kiwi soldiers had 6000 casualties over four days around Chunuk Bair. Living conditions at Anzac Cove and all over Gallipoli were appalling. Water was always in short supply and none was available for washing the soldiers’ eating utensils, their “dixies” and mess tins. Flies bred on the unwashed utensils and on the open latrines. The history of disease at Gallipoli is really a history of the flies. Flies covered everything and a biscuit covered with what was called apricot jam, would be covered in flies before it got to the soldier’s mouth. The experience with the flies at Anzac Cove was so bad for some sol-

quire transport to the services. Those requiring transport should contact the Club front desk. A large bus will run a free shuttle service from the Club to the Memorial Service. This will allow families to park around Emerald and Maple Streets or behind the Memorial Hall without having to walk to the service. The Memorial Service will take place at the Cooroy War Memorial in Tewantin Road at the conclusion of the march, commencing at about 11 am. The Cooroy Pomona RSL Sub Branch will be erecting some marquees to provide protection from the sun and in case of rain. Groups and individuals who wish to lay wreaths during the ceremony should contact the front desk at the RSL Club to give details of their organisation and the names of those laying wreaths. An Anzac Day lunch will be held in the Club commencing at about 1.00 pm. Those wishing to attend should make bookings at the club and pay at the front desk in advance. The Cooroy Pomona RSL Sub Branch would like to thank Mr Geoff Edwards and the Bendigo Bank for the generous support of Anzac Day in Cooroy 2016. By Ian Whisker

diers that on return to Australia they refused to eat apricot jam because the memory of the flies on the jam was so intense. The latrines were often under fire from the Turks and many Australians were wounded or killed while at the toilets. Soldiers with dysentery needing to go to the toilet every half an hour were not fit to fight. The official Medical History records “In June and July the troops on the Gallipoli Peninsula were swept by a wave of intestinal disease, predominately fly-borne; of which the nature and cause were only gradually recognised by the regimental and divisional staffs, and more slowly by GHQ. A desire to retain slight cases at the front for military reasons increased the spread of infection and when the nature and cause were realised the outbreak was beyond control. A flood of sick poured into the hospitals; the fighting ranks were gravely thinned and, when the crisis of the campaign arrived, a large percentage of the men who remained on duty were only

fit for a short lived effort”. Almost all of the Anzacs were moved to hospital in the Greek islands or Egypt to recover from disease at some point in the Gallipoli campaign. By Christmas 2015 all of the Anzacs and British troops had been evacuated from Anzac Cove and on 8th January the last of the British, French and Indian troops from Cape Helles were evacuated without casualty. The Gallipoli campaign had cost the combatants about half a million casualties and with about 120,000 killed. Australia had 28,150 casualties including 8,709 deaths and New Zealand 7,473 casualties with 2,721 deaths. Despite this loss, Gallipoli had no influence on the course of the war. Ian Whisker is President of Cooroy Pomona RSL Sub Branch. He served in the RAAF for 37 years and flew the F4C Phantom with the United States Air Force in Vietnam. He is a graduate of the RAAF Academy, Australian Army Staff College; United States Air War College; and the Royal College of Defence Studies, London.



Residents fight to get action to stop flooding

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FOR six years Bob Miller, who lives in Lake MacDonald Estate, has been trying to get someone to pay attention to the flash flooding that happens on his and his neighbours’ properties every time it rains, but so far it would appear that no-one is listening. Mr Miller arrived at the Cooroy Rag office with a file about 10 inches thick full of correspondence and photos relating to a water surge problem that he says has been created by the speed of the run off from developments in and around Cooroy that council has approved. Mr Miller, who lost three horses to one of the surges and says it’s only a matter a time before a much worse tragedy occurs, says there has never been a flood mapping hydrology study done for the Lake Macdonald Estate and says that Council used faulty data when they approved these developments. “They should never have been approved,” he states. “The storm water from these developments enters Cooroy Creek, flows into Six Mile Creek West branch, hits the elbow at the bottom of Liane Drive breaking its banks and flows into Lake Macdonald Estate. “Everyone that has visited Lake MacDonald Estate (State MPs, Councillors, Council staff and a staff member from the Department of Natural Resources) have all agreed that the cause of the water surge is created by the speed of the run off from developments in and around Cooroy but as much as they all nod their heads and say the right things, no one has done any-

thing about it,” said Mr Miller. “On two occasions I have requested a meeting with Noosa Mayor Noel Playford to discuss our concerns but not only did he decline to meet with me, but also instructed Councillors and Council staff to have no further contact with me,” says a frustrated Mr Miller. “We also sent a petition signed by the majority of the residents of the Lake Macdonald estate requesting a meeting with Mayor Playford and Council staff. He passed it on to Adam Briton who refused to meet with residents to discuss our concerns. “Why? We are not idiots, nor are we serial pests. All we are trying to do is have something finally done about this very serious water surge problem.” Mr Miller said that it doesn’t even have to rain at Lake Macdonald for the flooding to happen. “It’s scary,” said Mr Miller. “We don’t have any prior warning. Just recently Cooroy received 100mm of rain, we didn’t have a drop out here but Six-mile Creek west branch broke its banks and we had 1.5 metres of flood water run though the Estate. We have had it come to within 2.5cm of our home. Do we have to lose everything before something’s done?” Council’s literature clearly states that developers cannot create a worsening effect of storm water down stream from the development but Mr Miller says that is simply being ignored. “Not only are they turning a blind eye to our

concerns, they want to raise the Q100 line (the flood line) in the proposed Noosa Plan. This means we won’t be able to even insure our properties, or the insurance cost will be astronomical. “And now we have the added problem of what is going to happen to the storm water run off from the Bruce Highway when the duplication works are completed. And wht will happen to the storm water run off from the tomato farm behind Wimmers that was constructed without council approval that council has since retrospectively approved with conditions? “We all purchased our properties in good faith, totally unaware that there had not been a flood mapping hydrology study done for the estate, so what did Council use for data when they approved the development? And how can Council continue to approve new development in Cooroy when they are fully aware of a preexisting water surge flooding problem that is affecting the whole of Lake Macdonald Estate?” A Lake Macdonald Action Group has been formed and they have requested a meeting with Jackie Trad (Deputy Premier and Minister for Infrastructure and Local Government). “We are also hoping that our new Mayor, Mr Wellington, who met with us prior to the elections and said he would form a committee to look into the issue, stands by his promise,” said Mr Miller. “He says he’s hit the ground running, I hope he’s running in our direction.”

Farms, fundraising and happy kids


THE 2016 year has been an exciting time for all the Kindy Kids and their parents and carers. All the children have been enjoying the new social interactions and learning opportunities everyday. A big thank-you goes out to Farmer Stan and Farmer John from Noosa District High School, for welcoming us all to the school farm on our recent excursion. The children loved feeding and brushing the cattle, holding the chickens, picking up the cray- Above: Farmer John and Farmer Stan at Cooroy Community Kindergarten Farm Excursion fish, tasting the whipped honey and testing out Right: Taj Bowman feeding the cattle the tractor was a big hit too!

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Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 3

news Victorian rocking horse first prize at Wood Show

COOROY RAG After retiring from his profession of coal miner in Wollongong Alex Findlay moved to Noosa and took up his passion for woodworking. His long held affection for horses prompted him to make his first rocking horse - a gift for his grandchildren. That was 12 years ago. He is now working on his latest horse. She is a medium size horse being constructed from Beech, Kauri Pine and Hoop Pine and will be finally dressed in a coat of dappled grey. Her mane and tail will be blonde and her tack - saddle, reins and stirrups will be tan colour leather, while her vision will be enhanced with realistic glass eyes. Like all Alex’s horses her name is ALKAZAAN formed from the initials of his grandchildren. Making a horse is very labour intensive which accounts for the estimated value of $4000. Meantime Alan Warner -retired builder and long time club member was also busy constructing the frame for the horse. Alan is a very accomplished wood turner and his skills are clearly evident in the

Alex Findlay working on his latest rocking horse two turned pedestals where the base and top round tenon joints provide the required strength and support for the horse. For this job Alan chose Silky Oak – a local timber which was harvested, milled and seasoned by club. Early in December with all the components ready to hand, Alex began the assembly. ALKAZAAN is first prize in the main raffle at the Cooroora Wood & Craft Show 2016. The show now in its 27th year is independently conducted by the Cooroora Woodworkers Club to showcase the skills and work of regional woodworking

clubs and schools. The show takes place in Cooroy on Friday 6th May and Saturday 7th May 2016. Rocking horses have always been popular prizes especially to grandparents and grandkids. Tickets are now on sale at $1 each at the clubhouse Lowermill Rd Cooroy and the winning ticket will be drawn at the show on Saturday 7th May Many traditional woodworking skills are in danger of being lost or forgotten. Woodworking clubs help to keep the skills alive as can be seen in the work of enthusiastic and skilled craftsmen such as Alex and Alan.

Alan Warner constucted the frame the horse will sit on

ALKAZAAN - 1st prize in the Cooroora Wood & Craft Show raffle

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Page 4 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016



Thought bubbles could mean troubles My poor brain has just got over the vexation Of the Electoral Commission showness nonsense, Only to be greeted by Malcolm’s thoughts on taxation, (I wonder if Treasurer Morrison was included in the correspondence???) Can you imagine how alarmingly little it would take? Before the lawyers and accounts would see, The loopholes and opportunities they could easily make, And the smart operators, would be obviously filled with glee. The Public servant numbers would certainly grow, Perhaps a new Minister or two would have to be appointed Hiring extra staff to cope with the show, Surely a faithful old friend could be rewardingly anointed. Wheeling and dealing would flourish, lobbying reach new heights States and Territories would vie with each other, taxes all over the place, Tourism would promote the State’s tourism taxation delights And the smaller States would not stand the pace. The States rapidly put the Kibosh on the scheme, And told the PM what he could do with it, So Malcolm will have to dream another dream, Or instruct the Treasurer to dream up something to fix it.

BOUQUET - I was privileged to be the witness to a ‘Random Act of Kindness’ outside the Cooroy IGA this morning. At about 9am, an elderly lady was trying to push her trolley on the sloped pavement. A gentleman, wearing a ‘TP Painting’ t-shirt offerred his assistance and pushed her trolley to her car. I’d like to acknowledge this man as I’d thought Cooroy was ‘getting a bit busy’ and common courtesies were lacking. You were so polite, friendly and cheerful. You really brightened my day.

Jim Dunstan

Healing Lotus Group WANT to improve your health and wellbeing? Come along to Lotus Inner Light Healing Group where we have a range of qualified healing professionals to help you eg: reiki, massage and psychic readers. Every Monday at Cooroy CWA Hall (next to RSL) 9.30am Guided Group Meditation, then 10am-1.30pm individual healing treatments. $20 donation per treatment to cover costs of hall and food provided. Phone Jenny 5442 8246 for more information.

Cooroy Aglow AGLOW April Birthday Meeting on Friday 15th April at 9.30 am at the Anglican Hall corner of Miva St and Tewantin St Cooroy. Message title God gives us what we require and more. Admission $6 morning tea provided. All welcome.

Letter to the editori

IN each edition of the Cooroy Rag we are placing the photo of the Rolled up Rag (smaller version) in one of the advertisements for you to try and find. All you have to do is email us: editorial@cooroyrag. or post your entry to: ‘Where’s the rolled up rag competition’, PO Box 898, Cooroy, 4563, and let us know which ad you found it in and the page number along with your name, address and phone number so we cantact you. Win a morning tea for you and four friends at Club Cooroy. Entries close April 22. Last edition’s winner is Katie McInnes from Cooroy who found the ‘Rolled up Rag’ in the Noosa Care ad on Page 16.



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Thank you Cooroy Rag. It was a pleasant surprise to answer “Where’s the rolled up Rag?”, then become a winner. Today I enjoyed morning tea at the Cooroy RSL with my husband and dear friends. We were most impressed with the friendly service and very much appreciated the food that was presented to us. What a wonderful way to discover one of Cooroy’s ‘hidden gems’. Shirley Harris, Noosaville



Where’s the rolled up Rag?

Without love there would be no poetry and no music


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Brickbats and Bouquets are supplied by the community and not necessarily the views of the editor or staff of the Cooroy Rag

Maybe this is the way to govern, perhaps I’m the one out of touch, I may still be living, in those balmy days of yore In 1932 I started work for twelve shillings a week, not really much, Twopense tax was taken out of that, the Depression wouldn’t pay me more. To get your money they used every excuse, I feel that twopence tax was just child abuse!!


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Y 1 ONL Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 5


COOROY RAG Noosa District Orchid & Foliage Society

Den. bigibbum better known as the Cooktown Orchid and is the Queensland Floral emblem. I find it an easy orchid to cultivate as long as you adhere to a couple of simple rules. The plants require a wet, humid summer so I water every couple of days during spring and summer followed by a dry winter, as the plants are dormant.

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During winter I do not water at all. I have an orchid friend in Townsville who has been growing for over 50 years and believes they should never be over potted; he never pots in anything more than a 100mm pot. The Den. bigibbum tends to develop rot and eventually dies when trying to grow them into specimen plants. There have been many hybrids made with Den. bigibbum and quite a few of these will be on show at Noosa District Orchid and Foliage Society Show in Cooroy on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th May. This is the club’s Mothers Day show and there will be many varieties of orchids to admire and purchase. The club charges a $2 entry fee to cover expenses. The Noosa District Orchid & Foliage Society meets at the Tinbeerwah hall the first Saturday of each month, 1pm. All welcome. The next meeting is to be held on Saturday, April 30. For more information Contact John Green phone 5483 2764 or visit the club’s website or like us on Facebook.

Cooroy needs you COOROY Future Group Inc (formerly Cooroy Lower Mill Board Inc), a not for profit group assisting Noosa Council on the planning and development of the Cooroy Lower Mill Site, is looking for more volunteers. Our volunteers help the community, including at events such as Cooroy Fusion Festival, the Pink October Fun Run, the Great Noosa Trail Walk and at the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre (BFAC). You can assist as tour guides for exhibitions, meet and greet assignments, exhibition install and dismount, festival set up and take down, liaison with local schools, infrastructure development and site management, event food service and in marketing and promotions We will give you: induction training, the opportunity to get to know fellow volunteers through regular social events; a ‘Blue Card’ for those working with children; full insurance; a regular bulletin on volunteering opportunities and other information relevant to our activities For more information and an application form: Call into the BFAC at 11A Maple Street, Cooroy and talk to one of our valued volunteers. Or contact Irene Aves, Treasurer Cooroy Future Group Inc, at email:

Take charge of your finances Geoff Edwards, Branch Manager, Bendigo Community Bank, Cooroy Managing your dayto-day finances is a challenge and we all know that life can be unpredictable. As a general rule, it’s almost always better to use any spare cash you’ve got to pay down debt. This rule is even truer when it’s a mortgage for your own home or a credit card or personal loan. This type of debt isn’t tax-deductible and what this means is that any other investment (savings account, managed funds, share market etc) has to do substantially better than the interest rate on your mortgage to be a better deal. Say your interest rate on your mortgage is 7% and your effective tax rate is 25%, then you’d need to get in excess of 9.3% on the investment for that to be a better option than paying the cash into your mortgage. There may be investments

where you’re sure about getting 9.3% or better but is there any risk? There is no risk in paying down debt. Credit card interest rates typically go from 12.5% upwards, so credit card debt can be a little on the expensive side. Are you using your credit card sensibly? Too many of us don’t and in fact leave large balances unpaid on our cards. If you’ve got a debt that’s crept away from you, one option is to look at balance-transfer credit cards. A balance-transfer card allows you to take the balance from one card, move it to a new card,

and get a “honeymoon” low rate on that balance for a period of time. It’s a good way to start afresh, but you need to have a plan to get the debt under control, and not just run up a new debt on the new card. You still need to pay the debt off, and if you don’t, there will come a point where you’re facing a much higher interest rate. To talk more about budgeting or any other banking matter, please call into the branch or call me on 5447 7131. You can also email me at geoff.edwards@bendigo

Directors Peter Billinghurst and Wayne Martin

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Help to continue living at home Understanding Home Care Packages Chad Monroe Certified Financial Planner® of Provision Wealth Management* A Home Care Package provides services that will help you to remain at home for as long as possible, as well as providing choice and flexibility in the way that the care and support is provided. Eligibility Unlike services provided under the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP), to receive a Home Care Package you will need to be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). The ACAT helps the elderly, and their carers, determine what kind of care will best meet their needs, when they are no longer able to manage on their own. A member of the team which may include a doctor, nurse, social worker, and/or other health professional will meet with you to assess your care needs and how well you are managing at home. They will identify the right services for your needs and the level of care you require. The ACAT will give you a letter stating the types of subsidised services you have been approved for and might also put you in contact with organisations in your area that can deliver these services. What services are provided? Home Care Package services are based on your individual needs. Your provider coordinates the care and services to support you at home and these are agreed between you and your provider. The services may include: • Transport for shopping or appointments • Social support by taking you shopping, banking or just providing company for a chat • Domestic assistance for household jobs like cleaning, clothes washing and ironing

• Personal care assistance with bathing or showering, dressing, hair care and going to the toilet • Home maintenance for minor general repairs and care of your house or garden • Home modification i.e. installing safety aids such as alarms, ramps and support rails • Nursing care where a qualified nurse comes to dress a wound or provide continence advice • Food services such as providing meals at a community or day centre, preparing and storing food and delivering meals to your home • Medication help in taking your medications There are four levels of Home Care Packages: • Level 1 supports people with basis care needs • Level 2 supports people with low level care needs • Level 3 supports people with intermediate care needs • Level 4 supports people with high level care needs. Package supplements - the Dementia Supplement for people with dementia and the Veterans Supplement for veterans with an accepted mental health condition - are available with any of the four levels of Home Care Packages. Your care provider will apply for the subsidies and ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency is responsible for the review of home care services. It will ensure that quality and other reporting by service providers will be streamlined while supporting accountability information and con-

fidence for consumers. *Chad Monroe of Provision Wealth Management Pty Ltd ABN 52 149 014 004 Authorised representatives and credit representatives of AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited AFS Licence No. 232706 Any advice in this editorial is of a general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regard to those matters

Local problem, Federal issue? WARREN Truss, Federal Member for Wide Bay, will be available again for constituent interviews in communities in Gympie and Noosa next week. “If you are concerned about any area of Federal Government responsibility including Centrelink, Veterans Affairs, immigration, education or taxation, please make an appointment to meet me at one of the locations listed below,” Mr Truss said. “While my office in Maryborough is always able to help, these visits enable face to face meetings on issues of concern to residents and local communities.” Appointments are available by telephoning 1300 301 968.


Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 7


Be seen at the Pickled Possum Bar

A FIRM favourite, the Pickled Possum Bar is back at this year’s annual Cooroy Fusion Festival on 7 May thanks to the sponsorship of Club Cooroy RSL. “The Pickled Possum Bar is situated in an ideal location with a great view of the entertainment on the Bendigo Bank stage and all the surrounding crowds throughout the markets,” explained Chris Bell, Chairperson of Cooroy Fusion committee. “This year thanks to the sponsorship of Cooroy RSL we’ll also be hosting the sponsor’s hospitality area in the Pickled Possum Bar so it really will be the place to be and be seen!” “We couldn’t resist sponsoring something as iconic as the Pickled Possum Bar. Cooroy Fusion Festival is a fantastic local event and we jumped at the chance to be involved. We hope to see you there – it’s a great free day out!” said Cooroy RSL manager, Tina Mayfield.

Cooroy Fusion Festival is run by the Cooroy Future Group Inc and couldn’t be produced without the support from festival partners Noosa Council and Cooroy Community Bank Branch of Bendigo Bank and sponsors Greenwood Grove, Cooroy Chamber of Commerce, Cooroy Supa IGA, Club Cooroy RSL, Firefly Solutions, Noosa Today, Cooroy Family Practice, Wimmers Soft Drinks, Cooroy Rag, Cartwright Lawyers, Suttons Cleaning Services, Fiona Winter Realty, Palmlake Works Pty Ltd, John Madill Toyota, Hinterland Dental Group, Cooroy RACQ Service Centre, Mower & ATV Solutions, Gelignite Jacks, McDermott Aviation, Heel Sit Stay, Max Watterson Associates, Wythes Real Estate, Hinternoosa Real Estate, Cooroy Hotel, myMemories on DVD and Sunsign Coast. For more information, visit www.cooroyfusion or find them of Facebook!

news It’s official - we’re cool!

COOROY Library has earned a place on a list of the world’s coolest libraries. Property and urban development industry news website has named Cooroy among six libraries that are leading a digital shift. The article, Six of the World’s Coolest Modern Libraries, ranks the local library with Austria’s Vienna University of Economics Library, Singapore’s Bishan Public Library, Poland’s Warsaw University Library, Scotland’s University of Aberdeen New Library and Germany’s Stuttgart City Library. Built in 2009 the Brewster Hjorth Architects-designed library includes a grassed roof that serves as an outdoor amphitheatre, a technology centre, digital training rooms, community rooms, community lounge, reading areas and a café, which provides workplace training opportunities

for local young people. The building is cut into the ground, with the grass covered rooftop significantly reducing energy consumption by providing natural insulation. Last year Noosa Library Service became the first public library in Australia to recruit a NAO humanoid robot, named ‘Dewey’ after the Dewey Decimal Classification System. Dewey is part of an initiative to offer fun, practical robotics and computer programming training. Read the article at

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NOOSAVILLE: Ph: (07) 5473 0023 - Fax: (07) 5473 0033 MAROOCHYDORE: Ph: (07) 5443 7275 - Fax: (07) 5451 0415 KAWANA: Ph: (07) 5493 3744 - Fax: (07) 5493 5300

Page 8 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016



COOROY RAG Probus Club of Cooroy THE Probus Club of Cooroy meets on the first Monday of each month at the Anglican Church hall in Miva Street at 10 am. A short meeting, followed by morning tea and a guest speaker keeps us entertained for the morning. This month our guest speaker was Jimmy Dunstan. Jim gave us a humorous rendition of the training required by each sector of the aviation industry. These, all tongue in cheek, were based on experiences he had while training employees with the Pupua New Guinea Airlines ... back in the good old days. Luckily things have since improved! Probus is an off shoot of Rotary - a local group of retired professional (pro) or business (bus) people who gather together at least once a month for fun and fellowship. Our Cooroy Probus group does more. We are a mixed club offering a meeting on the first Monday of the month, a dinner outing during the second week, a variety of adventures the third week, coffee and cakes on the last Monday of each month. With all our outings we try to support the local Cooroy businesses. Cooroy Probus welcomes new members so anyone interested in joining should contact our membership officer, John Pluck on 5485 0415.

Jimmy Dunstan being ‘mobbed’ by fellow Probus members after his appearance as guest speaker.

Arriving safely - it’s the best gift you can bring YOUNG people continue to be over represented in deaths and injuries on our roads; it is a tragedy that nearly every single day in Australia one young person aged 17-25 dies and many more young people are left with serious life changing road trauma injuries. The Rotary Clubs of Cooroy, Noosa, Noosa Daybreak and Noosa Heads are seeking to save young people from road death and injury with a series of talks and practical demonstrations of the dangers on our roads. The Rotary Young Driver Awareness (RYDA) Program was developed in response to this tragic loss of young people in road crashes; delivering practical road safety information targeting the attitude and awareness of young driv-

ers and passengers. RYDA is presented by road safety professionals including police and driving instructors and to date over 250,000 high school students across Australia have had the opportunity to attend this potentially lifesaving program. “Our community must do more to ensure that P Plate drivers are better prepared before they get behind the wheel of a car and through the delivery of the well-researched, evidencebased RYDA Program, we are providing practical lifesaving information for young people at the beginning of their driving lives,” said Linda Morrell, President of the Cooroy Rotary Club. RYDA is designed for 16 - 18 year old students approaching that crucial time in their lives

where they start to drive independently or are travelling as a passenger of a novice driver. The programme is a series of practical and powerful workshops that aim to change the way young people think about road safety. “Peer pressure from passengers has a major effect on the way young people behave behind the wheel and by addressing students as both drivers and passengers the RYDA program aims to change the environment in the car rather than focusing solely on the driver,” added Linda. RYDA is free of charge for Year 11 students. For more information and to enrol parents and students should contact their Year 11/12 coordinator or call John on 5447 6458

Offering a range of options from 20 minute neck & shoulder massage to 1½ hour full body

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FAMILY LAW • Divorce • Matrimonial Property Division • Parenting arrangements


POMONA 8 Memorial Avenue PH: 5485 1270


Unit 1, 11 Garnet Street COOROY QLD 4563 Phone 5447 7861 I Fax: 5472 0556 PO Box 353 COOROY QLD 4563 I Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 9


COOROY RAG Church Notices

Church Notices

Volunteers Wanted



Uniting Church in Australia

Raw Beginner Line Dance with Steppin’ In Line


Pomona Tuesday 5.30-6.30pm Cooroy Wednesday 9-10am Tinbeerwah Thursday 6-7pm


Sunday Church for Everyone!

8.00am - Cooroy - 51 Maple St 9.30am - Pomona - 27 Factory St

PH: 5447 6152 Date Claimer

For more information Phone Cathy Breed

cnr Memorial Avenue and Rectory Street

CWA Cooroy Fair Saturday 21st May

PH: 0414 951 207


Main Street – 1st Sunday of the Month

8am – 12 noon at CWA Hall Tables available at $20 each, what money you make is yours - Table Bookings - contact Wendy - 5447 6140 All Welcome

Anglicans in the Noosa Hinterland Ph: 5485 1218 - Email:

What’s On


cnr Miva Street and Tewantin Road


Redcliffe Leagues Club on Tuesday 19th April is the place to be for entertainment. Always an enjoyable day out. Tickets $30 with tea and coffee on arrival. Bus leaves Gympie 7.45am. Please call Betty on 5482 4453 for bookings and more information. All proceeds are donated to Little Haven Palliative Care Inc.


9.30am SUNDAYS

What’s On

Get Creative Join us every third Saturday of the month 10.30am – 12.30pm Be inspired by the latest exhibition & create your very own art pieces

Keep Thursday 26th May free for a trip to beautiful Hervey Bay. Lunch at the Boat Club.$30 with bus leaving Gympie at 7.30am. Call Betty for more details on 5482 4453 and bookings All proceeds are donated to Little Haven Palliative Care Inc.

• Free family fun • Face Painting 11A Maple St Cooroy - No bookings required 5442 6665 - All Events are Free

What’s On

What’s On


0490 033 892

For Rent 20 Foot Shipping Container

FOR RENT in Cooroy Full Secure Property $30 per week

Call 0407 927 590

The Church of United Spiritualism of Australia Clairvoyance - Guest Speakers - Healing Meditations COOROY - QCWA Hall Maple Street Wednesdays 7.00pm Rev Kathy McVann - 0414 972632

Cooroy Community BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Services - 10am All Welcome 5474 3309 - 5485 2298 CWA HALL Page 10 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016

Members Wanted Cooroy Queen Alexandra Lodge No 212 has always been involved with the local community. Providing funds for end of the year School bursaries for the Cooroy High School and both Cooroy & Eumundi Primary schools. Recently we provided funds to the very successful Light up the outback Appeal for communities in drought. Also we recently donated funds to help the Road Craft Centre in Gympie. We meet the first Thursday of the month except January 7.30pm Corner of Elm & Sapphire Streets. Find us on Facebook. Or Call Rick Templeton on 5442 8887


Community NEWSPAPER ABN 13 863 064 712

PUBLISHED EVERY FORTNIGHT by Cooroy Community Newspaper Incorporated trading as Cooroy Rag

7000 copies Opinions expressed by contributors to Cooroy Rag are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher and publication of advertisements implies no endorsement by the publisher

The Cooroy Rag’s Next edition is APRIL 27 Deadline for copy is APRIL 18



Sandy Bolton says thank you WITH one of the closest Mayoral contests between Cr’s Bolton and Wellington, and Councillor counts between Brian Stockwell and Elaine Williams, this election has made history in more ways than one. Sandy Bolton, who just missed out on being our first female Mayor, in thanking everyone spoke of the wonderful support from our communities. “It has been a celebration of the spirit and diversity within, and even though I did not manage to ‘get over the line’, I am thrilled about the journey we are all part of, “ she said. In congratulating Tony in his new role as Mayor, and Ray on a memorable journey for their families and friends, Sandy said “The very best wishes to both for the future, and to my reelected fellow Councillors. I will miss our laughs, the team work, excellent debates and challenging times. To candidates that did not succeed this time, congratulations on your efforts. To nominate is an incredible achievement on its own, and only those that have ever stood for election would understand the strength, commitment and selflessness that it takes to

do so. And to our ‘newbie’ Councillors, how exciting and well done!. May you love your new role as much I have over the past 2 years. Embrace the diversity of thought and needs in our community, work hard for our people, and always keep our sustainable vision in mind when tough decisions need to be made.” Intensely proud of her team of volunteers who focused on setting new benchmarks of election ‘best practice’ with respect for all and true unity, Sandy has nothing but praise for candidates and their teams, and the friendships made and new networks formed. Our future is about real collaboration … working together in order to achieve, and to overcome the ‘big’ challenges.” It was testimony to the diversify of the Bolton team to see advocates for the environment, business and community working together in a common aim. “ Yes, it was truly inspirational to see residents from every walk of life helping out. The very young to our elders, homeowners and the homeless, farmers and builders to IT professionals, yoga devotees to foot-

ballers, those that ‘have’ and those that do not…all ages and interests volunteered at the booths, and I am deeply grateful to have been part of such diversity and passion.” As was evident in the 2013 elections, the comradery between the candidates and volunteers was clearly evident, which was in stark contrast to a small number of supporters who continue efforts to create divisions in our community .A heightened awareness regarding poor behaviour and antics was made possible by those who worked hard promoting a ‘zero tolerance’ to this during the campaigns. These tactics, including the dissemination of misinformation and smearing via email, Facebook, and ‘Letters to the Editor’, is causing concern not only in Noosa, but in Shires across Australia. The damage it does, and factions it creates is detrimental not only to people, their families and friends, but to organisations and the aims of the broader community. Sandy said “We have made a good start, so please keep up the great work.

“It is up to all of us, including the media, to put an end to this at all times, not just during elections, by saying ‘no’ to malicious and vexatious content and intent. This is bullying and intimidation, and totally unacceptable whichever way you look at it, and for whatever reason given.” There has been a number of complaints from residents about issues during this election including queries on the performance of the new technology and incorrect information provided by electoral staff at the booths, as well the high percentage of informal votes. “In any process it is important to identify what the contributing factors are so that improvements can be made for future elections. We now need to move on, and concentrate on current aims and focus on good outcomes. Input will be required from residents on the new Planning Scheme, and the Transport Strategy, and to assist with implementation of the Social and Economic Plans. I encourage everyone to take the time to visit Council’s website and become acquainted in order to make good decisions as consultation continues.

Lobbying on those major infrastructure ‘hotspots’, and advocacy on the many issues that impact quality of life, whether they be Council, State or Federal responsibilities, are also ways in which to make a positive impact to our collective wellbeing “she said. In closing , Sandy is excited about the future. “It has been an honour to serve as your Councillor, and I am proud of outcomes achieved, including ‘igniting the fire’ on the importance of strengthening our local economy to safeguard our future. We have a new Council, with a team that may need some time to ‘find their feet’, so please give your full support and take ownership in helping them to create a future to be proud of. “The wonderful residents of this Shire continue to inspire me every day, and the many emails and phone calls has been deeply appreciated. Whichever path I now take please be assured that my commitment to our community is still very much foremost in any endeavours. I look forward to promoting good outcomes and enjoying good times with you, including at the Fusion Fes-

tival in May, and to keep working to realise your vision for a strong, caring and united sustainable community. “Thankyou everyone for your support and friendship, for all that you have

done, and continue to do. I look forward to seeing you out and about.” Sandy can be contacted through Facebook, via email sandybolton, or phone 0405483579. .

Councillor Frank Pardon has assured us, and Sandy, that he would be making sure Cooroy was not disadvantaged by the loss of a representative in our our area. WITH only 10 votes separating Elaine Williams and Brian Stockwell in the Noosa Council elections, Elaine requested a recount on the grounds that there was a high number of non-conforming and informal votes; Scrutiny was not optimal; opportunity for error was high – batches of ballots were misplaced and later found and the automated system was fraught with problems. Unfortunately, her request was dismissed with the Electoral Commissioner stating he was not persuaded that a recount would impact on the final result.

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Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 11



Every body is different Every BODY is different. That is the philosophy that Melanie Eager, Nutritionist and Wellness Coach at ‘Eager for Life’ works with when she sees a client regarding their health and wellness. “I combine my science background with a holistic approach to assess what is out of balance with an individual. Together we look at the whole picture. It isn’t just about what you eat. Health issues can be caused by many factors including sleep, stress and physical activity,” says Melanie. “However, there are definitely certain principles that I believe everyone should follow and my main philosophy is ‘encouraging everyone to put more plants on their

plate’. Did you know that in Australia, only 2% of the population eats 2 pieces of fruit and 5 pieces of vegetables every day ? More than 60% of the population eat less than two serves of veggies and only one third of the population eat two pieces of fruit per day. These stats need to change. We are seeing an increase in many lifestyle diseases such as high cholesterol and blood pressure which are preventable with simple changes. “One of the best ways to increase your fruit and veg intake is through juices and smoothies. ‘You just can’t eat the same amount of fruit and veg that you can throw into a smoothie’, Melanie says. One of the biggest differences I see with my clients when they start introducing smoothies into their diet is that they have heaps more energy. It’s quite a transformation. Another noticeable benefit is that my clients feel fuller for longer, so they are not reaching for the unhealthy snacks mid-morning. “I will be running a juices and smoothies workshop at E Fitness in Cooroy on Tuesday 19th April from 11am-1pm. This is a great opportunity to come and find out how easy they are to make and why you should start incorporating them into your daily routine. I will provide hints and tips to

show you how to do this and there will be an opportunity to taste test several juices and smoothies. We will also be voting to see who the winner is: juices or smoothies! Both have their own unique benefits. “You will also be able to taste some of my delicious healthy snacks and come away with all the recipes for the juices and smoothies that you sample. “I am a local resident but I consult via telephone, skype or at a quiet, local café. This means that wherever you are located, you still get the opportunity to work with me and get on the path to better health. “I currently have clients based all around Australia but am really passionate about helping build a healthy, vibrant and active local community. It is wonderful to partner with Erin at E Fitness and I look forward to bringing you more events and workshops in the future. “If you’d like to know more about working with me please head on over to or eagerforlife You can also find out more details about the workshop at these links. I look forward to working with you to be healthier and happier.”

Suspension Training MAKE a Difference Health & Fitness is pleased to announce that highly popular ‘Suspension Training’ is now available to compliment the already large array of services offered. Suspension training is a form of resistance training that includes bodyweight exercises in which a variety of multi-planar, compound exercise movements can be performed. These are done with the aim of developing strength, balance, flexibility, and joint stability simultaneously. Suspension training develops physical

Twilight sedation – get your dentistry done while you sleep. Call for more information

strength while using functional movements and dynamic positions. It is ideal for all fitness abilities and ages and is well suited to anyone interested in developing their core strength. If this exciting form of resistance training sounds appealing and you would like to try something different to your usual workout then call Lee from Make A Difference Health & Fitness to arrange your complimentary no obligation consultation. 0407 597 748 or 5442 6179.


Dr Eve Bevan

Tewantin Medical Centre is a modern purpose built facility providing comprehensive General Practice to the community. Straighten your kids teeth the natural way! Myobrace targets the underlying causes of crooked teeth as soon as the problems are evident. Free assessment available.

• General Practice • Skin Cancer Checks • Women’s Health • Immunisations • Cosmetic Medicine OPEN: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm • Saturday 8am – 12pm

2/84 Poinciana Avenue Tewantin • 5313 3277 Page 12 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016


What is your carbohydrate tolerance? How much carbohydrate should we eat? Most of the experts tend to agree that too much is not good but there is still discussion about what the right amount is exactly. Nutritionist, Jodie Persovic, says eating more carbs than your body needs can lead to poor health. “For example, excessive carbohydrate promotes glycation, which is an undesirable effect associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It can make the liver produce too much fat leading to a fatty liver and it can also clog up energy production pathways creating fatigue and cravings for energy dense foods (to compensate),” says Jodie. “The average Australian consumes about 240 grams of carbohydrate per day. Is this too much? Many specialist’s think so, and suggest keeping it below 120 grams; others suggest 50 grams or less per day, but most people find low amounts difficult to maintain over the long term.” Jodie says her job is to help people discover what the right amount is, helping them interpret the numbers into real food terms. In practice, she finds the following are suggestive that carbohydrate intake is too high for a particular person: • Fatigue or sleepiness after high carbohydrate

meals • Carbohydrate and/or sugar cravings • Gaining weight easily, difficulty loosing weight (the plateau) • Elevated waist circumference: (> 80cm women, > 94cm men). • Dyslipidaemia: high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol • Elevated fasting glucose, insulin, HbA1C “I use these parameters (and others) to create a tailored meal plan that balances protein and good fats with the right amount of carbohydrate. This balance ensures each meal keeps you feeling satisfied and energy levels are maintained,” said Jodie. “With the right balance people often find they can eat less and still have less cravings. Being empowered to make good food choices offers freedom from the dieting trap and lets you enjoy food and maintain health.” Jodie Persovic is the Principal Dietitian and founder of Nutrition Means. She is also a Naturopath and specialises in improving a wide range of health conditions with nutrition and natural health solutions. For more information call 0419 668 803, or visit

The personal touch Touch … we all need touch. It helps us relax and feel loved and cared for. Can you imagine your day with no one touching you? Can you imagine your day feeling lonely with your family passed on or too far away to visit you? What if you could make a phone call and book a one on one visit for that special someone to be pampered and touched and talked to. Deborah Fraser is offering mobile gift certificates for one on one treatments to local families. All treatments would be individually discussed with you and your loved one. Flowers can be delivered at same time to make an extra special visit. Deborah offers gentle and soothing hand and foot massages, foot spas, neck, shoulder and back aromatherapy massage, lymphatic drainage treat-

ment for swollen feet and legs and palliative care aromatherapy massage. Deborah has a diploma of remedial massage, Fitness cert 3, aged care cert 3 &4, Oncology massage 1 and lymphatic drainage with Chickly institute level 1 &2. “These qualifications have given me a rounded approach to aged and disability care, coupled with experience as a personal carer and physio assistant,” says Deborah. It doesn’t have to be a special occasion to treat someone special. Remedial massage is available for everyone of all ages. Contact Deborah via FB or phone 0409 900 986. Clinic address 44 Maple street Cooroy. Most health funds covered.

Why is sleep important? SLEEP plays a vital role in good health and wellbeing throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The way you feel while you’re awake depends in part on what happens while you’re sleeping. During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development. Sleep helps your brain work properly. While you’re sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day. It’s forming new pathways to help you learn and remember information. Sleep also plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing and repair of

your heart and blood vessels. Medications and herbs from the pharmacy are useful in aiding sleep, but it is important to also ensure you are practising good sleep hygiene principles DAILY to ensure you are giving yourself the best quality sleep possible. Reduce your caffeine intake, Reduce or quit smoking; Reduce your alcohol intake; Do not have a heavy meal just before bedtime; Do not do any strenuous exercise within four hours of bedtime (but exercising earlier in the day is helpful). Exercise that involves relaxation or meditation (e.g. yoga) may be useful close to bedtime. Visit LiveLife Pharmacy Cooroy or Pomona for more helpful tips on improving the quality of your sleep.

health Physiotherapy and Prostate Surgery PROSTATE cancer is now the most diagnosed cancer in Australian men, and the second most common cancer to cause death in men, with over 20,000 men being diagnosed with the disease each year. Physiotherapists are encouraging people to speak more openly about men’s health and prostate cancer. Local physiotherapist, Craig Steele wants to encourage men diagnosed with prostate cancer and who are to undergo surgery to seek pre and post surgery consultation with an appropriately trained physiotherapist. Craig wants to raise awareness about the side effects of prostate cancer surgery, specifically incontinence and erectile dysfunction, as well as how a physiotherapist trained in pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation can help. Up to 95% of men who have radical prostatectomy will experience incontinence, however most men will recover with the help of pelvic floor physiotherapy. Whilst the awareness of treatment available for female incontinence is fairly well known, most men either don’t speak of their condition, or just assume that they need to put up with it. Many men with prostate cancer believe that time will heal them post surgery and their continence will spontaneously return, however this is not always the case. With the help of a pelvic floor trained physiotherapist, men can regain their continence sooner. .According to the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA), incontinence and erectile dysfunction are significant side effects arising from surgery to treat prostate cancer. Most men will be incontinent and have erectile dysfunction straight after the surgery and for around 5% of men, incontinence will persist a year later. The APA encourages men to be proactive about “pre-habilitation” in preparation for prostate cancer surgery, using pelvic floor muscle exercises to help bladder control.

Physiotherapy research has shown how pelvic floor exercises should be taught in order for men to benefit most from the program. These tailored exercises shorten the time and severity of men’s incontinence thus improving their quality of life. If you or a loved one are about to undergo prostate surgery, or have already had an operation, physiotherapist Craig Steele from Hinteractive Physio can help you regain your pelvic floor muscle strength. Craig has recently undergone specific training in this area with renowned physiotherapy leaders in the field. He can be contacted on 5442 5556 to make an appointment. As there is a great deal of education involved in this consultation, you may need to ask for an extended appointment slot. Craig can also be contacted via email:

Noosa Hinterland Denture Services New dentures Repairs Relines Personalised Natural look All Health Funds & Veteran Affairs Phone Tony for appointment

Shop 7 Railway Square Diamond Street, Cooroy

Ph: 5442 5753



Dr Melanie Farr

BHB, MBChB(NZ), FRNZCGP, FRACGP, PGDipMSM. Dr Melanie Farr has recently moved from New Zealand and has settled permanently here on the Sunshine Coast. Her specialities include Musculoskeletal Medicine and skin surgery.

Joining our Doctors:

Craig Steele

Courtney Vella

Rebecca Steele

Sophia Auld


• Dr Andrew Macnaught • Dr Rebecca Lock • Dr Kit Haydock • Dr Dan O’Dea • Dr Kate Krimmer • Dr Mary Piepers • Dr Danica Guy

Our Services include:

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PHONE: 5442 6833 Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 13


Let’s talk hair Pamper



We love you mum! THERE’S no need to go further afield than Cooroy and our beautiful hinterland for ideas on how to spoil your mum this Mother’s Day. Our local retailers have come up with some great gift ideas and our local eateries have scrumptious delights on their menus if you plan on treating her with a break from the kitchen. But whilst it’s lovely to give mum flowers or something to unwrap on the day, your acknowledgement of how much she means to you doesn’t have to cost the earth. Sometimes the best gift you can give mum is your company. Life can get so busy these days it’s nice to be able to take some time out together to re-connect. Pack a picnic, take a drive, rent a movie and watch it together. Let her know you don’t take her for granted. To all mums out there, we wish you a very happy Mother’s Day!

Gifts for


Beautiful Potted Colour .95 ONLY $


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Sauers Produce & Garden Centre

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Trading Hours Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.00pm Sat 8.30am-12.30pm

Hollyhock Cottage

4 Diamond Street, Cooroy

PH: 5447 6018

The Shop on the other side of Town Page 14 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016

Buy Mum an


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13 Diamond Street, Cooroy Ph: 5442 5933 Fax 5442 5911

9 Factory Street Pomona

PHONE: 5485 2833

13 Kauri Street. Cooroy I 5447



Your Mother’s Day Shop in Cooroy

Upcoming Mother’s Day Events... SUNDAY 8TH MAY BLUE BROWN BAG 28a Maple Street, Cooroy PH: 5442 6025 Gift Vouchers Available Complimentary Beautiful Gift Wrapping

Mother’s Day High Tea Luncheon

SATURDAY 14TH MAY Mother’s Day High Tea Luncheon with Psychic Reading

HOLLYHOCK COTTAGE 9 Factory Street, Pomona - PH: 5485 2833 Gorgeous Plants & Gifts

A little Emporium at

Make Mum or Grandma feel special this Mother’s Day

Sauers Pro du & Garden C ce entre

5442 6025


Flower Room


Want to Spoil Mum? WEeveDrywehlievreer

SAUERS PRODUCE & GARDEN CENTRE 13 Diamond Street, Cooroy - PH: 5442 5933 Can’t Choose? Grab a Gift Certificate

Gift Vouchers available for both functions

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Mum’s call in for your $10 Voucher

Spoil MUM

• Gift Vouchers Available • Cuts • Colours • Styles


23 FACTORY ST, POMONA I PH: 5485 2211

3 Ruby Street, Cooroy - 5442 6239

20 Maple St, Cooroy - 5447 6176 Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 15

dining & entertainment Local ceramicist takes up volunteer role at Butter Factory




Cooroy Future Group Inc (formerly Cooroy Lower Mill Board Inc), a not for profit group assisting Noosa Council on the planning and development of the Cooroy Lower Mill Site, is looking for more volunteers. Our volunteers help the community, including at events such as Cooroy Fusion Festival, the Pink October Fun Run, the Great Noosa Trail Walk and at the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre (BFAC).



You can assist as …. tour guides for exhibitions …. meet and greet assignments …. exhibi-tion instal and dismount …. festival set up and take down …. liaison with local schools …. infrastructure development and site management …. event food service ….. and in market-ing and promotions We will give you: induction training, the opportunity to get to know fellow volunteers through regular social events; a ‘Blue Card’ for those working with children; full insur-ance; a regular bulletin on volunteering opportunities and other information relevant to our activities For more information and an application form: Call into the BFAC at 11A Maple Street, Cooroy and talk to one of our valued volun-teers. Or contact Irene Aves, Treasurer Cooroy Future Group Inc, at email: Proudly Sponsored by

Jim Ennis

Page 16 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016

When an opportunity arose earlier this year to coordinate volunteers at the Cooroy Butter Factory, ceramic artist Robyn Gill jumped at the opportunity. An established artist with many years’ experience in exhibitions and international residencies, Robyn said the Volunteer Coordinator role allowed her to have more contact with local artists and help out with workshops. “There’s always something to do here,” Robyn said. The Cooroy Butter Factory Art Centre is run largely with the support of a volunteer workforce, providing ‘Meet and Greet’ services and helping run exhibitions and workshops. With new exhibitions being installed every 5-6 weeks and artist workshops booked in months ahead, Robyn said more volunteers were needed to keep this vital community arts program going. She said volunteers could also assist with the annual Cooroy Fusion Festival and other events the Cooroy Future Group and Butter Factory Arts Centre were involved in. “It’s a great opportunity to get people out and

involved in what the local community has to offer.” “We’d particularly like to encourage students from high school to get involved and get them to know different arts and artists in the area. “They’ll learn how a gallery is run and what goes on and how installations are done and demounted. They are the next generation to take over so it would be great to see them getting involved”. Robyn said she has been involved with the Butter Factory for many years, attending openings and exhibitions, and was even hoping to have her own exhibition there early next year. Robyn’s art studies began in her 30s while running an Angora Stud in Dalby with her husband. She completed a three year TAFE course then continued on to University, completing a Bachelor of Arts in textiles and ceramics. She is also an accomplished printmaker. “I have been doing ceramics since the eighties and have never looked back - I just fell in love with clay and have worked with it ever since,” she said. When the couple moved to the Sunshine Coast on retirement, Robyn said she once again tapped into her love of ceramics to get established in the community. “I thought, ‘how am I going to meet people?’ so I got into pottery again, having not done it for five years”. Once again Robyn returned to study, this time at Tewantin TAFE. This led to international residencies in China, the United States of America and Korea. With these skills and a working background in administration, Robyn is well placed to guide the growth of the Butter Factory volunteer numbers. Anyone who may be interested in volunteering at the Butter Factory, or other events coordinated by the Cooroy Future Group, contact Robyn on 5442 6665 or email

dining & entertainment


Cooroy Originals @ Apex Park

Baroque Delights

Arioso Chamber Ensemble

Fat Picnic THE Cooroy Originals is set to again host 4 original artists from around Australia this month on its boutique hinterland stage. The free, family friendly, community run event will be presenting its second event for the year on Sunday April 24. The four band bill will boast 8 piece reggae, funk outfit Fat Picnic from Brisbane supported by roots, rock band Tea Society and roots artist Chris Flaskas. The afternoon will open at 1pm with 17 year old emerging artist Trey Cooper from the Sunshine Coast. The not-for-profit organisation that runs the original music event (E.C.O.) is excited to bring another event to the small hinterland community. Hosting The

Cooroy Originals every fourth Sunday of the month, the event relies on strong support and sponsorship from the local community. The event is funded through local business support and on-the-day crowd funding through the sale of raffle tickets throughout the afternoon. April’s line up is set to have the Cooroy Apex Park up and dancing with Fat Picnic renowned for their upbeat and infectious grooves. Kicking off from 1pm on Sunday April 24, punters can expect to enjoy an afternoon in the sun with quality original performances. For further information on The Cooroy Originals please visit

A VERY special evening of chamber music will be held at the Butter Factory Arts Centre, 10 Maple St, Cooroy on Saturday 30 April at 6.00pm. Featuring Hungarian soprano Judit Molnár and Baroque instrumentalists Margaret Caley (violin), Belinda Manwaring (cello) and Janet Brewer (harpsichord), they will be joined by UK Baroque oboist Jane Downer and Counter tenor David Crowden. The programme includes excerpts from J S Bach’s Wedding Cantata BWV 210 and “Magnificat”, Bononcini’s Cello Sonata as well as the alluring duos “Pur ti mio” and “Zefiro Torna” by Monteverdi. Arioso Chamber Ensemble has regularly performed at music festivals including “Music by the Sea” and the Caloundra Fringe and are part of the programme for the New England Bach Festival in May this year. Individually each artist has played throughout Europe and / or Asia. The combined international experience of all performers will ensure this will be an evening to remember. A cash bar run by the Butter Factory Arts Centre will be open from 5.00 pm. Tickets are $27 adults, $22 concession, $7 school students. Seating is limited so bookings are highly recommended. Please phone: 5446 8128. For further information please see

FRIDAY APRIL 15TH .............................. ANTICS ND



Congratulations to Justin & Raylee MacCartie from Black Mountain on their wedding at Eumundi Dairy on 2 April!



from 5pm

JACKPOTS by $50 every week



Every Wednesday from 6.00pm

Every Thursday from 6.30pm Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 17

pomona World-renowned violinist to perform in Cooran

COOROY RAG CONGRATULATIONS to Grayson Winstanley, who graduated NDSHS with an OP3 last year and is now studying Mechatronic Engineering at UQ in Brisbane. Mechatronic engineering is a hybrid of electronic, electrical and mechanical engineering. It has become more common in the last twenty years, as traditional mechanical products became increasingly governed by electronic and computer control.

Grayson pictured with proud mum Tanya Auld. Tanya has been delivering the Cooroy Rag in Pomona for 10 years

Time for Natural exhibition TIME for Natural exhibition by Karen Grady, Anne Russell and Susan Punshon Exhibition will be held at the Old Pomona Railway Station Gallery from April 23 to May 24. From pure and natural fibres, time is given to grow, spin, knit, weave and crochet. An ethical & moral approach for a common goal, to make hand-made fashion, which is classical, sophisticated and very wearable. This is an exhibition of ‘slow fashion’ by three local Noosa artisans using: • Alpaca and silk, farmed and handcrafted locally; • Sustainable organic cottons; • The finest Australian wool; • Wool and silk blends, and linen. These three talented textile artists use colour, texture and shape to create oneof-a-kind garments and home wares. Us-

ing their skills they spin, knit, weave and crochet in a manner of bygone days. Karen Grady is an exceptional artisan spinner and weaver. Karen farms alpacas and raises silk worms, the fleeces and silk she produces she spins and weaves: a paddock to garment concept. Anne Russell is an extraordinary knitter and artist – she specialises in original top down patterns, created as she works. Susan Punshon is an artisan whose skills encompass spinning, knitting and crochet. Sue has a love of design, organic cottons and Australian grown and processed wool. All works are either original, collaborations with designers or use vintage patterns and techniques. They will be for sale. The exhibition will be opened by Chris Pritchard, Chair, Noosa Open Studios 2016 at 11:00am on Saturday 23rd April. Light refreshments will be provided.

WORLD-renowned violinist, Attilla Sautov, is currently touring Australia with a unique solo violin recital, and will be bringing this performance to Cooran on Saturday 7 May. Having resided in Australia for ten years, he has steadily increased the number of his fans, for many of whom he enjoys now cult status. His star qualities and capabilities as a virtuoso become apparent as soon as he puts his violin on the shoulder. His technique is dazzling. What he does with his bow is sheer magic to watch and defies the laws of what such a bow can be expected to do. You are forgiven to think he trained it from its infancy, like a puppy, into total obedience. Attilla’s repertoire contains most of whatever has been written for the violin, and his favourite composer is Paganini. Try as he might have, Paganini hasn’t written anything that Attilla couldn’t handle. Why then, you may ask, isn’t he performing on the big stages of the big cities? The answer is simple: Been there, done that and had enough. Seeing videos of a young Attilla shaking hands with the conductor in front of a big orchestra are testimony. Attilla does like to rub shoulders, ordinary ones that is, and he has the most unusual ability for a musician of his calibre to connect with his audience. He does it with an irresistible boyish charm. Often, before a performance he welcomes people at the door himself, talks to his many friends or makes new ones, and his recital is interspersed with comments, explanations or stories of what happened during his career. There is no need to tell jokes. If he is informed of someone’s birthday, lucky you, you get a highly embellished congratulatory version of the song. Playing Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” that everybody knows and loves is one thing, however, taking a solo violin program of this content on the road is quite audacious. Centrepiece is the famous “Chaconne” by J.S.Bach, with other works by the same composer. The Chaconne is the absolute pinnacle among classical violin repertoire of that period. Paganini takes the stage for the second half,

Attilla Sautov for diversity and a bit of fun, and truly shows off the remarkable versatility of the violin in the hands of a maestro. The program is something for connoisseurs, yet Attilla takes it “out bush”, to regional towns and centres up and down the coast, and is leaving a lasting impact.

Handy Hints @ Community House A handy hints and tips information morning tea hosted by Jan Wise and Heather Manders will be held on April 20, from 9.30am – 11.30am at the Lawson Shed, Pomona. Simple recipes, quick handmade gifts and household hacks. Morning tea provided, gold coin donation. Bookings required 5485 2427.

n e i ” us m t Co Mea “ &


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Page 18 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016

19 Mar – 20 April

Ellen Appleby & Mick Lord “The Land of the Most Holy Marys” Visit for more info Markets run every 2nd and 4th week of each month. Stalls set up at around 6.30am and trade till 12 noon. Next market dates: 23rd April


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Lola sheds her locks for Michael

The Devaney family

Lola Grehan raised over $1200 by cutting off her 35cm ponytail

MICHAEL Devaney is only 36 and is in the fight of his life against aggressive stomach cancer. Michael, along with wife Christine and their three young sons, moved to the Cooroy area last year where he started his dream job as Year 9 Deputy at Noosa State High School. Life came tumbling down around them mid 2015 when the cancer bombshell was dropped on them. His latest prognosis is grim. Friends and neighbours have rallied to do what they can to help. A Devaney Family Fundraiser Facebook page has been set up to help raise much-need funds for treatment costs and to take some financial pressure off this young family. Young Lola Grehan sacrificed 35cm of her beautiful blonde locks last week to raise over $1200 for this very worthwhile cause. A great effort from this caring young lady and a big thank you to Ann from Let’s Talk Hair for offering your services for free. If you would like to help please visit the Devaney Family Fundraiser FB page or otherwise a Bendigo Band Account has been set up for donations - A/ C name: CPA Devaney BSB: 633-000 A/C 157015132. Any help would be so very much appreciated. We wish Michael and his family the very best.

Put yourself in the picture to win

One of last year’s entries NOOSA Council and Unitywater have teamed up to host the 2016 Connect to Your Creek Week photo competition, once again showcasing Noosa’s stunning waterways. Now in its second year, the annual competition invites locals and visitors to snap a ‘selfie’ or take a photo of friends, family or workmates enjoying one of Noosa’s picturesque waterways. Entries go into a draw to win a range of prizes including an Everglades tour, a day out in an electric

boat or a kayak paddle of Noosa River. “This competition is a great way to show just how much we value our local waterways,” Noosa Council Environment Officer Jan Maddin said. Entries will again be made into a video and published on Council’s Facebook page. “With its freshwater creeks, wetlands, river and lakes, Noosa’s waterways are home to all sorts of aquatic ecosystems that underpin our region’s natural assets, lifestyle and live-

lihoods,” Ms Maddin said. “That’s why Council is supporting a project to reintroduce oyster reefs to the Noosa River estuary to help increase fish stocks. We are also liaising with the state government for control of anchoring, mooring, living-on-boards and commercial jetty leases – which were recommendations of Noosa’s community jury. Unitywater spokesperson Rebecca Marshall said: “The photo competition is great way for Noosa locals to celebrate their waterways and inspire others to connect to their creeks, rivers and catchments through photography. “As the region’s water and sewage treatment supplier, Unitywater considers waterway health in everything it does,” Ms Marshall said. “We are looking forward to seeing Noosa’s beautiful waterways showcased in this fantastic photographic competition.” Email photos to Council will upload a new entry to its Facebook page, daily. Winners will be selected at random to receive an enjoyable Noosa River experience.

Entries close Sunday 17 April, 2016. Read the full terms and conditions via the link on Council’s website at www.noosa.



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5485 1351 10 Reserve St Pomona Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 19


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Ph: 5447 6229 Cooroy Rag, April 13 - Page 21


Charming Queenslander in quiet street

news Timeless treasure





• Lovely Queensland style home on 5.5 acres • 30 minutes’ drive from Noosa and Gympie • 5 minute drive to the picturesque township of Kin Kin • 4 bedrooms with closed in verandah on one side • 10,000 gallon capacity rainwater tanks • Beautiful cleanly mowed parcel of land • Car accommodation under house • One of Kin Kin’s nicest blocks • Set back from the road for privacy


$4 75,000 $475,000

L/N 6641





• 10 minutes from the heart of Pomona • Just a short walk to the local school • 809m2 of well-presented Cooran real estate • Quiet, private street • 3 bedroom brick veneer with verandahs • Large 9m x 6m shed + several garden sheds • Established fruit trees • Plenty of car accommodation • Fully fenced and fresh new concrete driveway

YOU cannot help but be charmed by this beautiful home set on 1839m2 block in the heart of Pomona. Set well back off the road and having a wonderful garden to the front the property is completely private. Offering three bedrooms two bathrooms two living areas an office and spacious kitchen dining area and for storage there is a walk in storage / linen cupboard .The home will suit most families or anyone wanting that extra space. All the original feature that you would expect are here VJ walls high ceilings polished timber floors fan lights to

name a few. Bi fold doors lead out from the kitchen to the wide north facing deck where you can sit and relax with your morning coffee. The gardens are lovely with loads of mature trees flower gardens and veggie patches. To the rear of the home is a double car port and studio great for the artist or use as asleep out. So why not call now and make an appointment and be the first to view. Price: $589,000. Contact Roby Kildey at Countryside Realty on 0414 425 350.

Hinterland tranquillity with dual living

AFTER undergoing a quality restoration this original Pomona home has been transformed into a timeless treasure to be enjoyed by its future owners. With wide wrap around verandahs, high ceilings, polished timber floors and excellent use of light and space, it’s very easy to feel right at home the minute you arrive. There are three generous sized bedrooms with two having direct access through French doors to the verandah, a stylish modern kitchen with gas range, ample bench and cupboard space and towards the rear of the home a beautiful light filled sunroom displaying original casement windows. The bathroom has also had a tasteful makeover with a modern claw foot bath, large shower and floor to ceiling tiles. Under the house has a large concreted area that could be used as a great workshop, games room or art studio. The home has all town services, solar system and is fully fenced. Period fretwork, entry hall and classy finishes throughout all add to the lovely feel of this home. So close to schools, shops, transport and the biggest park you can image with exercise equipment, picnic areas and concrete paths meandering through and over flowing creeks - great for walking the dog or going for a run and enjoying that fresh country air. Priced at $495,000. Call Michael Robinson on 0431 865 616 from Raine & Horne Noosa Hinterland for further details, or drop in to see one of our friendly staff at 8 Reserve Street, Pomona or 16a Maple Street, Cooroy.




L/N 6726





• 7.89ha (Almost 20 acres) • 4 Bedroom home + 2 large sheds • Underground 3 phase power and water • Deep red volcanic loam • Fully fenced private and quiet block • Approx 20 minutes’ drive to Noosa • Approx 10 minutes to Pomona and Boreen Point • Access to Cooloothin Creek + 6 dams • Ideal hobby farm or lifestyle block



L/N 6655


Your Local Bloke in the Pomona, Kin Kin, Cooran, Cootharaba and Wolvi area is Trevor Grady. Call Trevor today on

0428 373 777 or email for your Free No Obligation Appraisal. Page 22 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016

Bed 4; Bath 2; Car 2 Your privacy is assured in this four-bedroom, two-bathroom home located in the middle of five tree-filled acres on the Eastern slopes of Mt Tinbeerwah. Built in a pole house design, the home is located on a quiet cul-de-sac, with views across to Mt Ninderry in the South and Mt Ninderry to the West. All you need to do is sit back and enjoy the peace and tranquillity. Timber features predominantly in this home with hardwood floors, exposed timber beams and poles, wooden shutters and external timber decks. The natural timbers combined with the leafy outlook and raked ceilings, create a welcoming space of serenity and relaxed style. The home has been designed for independent dual living arrangements with the main living on the top level. This level has two double bedrooms, with a two way modern bathroom off the main and a large built-in robe and deck access. The open plan living area with galley kitchen, with gas cooktop, offers views from every window.

Sash & Tanya 0412 020 789

The second level has a duplicated layout of two double sized bedrooms, a bathroom, a separate deck and basic kitchen facilities. External access is available via the carport. Off street parking for two vehicles is available with a concrete a driveway from the street to the undercover carport. The hard work of landscaping has already been done with gardens established and water reticulated around the home. An external lower deck, meandering pathways and a large dam complete the infrastructure. Located approximately 10 minutes to famous Noosa beaches, shopping, schools and entertainment, this property is located in Doonan’s sought after Golden Triangle. Price: $795,000. Contact Jim Ennis 0402 587 298, Fiona Winter Realty 5499 1186.



Call Casey & Dave

0419 616 110

real estate


Light filled family home

The best of hinterland living

Bed 4; Bath 2; Car 1 Enjoy the best of hinterland living in this contemporary low maintenance Queensland style home. Situated on a quiet street within walking distance to the heart of Pomona. A large private deck enables you to overlook the large 1851m2 block containing mature trees and established gardens. Relax on the spacious deck and entertain your guests with stunning views of Mount Cooroora and Mount Pinbarren. This is a meticulously kept home with warm polished floor boards and views from the comfort of the living areas. The home consists of two levels. The entry level of the home encompasses the main lounge, dining, and kitchen. This level also has the master bedroom, second bedroom and one bathroom with large casement doors off the dining give you easy access to the deck. This upper level is air-conditioned with internal stairs to the lower level. Downstairs are another two good sized rooms for guests

with a television area and another bathroom. This enables dual living, perhaps a teenage retreat or a separate area for your guests to enjoy during their stay. There is also access to the laundry, lock up garage with workshop and carport on this level ensuring easy delivery of the groceries. Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle Pomona has to offer with country style bakeries, the heritage listed Pomona pub, an array of cafe’s including the coast’s best pizza shop. A thriving township including an IGA and Saturday markets were you can buy fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and home-made wares. Only 25 minutes to the famous beaches of Noosa and 12 minutes to Lake Macdonald to enjoy kayaking, fishing or a stroll around the Botanical gardens. An inspection will not disappoint. Please call or email for more information on this property. Price: $449,000. Contact Robert Farley 0408 478 304,, 5447 7000.

Bed 5; Bath 2; Car 2 This light filled family home provides comfortable living spaces with a wonderful sense of privacy. Enjoying a peaceful setting adjoining sprawling natural parkland there is a totally usable backyard perfect for kicking the footy. 4,072sqm of cleared gently undulating land with a combination of formal and casual living areas. The indoor/outdoor flow creates easy alfresco entertaining along with a large covered terrace and lawn area overlooking the pool. Includes: • 12m in-ground saltwater pool and surrounding sun decks • Generous main bedroom suite with WIR and ensuite, internal laundry with direct access to the outside drying court • Air-conditioning in the casual living areas and Veggy patch • Established gardens and a shed plus plenty of room for the chooks. Please call or email for further information on the property. Price: $545,000. Contact Graham Smith 0408 874 888,, 5447 7000.


• Heavy Duty Levelling Bar • 12 Tonne Machine • 4 in 1 Bucket • On Board Laser • Rippers

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Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 23


Space and comfort assured

Bed 3 + Study; Bath 2; Car 5; Pool; 1566m2 This lovely home on 1566sqm in Pomona’s prestigious Songbird Estate is all about comfort, space and easy living. Spacious and immaculate, the quality built Morcraft Home is very well thought out, and will suit the most stylish buyer, with its grand double door entry and long hallway, with glass sliding doors looking out over the pool towards Pomona Mountain. Two large, separate living areas - including a carpeted media room - ensure everybody has their own space, and there’s also a handy office. The north-facing open plan kitchen, dining and casual living area overlook the lovely, private gardens, swimming pool and undercover entertainment area. Naturally, the kitchen includes a dishwasher, as well as a handy island bench/breakfast bar. This lovely home is so light and airy, with high Cathedral-style ceilings in the open plan living room, large windows and glass sliding doors, to let in all that natural light and the wonderful views of Pomona Mountain. Comfort is assured here, with ducted air-con-

Page 24 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016

ditioning throughout the bedrooms, study, bathrooms and laundry, and two additional split system air-conditioners in the living areas. Double doors open into the master bedroom, with ‘his and her’ walk-in robes and an ontrend ensuite. The other two spacious bedrooms are housed in a separate wing, with air-conditioning, ceiling fans and built-in robes. The main bathroom has a separate shower and bath, plus a separate powder room with easy access over tiles from the pool. A huge walk-in linen cupboard/storeroom round off the internal accommodation. Surprisingly private and peaceful, this grand home has a fabulous, solar-heated, Poolfab pool, with a pebblecrete interior. The undercover entertaining area is insulated, and the private, low maintenance gardens are a visual delight. Not only is there a remote controlled, double lock-up garage with internal access to the home, but also a 2-bay Colorbond shed with power PLUS air-conditioning - and side access to a carport for the caravan or boat. With enough room to kick a footy around, the kids will love the lawned area, and the cubby house. While your wallet will love the 5kw solar power system! With Pomona School and the village shops, cafes and restaurants around the corner, and surrounded by quality homes and excellent neighbours at this prestigious address, you’ll definitely want to come home to Songbird! Offers Over $575,000 For more details, contact Phil Hargrave on 0417 750 507 or Sam Hargrave on 0425 777 121.

real estate Private Adventure Park in sought-after Pomona

Bed 3; Bath 2; Car 6; 9725m2/2.4 acres If you’d love your kids to grow up in a safe and healthy community, with plenty of outdoor fun and adventure, this perfect Pomona property is the home for you! This bright and breezy 3-bedroom home sits on its own private parkland of 2.4 acres. The luscious gardens and easy lawns are immaculate and make a pretty impressive statement upon arrival. But wander further down the acreage and you’ll discover a children’s paradise, complete with picnic area, mini rainforest, creek and a dam with its own jetty. A concrete causeway and bridge over the creek make year-round access a cinch, while there’s a pump in place to irrigate those colourful, low maintenance gardens. And what a perfect setting for large functions, parties, even a wedding! The home itself is immaculately presented inside and out, with not a cent to spend.

The level entry leads through to an open plan kitchen and dining area, plus a formal lounge, with gorgeous floating timber floors throughout. The separate formal lounge has both a ceiling fan and reverse cycle air-conditioning, while the chic modern kitchen includes a dishwasher and a handy breakfast bar. All the bedrooms feature built-in robes and ceiling fans. This gorgeous home really does have everything, including a wonderfully private, in-ground pebblecrete pool. There’s a double remote controlled garage PLUS a shed, with two more lock-up vehicle spaces and a double carport. The shed has been cleverly designed to also act as the pool house, with an undercover entertainment area, plus a multi-purpose room with kitchenette and a bathroom. NBN Internet and a school bus stop at the gate top off an impressive list of features. Picturesque Pomona Village is so popular, with its cafes, shops and schools, and you’re just 30 minutes from Noosa beaches. Commuting is so easy here, too, with easy access to the highway for Brisbane and Gympie. Call today to book a private viewing. Offers over $499,000. For more details contact Sam Hargrave 0425 777 121 or Phil Hargrave on 0417 750 507.

real estate Architect designed home



49 Uhlmanns Road BLACK MOUNTAIN

4 Dollarbird Drive POMONA


5 acres



OFFERS OVER $549,000

• Charming, unique, funky home & gardens. • Timber floors, high ceilings + wide verandah. • Very peaceful , scenic and tranquil feel. • Lush green paddocks, 2 dams + creek. • Huge shed – for 6 cars or Yoga or Art studio.


817 Cooroy Noosa Road LAKE MACDONALD


13 acres



OFFERS OVER $695,000

• Charming, colourful home; cathedral ceilings & French doors. • Large mezzanine area upstairs - office or third bedroom. • Mains power + 1.5 Kw solar + solar hot water + NBN. • Yoga studio 8m x 10m hardwood timber floors + thermal mass floor. • ART SHED 6 x 6m + 3m verandahs + TOOL SHED & double carport. • Fruit trees, vegetable gardens, reliable bore with pump. • High conservation bushland area with creek & 3 dams.


Bed 4; Bath 2; Car 5; Pool; 5.36 acres Designed by architect Russell Hall, for property expert Erle Levy, it’s no surprise that this gorgeous Pomona home is both unique and ideally suited to our tropical climate. Boasting the perfect north-facing aspect, this Queenslander-style timber home is cool in summer and cosy in winter, with lovely cross breezes, ceiling fans and a wood fire heater. Hidden away behind electric gates and established gardens on 2.17Ha / 5.36 acres, you could be miles from anywhere, yet Pomona’s shops, cafes and schools are just a walk away. A charming circular driveway leads to the home, and there’s easy access into this elevated home via a ramp. This property will delight timber lovers with its French doors, louvre windows, timber floorboards throughout and generous use of hardwood. It has the feel of a tropical island home, yet every mod con is included, with the kitchen featuring a 5-burner gas stove, dishwasher and breakfast bar. Spread over three levels - with a loftstyle bedroom at the top - the kitchen, living space, two bedrooms and the main bathroom are on the mid-level.

This level opens out to a wide, northfacing verandah for entertaining, with views over the in-ground swimming pool and dam. On the ground floor there’s a fourth bedroom and second bedroom, opening to a beautifully cool concreted entertainment area and on to the pool. This property truly is a nature lovers paradise with all its visiting birdlife, beautiful bush walks and views of Mt Cooroora through the trees. And the sense of being in a tropical resort is added to by the lovely pool, rock waterfall and outdoor shower. A pretty dam with a jetty and creek provides irrigation to the low-maintenance gardens via a pump, and there’s a fenced veggie patch with a useful garden shed. There’s a carport for four vehicles, plus another for the boat or caravan. Topping off the impressive list of features are a 3kw solar system, solar hot water and NBN Internet. With easy access to the Bruce Highway, and Noosa’s beautiful beaches and National Park just a short drive away, this large and stunning home is a must-see. Price: Offers over $625,000. For more details, contact Phil Hargrave on 0417 750 507 or Samantha on 0425 777 121.

Private, pretty, immaculate





OFFERS OVER $575,000

• Two separate spacious living areas. • 3 bedrooms + Office. • Ducted air conditioning. • Views of Pomona Mountain. • Side access to 2 bay shed + carport. • Solar heated pool + 5kw solar power.


829 Pomona Kin Kin Road KIN KIN




89 acres

OFFERS OVER $495,000 • Single level home - Open plan living with modern kitchen. • Large flat area around the house with colourful, tropical gardens. • Unlimited water, deep dams + swimming holes & waterfall. • Loads of space for a big shed, a nursery or parking boats, trucks etc.. • Enough pasture for 30 plus breeders. • Own your own East facing valley with ocean views at the highest point.


1.8 acres




OFFERS OVER $725,000

• Opulent family home with 5 living areas. • 3 brand new bathrooms – 2 are ensuite bathrooms. • Brand new kitchen features Caesar stone bench tops, self cleaning oven, dishwasher & breakfast bar. • Not a cent to spend – new carpets & freshly painted throughout. • Side access to shed for caravan & or boat.


24 Blackbean Court BLACK MOUNTAIN





OFFERS OVER $499,000

• 2 Separate living zones + undercover entertaining. • Modern central kitchen + dishwasher + breakfast bar. • Hardwood timber floors in all bedrooms. • Ceiling fans throughout plus reverse cycle air con. • Fully fenced rear yard with dual side access to shed.

5485 2200

34 Sallwood Court PINBARREN

4 Bed 3; Bath 2; Car 3; 4033m2 Sensationally situated in the heart of the Hinterland, yet just 25 minutes from Noosa and the coast, this level entry home is immaculate, private and peacefully located with nothing left to spend! Surrounded by quality properties on the edge of pretty Cooran, this low maintenance home on 4033sqm features tiled floors throughout and has no stairs to worry about. Immaculate inside and out, there’s no shortage of space for family and friends here, with three bedrooms - with built-ins and ceiling fans - and two bathrooms. There’s a bright and breezy open plan living area, plus a tiled, undercover outdoor entertainment area. The kitchen is so big it can easily fit a 6seater dining table, and the gas hob makes cooking a breeze. There’s a cosy wood-fired heater for winter nights, while the clever design of the

home ensures efficient cross ventilation. The land is level around the home, for easy care and functionality, while the property’s elevated site offers up wonderful views of Mt Cooroora and Cooran Mountain, and ensures those cooling summer breezes. There’s even a ride-on mower that could be negotiated with the sale! A concrete driveway leads to a single garage with double carport, plus room for a caravan and/or boat, so it really is just perfect. Healthy walking distance from Cooran’s shops, primary school and sporting facilities - and just 15 minutes from beautiful Lake Cootharaba for boating and fishing - this is a very pretty and functional home in a great location. Price: Offers over $425,000. For more details contact Sam Hargrave 0425 777 121 or Phil Hargrave on 0417 750 507




OFFERS OVER $550,000

• Beautiful Noosa Hinterland Retreat. • Close to beaches, schools & boutique shopping. • Panoramic mountain and valley views from every room. • Terraced gardens + dam in quiet cul-de-sac. • 2 steps to main entrance - Perfect north-facing - Wide verandahs. • French doors, high ornate ceilings, polished golden hoop pine flooring.

5485 2200 Sam Hargrave

0425 777 121

Phil Hargrave

0417 750 507

George Andrews

0477 703 429 Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 25



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Cooroy Gymnast Qualifies for Queensland Senior State Championships COOROY gymnast, Finlay Jones, competed in the South East Queensland Regional Championship on Saturday 2nd April held at Brisbane Grammar School. Gymnasts from Gladstone to the Gold Coast took part in the major competition to level test and qualify for the Queensland Senior State Championships. Finlay competed on all six apparatus in the level 7 open division where he placed 3rd on High Bar, 3rd on Pommel Horse and 10th all around. Cooroy Gymnastics Club head coach, Jeff Ferrer, was very pleased with the results and will work closely with Finlay over the next fortnight to refine some elements in preparation for Queensland State Championships. The Cooroy Gymnastics Club now has four men’s gymnastics coaches and boasts a boys program that consists of 100 plus boys training weekly. Cooroy has been focusing on building its boys program for the last year and continues to see a large number of boys still coming on board. The club caters for all ages, needs and abilities. For more information 5442 5800.

Girls need to get moving

Myall St, Cooroy 5447 6258

THE 2016 Cooroy Fusion Festival on Saturday 7 May is one of many community events showcasing opportunities for girls to participate in physical activity. The launch of the federal government’s Girls Make Your Move campaign highlights the urgent need for increasing girls’ participation in exercise. Lack of physical activity has been identified as the leading contributor to preventable illness and morbidity in women. Conversely, being physically active is a major factor in wellbeing: it improves fit-

ness, increases energy and reduces the risk for developing a chronic disease. In addition to the physical health benefits of exercise, experts say there are numerous mental health advantages. These include stress management, alleviating depression and anxiety, improved mood, increased mental alertness and self-esteem. Research indicates that, although girls are aware of these benefits, they are still not moving enough. Several barriers to girls’ participation in physical activity have been identified, such as lack of confidence, dislike of exercise, perceived low skill levels, and competing demands for time. Self-consciousness has been recognised as a key barrier. Girls are concerned about how they look during or after exercise, and fear being judged or ridiculed. Noosa author and writing mentor Jo Kadlecek has firsthand experience of barriers to sports participation for girls. She shares these

in her novel When Girls Became Lions, which she co-authored with Valerie J. Gin. Both women were involved as U.S. college athletes and coaches. Their book explores the impact of Title IX federal legislation in 1972, which gave girls in the U.S. access to compete in sports previously only available to their brothers. On May 7, Jo will be appearing at Cooroy Fusion Festival to discuss her novel and upcoming memoir writing workshops. Cooroy Fusion will also highlight some local ways girls and women can get active, including demonstrations of Zumba, tai chi and yoga, highlighting the many activities in the Cooroy region for girls, both in and outdoors, team and solo, and competitive and non-competitive sports. Festival-goers can experience some of the fun and non-threatening opportunities that are available for girls to start “making their move.”

Golf: Invitation Day

THE women at Cooroy Golf Club held their Invitation Day on Tuesday 5 April 2016. 94 players, most of them visitors from other clubs in the Sunshine Coast area enjoyed their partnered event in perfect golfing weather. We were generously sponsored by Cooroy Supa IGA. The lucky winners for the day (pictured) were Lyn Blackmore (Cooroy) & Carolyn Chestnut (Beerwah) with 43 points. Runners-up were Leith Barr (Cooroy) & Susie Ferguson (Peregian Springs) with 41 points. The winners of the Pin-shots/Approach were Barbara Zordrager (Caloundra), Doone Flanagan (Cooroy) and Pam Marsden (Beerwah). Many thanks to all who helped to make this a wonderful day which showcased our friendly country golf club.


Respected LOCALS servicing the Cooroy Community

Cnr Johnson Court & Jarrah St, Cooroy

Phone Tom & Debbie 5442 5088 Page 26 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016






Sporting groups urged to tap into Unitywater’s sponsorship packages DO you know of a sporting group that could benefit from new water bottles, water coolers and score boards or the loan of marquees and water refill stations? Junior cricketers from the Sunshine Coast Cricket Association (SCCA) were among the first to benefit from the first round of these packages last year. The Association received water coolers, water bottles and a new scoreboard as well as the temporary use of marquees and the Unitywater Hydration Station. The in-kind sponsorship from Unitywater eased the fundraising burden on junior cricketers and their families, while at the same time freeing up funds to be spent on other required equipment. “We are excited to launch a second round

of these sponsorship packages,” Unitywater spokesperson Rebecca Marshall said. “For some of the region’s smaller clubs, this sort of equipment is out of reach because of their limited funds. “This is all about keeping our local communities cool, active and hydrated. I would encourage anyone interested to find out more on the Unitywater website and to get their applications in.” Applications for the second round of sponsorship packages close 29 April. There is a limited number of packages available and they will be allocated on a by-request basis. Go to or email for more information.

Bowen therapy for sports injuries BOWEN therapy is a gentle non-invasive movement of the tissues that is being recognised as an effective remedial technique for the treatment and healing of sports injuries. It is also able to assist in maintaining an athlete's body, by decreasing the likelihood of injuries - but also by increasing performance. Injuries in sport are often sustained when the body has been unable to cope with the rigour of a sudden, additional stress. Bowen therapy helps to rebalance, reset and realign the body, while encouraging the body to heal its own tissues. It also promotes optimum posture and gait - essential attributes for any

sportsperson. Bowen Therapist, Lisa Lister, literally fell into a career and a passionate conviction for Bowen Therapy following years of debilitating pain as a result of a horse riding accident. As a qualified professional Bowen Therapist since 1998, Lisa has seen the undeniable evidence that Bowen Therapy is most effective in the treatment of pain relief, relaxation and sport injuries. Bowen Therapy is a treatment option for all ages, is especially effective on children and the elderly as it is gentle and non-invasive. For more information phone Lisa at Lakeridge Health and Beauty on 5442 6239.


Cutters v Maroochydore 22-22

Cutters Country Kitchen Thrives BEING a family orientated Rugby League Club, what better place to come and spend your Friday evenings at the Cutters Country Kitchen. Run by the local football club members, the Kitchen has brought the club forward in leaps and bounds. Families are absolutely loving it, as the club lights up the field to provide the children a place along with the skate/bike ramp to play while the parents are able to sit back, relax and mingle with the amazing people that come down. How great is it to be able to take your family to a place that offers beautifully tasting meals at an affordable price, the chance to win a meat tray and be part of the Member’s Draw? Takeaway meals and menu are also available. The club opens from 5pm on a Friday evening, kitchen opening at 5.30pm, to 10pm. For more information, visit our website @ or jump on and like our Facebook page CuttersCountryKitchen Boys are still going well with their games; however, they did have us sitting on the edge of our seats with the score ending 22-22 against Maroochydore. Looking forward to a great year.

FOLLOWING GAMES: April 16 - 5pm - Div 2 - Caboolture 1 v Pomona Cooran April 23 - 2pm - Div 2 - Kawana v Pomona Cooran.

Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016 - Page 27

2 for Pre-Pack Sweet Corn

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$ .49

$ .00



Loose Brushed Potatoes







$ .99 Kg

Roast Beef or Pork Sliced

(Min Buy 1.2kg)

Chicken Breast Fillets

Australian Regular Beef Mince



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Australian Leg of Lamb





3 Emerald St, Cooroy 4563 Ph: (07) 5447 6061 OPEN 7 DAYS




Champagne Leg Ham


$ .99


Middle Bacon Rashers

POMONA 3-5 Reserve St, Pomona 4568 Ph: (07) 5485 1297 OPEN 7 DAYS

Specials from 13th April - 20th April - Until sold out - We reserve the right to correct printing at the time at print





Page 28 - Cooroy Rag, April 13, 2016


$ .99



$ .99

Kellogg’s Nutri Gain 805gm



$ .00

Sheppard Avocados

$ .99

Uncle Toby Oats Sachets 8-12pack Selected Varieties



2 for



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