CALENDAR M a r c h t o D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 3
NG & d e v e l o p m e n t
LEARN . DEVELOP. GRO W. Questions? You can contact your Learning and Development team on EXT 833 or via email: Helpdesk-Learning & Development city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
Update your skills and prepare for new opportunities 2013 Learning and Development
Expansive selection of learning opportunities Innovative programs delivered by a new panel of training providers and in-house experts
The learning and development calendar has been created with consideration of the data extracted from staff performance plans. It incorporates skills across nine learning areas. In addition, Port Phillip offers development opportunities to pursue leadership, gain technical skills and undertake accredited studies.You can find more information in this calendar and on the intranet.
Employees > Learning & Development
Contents CALENDAR LEARNING AREAS 4 Communication 5 Technology 7 Planning and Organising 8
Working Together
9 Personal Effectiveness 10 Community and Culture 11 OH&S and Wellbeing 12 Compliance 13 Internal - CoPP Knowledge and Systems
Questions? You can contact your Learning and Development team on EXT 833 or via email: Helpdesk-Learning&Development
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
C o m mun ic at i o n BUSINESS WRITING SK ILLS
The first impression many people have of us is from our written correspondence – whether it is an email, report or letter. Learn how to avoid common grammatical errors and write clearly, using appropriate style and tone to engage your reader. The course has been designed using the CoPP style guide and templates.
We all need to influence and persuade from time to time. This can be an extremely stressful activity, but it doesn’t have to be.You can quickly improve your ability to influence others. This workshop will provide you with the understanding and practical processes/tools needed to manage a wide range of influencing situations. By increasing your confidence, you will improve your effectiveness. This will enable you to participate in important decision making processes, build strong ongoing relationships, tailor and articulate key messages and adapt to different environments and personalities.
Course dates: Fri 3 May Thu 3 October
9 am – 4.30 pm 9 am – 4.30 pm
WRITE REPORTS AND PROPOSALS Do you produce reports, briefs, and proposals? Would you like to improve your skills and learn new techniques? Reports and proposals have their own set of writing rules. They need to be structured in a logical way to convey the message and information clearly. This course provides an overview and practical examples on how to present information effectively. Course date: Tue 27 August
9 am – 4.30 pm
FACILITATION SK ILLS Facilitation concerns itself with all the tasks needed to run productive and impartial meetings. The role of the facilitator is to serve the needs of the group who are meeting with a common purpose, whether it be making a decision, solving a problem, or simply exchanging ideas and information. This workshop will cover the key aspects and principles of effective facilitation at the City of Port Phillip. The main outcomes of the workshop include exploring the role of the facilitator, understanding and developing the skills to capture the attention of the group, managing the expectations of the group and creating an environment which encourages a culture of respect, empowerment and safety for all participants. Course dates: Thu 23 May Thu 17 October
9 am – 4.30 pm 9 am – 4.30 pm
Course date: Tue 30 April
9 am – 4.30 pm
NEGOTIATION SKILLS Negotiation is something we do every day, whether it be with a co-worker, family member or customer. The trouble is that most people haven’t been trained in negotiation tools, techniques and processes. As a result the negotiating process can be a daunting exercise. This workshop will provide participants with a series of tried and proven techniques to assist them with small and large scale negotiations. Importantly the workshop will also build the confidence of those attending to deal with some of the more tricky situations they may face. Course date: Wed 18 September
9 am – 4.30 pm
EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS It is not always ideas that are accepted or rejected, as much as the way they are presented. Presentation content needs to be very well organised. Any idea, proposal, or initiative can be presented in ways that will maximise the chance of acceptance. In this workshop you will learn and practice the skills required to maximise the chance of your ideas or proposals being favourably received. Course dates: Thu 9 May Wed 2 October
9 am – 4.30 pm 9 am – 4.30 pm
Technology WINDOW S 7 2 010 OFFICE This course aims to familiarise participants with some of the new features in Windows 7 and the common features built into the Microsoft Office 2010 suite whilst demonstrating some of the new, key features specific to Word 2010, Outlook 2010 and Excel 2010. This will include hands on exercises. Course dates: Thu 18 April 1.30 pm – 5 pm Thu 8 August 1.30 pm – 5 pm
EX CEL INTERMEDIATE FORMULAS AND FUNCTIONS This course aims to provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to manage data and solve problems using functions and formulas. At the end of this course you will be more confident in analysing data and applying formulas. You will know how to link cells across workbooks, and use Excel’s error handling features. Course dates: Tue 23 April 9 am – 4.30 pm Tue 24 September 9 am – 4.30 pm
This Outlook course introduces you to some of the more advanced features that you might not think about using on a day-to-day basis.You will learn how to customise the Outlook environment which includes setting rules, working with calendar, notes, contacts and journal folders and using alternate email methods. Efficiency begins with Outlook.
Course dates: Thu 18 April 9 am – 12.30 pm Thu 8 August 9 am – 12.30 pm
Course date: Tue 14 May 9 am – 4.30 pm
WORD ESSENTIALS Do you sometimes wonder if there's not a simpler way of doing things? Revisit the basics of Word, including creating, editing and enhancing the look of documents and setting properties and key board shortcuts. Course date: Wed 5 June 9 am – 12.30 pm
E X CEL ESSENTIALS Take the pain out of spreadsheets and learn how to navigate screen elements such as toolbars, pull down menus and the status bar. Create and manipulate simple worksheets and learn the basics of working with formulas. At last, spreadsheets made easy!
This course allows you to develop skills and knowledge for creating and working with long documents. Key areas include customising styles, developing building blocks to save time, working with templates, page orientations and sections breaks.
WORD ADVANCED COLLABORATING AND CUSTOMISING This course aims to show you how to use the more advanced functionality in Word 2007/2010 to collaborate with others, automate document creation, protect and secure documents and create forms. By course completion you will be able to save time by inserting Word fields to automate document content and tasks, design forms to control content in a document and protect content in documents by restricting formatting and editing by other users. Course dates: Thu 10 October 9 am – 4.30 pm
Course date: Wed 5 June 1.30 pm – 5 pm
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
This MS Project Essentials course provides the tools you need to manage workplace projects.You will need an understanding of basic project management principles and access to the software application on your work computer. Topics include planning tasks and milestones, setting up task relationships including lag and lead times, understanding critical path and slack, applying constraints, resource management, saving a baseline plan and tracking project progress.
Learn how to use powerful tools to make designing and creating a good publication simple. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to create attractive, well structured documents such as newsletters or flyers. Just make sure that you have Publisher software available on your PC!
Course dates: Thu 7 March Tue 3 September
9 am – 4.30 pm 9 am – 4.30 pm
PRO J ECT ADVANCED Refine your knowledge of some of the more advanced features of MS Project. Learn how to build custom filters and tables and create specific views for the project plan on which you are working. Gain a greater understanding of the methodologies used in MS Project for resource allocation, such as effort driven and fixed duration scheduling, Work with multiple projects each of which draws its resources from a common resource pool.You will need an understanding of basic project management principles and access to the software application on your work computer. Course date: Tue 9 July
9 am - 4.30 pm
Course date: Wed 20 November
9 am - 4.30 pm
POWERPOINT ESSENTIALS Learn how to wow an audience with presentations you can create in PowerPoint. This course aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills to use MS PowerPoint to create effective and impactful presentations. Course dates: Tue 21 May Fri 25 October
9 am - 4.30 pm 9 am - 4.30 pm
Planning and Organisation STRATEGIC THIN K ING AND DECISION MAK ING Strategic thinking underpins all strategic plans and is the process by which strategy is developed. It is, quite simply, a way of thinking. It involves questioning before doing, analysing before deciding and thinking before acting. This course is designed to help you to become better at strategic thinking in your work. It will give you an easy Strategic Thinking Framework which can be applied in different circumstances. Course date: Thu 25 July 9 am - 4.30 pm
PRACTICAL PRO JECT MANAGEMENT This two day program will challenge your current project management thinking.You will develop an awareness of the need to undertake projects with greater rigour to ensure more effective outcomes. This course has been built to incorporate an accredited diploma unit: BSBPMG510A: Manage Projects. Upon completion participants will receive a statement of attainment. Participants must be available to attend both dates. There will be pre-course reading. Course dates: Fri 2 August Thu 29 August
9 am - 4.30 pm 9 am - 4.30 pm
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
In this workshop you will gain an understanding of Emotional Intelligence and how to apply this knowledge in the workplace to build better relationships with all stakeholders. Workshop activities will offer insight into how to develop skills such as self awareness, empathy, reasoning and managing your own and others’ feelings. This course is suitable for anyone interested in enhancing their interpersonal skills, leading to more constructive working relationships. Course date: Thu 14 November 9 am - 4.30 pm
Why values aren’t enough This program provides an opportunity to engage leaders in reflecting on ethical considerations.You will work through case studies on ethical failures, explore integrity, ethical dilemmas and decision making tests. You will have an opportunity to discuss the traits of the moral manager and the moral employee as well as look toward aligning behaviours with workplace values and culture.
COACHING S K ILLS Why coach? Personal and professional development is greatly enhanced when you receive coaching from a person with the experience and expertise to steer you in the right direction. Through discussion and practical application this program will provide you with an opportunity to explore and develop skills in coaching and goal setting.You will look at different models and integrate action planning. Course date: Tue 20 August
9 am - 4.30 pm
COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS Everyone needs to have challenging conversations sometimes. This program provides skills and strategies on how to confidently tackle difficult conversations, understand individual communication styles and adopt strategies to produce positive outcomes. This interactive program will provide an environment to discuss how to manage difficult conversations up, down and sideways.You will look at the importance of self-awareness and emotional management and you will explore barriers to holding a difficult conversation. Course date: Thu 21 November
9 am - 4.30 pm
Course date: Thu 12 September
9 am - 4.30 pm
MANAGE STAFF PERFORMANCE – THE ONGOING CONVERSATION Effective performance management requires discussion, feedback and coaching. This course will look at techniques that will help you to lead, motivate and evaluate your team by recognising and understanding the causes of good and poor performance. You will work through scenarios around handling difficult career discussions, communication and feedback. The intent of this program is to enhance your coaching, development and support skills so that you have the confidence to manage all levels of performance. Course date: Thu 6 June
9 am - 4.30 pm
Personal Effectiveness PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY
Would you like to become more proficient at managing and juggling multiple tasks? Would you like to learn some strategies which will enable you to set and achieve goals within time frames? Reclaim your work/life balance.Yes, time can be on your side.
Position yourself as an active participant in your career choices and planning. Most of us spend more time thinking about our preference in relation to coffee than we do matching ourselves to jobs and careers that suit us! This workshop will provide you with an opportunity to think about three important areas of matching yourself to a role: personality, skills and abilities and motivation and values. By exploring these three areas, you can explore your ‘job sweet spot’ and have a general mechanism for appraising where you are now and what you would like your next career step to be. Course date: Fri 14 June 9 am - 4.30 pm
Course date: Wed 17 April
9 am - 4.30 pm
PRODUCTIVITY W ITH OUTLOOK At the end of this workshop, you will be able to fully utilise the powerful features within Microsoft Outlook.You will learn how to develop systems for organising and accessing information, you will become more proficient at using your calendar as a planning tool, and you will be shown how to automate many tasks to save valuable time.You will improve your personal productivity. Course date: Thu 26 September
9 am - 12.30 pm
BUILDING RESILIENCE Workplaces are becoming more complex and fast-paced. The demands placed in the information age mean that people need to develop greater capacity to focus on what is important without becoming overwhelmed by the task at hand. The solution to this is to develop people’s capacity to be resilient. Resilient means you are able to focus on the task at hand, make clear and effective decisions, have the stamina to work long hours when required, integrate work and life effectively and sustain energy over time. Learn practical tools and techniques to understand and manage the various dimensions of resilience. Course date: Wed 19 June
9 am - 4.30 pm
NETWOR KING SKILLS Networking is a skill, which can be used effectively to build relationships and create new business opportunities. It is a powerful way to establish strategic intent and opens the door to new ideas and opportunities. The main aim of the program is to enable participants to network effectively, to develop useful business and professional relationships and to project a positive personal image. In this workshop you will develop the skills to make and grow your connections, providing you with the leverage you need to achieve goals. Course date: Thu 2 May
9 am - 4.30 pm
POSITIONING SMART Do you feel ready for a change of career direction? Would you like a new position? All too often we fall into the trap of assuming that internal applicants have a greater advantage. However it is very important to treat this process the same as any other, as it is a competitive process. Preparation is key to securing your next role. This course will give you all the tips and tricks to help you secure your next move! Course dates: Tue 16 April Wed 13 November
1.30 pm - 5 pm 9 am - 12.30 pm
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
Community and Culture WAL K ING COUNTRY: INDIGENOUS CULTURAL WALK IN PORT PHILLIP The City of Port Phillip council acknowledges that Indigenous Australians were the first people of this land and have survived European settlement for more than two centuries. This cultural walk will introduce you to Port Phillip’s early settlement history through significant sites and landmarks located within the municipality. Through understanding the diversities in Australia between landscape and people, you will develop awareness, a sense of belonging and a sense of place. The tour takes approximately 1.45 - 2.00 hours Course dates: Fri 17 May Tue 10 December
9.45 am - 12.30 pm 9.45 am - 12.30 pm
UNDERSTANDING HOMELESSNESS How did I get here? On any given night in Australia 105,000 people are homeless, and nearly half of these people are under 25. In light of these statistics, it’s no wonder more people are beginning to ask how big is the problem and what is being done about it? This session will provide you with an insight into the experience of homelessness, how people become homeless and why people sleep in local parks and in their cars.You will also have the opportunity to talk directly with people who have experienced homelessness, and ask some questions that you may never have had the opportunity to before. Course date: Thu 16 Juy
12.30 pm - 2 pm
JEWISH CULTURE Conducted at the Jewish Museum, this program will provide an insight into the Jewish Culture. The program includes a history of Jews in Australia, the Jewish Religion beliefs, Jewish Religious Holy Days – what they mean, food, the laws of Kashrut (kosher) and the beliefs behind it. You will have many opportunities to discuss Jewish taboos and customs with the local Rabbi. Course date: Wed 4 December
9.45 am - 1.15 pm
UNDERSTANDING LOCAL GOVERNMENT Philip Shanahan, former Local Government CEO, brings a wealth of experience, anecdotes and fun to this session. Philip will take you through the interesting history of the birth of Australian government from the three tiers of its inception. You will discuss the concept of ‘good governance’, examine the decision making process and explore some challenging scenarios regarding ethical behaviour and relationships. Course dates: Fri 19 July Fri 22 November
9.30 am - 4.30 pm 9.30 am - 4.30 pm
OH&S and Wellbeing APPLY FIRST AID
Feel confident to provide fundamental first aid assistance in a life threatening emergency. Level 2 First Aid (HLTFA301B Apply First Aid) is an accredited and comprehensive first aid course. To be accredited with this course you must undertake the CPR component as well. This course is available to all staff and in particular those staff who require a current first aid certificate as part of their job role. (Note, some pre course work will be required prior to attending the practical one day workshop)
(All staff program) With 45% of Australians experiencing a mental health problem in their lifetime, and 20% affected every year by conditions such as anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, it is likely that at some point, all workers will be impacted, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, it pays to know how to respond effectively. By the close of this course you will have an increased understanding and confidence in responding to mental health.
Course dates: Fri 12 July Fri 6 December
Course date: Wed 3 July
9 am - 5 pm 9 am - 5 pm
CPR Learn how to deliver rescue breathing and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) You can be someone’s life support until the ambulance arrives! Feel confident to provide fundamental first aid assistance in a life-threatening emergency. Learn how to deliver rescue breathing and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to an unconscious person. Course dates: Fri 12 July Fri 6 December
9 am - 12 pm
9 am - 12 pm 9 am - 12 pm
(Supervisor program) It is estimated that one in ten people are living with mental health issues. Consequently, there are people in most workplaces who have some form of mental health issue or illness. For anyone leading or managing a team, this can be a challenging situation to address when you don't have the information and skills needed to support staff. This workshop provides information and a practical approach to common mental health issues.You will work through scenarios and develop strategies on how to effectively and appropriately manage mental health within the workplace. Course date: Thu 15 August
9 am - 12 pm
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
Compliance E QUAL OPPORTUNITY (EO ) AWARENESS – ALL STAFF The City of Port Phillip has an on-going commitment of a work environment free of discrimination, harassment and bullying. All staff must attend an EO session when commencing their employment at the CoPP and once every two years there after. This comprehensive training program on Equal Opportunity Awareness (bullying, discrimination and harassment) ensures all staff are have an understanding of the CoPP’s EO policy, latest legal developments and clarity about rights and responsibilities. Course dates: Fri 22 March Wed 25 June Tues 10 September Tues 26 November
9.30 am - 12 pm 2 pm - 4.30 pm 9.30 am - 12 pm 9.30 am - 12 pm
E QUAL OPPORTUNITY (EO ) AWARENESS – SUPERVISORS The City of Port Phillip has an on-going commitment of a work environment free of discrimination, harassment and bullying. The aim of this program is to ensure all CoPP Leaders have up to date information and an understanding around all aspects of EO, CoPP's EO policy and their responsibilities as leaders at CoPP. Course dates: Thurs 16 May Tues 10 September
9 am - 12 pm 1.30 pm - 4.30 pm
PRIVACY TRAINING It is imperative that all staff understand the requirements of the 'Information Privacy Act', therefore attendance at this training session is essential to ensure you are complying with the legislation in your day to day work. In this program you will discuss information privacy, privacy laws, and the Privacy Act. Course dates: Fri 8 March Wed 3 July Wed 2 October
10 am - 12 pm 10 am - 12 pm 10 am - 12 pm
INTERNAL – CoPP Knowledge and Systems HR RECRUIT SMART
We strongly recommend staff with recruitment responsibilities attend this course. CoPP is changing its approach to recruiting. We have created a new suite of recruitment tools to ensure that we get only the best people onboard. This course will give you all the tips and tricks to recruit like a professional! You will gain skills in short-listing, phone interviewing techniques, tips on how to evaluate resumes and selection criteria.
We strongly recommend anyone that is involved in the induction process attend this course.You will learn the skills to ensure that your appointments are durable and employees are engaged and productive. Effective inductions mean you provide information, guidance and support to new employees to enable them to adjust to a new environment and begin productive, meaningful work as quickly as possible.
Course dates: Thu 7 March Wed 10 July Tue 8 October
Course dates: Tue 19 March Tue 30 July Wed 23 October
1. 30 - 5 pm 9 am - 12.30 pm 9 am - 12.30 pm
1. 30 - 5 pm 1. 30 - 5 pm 9 am - 12.30 pm
We strongly recommend staff with interview responsibilities attend this course. The interview process is an opportunity to judge and evaluate the 'best fit' approach to candidate selection. However we want to make sure we are putting our best foot forward too, as it also is an opportunity for the candidate to judge and evaluate us. In this course you will gain skills in behavioural interviewing – question selection and practice. Learn how to recognise behaviour and temperament traits, identify transferrable skills and effectively conduct reference checks.
We strongly recommend coordinators, team leaders and supervisors attend this course. Discussions and requests around HR issues can sometimes be difficult. We need to advocate on behalf of the organisation, but also be flexible and support employees. This course will deal with issues surrounding performance management, flexibility and how to best handle these conversations, and other sensitive issues.
Course dates: Wed 13 March Wed 24 July Tue 15 October
9 am - 12.30 pm 9 am - 12.30 pm 9 am - 12.30 pm
Course dates: Wed 27 March Wed 12 June Wed 11 September Wed 19 November
9 am - 12.30 pm 9 am - 12.30 pm 9 am - 12.30 pm 1. 30 - 5 pm
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
INTERNAL – CoPP Knowledge and Systems HR MASTERCLASS - MANAGERS We strongly recommend managers attend this course. Discussions and requests around HR issues can sometimes be difficult. We need to advocate on behalf of the organisation, but also be flexible and support employees. This course will deal with issues surrounding performance management, flexibility and how to best handle these conversations, and other sensitive issues. Course dates: Thu 11 April 9 am - 12.30 pm Thu 26 September 1. 30 - 5 pm
C oPP STYLE GUIDE A consistent style helps to unify us and strengthen our reputation. Are you involved in creating promotional material, using external printers and designers, managing web pages or running events? You will walk away from this session with a greater understanding of the application of the City of Port Phillip Style Guide; this includes use of templates, CoPP logo, corporate fonts and colours, design and layout style, general writing guidance, accessibility in communications,and photography. All staff would benefit from attending this training. Course dates: Thu 7 March 9.30 am - 11.30 am Tue 4 June 10.30 am - 12.30 pm Tue 6 August 2 pm - 4 pm Thu 28 November 2 pm - 4 pm
CONVERSATIONS ON GOOD GOVERNANCE This session will give staff greater insight into functions of Good Governance at the City of Port Phillip from both a cultural and legislative perspective. Our Governance team will lead discussions on good governance staff obligations, good decision making, roles and responsibilities. All staff would benefit from attending this training. Course dates: Tue 19 March 10 am - 11.30 am Tue 25 June 10 am - 11.30 am Tue 6 August 10 am - 11.30 am Tue 19 November 10 am - 11.30 am
INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Does your role include managing projects requiring consultation with external stakeholders, including community members, media and local activist groups? This session will introduce you to CoPP’s approach to community engagement. It is an opportunity for you to make contact with the Communications and Engagement team, ask questions, hear from others, and become familiar with the online toolkit and other resources that will help planning and delivering of better community engagement activities for your projects. Course dates: Tue 16 April 10 am - 12 pm Tue 17 September 10.30 am - 12.30 pm
FINANCE - HOW EVERYTHING LINK S TOGETHER: SYSTEMS & PROCESS This program will provide you with an overview of Council’s financial systems and how they all link together. By the end of this program you will have an increased understanding about the importance of accuracy when raising purchase orders and managing budget expectations. Course dates: Tue 4 June 9 am - 10 am Tue 17 September 9 am - 10 am
TENDER EVALUATION PANEL TRAINING Do you understand what your obligations are when sitting on a tender panel? This practical and scenario based session focuses on the different phases of the tender process, whilst highlighting the key responsibilities of being a member of a tender panel. Course dates: Tue 5 March 9 am - 10.30 am Wed 10 April 9 am - 10.30 am Wed 8 May 9 am - 10.30 am Thu 20 June 9 am - 10.30 am Tue 16 July 9 am - 10.30 am Wed 14 August 9 am - 10.30 am Thu 19 September 9 am - 10.30 am Wed 9 October 9 am - 10.30 am Thu 7 November 9 am - 10.30 am Wed 11 December 9 am - 10.30 am
PROCUREMENT PURCHASING SCENARIOS Do you use computron? This session is compulsory for anyone raising, or approving purchase orders. The objective of this session is to increase your understanding of the CoPP Contracts and Procurement Policy. The procurement training session has been developed to complement the Computron systems training. Course dates: Tue 5 March 10.30 am - 12 pm Wed 10 April 10.30 am - 12 pm Wed 8 May 10.30 am - 12 pm Thu 20 June 10.30 am - 12 pm Tue 16 July 10.30 am - 12 pm Wed 14 August 10.30 am - 12 pm Thu 19 September 10.30 am - 12 pm Wed 9 October 10.30 am - 12 pm Thu 7 November 10.30 am - 12 pm Wed 11 December 10.30 am - 12 pm
TRIM TRIM is the Records and Document Management System used at CoPP. This training session will introduce you to the basic functions of TRIM for efficiently managing all your daily files and documentation.You will learn how to find and save work, taking the headaches out of everyday document management. Course dates: Thu 11 April 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm Thu 20 June 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm Thu 19 September 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm Thu 7 November 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm
DE K HO NE W USER Dekho New User training will introduce you to some basic functions within the GIS software. Topics include toolbar functions, navigating around the map, searching for an address or other location, modifying the display, linking to additional data sources and printing maps. Course dates: Wed 13 March 1 pm - 2.30 pm Wed 10 April 1 pm - 2.30 pm Wed 8 May 1 pm - 2.30 pm Wed 12 June 1 pm - 2.30 pm Wed 10 July 1 pm - 2.30 pm Wed 14 August 1 pm - 2.30 pm Wed 11 September 1 pm - 2.30 pm Wed 9 October 1 pm - 2.30 pm Wed 13 November 1 pm - 2.30 pm Wed 11 December 1 pm - 2.30 pm
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
Additional Learning Opportunities Leadership Technical Skills Studies Assistance 16
Leadership The City of Port Phillip aims to develop leaders and teams who can drive organisational culture as well as motivate employees and teams to achieve their goals. We provide our current and emerging managers and leaders with a series of development opportunities to assist them on their leadership journey. The following streamlined approach accommodates the learning needs of our aspiring/future leaders through to our experienced leaders. A suite of leadership learning experiences and opportunities is offered that can enhance the career path for our future leaders, develop our current leaders and align leadership capabilities with CoPP leadership expectations.
LEVEL ONE This level may be of interest to staff who aspire to a supervisory or management role i.e. team leader or co-ordinator.
C e rt i f i c ate IV in Fron t Lin e Management This certificate course will apply to staff who are the first line of management and may have existing qualifications and technical skills in their vocation or profession. They require skills or recognition in supervisory functions and want to build their capabilities in leading and ensuring their teams are functioning and achieving work outcomes. Typically these staff would report to a Co-ordinator. This course of study will be run subject to interest from the organisation.
LGP ro – I g n i t e Prog r a m This program develops the competencies for people to transition into the managing/leadership role by focussing on key development areas critical to a career path in local government. This program will suit those staff that have limited experience in managing and leading people and typically would report to a Team Leader or Co-ordinator. Subject to internal approval by Departmental Managers and application to LGPro. For more information click onto the LGPro link
LGMA M a n ag ement Ch a l l en g e This challenge event is an opportunity for our aspiring leaders to stretch their knowledge, skills and comfort zones in a number of areas such as team playing, self assessment, presentation and innovation, all based on a local government context in a team of 5/6 CoPP employees. It involves considerable preparatory work, the submission of a project and a one day event where the team competes against other Victorian councils to deal with a range of scenarios. The event is run in March each year and expressions of interest via application are sought in December to enable preparation and registration. Qualifications are not required for this activity however a passion for self learning and a commitment to their own career development is expected from these participants.
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
Leadership LEVEL T WO This level may be of interest to staff who are currently working in a supervisory/management or leadership role.
D i p l om a of Ma n ag em en t This accredited course has been tailored to include modules most useful to local government and features subject matter experts from our own pool of experienced staff. The pathway to this qualification is the Certificate IV Frontline Management or similar qualification. Typically these staff would report to a Manager. This course of study will be run subject to interest from the organisation.
LGP ro – E m e rg in g Lea der s Program This program focuses on leadership experiences and activities designed to develop and inspire local government emerging leaders. This program will suit staff who are current leaders, aspire to a leadership position or leadership in a specific area of local government. Subject to internal approval by Departmental and General Managers and application to LGPro. For more information click on to the LGPro link
C i t y of P ort Ph il l ip Lea der sh ip Pro gram ( CLP) This program provides current and emerging leaders with a unique opportunity to focus on and develop their leadership skills and knowledge in a CoPP specific interactive 8 month program.This program will suit staff who are current leaders or demonstrate leadership attributes. Subject to internal application and approval by Departmental and General Managers.
C oac hi n g Coaching is offered to achieve specific outcomes or broad development. It assists with the growth of leadership skills, improving relationships and building confidence in leaders to manage their teams and their own development. Coaching must approved by departmental Managers and/or General Managers.
M e n tor i n g Mentoring is an informal program available to leaders and potential leaders. There are experienced mentors within the organisation who offer their time to mentor staff. For those interested in being mentored discuss options with your supervisor.
LEVEL 3 LGP ro - M a s t er ing Ma n ag em ent Pro gram This program aims to build the capacity and confidence of local government Managers by improving their managerial competencies. For those staff who are both new and experienced managers. For more information click onto the LGPro link Subject to internal approval by Departmental and General Managers and application to LGPro.
LGP ro - Ex e c ut iv e Lea der sh ip Pro gram This program is designed to equip and support executives in Local Government, including Chief Executive Officers, General Managers, Senior Managers and aspiring executives to expand and develop their skills and knowledge to assist them to become confident and capable leaders in the Local Government sector. Subject to internal approval and application to LGPro. For more information click on to the LGPro link
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
Technical Skills T ec h n i c a l Skil l s t r a ining The information on this page has been designed to assist you when considering and applying for training outside of the learning and development calendar. All learning and development initiatives will reflect organisational priorities, while meeting the Council’s key objectives, Council Plan, departmental plans and individual work plans. Technical skills refers to the skills required for the accomplishment of a specific task.
Ap p l i c ati o n process 1. All applications must be approved by the employee’s supervisor. 2. The online application form is to be completed including attachments and submitted to Learning and Development. Refer to the intranet page: Employees>learning and development>technical skills 3. After reviewing the application Learning and Development will approve or seek further information. 4. The employee and their supervisor will receive an email from Learning and Development approving/ responding to the application.
F u rt h e r E n q uir ies If you have any additional questions or require more clarification, please contact Leanne Pentland, Learning and Organisational Development Coordinator.
Studies Assistance P o li c y P u r pose To provide City of Port Phillip (CoPP) employees with the opportunity to further their education and the contribution they make to the organisation.
P ur pos e o f S t udies Assista nce Studies assistance is one component of employee learning and development which aims to provide an incentive to employees to pursue further accredited studies. CoPP may provide studies assistance to: • enable employees to upgrade their work skills and knowledge; • assist employees to develop new skills and knowledge which is directly related to their work/career; • enable employees to participate in further study not necessarily related to their current role but supporting their professional & personal development.
E li g i b i l i ty Permanent full-time or part time employees are eligible to apply for studies assistance. Casual and temporary employees are not eligible for studies assistance. Employees are not entitled to paid study leave when they are on annual or another form of leave.
F u rt h e r i n f o r m at ion Can be found on the intranet: Employees>Learning&Development>Studies Assistance
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
Course Registrations EPOD All permanent employees will be able to apply for the sessions on the Learning and Development Calendar via E-POD.
How to apply for cour ses • Refer to the helpcard (on the right-hand side) for the step-by-step process of applying for courses in EPOD • Refer to intranet at Employees>Learning&Dev>ApplyForTraining Log on to E-Pod via your ZENworks window
Cancellation Policy L e ar n i n g a n d Dev el opm en t C anc ellatio n Po lic y 48 hours notification is required if you can not attend a training course. Failure to do may result in a cancellation fee being charged to your department to cover the cost of the training place. If you are unable to attend training, you can nominate another employee to attend in your place. Need further help? Contact Learning and Development via Helpdesk-Learning&Development or ext 833.
city o f po rt ph i ll i p l e ar n i n g a n d d e v e l o p ment CALENDAR Ma r ch – December 2013
Enquiries Organis atio n Develo pment and Learning Team Located at: Pod 7, level 2, St Kilda Town Hall Contact EXT 833 helpdesk-learning&development
Leanne Pent land Coordinator Organisation Development and Learning 9209 6401
Rebecca Swann Learning and Development Officer 9209 6833