PR 21.04.09

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Copenhagen, 21 April, 2009

Copenhagen Consensus Center Releases Advice on Fighting Malnutrition In Guatemala today, Copenhagen Consensus Center director Bjørn Lomborg is launching new papers that highlight the best actions to fight malnutrition. The new research is designed to be a practical guide. Bjørn Lomborg and authors Professor Sue Horton and Professor Sue Horton are launching the ‘Best Practice Papers’ today to an audience of Central American NGOs, donors, politicians and decision-makers in Guatemala City. “Copenhagen Consensus isn’t just about economists making priorities in Denmark. It is about making real progress in the biggest problems that face the planet,” Bjørn Lomborg said today. The papers: • Highlight the most successful projects around the world, and why they work; • Identify the next steps, missed opportunities, and challenges ahead; • Outline the economic arguments for investing in these areas. NGOs who were inspired by Copenhagen Consensus are attending the launch in Guatemala City. The ‘Libras de Amor’ project in El Salvador is one example. Project leader Alejandro Poma says: “In 2004 I came across something that really opened my eyes: the Copenhagen Consensus. Through it, I realized the problem that I needed to help solve: malnutrition. It was clear to me from [the Copenhagen Consensus 2004 results] that by attacking malnutrition, we could alleviate poverty in the most cost-effective way”. In November, the Copenhagen Consensus Center will partner with Gumlink – a Danish company that has developed an innovative method of delivering micronutrient supplements – to launch further ‘Best Practice Papers’ in Kenya and New York. "It is vital to use the newest and most innovative technologies to gain low cost efficient results in the fight against malnutrition. Gumlink views Copenhagen Consensus Center's conferences on malnutrition as a significant step towards establishing a more informed debate on malnutrition," says Group vice president Henrik Jespersen, Gumlink. “When we held Copenhagen Consensus 2008, we hoped that the results would resonate with decision-makers. That is happening, and we will continue to highlight the fantastic investments that can truly transform lives,” Bjorn Lomborg said. The three papers launched today are available on the Copenhagen Consensus Center website, at

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