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rl'lLE DIr:;TH1U'r OF
\ -." _____~. .--m----~--------ii----·~------------~--~-----~----------------~----~------------~-No.
HntnpnFts' NnIDcS.
NI~;I~~ \ Book,
Where Property is Situated.
Untepayers' Names.
No. 1n
Where Property ill Situated.
824 78 York st 2'\ -3-S-0-ff-Y-0-rl-c-s-t--_ 521 \ Duncan, Wm. 1035 2 off Dorcas at 522 DUllCl1n, J'ames ofi' Market st .1:.1:2 \ Davis, John ' 380 ) 04 Clarendon st 523 Dwight, TholUas 464 24 Coventry st 443 Davey, Ebenezer 226,1 111 Bank st west 524 Dwjght, IUchard W. 127n 65 Little Park st H-1 \' DaveI!port, Joscph 1082 Moray st 525 Dycc, Clmdes 145:3 G Raglan place 445 Dn\1enport, Thomas 12:W 51 Na,pier st 526 DYSOll, Wm 207 1 'Lephtstl'iel"s bldg~ ,l,W David, John . 729 2 Little Hllglan st 527 DYSOll, Wm. Henry 651 N apier st 447 \ Davidson, Ja1l1es 481 13 Hotham st 528 "Eaton, Thomas 671 24 Palk st 448 Davidson, John South 724 8 Little Raglan st 529 EarIislmw, Jame!> 224-8 14 Montague st 440 \DltVidson., John 843 22 Ya.rra. at 530 Edington, John 1366 24 Cobden st 450 Day, George 970 Palk st 531 Edgar, Andrew 1095 52 Bank ~t east 4.151 Day, In.mes 1836 28 Bank st west 532 Edwards, J-osepl1 752 22 Bridport st 1152 Day, 'Robcrt 534 14 John st 533 Edwards, 'l'homas 1895 96 CecH st 453 Day, \Vm. C. 1876 15 Park st west 534 Ed wards, Wm. 1818 Hill st 454 Daye, G. p, 213 4 Devonahire place 535 Edmonds, Geo. 1486 240 Moray st 455 D'Arcy, )1ichael 2231 Ferrers st, 536 Eider, John 1686 116 Raglan st 456 De Carie, Edward 944 Coventry st 537 Eldred, Uverside 468 11 Francis st 4,157 De },iortnn, Richard 810 24 Clarendon place 538 EJlard, W 111. 1140 \ 49 Pm'k st east 458 De Paul, Pierre of, 1006 80 Dorcas st east 539 Ellerker, .Tohn 251 2 ofi' Clatendon st .--.459 De PhiHpe, Joel 1447 9 Rltglan place 540 Ellis, Alexander 657 . 47 Napier st 460 Del~s, Dnvid 196[1 1 Eville st 5/n Ellis, Charles 141)2 Raglv,n st 461 Dean, John 2:)2 oft' Clarendon st 542 Ellis, George 2184 5 off Bank st W2st 4ll2. Dca.kin, Sa.muel 706 8 Cucil piace south 543 Ellis, John 33\) off York st 463 Deeble, Edwarcl 210!) 9 (~ueen st 544 Ellis, William 1425 88 Little Haglan st 464 Degmves, Wm. 97 off Clal'endon st 545 Ji:llison, J'oseph 124:7 43 Pa,rk place 465 Delany, John 176 11 Stewart st 54G Elliott, William 6 Little Rltglan st 725 4GG Denu:\ted, David 215 8 Devonshire place 547 Elms, Thomas 736 Bridport st v 145 16 Market st J). empster, TllOmas 548 Elms, Williarn 4 11,",/ 770 31 Three Chain road HjS Dempster, Willial1l 2149 B Emerald st, 549 Eh;don, ,James 1518 20 Moray place 469 Dent, 'l'h(lmas 892 71 Clarendon st 550 Elworthy,'John 3!)1 8 Alfred place 470 DellisoJ1, John 1165 1 GO Moray st 551 Enllnerson, James Victoria cottages 471 Devereanx, Thomas 1083 Moray st 552 Ennevcr, rrhoma~ 1087 ·60 Bank st east 472 Dewer, Al'chibald 1483 Bridpol't st 553 Erskine,'John 1630 .. 207 Moray place 473 Dickson Hobert 960 3 Palk st 554 Eskdale, Josepb. 1795 3 Dorcas st west 474 Dickinson, Rivers B. 958 Ch. of Eng. reserve 555 Eskdale, Ja.mes 1805 20 Bank st. west 475 Discher, Jullus 1184 '78 Park st east 556 Eulert, Frederick 827 72 York st east 476 Dixon, Edward 2238 37 Nelson road 557 Eustace, Thomas 230 2 Agnes place 477 Dixon, Francis 474 16 Fl'ancis st 558 Evans, Daniel 96 34 Clarendon st 478 Dixon, John 193 4 CecH place north 559 Evan3, Edward 422 Charles st 479 Dixon,Peter 734 7 Bridport st 560 Evans, John 1676 172 Eastern road 480 DobsOll, James 205('. 9 Pa'~ters0n place 5(j 1 E'1<"ns,.ro]m 975 Palk st 481 Dodd, Robert 2353 Yarra bp.Ilk 562 Evens, Phili" 1 813 \ Clarendon place .482 Doddddge, Wm. J863 8 Victoria place 563 \Evans, Philil) 436 Union st 483 Doig, Alex:tnder 338 York st 564: Evans, Theophilus 1628 203 Moray st 484 Dollard, 'l'homas 94 Clarendon st 565 Everett, Arthur 2088 29 Dorcas f>t west 485 Donnan, H ugh 1 H 7 Park st east 5 GG E V'erett, William 2006 13 Coventt'y st wefit ~V D onovan, ~1ichael 1072 4 off Moray st 567 Eves, Philip 4 R{! 842 26 Yarmst 487 Donovan, lUchard 20:3l) 24 Coventry st west 5u8 Evcrshed, Richard 17~)5 :~ DOl'cas st . 488 . Donaldsol1, Rnbert 381 Clarendon ~t 56!) Eville, J'ames 531 8 John st 489 DOllhw, Thomas 782 11G York st 570 Evellett, John 20Hi 20 Coventry st 490 Doolen, Hieha,rcl 7H) 153 Dedl tit 571 Ewm·t, William 1608 160 l:asteru road 22GG 107 Ba,nk tit west 401 Dnobn, Dellis 572 Eyre, Daniel 1:105 66 Napier st 4~)2 Domell, .Tames H)41 I G Covent.ry place 573 Eyre, Willimu 1 :~;30 21 Cobden st 4n~ Dorall, Gel). 1800 \ 6 Bank st west 574: Eyre, Williani 11H3 :Moray st 4n4- \ Donnan, .Jlimes Hl61 Nirnmo fit 57n Fail'bridge, Rohcl't 269 44 York st 4!:15 Doull, David 6;:;\) \ 1 N apier st [)76 \ Falconbridge, James Raglltn Ht 1432 4% \ Douglas, illiclmel 1*48 Little Hagh,n st 577 \ ]"arley, Oscar T. E. 61 Bank st east 2134 4~)7 \ I>lIllgnll, .Jolm 1~19 4:3 Little Park st 07 D \ Farrallce, Georgc 178 Moray st 1280 4!JH I I)lIvel', Wm. 1 HI3 \ 22Padc place 570 Fm'wood, W. H. 14 Moray place 1522 4n~) \ How, \I\,<'m. H. 5c4: 11 Chmch st 5RO Farrell, Patrick 1826 11 Green ..;t' JOO ! Dllw, 'V!H. \ 696 \ 20 ltagbn fit 5R1 I Fal'l1an, Patrick , 1201 56 Park st ;101 I IJowling, S;u\luel 1178 90 Pa\'1( st e:l:=;t 582 :Farqmharsoll. John :!'~96 li3 Nelson road ;)02 \)m\'linir. Wm. 1589 \ fiG Little Park st 583 Fausset, Charles 1541 Moray st fIO:~ n(lwllic~ 'l'llollll1:-: 13201101 Clarendml Ht 584: ]j'eigell, Ignatius 1 597 4 Little Park st !iO.! DIIWllH, TlIOlIItlS ,J. 1OG8 \121 :MOl·a.y place 585 Fentoll, Anthony 1;)52 oft' Cobden st !in;, Drake, .J,,,;eph I 1 38 Graut !it 5S() ]'enniug, Domillick 2067 2. Putersoll place :;OG Dracgel', Wm. 1 2293 \ Nelson load 587 Fel'gm;on, Dalliel 1178 no l)ark st fin7 Dl'is('nl1, Eel ward 1336 \ 33 Cuhdell st, 588 Fel'gnsoll, Henry \ 2259 (ja Nelson road ~08 \ nl'\~CU, \1Im. 1650 : 68 Cobclen st 589 Fergm;oll, John 1949 86 York st weilt ;)09 DUllls, (leo, GH \ Napier st MW b'et'gusoll, .Juhn l:nO 1)0 Napier st rH 0 I Durham, Charles 1 fi30 \ 113 Moray st 591 Fergu;;oll, Hobel't 1009 Sandridge l'oad ill1 Duthy, Geo. 2157 19 Emerllld st l5!}2 Fergubon, R. 1872 llm;k st west {j 12 Dunstoll, J ames 1:317 55 Cobdeu st 59:> I Fel'gu~on, 'l'hoIUl'son 548 128 Clarendon st !') 13 J hmc1ee, J o11n 101 G oft' Dorcas st east fjf)l Fergnsoll, Wil1iam 13B7 , Haglitll st f) 14 \ Dl1ffy, Miehad S. 22;)4 4H Nelson road 5U5Fer(rU~()1I ;::, '. , .' 1959 12 Nimlllo p,t 51!) . DUlIll, John .J. 1552 14~ Moray st 50G Fergnso n , lll05 82 DOl'cas st 5](l! \lnnn, Wm. 508 8U Cecil st 597 i :FclTier, David Mu 57 Cecil st . 2:~~ \ 6 Agnes place 598 I ]1'errier, William 427 4~ Coventry st H<),~ \ Haglan st 599 I Fewster, Wiiliam 40:3 88 Clarendon st 1WO off Park::lt . c. GUO \ Fidgett, Charles \ 239G i Yarra bank
. ,;
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'I;' In \
-: \
••top'Y'''' Nam" ,
U:30 2189 1550 1987
Whl)re l'ropcr:y i~ Situlltcd.
No, \ \
It.t.pa,,,,' Nam'"
lULL. \
Where Property is Situated.
681-\~:mlnel" HC1~ry--~--·'\- 4i)U ~J~ion st
Clarendon st 90 Bank st west 157 Moray st 24 Coventry st
682 Gardncl', Homy South OJ 23 Cccil st 60 1 1,'i1lcry, GeOl'ge G83 (hrvill, Patrick 1781 ~ orthl1mberland st (i02 lrindl!l.Y, Alexander G8'! \GaSCOiglle, .J ames 207,1 35 DUl'cas st west (\03 Findlay, Francis 685 Gates, William 1828 16 Green st ()()4 Findh\y, Robert 68G Gaul, John 132 26 ,Ma,rket st J 6R3 \RaglaU st (iO~ :Findloy, 1 eter 1869 Park st west 687 Gaunt, Thomas 2047 38 Pittterson terrace G06 ]1' inla.y, James 184!J 10 Crown st 688 Gay, Williitm 18:j6 40 Bank st west 007 Finlay, Thomas 1847 Orown st GS!) Gebindingel.', J"ohn 1165 Moray st 608 Finlay, 'l'homas H5 Union st egO Genner, James 1881 2 off Park st 60D Finlay, Currie 749 \ 216 Clarendon st 691 Gem'ge, John 1302 72 N8.pier st 610 Finlay, John 498 2 Hothnm st 692 George, James H. 1286 204 Moray st 611 Fin1ey! John 1971 5 Eville st 6n3 Gessnol', 1!'mncls D. 6li5 43 N apier st G12 ]1'iuck, J·ohn :326 22 York place (1)4 Gibb, William 2~~72 Yarra bank 613 Finn, Richard 1358 44 0ff Cobden st 695 \ Gibbs, Clutl'les 394 7 Alfred place 614 Fishe, rrhomas W. 784 112 York st 60G \ Giblet,t, Williarn 1125 6 Bank st east 615 Fisher, John. 1354 52 Oobden st GD7 Gibson, Daniel 2244 \ 32 Monta,gue st 616 Fishley, Peter 1435 80 Raglan st 698 1\ Gibson, J;tmcs 743 Bridnol't st 617 Fison. J..orimer 2076 33 Dorcas st west 699 Gibson, Jamcs 682 Bridport st 618 Fitt, Charles 190 9 Oecil place north 700 Gibson, John J. 168 4 Market st 619 Fitzgemld, David 2084 Dorcas st west 701 Gibson, Michae1 2198 3 off Montague st . 620 Fitzgcl'ald, John 3'20 13 York place 702 Gifford, GeOl'ge 1670 135 Raglan st 621 Fitzgerald, Patrick 2225 15S }!'errers 8t 703 Gibhom, GeOl'ge 289 10 Little York st 622 Fitzgernld, Edwal'd 155 17 Victoria cottages 701 Gilchrist, Robel't 1974 11 Eville at 623 Fhtberty, llobert 1732 "Eastern road Giligan, Martin 2112 14 Queen st 705 024: Flannery, William 1272 02 Little Park st 706 Gillir.s, John 150 7 Victoria cottages 625 Fleming, John 1761, 4: off York st '.vest 707 Gillies, Henry 518 DOl'cas st ()26 Fletcher, Ed ward 1822 22 Bank st west 708 Gillies, Matthew 562 off Park st 627 Fletcher, C. 1777 4 N orthumberlalld st 709 Gillespie, llobert 1242 () i N apier st 628 ]1'lood, William 71 0 Gilmour, John 384 \)6 Clarendon st 1311 48 Napier st 629 Flower~, Joseph 1250 47 Park place 711 Ja Ging 1371 8 Cobden st 630 Flude, Caleb , York st 712 Gittcs, Wright S. ·2301 14: Nelson place 785 631 Fogttn, James 1191 26 Park place 713 Glaister, John 993 Dorcas st 632 Foggnn, .Tames 1316 183 Clarendon st 714 Glass, Alexander 2108 7 Queen st 63~1 Folkes, Edward 1624 106 Napier st 715 Glaysher, Joseph 23:30 70 Montague st 634 ]'olton, Frederick nu Gleeson, John 2202 97 Montague st. 2333 Yarra bank 035 ]'orbes, James 1950 88 York st west 717 Gleeson , .M.ichael 127 10 Kerry place 636 Ford, John 1534. 121 Moray st 2386 Yarra hank 718 Glover, James 637 Ford, George W. 719 Glover, Thomas 89[) 79 Clarendor. st 1680 128 Raglan st n38 Ford, Jacob 2103 26 Dorcas st west 720 Glover, Thomas 1985 :Nlontague st (j3~;J F,0::, d Th 0111IJ,S 721 Glover, William 1155 91 Park st east 1304 68 Napier st 640 Ford, John Samuel 722 Glover, William 10 10 Fowler'3 buildings 1632 Moray st fi41 F• or,. d J , 1158 93 Park st east 723 Godkn, .T limes J. 1532 117 Moray st n42 Fordham, Frnnk 552 118 Clltrendon st 724 Gold, Thomas 70 19 Market st G43 ]'ol'dyce, Alldrew 188 5 Cecil place north 725 Goldie, William 20:20 Coote fit (iH Foreman, Andrew 72G Goldhody, WaIter 191 8 Cecil place north 594 u Napier place M5 Foreman, James 727 Golg:nth, Charles 20aS 22 Coventry st west 598 Little Park st 646 Foreman, James 728 Good, Francis 1379 205 Clarendon st 1545 78 :Moray place 647 Forman, George 729 GoOcl'Nin, Thomas 264 46 Clarendon st 19G4 104 York st west C48 Forsyth, David 7 :30 GrollO n , J ol1n 151 9 Victoria cottages 1021 60 Dorcas st east (j·19 \Fossey \Valter 731 Gro1101l, Patrick 23~3 9 Little lhnk st 1636·\ 73 Cobden st 650 FORter,' J olm 732 GOl'don, Alexanrler 2081 off DOl'cas st west 1643 82 Oobden st 6f:i1 Fowler, Henry r.; 733 Gordon, Alexander 2352 Yarra bank 1079 8 Evil1e st G02 Fowler, John 73-1 GonIon, Peter B. 1086 60 Bank st east 2082 3 off Dorcas st 6u3 :Fowles, James 2204 105 Park st west 2351 Yarra bank 7 35 Gordon, Wi11iam C54: William 736 Gott, Geoi'ge 2224 Rainsfol'd place 10G3 61 Bank st e{1st ~~~ Fral~cis, Frank John 1188 \. off Park place 737 Gott, 200 5 York st ea.st (joG Fraser James 7 Gould, James 463 213 Coventry st 957 5 St. Luke st 38 61';'7 •D FraRer,' Donald 739 Goulter, EZI'Il 110 \ 50 )fadwt st 1889 110 eecil at 658 \ '}1'raser, Thomas ~051 4G Patterson terrace 740 Goudie, Wi11ial11 1840 1 Crown st 659 l<'razelle, John 741 Gourlay, John IG40 133-135 Moray !It 1538 Moray st ()60Frazer, .Tames 74.2 Gourlay, Robert 1619 122 Napier st 395 . 5 Alfred place ~~: Freebody, Al'thur 7 4 3 Gowlina, John 348 63 Cecil st 2H)2 96 Bank st west ~ti2 Freeman, trllOmas 74:4 Gl'ady, uJamc3 497 4 Hotham st 803 Ola1'endon place {~~3Freer, Henry 7 G1'l\ba111, J,tmes 12 \ 15Devonshiracottages 432. 1 Union st J5 664: Frewen J o'hn 74:6 Graha111, Thomas (\;J~1 N apier st 578 28 Little Park st 66n" Friend, ' Henry 747 G1'aha111, Thomas 1()27 :Moray st n n24 8 Bank st ealt M6 Frith, Frederick 7 48 \ Gralltt1.11, Wi11imn 206G \ 4 I>atterso place \ 978 8 Palk st Go'"', Fl'ogley, Alfred 7 I Grandlll, Andl'ew 72 ' 23 :Markd street 1229 Napier st 49 (l6B Fry, J oseph 750 \ 11:33 \ 5 Wynyard st 1220 Napier st G69 :Fry, James, senior 1342 45 Dorcas st west 1730 B1'idpOl't st 751 \ Grattldge, RIchard 670 Fulton, Thomas 752 Grave, Burton 10n6 50 Bank st east 2102 24 Dorcas st west 671 1!'urnell. William 2270 I G4 l\lontague st 753 Grave, Edward 649 29 Napier st 672 Fyfe, William K 754 \ Grave, Wm. George 737\\ 1:3 Bridport st 1473 51 Bridport 673 Gains, Albert, 755 \ Gray, George 2306 123 Park st west 1900 10 Cecil st 674· Gallaugher, Edward 1788 11 York st west 7 513 \Gr ay, George 1729 Bridport st 67~ tJ Gallop, Charles 757 Gray, George 2217 \47 Par_k st west 461 4 Union st' 676 Galloway, David 1764: \ 3 off lork at west 758 Gray, Jmnes 1925 \63 York st G77 Galloway, James 759 Gray, Richard 1327 \ 15 Cobden st 5"{ 4: 31 Little Park st 678 Galvin, Richard 76 0 Gray, William 154:1 137 ~'loray at . 1789 7 York st west 679 Gant, George 646 21 Napier st 680 Gammie, John
Gratt~dge, R~chard
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6 -
, ~i
'Rlltepayefs' Names.
No. In ]{ate Book.
Where. Properly is Situated.
No_ \
Ratepayers' Names.
No. in Hlltc 8ook.
Whtlro l'roperty is I:*uated.
Names, \
No. 111 \ Hatc \ Book.
Where Propcl·ty 18
No. in \. Rate Book.
Where p'roperty is Sitqll.tcd.·
1001 \ Jollllston, Louis 887 61 Clarendon st, off Clarendon at 9/l) 6 Palk st· 1002 J ohllston, Richard John 18 Sand ridge road 1 3 Stewart at 1003 J olmston, Petel' 430 Coventl'Y st 172 \ Haycs, Edmund \)22 Howarth, Edward Park street 58 Clarendon-st 28 Yarra place 1004 ,J ohnstoIl, Thomas 2159 Emerald st 877 249 . 923 Rowat, Da'Vid 842 Hayne, John 21 Dorcas st 761 Gray, William 1005 Joiner, William 2381 Yarra bank 1258 89 Napier st 741 31 Bridport at lIaythorp, (}eorge Grazebrook, J oseph 924I Howat, D,wid 843 762 MOl.ty st 156 Moray st 1006 Jones, David 1526 100 DOl'CRS st eas~ 14 Ra.glan st 1167 6US 925 Howat, James 844: Hayward, Henry 20 Little Park st 763 Green, Charles . 32 Bank at west 1007 Jones, John 2135 55 BII.lllc st west. .4 Gardner st HISS 57 926 Howat, James 845 Hayward, Henry 4 Northumberland st 1008 Jones, John 764 GNen, James 5 Charles st 45 Park place 1361 38 Cobi1.~n st 569 l24:8 927 Howie, John 84G Haywood, Robert 9 Church street 765 Green, J olm Thomas Cobden at 19 Victoria st 1009 Jone8, John 2350 Yarra bank 1348 928 Howison, Al·chibald \ 156 3 Little York st west· 847 Haywood, 571 ~5 Uttle :park st west 1010 Jones, Thomas 766 ,Green, Thomas '99 Moray st 850 6 Yarra st \506 .275 929 Howison, Charles 848 Heath, Joseph 1U4Yorkst 788 767 Green, Frederick 25. Y o!k 'st west 9 off Clarendon st 1011 Jones, Thomas 2019 5 Ooote st 1767 257 930 Hubbard, John 849 Heath, G80rge 768 Greenwood, Edward 1234 Clarendon place 39 Park place 1012 Jones,'Wiliiam 564 38 Park st 60 :Moray s~ 1245 936 931 Hulston, 850 He~th, Henry 2236 Nelson road 769 Greenwood, Samuel 214 Eastern road 1013 Jones, Williaul 1872 23 Park st west. 7 Cobden st 1733 1325 932 Hume, George 851 Heather, Edward 4 Laurie place 142 770 Gretnwood, Thomas 1014 Jordan, James 910 75 Coventry st 16 York place 57 Napier st 329 12:37 933 Humphries, George e E;t 852 f.[eadaway, George 692 28 Raglan st 771 Gregory; George 36 Bank st west 1015 Jourdain, Henry 1985 11 Montagll 60 H.aglan st . 1854 14-58 934 Hughes, Alfred 853 Hedges, rrhomas 540 144 Clarendon st· 772 Greig, J ames 1016 Kflay, Frederick 414: Cluwles st Oobden at 196 Moray st 1370 1289 935 Hughes, Edward 8:)4 , He Hung Peter Greig, 1244 28 Pn.rk place 773 Little York st 26 1017 Keating, Luke lOOO 9~ Dorcas st 282 1046 35 Bank at east 936 Hughe8, James Heeney, Michael 855 1291 96 774 Griffin, Ch~rles Napier st 1018 Kechne, Emest A. 124 3 Kerry place Bank st east 1123 1024 5 Dorcas place H37 Hughes, James Heintz, Charles 856 1512 36 Moray place 775 Griffin, James Keeshen, John 15~1 14 ¥oray plM6 1019 off Bank st west 2123 1664 123 Raglan st 938 Hughes, Thomits Hellicar, Valentine 857 308 22 York at 776 Griffin, J olm Rell~T, Arcbibald. 1565 96 Moray plaj}~ 1020 129 Littlc Raglan st 1708 1[,50 145 ~oray st 939 Hughes, Peter Helmore, William 1233 3 Clarendon ,plac~ 858 777 Grifliths 1021 Kelly, Jol111 C. 585 13 Church st Raglr..ll at 237 1695 844 20 Yarra st 94-0 Hulston, ~\'Villiam Hemingway, John 859 2913 Park st east 778 Gl'iffiths, John 1022 Kelly, Michn.el a, 83 35 Market st 5 IJittle Bank st J710 133 Little Rag'}an st Hendel'son, Alexander 2325 9 11 Hunt, H. S. 71 7 149 Cecil st 860 779 Griffy, Patrick 1023 Kelly, Patrick 1834 4 Green st 1054 5 off Bank st east 12-13 30 Park place .942 Hunter, Alexander Henderson, Gideon 861 1831 Green st 1024 Relly, Peter 1445 5 Raglan pl::j.C8 780 Groves, George 2279 53 Bank st west 1881 off Park st west 943 Hunter, George Heuderson, Robert 801 7 Clarendon place 862 781 Gra.bb, Hemy 1025 KeUy, Peter 523 19 Dorcas st 2182 80 Bank st west 1844 \) CrowH.st 944 Hutchinson, William Hendr en, J ames 863 1 () 61 117 Raglan st 782 Gulley, George 1026 Kelly, Willi.am Henry 935 62 Moray st 845 18 Yarra st 2034 10 Coote st 9-15 Hutchinson, Thomas 864 . Hendricken, \Villiam 1694 233 Rn,glan st 783 Guthrie, Archibald 1027 Relly, William Henry 939 56 Moray st 160 Ferrers st 5. Napier st 2224 638 946 Hutton, Neil Henny, .r ames 8G5 1817 20 Hill o;t 784 Guthrie, John . 1028 Kelson, William 1562 132 Eastern ro~4 st west 93 Y urk 12 Ooote st 1915 328 947 Huxley, Henry Henwood, Frallcis :Moses Guthrie 8B() 1694 233 Raglan st 785 l 1020 Kettle, Thomas 539 Dorcas st 18 York pb,ce 2338 Yarra bank 948 Hyde, Thomas \ 328 Hepburn, William 1344 49 Cobden st 867 1030 Kendl'iCk, William rr. 1945 8 Coventry pla~e 786 Haffner, Leonard 6 Little Bank st 2320 977 10 Palk st 949 lllidge, 'I'homas Hepburn, William Wi1U.~m Hagerty, 1118 20 Bank st east 868 1031 Ken11ey, Daniel 2032 14 Coote st 787 1567 :Moray place 1528 109 Moray st ,950 Ingham, J ames Hepburn, Robert 3 off Bank st east 1052 869 1032 Kennedy, Donald 1085 . 62 ]3p,nk st east 788 Haggett, Cecil st 102 80 Clarendon st 951 Inman, Joseph Herrorl, Robert 43 Nelson road 2251 1033 Kennedy, Robert 224 t; Rainsford plil-~~ 870 789 Hagre, John 2i6 Moray st 1405 267 48 York st .952 Ireland, William Hewett, George, senr. 1904: 46 Howe crescent 871 1034 Kenlledy, John F. 1367 13 Oobden st 790 Haig, William st 208 Moray 1535 123 Muray st 953 Irvine, Charles Hewett, George, jllnr. 1409 82 Mont(l,gue st 2274: 'Moutague st 872 1035 Kcnnedy, William 438 11 Union st 791 Jlall, George 2316 ll13 4 Palmer st .954 Irvine, Joseph Hick'ey, Peter 2077 31 Dorcas st w~st 873 1036 Kent, Adolphl-1S 1292 94 Napier st 79~ Hall, John 2261 Nelson road 449 26 Union st 955 Irvine, J oseph Hickinbotham, Wm. 258 3 off Clarendon st 1037 Kent, Cblu1es 109 5~ Market st 874 793 H~n, J oseph , 2364 Yarl'a bank 1038 off Dorcd,s st east .956 Trving, George Hickman, John 131 2. Kerry plar,e 1038 Kent, John 1760 2 off York st west 875 794 Hall, Robert 316 16 York st 1675 176 Eastern road :957 Irving, John Hicksol1, Samuel 1039 Ken, John 2012 10 Coventry st west 17 9 7 Wes1eyan parsonage 876 795 Halliday, William 38 Coventry st 2190 92 Bank st west 428 ,958 Irving, Thomas Higgins, Edward 1040 Kersey, Henry 8 7 .Devonshire cottageE! 1936 Coventry place 877 796 Hallam, Henry 54 Dorcas st 155 Cecil st 1034 959 Isuacs, 720 Bm·uet.t 1041 Key, David 647 23 Napier et . 1382 59 Raglan st 878 Hill, Frank 797 Hamilton, John 2282 3 Nelson road 579 Little Park st .900 I~hmold, John Hill, George 223 6 Rainsford place Hamilton, John 1042 Kidd, William 685 Raglan st 879 798 143 2 Laurie place ,961 Ishmael, William 2153 18 Emerald st 1713 U4 Lit.tle Raglan ~t 1043 Kidd, William 1902 Howe crescent 880 Hill, John 799 Hammersley, 65 York st west 69 Park st east 1926 1148 :~J62 !vel's, John 4 Fowler's buildings 19 Hill, John 104<1 Kilgour, John 370 3 Coventry court Hammond, John 8Sl 800 21 Francis st 894 75 ClarenduIl st :963 .T ackson, J aOles 471 Hill, J oseph Hammond, Richard 1045 Kincaid, J ames 1022 1 Dorcas place 1981 4 Eville st 882 801 Cee~l st south t 1169 Moray st 904 J ackson, Frederick 7:n Hill, Richard Evans }046 King, Donald 2178 off Bank i3 west Hancock, Albert 1658 Moray st 883 802 Yarrabank Coventry st west 2398 ~965 Jackson, Frederick W. 2013 158 14 Victoria I>,ot.tages 104:7 King, Edward 1836 Bank at west 884 Hilliard, Robert J. 803 Ha.ncock, TheodoJ,'s 381 102 ctarclldon st 9 r. () J a;ckson, George 1161 off Park st east John Hilton, 12:~8 59 Napier st 1048 King, Henry J. 2301 Nelson place HaIldlay, John 885 804 203 Clarendon st 1699 III Little Raglan st 9G7 Jackson, John 1376 Hilton, J oseph 22'i 5 I Montague bt 10-1J) King, Henry Thomas 538 poreas street 886 805 Hann, Asher 1687 Raglan st ~68 J ackson, Rubert 670 \ 15. Cl.rendon si Hilton, J oseph 1043 off Bank st east ' Ha.no, Fl'ederick 1050 King, John 1196 94 Park st 887 806 969 Jacksoll-, Thomas 1001 5 off Bank st east 2375 Yarra. B~mk Hiltou, William 1051 Killg, GeOl·ge Henry 2314 98 Montague st 614 2 Church st 807 H~,l1nah, Patrick 1586 93 Little Park st west 888 Hippesley, Frederick 899 93 Cl.'1,l'endon st '970 Jago, Holmes 10 11 Devonshire cottflges 1052 King, rrhomas 1316 183 Clarelldon .st Han Cornelius , nan 889 808 1665 125 Raglan st 456 14 Uuion st M 1 J anH~SI G~Ol'ge Hitchings, Alfred 2062 12 Patterson place 1053 Killgsland, John 2154 .20 'Emerald st 890 809 Hannan, 'rhomas 4!13 18 Union st 1598 107 Napicr st 972 James, Thomas Klemmcl", August 1054 Kit'by, Thomas 1092 229 Raglan st 13% 89 Raghm st 891 810 Hanna.n, Michael 973 Jamieson, John 238 53 York st 2011 4 Ooventry st west 1055 Kirk, George 617 ~4 Park st e.~st 1597 103Napiel'st 8\)2 Hockey, Edwin H~l.nnay, David 811 115 Moray st Ch. of Eng, Reserve ~7 4 .J amieson, Sholto G 1660 959 Hoddcr, Thomas 1319 189 Clarendon st 1056 Kirkbride, Wm. Hy:,\ 418 20 Church st 893 812 Har.son, Andrew 64 Bank st east 975 Jeifury, HeuryJohn 226 5 Rainsford place 1084 Hoddcl', WiHiam Chas. 568 3 Church st 1057 Kirkpatrick, Jumes 535 \ 5 John at . 8!H 81;3 Hal'dmau, Daniel ·976 J eft'ery, J oseph 99 off Olarendon st 42 6 ProRpect place 1015 4: off Dorcas st east Hodgson, William John 420 \ 14 Charles st 1058 Kil'kpatrkk, Hardmil,ol1, John 895 314 971 J enkins, David 2002 \ Oovent-ry .1 we.1 618 130 N apier st 5 1 Devonshire cottages 1059 Kirkwood, Alexander \ 1183 \ SO Park st ea,i?t Hodskin Harms, Harman 8% 815 1488 232 Moray st 97 8 J' enki ns, H cury 1421 93 Little Rnglan st 2003 21 Ooventry st west Hodgkil1s 1060 Kittle, Thomas 409 Charles st cl97 816 Harney, 1G2 6 Victoria cottages J enkyns, John 979 34 Park st 566 10G1 Kitchen. William llM 89 Park st w~st Hodgsoll, Georg:'! 12,11 65 Napier st Harnidge, J olm P. ~98 817 1044 off Bank st 980 ,J.enkyns, Thomas 66 Clarendon st 245 1062 Kleesh, 'Andri'lw 2098 12 porcas st w . .est 46 Grant st 899 Hodnett, William 818 Harris, Isaac 2156 \ 24 Emerald street 981 J:ennings, Henry HG Moray st 1171 214 6 Devonshire place Hoffer, Frederick 1063 \ K.llal'ston, Robert 2140 124 :Ferrers s~ J oseph 900 Harris, 819 1418 9. Moray place . 982 Jew, William 1958 14 Nimmo st 1064: Knight, William 429 32 Coventry st 114 36 Market st Hogan, Cornelim; 9ul 820 Rarris, Pl1Wp 983 .r ew~tt, John H. Bank st wefSt 794 \ 86 York st 2280 106t)' Kolling, Louis 20(31 8 Patterson place 2297 85 NelS011 road 902 Hoka, Henry 821 HaTri::.On, Henry 273 36 York fit 984 J vlms, .Tames E. 4 Little Bank st 2319 13 17 Devonsllir,e cottgs. 106G \ Kong ~Ieng '148-4.'\ 244 Moray et 90::\ Holdaway, James 822 Hardson, Michael 985 Johns, James 1876 \ P.,-!;:.I wesl 1050 I 45 Ba;uk st east \ Krone, Henry 1097 48 Bank st east 1067 William Holly, 1810 9 HHlst 904 823 Hal'rison, William 45 18 Grant at 986 Johnsou, Gcorge 625 117 Cccil st lOOS \ Kyle, Matthew . 416 I 22 Char~es st 454: 16 U nioH st Holland, John 905 824 HalTISOn, He.nry 933 5M:ol'ay place ~Hj7<Tohll!'on. John H. 51 Coventry st 379 1069 Laidlaw, Al'cllib:).l.d' \ 274- 1 Little York st . 1139 Clarendon st H oHand, Peter 906 ,825 .Haxt, Samuel .5 Clarendonplace 988 \ J olmson, John 192 \ 6 Ceoil pl_ north· 157 21 Victoria cott4g~ 1070 11,amb , John 800 1753 3 Cromwell place 907 I Hollillgdale, Edgal' 82G Hart, James 772 35 Three Chain road 989 Johnson, Hellry A. tit west off Bank \ 2175 1557 159 Moray st 1071 ' Lamb, .John \ 750 2G Bridport st 908 I Holman, James 827 Hartagan, John 4 Burleigh st 990 \' J ohnson, Martin \ 1329 19 Cobden si 489 2099 18 Dor.cas st west 107.2 Lamb, William 1373 4 Cobden st 909 \ Home, Samuel 828 Hartnett, Michael 2313 109 Parkst west 991 J l)hl}so.n, Thomas \ 285 .20 Little York st 1756 1 Cl'omwflll place 1073 La,mbert, Louis 1487 M?ray st 910 \ Hone, George R. .829 R,trtneli, John 14:96 ,77 Mor.ay st . 992 J OhnSLlD., Thomas 152 Moray st }{)74 Lambert, ThoI).1as 10:15 7 Dorcasplit~~ 1169 73 : 25 Market st 911 \ Hootoll, Uharles t 830 lIlU'twell, George 993 Johl).son, William S. 7 Palk st 962 1075 Lalll , Jr,roes \ 1575 . 177 Moray .e 240 \ 61 York si .2158 \ 17 Emerald fit fJ 12 Hope, David ond Hat'Vey, James 831 994 Johnstoll, Dixon 1999 oft' Coventryst 527 Doreas st 1076 Lamond, Wm.H:;tuison 2196' 87 :Montague st 913 \ Hope, Robert 823 \ 80 York st t 832 Hal''V''Y, Riohard. 995 J()hnston, George . 1268 70 Little Padt..s 1673 \ Eastern road 605 3 Little Park st 1077 Lampard, Henry \ 363 15 Co:vent~y s.~ 914 \ Hopkins, Isaac 838 Harwood, Henry 996 .T ohnst.on, Gilchrist 1:260 68 Little Pllrkst 709 Oecil place south 260 M Clal'endon st 1078 \ Lancar;;tel', Georg.e 1536 st 915 \ Hopkin.,ls"iah 834 H~l(i.nt, Thomas ~97 JQhnston, John 7ao Cecilst J>outh . 107'9 Lance, George 832 9 Y !ma at \ 1290 Napi'" stroot 916 Hopkins, G. 306 \ ~6 York st H$sall, Josias N. SS!} 998 John.tou f John 1725 \133 Bridport .st 653 39 Napier st 1080 Lancelet, H. Hardy 1380 I 55 Ragl~n .i}~ 1100 42 Bank steast 917 Hopkinson, Samuel 999 JohnstQl1, John C. S3£' Ha.wker, WilIiam 1825 fj Green at 1099 44 Bank st east 371 25 Coventry st 918 Horsburgh, James 1000 J ohnston,J aIDe-s E. .837· Hawkill5, J o!:leph. 1960 10 Nimroo st 1002 \ 88 Doreas .1 .a.t 910 Hosie, Ale:x:ander Hawks, Richard .3. 838 20 Matketst 135 1811 Hill st 920 HougMon, ;A.rthur 839 \ Hay, Andrew 1648 72 Co:bden at 640 Hay, Gilber>t
250 1741 1207 52,1 1528 582 1772 570
, \'
12~ 1~.~ray