Emerald Hill Vision and Construction Update

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Artists Impression: Library and Heritage Centre Forecourt

Emerald Hill Vision and Construction Update

Much anticipated works to the Emerald Hill Library and Heritage Centre Forecourt, a Public Art Commission and Emerald Hill Reserve will commence shortly.

April 2014

Emerald Hill Vision and Construction Update


Emerald Hill Master Plan The Emerald Hill Master Plan is the City of Port Phillip’s long-term vision for the future of this local area. The works about to be delivered are part of a plan designed to give residents and visitors a place to reflect and relax. Overall, the plan aims to create a vibrant arts and community hub that will reinvigorate the precinct around the South Melbourne Town Hall. These works are the result of extensive public consultation and will improve the look, feel and function of this historic precinct. Plans for these works have been prepared through stakeholder forums, public information sessions, advertisements and workshops between 2010 and 2013.

Above: Emerald Hill Town Hall, photograph by Donald Y Tong

April 2014


South Melbourne Central Structure Plan 2007

South Melbourne streetscape Plan 2007

Library & Heritage centre forecourt

Emerald Hill vision 2011

Emerald Hill Master Plan 2012

Library & Heritage centre forecourt works 2014

Emerald Hill reserve works 2014

perrins street

Emerald hill precinct design 2013

emerald hill reserve

Above: Location map of Library and Heritage Centre Forecourt and Emerald Hill Reserve Left: Emerald Hill Master Plan 2012

Emerald Hill Vision and Construction Update


Emerald Hill Reserve

The currently unnamed space will be Port Phillip’s newest reserve. Like the current pop-up installation, the park will bring many benefits to the community by providing a variety of seating and garden bed planting.

Council’s Open Space Strategy identifies the area as having a need for greater open space. Further, the reserve will reinforce the symmetry of the Emerald Hill Estate. The project will deliver:

04 Retention of the much-loved plane trees along Emerald Hill Place will have feature up-lighting 05 New garden bed

09 Ping 10

Games Tables

11 Ottoman

Seats with LED strip lighting

06 Seating walls

12 Dry

02 Synthetic turf to aid greening

07 A picnic table


03 A multi-purpose raised deck

08 A drinking fountain


Paved surfaces

Feature Planting

Above: Photograph of current pop-up park at Emerald Hill Reserve.

Ping Pong Table

pong table

creek bed

Curved timber seats

Drinking Fountain

April 2014


Emerald Hill reserve

emerald hill place







03 01



10 02 11 11 07


06 05

Above: Emerald Hill Reserve Landscape Plan Please Note: D ue to unforeseen circumstances during the construction period, some elements of the new reserve design may need to be slightly altered. This can include changes in plants, materials and the location of certain items. Please contact the Project Manager should you require any further information.

Emerald Hill Vision and Construction Update


Emerald Hill Library and Heritage Centre Forecourt

Located at the entrance to the new Library and Heritage Centre, these works will encourage people to use the space in addition to improving the overall look, feel and function of this intimate forecourt.

Between April and June exciting new upgrades will deliver: k Ban

Deciduous feature trees which 01 will provide seasonal colour and shade. All new trees will have feature uplighting



02 New garden beds hosting a mix of exotic and native plants 03 New sawn bluestone paving

05 New public artwork

perrins street

04 Feature curved bench seating providing a pleasant place to read or relax




02 How will i access the library?

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times via the main entrance access ramp.

01 04


Above: Emerald Hill Library & Heritage Centre Forecourt Plan

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Please Note: Due to unforeseen circumstances during the construction period, some elements of the new reserve design may need to be slightly altered. This can include changes in plants, materials and the location of certain items. Please contact the Project Manager should you require any further information.

April 2014


Public Art Commission

In January 2014, Council’s Art Acquisition Committee selected William Eicholtz’s design for a public artwork within the forecourt.

The sculpture ‘Memorial to an Analogue King’ takes the form of three milk crates containing classic LP records cast in bronze. These sculptures remind us of superseded technology and the changes in the ways people receive information and entertainment. The piece will be nostalgic for many viewers and a historic curiosity for younger ones.

Above: Artist impression of public artworks. Refer to Emerald Hill Library and Heritage Centre Forecourt Plan for location of public artwork.

When will work commence?

Work will begin April and is expected to be completed by the end of June 2014

to find out more

Email ospace@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Phone ASSIST 9209 6777

Website www.portphillip.vic.gov.au

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