REFERENCE GROUP: CHECKING IN ON OUR PROGRESS The South Melbourne Place Reference Group (the Group) is responsible for contributing to the development of the place identity, vision and place plan for South Melbourne and overseeing the implementation of these activities Outlining measures of success for the Group will ensure we understand how we are tracking. Outcomes
Baseline 2019/19
Target 2021
Effort and Engagement
Attendance at Reference Group sessions and place planning sessions
Attendees representing: • 4 x South Melbourne Business Assoc. or active business (1 per place) • 2 x resident group or residents • 3 x Ward Councillors • 3 x Property Owners (incl. Developers and Commercial Real Estate) • 1 x Public housing tenant • 2 x Community or Service Providers • 2 x local arts and cultural organisations
Maintain cohort of representatives from each interested party and have them represented at 90% of Place Reference Group Meetings
Decision Making
Tracking whether decisions made by the Reference Group are being actualised
Decisions to be recorded as actions, and required to self-monitor progress
All decisions resulting in an action are completed and closed off
Track any funding and grants obtained by the group for the precinct. e.g. Creative Victoria grants, playstreets grant.
To be recorded in the Group meetings along with actions.
A final reference of any grants obtained and their application