Copenhagen Photo Festival Catalogue 2015

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Copenhagen Photo Festival 2015


Founding Directors of Copenhagen Photo Festival Julie Navne Klitbo & Rasmus Ranum Festival Manager & Editor of Copenhagen Photo Festival 2015 Maja Dyrehauge Gregersen Graphic Design Mike Tylak Set in Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ Cover Photography © Lijie Zhang: Lao Zhang in Speech, 2013. From the exhibition Atheist by Lijie Zhang at Galleri Image May 1st - June 28th, 2015. Publisher Copenhagen Photo Festival, Denmark ISBN: 978-87-994222-7-2 Thanks to All the galleries, cultural institutions, photographers, collaborators, partners, sponsors and volunteers. A special thanks to The crew of Copenhagen Photo Festival 2015 Kirstine Theresia Schiess Højmose, Katrine Holmgren, Lærke Christina Hansen, Anna Sabine Nielsen, Pauline Bendix og Stinne Skovbjerg Copyright All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission from the publisher. Sponsored by

CPF præsenterer CPF presents PHOTO CITY


Galleriscenen The Gallery Scene

Almlof Gallery Banja Rathnov Galleri & Kunsthandel BLAA GALLERI BORCHs Butik Brandts Breadfield Bredgade Kunsthandel Danske Grafikeres Hus Det Nationale Fotomuseum Dunkers kulturhus/RumEtt Fotogalleri Vasli Souza fotogalleriet [format] Fotografisk Center Galerie Pi Galleri Benoni Galleri Bo Bjerggaard Galleri Christoffer Egelund Galleri Image Galleri KANT Galleri Lorien Galleri Naboløs Hans Alf Gallery Hostrup-Pedersen & Johansen, Litografisk Atelier In The Gallery KONTORprojects Martin Asbæk Gallery Peter Lav Gallery SixtyEight Skånes Konstförening Stadens Museum for Kunst, Christiania Third Space Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn Station Øksnehallen

244 Urban Space Urban Space

Byens Hegn på Rådhuspladsen Rigsdagsgården


Benita Marcussen Den Censurerede Udstilling/The Censored Exhibition Desmond Church, Ditte Knus Tønnesen, Lotte Fløe Christensen, Sam Derounian – Peripheral Vision FiftyFifty.Gallery Markus Henttonen Tonje Bøe Birkeland


Lasse Bak Mejlvang & Dennis Lehmann – Inuit Now Søren Rønholt


De uafhængige The Independent Arbejdermuseet Artibs Biblioteket Rentemestervej Café Dolores Café Retro Copenhagen Street Food Det Grønlandske Hus Galleri Krebsen Grafisk Eksperimentarium Grillen – Kontor & Atelier Ground Floor Productions/Gallery Von Schmordenfaden Harbo Bar Homeless Gallery Hvidovre Bibliotek Ivan Grundahl Gallery KTS – Fotografuddannelsen Le Fix Mads Nørgaard Copenhagen Pavillon no. 11 Photoriet Phototek-Esbjerg Rummet – Kaffebaren på Amager Råhuset Schillerhuset Vandrehallen, Hillerød Bibliotek Verdenskulturcentret Øen Østerbro Bibliotek


Fotografisk Kommunikation, DJMX Kastanjevejens Efterskole KBH Film og Fotoskole Krabbesholm Højskoles fotolinje Officin Vera Zoom – Produktionsskolernes Fotoudstilling Östra Grevie Folkhögskola

Welcome to Copenhagen Photo Festival 2015 The Censored Exhibition has gradually become a festival landmark. Each year we receive an impressive amount of photographic work from all over the world, we always look forward to examine and discover the yearly trends and direction. Although certain motifs have always been popular, the execution has varied from each year. Colour tone, composition and atmosphere develop in portrait, landscape and graphically composed photography. Press-photography in its nature is more investigative and documenting in opposition to fine art photography’s less confronting, rather composed caution. This year we have experienced fewer portraits but more landscape and architectural photography. The Censored Exhibition in 2015 is influenced by a poetic sensitivity, loneliness and emptiness, without ever being hopeless. The images show an influential melancholia, a presence and fragility, yet being powerful. Also displayed at the exhibition are photos taken ‘in the moment’ not to be confused with snapshots as they indeed are thought out, well composed and depictions of a reality. Experience a range of Danish and international photographers and artists in Photo City – besides the Censored Exhibition.

Copenhagen Photo Festival wishes to embrace a broad variety in contemporary photography – from established Danish and international artists to emerging photographers. Each year new galleries are included in the program and engaged enthusiasts present con-amore projects at the independent scene. As well as the exhibitions and openings themselves, you will find artist talks, debates, book releases, workshops, auctions and documentary film at Copenhagen Photo Festival; all those events that will celebrate photography in all aspects. It has never been the main ambition and goal for the festival to grow and expand, but this is naturally happening. We thank all collaborators and contributors in developing the festival together with us. We present a strong program this year, and look forward to experiencing Copenhagen Photo Festival’s exhibitions spread out all over the country. We are hoping that you will join and enjoy the photographic experiences. Have a nice festival.

Julie Klitbo and Rasmus Ranum Founders


Velkommen til Copenhagen Photo Festival 2015 Den Censurerede Udstilling er efterhånden blevet et vartegn for festivalen. Hvert år får vi tilsendt en imponerende mængde af fotografisk materiale fra hele verden, som vi altid glæder os til at gennemgå, og hvert år tegner sig en klar tendens og retning. Selvom visse motiver altid har været populære, så er fremførelsen af dem forskellig fra år til år. Tone, komposition og stemning udvikler sig i både portrættet, landskabet og i de mere grafiske kompositioner. I modsætning til pressefotografiet, som er mere søgende og dokumenterende i sin natur, så er det kunstneriske fotografi mindre konfronterende og mere komponeret og på sin vis forsigtigt. I år har vi set færre portrætter og flere landskaber og arkitektur. Den Censurerede Udstilling i 2015 er præget af en poetisk følsomhed og ensomhed – næsten tomhed – uden at det dog bliver sørgeligt eller håbløst. Der er en toneangivende melankoli. Det er nærværende og sårbart, men stærkt. Det er øjebliksfotos, der på ingen måde skal forveksles med snapshot-fotografiet, for det er velovervejede og velkomponerede skildringer af en virkelighed et sted. Den Censurerede Udstilling kan opleves i Photo City, hvor festivalorganisationen traditionen tro har samlet en række større danske og internationale navne.

Copenhagen Photo Festival ønsker at favne spændvidden i samtidsfotografiet – fra de største danske og internationale navne til nye knopskud på fotoscenen. Hvert år kommer nye gallerier med i programmet, og på den uafhængige scene byder engagerede ildsjæle ind med con amoreprojekter. Ud over de mange udstillinger og ferniseringer byder Copenhagen Photo Festival også på artist talks, debatter, bog releases, workshops, auktioner og dokumentarfilm.; alt det, der netop gør festivalen til en festival og en fejring af fotografiet i alle dets facetter. Det har aldrig i sig selv været en ambition at festivalen skulle vokse hvert år, men det sker helt af sig selv. Vi vil derfor gerne takke alle samarbejdspartnere og bidragydere for at løfte festivalen sammen med os. Det er et stærkt program i år, og vi glæder os til at komme ud på Copenhagen Photo Festivals mange andre udstillinger, som efterhånden har satellitter i det ganske land. Vi håber, mange vil følge trop og komme ud at få fotografiske oplevelser under huden og med hjem. God festival.

Julie Klitbo & Rasmus Ranum Grundlæggere


Photo City/CPF præsenterer Copenhagen Photo Festival er stolte af at kunne præsentere en række større danske og udenlandske udstillinger inden for kunstfotografi, presse- og dokumentarfotografi. Selve Photo City ligger i Carlsberg Byen, som bliver forvandlet til en summende fotoby i festivalperioden, med bogsalg, workshops, omvisninger og artist talks på vores Photo Stage foruden de mange udstillinger. Den Censurerede Udstilling på Halmlagerets første sal er en unik mulighed for at opleve internationale tendenser i samtidsfotografiet, repræsenteret af 40 talentfulde nye og etablerede kunstnere fra i alt 11 lande. I Halmlagerets stueetage præsenterer fotojournalist Benita Marcussen sin dokumentariske udstilling Men & Dolls, som har fået stor international bevågenhed, og det nye online FiftyFifty.Gallery viser et udvalg af galleriets kunstnere. Dansk og udenlandsk kunstfotografi indtager Slottet. Finske Markus Henttonen viser udvalg fra serien Twisted Tales – Road to Hope, norske Tonje Bøe Birkeland præsenterer storladne landskabsbilleder, og gruppeudstillingen Peripheral Vision med Sam Derounian, Desmond Church, Lotte Fløe Christensen og Ditte Knus Tønnesen udfordrer fotografiet og dets grænser. I Matrix sætter vi fokus på festivalens borgerinddragende fotoprojekter, som er blevet til i samarbejde med Nordeafonden. For andet år i træk viser vi de bedste indsendte musikfotos på udstillingen Picture the Music, der efterfølgende tager på landsturne. Udstillingen Efterbilleder viser de bedste elevbilleder fra festivalens nye undervisningsportal for fotografi og dugfriske billeder fra festivalens workshop for børn og unge. I år har festivalens Photo City en satellit i Øksnehallen med fokus på Norden. Her kan man se udstillingen Søren Rønholt med udvalgte værker fra det aktuelle bogprojekt The Nordic Book side om side med Inuit Now – Lasse Bak Mejlvang & Dennis Lehmanns udstilling af forholdet mellem by og bygd i et moderne Grønland, som vises for første gang i Danmark.

Photo City/CPF presents Copenhagen Photo Festival is proud to present a range of exhibitions by Danish and international fine art, press, and documentary photographers. Several locations in the Carlsberg City District will be transformed into the buzzing Photo City during the festival; as well as the exhibitions themselves, here you will find workshops, guided tours, artist talks on the Photo Stage, and book sales. The Censored Exhibition at Halmlageret is a unique opportunity to experience examples of international contemporary photography – with contributions by 40 talented new, emerging, and established artists from 11 different countries. Acclaimed photo journalist Benita Marcussen’s exhibition Men and Dolls will run at Halmlageret alongside a presentation by online FiftyFifty.Gallery of their represented artists. Danish and international fine art photography will take over Slottet during the festival. Finnish artist Markus Henttonen will display a selection of images from his series Twisted Tales – Road to Hope. Norwegian artist Tonje Bøe Birkeland will present us with her grandiose landscape images, and group exhibition Peripheral Vision – which will include work by artists Sam Derounian, Desmond Church, Lotte Fløe Christensen and Ditte Knus Tønnesen – will challenge the limitations of the photographic medium. In the Matrix location, you will find photo projects that all involve the general public in some way; these projects were all made possible in collaboration with Nordea-fonden. The projects will include a second edition of Picture the Music, an open call exhibition in which people are invited to submit photographs relating to music. The best submissions will be selected and shown at the festival, after which they will go on a national tour. The exhibition Efterbilleder will showcase pictures taken by students and uploaded via our new online educational photo portal, as well as images freshly produced during the festival’s workshop for kids and young people. This year’s Photo City will have a satellite location at Øksnehallen, focussing on the theme of ‘The North’. You will be able to experience Søren Rønholt’s selected works from the recently published book project The Nordic Book alongside the Danish premiere of Lasse Bak Mejlvang & Dennis Lehmann’s exhibition Inuit Now – investigating the relationship between town and village life in modern day Greenland. 8


Benita Marcussen Family portrait, 2011, Men & Dolls Carly and Shadowman, 2011, Men & Dolls 10

Halmlageret, Photo City

Benita Marcussen Deerman and Erica, 2013, Men & Dolls Courtney, 2013, Men & Dolls 11

Halmlageret, Photo City

Agnieszka Gotowała Untitled, 2014 Untitled, 2014 From the project ”Things image” 12

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Agnieszka Gotowała Untitled, 2014 Untitled, 2014 From the project ”Things image” 13

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Javier Marti (Morasio) Uncle Narciso, an inside look, 2013 From the project �Family Portraits� 14

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Javier Marti (Morasio) Twins, 2013 From the project �Family Portraits� 15

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Camilla Rønde No. 3, 2014 No. 5, 2014 From the project ”Seven Invisible Horses” 16

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Christian Brems Untitled (nr. 2), 2015 Untitled (nr. 3), 2015 From the project ”Now Is The Only Time I Know” 17

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Constanze Kratzsch Same, 2014 From the project �Short story� 18

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Constanze Kratzsch Tradition, 2014 From the project �Short story� 19

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Daniele Sambo Fence, 2014 From the project ”Fiction” 20

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Elna Søndergaard Træer, 2014 From the project ”My hood” 21

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Hallgerdur Hallgrimsdottir Fog patches nr. 3, 2013 Fog patches nr. 6, 2013 From the series “Fog Patches�, 2014 22

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Henrik Edelbo #3, 2014 #4, 2014 From the project ”No title” 23

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Ingi Thor Àrnason Hanna nr. 5, 2015 From the project ”Hanna” 24

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Ingi Thor Àrnason Hanna nr. 6, 2015 From the project ”Hanna” 25

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Esther Flytkjær At våge nr. 5, 2015 From the project ”At våge” 26

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Eva Barton India-Postcards from Keszthely, 2014 Japan-Postcards from Keszthely, 2014 Spain-Postcards from Keszthely, 2014 From the project �Postcards from Keszthely� 27

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Alastair Philip Wiper “The Large Space Simulator”, 2013 From the project “The Test Facilities of the European Space Agency, Holland” 28

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Anders Graver Grass and horse, 2015 From the project �The Zone� 29

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Baukje Venema Beautiful imperfection nr. 5, 2015 From the project ”Beautiful imperfection” 30

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Britta Egebjerg Det opløselige nr. 4, 2014 From the project ”Det opløselige” 31

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Jennie Rosberg Den tomma mängden, 2014 From the project ”Den tomma mängden” 32

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Jesper Helbo Miasma, 2015 From the project ”Unearthed” 33

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Jess Bang All Must Bend, 2015 From the project ”Out of Compound” 34

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Jess Bang Deserted Ground, 2015 From the project ”Out of Compound” 35

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Julia Mejnertsen Club Med nr. 7, 2015 Club Med nr. 6, 2015 From the project ”Club Med” 36

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Karina Tengberg FAMILY, 2015 FAMILY, 2015 From the project ”FAMILY” 37

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Katharina Fitz Dornbirn Houses nr. 8, 2013 Dornbirn Houses nr. 1, 2013 From the project �Dornbirn Houses� 38

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Katharina Fitz Dornbirn Houses nr. 2, 2013 Dornbirn Houses nr. 4, 2013 From the project �Dornbirn Houses� 39

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Malte Brandenburg Staring at buildings – Berlin edition, nr. 1, 2014 Staring at buildings – Berlin edition, nr. 2, 2014 From the project ”Staring at buildings – Berlin edition” 40

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Malte Brandenburg Staring at buildings – Berlin edition, nr. 4, 2014 Staring at buildings – Berlin edition, nr. 5, 2014 From the project ”Staring at buildings – Berlin edition” 41

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Marcus Trappaud Bjørn Anthony Angarano, 2014 From the project ”The Staten Island Ferry” 42

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Marcus Trappaud Bjørn Matt S. Igakah, 2014 From the project ”The Staten Island Ferry” 43

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Bärbel Praun This must be the place nr. 2, 2014 This must be the place nr. 5, 2014 From the project ”This must be the place” 44

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Marie Hyld Larsen Unseen nr. 11, 2014 From the project ”Shady World” 45

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Maria Franck Recomposing nr. 2, 2014 Recomposing nr. 5, 2014 From the project �Recomposing� 46

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Michael Høstved Cloudtains nr. 2, 2015 From the project ”Cloudtains” 47

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Sara Moiola Gibellina. Italy, 2014 From the project “Concrete Memory� 48

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Malou Sinding #1, 2011 #9, 2014 From the project �Landskab� 49

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Oliver Eglin Grant museum nr. 2, 2014 From the project �Relics� 50

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Nils Lund Pedersen En nat uden mørke nr. 1, 2013 From the project ”En nat uden mørke” 51

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Paola Leonardi Nr. 3, 2013 From the project ”Borderlands: The Edges of Europe” 52

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Paola Leonardi Nr. 2, 2013 From the project ”Borderlands: The Edges of Europe” 53

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Romeo Lombardi Privacy art, nr. 3, 2014 From the project ”Privacy art” 54

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Romeo Lombardi Privacy art, nr. 4, 2014 From the project ”Privacy art” 55

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Rasmus Sangild West Point View, 2011 Liberty Love - Memories of a journey in search of freedom 56

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Sille Juline Høgly Petersen db. expo. 13/14 nr. 1, 2014 From the project ”db. expo. 13/14” 57

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Tomoya Fujii Yokan nr. 4, 2014 Yokan nr. 7, 2014 From the project ”Yokan” 58

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Tomoya Fujii Yokan nr. 2, 2014 From the project ”Yokan” 59

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Sophie Kalckar Edge of the ocean, 2006 From the project ”Edge of the ocean” 60

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Trine Kobborg Mark, 2014 Gennem Skoven, 2014 From the project “Gennem Landet� 61

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City


Wouter le Duc The God Machine #4, 2014 From the project ”The God Machine” 63

The Censored Exhibition Halmlageret, Photo City

Ditte Knus Tønnesen Mountain peak, downfall, zero, Photographic emulsion and varnish on concrete, 40 x 29,5 x 5 cm., unique work, 2015 64

Slottet, Photo City

Lotte Fløe Christensen Meanwhile I Hold Wood and Stone in front of the Camera, pigment print, 28 x 23 cm / frame 33 x 39 cm, 2015 65

Slottet, Photo City

Sam Derounian The Engineer, Screenprints on painted plywood 180 x 90 cm., 2014 66

Slottet, Photo City

Desmond Church Artifact (detail), overhead projector, typeface transfer, Dimensions variable, 2012 67

Slottet, Photo City

Teppo Tirkkonen, Finland Snake Road 68

FiftyFifty.Gallery Halmlageret, Photo City

Irini Giotopoulou, Greece Untitled #19 Johnny To, China Untitled #05 69

FiftyFifty.Gallery Halmlageret, Photo City

Ana Gil, Portugal Having fun 70

FiftyFifty.Gallery Halmlageret, Photo City

Chantal Anderson, Los Angeles Angelino morning 71

FiftyFifty.Gallery Halmlageret, Photo City

Ben Macintosh, England Swan in black 72

FiftyFifty.Gallery Halmlageret, Photo City

Petra Svoboda, Luxembourg Untitled #07 73

FiftyFifty.Gallery Halmlageret, Photo City

Sandra Linnell, Sweden Untitled #01 74

FiftyFifty.Gallery Halmlageret, Photo City

LaĂŤtitia Modine, France Peacefulness Janneke Luursema, Netherlands Pacific Northwest 75

FiftyFifty.Gallery Halmlageret, Photo City

Markus Henttonen Ariana, 2013, 114 x 80 cm, archival pigment print From the series Twisted Tales – Road to Hope 76

Slottet, Photo City

Markus Henttonen Asher, 2012, 60 x 80 cm, archival pigment print From the series Twisted Tales – Road to Hope 77

Slottet, Photo City


Markus Henttonen Road to Hope, 2014, 110 x 157 cm, archival pigment print, From the series Twisted Tales – Road to Hope 79

Slottet, Photo City

Tonje Bøe Birkeland Plate # 1 Astrups Horn, 2015 80

Slottet, Photo City

Tonje Bøe Birkeland Plate #16 Uncharted Bay, 2015 81

Slottet, Photo City


Tonje Bøe Birkeland Plate # 3 Kangerdlugssuaq 83

Slottet, Photo City

Lasse Bak Mejlvang Untitled (Sisimiut, 2014) Untitled (Sisimiut, 2014) 84


Dennis Lehmann Untitled (Tasiusaq, 2014) Untitled (Tasiusaq, 2014) 85


Søren Rønholt Bla Top II Gron Top II 86


Søren Rønholt Gul Top II Rod Top II 87


Galleriscenen Copenhagen Photo Festival vægter at vise et højt kunstnerisk niveau og sætter fokus på fotografiets rolle i samtidskunsten. Derfor er vi stolte over at kunne præsentere et festivalprogram i samarbejde med en lang række gallerier og udstillingssteder i København og resten af landet. Se frem til fotografi, der både glæder, berører, chokerer, forundrer og bevæger sig på grænsen af fotografiske genrer samt udfordrer vores opfattelse af, hvad fotografi kan være. Kunstscenen viser igen sit store engagement i fotografiet og fotobaseret kunst med udstillinger, der ofte går på tværs af traditioner. Galleriscenen udgør et netværk af etablerede gallerier som Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Hans Alf Gallery, Martin Asbæk Gallery og Peter Lav Gallery og yngre initiativer som blandt andre Galleri Benoni. I år kan vi byde velkommen om bord til aarhusianske Galleri Image, som udstiller den kinesiske kunstner Lijie Zhang, der står bag årets festivalfoto, og som med udstillingen Atheist på humoristisk vis diskuterer individets usikre position i det kinesiske samfund – et sted mellem en gammel kommunistisk og en moderne kapitalistisk samfundsmodel. På den københavnske galleriscene byder vi bl.a. velkommen til BORCHs Butik, som præsenterer Carsten Höllers fotogravurer. Derudover glæder vi os over at kunne byde velkommen til Danske Grafikeres Hus, Galleri KANT, Hostrup-Pedersen & Johansen, Litografisk Atelier, SixtyEight og mange flere.

The Gallery Scene Copenhagen Photo Festival aims to show work of a high artistic level and will focus again this year on the role of photography in a contemporary art context. We are once again proud to announce the festival programme in collaboration with a large number of galleries and exhibition spaces in Copenhagen as well as the rest of Denmark. You can look forward to photography that is delightful, touching, shocking, awakes wonder, as well as work that often places itself at the boundaries between photographic genres - thus challenging our preconceptions about what photography can be. Once again The Gallery Scene will show a great commitment to exhibiting photography and photo-based art during the festival period, with exhibitions that often challenge traditional approaches to the photograph. The Gallery Scene represents a network of established galleries such as Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Hans Alf Gallery, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Peter Lav Gallery and Galleri Christoffer Egelund, as well as younger initiatives such as Galleri Benoni. This year we are happy to welcome on board Galleri Image from Aarhus, who are exhibiting Chinese artist Lijie Zhang - whose image has also been selected for this years Copenhagen Photo Festival poster. In her exhibition Atheist she humorously comments on the uncertain position of the individual in Chinese society – stuck between an old communist and modern capitalist model of society. From Copenhagen’s gallery scene, we welcome BORCHs Butik who will be displaying photogravures by Carsten Höller. Furthermore we are excited to welcome Danske Grafikeres Hus, Galleri KANT, Hostrup-Pedersen & Johansen, Litografisk Atelier, SixtyEight and many more to the festival.



William Ropp Ethiopia, 2014 90

Almlof Gallery

William Ropp Johanne, 2011 91

Almlof Gallery

Jesper Høm Paris, France, 1961 92

Banja Rantnov Galleri & Kunsthandel

Jesper Høm Place Rouge, Moskva, 1961 Firenze, Italia,1957 93

Banja Rantnov Galleri & Kunsthandel

Fryd Frydendahl Blue, 2015 94


Fryd Frydendahl Dunne, 2015 95



Carsten Hรถller Four Birds, 2015 97

BORCHs Butik

Roberto Schmidt Helle Thorning, 2013 Buzz Aldrin First space selfie, 1966 98


Rudolf Schwarzkogler Untitled, 1965 99


Jennie Rosberg Konstruktion fรถr absorption, 2015 100


Johan Ă–sterholm A Year of Twelve Moons, 2015 101


Francesco Galli San Biele tower 102

Bredgade Kunsthandel

Francesco Galli Sunny and snowy day, on the terrace toward mountain Palanzana 103

Bredgade Kunsthandel

Kevin Malcolm Stand-in #2, 2015 104

Danske Grafikeres Hus

Kristina Bengtsson Hazy mirror, 2015 105

Danske Grafikeres Hus


Joakim Eskildsen Willow Tree, 2012 107

Det Nationale Fotomuseum

Joakim Eskildsen Haircut, 2013 108

Det Nationale Fotomuseum

Joakim Eskildsen Tooth, 2012 109

Det Nationale Fotomuseum


Emma Ă…kesson Untitled 111

Dunkers kulturhus/RumEtt

Gorsad Kiev LEG, 2015 112

Fotogalleri Vasli Souza

Kim Westerstrรถm Big Chill, 2014 Bjarni Tor Petursson Hubris, 2015 113

fotogalleriet [format]

Marie Andersson Grammatica officinalis, 2015 Lotten P책lsson Dansande k채pp, 2015 114

fotogalleriet [format]

Angu Motzfeldt Lisbeth Karline Poulsen i sin Whiteout nationaldragt 115

Fotografisk Center

Jukke Rosing Anna, 2008 Inuuteq Storch Untitled, 2013 From the series Illusion of Timelessness 116

Fotografisk Center

Jette Bang Untitled, Kap Dan 1961-1968 117

Fotografisk Center

Kai Mailänder Nr. 129, 2015 Mikkel Rundin Ă˜rsted Untitled, 2015 118

Galleri Pi

Lotte Agger Paller, 2015 119

Galerie Pi

Henrik B端low Untitled. From the series Above 120

Galleri Benoni

Henrik B端low Untitled. From the series Above 121

Galleri Benoni

Per Bak Jensen Rømer, 1988 122

Galleri Bo Bjerggaard

Per Bak Jensen Chrystler Building, 1990 123

Galleri Bo Bjerggaard

Kim William Catton White Phosphorus (chemical compound), 2014 124

Galleri Christoffer Egelund

Asbjørn Skou Deterritorializations 4, 2013 125

Galleri Christoffer Egelund


Ditte Knus Tønnesen Separated for a Whole, Ninety Degrees, 2015 127

Galleri Christoffer Egelund

Jesper Rasmussen Thorvaldsens Museum, 2013 128

Galleri Christoffer Egelund

Jakob Hunosøe Vinglas og kokosnød, 2013 129

Galleri Christoffer Egelund


Lijie Zhang Drinking battle, 2014 131

Galleri Image

Lijie Zhang Mom and I, 2014 132

Galleri Image

Lijie Zhang Lao Zhang in Speech, 2013 133

Galleri Image

Ea Vasko Ma, #8, 76 x 56 cm, 2015 134

Galleri KANT

Kenneth Bamberg Bee, 150x100 cm, 2014 135

Galleri KANT

Peter Zelei Bad Dreams, 2014 136

Galleri Lorien

Peter Zelei Mr. Rabbit, 2012 137

Galleri Lorien

Jacob Aue Sobol Untitled From the Series Arrivals & Departures I Russia Mongolia China Artistic Director Sun Hee Engelstoft 138

Galleri Naboløs

Jacob Aue Sobol Untitled From the Series Arrivals & Departures I Russia Mongolia China Artistic Director Sun Hee Engelstoft 139

Galleri Naboløs


Per Morten Abrahamsen Lake Riders, 43 x 62 cm, 2015 141

Hans Alf Gallery

Jens Birkemose Smallfilm 142

Hostrup-Pedersen & Johansen, Litografisk Atelier

Jacob Gils Limit To Your Love, 2014 143

In The Gallery

Carsten Rabe Blue Curtain, 2013 144


Astrid Kruse Jensen Fragments of Remembrance Archival fiber print, 80x80 cm Edition of 5 145

Martin AsbĂŚk Gallery


Julie Boserup Leisure I, 2014, collage, 150 x 160 cm 147

Peter Lav Gallery

Esme Chapman Jones Uddrag af Eighty Sad Women, 2013-14 148


Elisabeth Molin Venus de Milo 149


Gisa Pantel Arnold 150


Christina Capetillo Forest, 2013 151

Skรฅnes Konstfรถrening

Jeanette Land Schou Parkeringsplads, Hyllie, 2011 152

Skรฅnes Konstfรถrening

Finn Larsen Gränsen 2009-2010 153

Skånes Konstförening


John S. Webb Malmรถ Harbour, 2014 155

Skรฅnes Konstfรถrening

Ingrid Kiopmanhafn Borum Istanbul, 1967 156

Stadens Museum for Kunst, Christiania

Miriam Nielsen Flat Surface 1 157

Third Space

Ditte Knus Tønnesen Detail of If You Are Earth Then I am Water, unique work, 2015 158

Third Space

Myne Søe Pedersen Scanned Mirrors #14, 2014 159

Third Space

Sara Laub Plural, 2014 160

Third Space

Sonja LillebÌk Christensen Arvesynden ‌ jeg er en Judas!, 2015 161

Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn Station

Søren Solkær Victor Ash (Portugal) Berlin, 2013 162


Søren Solkær Pixote (Brazil) Miami, 2013 163



Søren Solkær Lee Quiñones (USA) Brooklyn, 2013 165


De uafhængige Danmark rummer et stort potentiale af fotografisk talent. Copenhagen Photo Festival ønsker at bringe alle aktører på fotoscenen frem i lyset for at vise, hvor levende og engageret Danmarks fotoscene er. Festivalen huser i år afgangsudstillinger af blandt andre KBH Film & Fotoskole, Krabbesholm Højskoles fotolinje og Östra Grevie Folkhögskola i Malmø og en række andre skoler, som tilsammen danner en containerby på pladsen foran Halmlageret. Vi har et stærkt program af uafhængige udstillinger, som markerer sig ved deres dedikation og engagement. Hos Le Fix udstiller duoen Mens Du Sov deres dokumentation af de mest toneangivende danske graffitimalere, fotograferet udelukkende om natten i København. Udstillingen markerer også udgivelsen af bogen af samme titel. Fotoudstillingen BAG ÅBNE DØRE zoomer ind på Danmarks første stormoské på ydre Nørrebro i København, set med brugernes egne øjne. Projektet er led i et speciale fra Københavns Universitet og kan opleves på Grillen – Kontor & Atelier. På udstillingsstedet Øen udstiller Mathias Christensen værker fra sit nyudgivne bogprojekt Black Nest, som tager publikum med på en dunkel natrejse gennem København. På Arbejdermuseet vises udstillingen Tomorrows and Yesterdays: Mads Nissen møder Europas første fotografer, hvor arkivbilleder fra fotografiets ungdom bliver sat i relief af Mads Nissens nyfortolkninger.

The Independent Denmark has a great potential for photographic talent. Copenhagen Photo Festival wants to bring all the players in the Danish photo scene to light, and let the independent platforms proof how dynamic and engaging the contemporary photo scene in Denmark is. This year the festival hosts the graduation exhibitions from KBH Film & Photo School, Krabbesholm Højskole’s Photography Course, and Östra Grevie Folkhögskola in Malmö– among others. All of these schools will be exhibiting together in a construction made of containers or as we like to call it the Container City. This year we have a strong program of independent exhibitions that stand out in their dedication to and engagement with photography. Le Fix will show the duo Mens Du Sov’s documentary photographs of influential Danish graffiti writers – which were taken at night in Copenhagen. The exhibition also highlights the release of their book of the same title. In photo show BEHIND OPEN DOORS, you can take a closer look at Denmark’s first large mosque in Nørrebro, Copenhagen – seen from a user’s own point of view. The project is a part of a Copenhagen University thesis and is being shown at Grillen – Kontor & Atelier. The exhibition space Øen will be housing the work of Mathias Christensen from his recently published book project Black Nest, which is taking you on a midnight journey throughout Copenhagen. Arbejdermuseet is showing Tomorrows and Yesterdays: Mads Nissen Meets Europe’s First Photographers, in which archival images from the early days of photography are reinterpreted.



Ukendt En løjtnant og en syerske, 1910 168


Mads Nissen En telefonopringning fra krigen, 2009 169


Jesper Bo Jensen Hafen City 2 Flemming Bo Jensen Monk in the shadows of Angkor 170


Ragne Sigmond Joy Yellow 171


Ib Trebbien Red Laura II 172


Stefan Mehl Short break 173


Uri Golman Ice6 174


Mazin Ait Bouzaid Champ Hussein 175

Biblioteket Rentemestervej

Babur Peyman Seringe NV 176

Biblioteket Rentemestervej

Yassine Macine At Peace With Time 177

Biblioteket Rentemestervej

Else Vinæs Metamorfose 3, 2013 178

Café Dolores

Josephine Ernst En by under indflydelse nr. 1, 2014 179

CafĂŠ Dolores

Sebastian Illing Oscillations in Stip, Macedonia, 2014 180

CafĂŠ Retro

Sebastian Illing Grimaces against Nationalism in Cacak, Serbia, 2014 181

CafĂŠ Retro

Henrik Kloch Violence 182

Copenhagen Street Food

Henrik Kloch Cero Rico 2 183

Copenhagen Street Food

Marti Mueller Drumdance everywhere Marti Mueller Nukâka 184

Det Grønlandske Hus

David Eng Wedding Kvilletorget, 2013 Sebastian Cruz Domestication, 2014 185

Galleri Krebsen

Louise Martinsson Dystopia, 2014 Elin Andersson Spatial Power Relations, 2015 186

Galleri Krebsen

Ingvild Davidsen P책 innsiden og utsiden, 2015 187

Galleri Krebsen

Frida Lundgren Commercial Period, 2015 188

Galleri Krebsen

Joachim Bøgedal To collect wood, 2015 189

Galleri Krebsen

Henrik Bøegh HAVANA 1, 2014 190

Grafisk Eksperimentarium

Garrett Farayare Bag åbne døre, 2015 Anas Maher Nasser Bag åbne døre, 2015 191

Grillen – Kontor & Atelier

Alberto Grasso Torino, 2013 192

Ground Floor Productions/Gallery Von Schmordenfaden

Martin Selway Bus Stop, 2015 Paul Jason Roberg Pier 64, 2003 193

Ground Floor Productions/Gallery Von Schmordenfaden


Matthias Ziegler Louis 195

Harbo Bar

Bastian Vaucher Regina, 2014 196

Homeless Gallery

Anna Sircova Med Dansk Maske PĂĽ (Courtesy LaurĂŠline Gormsen), 2015 197

Homeless Gallery

Scott Urquhart Smaaland 1, 2013 198

Homeless Gallery

Inesa Adamonyte Untitled, 2014 199

Homeless Gallery

Johnny Frank Nielsen TrĂŚer ved Ă…seda, 2014 Malte Brandenburg Solitude Sands, 2012 200

Homeless Gallery

Michel Kwapisiewicz Monk, 2008 Catalin Mihaila Vietnamese Market From Above, 2014 201

Homeless Gallery

Dorte Bundesen Point of Departure, 2014 202

Hvidovre Bibliotek

Peder Brødsted Pedersen Forest in Van, 2014 Tor Einstabland Indistinct Contours 2, 2011 203

Hvidovre Bibliotek

Erik Jørgensen Lady Look, 2014 Jesper Bo Jensen Hornstul, 2014 Josephine Ernst Stilhed og Fordybelse nr. 24, 2015 204

Hvidovre Bibliotek

Else VinĂŚs In the Street 3, 2014 Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen Merging, 2013 205

Hvidovre Bibliotek

Nicky De Silva The Anatomy Of Innocence 03, 2013-2014 Courtesy Nicky De Silva & Jane Marshall Whittaker 206

Ivan Grundahl Gallery

Sarah Rachel Fresco Untitled April Vedby Kristiansen Untitled 207

KTS – Fotografuddannelsen

Simon Dokkedal Mens Du Sov 5, 2015 208

Le Fix

Anders Giversen Mens Du Sov 10, 2015 209

Le Fix


Ditte Bolt Silent Joy 1 211

Mads Nørgaard Copenhagen

Split Art Michael Falch, 2015 Oh Land, 2014 212

Pavillon no. 11

Anne Marie Sørensen Pierre Dørge, 2014 213


Gorm Valentin Chet Baker & Ruth Young 214


Ditte Bolt Stafet 3, 2015 Jørn Zoega Stafet 2, 2015 Maria Bergmann Drougge Stafet 1, 2015 215

Rummet – Kaffebaren på Amager

Katrine Hoff Untitled Fatamorganas Sommerudstilling 2014 Marine Morel Untitled Fatamorganas Sommerudstilling 2014 216


Kenneth Rimm Wildfire, 2014 217


Sigrún Gudbrandsdóttir Nikolaj Nørlund , 1995 218

Vandrehallen, Hillerød Bibliotek

Sigrún Gudbrandsdóttir Kira Skov, 2010 219

Vandrehallen, Hillerød Bibliotek

Cecilia Ortiz Meeting Point, 2014 Immersion, 2014 220


Mathias Christensen Untitled Untitled 221


Stefan Nielsen To Stole, 2015 Downstairs Fotografiske Workshop 222

Ă˜sterbro Bibliotek

Thomas Pedersen The Goalkeeper, 2015 Downstairs Fotografiske Workshop 223

Ă˜sterbro Bibliotek

Mathias Foley Concealed Strength Marck Aaboe Lund-Nielsen Sarah 2 224

Fotografisk Kommunikation, DJMX

Camilla Sebens Dont Judge A Book By Its Cover 225

Fotografisk Kommunikation, DJMX

Nicolai Troels Garcia Levin Cans Levin 226

Fotografisk Kommunikation, DJMX

Nikolaj Trane Karstenberg Mother Ms. Sixty 227

Fotografisk Kommunikation, DJMX

Tanja Krabbe Thorsen Woman 1 Steffanie Michela Nordahl Jakobsen Ekstraa_Crazy Breed 228

Fotografisk Kommunikation, DJMX

Malin Ida Viktoria Henningsson Untitled Kirstine Lykkeberg Thomsen Created Anew 1 229

Fotografisk Kommunikation, DJMX

Kinga Emese Major Girl, 2014 Clara Abena-Nana Petersen Dusty, 2014 230

Kastanjevejens Efterskole

Jo Hanna Andersson 2 231

KBH Film og Fotoskole

Norkka Medina 1 3 232

KBH Film og Fotoskole

Marie Hyld 2 Morten Eilersen 4 233

KBH Film og Fotoskole

Linnea Frandsen Johanne Frank 234

KBH Film og Fotoskole

Marie Johanne F. Prangsgaard RUM, 2015 235

Krabbesholm Højskoles fotolinje

Arnaud Delrue BeautĂŠ #1, 2009 236


Arnaud Delrue Minotaure #1, 2008 237


Anne Laura Hedegaard Rodløs 238


Johanne Lerbech Pedersen Uopn책elig 239


Christine Lorentzen 1, 2015 (Medieskolen Lyngby) L & L Photography 2, 2015 (K.U.B.A København) 240

Zoom – Produktionsskolernes Fotoudstilling

Linnea Eklรถf Vi vill kunna bo kvar, 2014 241

ร stra Grevie Folkhรถgskola

Leo Ahlgren Circles, 2014 242

ร stra Grevie Folkhรถgskola

Sigrid Törnqvist With love, your stalker, 2015 Tobias Widman Friends, 2015 Tryggve Tirén If you’re not pissed off, you’re not paying attention, 2014 243

Östra Grevie Folkhögskola

Luljete Duraku Untitled 244

ร stra Grevie Folkhรถgskola

Astrid Gustafsson Passing by, 2014 245

ร stra Grevie Folkhรถgskola

URBAN SPACE Festivalens udstillinger i byrummet. Her kan man opleve fotokunst i undergrunden, når de københavnske metrotog viser smagsprøver på de mange forskellige fotografiske genrer, som kan opleves på festivalen. På Byens Hegn ved udvalgte gadekryds, parker og torve over hele København er der fotoudstilling i stort format, hvor de enkelte motiver går i dialog med det omgivende miljø. I Rigsdagsgården kan man opleve udstillingen Lige nu med Lærke Posselt, Maria Fonfara, Sofie Amalie Klougart, Charlotte Haslund-Christensen og Kent Klich. Folketinget har givet de fem fotografer frie hænder til at fortolke et af fem centrale temaer ved ændringen af grundloven i 1915: ligestilling, rettigheder, deltagelse, fællesskab og ildsjæle.

URBAN SPACE There will be several exhibitions in public spaces as part of the festival programme. Experience photography on the subway – Copenhagen’s Metro trains will display a wide range of photographic work represented at the festival. Spread out over Copenhagen’s parks, crossroads, and squares, the green Cool Construction Metro fences will showcase large format photo works from some of the festival’s exhibitors. The selected images will form a dialogue with their surroundings. In the Urban Space exhibition Equality, Here and Now, The Danish Parliament gave five photographers; Lærke Posselt, Maria Fonfara, Sofie Amalie Klougart, Charlotte Haslund-Christensen, and Kent Klich free rein to each interpret one of five themes that were central to the amendment of the Constitutional Act in 1915: equality, rights, participation, fellowship and activists.



Delphine Piault Patchwork 248

Byens Hegn p책 R책dhuspladsen

Delphine Piault Kuku Agami 249

Byens Hegn p책 R책dhuspladsen

Sofie Amalie Klougart Deltagelse 250


Lærke Posselt Fællesskab Maria Fonfara Ildsjæle 251


Charlotte Haslund-Christensen Ligestilling 252


Kent Klich Rettigheder 253


Fotografer Photographers

Abdullahi Hassan Aden Yarow │ Adam Hult │ Agnieszka Gotowała │ Alastair Philip Wiper │ Alberto Grasso │ Amalie Ivalo │ Amalie Lund │ Amalie Vestergaard Olsen │ Anas Maher Nasser │ Andy Warhol │ Anne-Laura Hedegaard │ Augusta Carøe │ Ana Gil │ Anders Giversen │ Anders Graver │ Andrea Marunga │ Angu Motzfeldt │ Anna Falck Houden-Hansen │ Anna Kelly Jørgensen │ Anna Nor Pedersen │ Anna Sircova │ Anne Charlotte Bisgaard │ Anne Marie Sørensen │ Anne Mortensen │ Anne Sofie Askholm │ Annemette Jonsson │ Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen │ Annie Leibovitz │ Arnaud Delrue │ Asbjørn Skou │ Astrid Gustafsson │ Astrid Kruse Jensen │ August Wille │ Babur Peyman │ Bärbel Praun │ Barthelemy Garcia │ Bastian Vaucher │ Baukje Venema │ Ben Macintosh │ Benita Marcussen │ Bjarni Tor Petursson │ Bo Martin Møller │ Britta Egebjerg │ Camilla Rasborg │ Camilla Rønde │ Camilla Sebens │ Camille Johanne S. Hedelund │ Carsten Höller │ Carsten Rabe │ Catalin Mihaila │ Cecilia Ortiz │ Cecilie Juel Olsen │ Chantal Anderson │ Charlotte Haslund-Christensen │ Christian Brems │ Christina Capetillo │ Christine Lorentzen │ Christine Lorenzen │ Cindy Sherman │ Clara Ryberg Juliussen │ Constanze Kratzsch │ Dalin Waldo │ Daniele Sambo │ David Eng │ Delphine Piault │ Dennis Lehmann │ Desmond Church │ Ditte Bolt │ Ditte Knus Tønnesen │ Dorte Bundesen │ Dusan Djordjevic │ Ea Vasko │ Elin Andersson │ Elina Brotherus │ Elisabeth Molin │ Ellie Engelhem │ Elna Søndergaard │ Else Vinæs │ Emil Arp-Hansen │ Emilie Imán Fog-Møller │ Emilie Kjær Jensen │ Emilie Kølvig │ Emilie Steenholdt │ Emma Skerfe │ Emma Åkesson │ Emna Ferchichi │ Erik Hurst │ Erik Jørgensen │ Esme Chapman Jones │ Esther Flytkjær │ Eva Barton │ Eva Koch │ Felicia Eriksen │ Felicia Karlsson │ Femja Haack │ Finn Larsen │ Fiona Aagaard Frederiksen │ Flemming Bo Jensen │ Francesco Galli │ Frederik Lykkeberg Larsen │ Freja Lilholt │ Freja Sofie Kirk │ Frida Edlund │ Frida Lundgren │ Frida Wrangå │ Fryd Frydendahl │ Gabriella Hasslinger │ Garrett Farayare │ Gisa Pantel │ Gorm Valentin │ Gorsad Kiev │ Gullian Gayle Muyo │ Gurjant Singh │ Gustav Palmgren │ Hadil El-imam │ Hanni Gharib │ Harald Holst │ Henrik Bøegh │ Henrik Bülow │ Henrik Edelbo │ Henrik Kloch │ Ib Trebbien │ Inesa Adamonyte │ Inger Marie Helgasdatter Hansen Mulvad │ Ingi Thor Arnasonuden │ Ingrid Kiopmanhafn-Borum │ Ingvild Dahlgren │ Ingvild Davidsen │ Inuuteq Storch │ Irini Giotopoulou │ Isabel Friedberg │ Jacob Aue Sobol │ Jacob Gils │ Jacob Haug Steinholt │ Jakob Hunosøe │ Jane Marshall Whittaker │ Janneke Luursema │ Jasmine Helgemo │ Javier Marti │ Jeanette Land Schou │ Jennie Rosberg │ Jens Birkemose │ Jesper Bo Jensen │ Jesper Drejer │ Jesper Helbo │ Jesper Høm │ Jesper Houborg │ Jesper Rasmussen │ Jess Bang │ Jette Bang │ Joachim Bendixen │ Joachim Bøgedal │ Joakim Eskildsen │ Johan Adrian Buus │ Johan Andrén │ Johan Österholm │ Johanna Oskarsson │ Johanne Lerbech │ John Webb │ Johnny Frank Nielsen │ Johnny To │ Jon Thor Hansen │ Jonas Kekkonen Andreasen │ Jørn Zoëga │ Josephine Ernst │ Jukke Rosing │ Julia Mejnertsen │ Julie Boserup │ Kai Mailänder │ Karina Tengberg │ Karl Reiver │ Karoline Kvolbæk │ Katharina Fitz │ Katrine Hoff │ Ken


Hermann │ Kenneth Bamberg │ Kenneth Rimm │ Kent Klich │ Kevin Malcolm │ Kim Westerström │ Kim William Catton │ Kinga Czarnow │ Kinga Ernese Major │ Kirstine Lykkeberg Thomsen │ Kristian Holm │ Kristin David-Andersen Øveraas │ Kristina Bengtsson │ Kristina Kiss Kovacs │ Kristine Holm Pedersen │ L & L Photography │ Lærke Petersen │ Lærke Posselt │ Laëtitia Modine │ Lars Nynäs │ Lasse Bak Mejlvang │ Laura Amalie Holmen │ Laura Røssel │ Lea Marie Vinter Sonne │ Leo Ahlgren │ Lijie Zhang │ Linda Pochinda Funder │ Line P. Korthsen │ Linnea Eklöv │ Lise Olivia Helweg-Larsen │ Lorena Lundgren │ Lotte Agger │ Lotte Fløe Christensen │ Lotten Pålsson │ Louise Martinsson │ Luljetë Duraku │ Luna Lopez Lindhardt │ Mads Nissen │ Magdalena Johansson │ Maja Kozak Dehlin │ Malin Ida Viktoria Henningsson │ Malou Sinding │ Malte Brandenburg │ Marck Aaboe Lund-Nielsen │ Marcus Nilsson │ Marcus Trappaud Bjørn │ Maria Bergmann Drougge │ Maria Fonfara │ Maria Franck │ Maria Louise Kristensen Bensted │ Marie Andersson │ Marie Hyld Larsen │ Marie Johanne F. Prangsgaard │ Marine Morel │ Markus Henttonen │ Marti Mueller │ Martin Selway │ Mathias Christensen │ Mathias Foley │ Matilde Søes Rasmussen │ Matthias Ziegler │ Mattias Hök │ Mazim Ait Bouzaid │ Mazja Hillestrøm │ Michael Høstved │ Michel Kwapisiewicz │ Mikkel Hørlyck │ Mikkel Rundin Ørsted │ Mikkel Vigholt │ Miriam Nielsen │ Moa Gustafsson Söndergaard │ Moa Krantz │ Mohamad Barad │ Monia Balti │ Mounir Hammoumi │ Myne Søe-Pedersen │ Nanna Meitilberg │ Natasha Post Penaguiao │ Nathalie Vinge Francois │ Nathalie Walker │ Nefeli Have │ Nicky De Silva │ Nicolai Howalt │ Nicolai Troels Garcia Levin │ Nikolaj Osorio │ Nikolaj Trane Karstenberg │ Nils Lund Pedersen │ Oliver Broksø Mirkovic │ Oliver Eglin │ Oliver Salim Benameur │ Oskar Jørgensen │ Paola Leonardi │ Patrick Richter Lauritzen │ Paul Jason Roberg │ Peder Brødsted Pedersen │ Per Bak Jensen │ Per Berge Moe │ Per Morten Abrahamsen │ Pernille With Madsen │ Peter Gant │ Peter Nygaard Christensen │ Peter Zelei │ Petra Svoboda │ Petter Wessel Eid │ Philip Mar Serejo │ Ragne Sigmond │ Randi Rosing-Schow │ Rasmus Sangild │ Rasmus Schmidt Luckmann │ Riem Zyn-Alabidin │ Romeo Lombardi │ Rose Eriksen │ Rudolf Schwarzkogler │ Saad Al Jiburi │ Sam Derounian │ Sandra Linnell │ Sara Laub │ Sara Moiola │ Sara Zanella │ Sarah Gosch Feldthus │ Sarah Meurle │ Sarah Rachel Fresco │ Scott Urquhart │ Sebastián Cruz │ Sebastian Illing │ Signe Hentrich │ Signe Keller │ Sigrid Törnqvist │ Sigrún Gudbrandsdóttir │ Sille Juline Høgly Petersen │ Simon Dokkedal │ Siri Nyström │ Sofia Seveklint │ Sofie Amalie Klougart │ Sofie Hviid Langholt │ Solvejg Christensen │ Sonja Lillebæk Christensen │ Sophie Kalckar │ Sophie Linnemann │ Stefan Mehl-Ludvigsen │ Stefan Nielsen │ Steffanie Michela Nordahl Jakobsen │ Steffen Kloster Poulsen │ Stine Rasmussen │ Søren Rønholt │ Søren Solkær │ Tanja Krabbe Thorsen │ Tasnim Zyn-Alabidin │ Teppo Tirkkonen │ Thea Vogel │ Thomas Pedersen │ Tina Gejl Hammer │ Tobias Juhl Nielsen │ Tobias Widman │ Tomoya Fujii │ Tonje Bøe Birkeland │ Tor Einstabland │ Trine Kobborg │ Trine Søndergaard │ Tryggve Tiren │ Uri Golman │ Wafaa Ramadan │ Wouter le Duc │ Zaynab Ahmad Mouhammad │ Yassine Macine │William Ropp │


June 4 – 14 2015

Celebrating Photography

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