Cooroy Rag 7 September 2022 edition

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1Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page

AN English woman living in Cooroy to look after her elderly mother, is making a desperate plea to stay in theFionacountry.Nelson has been coming to Australia for 15 years to visit her parents, who are Australian citizens. After a lengthy and costly process in September last year, Fiona was granted a one-year visa on compas sionate grounds: her father had been diagnosed with a “particularly aggressive cancer”.Sadly,her father passed away and now, one year later, Fiona is being ex pedited from the country, leaving her 85-year-old mother alone. Fiona said she is asking for anyone willing to spon sor“Myher.present employment in the UK is as a support worker, which I have been doing for the last five years, assisting people with a range of learning and mental health difficulties. “I believe there is a short age of eligible workers in this field here in Australia at“Butpresent.Ihave been informed by a solicitor that the only way I can obtain work here in Australia is by going down the route of sponsor ship.”Fiona said she has con tacted numerous compa nies in both the care and hospitality sectors to no avail.“As soon as the word sponsorship is mentioned, the barriers come up. “I am prepared to contrib ute to the relevant sponsor ship costs and also obtain and complete the neces sary paperwork required.” “At present, my mother is relatively independent but I would like to think I could be here for her when and if she needs my support,” Fiona said. At the time of printing, Fiona will have left the country, leaving behind her mum and her voluntary work at LifeLine. Fiona hopes to return next year for a visit - or lon ger, if she finds a sponsor.


Woman’s desperate plea to stay in Cooroy Noosa Hinterland Market Myth Busters! Scan the QR code to read. Noosa Hinterland Property Growth Remains More Robust Than Other Major Markets 30 Maple St, Cooroy | 5447 7000 | Scan the QR code to discover if your suburb has seen positive growth. FREE I Phone: 5442 6699 I Email: I 7 September 2022 ROLL up, roll up, for the Noosa Country Show on 9 and 10 Sep tember at Pomona Showgrounds. Read all about this year’s "Where town meets country" show, on page 6. It’s showtime!

BOUQUETS to the won derful volunteers (and there were many ) who made the Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival such a wonderful event.


of editorroamingyour INSIDE EDITIONTHIS

sold painting 7 Record-breaking numbers for festival 8 Town


OFFICE Phone: 5442 6699

local kids 10 Your Say 12-13 Letters to the Editor 12-13 Dining 14-15 What's On 16-21 People 18-19 Community 22-23 Sport 24-25 Health 26 Classifieds 27 Trades & Services 28-29 Schools 30 Puzzles 31 Real Estate 31-43 “ We genuinely give a SHED!” Wimmers Lane, Cooroy P.5391 3440 Every 3 weeks, 7500 copies of the Cooroy Rag are distrubuted throughout our community to Tewantin, Doonan, Eumundi, Noosaville, Boreen Point, Imbil, Gympie, Cooroy and Pomona PO BOX ADDRESS: Cooroy Rag, PO Box 898, Cooroy, 4563 Bouquets & Brickbats AS the Cooroy Rag pre pares to give money back to the community, we thought it was fitting we share this photo for this edition of From the archives Pictured is the team responsible for bringing the Cooroy Rag back as a 100 per cent newspaper,Cooroy’,JudyPainterandBoylerelaunchedlongstandingthe Cooroy Rag, as a non-profit publi cation.Since then, the Cooroy Rag has given more than $1 million back to the com munity. Cooroy Rag, July 2000 From the archives

design 3 Second


Noosa Road 4 ‘Hi Mum’ scam alert 4 Rate discounts extended for Black Mt residents 5 Louis

BRICKBATS to owners of off-lead dogs that are left to roam the pony club grounds and leave their calling cards – your number plates are being noted.

BRICKBATS to people who abandon cars and leave the mess and the bill for others to clean up. BRICKBATS to those who write on our beautiful histor ic buildings (pictured) like the Pomona Memorial Hall. Your “tags” are ugly and unwanted. Grow up.

6 Man hunts

branding for Cooroy store 10 Cooroy

BOUQUETS to Noosa Hospital staff for taking such good care of my mum recently. You truly are all heroes.

9 New

Alex Purcell, Cooroy Rag Roaming Editor help lock in station fatality Cooroy Bazzo Drive speed limit under review Council gives community benefit priority for meets country at show owners, business gives $500 for

2 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page

BOUQUETS to Qld Police for 1) deciding to include communities and consult on details for designs on rural police stations, and 2) for providing a great afternoon tea.





From desk


Cooroy ContactsRag

BOUQUETS and wel come to the wonderful new doctors at Cooroy Family Practice. I have found my skin specialist.

IT has been absolutely lovely being home for a bit, catching up with family and friends, staying in our beloved home in Pomona and attending functions (wonderful to see Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival was so busy and I will have a wrap-up next edition on the Mingle with the Mayor’s Ball) that are all part of being your roaming editor. But I have to admit, it’s been difficult too. You see, we’d only just really found our feet with our travels before we came home. After six months on the road, we’d only just started free camping more, we had a great routine going on to accommodate my work, Matt’s work, the kids’ schooling and of course, exploring and enjoying events in the areas we were in. Interestingly, it has been the kids that I've noticed the biggest change in. They have grown so much. To say they struggled being confined to a house block this past month is an understatement! With all that said, I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to have this incredible adventure with my family, to travel and work, and yet, so lucky to be able to come home to this beautiful part of the world and amazing community. But we are looking forward to loading up the van and hitting the road again in September. And I look forward to continuing to bring you editions of our wonderful community newspaper from somewhere in Australia. I’m enjoying being able to share our travels with you – your feedback is amazing and hey, if I can do it, so can you. The world is a different place now; businesses are diversifying and with the technology available anyone is only ever a phone call away. Thank you all for your unwavering support. Your soon-to-be-roaming-again editor, Alex


3Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page THE Cooroy communi ty spoke and the police listened.Following feedback from the community on the initial design of the new Cooroy police facility, second iterations of the $4 million replacement station have beenQueenslandrevealed.Police Prop erty and Facilities Direc tor Linda Jacobsen said they took all the feedback provided by the community and enhanced the design concepts to better reflect what the community wants.

Marco Polo IN-STORENOW news Do you have all your business accounting systems in place? If not, this is a great time to get them up and running seamlessly. We offer complete business packages, from set up to ongoing monthly bookkeeping and reporting, so you can focus on more important things! Need an accountant to empower your business and be a trusted advisor? Phone 5442 6727 3/11 Garnet Street, Cooroy • Accounting & Taxation • Superannuation & SMSF Advice • Bookkeeping & BAS • Business structure & Tax planning • Single touch payroll & Xero SERVICES INCLUDE Community help lock in new station design



TOP: John Lewis, Police OIC Sergeant Mal Scott, Craig Hawkins, Acting Assistant Commissioner Matthew Vanderbyl and Director of Property and Facilities Linda Jaat the second community consultation and above, the revised Cooroy police station design.

“Feedback around the appearance of the building included the roof form and colour, its presence on the site, and how it fits with the other buildings around it. “We revised the design to include bullnose veran dahs, a neathingithorticulturearedisabilityexterior,cream-colouredandimprovedaccess.“Thingsstilltoconsiderthesecuritymaterials,andfencingbutwillbeasplit-levelbuildwithacarparkunderthatworkswiththe land; there will be no fill.” As well as the construc tion of the new facility, the build also includes improv ing the existing buildings on the site such as the old jailhouse. “The old cells are the first thing you’ll see so they are going to be done up and painted.”However, there are some members of the communi ty who want the jailhouse moved.Cooroy Memorial Hall committee member Ray Kelly said they would like to see the jailhouse relocated to land beside the Cooroy Memorial Hall. “The CMH committee is championing a project to see the jailhouse moved to council land next to the hall to become part of a memo ry lane, similar to what the RSL club have done on the other side, and make it into an information booth. “We’d still need the police to say okay and then get Noosa Council to agree,” Mr Kelly said. But Ms Jacobsen said the jailhouse still fits in the precinct and will currently stay where it is. “There were offers for the jailhouse to be relocated but there is room to leave the old jailhouse on the site so we will. “It will be moving up the hill closer to the front of the site so it is easier for people to access as part of the heritage walk.” However, it is still un known what will be done with the 55-year-old police residence that will need to be moved or demolished to make way for the new station.“Weare open to sugges tions and a tender process for the relocation of the residence if need be is an option,” Ms Jacobsen said. Acting Assistant Commis sioner Matthew Vanderbyl said he is pleased with the outcomes of the community consultations.“Wehavenever done this process before and we’re pleased with the community interest and support in this project.“Webelieve these second iterations are a better representation of what the community“Softeningwants.thelook better reflects Maple Street, the town plan and the current streetscape, yet it is a fit-for-purpose station,” Mr Vanderbyl said. While the community was invited to provide feedback on the design of the new station, the facility has to be a purpose-built police station.“Wehave to build to ac commodate the future.” There are no current plans to upgrade the number of officers at the station but the new station will be able to accommo date 10 officers and include an office for the officer in charge, a general duties day room, an equipment store, a holding cell and an interview room.

Cooroy Police Sergeant Mal Scott said he thinks the new designs are great. “Thanks for listening to theConstructioncommunity.”of the new station is scheduled to start in early 2023 with comple tion due in 2024.


4 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page


RESIDENTS are being warned of a new scam that is currently active in the hinterland.The“HiMum” scam has been doing the rounds, fleecing Australians of many thousands of dollars.

Pomona Police OIC Sergeant Dan McNamara said the scam is a European-based operation that is “fairly slick”. “It sends the victim a text or WhatsApp message with none of the usual spelling mistakes, under an unknown number stating something like the following: “‘Hi mum. My other phone crashed, but this is my temporary number. You can save this one, message me if you’ve seen this’.

“The victim usually asks which child is messaging and casually mentions their names and the scammers then have the victim’s child's first name. “Further messaging to the victim states the child has lost their phone and needs financial support, and most parents are understandably very willing to help out and not ask too many questions.”SgtMcNamara said the offenders then ask the victim to either pay a bill or transfer money to an account. “A Pomona local recently lost $10,000 in this way. “If you ever receive a message like this, do not reply to the message and directly contact the alleged family member to confirm it’s legitimate – and obviously, do not provide any personal details or transfer money until you’ve established it’s not a “Thisscam.isareally low act, playing on the victim’s heart strings in this manner so please pass this onto your friends to protect them from these low grubs.” Anyone who has been a victim of the scam should contact their bank immediately and also report the incident online via ReportCyber

news Cnr Maple & Emerald Street PH: 5472 0933 OPEN: Mon & Tues 9am - 4pm Wed - Fri 9am - 5pm Sat 9am - 1pm MakeProposalSpringyours a Second fatality for Cooroy Noosa Road LiveLife Pharmacy Cooroy 26 Maple St, Cooroy: Phone: (07) 5447 6028 LiveLife Pharmacy Pomona 8 Memorial Ave, Pomona: Phone (07) 5485 Scooters,Mobilitywww.livelifepharmacy.com1270aidsavailablein-storecrutches&walkingsticksavailable.Askourfriendlystaffforassistance. Live Music Fridays from 6pm: 9th Vanessa Sanger 16th Swing Easy 23rd Junction Road 30th Kerri O’Keefe Chef Paul’s September Meal Special: Red Chicken Curry with jasmine rice & Naan Bread $21 members / $23 non-members 25 Maple Street Cooroy 5447 6131 Book Now: Hillbilly Goats Smart Pups Fundraiser on Sat 8th Oct from 7pm! ‘Hi Mum’ scam alert

MYSCOTTlast report contained references to two Cooroy businesses that had been broken into and I’m pleased to report that two offenders have been arrested and charged for these offences. A 32-year-old Woolooga man and a 21-year-old Sexton man have been arrested and charged – and just to prove that the long arm of the law still exists, the offenders were tracked down to Mackay, North Queensland and charged with these and numerous other offences. Evidence from Forensic Police and our Street Safe CCTV camera system proved vital in providing the evidence to make these arrests.Cooroy police were quick to respond to reports of a stolen vehicle in the area; a short pursuit followed by the deployment of the dog squad saw a local 26-yearold male arrested and charged with unlawful use of a motor vehicle and an evade police offence. Another incident reported to police led to the lockdown of the Palm Lakes Resort in Trading Post Road after reports of a male armed with a knife. PolAir and the dog squad were deployed to this incident with police investigations continuing, but it’s pleasing to note that no persons were injured during this GympieSadly,incident.a22-year-oldladlosthislife in a single vehicle traffic crash on Cooroy Noosa Road late on Wednesday night, 24 August. This is the second fatal traffic crash on Noosa Cooroy Road within the past two months, which is of great concern as we all travel this road on a daily basis.Theact of driving a motor vehicle is one of the most dangerous things that we will do and we all tend to take this task with a touch of nonchalance. This noncha lance is born more from the fact that we all drive so often that the importance of the simple act of driving gets lost in the multitude of tasks that we all need to do. Of course, the significance of driving is immeasurablymultipliedwhenwe have kids and loved ones on board. So please get into the habit of pausing when you get behind the wheel, and remember that so far this year, just over 200 people in Queensland have sat behind the wheel of their car, started the engine and driven off down the road not suspecting for one instant that they were about to die. Imagine the level of utter concentration of those drivers if they suspected they may die during that trip. I suggest that if we all drive like our lives depend on it (which they do) then the roads will be a much safer place. Motorcycles in particular will continue to be targeted by both overt and covert means as these road users continue to be hugely over-represented in the above-mentioned statistics. Police and ambulance officers continue to be called to many cases of people struggling with life and their mental health in general. The main risk factors for these mental health issues are depression, substance use and abuse, and issues within spousal relationships – with separation being a very stressful time. Please take the time to check in on your family and friends and seek help through various agencies where necessary. Remember it's not weak to seek help. Stay safe out there, Mal

"Technical experts have analysed the landslide and, given the complexity and instability of the area, full reconstruction is considered the safest and long-term option.

Mrs Curatolo said the condition of Andersons Road is also not reflected in their rate“Thesystem.roadis not at the same level of safety, and deterioration is fast and constant as a result of the increased traffic, so the roads are also not reflected in our current rate system,” she said. Mr Furdek said Council’s road crews visit the area weekly to carry out maintenance.“Wehave just completed further upgrade work to the temporary crossing on Andersons Road,” he said. While Mrs Curatolo said the rates extension is a step in the right direction but “only temporary appeasement”, Cr Stewart said this is understandably an “incredibly difficult time” for many in the community. “This extension of time for the payment of rates is a small way that we as a council can show both understanding and empathy to those affected by this incredible natural disaster. "We appreciate their patience and understanding as this is new territory for all of us,” Cr Stewart said. Black Mountain residents have to detour around the 150-metre-wide landslide on Black Mountain Road, which is so extensive that it is expected to cost $25 to $30 million to saidDirectorInfrastructurerepair.ServicesLarrySengstockreconstructionwork is being funded by the state government through the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA).

Rate discounts extended for Black Mt residents Ladies & mens cuts $30 Pensioner & uni students $25 Kids cuts (up to 17yrs) $20 EMERALD STREET COOROY (besides Harvest Fresh) OPENNOW Specialising in: - Kid’s school cuts - Mullets & flat tops - Cut throat shaves - Beard & brow trims - Neck shaves - Hot towel service KingPomadesBrown Proraso Shave Cream, Beard Wash, Beard Oils Stocking mens productsNO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY FREE BEER with every *Adultscut* only CALL JO 0478 023 301

5Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page news Local Agent... Call Ryan 0427 999 ryan.lucca@raywhite.com457 24A Maple Street Cooroy 5447 6017 WNEW ARRIVALS FROM Shop 2/1 Emerald St, Cooroy Ph 5302 4044 Freshen up your home or wardrobe with us this Spring

“Although we are appreciative of the acknowledgement and a positive response from council, my family and I feel it does not reflect the situation at hand. “We do not have the services provided to us in a normal capacity. The current waste management does not reflect the rates we pay – whether it is now or in November. This is going to be an ongoing issue until 2024,” Mrs Curatolo said.

Mayor Clare Stewart said the extension recognizes the unprecedented impact faced by residents following the February flooding event. “We are keen to help residents where we can and the three-month extension for this period and for future rates notices will hopefully provide greater cash flow flexibility to those impacted residents,” she said. However, Black Mountain resident Aimee Curatolo said – while appreciative of the acknowledgement and positive response from council – her family feels it does not fully reflect the situation at hand. “I can’t speak on behalf of the Black Mountain community but I can certainly offer my family’s feedback.

Noosa Council has written to all Black Mountain residents, committing to extended discount periods until all landslide works are completed in mid-2024.

Noosa Council’s Communication Manager Ken Furdek said extra waste collections are happening. “We continually talk to our waste contractor who is providing extra collections at the central waste location at Black Mountain,” he said.

“We certainly appreciate the ongoing support of the QRA and are working closely with them to progress the reconstruction work.

"We are still awaiting final designs which will help provide more clarity on exact costs," Mr Sengstock said. Black Mountain residents have until November 19 to take advantage of the five per cent discount on their rates. “Council provides flexible payment options to any resident who may be suffer ing financial hardship and our rates staff are always available to provide advice to help make paying rates more manageable for Noosa ratepayers,” Cr Stewart said.

EXTENDED rate discounts are being offered to Black Mountain residents affected by the landslide that will take two years to fix.

Council gives

A SPEED limit review is being done on Louis Bazzo Drive.ATransport and Main Roads (TMR) spokesper son said the department is undertaking a speed limit review along the entire 90 km/h section of Boreen Road, known locally as Louis Bazzo Drive, be tween Pomona and Boreen Point following community requests.“Weset speed limits in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.“Speed limits are set after detailed surroundingconstructioningaassessments,engineeringconsideringrangeoffactorsincludtheroad'sfunctionandstandard,developments, prevailing traffic speeds and crash history. “Any speed limit changes must also be endorsed by the Speed outcomemunityandQueenslandrepresentativesCommittee,ManagementwhichincludesfromthePoliceServicelocalgovernment.”TMRwilladvisethecomoftheinvestigationinduecourse.

Louis Bazzo Drive speed limit under review

6 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page news YOUR LOCAL HINTERAUCTIONS.COM.AUAUCTIONEERS For more information contact Richard 0419 676 284 or Andy 0423 980 601 Licence No. 4410065 AUCTIONMAMMOTH 2 Daycollectables September 24 & 25, 2022 Gympie (address disclosed closer to auction date) MOTORCYCLES & Memorabilia November 6, 2022 Enquire consignmentsabouttoday Community toOPEN!SubmissionsGrantareNOWApplyfora$500$2,500cashgrant*. Applicants must be an organisation that supports our community and is based in the Cooroy Rag distribution area. The grants program is not open to individuals however a club can apply for an individual member needing assistance. To apply, send a one-page letter to Cooroy Rag Community Grants, au, with a brief background of your organisation, how it helps the community, and what the funds will be used for. *T&Cs apply. We Give Back hinteractivephysio Ph: 5442 55567 Garnet St, Craig Steele Sabine Anderson SPOR TS P H YSI OT HE RA PY | WOM EN’S HEA LTH | M A NIPU LA TIO N S PIN AL PA IN | AR THRITIS | D RY NEEDLING | PI LA TE S Community Bank MakingCooroy good things happen When you bank with us, profits pour into the community. $1,985,182 so far. A bank giving back sounds unusual. For us, it’s business as usual. Find out more. Call us on 5447 7131 or search Bendigo Bank Cooroy. $1,985,182 Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178, AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879 A1390563, OUT_25224828, 22/08/2022

NOOSA Council is prioritising some planning applications and fast-tracking the approval process. As council staff work through a high volume of planning applications, those that provide a significant community benefit are being prioritised and the approval process fast-tracked. Mayor Clare Stewart said Material Change of Use applications in 2021 were up 22 per cent on the previous year, while building works applications were up 110 per cent on the previous record“Despiteyear.this, we’re making a concerted effort to quickly identify the applications that stand to provide significant benefit to our community, and fast-track the assessment process for those,” sheOnesaid.such quick approval was Noosa Hospital’s application for two demountable buildings as a temporary expansion of its emergency department and to provide additional staff amenities.

“Our planning team was able to assess the hospital’s application and provide approval in just 17 days to support the hospital with its plans to boost its operations,” Cr Stewart said. Noosa Hospital’s Director of Emergency Karl van der Merwe said they welcomed the quick approval.

“We have identified a need for a ‘fit for purpose’ Fast Track clinical area. This will allow us to rapidly assess and treat ambulant, minor injuries patients and free up our acute area for patients requiring monitoring and more advanced care. “We are extremely grateful and appreciate the care and support we receive from Noosa Council to allow us to help our community,” he said.CrStewart said despite considerable challenges, council’s planning team is working through the backlog of applications. community benefit priority

Man hunts for sold painting

7Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page ...selling Callproperty...localRyan Ryan Lucca UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Our Services Cooroora Screens and Blinds offer the highest quality products, with friendly service and competitive pricing guaranteed. Brian, Sam, and the team are committed to providing their customers with the best window covering and security solutions available. Contact Brian today for a FREE Measure & Quote Security Screens and Doors InternalAwningsand external blinds Shutters 07 5485 1287 19a Factory St, Pomona Security Screens & Doors are our specialty news Noosa Jazz Party 28 August to 4 September 2022

A LOCAL man is looking for a painting accidentally sold as part of a deceased estate.Simon Doward said a painting of Gympie Terrace (pictured) belonging to his late father-in-law was accidentally included in a lot sold to a local antique store.“My father-in-law passed away in March and in all the mayhem, the painting got dropped off along with lots of other items to Rockin Relics in Pomona.” Simon said he didn't realise the mistake until his parents from England called asking about the painting. “My parents have been coming to Australia and staying on Gympie Terrace every year for 25 years. “They love this painting; it has sentimental value to them.“When they asked, ‘Have you got that painting?’, it was then that I realised what had happened.” Simon said he immedi ately called Rockin Relics hoping the painting was still there. But it had sold a couple of weeks“Rockinago.Relics have been soSimonhelpful.”isnow hoping to find whoever purchased the painting to ask if they would be willing to sell it back to him.“Idon’t know what the new owners paid for it but I am willing to pay more than what they paid for it.” If you purchased the paint ing or know someone who might have, please contact Simon on gmail.comsidorward@or0407155 251.

news P: 5485 1922 | 4 Memorial Ave Pomona Follow us @pomonaslittlepantry More than just a fruit and vege store Yummy Range of Healthy Treats10years & LOCALLY MADEGOOD FOR THE GUT numbersRecord-breakingforfestival Place your order today Pork & Fennel Bratwurst • Boerewors Traditional Beef • Pork • Beef & Guinness • Lamb & Rosemary • Chicken & Chives • Turkey & Apple • Chorizo • Chicken Castello • Preservative Free Beef Sausages • Butcher’s Family Pies... Ready to Heat & Eat • Hot & Cold Cooked BBQ FREE RANGE Chickens FREE DELIVERY TO COOROY 0408 851 256 Memorial Avenue, Pomona • Chemical Free • Antibiotic Free• Stress Free • Hormone Growth Promotants Free • Environmentally Friendly GitshamPrimeFoods SAUSAGE KING We can prepare your order ahead of time Multi Award Winning 21 Factory St HUGE RANGE OF FEED SUPPLIES: HORSE FEED, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY AND PET FOOD Find us next door to the Caltex Service Station. Plus Water Tanks, Irrigation, Troughs, PETS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS, FENCING & GARDENING

8 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page

THIS year’s Cooroy Moun tain Spring Festival was un precedented, with a record number of people taking the once-a-year opportunity to climb Cooroy Mountain. Rotary Club of Cooroy president, Andrew Aves, said they are pleased to announce this was the fes tival’s biggest year to date. “It was a record-break ing event attracting 2600 visitors and grossing over $40,000.“Thefestival is the major fundraising event for Co oroy Rotary and essential for club members to provide assistance to good causes.” This year’s major bene ficiary was local disability support group, Sunshine Butterflies. Donations will also go to help local Cooroy SES and Black Mountain Rural Fire Brigade and Rotary youth projects including Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, Rotary Young Driver Awareness, Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment, our local Earlyact Club in Pomona State School and the Interact Club at Noosa District State High School whose students worked hard at the festival.

A highlight of this year’s event was the helicopter rides by McDermott Avia tion.McDermott Aviation Busi ness Manager Samantha McDermott said they donat ed their Bell 206 Longrang er for the event and carried out 15 flights on the day. “We’ve donated this helicopter every year since the festival began. It carries five passengers per trip and we did 15 joy flights that day.”Along-standing Cooroy business, McDermott Avi ation is the industry leader in helicopter lifting services, aerial firefighting, natural disaster recovery and more, and their helicopters and pilots are currently helping fight fires overseas. “We have eight helicop ters currently on fire con tract all over Greece. The helicopters have flown 450 hours since June and are fully crewed by our Austra lian pilots and engineers, with Greek translators in the co-pilot seat to help with radio calls. “We are also busy gearing up for the Australian fire season with the first federal government contracts to start in Queensland in mid-September,” Samantha said.

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“This sentiment is reflected in the show’s theme ‘Where town meets country’. “We know there are so many young people, especially those who have had limited opportunities to learn about the agricultural and horticultural heritage of our community, who are keen to know where their food comes from. “At the show, they can be introduced to farm animals at the petting zoo, see the judging of stud beef, and look through the different flower, cookery, and craft displays,” said Rob. There will also be events for the whole family, like the traditional Side Show Alley and Friday night fireworks and the immensely popular Honky Tonk Rodeo on Saturday afternoon. “The equestrian events are the mainstays of any show, from the Ekka to our smaller Noosa Country Show, and the horsemanship over both days of the show is worldclass.“We all know that the woodchopping competition has been a favourite for generations, and it will take place from Saturday morning with world-champion axemen competing. We are delighted that for the first time at our show, a female wood chopping event is being included by theTheorganisers.”NoosaShow Society is especially pleased to have passionate horseman Guy McLean at the show on both“Guy’sdays.shows and demonstrations have been met with acclaim both in Australia and internationally,” said Rob.The annual Noosa Country Show kicks off on Friday 9 September (Noosa Show Day public holiday), and continues over to Saturday 10 September. at


ROLL up, roll up, for the Noosa Country Show. This year’s event, “Where town meets country”, is an impressive jam-packed program for all ages to enjoy. Noosa Show Society President Rob Graham said this year’s show is an opportunity for everyone to come together in a real spirit of community.togetherwithoffromthenityyear’swelcome(A.H.&I.)Horticultural“Thecommunity.NoosaAgricultural,andIndustrialSocietyisreadytoeveryonetothisNoosaCountryShow.“Itisafantasticopportu-forpeoplethroughoutNoosaShire–thosethemoreurbanpartsNoosathroughtothoseruralroots–tocomeinarealspiritof

What’s On What: Noosa Country Show When: Friday 9th and Saturday 10th September from 9 am Where: Pomona Showgrounds, Exhibition St, Pomona Tickets: a revolutionary hearing aid that gives the brain more of the relevant information it needs. way, it can make better sense of sound, can gain better speech understanding with less effort. good sense of hearing is key to maintaining a healthy brain throughout brain needs access to a full hearing aid designed to support your brain and decrease the risk of dementia

so you

9Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page news ...for the best result! Call Ryan 0427 999 ryan.lucca@raywhite.com457

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Town meets country



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“The staff have the exper tise and experience needed to help customers choose the right equipment for the job.”While the Noosaville store has always only ever serviced the quality brands that they“Thesell.service department has always been committed and dedicated to offering ex pert knowledge and skills.


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New owners, branding for Cooroy store

Cooroy Community Kindergarten children with Cooroy IGA staff, Peter and Amber.

Cooroy business gives $500 for local kids

COOROY’S mower and ATV store has changed hands. Yardworx Equipment Pty Ltd Managing Director Lachlan Jarrett and fiance Chloe purchased Cooroy’s Mower & ATV Solutions in July. Lachlan said the store will be rebranded later this month but that is all that is changing.“We’llbe rebranding the store to Yardworx but all staff are staying on so you’ll see the same smiling faces and get the same great service and quality stock.” Lachlan said they purchased the store because they saw it as a good opportunity to be a part of a great local“Sincecommunity.webought, we’ve been supporting community events like the local football club’s sports day – we provided a buggy for them to use, and we also supplied one for Rotary to use at the Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival.“It’simportant to us to be a part of the community through supporting events and employing local.” It’s been a busy six months forTheLachlan.former farmer with a background working for John Deere corporately, has also just purchased a second mower store. Yardworx Equipment Pty Ltd acquired Sunshine State Mowers in Noosaville on 1 September.“Webelieve by owning both stores we will be able to provide better service to customers by having more mechanic trades and stock across both locations.” Sunshine State Mowers will also be rebranded to Yardworx later this month. Both Yardworx stores will continue to provide top-quality ride-on, push and powered mowers for home and professional use in the four main brands: Cub Cadet, Stihl, CFMoto and Toro. Honda mowers are also available at the Noosaville store. The Cooroy store will also continue to stock all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and both stores will provide expert advice, sales, service and repairs.“TheCooroy store has been providing advice, expertise, sales, servicing and repairs of ride-on, push, and powered mowers and ATVs for many years.

COOROY’S kindergarten is delighted to have received a donation from a local Kindergarten’sbusiness.CooroyCommunitydirector and head teacher Diana Markovits said they are so thankful to the Cooroy IGA for a “generous donation”. “As a non-profit organisa tion, we rely on fundraising to get extra things for our children.“TheCooroy IGA always supports us and this year they decided to give us a cheque for $500.” Diana said the money would be used to get a new woodwork table for the children and to finance incursions to enhance the children's education program.“Some of the IGA employees’ children come to the kindy and our families go to the IGA so it is a lovely community story. “We hope the IGA knows how much our whole kindy community appreciates such a generous donation; it really does mean the world toCooroyus.”

“The service staff are factory trained and are all career technicians who are passionate about their work.”Sofor quality mowing, ATV, mulching, pruning, generators, pumps, chainsaws, pressure cleaning, tree care equipment or gardening tools, see the experienced teams at the Yardworx stores in Cooroy and Noosaville. Cooroy: 5 Lowermill Road, Cooroy; Noosaville: 168 Eumundi Road, Noosaville.

10 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page business WE CARE ABOUT THE RIGHT INSURANCE POLICY FOR YOU. 4/6 Emerald Street, Cooroy (located above the pool shop) Drop in or call us for an obligation free chat. Phone 5491 7888 Ausure Coast and County Pty Ltd is an Authorised Representative of Ausure Pty Ltd ABN 94 096 971 854 AFSL 238433.

“This one of the things that make Cooroy such a great place to live,” Peter said.

IGA owner, Peter Zipf, said it is just locals helping locals. “This is part of what we do in the community, locals helping locals.


12 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 DearRegardingEditor, the story about the landslip at Black Mountain and the frustration of residents in a recent edition of your local paper (Cooroy Rag 27 July 2022), I recall many years ago slips occurring in the Blackall Range behind Nambour where the cause had been attributed to the clearing of the land some 70 years previously. After all that time, the residual roots left in the ground from the original trees had finally decayed to the point they no longer pinned the moun tainside together. I see this as possibly contributing to the cause of this recent slip. So in retrospect, this is not a problem caused by council but by past landholders in clearing crucial elements of the vegetation. While I understand the frustration of local residents caused by this situation, some serious planting of deep-rooted trees could be considered. I have noted over the last 50 years of living here, that major land clearing has occurred without consideration of possible consequences for future generations.

In addition to over 100 models in our Double Sided, Domestic Mattress Range we also have Ensemble Bases, and Adjustable Bed Bases that include a massage feature as well Manufacturing & Sales on the Sunshine Coast for Over 40 years stillfamilyownedandoperated! SHOWROOM - 5 Pioneer Road, Yandina Qld 4561 Phone: 5446 7541 email: Showroom OPENTOTHEPUBLIC Patricia Shipp 0447 477 302 Luxury Custom-Designed CurtainsQuality Soft Furnishings FREE MEASURE & MANUFACTUREDUPHOLSTERYCOMPANIESALLQUOTEMAJORFABRICTRACKING,BLINDS,SHUTTERS&LOCALLYOWNED&SHOWROOMANDAFTERHOURSBYAPPOINTMENT

QUEENSLAND’S Path to Treaty has reached a historic milestone and the Queensland Government has announced the next steps on the state’s Path to Treaty.Thiswill involve work on the legislative architecture to establish the formal mechanism to enable the Treaty/ Truth Telling process to be enacted and fully realised. Treaty is for Queenslanders.all It’s an opportunity to create a new future between First Nations Queenslanders and non-Indigenous Queenslanders – a process through which all Queenslanders can recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first peoples of the land, winds, sky, and waters we now share. More information can be found at https://www. This site will provide you a summary of the process so far, advice about the Independent Interim Body which will be a key driver of Queensland’s Path to Treaty, and news and community updates.Queensland has also secured a major win with the National Emissions Reductions locked in. After a decade of inaction and distraction under the LNP, we’ve now secured agreement between governments to enshrine emissions reductions’ objectives into the laws governing Australia’s energy market. This is all happening while Queensland continues to keep downward pressure on power prices by bringing more renewable energy supply online and investing in storage. This agreement to start work on what will be legally binding energy objectives sends a very clear message to industry and investors that all Australian governments are committed to achieving a decarbonised, affordable and reliable power grid. And make sure to keep an eye out for your $175 energy rebate in your next power bill, which is only possible because the Palaszczuk Labor government has kept Queensland’s power assets under public ownership. Keep up to date by following my Facebook page and signing up to my fortnightly E-News here: NicklinENews Rob IT is great news for our hinterland residents with the completion of the Wahpunga Lane bridge rebuild at Kin Kin. The new concrete bridge has a 100-year life span and being concrete in nature it will reduce the ongoing maintenance costs for our ratepayers. It, along with around 130 other council assets, was impacted by the February floods. Council is working hard to get through the continued enormous workload with our road grad ing teams out and about in our hinterland – specifically Federal, Cooran and Pinbar ren. Currently, crews are repairing around 70 potholes daily across the shire, which is a mammoth task. Speaking of roads, traffic is flowing through the new roundabout at the Cooroy-Noosa Road/Beckmans Road intersection, following the opening of one lane to traffic. Moving traffic onto the roundabout has made room for the rest of the works to be completed, and when finished the two full lanes of the roundabout will be open to traffic. Works now will focus on the northern side of Cooroy-Noosa Road and converting the old section of Beckmans Road into a service road access for nearby residents. Noosa Council is delivering Stage 1 of the Tewantin Bypass project with the Department of Transport and Main Roads as part of the $400 million road stimulus package funded by the Qld Government. $9.81 million has been allocated to upgrade the intersection.Councilisalso upgrading ‘Trail 5’ – also known as Cooroora Trail – which links Pomona to Cooran via Tuchekoi National Park. The upgrade will improve trail-to-town connectivity, increase the use of the trails for educational and recreational use, drive tourism, and enhance their effective ness as firebreaks through out the bushland. Subject to favourable weather and construction conditions, this work will be completed by December 2022. This $1.68 million project has been made possible via funding from the Australian and Queensland Governments’ Local Economic Recovery Program through Category D of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrange ments, which supports projects that improve the community’s resilience and economic recovery. Finally, the first two of our library book vending kiosks have opened. The Peregian Beach ‘BookShelf’ kiosk has more than 200 items available for borrowing. A second library BookShelf kiosk will be up and running at Pomona in the next few months. With the library kiosks in place, we aim to provide easier and improved access to library items. For further information, please see our council website or Facebook pages for further details.Untilnext month, stay safe. Clare Until next month, stay safe. Clare to

YOUR SAY proudly sponsored by Letter

Clare Stewart Noosa Mayor Rob Skelton Member for Nicklin

the Editor WE love hearing your feedback on stories we have published or things in our community you want to discuss. Please send us your letters to the editor. Email Send your letters to the editor


Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Cooroy for a successful Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival. Unfortunately my still-recovering broken foot could not tackle the climb; however, next year!Itwas an honour to speak at the official opening of the multipurpose Living Skills Area at Cooran State School enabled by a $33,000 Community Benefit Grant with further dollars from the P&C and Department of Education. With a learning space that doubles as a tuckshop and commercial kitchen, everything grown by students can be prepared and cooked on site – a 14-year dream come true!Congratulations to our Peter Doherty Awards for Excellence in STEM Education winners– Katrina Holewa from Noosa District State High School receiving an Outstanding Teacher of STEM award, and Cooran State School recognised as an Outstanding STEM School. An awesome result from only 28 across the whole state – how proud we are of you! As advised previously, the Lake Macdonald Dam upgrade has been reviewed, with Seqwater undertaking an options analysis which should be presented before end of year. Assurances have been given that should any change occur to the previous drafted design, the amenity of surrounding residents, environment and safety of those living downstream are in all considerations.TheKin Kin Road Project involving a widening of 800 m of the road is moving into the second stage, being approximately 150 m. All four stages of this project are expected to be completed by early 2023 weather permitting, so some patience, as well allowing extra travel time, will be needed. We are still waiting on the determination from Council’s court case and will update as soon as received. There is much more to report, and not much space! So please visit Noosaalways,,www.toourmonthlyandjoinusonforupdates.Asifyouliveintheelectorate,don’t hesitate to contact our office via predicted?hopefullyanyrequiregov.aunoosa@parliament.qld.or53193100ifyouassistanceorhavequestions.Enjoythecomingmonths,withouttherain Sandy (07)

WITH the arrival of spring comes much to enjoy that our home has to offer –including fabulous events!

at play here and the Noosa community has the right to be properly engaged and given the opportunity to get it Weright.need to work out how we can achieve both resi dent aspirations to maintain residential amenity and lifestyle, and visitor desires for a unique Noosa experi ence.Tourism that delivers social, cultural, and environ mental benefits to the com munity as well as economic benefits. Tourism that is inclusive and that protects the Noosa Brand.Wedo not need to re invent the wheel; we just need to have to look at oth er places to see how they are responding to the same challenges.Andweneed to align our targets and goals with our own strategies: our Local Economic Plan, Social Strategy, Transport Strate gy, Environment Strategy, and the Noosa Planning Scheme.

The doctors, nurses, and allied staff of Noosa Hos pital have made mammoth efforts to support residents during the difficult time of Covid and other relevant circumstances by providing high-quality care and services for the northern region of the Coast. Without state government assistance, the Noosa Hospital has been ‘punching above its weight’ all through its 23 years of operation. Now that the hospital is fully owned by Queensland Health and leased and operated by a private company, it is way beyond time for more private beds at the hospital, and for the original public beds to be reinstated as a matter of urgency. The Queensland Government’s present disarray means that the Noosa region can only hope that if our pleas for acknowledgement are not forthcoming from the state government, then they will be at least responded to by the Queensland Opposition in the run-up to the next state election.

Liz Aspinall, Tewantin, Retired Hospital CEO

NOOSA is well known for being a great place to live and visit. The process of developing a Destination Management Plan (DMP) is to ensure that Noosa continues to be a great place for our residents and visitors.Council has committed to undertake a Destination Management Plan (DMP), an ambitious project that will bring together our tour ism industry, our community and Council with the aim of creating a strategic vision and joint plan that will sup port a well-managed and sustainable destination. Council, through a robust EOI process, three individu als with extensive expertise and knowledge in DMPs, Strategic Planning, Sustain able Tourism and Environ mental and Risk Manage ment were invited to sit on the DMP Project Control Group: Nathaniel Bromley, Wayne Kayler-Thomson and Michael Tarrant. The remaining 26 nomi nees have been invited to join a Community Panel (advisory group) to be in volved in the DMP process. Nominees include repre sentatives from business associations, community organisations and residents from across the Shire. Success of the DMP will therefore be measured by this community by what matters to this community.


Sandy Bolton State Member for Noosa

The DMP must therefore be driven by both industry and the,andecoconcernsareall

It’s time to start taking action towards building a more sustainable future, where our residents benefit fromLet’stourism.trialpaid parking (residents exempt), or a congestion tax (residents exempt), build better in frastructure, a priority bus lane (local loop), surfboard sheds and lockers (resident priority), invest in eco-Hin terland eco- tourism, grow Indigenous Tourism, improve public toilets and end of trip facilities, build more disability parking and changing places toilets, bet ter beach accesses along the Eastern Beaches and carparking, better walking paths and cycleways, en able worker accommodation in appropriate locations and manage and enforce STA local laws compliance. We are a tourist town. And we are a resident town. Our challenge is to get this balance right, and to make Noosa a great place to live, work and visit. This is a plan for better tourism that ensures that Noosa continues to be a great place for our residents and(Thevisitors.personal views expressed in this article are my own and not necessarily those of Noosa Council.)


13Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page

Amelia Lorentson Councillor for Noosa Shire Council

5442 6888 Mobile: 0400 737 595 4 Jarrah St, QBCC: 1151985 Letter to the Editor

DearSinceEditor,Noosa Hospital opened in 1999, Labor governments have presided over a reduction of the 75 public beds which had been dedicated in the original concept along with the 35 private beds, which together made the hospital a game-changing private/ public facility. The massive population increase in the northern region of the Sunshine Coast has been ignored and over looked by Queensland’s Labor government, in spite of the present serious state bed shortage.

PH: 5442‘GarnetPlace’,GarnetStreet,CooroyQld4563 • Superannuation Funds • General Business Advice • Company Secretarial • Estate Planning • QBCC Licencing • Tax Preparation • Accounting Services • Bookkeeping Services • Business Planning • BAS Preparation PROVIDING TOTAL Business Care Registered Tax Agents • Accountant • Business Advice Ph 0432 786 337 | PREFERRED AND EXCLUSIVE STOCKISTS Find us on Facebook13 Mary River Rd, CooroyCooroy Holistic Pet Products Holistic, productsandAustraliannatural,madeownedpet

14 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page proudlyDININGsponsoredby 1/1A Emerald St, Cooroy Ph: 0488 103 fikacafe_cooroy651 Noosa Yacht & Rowing Club Open Day Distribution Day

15Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page proudlyDININGsponsoredby 1/1A Emerald St, Cooroy Ph: 0488 103 fikacafe_cooroy651 Birthdays Distribution Day Gympie Music Muster Happy birthday to LiveLife Pharmacy Cooroy pharmacists Amy and Abby for August!Happy 4th birthday to Cooroy Country Wear and Jeanery! Rick and Julie Templeton from Eumundi celebrating Julie’s birthday Locals Matt Purcell and Bob Abbot aka blues duo Matt & The Mayor rock the blues stage.

Annual art show back and bigger than ever

On Sunday 18 Septem ber at the Yandina Hall of Fame, enjoy popular country music and other upbeat, housefavouritescrowd-pleasingwithagreatband.Walk-ups welcome. Raffle and door prizes, BYO lunch, free tea and coffee. Entry is $8 with proceeds going towards the upkeep of the hall.

When: Fri 16 Sep 12 noon to 5 pm with Gala Opening at 5:30 pm; Sat 17 Sep 9 am to 4:30 pm; and Sun 18 Sep 9:30 am to 3 pm Where: Tinbeerwah Hall, corner Sunrise and Noosa-Cooroy Rd, Tinbeerwah Info: Jan Cooke 0412 769 351

A GREAT day out for all the family is the Kenilworth Show and Rodeo.

When: Now until Friday 23 September Where: Bendigo Bank Cooroy branch, Maple Street, Cooroy Info: What’s On What: ACMA country music concert When: Sunday 18 September from 10:30 am Where: Hall of Fame, 24 Steggalls Road, Yandina Info: 0437 191 004

Guest artist at ACMA

On Saturday 17 September, Kenilworth Showgrounds will come alive with horse events, rodeo, woodchop, chainsaw post ripping, sideshow entertainment, pavilion displays, chooks, bar and band. Gates open at 8 am with show jumping and horse events starting at 8:30 am. At 10 am, the ten woodchop events, including chainsaw post ripping, and the NRA All Round Rodeo begin.All-day entertainment includes rides, shows and an animal nursery, trade sites, guess the weight, raffles, piglet races and pavilion displays include cookery, junior section, flora/horticulture, textiles and photography New this year is the dog high jump competition at 4:15 pm. Open to all dogs (except females on heat), entry costs $5 per dog and the winner receives $200. At 4:30 pm, the night-time entertainment begins with live band Audible Lines, before the laser show and fireworks at 7 pm. Entry costs $20 for an adult and $5 for kids aged 5 to 15. All-day amusement ride passes are available for $20.

COLOUR and sea is the flavour of the newest art ex hibition at Cooroy’s Bendigo Bank branch. Artist/photographer Patricia Sheppard said she has an expansive array of subject matter “I express my flair in por traits, landscapes, underwater photography, sculpture (limestone) and abstracts in pastels, charcoal, acrylics, oils, cold wax and encaustic works.” A prolific artist and enthusi astic photographer, Trish en joys capturing spontaneous images on her national and international travels. Trish has exhibited at Noosa Open Studios, Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre, Pomona Railway Station Art Gallery, Bundaberg Arts Festival, Burnett Heads Lighthouse Festival, Moore Park Arts Festival, Martin Hanson Awards in Gladstone, Mt Perry Arts Festival and Bellingen Arts Festival.“Iloveto capture the spirit of the place and people into my artwork when I paint.”

What’s On What: T.A.G annual art show

What’s On What: Patricia Sheppard art exhibition

Colour and sea at ne w bank exhibit

AT this month’s Austral asian Country Music As sociation (ACMA) country music concert in Yandina, guest artist Sue Coats will entertain with a vibrant, enjoyable performance.

When: Saturday 17 September from 8 am Where: nilworthKenilworthShowgrounds,KenilworthMalenyRoad,KeInfo: https://www. kenilworthshowgrounds.

TINBEERWAH Art Group (T.A.G) artists have been busy preparing for their annual three-day art show at Tinbeerwah Hall.

Family fun at Kenilworth Show & Rod eo

What’s On What: Kenilworth Show & Rodeo

Opening on Friday 16 September and running until Sunday 18 September, T.A.G. committee member Jan Cooke said this year’s art show will be the biggest and best ever. “For the first time since 2019, we are able to hold a Gala Opening Night on Friday 16 September. The official opening will be per formed by Councillor Frank Wilkie.“Weare indebted to our award-winning guest tutors: Trevor Purvis, Helen Lawson, Fiona Groome, Dale Leach, Pam Miller, Clare Riddington-Jones, Tricia Taylor, Anne Yang and Lizzie Connor. These wonderful tutors have all encouraged members to try new techniques and de velop their skills in different mediums.”Therewill be paintings to suit every taste on sale at reasonable prices and T.A.G. is once again donating funds raised from the gold coin door entry, raffle and artists’ donations to Katie Rose Cottage Hos pice, Doonan in memory of T.A.G. founder, the late Gwen Blair.

16 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page what’s onSaturdayHARDWAREPOMONAtoSunday7:30am-2:30pmMondaytoFriday7:00am-5:00pmTradingHours 5485 1351 10 Reserve St Pomona Professional Service & Advice YEARS PROUDLY SERVING THE LOCAL COMMUNITY FOR OVER HeatersESSENTIALSWINTERFirepitsFirewood&Kindling Fri 9th Sep 8am-10pm (Noosa Show Day) & Sat 10th Sep 8am-10pm NOOSA COUNTRYSHOW

Saturday 1st of October 5 Opal St, Cooroy Free Entry Free ActivitiesKids11am - 9pm @oktoberfestcooroy

18 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page PEOPLE proudly sponsored by Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival Noosa Pengari Steiner School Children’s Festival 2022

19Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page PEOPLE proudly sponsored by ABN:AkuparaInsuranceBrokersCAR#127641066633563443|ACN:633563443 Poinciana Ave SidoniSt Doonella St SidoniSt Poinciana Ave The ShoppingTait’sInsuranceAkuparaAtriumBrokersWoolworthsCornerMall Dept. of Transport& Main Roads WE MAKE IT OUR BUSINESS TO GET TO KNOW YOUR BUSINESS We help protect your business with the right insurance cover for your needs. Additionally, we offer insurance cover for rural, commercial, liability, home and contents, cyber, motor, strata and trades. Ben and the team are here to help. Visit us today Speak with Benjamin Taylor: (07) 5447 6582 AKUPARA INSURANCE BROKERS PROTECTS YOUR WORLD. WE ARE ALIGNED WITH COOLOOLA COASTCARE ASSOCIATION INC. TO SUPPORT THEIR TURTLE PROGRAM. Email:,91Poinciana Avenue, Tewantin (the atrium across from the motor registry). Lift access available. Your World Cooroy Mountain Park Dash ForVietnamCash Veterans Day, Cooroy Cenotaph

what's on What’s On



the towns and trails. “Walkers are encouraged to be self-sufficient and self-guided, but having a team of local guides brings a welcoming sense of support and community.” For the third year in a row, organisers are aiming for a Zero Waste Event, encouraging walkers to bring their own food and water in reusable containers and to “Leave No Trace” on the trails.Wholesome breakfasts at camp and lunches to go, as well as a pop-up tea stall, will be prepared by local community groups Cooroy Pomona Lions Club and Kin Kin Community Group. Funds raised from the event are put back into the local community, and last year contributed towards the planting of 2,200 tree species in the hinterland, providing shade into the future.Thisyear the event will also offer a one-day walk on the first section. Registrations for both the one-day and three-day walks and an interactive map showing highlights of the route are available online.

What: Great Noosa Trail Walk When: 1 to 3 October (long weekend) Where: Cooroy Tickets:

Start planning for Noosa Open Studios 2022 What’s On What: Noosa Open Studios auction and launch When: Thursday 22 September from 5 pm to 7 pm Where: Saw & Mill restaurant, 5 Opal Street, Cooroy Tickets:

20 Cooroy Rag, 2022 THE three-day adventure following the Noosa Biosphere Trails, a network of around 100 km connecting Cooroy, Cooran, Kin Kin and Pomona in the Noosa Hinterland is back. Hosted by the Cooroy Future Group, the 2022 Great Noosa Trail Walk is being held the first weekend inCooroyOctober.Future Group events coordinator, Lisa Marshall, said the community event is an immersive walking and camping experience covering 56 km of countryside trails. “The route takes in the best views and traverses farmland, national parks, state forests, creeks, bushland and rolling hills. The experience combines community, countryside, nature and provideandwithguidesThiscamaraderie.year,25volunteerwilltaketothetrailsthewalkersassupportencouragementandlocalknowledgeof

THE Noosa Open Studios 2022 Art Trail guide is now available.Copiescan be picked up from local galleries and visitor information centres to start planning visits to 117 artists across 100 studios in the Noosa Shire over nine days from Saturday 1 to Sunday 9 October. With so many artists and studios to choose from, the trails are divided into five sections. Choose between visiting trails around Noosa, the hinterland or the inland rural townships of Eumundi, Cooroy and Pomona. Artists include ceramicists, woodworkers, sculptors, glass artisans, a knife maker, mixed media artists, mosaic artists, Noosaaavailabletextilephotographers,painters,printmakers,artistsandmore.Theguide–whichisalsoonline–includesfullprogramforthe2022OpenStudios, including artist profiles and participating galleries. Until Sunday 11 September, an early viewing of participating artists’ works will be on exhibit at the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre. And on Thursday 22 September, Noosa Open Studios 2022 will be official ly launched with an auction at Saw & Mill, Cooroy. At the event launch, artists will auction a number of 2D/3D collaborative creations. The innovative 2D/3D Collaborative Project encouraged participating Noosa Open Studios artists to work together to grow their creative experiences. Tickets are $65 and include drinks and nibbles and the opportunity to meet Noosa Open Studios 2022 artists.”

7 September

Great Noosa Trail Walk back again

21Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page Exhibition St, Pomona Queensland TICKETS STARTING FROM$10Fri9thSep 8am-10pm (Noosa Show Day) & Sat 10th Sep 8am-10pm NOOSA COUNTRYSHOW SPONSORPROUD Noosa Show Society FireworksFridayNightRodeoSaturdayNight

THE Noosa Parks Asso ciation hosts the Friday Environment Forum on the second and fourth Fridays of the month. The 23 September forum, titled “Pumped hydro, ur ban water, the Mary River is no magic pudding” will feature guest speaker Ian Mackay from the Mary Riv er Catchment Coordinating Committee.TheFriday Environment Forum is a public informa tion exchange covering a range of current conser vation and environmental issues. It is held at the Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre, 5 Wallace Drive, Noosaville. The forum starts at 10:30 am and morning tea is available from 10 am to 10:25 am. Entry is $5 by ‘tap & go’ at the door. Everyone is welcome. For more information friday-environment-forum/

With a historical skit through the decades, local music and kids’ face painting and activi ties, the Belli Community Hall committee will honour those past community members who helped build a lovely gathering place.Ifanyone has any information to add to this occasion or wants to play a part in contributing to the event, please call the committee on 0448 948 198 or send an email to bellihall@ purposes, please purchase a ticket for $10 for the high tea, and if you plan to at tend the BBQ please also select a ticket: com/CBNXUhttps://www.trybooking.

Submissions open for community grants Club

Belli Community Hall turns 90

THE Tewantin Noosa Garden Club is holding its next meeting on Monday 12GuestSeptember.speaker, Fernland general manager Nick Hutchinson, will talk about the history of the business and what they sell, the impact Covid has had on the business, and sourcing supplies through overseas companies. Nick is also on the board of Green Life Australia.Plant sales, competition table, raffles –and afternoon tea will also beGuestsserved.are welcome to attend the meeting at the Salvation Army church hall, 6-8 Bartlett Road (off Rene Street), Noosaville from 12:30 pm for a 1 pm start. For further information con tact Len on 0417 604 889.

THE Belli Community Hall is celebrating its 90th birthday on Saturday 1 October with a high tea and local entertainment from 3 pm to 5 pm. Celebrations will then continue into the night with a sausage sizzle and bar.


22 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page community High WorkQuality at very Affordable Prices Ready made framesavailablealways

WHAT started as an idea to stop books from ending up in landfill has ended in a perma nent bookshop. A few years ago the club saw a need in the community to allow people to donate their books rather than dispose of them. A call went out and hun dreds of books were received from the general public, most of them in pristine condition. This prompted the club to hold a bookfest every four months, which raised funds to support the local community. The book fests proved to be so popular the club decided to take up the challenge of opening a regular bookshop.Thefirstbookshop was set up under the Pomona Community House; however it became too small as the book donations kept rolling in, as did the cus tomers.

The decision was made to shift the Lions bookshop to its current location, on the cor ner of Mountain and Hospital Streets, in April last year and has proved a roaring success. Bookshop volunteers have created an easy-to-find, com fortable environment, and all fiction and non-fiction books are priced at just $2.00 with children’s books at 50 cents. The bookshop is open every Friday and Saturday morning from 8 am until around 12-12:30 pm and all readers are welcome.Todate, the bookshop has raised nearly $17,000 and is nearing the sale of its 10,000th book.Every book donated and every book that is purchased goes to assisting people less fortunate within the community. The Cooroy Pomona Lions Club is also celebrating the 50th year of their charter into the Li ons organisation early in 2022.

SUBMISSIONS are open for Cooroy Rag’s community grants program for 2022. Local community groups can apply for grants of $500 to $2,500 cash. Applicants must be an organisation that supports our community and is based in the Cooroy Rag distribution area. The grants program is not open to individuals; however a club can apply for an individual member needing assistance. To apply, send a one-page letter to Cooroy Rag Communi ty Grants, admin@cooroyrag., with a brief back ground of your organisation, how it helps the community, and what the funds will be usedApplicationsfor. outside of the submission deadlines will not beThiseligible.process is conducted by the Cooroy Rag Committee.

Bookshop idea a bestseller

THE Cooroora Woodwork ers Club is hosting its annu al show next month. The 2022 Cooroora Woodcraft Show will be held on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 October at the Cooroy Memorial Hall. The event features amaz ing woodcraft displays by club members and school students, and interclub com petition entries. There will be demonstra tions of woodturning, scroll saw, chainsaw sculpting, carving and milling. Items made by talented club members and special guest exhibitors will be for sale, and raffle tickets will be available for the bushies tank bar, turned burl bowl and slab of Sandwicheswood.and various sweet treats, coffee, tea and cold drinks will be available from the canteen. Come along and have an amazing time.Entry is $2 and the event starts at 8:30 am each day. The Cooroora Woodwork ers Club is a not-for-profit organisation focused on sharing the enjoyment of working with wood. The club’s workshop and kilns at 8 Lowermill Road, Cooroy are open from 9 am to 12 noon Monday to Saturday.

NATIONAL Tree Day was celebrated with a mass tree planting event at Cooroy’s KauriMorePark.than 70 people assisted in the planting of more than 900 trees and shrubs at the park between Elm and Kauri Streets in July.Organised by Noosa Council’s bushcare officers, the event was attended by many families who enjoyed a barbecue and getting up close and personal with reptiles and insects with VIP Wildlife.Friends of Kauri Park bushcare group, together with Noosa Council officers, will now ensure the small plants grow to maturity to provide more habitat for the many native species of birds and animals that call the parkFriendshome.of Kauri Park meet monthly to restore habitat in the park. If you would like to join the group contact 0428 559 245 to register your interest. Meanwhile, take a walk through Kauri Park to see the progress made so far.

Spend a whittle while at woodworkers’ show Tree-mendous event at Cooroy park

Sconetime Cooroy

JOIN local seniors and Cooroy business folk to enjoy a scrumptious morn ing tea of Noosa Black coffee plus Sunshine CoastFoodie Martin’s freshly baked scones. Tuesday 13 September from 10 am to 11:30 am. Tickets cost $8.00 and can be purchased com/CBUBN Lincoln and Evie-Lee Owens proud of their planting.


THE Cooroy Golf Club has received a grant to plant a grove of trees to commem orate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.Thefederal government provided the funds for the grant and the tree planting is being done by Noosa Landcare in conjunction with Cooroy Golf Club volunteers who will maintain the area. Pictured are Llew O’Brien (member for Wide Bay), Andrew Dick and Mark Woolway (Cooroy Golf Club) with the grant certifi cate and plaque at the tree planting site.

Laura is an ex-NSW police officer and has a wealth of experience working within the legal Nightingalesystem.Law offers fixed fees for most criminal, traffic and domestic violence matters and is a preferred supplier for Legal Aid Queensland. on 07 5293 7615 office at 4/6 Hours: 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday-Friday.

or visit our

Emerald Street, Cooroy. Office

24 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page sport

Modern Funeral Chapel, Crematorium & Facilities Local & Experienced Funeral Directors Pre Paid Funerals Available If you have any questions feel free to call Tim or Mark anytime on 5470 2664 or drop in to see them at 202 Eumundi Noosa Rd Noosaville •

Polo & comingProvedorestoPomona

cash Ph:

THE inaugural Cooroy Mountain Park Dash for Cash was a big hit with the trail running community. A total of 50 runners were registered for the August event and some of Austra lia’s elite turned up, along with those out to have a fun time.The women’s race was won by Brielle Erbacher, back from representing Aus tralia in the 3000 m steeple chase at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham where she made the final. In the men’s race, 17-yearold Coolum lad Hudson Jessep took line honours with a classy performance over a very steep and challenging course. Hudson is the under 18 Australian 3000 m track record holder and was runner-up in the Australian schools cross country recently. Both Brielle and Hudson each took away $1,000 cash prize money, which they both intend to put towards travel costs to national com petition around the country. Race Director Andy Town thanked the local commu nity for getting behind the event and supporting it, and extended a very special thank you to Stuart Moody of K2 Property who allowed the event on his spectacular estate. around tees for dash for 07 5293 7615

Principal Lawyer and Director, Laura Nightingale is an experienced lawyer with almost 20 years working within the criminal justice system.

• Family Law • Criminal Law • Traffic Law • Domestic Violence Law • Wills A law firm in the heart of Cooroy Should you need any assistance in regards to your legal matter, please call our office

THERE is a new chic sport ing and food experience coming to the hinterland. Polo & Provedores Noosa at Pomona Showgrounds on Saturday 5 November will showcase some of Queensland’s best polo players competing on an arena field. Over the course of the day, four teams will show case their PolotionedFinal.Provedoresculminatinghorsemanship,inthePolo&NoosaGrandTheeventissancbytheQueenslandAssociation. In addition to an afternoon of competitive arena-style polo, Polo & Provedores Noosa will feature wellloved polo institutions including the Divot Stomp; the Kids’, Ladies and Gen tlemen’s dash; and the IN Noosa Magazine Fashion on the Field. Polo & Provedores event co-founder Aaron Flanagan said pairing polo with prove dores made sense. “Polo is a sport that brings people together and offers an experience that caters for families, sport enthusi asts, socialites and fashion istas. Pair that with stunning local food and drinks from the Noosa region and it’s a winning match. “We are also really excited to be supporting the Noosa Show Society through the use of the showgrounds venue.”Polo& Provedores has created a range of firstclass hospitality packages including the Premium Pri vate Pavilions, the Players’ Lounge and the Colts & Fillies Bar with DJs turning up the tunes. For a more traditional take on polo, guests can reserve a car boot picnic space with some friends. This event is for all ages. It is a licensed event and no BYO is permit ted. Ticketing packages are now on sale with early bird pricing ending 5 October. For more information

New trees

jubilee Runners

COOROY Tennis Club wel comes locals, visitors, mem bers or non-members to join our friendly social games on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30 am to 9:30 am, and Sunday eve nings from 5 pm to 7 pm. Members $3, non-members $6, balls provided. For more information please contact Ian Garvey 0409 581 870, Dorelle Gold sworthy 0403 737 183 or Lyn Barker 0439 648 407. Coaching lessons are available from the club’s professional coach. Contact James Webber 0473 569 501 or

Play tennis at Cooroy Tennis Club

THE Cooroy Gymnastics Club took a record 26 athletes to compete in levels three to six at the Sunshine Coast Regional Champion ships.Almost 200 gymnasts from Deception Bay to Hervey Bay took to the floor at this year’s event at Maroochy Beach Gymnastics to com pete for regional champi onship awards as well as selection into the Sunshine Coast representative teams. The Cooroy gymnastics team won an impressive nine Sunshine Coast Championship titles and 15 medals in total. In addition to the medal haul, three athletes were selected to represent the Sunshine Coast in the Queensland Regional Challenge: Isabella Dean, Neve Bayldon and Anaya Dickson.Thegymnasts will now prepare for the major com petition of the year, the 2022 Queensland Junior State Championships.Thisyear,14Cooroy girls have qualified to compete in Brisbane in September.

Level 3 Under: Neve Whitehill: 1st Uneven Bars, 1st Beam, 1st Floor and 1st All Around Level 3 Open: Amelie Pennel: 1st Beam Emily Alizzi: 2nd Floor Level 4 Open: Millie McTaggart: 1st Un even Bars, 2nd Beam and 2nd All GraceAroundHenderson: 2nd Uneven Bars Level 5 Open: Isabella Dean: 1st Beam, 1st Floor and 1st All Around Neve Bayldon: 2nd Vault Polly Boyd: 3rd Floor

COOROY Pony Club’s annual gymkhana last month was a “resounding success”.CooroyPony Club sec retary Leeona Baxter said 102 riders from various clubs across Queensland (some travelling from as far as Blackbutt and Dayboro) gathered to enjoy a “fabu lous day of fun friendly com petition along with family, friends and spectators”. “The community support from local families and businesses by way of spon sorship and donations was overwhelming and there were so many happy smil ing faces come presentation and MEGA raffle time.

“Cooroy Pony Club would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the day to make it such a resounding success, and acknowledge the Cooroy Chamber of Commerce and Combined Coastal Car Club for use of their grounds and facilities.”

25Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page sport

Cooroy gymnasts shine at championships

Solutions.EyeIndividualCareWeprovideguidance to enhance, transform and preserve your vision through: a 62 Maple St, Cooroy p 5442 5555 optometry@cooroy Jennifer Currie & Associates We are locally owned and operated and use Australian made lenses and Australian designed frames EquipmentDiagnosticAdvanced forOptometryBehaviouralallAgesexperienceofDecadesclinical • CommercialResidentialConveyancingand • Wills • Enduring Power of Attorney • Estate Planning • Probates and AdministrationEstate • Business includingCommercialandLawleasing matters 3/20 MAPLE ST, COOROY Phone 5440 4800 Email Web OUR NEW ADDRESS OUR TEAM OF ARELAWYERSEXPERIENCEDHIGHLYHERETOADVISEANDASSISTYOU WITH...

Fun and friendly competition at Cooroy Pony Club’s gymkhana

26 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page AFTER a long break, The Rusty Fork has again been out dining in the wonderful hinterland. This month we selected Bask Eumundi. Bask Eumundi is in a beautiful tropical setting in the main street of Eumundi, run by the amazing and tal ented couple Jack Madden and Jess Coolican. The specialty of the house is a long, lazy lunch, sharing their gourmet seasonal menu on large platters for you to Althoughshare.the team comes with an extensive list of experience and awards, it feels like being in a beautiful home where one of your friends has made the most authentic country fare. We enjoyed the whipped almond cream on housebaked country loaf for en tree, which was also served with a light and tasty onion tart with just the perfect amount of caramelisation. Because the entrees were light and tasty, there was plenty of room for mains which arrived in generous and hot portions. The menu included slowcooked beef rump cap, divine potato gratin, and al dente vegetables and locally grown mushrooms. We chose to have the ac companying wines with our meal, and they really were a highlight.TheChardonnay was just beautiful and even im pressed the Savvy B-loving Mrs Fork.

Dessert arrived and was a blood orange cake with lovely cream. A very under stated end to an elegant meal.The combination of the home-cooked elegant food, the delicious wines, and the attentive and friendly staff wasonly outshone by the setting and the incredibly warm Jess. If you have a special occa sion coming up, do yourself a favour and book a long lunch at Bask. Easy to see why it has been hailed as one of the best new restaurants to open in Australia this year. Fork Ratings (out of 10): Food 8, Service 8, Atmo sphere 9.

“At the daylong confer ence, attendees will have the opportunity to listen to a host of speakers, all of whom have a message to tell.“The keynote address will be from Professor Jim Lagopoulos of the world-re nowned Thompson Insti tute, which is based on the Sunshine Coast. “Other speakers will include Tony Dell, a former Australian Test cricketer and an unabashed advocate for the need for more to be done to help first respond ers, especially those impact ed by military service.” For more information, au/index.php/don-t-bottle- it-up

Free health expo coming to Cooroy


THE combined Rotary Clubs of Cooroy, Eumundi Noosa, Noosa Daybreak and Noosa Heads are organising a free community music event to further engage with the community on the need for people touched by mental health issues to reach out and speak up. The Don’t Bottle It Up (Mental Health) free family fun day is being held on Saturday 17 September from 10 am to 4 pm. Rotary Club of Cooroy President Andrew Aves said the event will feature local musicians and bands, ranging from the talented younger people in the area to some legends of the Sun shine Coast music scene. “There is a consensus of informed opinion that music is a great therapy for people and we hope the message will be recognised at this event.“Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psy chiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act, war and combat. “Most PTSD therapies fall under the umbrella of cognitive behavioural ther apy (CBT). The idea is to change the thought patterns that are disturbing one’s life. This might happen through talking and is the basis of our Rotary campaign ‘Don’t Bottle It Up’,” Andrew said. Following this event, Rota ry will host a follow-up con ference at Noosa Springs Resort on 5 October.

Music mentalforhealth

SAVE the date for the Hinterland Health Expo coming to Cooroy Memo rial Hall on Tuesday 18 October.Theevent, which is a collaboration of health pro viders in the region, aims to re-engage and reignite the community’s health post-Covid and get back on track for regular LiveLifemorenoon,event,ments/screening.appointThisfreecommunityfrom9amto12isopentoall.Forinformation,dropintoPharmacyCooroy.

The Rag Review


703 Golf Buggy Pro-Simmon 1-fold white/red 3wheel front wheel alignment

WANTED Smart pup’s Do you love dogs? Smart pups trains assistance dogs for needs children, Centrelink approved. Please call Sheri on 0438 045 558

$70. Pick up only. Phone Kay 0431 109 098 / 5442 6627 BBQ Beefeater, Blanco Rangehood 600mm, Coffee

Pomona Hotel are looking for casual bar staff 10 -20 hrs available, must be able to work weekends, award wages, RSA necessary call Marg 0408 651 728


volunteers needed.


And next flight was to our very own Rob Jeffs who became a Great Grandfather, (we all know he’d be a great grandfather) and Rob’s daughter Fiona a Grandmother, baby girl Lila Aubrey Casey arrived on the 20th of August she now joins her 4 cousins (all boys) to carry on the Jeffs’ legacy of fun and mischief.


The Stork also called on (volunteer and always Fundraiser) Cathy Breeds home and announced she was a first time “Gram” to baby Grace Ann Peake born on the 16/8/22 to proud parents Stacey and Josh Peake, “Gram” is doing well however, many tears were shed.


BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday to Jazmine, congratulations on reaching your teens, 13 is a lucky number, love from your Nannie and Popeye CLASSES Aqua Aerobics Eumundi Pool. Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat 7.30 - 8.30am. Singing Classes beginners welcome, enjoy the pleasure of song, phone for details. Julia 0412 201 736 Cooroy Hookers meet every Thursday, CWA Hall in Cooroy 9am to 12pm. No experience necessary – just a sense of humour! $6 includes morning tea and knitting and crochet. Contact Jan 0408 477 242 Ready Steady Go Kids is a multi-sport program for children aged 18 months - 6 years. We teach 10 sports over 2 terms. We offer a free trial you can book at

Nutworks Yandina require staff for Operation of boxing plant machinery, loading containers, hand packing and labelling of product, sort belt operators, cleaning. Immediate start. Please send applications or enquiries to

bearing. Tri-mag

Breville Coffee Machine gc



27Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page AVAILABLE

FOR SALE Windsor 15ft Caravan

Bloomhill Cancer Care We are looking for VolunteersNEWproudlyCLASSIFIEDSsponsoredbyNoosaBeveragesHeadOffice:271LakeMacDonaldDr,Cooroy | Ph: (07) 5447 6633 Noosa Beverages owns Cooroy Mountain Spring Water, Wimmers and Premium Noosa Natural. We are a family-owned manufacturer of premium quality beverages since 1910. Cooroy Mountain Spring Water is 100% natural. The water in each bottle is collected straight from the aquifers located at the base of Cooroy Mountain. We are excited to open our new head office on Lake MacDonald Drive, Cooroy. SUPPORT A HERITAGE BRAND OF COOROY Cooroy - QCWA Hall - Maple St - Wed 7pm Pomona Family Service - 8am Corner Memorial Ave & Rectory St Cooroy Traditional Service - 10am Corner Miva St & Tewantin Rd ANGLICANS IN THE NOOSA HINTERLAND HALL RENTAL: 5442 6102 MOBILE: 0418 744 480 Anglican Church Pomona & Cooroy SUNDAY CHURCH FOR EVERYONE Seeking someone who loves heights, is enthusiastic and hard working to join our team as a groundie and start a 1st year apprenticeship in a cert 3 Arboriculture. BOOK YOUR ABN 13 863 064 712 | PUBLISHED EVERY 3 WEEKS by Cooroy Community Newspaper Incorporated trading as Cooroy Rag. Opinions expressed by contributors to Cooroy Rag are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher and publication of advertisements implies no endorsement by the publisher.

Paul David Hussey born 3rd January 1972, passed away 10th August 2022 at Selangor Hospital aged 50 years. Paul was the son of Robyn and Allan (Deceased) Hussey, brother to John and Keith, uncle to Alexis and Brother- in- law to Barbara. Paul worked for many years at Page Furnishings, he loved racing cars and won many trophies. ENTERTAINMENT Saw and Mill 3rd Tuesday of the Month, Trivia Night Book a Table Friday and Sunday pizza Old Daddo’s parking lot Cooroy Hotel Sunday nights 1 child under 12 eat free , 6months rego, Solar Hook up, large rollout awning, Queen size double bed can convert to 2 singles, front kitchen, oven never been used, lots of space, big windows for airflow, full area, great comfy van $10,000 Eumundi. Ph 0437 887 703 works well, included, pick up Eumundi $30 ph.0437 877 with steel wheels. Excellent condition Table square ,1080 x 1080, contact Lynne 0405 190 825 Condition Ryobi Garden Blower, cordless, operated, used once, $130 phone 0406 419 877 Legend fishing kayak 3.5mts long. includes- deluxe seat/ paddle/4rod holders2ajustable/EZ V loader trolley wheels system. VG Condition (can text photos)$450firm price contact Brad on 0459 116 458 (Kybong area) Lathe. C1000 variable speed + 6 belt speed wood lathe with swivel head Motor .75kw. Spindle thread M30 x 3.5p. duty metal stand with outboard turning attachment. $1,850. for more Marina Sun Pomona Sat MEETINGS Cooroy AA meets every Wed night 7:30 pm at Freemasons Hall, 58 Elm Street, Cooroy.



Domestic House Cleaner Available 0423 087 008 Local Craniosacral Therapist Effective supporting many health problems, phone Lisa 0423 087 008 Cooroy Pomona Lions Club Book Shop Open each Friday and Saturday, 8 am until 12 noonish, All books $2.00. Children’s books 50 cents, new books each week, Cnr School St and Mountain St Pomona BIRTHS



First up was Greg and Yvonne Raymont with Grandson baby Austin James arrival on 4th August to join the family, mum Amy and Dad Aiden are doing well.

Small tiling business has a position for a qualified tradesman, will consider an apprentice. Must have white card, license and vehicle, send email to Man With A Mower, gardening and pruning etc we have an immediate start for 2 people, must have Ute and ABN Number. Call or send a message to 0431 587 230. Wildflower Fashion We are looking for a casual local employee. Fashion retail experience and online marketing skills are preferable. Instagram & Facebook: wildflower fashion Cooroy Cooroy IGA Fully qualified Butcher position, fast paced work, immediate start. Packer; experience not necessary. Must be available for shifts any day of the week. Enquiries via website. Jamaica Blue full training given in both Cooroy and Noosa Civic, great environment with an excellent team, send resume to

Nannies of Noosa positions available, flexible hrs inc daytime shifts, must have Blue Card, First Aid, send resume to Info@

New bush playgroup in Tuchekoi, Mary Valley. Weekly nature immersion sessions during the term and school holidays. Free trial available - bookings essential. See the website for current programs and bookings. or call Jessica 0432876878

Fika Café Floor Staff and Kitchen staff Enquire in store to join the team in Cooroy Pomona Early Childhood Centre are seeking additional educators to join the team. If you have a certificate III, Diploma or are interested in a traineeship, please send your resume to Cooroy Hotel apply in person or send resume to au Chefs, Bar and Bistro Staff. Pomona Village Kitchen seeking experienced Chef. Drop in at 2 Memorial Ave, Pomona with resume or call 5403 8592 School Bus Driver wanted urgently in Noosa Hinterland area. White Horse Coaches company seeking drivers with MR and Driver’s Authority licences. Bus route training provided. Contact Robert and Judy Cochrane 0429 154 060 or 0429 154 061


The Stork travelled through town and visited a few of our local families to announce grandchildren had increased in numbers for some, and first-time arrivals for others.

details 0400 261 801 MARKETS Amamoor Train Station Sat and Wed Dagun Sat 3-5 Goomboorian every second Sat Eumundi Markets Wed and Sat Imbil Sun Yandina Sat Kenilworth Sat Kin Kin 1st Sunday of the month Noosa Farmers Markets Sun Noosa

28 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page TRADES SERVICES& sponsoredproudly by Ph: 0467 965 500 Ph: 0432 550 050 E: Ph 5412 7111 TAX, BAS and Accounting Services Xero Implementations & Conversions Business Turnarounds & Advice Cashflow Modelling Virtual CFO Engagements Blue Dragon Business Services is a CPA Practice • Carpentry • Concreting • Tiling • Termite Repairs • Plastering • Cubbyhouses • Patch & Paint Walls • Roofing & Guttering • Patios & Decks • Fencing & Retaining Walls • Mobile Welding • Doors & Locks COOROY HANDYMAN SERVICE PH TRISTAN RANKINE NO JOB TOO SMALL 0427 764 038 SERVICING NOOSA cooroyhs@gmail.comHINTERLANDQBSA 744858 - Licensed Carpenter & Joiner, 20 yrs experience Paul Boulton PH: 0417 789 606 More than 2500 happy clients in 20 years Feel Great Now! BOOST YOUR Clarity, Confidence, Motivation REDUCE YOUR Stress, Angst, Overwhelm Confidential & PotentPositive Change - Face to Face or SkypeSession Professional, friendly and reliable local concreter Any and all types of concrete - no job too big or small Contact Nathan on 0431 111 393 for an obligation free quote MOWING COMPUTER HELPCARPETCARPETAIRCONDITIONINGCLEANINGCLEANING IDEAL FOR NARROW ACCESS & RESTRICTED SPACES LOCALLY OWNED, EXPERIENCED OPERATOR MINI EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT & TRAILER HIRE (WET/DRY) DD PLANT HIREM You drive or I drive CALL DANNY 0419 684 950 WWW.DMDPLANTHIRE.COM.AU Sam Grigg PH: 0421 657 320 Excavator Dry Hire Servicing Pomona, Cooroy, Noosa, Eumundi & Surrounds 1.7T Hyundai Excavator•200mm&300mm GP Buckets • 900mm Mud Bucket • 0.04m3 GP Bucket Comes with 4 buckets $190 p/day (inc. GST) $350 Weekend Hire BUSINESS & BUTCHERTAX CONCRETINGCONCRETING ENVIRONMENTALHANDYMANSERVICES HIRE HOLISTICSERVICEHEALTHEARTHMOVING DOG EARTHMOVINGWASH LANDSCAPINGENVIRONMENTALELECTRICALSERVICES LOCKSMITH 9 Diamond Street, Cooroy I 5447 6125 I COOROY SERVICE CENTRE YOUR 1 STOP Auto Shop Call Jess 0450 673 529 for a FREE quote COOROY, POMONA, COORAN, NOOSA, GYMPIE AND SURROUNDING AREAS • Residential & small acreage mowing • Whipper snipping • Blowing • Green removalwaste • Residential • Commercial • CCTV • Access Control Phone Ian: 0439 944 652 Servicing Sunshine Coast toGympie & surrounding areas Your local WEED CONTROL expert 25 years experience M: 0457 502 682 RANGES TO REEF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FULLY LICENSED FULLY INSURED PH: 0488 009 158 Email: • Professional Forest, Farm & Land Management • Plantation & Native Forest Harvesting • Weed Control PRECISION SURFACE CARE BEFORE AFTER Bryce Nichol: 0432 648 733 CALL TODAY FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • TILE & GROUT CLEANING STAIN & ODOUR REMOVAL • HARD FLOOR MAINTENANCE QUALITY THAT WILL FLOOR YOU LOCAL BUSINESS 4/1 Maple Lane, Cooroy - 5442 6260 OPEN Mon to Fri 7am to 5pm & Sat 7am to 1pm Phone Vicki 0429 090 902 RELIABLE, EFFICIENT & CARING MOBILE DOGdogWhereWASHeveryisfamily

29Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 - Page TRADES SERVICES& sponsoredproudly by Ph: 0467 965 500 Ph: 0432 550 050 E: All Slopes Mowing Phone Darrel 0457 001 251 Steep slopes NO problem - if we can’t zero turn it - we can remote control it! Light to medium & steep slopes Kubota zero turn 5ft (60in) cut Mows up-to speeds of 15km/hr Remote control flail mower 40hp Acreages, large house yards Industrial, commercial ALL PUMP REPAIRS AGENTS FOR: DAB & ONGA ELECTRICAL LIC: 149 894 CALL ROB ROB WODE SALES & SERVICE 0408 458 3420408 458 342 COOROY PUMPSCOOROY PUMPS SALES & SERVICE NORTH COAST PEST CONTROL Local family business, fully insured. Covering all aspects of pest control: 15196620QBCC CallCockroachesSpidersAntsTermitesAdam 0417 633 northcoastpestcontrol@bigpond.com941 MOWINGMOWING 7A Diamond Street, Cooroy Home Pressure Boosting | Pumps | Farm Pumps Solar Pumps | Rain Water Tanks | Water Filters Water Testing | Poly Pipe & Fittings | On-site Repairs 5447 6832 COOROY PUMPS AND SOLARPESTPESTPAINTINGCONTROLCONTROL PUMPS SOLARPUMPSPLUMBING&SOLAR SEPTIC SMASHCLEANINGREPAIRSSCREENSTVANTENNAPLUMBING / GASFITTING 44 Elm Street, Cooroy Phone: 5442 6333 Pickup and delivery available on ride-ons and zero turns $485 RRP Your local authorised Husqvarna Dealer: 120 Mark II 38.2 cc - 1.4 kW - 14” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 4.85 kg $269 349 $405 120e Mark II 38.2 cc - 1.4 kW - 16” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 5.1 kg 130 38.0 cc - 1.5 kW - 16” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 4.7 kg HOT ChainsawsPRICING $485 $RRP 429 RRP Your local authorised Husqvarna Dealer: 120 Mark II 38.2 cc - 1.4 kW - 14” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 4.85 kg $269 $405 120e Mark II 38.2 cc - 1.4 kW - 16” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 5.1 kg 130 38.0 cc - 1.5 kW - 16” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 4.7 kg 5 YEAR DOMESTIC WARRANTY# Terms and Conditions apply, see HUSQVARNA.COM for details. visit today $485 RRP 130$405 38.0 cc - 1.5 kW - 16” Bar - 3/8” LP Chain - 4.7 kg visit today 5 YEAR WARRANTYDOMESTIC # #Terms and Conditions apply, see HUSQVARNA.COM for details Husqvarna 45ltr Esky Hansa C7 Mulcher Chipper 125B Petrol Leaf Blowers With bottle opener on the side, keep your drinks ice cold this summer. No need to pre-cut branches. Blow force 12.5N weight 4.26 kgs. $169 $289$3495NORMALLY2$3150BUYNOW!AVAILABLEAT TREE SERVICES TREE SERVICES TREE SERVICES We Take Care Of All Your Tree Needs LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED SPECIALISING IN ALL ASPECTS OF TREE CARE TREE REMOVAL & PRUNING | PALM REMOVAL | STUMP GRINDING | TRUCK & CHIPPER | PROMPT & RELIABLE DIPLOMA CERT 5 IN ARBORICULTURE | FULLY LICENSED DAVE STUART ABN 16559426624 5449 0677 0405 183 645 TREE WOODWORKINGSERVICESTREE SERVICEALAN’S OUTLOOK Call Alan: 5474 3439 • 0401 304 901 WORKING TOWARDS A SAFER ENVIRONMENT DANGEROUSHAZARDOUS,PRUNING&DEADTREESLAND&FIREZONECLEARING STUMP GRINDING & PENSIONERREMOVALSDISCOUNTSTREESRECYCLEDCROWNTHINNING&LIFTING • We specialise in all tree needs • We’ll beat all other written quotes Sunshine Coast QuotesFree InsuredFully MON - SAT 9am-12 noon For Purchases & Donations of Timber Contact 5442 6995 8 Lower Mill Road,COMECooroySEEUS AT LOWER MILL ROAD COOROORA WOODWORKERS CLUB PLUMBING / GASFITTING 24/7 ALL GAS FITTIN G •Domestic •Commercial •Industrial •New installations •Repair work •Gas emergencies QBCC: • Security doors • Shutters • Flyscreens • Blinds • Awnings 0423 046 319 Local surroundingservicesgeneralbusinessfamily-ownedofferingpestcontroltoCooroy&areas. Open Mon to Fri 8am-4pm. Sat by appointment only. Ponderosa Drive Cooroy Simon Barnett 0432 306 547 Pest Control REQUEST A FREE QUOTE

THE Kindness Club’s latest project is Positive Affirma tion Cards. The project aims to help combat negative self-talk and encourage Theself-love.children invite the community to choose a hand-decorated affirmation card and attach it to their bathroom mirror as a daily reminder: “I am beautiful, I am grateful, I am loved, I amPositiveenough”.affirmations are widely used for their many benefits. The daily repetition of positive statements may help reduce stress and anxiety, increase confidence, improve self-esteem, boost motivation, and improve overall well-being and happiness.TheKindness Club is delighted with the finished designs and hopes the community will be too! The children hope the cards will help others be a little kinder to themselves and start each day with a positive outlook. The beautiful affirmation cards are located at Jamai ca Blue Cooroy, Rambling Rose Flowers and the Cooroy RSL. Please con tact Wendy at bigatwouldclub@outlook.comthekindnessifyouliketodisplaycardsyourbusinesstoo.“Littleheartscanmakeadifference.”

30 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page 115 Eumundi Road, Noosaville 5455 8600 world, @GSLCMiddleYears Working for Noosa Communities NDSHS Pomona Campus 2023 Year 7 Enrol ments Open Visit the Pomona Campus Office to collect your 2023 enrolment pack and secure your place at a 2023 enrolment session. 2023 Enrolment Packs available from Pomona Campus Office Contact us to secure your spot at the 2023 Enrolment Session: P: (07) 5480 8111 E: W: Shop 8/14 Maple Lane, Cooroy PH: 5447 schools Be kind to your mind

real estate Circa 1920s Queenslander

BEHIND the picket fence is all the charming features that you would expect for a circa 1920s’ Queenslander, combined with all the mod ernSetcomforts.onafully fenced (dog and child proof) 1,171 m2 elevated and near-level block in the peaceful and friendly village of Cooran. Walking distance to the primary school, sports fields, football, cricket, and netball, as well as the cycling and walking paths of the Noosa Trails Network. Not to men tion the train station, general store, shops, café, restau rants, and distillery for your enjoyment.Spacious and full of possibilities and opportunities, this home is naturally light-filled with high ceilings and hardwood timber floors throughout.Thestylish kitchen is the centrepiece of the indoor and outdoor living areas, with bi-fold windows that open to a servery to the huge north-facing entertain ment deck. The butler sink, dishwasher, five-burner gas cooktop, 2 Pac cupboards and drawers with an expansive benchtop and breakfast bar are perfect for the home chef and entertainer. There are two separate living areas with a dining room and lounge room offering all-year-round comfort with a slow combustion wood fire, split system air-conditioning, and ceiling fans. French doors open onto both the front veranda and the rear deck. There are four bedrooms –two have built-in robes and a view of Mt Cooran. The main bathroom has a show er over a large bath, while the ensuite bathroom has a shower, toilet and vanity.

MEDIUM TINY CROSS WORD FIND All the words listed below can be found in the grid. BIG CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS 1234 5 6 7 174695328 341258679 687521943 981362547 458169237 729436185 128736954 562973814 935842761 BSNOITAUTCNUP EALERVGDTALES MCINLLERNTCSF GIEDYOUASIRHI FPREALBIBFKIY XWUDRROBIMTRZ TYDJUGUNVNTTF WONSTERNOYNAC IJEYAYTOFREED LSQFMDSRUCAQS PVLHANEWIATED IBUHSINADGLBM NOTQTFQYFLYYK SolutionNo.3507575450443645334142 37 5551465334524738 58 4935485643 3940 WOGOCTATESCORKERSAUEHAAHARIOOLUDSPEAKERUTPUTSGITIELDERICTODDNEEESTBEPRTEEMMMADOENRWORBBNSENGATCHOOCNRYEELHOAALRYNXPREPYKENMVPIDRDMMETBENGSENTOBAARDUCLLLEGAALYERSLTEDARLCOUIPLDCNTOOVERSEASRFALSETTAANJBECHVPRFGOAADUTESYCHPERNNOARCHESELSASTRSEDTUNNELLED DavidStickley CopyNo.3175CaroleBarbara POBox8271 BundallQld Australia4217 Telephone:(07)55533200 TollFree:1800652284 Fax:(07)55533201 AuspacMedia TINYCROSS ACROSS:1Fire,5Oral,6Lots,7Knee. DOWN:1Folk,2Iron,3Rate,4Else.NylonNotNorwayNestNeatlyMastJugGreeceFitEndureEndedDyeDanishCanyonAge YouWonUsesUrbanUglyTryTalesSternSoonShirtSellRimReedPunctuationPin BSNOITAUTCNUP EALERVGDTALES M CINLLERNTCSF G IEDYOUASIRHI FPREALBIBFKIY XWUDRROBIMTRZ TYDJUGUNVNTTF W ONSTERNOYNAC IJEYAYTOFREED LSQFMDSRUCAQS PVLHANEWIATED IBUHSINADGLBM NOTQTFQYFLYYK 1ACROSS Send packing 5 Spoken 6 They may be drawn 7 Cap site 1DOWNMusic genre 2 Caddie’s offering 3 Appraise 4 Besides 87 5 4 94 5 8 2 3 6 15 4 2 4 3 8 2 9 21 ACROSS DOWN Solution No. 3031 Crossword 19 x 19 Grid R Release No.3031 VER.4.03bebox. 1 12 15 18 26 36 44 50 54 57 2 33 45 27 41 3 42 28 37 4 13 23 46 51 55 19 11 29 34 53 5 6 17 30 38 47 52 16 58 7 20 24 35 49 25 48 8 14 21 43 56 22 31 39 9 32 10 40 C R U Z E I R O S U N C L O G G E D R N A A N S O B H I A S P I R A T I O N S S U S T A I N C I M I W U R S T T N N K A N G A R O O R E S C A L A T E E R N I S L E C R R E V O K E S N E A K Y L A S T S S O E J T S E E C U M U D D L E O N H O L D T A X I S C W A L L T A C H Y Z E P H Y R O L I V E S B E S L A U W N N E B U R K E S H R U B S E S T E E M A N I M P S M I P T A C I T U R N P C A R N I V A L I H R U D D E R R U O O C E I L I N G O R I G I N A L I T Y A E E B N D N T L E L I F E S T Y L E S T A G E N A M E PO Box 8271 Bundall Qld Australia 4217 Telephone: (07) 5553 3200 Toll Free: 1 800 652 284 Fax: (07) 5553 3201 Auspac Media Email: Visit our site: Across1Relating to cooking 5 Very tiny parts 12 Measure 13 Boldly 14 Evict 15 Evidence 16 Reformer 18 Religious belief 19 Throws out 21 Crevasse 24 Church recess 26 Cause 28 Profound 30 Invalid 31 Won on a serve 33 Jostle 34 Outfit 35 Flashlight 36 Stiff paper 37 Rodents 38 Kernel 39 Stop 41 Biblical paradise 44 Prostitute 46 Spurred 48 Large chamber 50 Logical 52 Exchange 54 Belch 55 Type underwearof 56 Court case 57 Religious order 58 Natural disaster (3,2,3) Down1Meditates 2 Part of a PA system 3 Poorest 4 Trimming 6 Detail 7 Coating 8 Abroad 9 Weekday 10 Sent up 11 Voice box 17 Living things 20 Preserved 22 Seaside 23 Stitching 25 Trudge 27 Senior 28 headPerson’s(coll) 29 Settle up in advance 32 Accompanying 36 Colleagues (2-7) 40 Burrowed 42 An exile 43 Singing voice 45 Yields 47 Inter 49 Pungent bulb 51 Letter 53 Game like bingo Family Law Sales and Purchases Wills & Enduring Powers of Attorney Estate Planning & Administration Commercial Leases Property Development Personal Professional Service 2/22 Mary Street Noosaville QLD 4566 Phone 07 5470 2700 | Fax 07 5455 6679 | Damien G. Cogill LLB. | Lindsay Woods LLB. Acc. Spec. (Fam) proudlyPUZZLESsponsoredbyNoosaHinterland Real Estate Phone 0408 604 Sandy Kate For Sale Address: 9 Tanderra Drive, Cooran Price: Contact agent Details: 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,171 m2 Agent: Sam Hargrave 0425 777 121 & Phil Hargrave 0417 750 507 Agency: Ray White Pomona Hinterland

SUDOKU Sudoku is an 81 square number grid with nine blocks each containing nine cells. To solve the puzzle, all the blank cells must be filled in using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and in the nine 3x3 blocks.

31Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 Page

Offering stunning views of both Mt Cooroora and Mt Cooran, the property is fully fenced with separate yards including a horse paddock, and plenty of space for your camping friends or a potential cabin or two –complete with fruit trees including lemon, limes, mango, apples, kaffir limes, mandarins, oranges and mulberries.

BOREEN Point has fast become one of the most sought-after precincts in the Noosa region: a quaint township of fewer than 300 residences nestled on the edge of Lake Cootharaba. Living here in this peaceful, friendly community offers water lovers the opportunity to sail, kayak, SUP or just enjoy the natural surround ings yet all within a 20-min ute drive of Noosa’s famous beaches and restaurants. This really is the best of both worlds. This neat and tidy two-bedroom highest home features polished timber floors, a master bedroom with built-in robes, reflective tinted glass, a separate bathroom and laundry. The kitchen offers plenty of storage with a breakfast bench that overlooks the dining and lounge area, which features a raked ceiling providing a sense of open space. There are two balconies upstairs offer ing quiet places to sit and enjoy morning or afternoon breezes. It comes with a lock-up garage underneath with scope to extend or fur ther build in the undercover area. The yard is low-main tenance and easy-care, and the rear and sides of the property are fenced. This home would be ideal to retire to or make your weekend escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Buy now and enjoy years of summerLocatedholidays!juststeps from the famous Apollonian Hotel, you can enjoy eating out or some live music on the weekends. Best of all, it’s just a short stroll to the lake’s edge where you can grab a coffee and watch the birdlife, set sail, or launch your kayak for a paddle up through the Noosa Ever glades.

The Station Master’s Residence

Sail away to relaxing Boreen Point RICH in history, this beau tiful Queenslander has a story to tell. “The Station Master’s Residence” history stems from when Gympie became known as the “town that saved Queensland”. The heri tage aspects of the home remain whilst it has been renovated over the years to accommodate a more modern lifestyle. With five bedrooms and two renovat ed bathrooms, the heritage and characteristics shine through with original fea tures such as high ceilings, VJ walls, and wide timber floorboards of local hoop pineSimpletimbers.pleasures such as air-conditioning and a woodfire heater offer com fortable living. The modern kitchen offers a five-burner gas cooktop, a dishwasher, island bench and a large bay window that overlooks the property’s immacu late landscaped gardens, natural dam and original stockyards.Themaster suite has its own bathroom, built-in robe and walk-through robe. The home features securi ty-screened windows and doors, a security camera system and a 5.5 kW solar system. Water is provided from a drinkable bore, dam and rainwater tank. With a triple-bay carport and tri ple-bay shed and workshop there is plenty of room for cars, mowers, boats or tools.There are three under cover entertainment areas, including a games room and bar that adjoins an inground resort-style pool. The games room offers a poolside shower area and a decked verandah to enjoy the views across the property.

32 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page real estate For Sale Address: 628 Traveston Road, Traveston Price: Offers over $1,395,000 Details: 5 bed, 2 bath, 5 car Agent: Kate Mayne 0408 604 802 & Sandy Roulston 0438 506 970 Agency: HinterlandNoosaReal Estate For Sale Address: 55 Laguna Street, Boreen Point Price: $750,000 Details: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 car Agent: Kate Mayne 0408 604 802 & Sandy Roulston 0438 506 970 Agency: HinterlandNoosaReal Estate

Small Business Big Savings. Commission +gst1.5% SAVED $14,850* SAVED $15,840* SAVED $15,081* SAVED $17,325* SAVED $20,625* SAVED $14,190* SAVED $15,675* SAVED $16,005* SAVED $16,417* SAVED $14,437* SAVED $14,025* SAVED $17,325* *savings based on comparison rate 3% +gst commission rates Kate Mayne 0408 604 802 Sandy Roulston 0438 506 970 Looking to sell? How much could YOU save on real estate commission fees? Call today

6. What’s one thing you would like the community to know about you? Since the early 1990s, I have been an avid fundraiser, hosting and raising funds for charities like Physically Handicapped Society, McGrath Foundation and Cancer Council.

Rob Farley, Ray White Rural Doonan selling principal, 37 years of sales experience. Please phone 0408 478 304 or robert.farley@raywhite.comemail

Meet me at Jamaica Blue for a coffee and a chat

Michelle Vercoe is a Hinterland Sales Agent with a difference.

Michelle Vercoe Sales 0408 949 890

Servicing Sunshine Coast Hinterland

this lady needsno introduction

Secret garden with mountain views For Sale Address: 21 Princess St, Cooran Price: $859,000 Details: 3 bed, 1 bath, 3 car, 1.01 ha (2.5 acres) Agent: Robert Farley 0408 478 304 Agency: Ray White Rural Doonan

1. Where do you live and for how I live in Cooroy and have lived here since moving from NSW in 2003.

I love real estate and I love dealing with people. My communication and listening skills set me apart. I work hard for my clients, perform well under pressure and have wonderful negotiation skills. I love being able to match buyers and properties. I have long-term friendships with my past buyers and sellers.

2. How long have you been a real estate agent? I started my successful career in rural/residential sales and land development in Bungendore and Queanbeyan in NSW in 1999.

4. What is your point of difference/sets you apart from other real estate agents?

34 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page real estate SET on 2.5 level, easy-care acres within easy walking distance of the friendly village of Cooran, this property offers the peaceful feel of rural living with town convenience. The low-set, steel-framed main home features open plan living, including a tiled area with a slow combus tion fireplace for enjoying chilly winter evenings, and a well-appointed kitchen with two pantries. A family bathroom and three goodsized bedrooms with built-in robes and ceiling fans complete the interior. Out side is a generous covered area perfect for year-round entertaining, with plenty of space for relaxing with family and friends while en joying the sounds of native birds and the captivating outlook towards Mount Co oroora. In winter, you can gather around the warmth of the built-in fireplace, while fans and a sparkling inground pool will keep you cool in summer. A private separate studio would be ideal for teens to use as a media/activ ity room; it comes with kitchenette and bathroom facilities. Gardeners and anyone seeking to live more sustainably will appreciate the gorgeous grounds, where rich soil makes it easy to grow food and decorative species. Numerous fruit trees are already in place, including mangoes, bananas, pome granates, paw-paw and citrus. Additional features include a fenced area per fect for keeping chickens; garden and storage sheds; and a lovely lily-covered spring-fed dam. The home and enchanting property offers a sense of peace, privacy, and space of rural living, and is within walking distance of Cooran village with its school, shops, train station and eateries. Everything Noosa has to offer is within 30 to 40 minutes of your doorstep. And the Bruce Highway is close for ready access to Brisbane.

5. What’s one thing people wouldn’t know about you. I grew up on 2500 acres in central North Island, New Zealand. I was a competitive horse rider, love animals and the eclectic mix of farming and country lifestyle.

staghorns, and



THIS immaculately main tained property offers a wonderful lifestyle in a rural setting complete with views of Mount Cooroora and beautiful natural surround ings, with shops, cafes and schools just around the corner. Upon entry, the spacious living/dining area reveals high-vaulted ceilings and plenty of natural light, and there is a choice of cov ered outdoor areas perfect for relaxing and enjoying the sound of nature. This four-bedroom home has been designed to cater to family living, with the option to easily convert it into two self-contained living spaces if desired. Outside there is a dogproof yard, fenced vegeta ble gardens and a chicken coop. The 12 m x 6 m shed with power, water and phone connections can easily house a caravan or motorhome.Thisfantastic property provides the perfect tree change opportunity for growing families, with vast potential for anyone seeking a source of income through Airbnb opportunities. It’s just a few minutes’ drive from Pomona and Cooroy, with Noosa approximately 30 minutes away.


lifestyle offers. The land

fenced and features

rang es.

stock dam, with the bonus of the school bus stopping right at your front enoughateverythingwithinCooroywithinConvenientlydoor.situated10minutesofthetowncentreand30minutesofNoosa,you’llneedisyourfingertips,butfarawaywhenyou want it to be. Noosa Hinterland 07 5444 6002 16a Maple St, Cooroy | 8 Reserve St, delivering outstanding service to Noosa Hinterland Northerly views on 16 acres real estate For Sale Address: Lot 20, Top Forestry RidgewoodRoad, Price: $925,000 Details: Vacant Land, 16 acres Agent: Michael Robinson 0431 865 616 Agency: Raine & Horne Noosa Hinterland

the val ley to the


Lifestyle acreage with home and shed (1.47 acres) Sale Address: 96 Pioneer Road, Pomona Price: Contact Agent Details: 4 bed, 2 bath, 7 car, 5972 m2 (1.47 acres) Agent: Sam Hargrave 0425 777 121 Agency: Ray White Pomona Hinterland

SET on 16 acres of elevat ed land, the property enjoys a sunlit, northerly aspect with through surrounding This is framed majestic mature trees with beautiful cascading there are even glimpses of the Teewah sandblow. an ideal candidate enjoy all that relaxed rural is fully a

35Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 Page

to build your dream home and


gums and


The property presents

real estate For Sale Address: 192 Forest Acres Drive, Lake MacDonald Price: Offers Over $1,495,000 Details: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Agent: Alisa Wythes 0415 111 370 Agency: Wythes Real Estate For Sale Address: 47 Foxtail Rise, Doonan Price: Contact Agent Details: 5 bed, 3 bath, 3 car Agent: Caroline Johnston 0409 953 311 & Shane Stanbury 0414 667 740 Agency: Wythes Real Estate

Tropical living in a premium location

36 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 UPON entering the gated driveway, you will adore the tall hedging that surrounds the wide-open sprawling lawns, creating absolute privacy. The newly renovat ed, modern country estate sitting on just over 1 acre of cleared usable land is ideal for those seeking a beautiful Noosa Hinterland property.Thisproperty ticks every box – with a stunning main residence, separate studio, and the perfect 1 acre of usable land. The main home has open plan living, dining, and kitchen. The kitchen is complete with a large stone island bench, on-trend cabinetry, dish washer, and gas cooking. The spacious open plan living area is complemented with a fireplace, air-con ditioning, ceiling fan, and glass French doors opening out to a massive covered entertainment area com plete with a jacuzzi and TV. All the bedrooms have picture outlooks across the park-like grounds, and the master suite features a modern ensuite with floorto-ceiling tiles and a large walk-in wardrobe. As well as the three-bed room two-bathroom home, the property also features a brilliant separate studio that exudes incredible style and features polished con crete floors, a kitchenette, combined living and dining, air-conditioning, stainedglass windows and a toilet. If you’re not relaxing by the fireplace, you may be enjoying a hit of tennis on a full-size tennis court. Abun dant water is available from a bore. This home possess es everything you need, to never have to leave. Only a stone’s throw to Noosa and Cooroy’s CBD, this home is ready for you to unpack and enjoy.


SUPERBLY located in a highly sought-after, qui et cul-de-sac location of Doonan. Nestled perfectly amongst quality prestige homes, this split-level home is elevated, enjoying cross breezes and scenic views of the eastern coastline. Wide street frontage and secure gated access. The property boasts two side gates, allowing for off-street parking for boat, caravan storage, or a potential additional shed site. Main remote double-gated access offers three-car parking under the house with additional storage. A practical, spacious floor plan offers good separation for all the family. Separate tiled dining and lounge area. Leading from this area is the first of five bedrooms with balcony access, and the large laundry with ex ternal access. Modern lightfilled, spacious kitchen with ample storage and island bench allows for family con nection, homework/break fast bench. Central cooking on the new five-burner gas cooktop will make cooking a joy, with oven, fridge and dishwasher at arm’s length. Venture through glass sliding doors onto surround ing balconies and enter taining deck. Sit, relax and enjoy those stunning views overlooking the pool area. Situated on over an acre, this home utilises the land well and offers great privacy from your neighbours, whilst offering a true bush rural backdrop with natural vege tation and wildlife. Inspections welcome by private appointment or scheduled open homes.

Your own Noosa Hinterland resort

37Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 Page The media has got people in a debate about the property market and rising interest rates. Our expert agents at Wythes Real Estate address the below myths and whether they are confirmed, plausible or busted in relation to the Noosa Hinterland property market. 1. Rising interest rates will cause a big drop in the property market. 2. I will get a good price for my house if I sell now. 3. It doesn’t matter what agency I list with, they’re all working with the same buyers. To find out what our expert agents have to say about these speculations, scan the QR code or visit COOROY OFFICE 07 5472 36b Maple Street, Cooroy DOONAN OFFICE 07 5449 777 Eumundi Noosa Rd, Doonan wythes Noosa Hinterland Market Myth Busters!

PERCHED high on the range in beautiful Black Mountain, this captivating property features everything you’d desire in a high-end resort. Built in 2005 and thorough ly renovated in 2019/20, the home is in immaculate condition, with new floor coverings, ceiling fans and window dressings. There are two separate, spacious, indoor living areas, one with a fireplace perfect for winter evenings. Both areas open onto a full-length elevated deck, which expands at the back into a covered alfres co entertaining area with a remote awning. The stunning new kitchen boasts a walk-in pantry, induction cooking, and a built-in coffee machine and microwave. The generous main bedroom suite will also impress – with its air-condi tioning, direct deck access, and a luxurious modern ensuite with twin vanities and a rainfall shower. The main bathroom has also been beautifully updated and boasts a rainfall shower and freestanding tub. Three other carpeted bedrooms have built-in robes and ceiling fans. Swim in the saltwater pool (with a poolside outdoor shower), bask on the sun deck or laze in the poolside cabana. There’s also ample room for vehicles, with a double garage plus a sep arate caravan/boat/car bay with service pit and 3.5 m clearance. Much of the 2.46 ha (6.08 acres) is covered in pristine rainforest, with established gardens around the house. Water should be plentiful with a dam and 10,000-gal lon concrete water tank, while 6kW of solar will help keep your power bills down. Additional property features include NBN, gas hot water, and LED lighting. There is also a 7 x 9 powered shed with a separate entrance and shower and toilet, with wastewater tank and septic.


Gorgeous character home in Lake Macdonald

For Sale Address: 10 Kamala Drive, Lake Macdonald Price: Offers Over $1,550,000 Details: 5 bed, 2 bath, 3 car Agent: Kess Prior 0404 344 399 Agency: Hinternoosa For Sale Address: 37 Black Mountain Range Road, Black Mountain Price: Offers Over $1,495,000 Details: 4 bed, 2 bath, 3 car Agent: Kess Prior 0404 344 399 Agency: Hinternoosa 987 p: 5472 the Year

Upstairs on one end of the central sitting area is a master suite with twin walk-in robes, treetop views and a stylish ensuite bath room. The other end has a bedroom and kids’ retreat. The kids will also love the sparkling inground pool. There is a separate garage with room for three vehicles, plus a large work shop, a chook pen, vegeta ble gardens, solar panels, and two 15,000-gallon rainwater tanks. Additional home and property features include a fire pit, VacuMaid system, sensor lights, secu rity screens and doors, and a pretty seasonal creek. With its absolutely private and peaceful native bush setting, the property is just eight minutes from Cooroy and its schools, shops, ca fes and public transport.

Warren Berry Licensed Real Estate Agent m: 0407 730

real estate Ridgetop resort-style living

38 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 SET in a private, elevated position in lovely Lake Macdonald, this gorgeous property presents the ideal opportunity to live a peaceful country lifestyle close to everything the hinterland and Noosa are famous for. The 1.66 gentle, easy-care acres frame a two-storey home with incredible street presence. Lovingly main tained and updated over the years, it boasts char acter features that create a warm, inviting and stylish ambience. The lower level is an entertainer ’s dream, with multiple living areas including an lounge/diningopen-planroomand an oversized family room with a combustion fireplace. Or relax with friends and family on the 45 m2 entertaining deck and soak up the fresh air, sounds of nature and tranquil outlook over the treetops. The cook in your family will appreciate the modern, storage.benchtops,islanditscountry-styleHamptons-meets-kitchen,withgascooktop,generousbench,elegantstoneandabundantAlsoonthislevel are three double-sized bedrooms, a home office, and a tastefully updated bathroom.

in the Rate My Agent Awards for Cooroy and Black Mountain. Call Warren for all your property needs.

Auction Fri 16 5,632m210:30amSep Sam Hargrave 0425 777 sam.hargrave@raywhite.com121 Phil Hargrave 0417 750 Fri 26 Aug 10:30am 5,632m2 Sam Hargrave 0425 777 121 Phil Hargrave 0417 750 507 1 1 1 2 1 375 Smedley Drive, Pomona • Peaceful, privately, and conveniently located • Dog proof fenced house yard • Immaculately presented, vaulted ceilings, ceiling fan, and air-conditioning • Spacious rear veranda has views of neighbour’s dam Auction •North facing corner position •2 street frontage and access •Metal shed and caravan carport •Power and water ready for,099m2$479,000 Ryan Lucca 0427 999 457 1,099m 6Cooran 5,632m Sale Contact • Solid brick home with vaulted ceilings • Undercover alfresco lounge & dining 96 Pioneer Road, Pomona CIRCA 1920 QUEENSLANDER • All the charm combined and modern comforts • Slow combustion wood fire, air con & ceiling fans • Fully fenced with side access for a shed and pool • Scenic views to Cooran Tablelands and Mt Cooran Sale 1,171m2AgentContact facing covered deck Agent 1171 m2 Phil Hargrave 0417 750 507 Sam Hargrave 0425 777 121 4 1 2 2 0 3 Sale •Solid brick home with vaulted Sale Sam Hargrave 4 1 3 2 7 396 Pioneer Road, Pomona 9 Tanderra Drive, Cooran •North facing corner position •2 street frontage and access •Metal shed and caravan carport •Power and water ready for,099m2$479,000 Ryan Lucca 0427 999 457 1,099m 6Cooran 1,171m •Noosa Hinterland block Sale Ryan Lucca 1,099m 637 Queen Street, Cooran 1.47ac Sam Hargrave 0425 777 sam.hargrave@raywhite.com121 Sam Hargrave 0425 777 121 Phil Hargrave 0417 750 phil.hargrave@raywhite.com507 real estate CONVENIENTLY located to the shops, cafés and restaurants of Pomona village with a rural feel that is so peaceful and private. Set at the end of the lane on a fully fenced 5632 m2 (1.39 acres) with town water and a lovely creek on the boundary.Thehome and grounds are immaculately presented and there is the bonus of a dog-proof house yard and a gardenFreshlyshed.painted and natu rally light-filled with vaulted ceilings, ceiling fan, and air-conditioning, there is nothing to do here but move in and relax. The kitchen has a bay window that over looks the rear deck with a leafy outlook. The bathroom is clean and white with the laundry combined. With a front porch and very spacious rear verandah that offers views of the neigh bours’ dam and glimpses of Mt Cooroora through the trees, this is a lovely place to come home to. There are endless possibilities for this property – perfect as is for a couple or single person looking for their first home, or for someone looking to down size into retirement. Also ideal to live in while you build or extend. The choice is yours. To avoid missing out, make sure you come to the advertised open house or call to book your private viewing time.

Northerly on 75 Smedley Drive, Pomona Friday 16 September 2022 at 10:30 am Details: 1 bed, 1 bath, 5632 m2 (1.39 acres) Phil Hargrave 750 507 & Hargrave 0425 777 121



Auction online:

16 acres Auction Address:

Agency: Ray White Pomona Hinterland



For Sale Address: 27 Alexandra Street, Kenilworth Price: $2,200,000 Details: 1 bed, 1 bath, 8 car Agent: Carol Gilmour 0417603451 & Tonia Murtagh 0407135797 Agency: Boxsells

Unique and rare 48 acres of land, walk to town

Let our real estate family Tonia Murtagh David Avery Loretta PattersonCarol GilmourRhod McCarthy KENILWORTH (07) 5446 0222 19 Elizabeth St, Kenilworth QLD 4574 MALENY (07) 5494 2312 15 Maple St, Maleny QLD 4552 Owen show your family the way home

Agency: Boxsells

Rural retreat with Mary River frontage

342 WALKER Road, Moy Pocket is a private 30-acre property once originally part of a dairy farm. It is located down a no through road and is sur rounded by larger farming land. The good, rich red soil is ideal for growing and the land has a good mixture of grassy paddocks to tim bered hilly sections. With the property fronting onto the Mary River, you have the ability to pump out for stock and domestic use. A modest five-bedroom home with two bathrooms, large entertaining area with inground pool. A 24 m x 9 m Colorbond shed has 3-phase power connected.

THIS unique parcel of land is situated within an easy walk to the Kenilworth shops. You have the best of both worlds here: 48 acres of land, private and tranquil yet close to all the ameni ties that town has to offer. Nestled high above the Mary River with views of the local rural surrounds and backing onto the local state forest. There are three good sheds on the property ideal for storage, or use as a weekender till you build your dream home on the cleared, elevated house site. An added bonus with this property (if you wish to look into subdividing) is the current rural zoning for the main portion of the land and a section of land at the front of the property which is zoned rural residential (under the current Sunshine Coast Council’s zoning). Kenilworth is a great town to live in and only 45 minutes to the coastal beaches.

For Sale Address: Kenilworth504Brooloo Road, Kenilworth Price: Offers over $2,450,000 Details: 4 bed, 1 bath, 12 car Agent: Carol Gilmour 0417603451 & Tonia Murtagh 0407135797

real estate Your own secluded valley

THIS beautiful 258-acre property has been divided into five paddocks plus a laneway. There are a good set of stockyards with covered vet crush, scales, NLIS reader and plunge dip. The land is a combination of undulating hills with a sec tion running up to your own private rainforest retreat. Water has never been an issue as there are two good spring-fed dams and an excellent bore, and ample rainwater tanks for the home. For the mechanic or handyman in the family, there is a 26 m x 12 m cov ered workshop with 3-phase power, ideally suited for farm machinery, caravans and trucks. The family home is the original farmhouse; it has four good-sized bedrooms, large living area and farmstyle kitchen plus a large enclosed area under the house. The property borders a Sunshine Coast Regional Council flora and fauna parkland reserve. This property offers you and your family a lifestyle change to a great country town –Kenilworth, which is only 45 minutes to the Sunshine Coast.

Agency: Boxsells For Sale Address: 342 Walker Road, Moy Pocket Price: Offers over $1,150,000 Details: 5 bed, 2 bath, 12 car Agent: Carol Gilmour 0417603451 & Tonia Murtagh 0407135797

40 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page

For Sale Address: 10a Elizabeth Street, Kenilworth Price: $85,000 plus SAV Details: Chocolate Shop Agent: Darren Newton 0419 725 182 Agency: Ron Jeffery Realty real estate

Business opportunity in tourist hotspot

The Mary Valley’s premier hairdresser

THE opportunity exists to acquire this iconic Mary Valley business, well-estab lished in the village of Imbil. An important checklist when buying a business: The current owner has an impeccable reputation and can pass over an extensive clientWhilebase.thebusiness has operated in its current location for almost 10 years, the cur rent owner has operated in the Mary Valley for around 15Theyears.ex-church building is a landmark in Imbil. The premises were totally renovated by the current business owner to the high est standard and, apart from the church-like look, has polished timber floors and a chandelier.

41Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 Page

The business is offered for sale on a walk-in-walk-out basis, plus stock at valu ation. It includes all plant and fixtures and fittings in attractive premises that are set back from the street frontage. With picnic-style seating under shady um brellas, it offers customers a quiet respite from the busy tourist strip. The green lawn adds to the serenity. Big Boss Chocolate Co. is located right in the middle of Elizabeth St in Kenilworth’s CBD, and services local residents and tourists. Kenilworth is set on the banks of the Mary River, close to the state forest and nationalpark. It’s part of the Sunshine Coast tourist loop with Maleny and Montville. Kenilworth is one of the leading Queensland camp ing destinations, adding to the tourist numbers. The village is less than half an hour from Eumundi where you can go straight through to the coast at Noosa or join theOwningfreeway.your own business in a tourist hotspot … it’s a lifestyle choice!

Heading RJR Property are excited to announce that we have re-branded. Ron Jeffery Realty is now RJR Property. The new branding showcases our business:  RJR Property are a team of professionals.  Marketing & managing lifestyle choices.  From the ocean to the forest.  Gympie Region to Maleny Region.  While we treasure our past we embrace our future. … it’s a lifestyle choice! However, some things will never change:  We still have the same awesome team.  Providing the same awesome service. It’s a new modern look for an established today on 1300 000 RJR (757) or visit our website Same same ... but different! For Sale Address: 1/131 Yabba Road, Imbil Price: $129,000 WIWO Details: Hairdressing Business Agent: Bernard Gosset 0411 297 625 Agency: Ron Jeffery Realty

THE Big Boss Chocolate Co. in Kenilworth has carved out an excellent reputation for quality – quality product range and quality service. It’s a retail business that has a simple philoso phy: cover a limited product range and do it well. Their product categories cover the finest chocolate, ice cream, fudge and coffee. The cash-based retail/ takeaway business is easy to run, has low overheads, and requires minimum staff. In fact, it is usually operated by just one person. A long lease is available and initial training will be provided. It currently operates six days per week, but the oper ating times and the product range could be expanded.

A long lease will be nego tiated with the successful purchaser.Thereare four fully-equipped stations, including a barber’s chair, two shampoo chairs and two private beauty therapy rooms.Apart from the hairdress ing salon and beauty ther apy rooms, the premises include an office, stockroom and colour station plus kitchen and toilet facilities. Financial information will be made available to inter ested buyers after initial dis cussion and/or inspection. The business is sited on a service road near Yab ba Creek, on the edge of the CBD. The location is a short stroll from other Imbil businesses and offers good parking, including off-street disability parking. Imbil is set on the banks of Yabba Creek and the edge of Imbil State Forest. It’s the gateway to Borumba Dam. The village is less than 30 minutes from Gympie and about 15 minutes from the new freeway.

42 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page E x p e r i e n c e d a g e n t s n e g o t i a t e b e t t e r d e a l s We have cash Buyers looking for their next Cooroy address! If you would like a no-obligation, no-fee and honest discussion about what you could achieve in today’s market, we would love to hear from you!

Address: 35 Barnes Street, Goomeri Price: Offers over $330,000 Details: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car Agent: Cherie Carlson 0428 834 708 & Marg Cochrane 0439 989 982 Agency: CochraneMargReal Estate

35 BARNES Street is one of those properties that promotes the opportunity of great value buying at an entry-level price range. Situated on a 1012 m2 (a quarter acre) gentle sloping block is a proud highset Queenslander. The 1940s home offers three bedrooms plus a sleep-out with high ceilings throughout. A mixture of polished timber floors, fresh carpet and classic tile-patterned floor coverings as well as a freshly painted interior makes use of the natural light to enhance the bedrooms and living areas. Ceiling fans are featured in every bedroom as well as in the lounge room and entertainment area. The main bedroom and lounge also feature reverse cycle air-conditioning, with the lounge room also having a fireplace. The updated kitchen includes a servery, electric cooking appliances and a dishwasher.Thefrontand back of the home both have wonderful and generously sized cov ered verandas. Outside the home, you will notice stunningly manicured gardens that set the pace in conjunction with the classic gazebo in the fully fenced backyard. As well as under the house, there is also a sepa rate shed in the backyard for all of your storage needs. Along with access to town water and sewerage, there is also a 5,000-gallon tank, as well as a 2,500-gallonsecondarytank.Atanaffordableprice for such a beautifully presented home, we can’t see this one staying around for too long. Contact our office today for any additional information or to organise your private viewing.

For Sale

LOCATED on a flood-free 45 acres of red volcanic soil in the Mary Valley township of Dagun sits your opportunity to secure an in come-producing macadamia and citrus farm and home stead. Currently in organic conversion, the property is well on its way to be organic certified.

Address: 61 Hansen Road, Dagun Price: Offers Over $1,300,000 Details: 3 bed, 1 bath, 5 car Agent: Cherie Carlson 0428 834 708 & Marg Cochrane 0439 989 982 Agency: CochraneMargReal Estate estate

Great value for moneyValley Macadamia Farm

The homestead features two bedrooms, a sunroom and a rumpus room (or alternatively could be used as four bedrooms) and includes polished timber floor throughout the living areas and bedrooms, with tiled wet areas and kitchen. Installed in the living area is a combustion heater to keep you warmer in the colder months, and high ceilings to keep you cooler during the warmer parts of the year. Both the main and second bedrooms also include a re verse-cycle air conditioner. In the kitchen are both overhead shelves and cupboards, and cooking is provided by a freestanding gas stainless steel oven and hob. Populated with 735 mac adamia trees, the farm has the potential to generate 12 tonnes a year of produce. Also located on the farm are 250 Tahitian lime trees and 200 Eureka Seedless lemon trees. A de-greening room is also included in the shed. An electric bore provides water throughout the prop erty, with an output of up to 5,000 litres an hour via 2-inch underground mains. Supplementing electrici ty costs to the house and shed is the 5-kilowatt solar system and the property is secured with an electric boundary fence. For those interested in a walk-in-walk-out purchase, a full list of machinery and equipment is available upon request.


For Sale

real estate

43Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022 Page

reverse cycle zoned air-con ditioning, ceiling fans, stone benches, 2-Pac cabinetry, gas cooktop, nine-foot ceil ings, dual vanities in stylish ensuite, 7kW solar power, water tank, and 10 x 9 m 3-bay shed with 3-phase power, extra height, and office.Thegrounds are pristine, with rich fertile soil, an established fruit orchard and vegetable gardens, and there’s a pump from the dam that goes directly to garden taps; this abundance of water keeps everything looking lush and green. The new fine-mesh dog fencing around the house will keep the cane toads out! As lovely as the home and parklike grounds are, the dam will always draw ad miration from your visitors. Take your drinks and chairs down to the jetty and throw in a fishing line (the dam is stocked with fish), quietly observe the nesting black swans – so elegant and graceful, and be sure to say g’day to the resident ducks. An abundance of birdlife also frequents this property; it’s a nature lover’s nirvana. This is Noosa hinterland liv ing at its most resplendent. YOUR MANAGEMENT FEE FOR 6% FOR 6 MONTHS* PLUS 6 WEEKS FREE

DELIGHTFUL and immac ulate both inside and out –you can simply move in and enjoy the stunning outlook from this double-bayone-bedroomcompletetwo-bathroomfour-bedroom,familyhome,withspaciousstudioandpoweredshed positioned on fantastic acreage.

Mountain views, picturesque dam 1 Emerald Street, Cooroy QLD 4563 P: 07 5447 7733 | sixfor GET

ACT NOW! The 6 for 6 promotion runs from 01 July to 31 December 2022. To get started, scan the QR code or contact our Property Manager Lara today on 0477 707 815

As you approach the home, you will feel a sense of serenity and privacy with established gardens encompassing the 1.5 acre block. The home was built in 2002 and this is the first time it has been on the market. The options for the property are endless. Step inside and you will find yourself appreciating the open floor plan that boasts a large living space and a dining area con nected to the kitchen, in addition to the north-eastfacing verandah running the length of the house. Polished hardwood floor ing, high ceilings and light neutral colours enhance the feeling of warmth and spaciousness. The kitchen is a great size and boasts a breakfast bar, gas cooktop, electric oven and large corner pantry plus two large windows that take advantage of the view. Each of the spacious four bedrooms upstairs features a beautiful leafy outlook, and all have built-in robes, ceiling fans, and are car peted. The master bedroom features a walk-through robe and a large two-way ensuite. The ground level has a double carport and dual living quarters. With an open plan living and bedroom area, kitchen, plus a bath room and separate exterior access, this space could be utilised for extended family, a teenager’s retreat, home office, or even rented out for extra income. A double-bay shed with power, water tanks plus a chicken coup, set amongst manicured gardens, com plete this stunning property.

Delightful home with separate studio

THIS outstanding property on 2.4 hectares, located in a dress circle acreage belt just a short drive into the delightful village of Co oran, offers an exceptional semi-rural lifestyle with the lot: a quality family home, northerly outlook with glori ous countryside views en compassing Mt Pinbarren, stunning magnesium pool, huge shed, and picturesque dam with jetty. The home is architect de signed and offers expansive living across a light-filled single level comprising four bedrooms, two bathrooms, two living areas, a well-ap pointed kitchen, north-eastfacing covered alfresco, separate laundry, and a double lock-up garage. Freshly painted internally, presentation is impeccable and features include ducted

For Sale

Address: 33 Willawong Place, Cooran Price: $1,489,000 Details: 4 bed, 2 bath, 6 car Agent: Stacey Hitch 0411 429 499 & Damon Gore 0401 115 816 Agency: Countryside Realty Noosa

For Sale

Address: 32 Blackbean Court, Black Mountain Price: Contact Agent Details: 5 bed, 3 bath, 2 car Agent: Kimberlea & Eliot Krause 0409 920 861 Agency: Countryside Realty Noosa

* Minimum term commitment 12 months. After 6 months, the property management fee reverts to our standard property management fee of 9%. Thinking of changing your property management team or wanting to avoid the headache of self-management? For a limited time of 6 months, experience the Countryside Noosa difference and enjoy our premium property management service for only 6%, and as an added bonus, get the first 6 weeks free.

44 - Cooroy Rag, 7 September 2022Page Specials available from Wednesday 23rd March to Tuesday 29th March 2022 unless sold out. No rainchecks will be given. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. Limit rights reserved. Normal Retail Limits Apply. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. POMONA 3-5 Reserve St, Pomona 4568 Ph: 5485 1297 OPEN 7 DAYS 7.00am-8.00pm Every Day COOROY 3 Emerald St, Cooroy 4563 Ph: 5447 6061 OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-Sat 7.00am-8.00pm | Sunday 9.00am-6.00pm Specials available from Wednesday 7th September to Tuesday 13th September 2022 unless sold out. No rainchecks will be given. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. Limit rights reserved. Normal Retail Limits Apply. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Australian Whole EconomyRumpBeef Australian Easy Carve ShoulderPorkRoast Master Food Squeezy Sauce 475-500ml Selected Varieties Kirks Drinks 10pk Selected Varieties John West Tuna Selected Varieties 95g$1095 kg $250 punnet $540 ea $160 ea $795 kg $115 ea StrawberryAustralian250gm ON SALE 7TH SEPTEMBER 2022 Hibiscus or Tree Shrubs 140mm Potted100mmHerbs $1100$ea 400 ea winnerCongratulationsto$50PomonaBarbFoster.Congratulationsto$50CooroywinnerWendyVosoElson. Potted Azaleas $1000 ea

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