
Page 1


Voter's Surname and. Chl'istil!u Name,

Descriptio;.u allil Sitl<at,jon (if U",too.ble Property.


'V ot!'l"S S'!rname and


Christian N nme,




Description and Situatioll of lli.teablo Property.


57 58














fi5 t3I3 67 68 69 70

i '

71 72 ,


73 74 75 76

77 78

79 80


82 83

84 SD" 86 87 88 89 .90

91 9~2

93 04 95

96 97

98 99 100 101 102


104 105 100 107 108

IOU 110

111 IHl


114 115 116 117 118 11\)

120 U1

122 J.23





! I


DellLon,John L, Deresfiml, David Henrv I , 1:iO I Ikl'gen~ 'rhonlas S. • 131 Bel'tmm, Dixon lWJ BelT\', Andrew lSa Hel~l'j', John.'. lS-t Be1'l'y;JohIi 135 Bestol',Jamea 128 . j20






, ,

" " "

l3i 1:18 Ia!)





I .

,. ,.

" "


144 145 14.0





" "






150 151 152

" "


" "

" " "


House , House House Vacant land ... House ••• Hou,se House Hou!5l~ . House House House House •.0. HeuGe House House House House House House HOllse House House House House House House

141 1.. 13!lch, Frederick Ch~s, 142'Htlsbol'row, Wm. Jno. Cabinetmalcer




House Vacant land ... House House House House . Hunse House.

Ship stewa~'d Dealel' Stereotype!' Buihlei'

Beslie,,}ohh Bcyel'$,Edwal'd Biclde, JOfleph Bicknell, Henry

I 140 I Bignell, Elizfl.beth .

". "" "


Cnrpe!lter \Varehouseman Gl'ocer Clergyman MfI,l'ilJel' Gntekeepel' Soliiiel' Carter



Civil Sel~vice Ll1until'esi:J 'reacher StOl'fl!!!Un

Engineer Fl'U i terer I Letter Cill'riel' I Agent Clll'pen tel' Engineer


lil3 'i'Blaclr. Edward 15,1 *Black. George




. 15ti


157 158 159



" " "u


. Of





"to ••

1M 155

George' JUlltaS John Joseph Robert Blnck, ltobel'!; ';'l3Illcl,man, Jacoh B1acilmore, John Blackwood, Alexand€l' HInck, Black, Black, Black, mach,

Wheel wright CUI' proprietor Mastel' mariner Cal' proprietor ll'Onmonger ContI'actor Gardener Olerk Mariner


Blnclnvood, Jnmes Blackwood. J. F,

16(l lti7 1!l8 WJ

" "


" " "

It U

.. "



" " "



.. "

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2


Blair, William Bllli!', William No Bluke, Charles Blake" Edward liD I Blakeuey, Thomas 171 Bligh, 1!'l'edel'ick 17Q 'I,Blue, 'l'homas Strachan

li3 17~


liO Iii 178

170 1':10

181 182 183 184

Boland, ~Tolm Matthew Boland, Margaret Bolger, William Bolt, Francis Bolton, Putrick B<iuneJ', Oem'ge DOUrley. Samuel n. Boosted, Charles BOI'l'owman, Grace BOM, Wrn, Bingham Booth, Stephen . .... BoAth wick, A}exandel'

Tailor IromllOn gel' :Lettc)' SOl'ter COR'!h pain tel' Di'npel' Luboutel' Bakel'


JJ'uel merchllnt Licensed victualler Paperhanger Labourer I,o,\)ol1l'el' Shipwright .I.i tl!ogl'nphoi' Account.aut

186 ';'Bott.rieH, Georgo l~u

187 IKe;

Ib9 190



Bothwell; Jllmes :nourlte, Edmund Boul'kl;'l. John



13oweo, '\Villiam Bowel', Andrew Boyd, Ao<h'ew

Boyd, David


Gas· manufuclturCl' .Lllbolll'CX'


l'ililol' L.abo1l1'{'1.'



.Mason '



.~. if.\~~

House House· House ,. House House House Vacnnt land .•• House Vacant lands Honse House House House ,'0 House House House House Houi:ie Yal'd Houi:je House House House House House HO\lse .0' House House House House Warehouse ... Houso .. , Vacant land ... House House House House Vacant land ... House House ... Vacant laud.,. House ... Home






..' .

Bird, Charics James Bil'd, Eliza. Bil'd, Sl~muel . Birnie, Geol:ge HUl'!; 13i !'l'eH, James HiI't, Jviln B'ishop, James. Bishop, John . Bisslnnd, James Black, David

No, of

Elect.oral Di~tlic;tl V()t~ to whioh aud Division. I Votel' is entitled,


----~I~'----·----~:----------------~------House l)1\:lontn.gnt3 st1'eet Arvicl's, Sarah House 1 Off Cecil S~l'ect ·Storeman Assende!', Ebenezer HOllse 18 Pulmer stl'eet . Atchinson, Elizr.beth Houge 244 Mol'llY stl'eet ';'Atldnson, John P. . Civil Service House 69. Bank stl'eet West Conti'actor 'i'AtkineOIl, Robert HOllse 84 M()l'aystrcet . House· . 88· Momy street House 2.A. Raglan pJacc3 Law clerk 8.ulten, Hemy House 115 Napier street Austin, James' House 3 Yarra street Bricklayer. Austill, WilliJtm House 13 Sel'vlce Cl'escent • Vellum binder Avery, Edwa)'d House ' 3 Off Bnnk st. West· Backhouse, Thos. Jas. Platelayel' House '19 MOI'llY iStl'ect Fuel merchant Bain, John I House •••. ' 21) Moray pillet) Blacksrnith Bain Hobert Vacant land... Moray ~tref't House 51 Little Padc. stl'eet Master mariner Bain. William House ,12 HOWeC1'6SCenL Chemist . ';'Bal\~r, Edwllra Hem}' House til) Park s6..eet Curdri vcr Bal,el', Thomas House 2 Off Dorcas at.West Monthly nurse' Baker, A. House 28 Little Park stl'eet Carpenter Bakes, Henry House 123 Napier street Baldwin, Michael, . Clerk House 42' Napier street Balfolll', James Artist House M Ynl'k street Grocer Ball, John House ••• 16Clal'endon place BlllhUll'yl~e\ ,"'iVm, John Luw clerk House 149 Cecil strevt. Bamford, Geol'ge Upholsterer House 63 Clarendon street Banks, James \\'illium Straw bleacher House t! . Hill stl'eet Banrl!tn, Ed wU1'l1 Curdri vel' House 5 Hill stl'eet Bannan, Michael CUI' proprietor House 24 Sanch'idge road Shipwl'igh't Bamgwanath, Peter House ... 41 Mal'ltet street Barber, Thorrms Law clcJ.'k House 110 MOl"ilY oltl'eet Barbier, Alphonso Cook Honse 'lQ4 Rllglan street CleJ'k Barfoot, B!.'/lCe House 88 DOl'cas street East Barfoot, U ppington Engineer House 86 DOl'cas stl'cet East Barfoot, Sarah House 7·1 Barikstl'eet 'Vest Barlow, Sarah H o u s e 3 H Dorcas street ,Yest Barnurd, James Steward House Alfred stl'eet Barnett, William Mariner . Barnett, William Vacant land... Thistlethwaite s'. House HO'NeCl'escent' ';'.Bal'rett1 James. Surgeon Vacant land... Anderson st1'eet Ronsa 20 Nimmo stl'eet Barrett,Mm'k Paiutel' House .... , 4 Napier place. Ban'ow, John 'William Engineer House Moray place BUlton, William Henryl House 91 Coventry st. East Vacant land ...,_, }l'el'rel's street Barry, Michael Gentleman Vacant land... l\iontnguestl'eet Vacant lund... Sandridge road Bassett, Elizabeth House 23 Domas stl'eetEast Dl'essmaker Baulch, Richul'd \Val'ehOllSemaIi Vacant land... Ferrel'S place 'l'uilO1'0SS Beal, M. Honse 27 Coote street Bear, Thos, Hutchings Vacant lands Cecil stl'etJt Banl,er . Cecil street Vaean t lauds *Beul', John P. Vacnnt land... Market Btl'eet West Beaucham p, .T ahn House 76 Ooventry st. East Photographer Beckel', Chal'les Labollrer House 11 Moray place Beckett, Bartholomew SUl'l'eyol' House 17 Albert road Beckman, Francis Steward HOIlse 12 Coote stroet *Bee, Jobn Builder HOlise 45 Napiel' stl'eet Begbie; Andl'ew HOllse 13 York place Engineer Begent, Charles House 1.10 York stl'cet East Muster mariner Behf:Jl1, Michael Greengrocer House 21 Covent!'y st, East Be1chel', Hichlll'd Cat'penter House 70 YOI'k street East Delchcl', William l\bl'i IJ e l' House 85 YOl'k street West Bell, Elizllbeth House Snridl'idfYo o roau Bell, Sam uel Carvel' Imd gilder House 75 Little Pltl'k street Bell; Thomas Tailur Honse Sandridge road B('1\en, Cbal'les Soldier House... 62 Little Pudc street Den~el', lVLttildll House... Draper sb'eet BClljamill, Davill GentlemanYa.CfIut lund .. , Market stref;t ";'Deujalllin, Isaiah Wine &; spil'it mel'eh" House '0, ~o Britlport "treat HQ'.!SfJ ••• 78 Cluwmdon Btl'eet Benjamin, Moses Gentleman Vacant laud Gmnt stl'e{~t , Vacant land... ·Market street '~Benji1min, Solomon VQCIll1t land Ferrel'S street VacIHl t lalld... Purl, street 'Yest Bennett, Hichanlson Engineer House 89 Napier street Bently, James Francis Cordial manufacture!' Houfie "0 1 Alfred place . l~elltley, Fmnk 80 Dorcus street· Eilst Hail way portel' Benson, Andrew PhotogA'aphel' . 8Q l!'el'l'€rs stl'eet 1~0Bsoll, Thomas MUI'bl0t' 116 Ooventry I)t. East



37 Cobden street Emerald 52 Park stl'eet West Olnt'endon street " 209 Moray street Off Napier stl'eet O'Gorman place ,." Off Moray street Mont.aguest. North " Sandridge road " 3 Raimoral place " 89 Cecilstl'eet 6 Bank street \Yest " 107 Yot'lc street " Ross street 242 MOl'ay street Andorson stl'eet 118 Dorcas street East " .108 Raglan street " Eastern l'oad " EasterIl road ,." 61 Clarendon stl'eet. 'S Off Clll.l'endon st. 157 Cecil' street " . 5 Nimmo street " 69 Cecil street, " 156 Cllll'endoll' street " 29 U uion street 81 Cecil street " 3 Yarra place " 188 Moray street " .~)6 Nfl pier stl'eet " 35 Bank street East " 42 Park street West " 6Q' Montugne st.rest " Yor!, street Eust . 70 Dorcas street 32 Gl'al1t street " Off' Dorcas stl'eet "", Cecil place Sou th :201 Cecil street " Vincent place S. " ,11 Montague street " Little York street " Little YQl'k st, E. 83 Bank street J~ust " Hotham street " 2 Hotham street 7 Union street 89 Rflglun street Park street East " 14 Covent.I'y place 37 Dol'COS stl'eet 'Vest, " {) Off Bank st, East l " Mal'lwt street " 8,1 Clarendon street I " Cecil street " 159 Cecil street " 17 ,t Moray st.l'eet I' 03 Do!'cas street It 13 Little Park street " 69 Dorcas street East! " Sllwh'idge road I " Moray placo 6 Bl'idpol't street " 60 Montagne street " 6 Victoria place . " 10 Dorcas stl'(~et West



.. ..

" "










YUl'l'Ii hallk

() 22 114 US



Sandridge road Huig street rl'histlethwaite st, Pat.terson place IJittle York .street Coventry at. East l?f.Jl'I'el's street Cobden street Yarra bank YO!'" stl'eetWest Chu;endon nlil(!p (:U'\.·t"l rl'''~ '. t "''''\it .'. ;. \. ',' '" - ' ..

" "

1 1 l' 1


" ,I "

" " "


1 1




.," ::1-




" "



1 1



" " • " "




" "

" " " "




" " "



.." " "

" "

" 'I

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1·




1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1




1 1 1 1 1 1




-----195 UB

Boyd, John 1.\av elle1' Boyes, William Stewn.l'd Hl7 Boy kett, CI13,l'les Architect· 198 Bmcken. James Ul{l Brabham, Frederick 200 Bmdy, William . :J01 Brady, William, John :::Bmrm, John BrasnelI, William Bray, ,John Bray, Thomas Hm.y, William Brian, Jame.s B ,'iggs, Fl'etlerick Briggs, Geol'ge , Bl'imms, Alexander. Brithnd, Jqseph Bdtton, ~Toh~l ':"Broderick, Edmund Brodie, Bl'id~ei; Dl'ock, Robert Brocl,ie, Ellen Brookes, James Bl'ookes, James Brookman, Arabella, BI'oaks, Ann Brotherton, H.enry Brown, Alexander Brown, Chal;les Brow~ Oharles Brown, Duncan Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Emma Brown, Geol'ge 'l:Browl1, Hugh .Junor B,'own, James Brown, .Tames Brown, JamesBrown; J~n'e *Brown, John Brown, John Brown, ,John Brown, ,John Brown, John Brown, ;John Brown, Samuel Brown, Sltm,uel Brown, Walter Bl'OWll, William Brown, 'William Brown, 'Villiam ]!'l'edk. Soldier Brownlie, Alexander Stoker 218 Bmce, J·ames StolHW !J4ll Bl'Uce, William Mason 250 Bl'Uce, 'WIll. G. M'Crea Merchant


Bl'tll1ting, Owen Brusher, 'l'homas


Bucirde, William H.


Bu;::hanrm, Andl'cw

" " ,'). . va

250 257 258 25U ~tlO

201 2Ij~~

20:3 ~1I·i



Dutcher Tailor Ch'il Service


Description and SitWltioll of Rateable Property.

Electoral District and Division.

1House House StOl'eroom Vacant lands Vacant land VaCIl.IJt iands Vacant land ... Vacant Ja,nll ... Vaoant land ... Vacant land .•. Vncnn t lands Vacant lands House House Hon::e






OF E ~fI.UR.t\LI) HILL.. ·

House House House House House House Honse House House Vacant. land ... House House House House Honse House House House House V\'orbhop House House HOllse House House House House House House House aIld bank House and bank House House ... Vacant land ... House House House House House House Hou,:;e House House Honse House· HOllse Honse House House House Honse House House


QRl 282 283 284

... ...


286 287 288 289


t.-. llle


House House House Hoiu;e House HOllse House House House Vacant land ... House House Vacant land ••• Vacant land ... HOllse Vile/lilt lund ... House House ... Vacllnt.lund.:. Honse ... I House ... i House HOl18e -'" . House House House Homid , I HOilSH ,



61 55 I·





85 4






1 House HOllso


House House

fio usc ilouse ' ,




24 57



House Honse House House House· Yard House.







St. Vincent place. 116 Clarendon street 8 Charles street Alfred street BJ'oolre stl'ect 13uckhurst street Dundlls place Eville plaoe Ferrel'S street Gardner place St. Vincent place 'Thistlethwaite st, 2 Cecil place North Oecil street 67 York street West 79 Napier s~rcet 129 LittleRagl an street Albert road 27 Bridport street 19 Hotham street Dmpel' street

2 1 186 108

Oft' Grant street


" " "

.." " "

." " "


" " " " "

,"" "




" " " ."


Palmer street " I, Moray street " Moray street " Nelson mad " " 4 Off Clarendon st. " 124 Park street West " " 34 DOI'CI1S street West " " 99 York street " " Yarra bank " " 101 Bank street West " ,; "" 140 Moray st.reet Napiel' street " " 79 Coventry st. East " " Moray street f) Alfred place " " " 78! Co\'entry st. East " " 70 Raglan street " 16 Raglan street " " " 72 Dorcas street East " IOO Bl'idport street " " " 14 John street " 24 Cobden street " " " 16 Pllttel'SOn place " " " Covelltl'Y st. East " " 114 Clarendon street " 14 Service crescent " " " Brooke stl'eet Brooke street " " 49 MIlI'ket street " " " Pat'k street West " 14 Bunk street East " " 14 Hank street East " " " tl Victoria cottages " " 13 De,'onshirecottages " " 8 Clarendon place " N apiel' street " 15 Pattcl'soll place " " ". " Eastern road " 16 Little ],lark street " " 98 Montague sb'eet " 99 Moray street " " " Sandddge road " 2 Napier place " " " Stead street " " Sl1ndl'iuge 1'ond " 60 Off Dol'cl.!s st. West " " " Yarra. ballk " 88 F /11'I'e1'e stroet " " " ,Ferrel's s treat " 106 Nnnier stroet, " " " Park street Eflst "

1 1 1



1 1 1

1 1



1 1 1


1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 3 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1



17 G.ardner stl'e.0t 12 Eville stl'e.et Yarra 111m k 137 Raglnn street 180 lhwhm street .0 29 YlllTa street 1 Nnpiel' place II

" " " "





1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1


l' 1




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