Emerald Hill Burgess Rolls 1855- 1856

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3lluniripal ctlrdnral HtnU FOR THE DISTRICT OF








I No.Hlltein Book.

1 Abrahams, George 2 Adams, William 3 Adamson, PeteL' Malm 4: Addison, IV[al'k Spark 5 Ainsworth, .Tames 6 Allarclyce, Dav ld 7 Allarclyce, ,Tolm . 8 Aldel', George [) Alexander, Alexaude r 10 Alexander, John 11 A1;son, Alexander 12 Allan, Andrew 13 Allan, Arthur Chich ester 14 Allan, Ebenezer 15 Allan, Gl)orge Gray 16 Allen, Thumas "l7 Allen, 'rho mas ·}S AlIen, J oim 19 A Hen, Frederick Augustus 20 Amphlett, Robert 21 Anderson, James 22 Anderson, George A nthony 2~ Anderson, Robert Stirling 24 Andrews, John 25 AI'llitage, George H enry 26 Ar:lOld,.James 27 Arnold, James 28 A shling, Charles 29 Ashling, William 30 Ashton, J olm Willi am 31 Aspland, John 32 Atherton, James 33 Atki.n, William 34 Atkinson, Robert 35 Axford, George 36 Bagge, James 37 Bagnall, William 38 Bain, James 39 Bain, William 40 Bakes, Henry 41 Balston, John 42 Balston, Henry 43 Banks, James Willimn 44 Bannister, J olm 45 Barber, Thomas 46 Barbour, Robert 47 Barnett, Edwin Fre derick 48 Barragnanoth, Peter 49 Barry, David 50 Barry, Michael 51 Bartliolomew, Willlam " 52 Bayley, James 53 Baylis, William 54 Bayne, George .55 Bealby, Richard 56 Bean,. Robert 57 Bear, 'Jph[i Phiney 58 Bee, J oho 50 Bier, Charles 60 Bees, Samuel 61 Bellaney, Hobert


--397 907 1078 1702 1610 890 1069 1472 734 277 !):38

1307 882 1015. 1023 827 171 1177

1030 410

515 1655 177 456 352 1590 1G52 721 634 202 90 1132

409 97 G7 1304 1360 45 1210 347 1487 IM8

1196 1628 91 603 1709 1359 78 612 268 1660 547 323 1227 4·tH

65 1071

523 175 1114




Yarra-street· Coote-st off Dorcas-st Church-st Cobden-st Coote-st off :Moffiy-st Park-st oft' Union-st off Clarendon-st Paterson place Bank-at Clarend;m-st off Dorcas-st , Dorcas-st Burleigh-st off Market-st Pahner-st Dorcas-at off Yarra-st off Moray-st RaJlan-st Cecil-st off Clarendon-st York-st Napier-st Moray-st Coventry-st Coventry-st Cedl-st Market-st Ferrers-st off Yat'ra-st Markct-st ~farket-st

off Bank-st off Bank-st rear of Urallt-st off Pm'k-st York-st east Little Park-st Little Park-st Wynyard-st Cobdcll-st Market-st Cecil·st Raglan-st Bank-st M:arket-st Coventry-st Clarendun-st Moray-st off York-st Cecil-st Park-st Clarendon-st Cecil-st off DorcaB-st York-st Market-st Bank-street


62 63 64: 6.5 66 67 68 69 70 71

72 73 74

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 8.5 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 90 100 101 102 103 104 105 lOG 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122



Benjamin, MoseR Benjamin, Isaiah Benjamiu, David Benson, Chttrles Bettridge, J olm Betts, Charl es Bickley, Joseph. Biers, Henry Bigley, .Jfbmes Black, Bobert .Blair, William Blair, William Blail', William Blight, J ohu Boedecker, William Bonfield, Ebenezer Bonham, James Boor, William Bingham Booth, Henry Booth, Thomas Borthwick, Alexander Bouchet, Cas simer Bourke; Michael Botteril, George Bowden, George Bowden, Robert Bow~n, Richard Bowers, John Boyle, J olm Boyle, John Boyne, William Brabner, Hugh Bradley, John Brahe, William Alexlmder Braithmore, John Braithwaite, Thomas Braithwaite, Thomas Bramwell, Thomas Brassy, Patrick Bray, John 'Braydon, Thompson Bridger, Henry Breton, Henry Brett, Thomas Brien, J !~mes Briscoe, Bobert Broad, Arthur Broadbent, Anthony Brodie, J amcs Brooke, J olm Brotherton, Henry Brown, Alexander Brown, Oharles Brown, Duncan Brown, Henry Brown, Jmnes Brown, James Davit1 Brown, John James Bl'OWllless, Anthony Colling Bmce, John Bruce, William

Rate Book.


I---- -----120 582 73 1067 693 892

1526 1711 538 1 G5'1 432

688 473

624 6!)5 821 1533

362 236 844

118 1500 1061

33 18 1578 1658

1058 1213 698 85 1302


1587 809 847 427 354 135 650

903 351 1020 8!J6 555

180 1596 1672 136 442


717 111 264 1331

1682 1680 1173

1527 787 566


York-st Market-st Moray-st Coventry-st Coote..st Church-st Cecil-st off York-st Raglan-at off Yana place Coventry-st Coventry-st Coventry-at Coventry-st Cecil-st Park-st Clarendon-st York-st Dorcas-st Market-st Clarendon pla,co off Moray-at Prospect terrace Grant-st Cla.rendon-st Momy vlace off l\foray-st off Park-st Coventi'J-st Market-st • off Bank-st off Market-st N apier-st Hotham-st Dorcas-st off Yar1':1 place York-st off Market-st off Clarendon-st Coote-at York-st off Doreas·street Coote-st off York-st oft' Cecil-st Cla~'elldol1-st Raglrm place off Market-at off Clarendon-st Bank-at Charles-st Sandridge road York-st off Park-st Bridpol't-st Bridiwrt-st Bank-st. Church-st }i'raucis-st oft' York-st

.. t~'· , ..... ,





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_ NO.! __.____"'iI'\m_

-----------1---- --.------14DO I ittle Park-~t BI1C1)(111, .Tohn J352 BankBt Bnc1wll, David 673 Coventry-;;;t BJUC11anan, lA' 'ldl'CW 30!) off YOl'k-st Bueh:l1][I'I, CUll' il1ghr 1\ I 4D3 Coveutly-st Buekett, Ntephcll 110f)(3 off Dorc:1s-st Duek.wll, William I 1-13.51 Pal'k-st Bn11lliln, Gl'orge II :W Bnllllnn tCl'race £1'11CO, J 011 I 78/5 Fl':'..llces-st Buucle, J 01"1 I 1[j-i off Mal'lcct-st Blll'lw,Edllll](l I 51 otfGrant-st, I Bm l1ii; Ant1y : 16G!) Hagl:l1l plaee BUl'l'dl, Hc,nry I GGO Coventry place BUl'l'c ll , James oDS offCecil-st Burl'ows, Jamcs / G75 Cuventlj plaf!e Burrows, FrallC:i:-l 44G Ii off Clarendon-st Bush, Patrick I 163 off Market-st Butl~r, Plli11i p 1341 I Cecil-st CacM, Wil';am 4471 oft' Clal'endon-st eag-hey, .A lldrow I 3] ~ ~tf York-st Cail'lls, A lexnnder ! 810' Uoventry-st 1 Callagha'l, Thomas 1237 :Moray-st 19a1lender, Francis 825 Cecil-st jJnlUpbell, .James 447 Coventry-st Campbell, Thomas 886 John-st C'ILmpl:n, Edward 86 Market-st Calle, J)1111iel 1595 Napier-stCatlterford, William 11 D5 Wynyarcl-st Cato, Est;n 28 Bnlman terf11,Ce lia.l'hclTv, 'l'holllas 296 off York-st - C:u·H,,;lp; Jmlll'S 360 Clarendon pInec ! C'11'1,lthel'fl, HU6'h 74: :Market-flt ; Career, Godfrey )JUW1Wr-; ! 1:31-1Banlc-st I :j(j C'll'teJ', 8el'til1l11i:i .James : 1:32i ; Park-st ] ;37 Cartcl', Johu Alcx<lllllel' , Cecil-st 188 Ca,rthy, Pat} :ck ! 534 off YOl'k-st l::5D I Casey, J01Jll : 1267 Grecn-st 2 Grant-st 1 GO Castle, Andrew 161 I Cavanagh, Owen I 96 Mal'ket-st 162 Cayzer, Henry 11454 Fcrrers-st IG3 Cayze1', 'l'homas 1453 Ferrers-st IG4 Chahnel'R, ~eorge I ~6~ Jolm-st 165 Chapmall, Charles I 1<> 1 G Pal k-st 166 Chapman, Edward 1110111:'<; I 218 York-st 167 ! Chapman, Francis . i 1057 Moray-st 168 1 Chapman, George 11613 Cobden-st 1(j!) I Chapman, .Tames 225 Y \H'k-st 170 Clmpmall, Thomas 1120 Bank-st 1130 : Ferrcrs-st 171 Chard, John Ii 2 Chartel'is, Francis 353 • Y Ol'k-st 17:)' Chauncey, W;llia1l1 SneJl. 1:31:3 ' Bank-st 1 i 4- Cheong, Loo-choo 1 G26 Cobclen-st 17.) Chess ell, Charles 440 Clal'cndoll-st li6 Chivers, .John Cuff 1!37 Fel'rers-st 860 Jolm-st 1 i7 Church, Hap11ael 178 Clancy, Miduwl ,128 oft' YalTa place 170 Clarke, ldexanclcl' 1416 oft' ~Ionta.f:, ..lC-st 180 I Clarke, John Benson 877 Clareudon-st 18] I Clarke, Hem,r 1562 Napil~r placc 182 I Clarke, Helll'Y Angnstns 655 Clarendon-st 18:3 i Clarke, .John 481 Coventry-st 184 Clarke, Joseph 574 offYork-st 18i> Clarke, Thom;u; 158i Napier-r", 186 Clarke, Wm . .]oll11 TUllier 1431 Park-st ]87 CJ;~'orrl,Tilllothy 3160ft'York-st 188 Clough, John Henrv .SlD CoventrY-tlt 824 Cecil-st 18!) Coghmton, Alldrc,,~ 222 York-st 1!)0 Cohen, Hymll I!J I Cohu, Andrew 13:31 Park-st ]n2 Colclough, .Jolm 148.1 Cbl'endon-st 103 Coleman, Francis 74;5 Uni[J11-st 104 COllnole, 'rhomas 421 Yarra. place ] 95 Connoll, Darby 132 ofl'Market-st 1!JG Connoll, of ohn ] 20 off Market-Ht 197! COllnor, George Miles 1507 off NapieN;t 1DS ' Connor, James 756 off UniOll-st 1!l!J Conway, Thomns 807 Hotham-st 200 Comoy, Morris l\Iarket-st 201 ('ooke, William 1032 ClarendOh-st 20:2 Cnsbert, Andrew 8(j1 John-fit 20:1 ('m';iinn, Thomas 10!)1 nfl:' DOl'l'aS-fit 2n/~ Cost l'cll) O<:orge 1024 DOl'l'a,;-st 20,) Cottew, J alllCB 188 off Cceil-l:t 20G ; l\m1bol'l1e, James 1530 Churc!J-st 123 12,j J 25 '126 127 128 ] 2!) ] 80 1:31 J 32 1:33 I :~j. 13:) 1:3G 1:37 138 1:3 !I 14 0 141 142 1,13 IH 14:~ ] 4h 117 ! ,18 It!) l:j 0 1:31 J:32 I :j:~ Li-I 1:).)



B..I[1'li, Isaac




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I~o. II ill Hate Book.


_ _ _I _ _ _ ~_ _- -

207 Counsell, Richp,'d 15~21 Park-st 208 Conrse, J 0]"1 2 ( 3 ofl Clarendon-at 200 Courtn'ey,.T 01p1 1564 Napier place 210 , COV!)lltry, ../\ ndl'cw 92 Market·st 211 Cow, Thomas :379 Clarendon place 212 COWlIll, John 140~ Bank-st 213 Cowderoy, BenjaJl1:'l 1187 Bank-st 214 Cowper, Charles .59 oft'M:tl'ket-st 21 fj Cox, James 1545 Little Park-st 21 G Cox, Jo1>n 1445 FerrerB-st 217 Craig, Moses 855 off Dorcas-st 218 Craig, Skcne 1130 oft' Park-st 219 Cl'amolld, W;jlillUl 413 York-st 220 Orawshaw, Henry 1208 Park-st 221 Cl'ighton, Jl11nes 1706 Raghm-st 222 Croll, Joseph 658 Clarendon-st 223 Cropp, Charles 355 off Clarendon-st 224 Cross, J 01"1 795 Hotham-st £2.5 Crotty, Donald 901 Coote-st 226 Crowther, Joseph 1273 off Ba11k-st 227 Crump, Henry 1330 off Park-st 228 Crnmp, Riclull'Cl 1357 Bank-st 229 Cullen, JoIJl1 138 off Market-st 230 Cummings, Alexl11 1dcr 11330 Clarendon-st 231 Oummings, Janles 146.5 Palmel'-st 232 Ounningham, C1!nl'les 320 York-st 233 Curle, Robel't 487 Coventlj-st 234 Curry, William 224 York-st 23.5 Daish, William 1184 Bank-st 236 Dagnell, Robm ~ 872 ClarendOli-st 356 Clarendon place 2;37 Dales, Willirm 238 Dand, .Tames 1143 off Emer~ld-Rt 230 Dane,.T ohn 1185 B~lUk-st 240 Daniel, J oh n 1528 Church-st 241 Darcey, Michael 1351 Bank-st 242 Darlington, John 707 Charles-st 243 Darlington, John 864 J olm-st 244 Davenport, Thoma"! 1496 Napier-st 245 DM ~dson, James 798 Hotham-st 246 Davies, J oIJ1l 41 Grant-st, 247 Da,,:.s, Edward 1108 oft' Bauk-l::ltreet 248 Davis, George . ,631 Coventry-st 249 Davis, George I 633 oil Coventl'y-st 250 Davis, Jaul0s I 486 Coventry-st 251 Davis, Peter 1189 Bank-st 252 Davis, James 11.69 oft' Bank-st 2f53 D1Lv~s, Sampson 117 Market-st 254 Dilvison, Joseph 82D Burleigh-st 255 Davy, Charlcs 122!.l oft' Park-st 2ti6 Dawson, Walter Jamcs D52 off DOl'cas-si 2.57 Dean, Jabez 55 off Market-st 258 Dean, John 1;)4G Little Park-st 28!) Degiez, DM id 209 York-st 260 Degraves, William 102 Clal'endoll-st 261 Dempster, WPliam 1144 off Emeralcl.. st 262 Dempster, Thomas 457 off Cla!'eIHloll-Ht 263 Dent, James 1000 off DOl'cas-st 264 Dewe, William 079 Dorcas-c;t 26,) Dewe, William 1287 Bank plaee 266 Dewer, Archibald Stewal t 1232 Moray-st 267 Dewer, John Go::) Clarendon-st 268 Dillon,.T olm 758 oft' U nioll-st 269 Dix, Hobert Ross 1356 Bank-street 270 Dodd, Robert 909 Coote-street 27] Doig, Andrew 940 Paterson place 272 Doig, Alexander 58G off York-st 273 Doig. William 443 off Cb.rendon-st 274 Dollard, Thomas 100 Market-st 275 Dollard, Phillip Moysey York-street 276 Donaldson, Dlwid Cngblll D5 Market-st 277 Donaldson, Robert 768 Coventrj-st 278 Donahue, Thomas 125G Hill-st 302 ' off York-st 279 Donnin, Hug11 280 Doolan, Dennis llOO off' Bauk-st 2t1 1 Doran, George 1239 Bank-st 282 Dorman, Stephen 680 York-st 283 Dorward, Jo1m 791 Coventry-st 284 Douglas, William 82 off Market-st 285 Dover, William 1468 Palmcr-st 28G Doyle, Joseph 53 off Markct·st 287 Druce, William 1044 Bank -st 288 I Dudley, Guilford D58 Dorcas-st 2t\9 I Dllgos, William 44D Clarelldon-st 290 i Duncan, A1ex:mdt·1' G27 Covclltl'y-st

-, .,---'··~~~-·'~~~:II~-:c=~~--T~~~Tr~OCA1:.rr~·~-cc·:,,==1 .--I---------------l--i----. I 759! Union-fit Duncan, Alexander 383 i York-st Duncan, Wmiam


Duncan, Stephen Dunlop: Joseph Dmm, Samuel Dunster, James 2f)7 Durance, WiJ1iam 298 D",jght, Richard Wil':<'Im 29!J D", ight, Thomas 00 Dyson, William Henry 301 Eaton, Alexander ;{02 Edgoly, JamCi'-_"FrLl'1cis :103 Edis, Ebenezer :304 Edwards, Frederick 305 Edwards, Peter 306 Einsidel, Gm;tave :~,)7 Elder, D01.1gb<, :)08 Elder, Johrl 300 Elder, JoInt ~31 0 Ellerker, Wil1i.am Henry :311 Ellerker, John 3 I 2 Elliott, George ;31:3 ElJil)tt; WiP: am 314 Ellis, John 31 {j Elmes, William ;} 16 Emerson, Caleh :317 Emerson, John Jm vi;:; 318 Entwhistle, Thomn.s ;319 Ennever, J oim 320 Evans, George :~21 Evans, J olm ;)22 Evaml, John :323 £v,1ns, Joseph 324 Evans, Phillip :325 Evan:,;, William 3:26 Evans, William 327 Everitt, Hel1lY 328 Everitt, Robel t . 329 Eville,.T ames 3~W Ewan, J olm Alexander :331 Ewart, Willi.am :332 Fadzean, Archibald 33:3 , Fairbric1ge, Robert 3:H . Farley, Augustus ;~:j;j Farley, Thomas }~r1wal'd Oscm' ;i:1(; Farnan, Patrick :1;·H Farrance, George :3;18 Feil, James ~):)O Fenwick, Robert ;3,10 Fenwick, Simon :34] Ferguson, Charles :~42 Ferguson, James ;H3 FllrgllS0n, Uohert 344 Ferguson, Richard :~45 Ferrier, David :34G Ferrier, William 347 , Field, James :34-8 i l"inlay, Andrew· 3'~!) . :Filllay, Peter 3;)0 I l"illlay, Robert 351 I Finlay, Thomas 352 : }'ish, Thomas 353 Fitzgerald, J OIlll ;1:)4 ]i'letcher, Edward ;j[iiJ I,'letclier, Ueoro-c <:> Awry :3fj (j i I"letcher, Jolin :357 ! Fletcher, Thomas 3:) 8 Flower, J osoph 359 Ford , James 300 Ford, J olm 361 Ford. J olm :362 Ford: Thomas 3G3 Fordham, Francis 364 Foreman, Henry :1G5 . Foreman, George 3G6 ! Forgie, John 3G7 I Fors, Alexander 368 I Foster, Thomas 3 Gf) I Fouzean, J o1m 'fhomaB ,370 Fowler, John :-371 I Fowles, James :~72 i Fox, Fl'ederiek ~) 7:3 : Fox, .J amC's

. - - - _ . _ - - - - - . _ - - - .. _- -+-- -


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LOCALITY. - - - . - - - -

374 :H5 376 377 :378 i,\ 37!) 380 Iii 381

Fraley, Patrick 133 oft'Market-st. Francis, HeIll'Y 1551 Little Park-st. 46 off Orant-st Fraser, .Tames 206 York-st. 361 Clarendoll place Fraser, James 47 off Market-flt. 121 Mal'ket-st Fraser, Ju,l\1CS I 1060 off Moray-st. 433 oft' Yalra pJace Fraser, Simon \ 767 Covently-st. 1522 Church-st Freel', James 103f1 off Bank-st. 76G Coventl'y-st French, Joseph 6~"8 Covcntl'Y-f:>t. 124 off Market-st 382 Fl'ew, William 744 Union-st. 221 York-st 383 Fry, Jmnes 830 Burleigh-st. 1246 . Bank-st. 384 Fry, John 1495 Napier-st. 1361 oft' Bnl'k-st. 38.5 Fullarton, .Tames 1.479 r('ar of Park-st. 390 Yarr!t-st. 38G Fnlman, Thomas 40 Prospect place 1081 I Dorcas-st. 387 Fullarton, Robel t 711 Charles-st. 293 off York· ~t. 388 Furgllson, WiJ1il\m 463 Clarendoll-st, 1566 Napier-st. 389 Fulton, Thrnnas 874 Clarendon-st. 667 off Coventry place 390 Furness, Peter 710 Charles-st. 1238 Bank-st. 391 ]'inness, Thomas 1214 oft' Park-st. 1688 Moray-st. 392 Gaff, Thomas 1712 Cecil place 17 8 Cecil-st. 393 Gammie, John 834 Burleigh-st. 179 O~cil-st. 394 Gallaugher, Edward 1261 Hill-st. 704 Charles-st. 3D DI': G aJl aghcr, W'lJ' 1695 Ohurch-st. 1 U)111 774 Frank's buildings 396 Gallop, Charles 321 York-st. 1380 Fowke's bl1 ' l C1!'1gs 1'1 397 Gallaway, .Tames 881 Clarendon-st. 402 Yarra-st. 398 Galoland, Thoma:>. 173;3 Bl'idport-st. Cecil-st. 3D9 Garbut, Thomas Hclll'Y 1128 Ba.nk·st. Dorcas-st. III 400 Gardiner, Alexander !)81 Dorcas-st. ca:>.t 95.5 Dorcas-st. II 401 Gard;nel', Hobert 2G7 Clarendon-st. 10ti6 Victoria cottages 402 Gardner, Clemson .j72 , oft' York-st. 153 i ! 403 Gm:dnc1', Hclll'y South Gli I Cecil-st. Market-st. 88 III ,j.04 Garratt, Ewan I ] ~7~ . P;rk-st, 713 Charlcs-st. :1 4:0;) Garratt, Hemy i :34~) 'L ol'k-st. eaHt ()96 Covcntly-st. off Bank-st, " 406 Gates, William 111271 oft' Bank-st. 1102 Coventry-st. Ii 407 Gat'van, 'l'holJlttR ,H;;~~ Clarcndon-st. 483 i: 408 Gemmell, JOIlIl 8~~ Dorcas-st. 483 Coventry-st. I': 409 George, ThOlnas 1 1,3;)3 Bank-i'lt. _ 384 York-st. I 410 Gibb, Adam Gordon '418 York-st. 666 Coventry Place II tH 1 Gibson, James I 16981 Church-st. 794 Hothmn-st. 412 Giles, William 83!) Dorcas-st. 1109 BaD k -st. II 413 GilleBpie, George 1193 , Wyny~tl·d-st. 1569 Napier-st. ,414 Gillespie, Robert 512 \ Mora.y-st. 891 Coventry-st. 415 Gillies, Mathew 1514 ~ark-st. 1460 Park-st. 416 Gilmore, John 37!) \ York-st. 69 oft' ])-Iarket-st. 1,-I:G91 Bank-st. ,117 Ginn, ThomaK Lc\\'ifl 1508 Napier-st. 418 Gloye1', ThOlnns 11 H I Ememhl-st. 419 Goldie, William 1~2;31 Park-i'lt. 1663 Uaghll-st. 420 Goldgarth, Charlc:>. rJ 12 ! Coote-st. 1 Grant-st. 421 Goode, Francis 1G;~ I ! Clarendon-st. 1125 Bank-st. 422 Goodlad, Joseph !J92\ off Dnrc:tl'l-st. 161 off Markct-flt. 423 Goodwin, William 818 I Dorcas-st. 1029 Dorcas-st. 424 Gordon, Alexander !};H I off Dorcas-st. 15251 Church-st._ I 425 Gordon, Samuel G:3;j Clarendon-Rt, 226 York-st. II 426 Gorman, Daniel 64:) Ashlillg's yard 371 Clarendon place 427 Goudie, Willialll !)!H) off Dorcas-st. 1537 Park-st. 428 Goulden, Hichal'd 107 Clarelldon.,st. 2!)() York-st. I 429 Grant. Alexander 723 Coventry-st. 082 Do)'(~as-st. I 430 Grant~ John 10!);} off Dorcas-st. \678 Olarendon·st. I 4·:31 Grantham, Hem)' 1381 Fowke's builtlings SgO Olarendon -Ht. t\) I off York-st. 1 A3" UJ 2 ';t • ., ray, alnes " I I3!) Market-st, I 433 Gray, ,Tohn 1288 I Bank-st. 1608 Church-st. '\ 434 Gray, Richard 1 GO 1 Cobden-st." 6G8 Coventry Place 435 Gray, Michael 760 Union-st. 129l Bank Place 43() I Gray, William 382 York-i'lt. lu15 Cobdon-st. 437 i Greatrex, James GeOl'ge 1M~:j Napier-st. 340 York-st, 438 Greatl'idge, H.iehard fl!)!) I off Dorcas-st. 8·W Dorcas-st. 439 Greave, .James ttd Union-st. 844 Dorc:Jf'-st. 44·0 Greig, William 71 ofI'Market-st. 872 Clarcndon-st. 441 Green, JameFl 22tl York-st. 19 oft' Gra.nt-st. 442 Greenwood, 'l'hOllln.S 1 GOO Cobden-st. 1592 Napier-st. 443 Greenwood, Tlwma'3 271 oft' Clal'Cllll()ll-st. 411 off Yarra-st. 444 Grey, John :3.l7 Clarclldoll Place 962 off Dorcas-st_ Hi) Grier, Thomas lOD:) i oft: Dnrca:'J-st. 120V off Park-st. 4-l(j Griffiths, Albert 11::!O' 011 Bank-st. 1088 Dorcas-st. 44-7 Gunner, William lOtifJ ! oil' ~loray-flt. 1224 Park-st. 448 Hadaway, Edwal'll ?\Iathl'w 0-17 DOl'c:1s-st 1D3 oft' Cecil-st. 1 8D4 Coote-st. 4-W Haggarty, Denis 50 \ off ;\\oray place 4[50 lIttig, William flJS YOl'k-st. 1127 Bank-st. .:ifil Hale, Mathew (j I !) Seott's cottages 392 Yarra-st. 452 Halfey, JOhll I 14!),5 Napier-st 387 Yarra-st. 4f>3 Uall, Egsham HuLelt 1108;') DOl'caR-st. 1524 ()}mrdl-st. 4f>4 I Hall, Hnrtlcy I H~I4· Clal'l~\1(llln-st (I Chant-st. L1!Jf> I Ibll, Thomas Wykes i 1 :~4:3 Cecil-st. 671 Coventry pInel' :; 4!Hi i Hall, William I 78t Francis-st. 400 off Yarra-st. -j:i7 Hall, William I 1 :~2:! ' Park-st. 12 W ! uft· Park -Ht.










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4!~81 Hallam, Henry


II No, ,Ratoin I




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LOC,\ T,,J'rV,

722 Coventry-st " 64:2 I llorsberry, 'Ja;~-~~'------'-- -1264 -I off Ban'l~~~-,Hamilton, 'Valker 270 Clarendon-st 54:3 Horton, Charles 453 Clarendon-st 4uO I Hamlltml, John IOO;} Dorcas-st I 544 Houston, Enoch N aysmith 1407' I Bank-st 461 ! HamiIt.ol1, Willinm 1552 Little Park st I ~45 Howarth, ~l 01111 274 I off Clarendon-at 4G21 Halllmon~], Edward IJl5 of!' I;'errers-st 4 G:{ Hammer, Edward 046 Howat, .James 1555 Lit.tle Park-lOt H .Market-st Ii :'547 I Howat, David oft' Cecil-st Hancol'k, Albert 888 I Coventry-st west Ii 548, Howitson, Andrew 779 Francis-st 4 (iJ lhnco('k, Thcodorc, 88!J Coventry-stj' -I ~~ j Handley, John 100:3 ofl' DOl'cas-st ,1(11 ! Bmm, ANileI' 'II I Sloane 520 York-st .t.j Gf\ ' H allll, Ferdilland 551 Hudson, 'James Gcorge 875 Clarendon-st I J 31 Ballk-st 5f>:] Hudson, William 739 Union-st Ml!) !Harding, William !J06 Ooote-st I 5{,:3 Hugh, Adam 1194 f Wynyard-st 471l I Hal'g-roavos, Jmlles I 121 G o1l' Park -st 47 I Hal'll'Y, Robert 554 1Ing h, William 1215'7 Bank plli.ce 733 I off Ullion-st , 555 1 Iiughes: Alfred 1705 Raglan-st 4 i 2 Hal'lller, Hie-hard Alfrcd 1001 ' off Dorcas-st 'l73 Harnct, .Jeremiah 556 Hughes, Isaac 806 Hotham-st lIJDG off Dorcas-st ,~ 7~~ H arpcl', ,A 11011 j M7 Hulley, James 503 off :Moray-st !J!)4 ' off Dorcas-st 47:) Harper, ,Alfred ! 558 Hulston, William 1542 Little Park-st 740 Union-st .559 Hunt, '['homas Redshaw 1116 off Bank-at ...1"',6 13' 'l.:nper, rl'holllas 346 York-at east 4/'/7 Hnrl'Y, Cornelius 560 Hunt, Henry 1172 Bank-st east 576 offYork-st .,I"',Q I-T,'l.mToy, R:to b crt .t U 561 Hunter, Edward 406 Yarra-st 64:9 off Clarendon-st r,D -.H'asIam, 'l'hollllls 562 Hunter, John 1515 Park-at 1714 Oecil place 563 Hunter, J Ohl1 50 off Market-st 480 Hassell, Jnsia,h Nash 1582 Napier-st 4t'1 Hassett, Thomas 564 I Husband, Thomas 670 Ooventry-st 11;}5 off li'eners-st 482H atton, J ameil 565 Hutchen, John 1594 Napier-st 292 off York-st 488 Hatton, William 566 1 Hutchinson, David 498 off Moray-st 1231 l\foray-st 567 Ibbotson, Uichard 1450 Ferrers-st 484 Ha.wkins, Willinm 218 off York-st 568 Ingham, James 1187 Ba.nk-st 48:) ! Hawkins, William Horatio 319 York-st 48G I Hay, Gilbert 569 Ipsley, Frederick 438 1 off Yarra place 559 off York-st 570 Ireh,l,nd, William 183 off Cecil-st 487 i Hay, William 12.51 Hill-st 956 Dorcas-st 571 Irving, Joseph 4"'~8 : Hayeil, Etbnund 181 off Cecil-st 4,89 1 Hayno:;;, John 572 Irvin, William 452 Cla.rendon-st 699/ Coventry-st 573 Ives~, John <inn,1 Haynes, Hichard ", 1185 Bank-st 1364 loft' Bank-st 4!11 I, Heath, GeOl'ere 57 4 Jackson, William 1 GB5 Bridport-st. ;-, 485 i Coventry-st oj!.l2 ,r Heath, OCOl';"e 575 Jackson, John 808 Hotha.m-st. M 366 ! o~ C;larendon-plaee I 576 .Jackson, Thomas 4 :I:; : 11 eath, Holll',}' 1092/ off Dorcas-st. 641:) : oft CIILI·elldoll-st I' 577 i Jago, George 1190 I B:tnk-st, 4!)4 , Hemingway, J ohll 7~O I t"nion-fit II 4!);; HellClursoll, Hobert 108 Olarendon-st. 112f) , Bank-st , 578 I James, John 4 !)(j HClldcrson, John 579 James, Benjamin 548 off York-st. gIl ! Coote-Rt J 580 Jamieson, James 9 , off Grant-st, 4!Ji HOIHll'ieker, William 403/ Yarret-st ! 'HIS Hendy, ,James 581 Jamieson, Robert, 741 ' Union-st. 58 off 1\farket-st ! 499 Hennessy, Edward 582 Jamieson, Gz.rdiner Sholto 990 off Dorcas-st, east 617 Scott's cottao-e ." 500 Hcnry,William 583 Jeffery, Henry J obt} 68 Market-st. 110!) off Bank -st 501 Hepburn, Robert 584 Jeffery, William 127 Market-st, 1576 Napier-st 502 Herald, David 585 Jenkins, Thomas 1505 Napicr"st, 1615,' Cobden-st 50~1 Hewett, George 586 Jenkin, David 1007 off Dorcas-st, 470, Clarendon-st /),04 Hewett, Georo'e i 587 Jennings, Henry 42 Grant-st. · 0 / 9U7 oft' Dorcas-st west II 588 Johnson, James H n05eyes, Arthur 215 off York-st, 1:W:3 Clarendon-st DOG Hieksl)J], Edward il 589 Johnson, John 662 , Coventry place 131 (j Fel'!·crs-st D07 • Rede, ThOlllltS '11' 1)90 Johnson, James "915/ Ooventry-st, 334 Sltlldridge road / ii Otl ' Higill botham, Geor"e :391 Johnson, Hobert 554 off York-st. 1413 MOlltague-st :'jUf) Higgins, Er]ward ." 592 I Johnson, Robert 331 . off Sandridge-roil,a 1410 . Ballk-3t ,"').ll() II' , IT'eIllT 593 ' Johnson, William 1231 .Mora.y place -- 199ms, f) 9 lIIarket-st fj 1 I Higgins, Hem,), Harold G94 Johnson, George 376 Clarendon place 902 I Coote-st :; 1:2 Higgins, Hell1'Y Amold 5!J5 Johnson, Matthew Henry 725 Coventry-st 151!) Park-st .'i'13 Hill, JWiel,h 596 Johnston. Francis _ Coventry-at 4,GO uff Clarenuon-st 597 Johnston: Patrick 14.)8 Park-st, 514 Hill, Hiehal'd Evans '12;)3 MOl'ay-st ;) l!j Hill, William 5D8 Jolly, John 77 Markr.:t-st 582 off Y ol'k-st !i I G Hillage, Thomail 5U9 Jolly, Robert 1024 Dotcas-st 702 ' Charles-st ;) I 7 Hillhouse, .Tames 600 Jones, Charles 837 Cecil-st. 508 off MOl'ay-st {j J 8 Hinson, William Edwnrd 601 Jones, David 732 off Union-st, 1309 off Da.nk-st [j I!) Hohson, Benjamin 602 ! Jones, Edward David 2159 York-st, 1567 Napjer-st ;1:20 Hocka.day, ThomaR G03 Jone~, Frederick Jessop!> 1540 Cecil-st, 7% Hotha!ll-st 5:21 Hodder, Thomas 604 ,Jones, Isaac '423 Yarraplace 1051 llank-st t>2j Hodder, .John ~05 : Jones, John /1127 Bank-st, ,10:31 off Bank-st ;j:2;~ Hodgl{inson, George 606 ; Jones, J oha , 23 Bulman terrace 823 Cecil-st ;124 Hodson, Ccoro'c 607 Jones, "William 1 05 off Clarendon- st 242 off Yorh-st '" ;j2;'5 Hogan, CorneIiQS 608 Jones, William 83 off Market-st 81S Coventry-st :'):21) Hogall, Hem)' 609 , Jones, Thomas 1268 off Bank-st 3G7 Clarendon placc [)27 Hogan, Patrick 610 I Jourdain} Eugene 1586 Napier-st 174 'Market-st ()J 1 Jourse, Thomas 414 York-st ;;2t; I Ho!!'!!ard, Hicharrl 2JO York·st J29 ~ Hole, Hidwl'd 612 Joy, 'l'homas 665 Covontry place I ] U:! off Cecil-f:lt ;j;lO ' Hallam], Hubel·t 613 Juniper,Jolm un Victoria cottages '1 00:3 Church-st ;i;ll : J J ollaIJd, Peter· 614 Kabat, John ]588 Napier-st If) 21 , Church-st ;1:1:! . Holliday, William (j 15 Kay, Peter 709 Clutl'les-st 7 1~ i Oharles-l'it ;1::;l ' IJo!l'oy,'I, TllOlllas I GI (j Kay, '£homas 3G i Olarendon place I. 1040 oft' Ballk-f:lt I (j 17 KalLns,.J ohn 85 8 John -st .'j;q. II,ilt, Thoma!>; Hie1i:U'<l I G(;8 Haglan place ,j;).) 'Ifi,]ec'" (;('01""0 ;/ G 18 Kelly, Francis 164-6 Haglan-st •" t:'I G·W Clv.relldoll-st ;i;W ' Hood, 'l'!Jomail 1 619. Kelly, John :314 off Momy-st W G1 Napier place fj:~i lJ(IPkillS, ]{I)hcl't 620 : Kelly. John 1362 off Ihnk-st ! Emerald-at :,:;,0.,( I-/(I(lPI~l', Edwal'd 621 i Kelly, William 1543 Little Park-st ] 6H7 : Momy-st ;j;~!! HO(IWL-, NalJlucl G22 I Kelly, William Henry 511. Mora.y-st !){jJ ofl' Dorcas-st IJ4() .1/ iljJkills, .Jallll's :1' fi23! Kelly, Patriek 12H) off Park-st 1724/· Cccil-st , !i41 ; l1ul'll, .Jollll 624 I Kent, J olm 542 off Y ork-st 1 472 Coventry-st 625 : Kent, John 205 Oecil-st. 4n!)




G:Z/i I Kelldrick, William ()2i Kellnedy, ~1()11Il KClIllY: DOllald Kettle, 'rhnlllaH Kettle, William

Kerr, Alldl'CW Kcrl', Johll KelT, Peter .KelT, William Kilgour, J oh11 Kierce, '£hom:ts 1\ illa::;toH, Hobert Kinnaird, Rtephen King, Edward King, Gcorge King, Ho1ll'Y .John (;42 King, Donald (iJ~3 Kinsman, Thomas GH Kirk, Gcorge (HI') Kirkbridge, William (JIG Kitchen, Abraham 6'~7 , Kitchen, Abraham (H8/' Kitchen, John (j4fJ Knight, George (j:jO Kllight, William G:'H Knowlcs, Jalllcs 652 Kough, John (;,);) Krone, Henry Ii;).! Kruse, John I.);) ,Ja( I 1yer, J I)IIn (j;jG Latham, George Gtj7 Lamb, William (j58 Lamhert, Louis \)~) Y 1 mnl II - unry ,,-1'1iJ L mnonc, 1 "\r'l' GGO Lake, Thumm; GGI Lane, Edward G62 Lane, Thomas riG:3 Lane, Timothy 06,1 Lang, Alex, lJCllllistOUll OG,5 1 Larkin, :Michael GG6 Larkin, 'William GG7 Lavers, H.obcrt (i)1),,-) r» I.. tlWl'Cl1ce, '.J' n.lll.ef.: G'(j" \' I mnl 'n I.. nwrenee, "V'II' G70 Lawson, Ed'ward ti71 Law,:mB, David 672 Lawson, Jamcs 67:3 Lawton, J11l11CS 674 J~:tydOll, Johll H7:; Leake, .John Knight GiG Leel!h, John (i77 Leeds, Michael 678 Leitch, Allan 679 Leullan, Patrick G80 Leplastrier, Louis GSI , ]~eslie, Alexander 6S2 Lewis, James 0S;) Lewis, Dnvid (Jti-· "'1 I.C,Ylil, ' ]'.lO1Jcr t 68;"i T.. illy, Thol1la;:; GSG Limh",y, AlcxilllCler Gi~7 Ling, Hemy .J (lIln ()l:it) I, ..Im;ter,.J<lIIlCS " "J


- - - 1 - - - - - - - - - -___ (j 74 Coventry placo 1623 UubdelH,t

!)05 Coote-st 81j!) DOl'eas·st 11!)7 Wynyanl'Ht 10-1:7 Rank-Rt 88G Covelltry-;:;t 378 Ulal'ctHlou place 618 Scott's-cottage,'l n:34:PatcrilOll pIa co 623 Scott's-eottages 113G FelTers-st 217 off YOl'k-st 1011 DOl'cas-st IGU 1 Horay-st 1307 off Ihnk-st Dx!) I Paterson plnce 14:3 I off Market-I'll; lOG4 off Momy-st 71 n Ohnrch-st IGfJ7 Ohurch-st 406 M')ray-st 343 MnraY-iit 6fJ2 COVOl!tl"y-st west 7 :~5 Uniol1-;:;t 797 Hotham-st 989 off Dorcas-st cast 13D4 Bank-st west 8~)2 Coote-st _ 1()··J,O· C'("l,)clcll-,,,t 'J

1260 Hill-st 1G:W Olarendon-st J 6S!) :Moray-st II '"" '\.r10llt'''o~ue-st

] 3% 2;58 H34 1:3:25 ]21 H3fJ

off BlLnk-st oft' York-st Park-st Park-st l\farket-st Pm·k-st 1G Grant-st 878 Clarenclon-st JJ 16 110 CIIUI'ch-st ," 13· -~?U P:'l·k-st ·i!)7 Moray-st llfJ9 W.rnyard-st 1303 Rank-st ]25:~ Hill-st 125:3 Hill-st 1282 Bltllk-st -' ton Doreas-st 104:2 Bank-st u87 ofr Covelltry-st. ]28 off Market-st 221 I York-st 1483 Clarcndon-st 1280 Bank-st 1351 Bank-st : IOI,'ll,o,IICloll-St " .t·GG SIJ , Coventry-st (j7 J I Coventry place 7!I;31 Coyontry-st "()ff ' GI""llt-st " .~ I GO;"; Cobclen-st GI:lD David Dalliel GaO I Livie, Living,stone, i 17:3.1 Bridport-st l _0 fJ,'(ll ]'1 -' oye1, \\r'll' 1 WJ II '),,,, 1.'),°1 ]:I,"ll1r-st ( 'C)' I t IH'l' ...., n~ CO'\.TtJlltl'''-,''t ),. ~ ..long, 01}' Ins;()p J:4 ,,: J " (in;1 I Loug, ~llll 1303 Bank-st 1 ()!)41 Lott, JalIl~ , 120 I Wynyarcl-st (i!):) Lowe, William ~"" 1)1,"ce , 4 _~0 "'iT,"l'I'," (}!J(J Lowry, John _, 2S-b off Olal'onclon-st ].66,4 1l!17 Lucas, Charles:J a m c sR'loo'lal'l-st . .,' I "r' 3SG Yarra-st b!IB,I lfacdonnld, ..IYOll!>;, 11 artlll O'{,>, st liDD John Ov_' 14."'-' ()ff 1II""I·I'et-s't 700 I Alacclouald, 'Villiam ~1 " • 70] Uncle, Johll U 160G ,'iol)(lnll-',"t ,. ) l\j"1' J' 1·-:"')9 ()ft'I3,'Ulk-st ,( 2 Mitel)hcrson, l' ac O'18S, . ames ()ft' })),'lll]r-c,"t 703 Daniel , " ~' ('),3 rtlllll'C]l-st l 704 ?lfadclen, Peter v 70D Mailey, J oim Gcoroo'e 1 ()',.-)1 '\·l'(I)',"v-"t . .1 "J" ,.., !) 70G 1\falcolmson, J,tlncs . 1 C,Wl'lltry-st ,t45 oft' C'laremloll-st 707 , Malin, Francis tlltl, • (-,Ic),'elltry-~,'t 708 l\1:mslJll, Alexander " J" ;,),,) ., ~I "I'(II"'lv-,~t 70f) II 2I.lalllld, Freeman u \ ,,'J


BIII'lel'b~ll L



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,I - - - -•. __ .. __ ... _.... _..... , __ .. ____ .. __ • _____ ,,_ _ ,,_


710 i M:trolley, ,Johll

:! 711 M:tl'Hhall,.J alllel;

\ 6t 1

__ ... _____ .. _ ...

I (~larelltl'm-iit

i ofl' ('e(:il-st .Jauw,; ,i2 Frnllk'H bllilrlillgs .John ,t71 • C()vl'lItry-st Pat.rick 12;')2 . Hill-st William 12:30 7I[ol'aY.~L '71(i ~\Ltsc>ll, A]frt'rl !H.s i .JIl)llt~I,'jlH'-:,t 717 ~[:tSOl\, Gcorge 30:3 ' otl' York-st 718 Matthesoll, GlIl"<1on Clel1101lt u.t I Ul'Hnt-i'it 71 f) Matthcwl)llll, Archibald ,I.lll i Yal'l':t-st 720 Mntul'in, Gahriel Jalllt'i-! l();~!) ! H:~lIk,:-:t 7:H Maxwell,.J ohn 11:3 I 'iIlt~l'kt,t-st 722 Mawson, Benjamin ,11 i Urallt-:1t 723 May, Edwin Hclll'Y lIS0 ' U:tllk-st 7N May, J mncs 2:)4 i off York-:-it 725 May, John 1221 Park-st 726 Meakin, James D8G ! ])nl'ca~-st 727 Megan, Farrance 1202 Wynyarcl-st 728 Meldrum, .James 701 : Oharles-~t 729 Mclwish, William 1t)(j3 ! Nnpier-plal!u 730 Menderson, John 131'11' Ballk-st I 731 Menzics, .Jamos" 1317 Fcnel's-fJt 732 Mercor, John U77 , Hothalll-fJt 73:.3 :Merrick, Richard 11-11 / off Fcrrers-st 734 l\:[errin, Edward 10DO oft' Durcas-Ht 735 Mews, John 11030 Bank-st, 736 Michie, Arr,hibalcl 1 1558 Napier-;:;t 737 1[ldcalf, Joseph Cameron 1056 I :Uoray-st 738 Middlebrook, John 1198 Wynyanl-~t 7:3D Middleton, John 2.55 off York-st I 740 Might, George 8.51 rect'o of Dlll'cas-st 741 Might, John 580 of!' York-st 742 Miles, Burton 1643 Raglnll-st '± _ • ~ ~ '"} "',,13 ?Il'lcs', Rob"l't 1644 Ilad[,ll-~t 744 Miller, James ~5 (it) Napier-place' 745 Miller, John ' 446 i oft'l\Inrket-st 74:6 Miller, John 716 Charles-st 74'7 l\liller, ,John 1608 Cobclcn-st 748 Miller, Hobert Johnson 6Gl C\wontry-placc 749 Millington, William 89<') Oootc-st 750 Mills, David 114;3 nil' Fel'l'ers-st 751 Mills, John 287 Clarcndoll-st 1 l'lll',"lll " ,. " u_ "'J. 11 '\1'11'lls, ",r W80 NaI)ier-8t ",I " .n 'J "",r):3 ?I1'll'-',', 1=?')l)qI,t 1234: Morav-st 75-1: j)filne, Alexander 707 Charles-st 755 Minford, Thomas I 1707 Haglan-st 756 Minihon, :Michael 114:4-3 Park-st 7:jJ .Minikin, Patrick U-14 Ferrers-st 758 Minchin, .Tames 1038 Bnnk-st 759 Minty, William 464 Olttrendon-st 760 l\IitcheIl, ,Tames 490 CoventrY-fit 7Gl Mitchell, Robert 564: oft' YOl'k-st I 762 Moffatt, William 1616 Cobden-st 1,1 7G3 Mollow, Peter 74~) UuioJI-st I, 764 Monahan, Thomas 327 Cecil-st ;1 765 ~IoOl'e, Samuel 164Jj Raglan-st it 766 Moran, James IGJ7 Raglan-st ~I oran, J allies 'l 76"'1 "1 31:3 oft' Y ork-st I "',G8 MOl"o(Yan,Oharles 230 YOl'k-st 7GfJ Morgan,Oharles off York-f.!t 770 'Jlorinrty, Patrick 1662 :JIoray plac~ 771 MOl'llny, John 147 oft'Markct-st "'/72 :JIorris, Henry 512 Moray place 77=3 l\Iorris, Hcnry 150-1: Napier-Nt 77 '±1 "I ' H. enry ,99 off .J1arkct-f:lt _I 01'1'1.S, "',75 l\forris, James 1·1D1 CiarendUll-st ,.., "", (j' "I, _, IOl'I'l'S, 'I'h()lllaS 8SD I CO\'Clltl'V-st J 777 :JIorrison, D<wid 873 I Clitl'Clldrlll-st 778 Mortimer, William :220 .ofl:' fllrk-st "',7f) :JIoses, Rolomon ] 8D ! Cecil-st 780 Mouatt, Thos, Abercrombie 58-1: York-st, 781 , ~fllllaghan, John ofrI~larket-st ~ co G1 .) J 782 i ::\Innroo, ,Tohn ..;1>:. 0 lll-i;t 78:.3 I :J[urche'J , ,TalJ1es i, 1:!7d Hallk-st "',84 , ~Iurd'Jck, Andrew i D7S D(lrca,~-,;t 78;1, :\Iurl)hcy, Edward John id nft' ~Iarket-st 1'", K.'U,: :\fUl'I,hv, Thoma" 8 L:l C'OYClltry-st 787 i t Iii,} (Ill' Fel'l'cl's-st . ,Tames 7(~S I ~h.' Bean, .T ohn ' :381) York-st .I 1 ...., H!) . ::'lIe CaHIl, David ~}7':" U arclIt nn-st ,.,,. ()O ,J ;);) Yarra 1) lact) , '''1 f.I C n var tl W, n\..JO 1'1I ',1. 1'11'Ii 7!1I i ~ll~ Uarthy, James ·}:ll Yarra plal'e C)-I' 1) t 7!1:! : Mc Cnrthv, Pntrick . , ) ,) l' Ul'ea;.;-;.; I 7(\3· ' ,_I,'~ C"',lltlav, Hectm' :! 1± ur {-st OJ "


712 Mitrtill, ,I 7U Martin, " 7H MartiIl, :; i u> ~\Lal'Lilll












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: Hook,






l C-Am Iny,.T0111 I I, ,'),I,tl -'\""I'I",\.-,,"t ., " earthy, TllOll1<lS I :!\J 1. Cl'cil-sj(-'"lllSIalld, J 01111 lU[(lrCW . , ' 1i)- ..u, 1 0 f1t ' .'1) ar1(-st j-:1; I Me C'lare11, .Tohn ~7 :L\Jal'ket-st 7!1.~ , i\11~ ('I:II'/,\', Alexander ! 8D7 Coote-st 'j!)!J . M c C(ll'lll i.ck, 'l'ltoll1as H J 1 Park-st Kf)(I . jJ e ('ol'llJ.i('k, IV illiam l.LJ:2 l'mkst .'i() J : ~It' /)ona]11, EdWttl'll : UHf) Ballk-st ~():.! : Me ))ollid,l, Dll1J<L1cl i lO7·i- ojl' DOl'cas-st .""{/:; ; :'lIe :I lOllal11, Tllllllllts I 11 D2 Tktllk-st .'i(l.! ' :'II e DOJlald, P h i l l i p ' tl02 LJ othmlHit .'-<0;) ~I,' ])Ollg;lI, Dnllalcl 3(i PI'OS) 't'I'j' placc :-JU(j : Ml' l"arlauc1, .J mne:; Dli oft' :llJal'kc't-Ht ."( 17 M(~ _FarlalJc, Ceol'gc G85 ('ovcntrY-Mt we8t ,o..:().'-: : .:\ll: GOWHIl, Pat.riek 1)2;') Charh~~-~jt ~U~) ~Ll~ UI'<'gOI', Hobert 70 .3 Charlcc,-st ~11I i Me Gripe, Holx:rt IGG1 1I11)]'a,)' pInee Hll . l\[l: (:lIirl', Jmllcs :~:l:-; YOl'k-:;t 812 i Me Guirc, .J ames SG;] Jplm--st. 81:3 ':\1c Hugh, .Johl! 1~4:G Ji'ul'l'Ors-flt, .'l14· I :\Lc .H lltehinsnn, Duncan 8U;3 I HutItallH;t ~Lj Me JllliC";, Juhn 1;I,U Little l\:rk-st ~ [() Me] 11 11 l';-; , DUlletUl I {j 70 ('1al'C'ncloIl-st H17 M,' Kay, .J mllus 14:~(! I' Little P~lrk-;-;t ttl8 'Jlc l\.ettll, ,Villialll ,~a(j .JUJlll-st .~ I!) Me KellZil', ;\ I'thHl' -~ OS Ylll'ra-st .~:?() Me KC!lIzie, Arthul' ;j-H ()il' YOl'k-f::t H:21 "\I c Eellzil:, N L'il ~R3 ('o\-cntry-st \,"cst .'-;:2:2 "\1,' I\.(;llzic, ](.,<1el'irk G,,:] Clarcuelolh't, .":2:\ .\/.; Lluyd, .\ll'x<llldl.'r 1 J -lo'~ ()ff' FeJ'l'C'rs-Ht


Paterson, ,\'i1liam S7D Patersoll, Holwl'l; tlKO PntCI'SOll, TlwlIlas ' tl8[ Paync, rrhOlll:1!-l I, 8K2 ]J(,H ko, John Hil.'hal'd 8~:3 Petddn,.J olin tlSl Pettl'i-W, Thelll:ts N icholnr4 8.~,"i Peck,.J ames II 88G )\'01, UU(Jrge I! 887 Ped, Ii'm:w I 8,'18 Peitzkcl', William iRS!) l'ulllll01mry, [{clIry I)!)O Pcppel', ,YilIiam 8U] Pcretz, CJhnrlcH 8D2 PcrkinH, Willimn 893 reto, WillilUll tl04- l)ettit, Samuel 898 Plunkett, Hobert 8!JGPhelan, HCllry 8D7 Phillipe, Joscph de srm 1 Phillips, David 8D9 I Phillips, .Tm41m:t Jabez [lOO / Pickcring, tf olin [JO 1 P~erce, 'V\::~t<~r Charles D02 Piggott, h Jll.Htlll f)V3 Pi PCI', Hobert D04 Pollitt, .lame::; nO;) Pope, George DOG POI't, .Ta.llH'H !JO, pl)tt~, William ,~:!J ~lc J.Ju('lde, .H(lbel't ;~.; ])l'()~pect ]?Jaec !J08 Powcll, JoJm JJlyth ('):2., . ..\le May, ,James 1:!:-3U ntl' Park-st no!) Powcr, John b:?(j : :\1c j\J i~\::ell, Danicl 4·.);) ofl' Clal'uudull-st I DI0 Prcbble, Thomas 1):2T !::\Ie N~1UghtOll, DClllli" i ,j-U off York-st i D11 Price, Thoma::; William ."28; Me Ncy, Thomas'; 1:303 (,fl' Bank-st [I D12 Proctor, George 8:2~) I Naricl, Jnlllcs 1478 Pal'k-st II !)l;3 Prousse, .rub, 8:1U ! N mIl', Joseph ! D17 off Con'lltr,Y-st I' D14 Purcell, ,Villiam fl:1 I 'i N ('gus, T1Wll1:ts I ;3n;.i off Ynl'k-st 1;1 915 PYlll, CharllC;-; , ~:J:! ' N ('.\\', "William Hellry . :::U: BuJman tel'l'nCC D 1 G Quttrrill, Francis II ~;l:1 IN L'\\'be1'l'Y, yrilliam Hem.!' ,U!) I Napicl'-st ea:-;t I! 0l'i Quick, Charles ;S:3-1 • N ('wbolT,)", Charlc:o H emy -J 1(j ! (1ft' MOl'ay-:-,t ,I f) 18 Quilkey, 'J'llOmas .";);) l'i'C\\-lIHllI, ,Jolin Li(it) i Kapier-st I!i 010, Quinn, Patrick ~:-)(i N c'\\";-;tuml, HolJCrt 2D-1 . Yurk-8t I ~)20 Baine, Johll Marmaduke ~~i; : l'i'icklc,;s, Elloeh I ] 4-:3cl i Park-st :: D2] HaillSfol'd, Juhn ,,-;:38· l\iehola;;, Honry : 1115 off B:mk-st I! 922 Hltll1age, Johu ,...,I)!) . Kicoll, _Alcx:lllc1uJ' I ;):-;() oft' Sandridge road !. 92:3 Hmusay, Amlrl'\\" .'\4-(J Xicoll, D;tl"i,l I Hi Covulltry-st i !l:2·! Heal'doll, Dennis K-H i Niddall, .JalllC::; ! Mil off Ylll'k-:-;t 92J HearclY"J.ol:n 8-l2 N illlJllO, .J (lIlIJ 13; () Dallk -st. " D.:W Hedmolld, Jolm •..;-1-3 N olall, .:\Iichal'l 8DO UUYClltr,)'-st , !J27 Heed, Angu,; 8i·! NOOll"J(liJll lJDU otrBank-f:'.t , D:!.8 nceel, Peter S-J[j NOl'lllan, ,rilliam iO :Jlarkct-st I,i. 'D2D llccd, ,\Tillialll 84 (j N ol'ris, Tlwllla;; 38:) York-st n:.:;o ~Rcccly, .John R-17 N llgell t, .J oIlIl 0;j 9 DOJ'cas-st DJ 1 Hoed)" J Ohll ,')4-8 O'Bl'iclI, .T<l1llc:-; [/;jj off DOl'Ctu.i-st 0.'32 Re(wcs, Willimll 8-), D ; O'Bricn, :\1i('liacl 12~·1) Hill-st 033 Hennie, Thomas :~tiO O'Ct1lllwll, .Tohn 1G()!] Cobden-st 0:3-1 llcntIe, Thomas ~;_n O'Collllell, J olllJ 1008 l\Iolltagnc-st !i D3;,) Henton, George 8;j2 O'C'UllllOI'. Danid • 172;} Cceil-fit i: D3G Hellton, Robert 85:1 O'Collllor; Patrick 1211 oft' Pm'k-st ; ~!;)7 lliehard:;;, David i:' 038 Itidw,l'ds, JOhll 8;)4 (YGormall, John ] 7:3 'JIarkut-st KJti Ogleb)', Willialll 122 :Harkd-st ': 0:3 D Hicharc1s, WilliiLm O<IG 0' He11, Patrick lU21 Cohc1cll-:;t :1 DLIO Hichal'd80n l Alfred 1:\;")7 Oldel'sliaw, IYilliaJll 7:30 Vllioll-St :1 941 Hicharcbm, William g;j.s Ollnan, ('''l'lJoli \IS [188 DOl'e;ts-st il" D4-2 lUder, Arthur :';:j0 i O'Hugall, Timothy :~87 Ynl'm-:s't D4-3 lliddle, .JamC'fl Carr KfiO ' Ol'lIIe, Jmnc;) 4!J2 Coventry-st il :JH I Rigg, Thomas :_l(j 1 i ChbolTJe, Ed1\-al'l1 oft' Cecii-st fJ.J;' I Hill',r, Julm K(j2 I Oshol'lle, Hulll'Y Elias 14Tl Park-st ?4~ l~pcy: L~l:~tlll H(i:J i ():;hi,1'11(" ,Villialll GDu C()\'elltJ'v-~t ,Hi I LlSb,} , ,Je:-;~e 8(H . ()'f-;nlliY:IIl, 1\lir:hac'l 172 off Marl;et-,. t !1-Jtl Hi\'ol'~, Itii'lwrrl ~I)J i ()WC.'II, EIl"':ml 11!J7 WYllyard-st !J-l!) 1 Hoherts, Chal'lt':-; f)GG Uxlr.,)" .Tamc:; I :n7 YOl'k-st f);"i() Hob('l'tSOIl, Andl'(:w S(iT:Pagc,.I()lm i ul3 Cuventl'y-st ~)D 1 Hobin, John fi(jS i Paille, .JmJlt:~ 1 Cccil-st 0,')2 Hobiw;(Ill, Awlr..:w ,':)G!J : Palk, HolJUlt ;j83 i Coventry-st 053 lluhinsoll, Da.yid AIUX::LIldl'r ."71} : Pallllcr, lIc'llI',)" ] DO <';ccil-st D;I,1 HohillHOll, Ellwarcl 87 I i Pa1lll8r, Willialll James G37 Clnl'elllloll-st 0;3;') ltohillfloll, Walker :\LttlWI\' 87:!. ! Pape, Uel)l'~-\e 24· Bulman lerraco !);')Ii Hohinsoll, Ramul'l 8 7;~ ~ ParkL~:;, Alfred 1,1: D ~Iarket-:.;t 9;)7 Robillson, William .s7-j j Pash, Gcur,ge 78;1 Fl'allCcs-st !J5tl nohillson, Willialll 87 {j i Patdwll1, l:i:lI11ucl :1 (j;') off CI:ncwll)ll plae.-, n5!J Hochard, J ,(lUeS Willialll Patcl'l:Ion, lJl'IlCO 3DB Yl\I'l'l\-i't %0 HoehflJl't, 'l'lwllIHs t'l 1 ' Pater.~oll, ..-\c1alll ,'.ji) L~ UiOll-st UG 1 Hugor:;, J ulIu c


I-US I Ferrcrs-st U:!7 /l\[olltaguc-st 4~;! I Y:wm-st 10, ,) I DOl'cas-st 4(jO I (Harr.ll(loll-st 738 I UniOIl-st 8·!: /1\Iarket-st 8Gb .Tohll-st IG I] Cobdell-st 1047 Moray-st 947 DOl'cns-»t 4-75 Co,-clltry-st 500 Moray pllv~e 8G7 DOl'cas-st, off York-fit ~)'14 YlIl'k-st cast 1GO:1 Cobden-st DOS Cootr.-st ID72 Napier-st I :l-l·t ~[ontagne-st





I ii;

J G'i(j



117n Pallllcr-fit 100 I nft' ])()l'c:tS-"t 248 Y ork-st n~i otf DOL'Oas-bt 7() I UlIinll-:-;t j:27:.! oft' Ball k-~;h'eCt "~!) (lft'i\Iarkct-"t, I!j 7 7 Clal'CIlc!ull-St. II,j0 off FCITCI';-;-st :H> Bulillan Lcl'l'lWC ) G12 Unbclen-Ht 102[; Dnrcas-st (3 DO Covcntry-st west 8 0 ~~ Coote-st 7:17 UniOll-:-;t 10(32 of!' )foray-st G;12 nil' Coyentl'y-st 700 CoventrY-fit 424- Ya.n'a placc 13c~ otf l\Ia.l'kct-st D:36 Patcrsol1 pl;tt:c 1:318 Pal'k-st :U7 : YOl'k-;-;t 672 Cuvcntry plal'C 757 Vllioll-St HU6 Bank-st 1255 Hill-st lUD Hill-st 128·1 Bank plaec DOO Coote-st




-- --_._--. ----/---------------------

- -----------

~IJ -'I I .. 1 :",0 7!ih : Mc .-' I :J ()""1 i .iJ.C

ISDO Bnnk-st. 100U oft'Dorcas-st 1U17 Cobclell-Rt 150!J Napicr-:-;t 1574 Napier-st 1(j JON apier-Ht 415 I Yurk-:.;t 7:'51 Union-st 1263 Bank-st 1 % off Cecil-Ht 8,12 off Dorc<l:-;-Rt S7D Clareudoll-st '13 1 Yarra Place 88 I\Ial'kAt-:-;t, 328 Sandl'id,.'l' road t? :30-1 oft' Yurk-:-;t 1:3;;8 Ba.llk-st c






12;J0 Hill-:-;t G(i2



11 H2 Pallllcl'-"t 1 JjG , Pmk-st G(jE; ! Coveutry place 2Gl i YOl'k-SL 7fi .\[al'ketst ;-;7 -+ Cla.l'clldoll plal'l' !J!J 1 })Ol'ell:;-:-;t I


.JiG 117!)


York-st Pallller-:-;t i)'!:-~ oil' York-;-;t, I :!0;") Bauk plaeu ~UK DOl'Cas-Ht

.____ .________ ------------... -----,===.c-=_ -=-.--::==-==--=--





ill I I Xo. Uajc

:Hi~ ~~:)~:altl, .r:~~-----~ ;'::'0-1I off

!II):1 Bl)ss, David %! Ilmis, l'eter Maclean !IIi;) HOSH, Thomas :Jfi(j HOf:;:;, 'l'hnm:t8 !Jfii H()~siter, William ~lfi.~ H(l'whottnm) Isaac !l(iD Hoy, AJ'ohibald !Ii() 1insficll, Andrew !)i I ltusFleU, Alex1tllllcl' "":3 Hns;-;oll, Alexander :,,:J Hn~sell, UCOI't;O Pollock !!7ci, Rus~ell, .James Fre !Jiii l1utford, John !Iilj Hyau, .John !177 Hyall, Tholtlas !liS Sachcll, Jamcs !J7!J Saint, Josc'ph UKf) . Sand0rson, TllOlllHS Dub'cr !)81 I Sargood,Frcclerickrrhomas !J,'i2 Raunclel's, Patrick !),s:3 Knycl's, Alfred ~)S,t f-lehofielc1, Hel1l'y !IS() ~C()tt, Gcorge !)~(j l:icott, John !II); f-)cott, Joseph !JH.~ f-)I.'ott" Petor !J0D Keott, Thomas Hubert !)!JO f-;PlI, ,ViJlialll .fohll !I!!l Sellior, f-ltantol1 !)!J:! ~ervit:c, ])rwid ~J!};J f)cl'Yice, Jalllcfi !I!)-I KCXtOll, .Jame:, !J!};"i Shaddock, Fcter !)!)(; f-;hamlOn, John !)!J; Sharpe'_. William !)!)o Shttryin, Stophen !lD!) Sllaw, John lOO!) Shehan, .JamcH J ()() I f-;heh:~lI, Patrick Ion:] Sheath, Thomas 'IOlJ:1 Shit'l, Lawrcnee DCllC\"Cllto I (lU-h f-lilloek, DalTow Willialll 1011,') 8ilYeHtoll, Geol'ge I (lOr; Simmonds, Hohert IIIU; ~imlJ::;OlI, John Liollul 10(18 ~ill1pSOll, David IllI)!) Simpson, James [(1[0 ~illdair, WilHam Ill] I Sinnott, -William IUU Skeats, Charles 1(11:3 Rkcw,Willialll I() I-!- Slater, George II) I;> Slater , Geor"c v 10] G Slater, John 1017 Bmall, Hobcrt I () 18 Smith, AllCll'ew UJl!) Smith, David 10211 Smith, Hcnl'Y 11)2 I Slnith, Jall1e~ 1022 Smith, Jamcs [1)2:3 Smith, John H,21 Smith, .Tohn 11)2,) Smith, .John [()2(j Smith, John ! ()27 Smith, John (1):28 Smith, Uiohal'cl II);2U SlHith,Hobcrt 111:W Rmitlt, Sydney ll):n Rmith, '1'hOl1l1l:-; 111:32 SlIlith, Thol1las 10:\:1 Smith, William I ():\-h Smitlwrs,.J ohn I ():tj Smythe, Hobr')l't IU;\(j SIlOW, Hi{'hal'(l I 1l;\7 Rpiers, ,Villi am 10;313 Spite, Thom<l:-i I ();\D Spray, George IO-lfj Spray, Hemy I OJ 1 Spray, Johll 10!:! Rpray, HidltU'Cl lOt:) SproWl .. , Samucl ](I·tel Rtatfor<l, Thllmas 1 f).1;) : f:;t('ad) .Jo:;C']Ih





XO, in Ilate

illO!G '~;~,;~, ;rJ',~,;,~~ . . --- -;,~:~

IG2'~ CoLdell-st i11017 Atocl, .John in 7' Ynrk-:.;t I, ] (HI) Rtec1, Hobert 501 off Moray placo '. 1()·I·!J StpphCllH, StopliOll 1517 I Pal'k-st j D.}() F)Lupliellsou, Dill 876 Clnrencloll-st ] U;} I StCYCllH, Geol'ge 169 Mal'ket-st 1052 Rtm"l'llS, Guorge 1077 Clal'cllcloll-Ht 10J:3 f-;tcvcns, .T()lin 482 Covcntry-st I O,j'!1 StC\,UlIS, I~awl'ellc(J 587 off York-st 10fW Stevenson, Tll')J}J:ls G07 ' Covcntry-st 10;]G StcvensolJ, i\lt~l'k I7l!) Cecil-;-;t 10;]7 Stewnrt, Chltl'le,:; 1335 Pal'k-st 1058 Rtewart., Hobcrt 11310 Cobclen-st 10;)1') Stewart, ,lame;, ] 70 off l\Ial'kct-st 1060 Stooke. Eclw:ltil 1082 ])()J'caFl-st lOGl 8touks; George Hi!)!) off Ulal'elldoll-st 10G2 Stc))'k, Samuel ] 117 ofl' Bank-st lOG3 Stowell, William oJ off Grallt-st 10M Strect, James H5!J Park-st lOG;,) Stuart, .Jamcs 1240 Dallk-st ] onG Stuclmnn, Samuel 1] D8 Wynyarcl-st 10G7 SUlliV:l.ll, Danil.'l 1417 off' Montague-st 1008 Sullivltn, .John 782 Frnnccs-st lOGO Sut1i.el'lnncl, Hobert 1207 PRl'k-st lU70 Sutherland, Joseph f);};3 oft'Dorcas-st ] Oil Swan, Williltlll GIG Scott's cottages :1 Wi2 RwinlmJ'lle, William l.:1-7G Little Park-st ii ] 07:3 8willrlley, Thomas 377 Clarcndon placc! 10H ~wil\glel', JamE''; ~3D t'()I~il-;-;t 107,1 Sykc:;, Alfred 114,0 I Fcrrers-st '1107(; Symcs, Prinl'e I 1080 : Dorcas-st i lUi7 'r:tit, JOIlll 1G2 ~ oJl':lIIarket-st 111078 '1' nit" William \' Market-st 111070 'rawton, William 1257 Hill-st '1080 Taylor, Hemy 172:3 Little Haglrm-st ]01)1 Taylor, Jamcs 85; ,Johu-flt 1082 Taylor, Joscph i5()8 York-st I 1083 rraylor, ,Julm 1:27-t ofi'D:tllk-st 1108-1 'l'nylo~", Lawrence UJl Cedl-st I 1085 \ Taylor, William 2M Yl'l'k-Rtrect 1 ] 08G : Teale, .Tamc:; 1;);") D J\ apiCl'-Ht U87 i Terrill, Samuel HOIII',)" (j-t2 ! C'lal'encloll-..;t lOSS: Tol'l'Y, George 1170 : Ballk-st lOS!J : Th~stlethwa~te, WillialJl ;}~-.'j i off YUl'k-:-;t ; 1090: TIll;-;tlcthwmte, ,Juhn '1121: Bank-streot : 1091' Tighe, William , li)80 I Clal'oll(loll-st, 1092 ! Thollla~, Helll',Y . lQG~} : oft' nIUl'ltY-Ht :11003 , Thomafl, Stephen Ahmliam ; lui;] I l1nglan-st :IIO!)-~ I r~llOmas, Riehm',I i ilU2! Clarcw.1oll-:;t 1m);) I 'Ihomps011, .Jamei'l 11-182 ; Clarclllloll-st I 10%: Thompson, <rohn : !JGUloifDn!'eas-st ]007 Thompsun,John ; Ci2D I C'oycntI'Y-s't. IODS Th01111'SI)11, John I. 1722 I <';ccil-st 100!) Thollll);-;Oll, Thomas ; 1;')7 . off 2I£arkct-:.;t 11 00 i 1'hompsc)J], William 11f5;:iG Haglan-Ht 1101 'rhOlllpSOll, William i -I(j U llion-st 11 02 Thomsc)]], George 2/:;1 otf YOl'k-st 110:3 Thol'll, James 1 i;} '3Iarket-st 1104 Thornton, Alfred 1218 (1ft' Pal'k-st 110;j Tho1'lltull, John 300 York-st 11 OG 1'ipton, .Tamc:; 450 Clan:ndon-:.;t, 1107 Todd, William D3 oft' :Jlarket-st 1] 08 TomkcYJ EdIYal'll 3-12 YOl'k-flt. Ii 1100 Tomlins, CharlL's Jamc::; 1112 Bank-,;t Ii 1110 Tope, ,Villiam 13G~ Fowkes' buildillgs I; 1111 TOJ'het, Alexallder 127D Bank-st : 111:2 'rrc\'()l'ilh, Hiehal'd ,:311 oft'York-st '1113 Tribe,.Jamcs : 1378 Fu\Ykc:-;' buildings ill H TIl('ke!', Jall](~S 4-60 C'larelldoll-:;t i Ill;) TUl'Ilbun, Jllhll IAI j1oray-st III (j TUl'IIcr, Gl'orge 822 I Cl~('il-st 1117 TllI'p.r, ,1olll1 32 I Grant-:-;t. 1118 'J'wcc1dall',.l a\lles i)(i9 I York-;;t III f) T\\'l'lltrma!l, T11iIllWS IG73 : Hnglnn-st 112U '1'),lld, -Ehell(;Zer Bralbha\\' (jU~- i L'ovcntt'y-;o;t 1121 l ;1'(>, Natlulllici 20 . Bullllal~ tCl'l',l(;O II:.!2 Y:t\,a';IJ\lI', Ill'lIr), FJ'II11(le 1;)02 Napicl'-:.;t 112:{ • "~ide, .1 illlll'S lOGD Haglall plnco 'I'll:!-i; \\'addlllghillll, ,I a,.;. \\,illialll 122;j Pnrli:-:ot ! 112;') ! Waill, Halph Ulo\"L'1' 1(;71 Haglan plH"p i J I:]G, WlIld'lll, .\It'I'l'd DG4- IIfl' ])orcas-st ' 1127 ,Walker, \);t\"i,l ;~80 Y Ilrk.. st 11;21'\· \Yalkcl', (;C"i'gt! ltl:3(j Park-;;t " II:!!) Walker, Pal'kt,1' :--.; ('\\'hll

],)20 ~;jll

l(i!H ;jGG :3H!) 10!);') 1,1·i)d UI:)!}


!!fi D(j I if}!)



Pal'k-st DOl'ca:;-st Hagl:tn-st off Yllrk-st ofI'Vol'cas-st Yarra fitr('ct Littlo Park-st : Little Park-sf, i Mnl'kci-f<t i off DOl'Cllc;-st : Hollw.llI-st : UlIillll-st 1~ag1:1I1-st

fWD York-st ~Hi3 YI))'k-st 1180 Pa1ll1cr-"t :}24 ('ecil-:;t 112.1 Bank-st D22 Pntel'flOIl tC1'l'tll'l! 480 Coventry-st 127;) , oft' Ballk-,jt 1~3:J7 : ofT' Park-f;t 1481 I Park-Rt 70! jLLrket-;-;t :2 to Yndc-st York-st ::\1 lll'ay-st. 7 US (;Oye;ltJT-st ] 081 , C'lnrcllll;',lI-;-<t ;,!):! ' Cecil-A, ~;'j ~ i Cl:Ll':l1ll ll ll-:-;t .3UI loft) ol'k-st 24-;'5 i YOl'k-st 1;}00 Napicr-f;t D80 D()l'l~a;:;-;.;t 12:20 Park-~;t 17:3:2 }\ndm~' builc1illg's lOS 7 Dnl'ras-~',t 31-):3 i Y oJ'k -,;t ' 11 j t' ! P:thlle!'-:;t. :l:.!;l i Ch'il-,;t ;H7 York-:'t (,;1:,1, 07 U , l)III'Cils-st t;;1 I DOl'C'tl:-;-:-;t 4:_{ , oft· lirallt-st,







. -=----:-

Gt)(i , (\I\"Clltl'\"-;-:t I


] -\(;2 : Pnllllul'-st I ():; (j : (Iii' Ball k -st .}73 : nfl'lul'k-st 1US i jl11l'kd-:-;t ;'j:.!l I YIIl'l~-:'t -~-+ ofl' G I'i\\lt-st 13 12 off' Bn 11 k -st 4;]0 YitlTtl plal'o 4G D Clarcnclul1-st 1(J-tJ Bltllk-st

70J 81{)

(', )\·cutl'y-,.;t

H1G C'I,"C'ntI'V -,;t ,1-:31 Y:tl'l'a-[.lacc :!Hj . 128:3 14-131 1(j l·l 1;liO i 112G i 1 fiO-J 7 (j-~ 1!IS (j 1() };W I :.!IiD

j I i

YOl'k-;-;t Bnllk pltll'C PalllloJl'-:'t. Cobdcl1-;-:t I Napiol'-,.;t : Bimk-"t, Colull'IH.t I ('1i\'c'lItn'-..;t, i ott' l\·,'il~st I


Con'lIt 1')" -"I, (lfl' Ballk-:-:t

Clill'l'lld"ll-"t .


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_ _ _____ ._ _ _ _..______ Boo\{,

11 ~O Wltlkcr,


~ 1(j

11.)1 Walker, '.'nllwlll 11:32 Walter, William

. ___ .. -'0_:.::___ ... _._ •. - - - -.. -- .. /:.-----



Y:;l'l':1. pl:we 1~.f1 HllI-st (jOD Ooyentry-st 1411 011' Montagno-s!;

11 :3,) WakcJH,hl, ,101111 ]131; Wal'd, .TanH'R 1 D7 1\':11'(1, Patrick

lOG;)' MomY-Rt 14GD Pnrk-I'lt. 72:5 (~oventry .. st

11 ;3:-3 'lYal'ch~IlJ\\,illialll l.l3D \rarlll'l', \'~iI.l.ianl 1]40\'::al'1ler,n('(:~'g~~ Henry IHI \ ,'arll:lJlJ, \\ ilh,11U 1 H2 "~:\~h~ngl;()n, .101m 1/·1:3 'b:-,lllllgton, Wl11. Henry l'cJ-,1, Watcrs,William 114·.5 '\Vatson, David 114G Watson, George 1147 Watson, george 114 8 Watson, George 1140 Watson, .Tamos

2/;;') oft' York-st


1150 Wah:oll,.Jnmes

c;_---;:-._·._ ...-C· .. ---. -.---- - ',.c=-:·-···-I·-:~:l~'::-;~:;-;:: ·c-:-:::::-c-:-=:-··=::.-::;-:----···





[l1u!) "Juteheacl, .fohn . Ballk-stwest [ 11 GD 'Vidgley, John 11532 Park-st I'I 11~0 W~ll~ams, George William ~3;)5 oft· Bank-st /: ll~! W:ll:mns, ~al1lc::; 1400 offB:tuk·gt 11 (2 WIllIams,.J ohn 200 York-st I 1173 Willianwlll, Wm. Alexander lHl3 Cecil-st . 1174 Willitl, John 228 off York-st ,1175 Wilson, Edward 2M off York-st 11176 ',Vilson John 1270 ofl']3nnlr-st


in tnt 3lluuiripal ctltdural J!\nll FOR





/11177 Wi18on: George

1320 Park-st Wilson, Arthur 235 off York-Ht Wilson, Henry William 1554 Little Pnrk-st Wilson .Tohn 1497 Napier-st Wilton:A1fred 1012 Dorc~ts-st, 1182 Winter) Thomas LeMCf:mrier 112 Sandridge 1'01'1 1183 Witherfl, Alfred 601 Cecil-st. 1184 Withy, Arthur 1230 Momy-st 11 85 Wolf, Samnel 119 Market-st . 1186 Wolf Isaac lf55 Victoria cottages 1 ]87 Woll"John 9160ffCoventry-st 1188 Woodhead, Benjamin 1265 off Bank-st 11189 Wooclhead GeorO'e 1345 Ceeil-st 0 1190 W oolcott, 'William Spark 1175 Palmel'-st 1191 Wood, George 529 off York-st 1.192 Wood, Robert 801 H tl t O'lam-s, 11 D3 Wood William 102 C1al'endon-st i 1194 Work; William 1412 MOlltagne-st i 11 95 Worsley, Pet~r 257 off York-::;t Ii 1196 Wright, Gcorge 1321 off Park-st 11197 Wychcrly, Bcnjamin 1052 Bank-st 1198 Wvnd James 741 Union-st ] 1!)0 Y(;ul, John 1612 Cobden-st 1200 YounCT .Tohn 1332 off Pal'k.:.;t 1201 Young; Joseph l1aglan-st 1202 Zachariah, Gregor" Isaiah. 868 DOrCfl,i;-.'3t

1178 I ] 17D 1180 1181


Sli;] JJorcas-st 510 Moray place G7G Covcntryplace !H Market-st Uu Union-st 06 Market-st 197 off Ceeil-st 276 off Clarendon-st 308offYork-st 663 I Oovcntry place 1286 Bauk phtce ") 6 Ceci1··st D! 1516 Pal'k-st 1463 Palmer-st 17 Grant-st 918 off Ooventry-st 302 off YOl'k-st ::315 oJf YOl'k-st 604 Ooyentry··st 55ti ,offYOll-st 1354, oft' Bank-st HiSS :Moray-st ]531 Pnrk-st \1329 off Park-st 165 Victoria cottages

115.1 Watson, John lW2 Watson, Joseph 1153. -xr h at·SOll) ,Samue 1 1154 Wattfl, Alexander 1]51.> Webb, Andrew Robe!'t 1.1:;6 'tV l-b "1'1 u I co , .r: emy 1157 Wehb, William 11[58 W CCkfl, John 11';)6'-09 ~Yrelct'h'JJohn 1. n es, a~n?s l1(jl We;:;t, WIlham John 1162 Westall, William lTrancis 1163 Westwood, .John lU3"b ":e~hereIJ, WillimJl 1165 \1 h~tc, James llGG White, John

-r - --.

~ __.____._._ _ _ _ I! _. _____ ! _ _ _. . .I ..]~~.~~_ -._._. ___ . :JJarlcet-st : 1.1 f~~ \~h~tehead, George l\Iul'l'i::;on I 285 Clal'elldoll-st

IGG7 Haglan-st 11:H ofl:' FelTOl'Fl-st

] l3~1 \~nkchalll, E\lwm'd 1134 \';ckc~(lJd, ,JI,11ll






JUNE 30, 186/), TO JUNE 2(), IJ5G,)




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. )lASON &. FIRTH; .Pl'inters, ~lontague.street, Emel'f\ld IUn, and 7 E'linde~s.lane west, Melbourne ..· (. .



FIUTH, hinters l .


ElI1el'Illd lIill I and 7 .

Fll'nde"~ 1 t 'r Clb' oUl'nq :. •... • .,. £Inc weI'; I l.\




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