the official newsletter of the city of port phillip | issn 1328-0309 | issue 56 april/may 2011
A for Albert Park Emergency event check list
Diary of a deluge
Legends @ Lunch
Rock Chronicle
Four pages of healthy ideas
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
An a-maze-ing message… school holiday program
Back in February, we experienced an intense rainstorm that saw flooding, damage and significant disruption to the daily lives of our residents.
Children will lose themselves in the fun of City of Port Phillip’s Vacation Care Program, which runs from 11 - 21 April and will feature a visit to the Enchanted Maze Garden at Arthurs Seat.
• Magic shows and Rubik’s cubes
The program aims to get kids having fun and being creative. Activities include:
• Yoyo’s and hula hoops
There will also be an attempt at the world record for the longest chocolate ripple cake ever. City of Port Phillip’s Vacation Care program is a fully licensed and accredited children’s care service. The program is available to children aged five to 12 years of age who are enrolled in primary school. Childcare Benefit and Council subsidies are available to eligible families. Parents can get their children involved for just one day of the program or all of them.
We can’t predict when a flood might hit but we can help reduce the impact of such an event in the future, and Council is working with Melbourne Water to improve the effectiveness of our storm water infrastructure. We must accept however that the drainage system can only accommodate a reasonable level of rainfall intensity, so we are also considering other ways we can respond to very heavy rainfall.
While Council will take the lead we cannot act alone. We need people of good will to participate in developing actions and putting these actions into place. Together we can set a clear path to help our community prepare for the future. Cr Rachel Powning, Mayor, City of Port Phillip Council pays its respects to the people and elders, past and present, of Yalukit Willam and the Kulin Nation. We acknowledge and uphold their relationship to this land.
• Portrait painting and billy cart making • 1000 steps and a cosmo dome.
Council staff should also be acknowledged for their quick response which saw an Emergency Coordination Centre and a Relief Centre immediately established at the St Kilda Town Hall to provide support, information and relief for persons affected.
Council is committed to taking action on climate change. In the past few weeks we have been holding community workshops to develop a clear and strong statement of our City’s greenhouse reduction directions, and commitment to our targets and timelines. Thank you to those who have participated in these discussions.
• IMAX and wheelchair sports
• Tabloid sports and totem poles
I want to personally thank the many people who acted quickly to clear stormwater drains and to assist their neighbours and others in need. It was fantastic to see the community coming together during this emergency situation.
The flooding is also a stark reminder to us that our climate is changing, and that extreme weather events are likely to occur more frequently than they have in the past.
• H ip hop workshops and giant sand sculptures
Program details and booking forms are available at schools and Town Halls. Contact the Vacation Care Team on 9209 6427 or visit www.portphillip.vic. to learn more.
Jump in whooping cough cases Whooping cough cases in Port Phillip have risen dramatically in the last 12 months, driving a campaign for adults to renew their vaccinations, particularly if they are in contact with young babies. Whooping cough, or pertussis, is life threatening for babies under six months old. It causes violent coughing fits, often with a distinctive ‘whooping’ noise as sufferers draw in their breath. Vaccines are given at two, four and six months, with immunity achieved only after the full course of vaccines. Boosters are given to four year olds and at Year 10. As the vaccine is effective for 6 – 10 years, many adults have reduced immunity to the disease. Parents of new babies receive fully-subsidised vaccinations (a consultation fee may apply if visiting your GP). Anyone else regularly in contact with babies, like grandparents and childcare workers, should contact their GP or health clinic to make an appointment for a booster dose, however fees apply. Local Whooping Cough cases
All age groups in CoPP
Children under five years in CoPP
Photo: James Henry
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Kitchen confidence: fun and skills on the menu
Community Kitchen crew: (back row – left to right) Bianca (JCAAA), Craig, Anna (facilitator), Stef and Mudassa; (front row left to right) Sarah, Sally, Angela, Jacqui and Natalie.
The Access for All Abilities Community Kitchen is a social and educational program for adults with disabilities in the cities of Port Phillip, Stonnington, Bayside and Glen Eira. The kitchen program gives participants the opportunity to socialise and cook affordable and nutritious meals. Participants develop independent living skills, take part in food handling and safety courses, learn how to cook their favourite dishes and can then sit down and share the meal or divide it up to take home to share with their families or carers if they choose. Participants make decisions about the running of the group, including how and what they will be cooking. The community
kitchen is led by an experienced facilitator and supported by an experienced disability support worker. The participants meet on Saturday evenings from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm at a professionally equipped kitchen in a Port Phillip community facility. The program is limited to eight participants and there is currently a waiting list. To find out more, call Bianca at Joint Councils Access for All Abilities (JCAAA) on 9209 6753. The JCAAA Community Kitchen is a partnership with Inner South Community Health Service, SecondBite and Port Phillip community facilities.
A is for Albert Park College And A is also for artistic and academic excellence, according to Steve Cook (pictured on our cover), Foundation Principal of the brand spanking new $30 m Albert Park College. The school opens on to the Gasworks Art Park, fostering collaboration with some of the best local artists. ‘This is a school that will take art and culture seriously, with the feel of part artistic studio, part cultural centre,’ says Mr Cook. ‘We have a drama facility with a sprung floor to encourage dance, a music studio that will emphasise classical accomplishment, design and graphics studios for contemporary arts, and even a teaching kitchen to help us find the chefs of tomorrow.’ ‘On every wall and space, our students will be surrounded by paintings and sculpture. Our stunning new gymnasium and our amphitheatre will be places for plays, public speaking and gymnastics,’ he said. One third of the 150 Year 7 students will participate in a select-entry accelerated program, which Mr Cook says sends a strong message that the school values academic excellence. ‘Our commitment to the hard sciences is reflected in fully equipped science and mathematics labs. A spectacular high-ceilinged library will set the tone for the school’s academic culture — it will be the place to be seen, a place for study and writing.’
Steve Cook, Principal of Albert Park College, with students Mia and Tyler in their new school uniforms. Picture: Tony Gay/Digital Image
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
contact assist…
Everyone needs good neighbours
Information, requests, questions and feedback You can visit your local ASSIST at: St Kilda Town Hall - Corner Brighton Road and Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall 208-220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne Telephone 9209 6777 Fax 9536 2722 TTY line 9209 6713 SMS for the hearing impaired 0432 005 405 Email Internet
Translations For a translation of the information contained in this edition of Divercity please call the Council’s interpreter service: Chinese 9679 9810 Greek 9679 9811 Russian 9679 9813 Polish 9679 9812 Other languages 9679 9814
Audio recordings Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 200 vision-impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.
divercity April/May 2011
Editor: Greg Day Next deadline: (June/July edition) 21 April 2011 Writers: Kathryn McGrath, Reece Marks and Greg Day Photography: Larissa Romensky, Reece Marks and Greg Day Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: Divercity is printed on recycled paper
The Elwood flooding temporarily forced Des and Alva Pickett from their home just weeks before their 60th wedding anniversary. Water rose to 30 cm above the floorboards of their Edwardian cottage in Mitford Street, Elwood – 200 metres from a raging Elwood Canal.
When Divercity spoke to Des and Alva Pickett they had been unable to sleep in their Mitford Street, Elwood home for a fortnight because of flood damage. ‘The water was about knee high after the downpour, it came into the house about 30 cm above the floorboards,’ Des and Alva recalled. It ruined the carpets, refrigerator and some of their furniture. ‘It was a real mess. Muddy, smelly and dangerous. Luckily we have good neighbours and they have put us up in a spare room since. It’s just a few doors away, so it’s been very handy while we clean up.’ And the cleanup is a big job. There were spoilt carpets, ruined furniture and the refrigerator to be removed (thanks to Council for taking that from the nature strip). Everything in the house needed to be moved so the floorboards could dry out — and then of course there’s the ‘wet-dog’ smell that hangs around. But Des and Alva seem to be taking it in their stride. They had been through floods in 1950 and then again in 1989. ‘But we can’t thank our neighbours enough. We don’t know what we would have done without their help.’
Linking Neighbours: A new Council scheme that organises volunteers to call older residents during heat wave conditions was also used after the floods. Linking Neighbours volunteer Noel Gilchrist said that volunteers called over 40 people. ‘Thankfully everyone was alright and said thank you for the call,’ she said.
Left to right: Albert Park Light Rail underpass flooded; Havelock Street’s street party to commemorate the ‘89 floods was washed out (pic: Simon Kosmer); Port Melbourne bus goes amphibious (pic: Craig Halsall)
The widespread flooding across Port Phillip on Friday 4 February 2011 highlighted the need for effective emergency planning and response. Councils are required to develop a Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) to guide the response to emergency events, like flooding but also pandemic outbreaks and power failures. Council’s MEMP involves a range of Council staff and representatives from all key response and recovery agencies, including Department of Human Services, police, ambulance, fire brigade, Parks Victoria, SES, VicRoads, Red Cross and Port of Melbourne Corporation. Council’s emergency plan was audited by the SES in 2010 and received best practice in all 25 sub-sections. This is the best score achievable and now other councils are using it as a model.
Diary of a deluge Melbourne Water declared the heavy rains on Friday 4 February 2011 to be a ‘one-in-500 year storm.’ Divercity looks at the before and after of our wettest day on record.
Thursday 3 Feb • V ictoria Police and SES alert Council of forecast heavy rains. • C ouncil commences the standard emergency management response prior to heavy rain, including cleaning drainage pits, drains and pipes, sweeping streets and targeting flooding hot spots.
Council works closely with other councils to ensure a coordinated approach and to share resources for emergencies that might cross municipal boundaries.
• E mergency management trailer with supplies required for a flooding emergency is prepared for immediate use.
Council identifies risks as part of its MEMP and the staff and contractors involved in emergency responses test themselves throughout the year with regular exercises. The risks identified in Council’s MEMP include storms, floods, passenger vehicle accidents, hazardous material release, gas leaks, utility disruption, structure collapse, oil spills and other marine incidents, heat wave, health epidemics and pandemics.
• A ll emergency management personnel placed on high alert from Friday morning.
Emergency management planning occurs for all major events in Port Phillip throughout the year, including St Kilda Festival, Grand Prix and New Year’s Eve.
Friday 4 Feb • C ouncil activates the Municipal Emergency Management Plan on Friday night at the request of the Police and SES. • 1 41 mm of rain fell in a very short period (as recorded by Melbourne Water at Head Street, Elsternwick). • S ES gets 286 local requests for emergency assistance (including 11 rescues from cars). • E xtensive flash flooding, water covering streets in low lying areas with cars, underground car parks and a number of homes being inundated.
check list
Listen to 774 ABC for emergency Check w information ebsites incl uding SES, and VicRoads Bureau of M eteorology Contact Victoria Polic e for emerge Contact ncies on 00 the SES on 0 132 500 Keep in contact wit h ne ig Contact hbours COPP on 92 09 6777 if yo need assistan u have quer ce ies or
• Street and drain cleaning contractors put on standby.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Best plan for the worst
Drive thro ugh, play or swim in floo Drive arou d waters nd road bloc ks Ignore po lice instruct ions
• W orst hit localities were the areas around the Elwood Canal, Blessington Street and Spenser Street in St Kilda, Pier Street in Port Melbourne, Queens Parade, Chapel Street and Carlisle Street in Balaclava, and Ferrars Street and Kerferd Road in South Melbourne. • M unicipal Emergency Co-ordination Centre (MECC) and Relief Centre is established at 11.30 pm and closes at 3 am.
Saturday 5 Feb – Sunday 6 Feb • F rom 5 am on Saturday morning, Council staff were involved in the cleanup of streets, parks, drains and Council tenanted or managed buildings. • Some accommodation was organised for families. • S ES and MFB continue to respond including pumping water from many underground car parks and basements.
Monday 7 Feb onwards • H ard rubbish collections began on Monday morning and continued until no longer required (at time of printing 121 pick-ups made, totalling 66 tonnes). • S taff working with DHS for ongoing recovery. To date $39,822 in Emergency Grants (52 in total) have been paid to local residents by DHS.
Future proofing Council is undertaking a city-wide hydrology study with Melbourne Water, looking at the effectiveness of storm water infrastructure. The study will analyse the existing drainage system as well as evaluate what will be needed to meet climate predictions.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
ce vinoithe crowd…
Good health is more than diets, doctors and gym memberships. Making time for others, getting active and being involved in a community can be your key to feeling good, inside and out. Divercity investigates some simple and low cost ways to stay active, stay connected and stay well.
Stay Active Free yoga classes Christ Church Community Centre Tuesdays 10 am, Wednesdays 2.30 pm 14 Acland Street, St Kilda Call 9534 9250 for more information.
Laughter Yoga
Prevention is better than any cure In the future, the whole health system will have a prevention component. Getting to know your habits, good and not so good, is the first step in prevention. Before you finish this article make a list of the habits you could change to reduce the pressure on your health this year. Look at reducing inactivity, stress, fast food, alcohol and smoking. Add more exercise such as your favourite activity for 30 minutes a day. Replacing refined foods with whole unprocessed foods and drink plenty of water through the day to assist your health and enable your body to cope with life better! More drugs and less health is not the answer. The value of your health has never been more important than today. It is up to each and every one of us to stop treating sickness and start building health. We all need to search out health coaches to help take the rocks out of our health backpack. Many factors contribute to building healthier communities. One of the most important is our personal health behaviours. The more you focus on ways to build your health up and decrease the influences that drag it down, the more you can come to rely on your body to be strong for the years to come. Prevention is the first step. Take it now. Dr Simon Floreani, Vitality Organic Allied Health. Winner of the 2008 and Joint Winner of the 2010 City of Port Philip Business Excellence Awards for Health and Wellbeing.
Stay active, stay
Ideal for anyone who wants more laughter in their life, from age 9 to 90. Cost is $5, enquiries to Stella on 9690 1203 or Merv on 9696 5884. Mondays 6.00 pm - 6.45 pm Kilbride Centre, 52 Beaconsfield Parade, Albert Park
Mums, Dads & Bubs Yoga An experienced teacher will help to recondition the body gently, relieve stress and promote deep relaxation. Cost is $5 or by donation, call 9690 1076. Fridays 10.15 am - 11.30 am Kilbride Centre, 52 Beaconsfield Parade, Albert Park
Silent Meditation Group Suitable for any level of meditation experience. $5 per session, with all proceeds to Beyondblue. Enquiries to Lynn Howard, Mondays 10 am – 11 am 235 Ross Street, Port Melbourne
Tai Chi At the South Melbourne Community Centre, $3 per session. For more information contact Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House on 9645 1476. Tuesdays, 9.30 am - 11.30 am Corner Park Street and Ferrars Place, South Melbourne
Feldenkrais for Seniors Improve your balance, flexibility and posture. Whether you suffer from limitations and pains or wish to maintain and improve your mental and physical abilities. Free of charge, book by calling Karen Watson on 9209 6384. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Thursdays 24 March - 7 April 2 pm – 3 pm Thursdays 14 April – 19 May 3.30 pm 4.30 pm Middle Park Community Centre 254 - 256 Richardson Street, Middle Park
Just a smile helps Council’s world-famous Smiles per Hour campaign is much more than counting smiles, it’s about stimulating community action and creating friendlier streets. Smiles are free. Brighten up someone’s day and smile at a stranger today.
Pelvic floor and gentle exercise Designed for women over 55, this class focuses on pelvic floor and posture techniques. Benefits can include delayed or reversed incontinence, better posture, improved physical fitness and mobility. Call Sandy 9696 4270 or Meeckie on 0432 784 465. Cost $5, light lunch included. Fridays 10.30 am - 12.30 pm 329 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne
Chunky Move Dance classes are a way to unwind, get fit and improve your flexibility and strength. Classes are offered in Contemporary, Ballet, Funk and Fletcher Pilates for beginners to intermediate, and are taught by some of Australia’s best dance teachers. More information at
Salsa dancing classes Classes are structured so that you can start at any time throughout the year and come and go as you please. No partner or bookings required. Melbourne Salsa Dance Studio Level 1/111 Brighton Road Elwood, corner of Milton Street (above the Cable Car bottle shop). For more information call 9531 2023.
Public transport — no gym membership required Making the choice to use public transport, cycling or walking to get to your destination means you are most of the way to getting your recommended dose of daily exercise. The average Melbourne public transport user exercises for 41 minutes per day, compared to just eight minutes a day for a car driver. Get out there and exercise your choice today.
connected, stay well
Stay connected Pet pals Many popular parks have their own unofficial dog owner groups that get together to socialise with their pets. These groups can be a great way to get to know people in your area and to allow your dog to socialise and play with other dogs. Lagoon Reserve in Port Melbourne is just one example of a park that has active groups of regulars that enjoy spending time socialising with their dogs. So if you are new to an area or to being a dog owner, talk to people in your neighbourhood about local doggy activities and news. If you are a new visitor to a park, it’s a good idea to talk to other park users to see if there is a group of regulars that get together, as it is a great way for you and your pooch to make some new friends. Some of the benefits of pet ownership include improved general health such as reduced blood pressure and cholesterol levels, a healthier life style, emotional well being from increased feelings of being needed, accepted and loved; increased opportunities to meet people and form friendships; and increased relaxation and stress reduction.
Linking Neighbours, Seniors Register and Friendly Neighbourhoods Project The Linking Neighbours Project is a community safety and social inclusion project designed to make it easy and enjoyable for socially isolated seniors to connect with their community. Its is a partnership between City of Port Phillip and Victoria Police St Kilda and South Melbourne. The Seniors Register contains all the details you would like to have known during an emergency. Linking Neighbours volunteers provide support to older people or people who have a disability living close by. For more information or to become a Linking Neighbour, contact Michael Wood on 9209 6260 or Karen Watson, 9209 6384.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Dogs and humans meet at the off-leash area in Lagoons Reserve Port Melbourne. Pets help their owners meet others in the community. (Pic: Michael Kluge)
Find out more about your local community centre Discover courses, social groups, exercise classes and more. Start with your local centre. Alma Road Community House 200 Alma Road, East St Kilda Phone 9525 8746. Elwood St Kilda Neighborhood Learning Centre 87 Tennyson Street, Elwood Phone 9531 1954, visit Mary Kehoe Centre 224 Danks Street, Albert Park Phone 9209 6349 Liardet Community Centre Cnr Liardet & Nott Streets, Port Melbourne Phone 9209 6351 For a full list of community centres in Port Phillip, visit local_community_centres.htm
Stay active, stay Community Register
Photo: Chris Cassar
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Red Light Dark Room
The Community Register is for adults aged 18-50 who have a disability and live in Port Phillip. The Register contains all the details you would like to have known during an emergency. It is secure and confidential and kept at the St Kilda Police station. You will receive an identity card which allows Emergency Services to obtain the information they need immediately. To register call Karen Watson on 9209 6384 or ASSIST on 9209 6777 and a registration form will be sent to you. Assistance is available to fill out the form if required.
Kitchens stand up to scrutiny The commercial kitchens of Port Phillip are a top act, according to the results of nearly 2000 unannounced inspections by Council health inspectors. Environmental Health Officers or EHOs have increased their visits to restaurants, cafes and other businesses involved in food handling, and compliance with regulations has jumped. Education initiatives from EHOs have also helped local businesses to meet and exceed the standards. With kitchens staffed by some of Melbourne’s top chefs, local hangouts like Lamaro’s, Attica and Middle Park Hotel have raised the bar not only in the quality of food being cooked, but in the way kitchens and dining areas are maintained and run in Port Phillip. Port Phillip now has over 1200 registered food businesses. Over the last 12 months Environmental Health Officers have completed 1850 unannounced routine inspections and 775 follow-up inspections to check for compliance with the State Food Act and the National Food Safety Standards.
Health and Wellbeing @ Your Local Library You may be familiar with the many books held by the library on topics from Asthma to Zen, but have you explored our magazine collection, including Australian Cyclist, Nature and Health and Wellbeing? Getting into fitness — want a Pilates DVD? You can ring, visit your library or reserve one online. Nine women. 250 rolls of film. The day-to-day lives of St Kilda’s street sex workers. Exhibition launch 4 pm, Saturday 9 April and continues until 25 April. Alliance Française, 51 Grey Street, St Kilda. See
There are also two comprehensive online health databases available via the library catalogue site. Unlike the hit-and-miss experience of Googling health and wellbeing information, these databases provide information from authoritative academic and medical sources. Consumer Health Complete has health reports, encyclopaedias, pamphlets, news, alternative health sources, drug and herb information, images and diagrams, videos and animations.
connected, stay well The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Health service takes holistic approach Inner South Community Health Care Service (ISCHS) is bridging the gap in health equality in Port Phillip. Divercity spoke to mental health case manager David Sylvan. ISCHS provides comprehensive health care and case management to low income earners in Port Phillip. Their services are broad, from GPs to nutrition, dentistry, exercise groups and counseling. David Sylvan is a mental health case manager who has been with the organisation for 13 years. David works with people to help them address the issues that may affect their overall wellbeing, ‘that means addressing issues not only of mental health, but of physical health, social interaction, work, study, and leisure’, says David. Part of this approach is empowering people to take control of their own health. Clients at ISCHS are encouraged to work with case managers like David to set personal goals and learn ways of achieving them. Of particular focus is reaching out to those in the community who may not readily access mainstream health services, including the elderly, sex workers, the Indigenous community and people who are homeless. ISCHS also has regular social and activity groups, which provide an opportunity for outreach workers to talk to people about their health in an informal and nonconfrontational setting, and recommend a service if required. ‘Not everyone wants to talk about what problems they’ve got, and it may take them a few meetings to disclose issues if they want to. Casually in the conversation we can mention what services are available,’ says David. Outreach programs like these — be they a gettogether at a café, an afternoon tea at the local hotel, or a cooking class at SouthPort’s
Isolation is bad for your health. Inner South Community Health Care Service brings people together to build connections and make healthy choices available. Pic: ISCHC
community kitchen — provide a sense of community and by themselves make a significant contribution to an individual’s physical and mental health. Some of the services at ISCHS are only available to people with health care or concession cards. Call your closest centre to find out if you are eligible or visit to learn more.
Health & Wellness Resource Centre delivers up-to-date reference material as well as full-text magazines, journals, and pamphlets from a wide variety of medical sources. It also has the latest health news from Harvard Health Publications, a division of the Harvard Medical School. At Port Phillip Libraries we can help you find accurate information, as well as the books, DVDs, magazines and audio books that you want to borrow. Membership is free. Call 9209 6655, find us online at library.portphillip.vic. or email your enquiry to
SouthPort 341 Coventry Street, South Melbourne Phone 9690 9144 Inkerman Street 10 Inkerman Street, St Kilda Phone 9534 8166 Mitford Street 18 Mitford Street, St Kilda Phone 9534 0981
Help for mental health There’s a greater awareness of the link between physical and mental health. Your GP is a first port of call if you feel you might have a problem. Beyond Blue (call 1300 224 636) provides contacts for GPs in your area that have additional training or interest in mental health issues. The Australian Psychological Society, provides tip sheets on how to stay mentally active and detailed information on various mental health issues. In a crisis situation, the Alfred Hospital provides a psychiatric triage service that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is available for all types of mental health referrals and enquiries. Call 1300 363 746.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
councillors… Holiday in Hindmarsh Shire and help their flood recovery The drought has broken, the rains certainly did come. The river rose and now the lake is full. With school holidays and the Easter break approaching, the residents of Hindmarsh Shire are itching to show off their beautiful surroundings.
Cr Janet Bolitho Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9645 4754 M: 0411 096 400 F: 9536 2766 E:
What is your passion? Camping, sport, bushwalks, bird watching, art, culture, history? Hindmarsh has it all. The Wimmera River runs through Horsham, Dimboola and Jeparit, finishing at Lake Hindmarsh. While the floods have caused some damage to the river bank and weirs there is so much beauty to enjoy. Camping is available at a number of spots at Lake Hindmarsh, including Four Mile Beach, Schulzes Beach and at the Wattles. Camping grounds are also available in each of the four major towns, Dimboola, Jeparit, Nhill and Rainbow. Remember to pack the golf clubs or the tennis racquet if some sporting activity would round out a great camping trip. Nhill has a magnificent golf course with year-round competitions and beautifully manicured greens. Play all day for just $15. If art, theatre or culture are more your thing, Hindmarsh can keep you satisfied here too. Gallery Central has recently opened in Nhill, showcasing local artists and craftspeople selling jewellery, paintings, clothing, handbags, woodwork and lots more. The gallery is open Monday to Saturday from 10 am – 4 pm and is located in Victoria Street, Nhill. Perhaps spend a weekend away and take in a show, country style. Piggery Lane Players are a local theatre group who are performing a Betty Roland play, ‘The Touch of Silk’. A poignant drama centred on Jeanne, a homesick French war bride and her shell-shocked husband Jim, battling hardship and prejudice in a drought-stricken Mallee town. Performances will be held Friday 8 and Saturday 9 April 2011. The beautiful historic St John’s Pella Lutheran Church is celebrating 100 years with a special thanksgiving service on Sunday 15 May 2011. The church boasts a magnificent Fuller pipe organ which needs to be heard to be believed. The Wimmera Mallee Pioneer Museum committee is busily preparing for its annual Vintage Rally, held on Queen’s birthday long weekend in June each year.
Cr Rachel Powning, Mayor Carlisle BH: 9209 6431 AH: 9527 1896 M: 0418 389 346 F: 9536 2711 E:
Cr Judith Klepner Albert Park BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9682 7314 M: 0409 968 850 F: 9536 2768 E:
Wimmera Mallee Pioneer Museum surrounded by the swollen river in February; The museum is busy getting ready for the annual Vintage Rally on the Queen’s Birthday weekend in June.
The majority of contents were removed from the site and stored in shipping containers as a preservation measure prior to the floods. The committee will take the opportunity, with most of the buildings vacant, to do some repair works before moving all the contents back. Now more than ever, it is important to support those affected by the floods. Spending a weekend in this beautiful part of our state may not be enough to see all it has to offer but it is a start to show that you care and you get the benefit of a fabulous weekend away. If you wish to provide assistance with the flood recovery and clean-up process, please register your details at under community and business, then volunteering. Every little bit helps. Port Phillip and Hindmarsh councils share an urban-rural friendship agreement. How fitting the words of Dorothea Mackellar’s poem, My Country, are for the people of Hindmarsh Shire. I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of droughts and flooding rains. I love her far horizons, I love her jewel-sea, Her beauty and her terror — The wide brown land for me!
Cr John Middleton Junction BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9645 9346 M: 0432 324 133 F: 9536 2719 E: Cr Frank O’Connor Emerald Hill BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9690 1080 M: 0432 289 012 F: 9536 2708 E: Cr Serge Thomann Catani BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9534 6297 M: 0432 299 372 F: 9536 2767 E: Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9531 8753 M: 0432 287 634 F: 9536 2769 E: All enquiries during office hours should be directed to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor Tel: 9209 6431 (Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant) Fax: 9536 2711 Email: Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 (Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer) Fax: 9536 2708 Email: see individual email addresses All councillors email: Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182
Sing before your cuppa
Rock along with St Kilda gig guide
ST KILDA: The St Kilda Rock Chronicle is a new free monthly gig listing and community newsletter about all things rock. Get yours at the St Kilda Library, St Kilda Town Hall, Readings and other local venues. The guide can also be downloaded online by visiting For more information or to get involved, email
A healthy site in Middle Park MIDDLE PARK: A fitness station will be included in the Middle Park Beach landscape works, due for completion by the end of May. The fitness station forms an ‘Exersite’ for people of all ages and fitness abilities. Included in the station are a log-hop, chin-up bar, stretching bar, sit-up bench, step-ups and seated-dip bench. To see the plan of the landscape upgrades visit www.portphillip.
A green thumbs up for the community ELWOOD/ALBERT PARK: Council is working with local residents and centre users to start community gardens at the Mary Kehoe Community Centre in Albert Park and the Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre. Initial community consultation sessions were held in December to set up community committees. The gardens will be constructed by June/July. To find out how you can be a part of a community garden group contact Sarah Wetherald on 9209 6210.
A place to checkmate ELWOOD: Elwood Chess Club offers plenty of tournaments and social game play to keep those kings, queens and bishops in top condition. Held at the Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre, the club is open every Saturday from 12 pm – 5 pm and welcomes new members. Annual membership is $80 for adults and $50 for juniors, payable half-yearly. Visits for non-members are $4 with the first visit free.
ALBERT PARK: Warm up those vocal chords ladies and gentlemen! Join the South Side Social Club: a group of local residents of Port Phillip who meet once a week for community singing and afternoon tea at Gasworks Art Park. A qualified accompanist works with the group and helps with selecting music and preparing song sheets. Entry is free and the group meets on Thursdays from 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm. The program is funded by Council’s Small Poppy Neighbourhood Grants program. For more information, phone Serena on 0422 527 012.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
d o o h r u o b h g nei
Things are flourishing at the EcoCentre ST KILDA: The EcoCentre is now open on weekends, humming with open garden working bees, an organic food co-op, music and workshops. Sustainability classes including bike maintenance and green cleaning run every weekend and there are nature art programs for kids and adults on alternate weekends. Classes range from free to $15 entry. Visit or call 9534 0670 for details or to book. March also saw the debut of the EcoMarket, which included goods made from recovered materials, fair-trade treats, innovative energy and water-reduction technologies, native seedlings, homes for wildlife, and Koorie artisans. The EcoMarket runs on the first Sunday of each month, 11 am - 4 pm. The EcoCentre is also providing local musicians/groups with an opportunity to apply for short gig spots on weekends. Musicians can express interest in volunteering by sending an email (with samples) to
Bowls access made better ALBERT PARK: The VRI Bowls facilities in St Vincent Gardens are now more accessible with a number of improvements including a dedicated Disability Discrimination Act-compliant parking space, a pram crossing, and improved path surfaces. The facilities also have compliant and ergonomically designed outdoor stairs with handle bars, front door ramps, and handle bars to assist access to the greens.
Clear out the rubbish! ELWOOD: Help clean up litter around the Elwood Canal. Meet at the Glenhuntly Road bridge opposite Elwood Primary School on Sundays, 10 April and 8 May at 10 am. Bring your gloves and a bag for recyclables.
Public amenity a permanent fixture
Netting new cricket facilities
ALBERT PARK: After the recent success of the public toilet trial, Council has decided to keep the toilet facilities at Albert Park Library permanently available to the public from 6 am – 10 pm, seven days a week. Signage will be placed within the shopping precinct to direct users to the facilities.
ELWOOD: Council’s Sports Facilities Renewal Program is funding the construction of a new cricket net facility at Elwood Reserve as a part of the 2010/2011 Capital Works Budget. Construction will begin in late March after the current cricket season. Project completion is planned for the end of April 2011.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
d o o h r u o b h g nei
Biggest month for Palais since Jesus Christ ST KILDA: Not since the heady days of Jesus Christ Superstar in 1978 has the Palais been so busy. In April, the grand old dame of venues will play host to a great array of international acts, including Uriah Heep, Cyndi Lauper, Grace Jones, The Rock Show with Jon English, Imogen Heap, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Blind Boys of Alabama, Elvis Costello & The Imposters, Leon Russell with Little Feat, John Legend, Jethro Tull and Indigo Girls. Visit for details.
Stories from within the graveyard ST KILDA: A tour of the St Kilda Cemetery will be held on Sunday 1 May at 2 pm. It will highlight military personnel from various wars who are buried in the cemetery. Meet at the main entrance on Dandenong Road. Cost is $10 ($5 for members of Friends of St Kilda Cemetery). Bookings are essential. Phone 9531 6832 or book online at the FOSKC website
Lest we forget ELWOOD: The community is invited to attend an ANZAC Day service at the Elwood RSL on Monday 25 April at 9 am. There will be refreshments afterwards, as well as lunch, two-up and the Collingwood vs. Essendon game on the large screen.
Taking a step back in time PORT MELBOURNE: Participate in June’s neighbourhood walk and explore how the Port’s history and stories have been told through the medium of public art. Sunday 19 June, 10 am – 12 pm. Bookings essential. Phone 9209 6522 or email walking@portphillip.
New family and children’s centre coming soon ST KILDA: Council is building a new integrated family and children’s centre at 171 Chapel Street, near the corner of Carlisle Street. Construction has commenced and is expected to be completed in mid-2012. The new centre will offer up to 116 licensed children’s service places (an increase of 63 new places on the current number at St Kilda Children’s Centre), maternal and child health services, spaces for playgroups, new parent groups, early childhood intervention services, family services, and multipurpose use rooms. For more information visit www.portphillip.vic.
Sunday masterpieces SOUTH MELBOURNE: The South Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is presenting A Sunday Afternoon Concert conducted by Lynette Bridgland, with works from Offenbach, Mendelssohn, Weber, Sibelius and Johann Strauss II. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 concession, and are available at the door. Sunday 3 April, 2.30 pm at the South Melbourne Town Hall. Visit au/~smso/ to learn more.
Music to one’s ears SOUTH MELBOURNE: Over April and May the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) is offering many ‘entry by contribution’ performances at the South Melbourne Town Hall. This includes concerts from Academy Musicians with Academy@1: Friday 1, Tuesday 5, Friday 8, Tuesday 12 and Friday 15 April, as well as Friday 6, Tuesday 17 and Friday 20 May. All concerts are at 1 pm. ANAM will also hold a public lecture series with Fridays@3, featuring Guildhall’s David Dolan on Friday 1 April and Adelaide Festival Director Paul Grabowsky on Friday Music from everywhere: In residence at the 15 April. Both lectures South Melbourne Town Hall, ANAM attracts young classical musicians from across Australia are at 3 pm. Other and New Zealand. Pictured here are Back: events include Sound Jarrad Mathie, cello (Perth); Kate Sullivan, of Brass on Wednesday violin (Gold Coast); Front: Rowan Hamwood, 20 April, 6 pm and flute (Brisbane); Emma Hunt, violin (Geelong); Beethoven Sonatas on and Georgia Ioakimidis-MacDougall, French horn Sunday 8 May, 2 pm. (Adelaide). Photo: Samantha Turley Piano! Festival will also host daily recitals at 1 pm from Monday 23 - Friday 27 May. To learn more and see the full season brochure, visit
Goodwill goes a long way ALBERT PARK: South Port UnitingCare is looking for volunteers to help out in their Goodwill Opportunity Shop at 115 Bridport Street. Phone Elaine on 9690 1188 or email
Have your say on heritage amendments C72 SOUTH MELBOURNE TO WEST ST KILDA: Council is inviting the community to comment on the recently reviewed Heritage Overlay 3, which includes seven new Heritage Statements proposed for the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. These statements help in assessing whether a planning application maintains a site’s heritage significance, and are on public exhibition until Thursday 28 April. The statements cover an extensive area across South Melbourne, Albert Park, Middle Park, and West St Kilda, including Victoria Avenue and Bridport Street retail strips, and Albert Park Lake and its associated parkland. For more information contact Strategic Planner Eli Greig at or visit
Fun at the fair ALBERT PARK: Albert Park Primary School’s legendary annual Fete is on Saturday 2 April 2011, 9 am – 4 pm at Bridport Street. The Fete will feature children’s rides, food stalls, vintage clothing, ‘Made in Albert Park’ items, books, toys, bargains galore, and live entertainment for all ages. Prospective stall-holders can contact Jenny Kew at
Fiddler on the Roof
Ten Years of Red Stitch
St Kilda Film Festival
Red Stitch Actors Theatre celebrates its 10th anniversary season in 2011 as one of Australia’s most successful independent theatre companies.
One of the most famous and well-loved musicals of all time, Fiddler on the Roof, comes to the National Theatre in St Kilda. Directed and choreographed by Jerome Robbins. 20 May - 4 June National Theatre Cnr Carlisle and Barkly Streets, St Kilda
Life skills for new Australians A free course providing information for newly arrived migrants and refugees. The Term 2 course will focus on women’s health, healthy eating, and budgeting. Term 3 will focus on driver education and help with attaining a driver’s licence. Bookings essential. Contact Cristina Del Frate (City of Port Phillip) on 9209 6385. 12.30 pm - 2 pm Fridays Term 2, 27 April - 1 July Mary Kehoe Community Centre 224 Danks Street, Albert Park
Mind reader
In Pieces of Mind, psychology student turned award winning entertainer Simon Taylor will teach you how to trick yourself into feeling happier, predict your thoughts and read your mind. 29 March - 24 April Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays at 8 pm Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 9 pm Full $22, Conc $19, Groups $18 (8 or more), Preview $15 (first week), Tightarse Tuesdays $15 The Butterfly Club, 204 Bank Street, South Melbourne Bookings
The Laramie Project — 10 Years Later Directed by Gary Abrahams
In 1998, a young gay student was brutally beaten and left to die on the outskirts of Laramie, Wyoming. The Tectonic Theatre Project interviewed locals and created The Laramie Project, then returned ten years later to see how the stigma of this crime was still affecting the town. 27 April – 28 May Book tickets at
Australia’s premier short film festival, screening Australia’s Top 100 short films and featuring SoundKILDA — the Australian Music Video Competition. The Festival also includes targeted youth programs and an International component. Alongside the films, St Kilda Film Festival hosts industry networking events such as Industry Open Day and the forum series. More information at Opening night at The Palais, film program showing at the Astor Theatre.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
in brief
24 – 29 May 2011
Send your pre-loved bike to Africa
Sharpen your pencils
St Kilda based Bicycles for Humanity ships donated bikes to health care volunteers working at the cutting edge of the HIV/AIDS response in Africa. A bike means they can see more patients, spend more time with them and, importantly, carry and distribute vital supplies. Donate your working or easily fixable bike at any Bicycle Super Store around Melbourne. Find out more at Port Phillip Writes, the annual collection of competition entries is available for $5 at St Kilda and Port Melbourne libraries.
The Seniors Writing Competition has three entry categories: short stories up to 1000 words; poetry; and documentary - past or present stories of Port Phillip. Entry forms available from Wednesday 1 June 2011 at or ASSIST, 9209 6777 or from your local town hall. All entries will be considered for publication and accepted in languages other than English. Competition closes Friday 2 September 2011.
Council’s flood response Council has pledged ongoing support and sympathy to those devastated by flooding in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Council has provided facilities and open space at no cost to groups raising funds for flood relief including a ‘Flood Relief Zumbathon’ in the St Kilda Town Hall, ‘Rain Cheque’ at South Beach and a BBQ in Catani Gardens organised by the Federal Member for Melbourne Ports, Michael Danby MP. Council will also be donating an extra $25,000 to the Victorian Red Cross Appeal.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
in brief Puppy play
Photography exhibition
Fresh threads
Film maker Paul Cox’s exhibition of photographs — Evening Light series of nudes is on at the Australian Academy of Design. Free entry. 30 March – 22 April 9 am - 5 pm, Monday – Friday Australian Academy of Design 220 Ingles Street, Port Melbourne
Young designers invited Australian Academy of Design Competition categories include secondary school (Years 10-12) and designers aged 25 and under (or those currently enrolled in tertiary education).
That Girl presents a show about Guide Dog Puppies, created especially for primary school-age children (best suited ages 4 – 8). The 45-minute show ends with a question and answer session where children can ask burning questions about Guide Dogs and their training. Tickets $15 / $12 groups 8+ (plus booking fee) call 9534 3388 or visit 6 - 16 April 11am daily (except Sunday) Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda
Photographic Prize 2011 Theme: “The Decisive Moment” Entries Open: 11 April – 4 May Exhibition 18 May – 2 June Opening Night Wednesday 18 May, 6 pm - 8 pm Poster Design Prize 2011 Theme: “This Is Me”. Entrants are requested to illustrate how public transport, particularly Metro, is part of your way of life. Entries open 9 - 23 May For more information visit designacademy. or contact 9676 9000. Australian Academy of Design 220 Ingles Street, Port Melbourne
Running for life
On parade: local vintage fashion and stunning eco-designer labels.
Future Fashion Now is a festival featuring some of Melbourne’s most forward designers of clothing, jewellery and art — along with interactive stalls where you can make your own. If you are a designer or artist who uses sustainability principles to create your work please contact Verity on vmclucas@ to be part of it. Friday 3 June 2011, 4 pm – 8 pm St Kilda Town Hall
Parlez-vous français? Alliance Française de Melbourne offers French classes from beginner to advanced levels in group sessions or private tuition, for children, teenagers and adults. For more information, visit or contact 9525 3463. Holiday Intensive Course: 11 - 15 April Term 2 starts Wednesday 27 April 2011.
Five year plan for tree planting As part of its new tree policy, Greening Port Phillip — An Urban Forest Approach, Council engaged an independent arboricultural firm to create a street tree planting program for 2010-2015. Check to see if your street is on the list at htm For more information contact Alison Breach on 9209 6587 or
Social Justice Charter Relay For Life celebrates 10 Years in Albert Park.
Relay for Life is a chance for everybody in the community to celebrate cancer survivors, remember lost loved ones and fight back against cancer. Groups of locals will take turns walking or running for 24 hours to raise funds for the Cancer Council’s world-class cancer research, education and support programs. There will be free entertainment, games and prizes. For more information visit, email or call 1300 65 65 85. Saturday 30 April 2011, from 10.30 am Grebe Picnic Area, Albert Park Lake .
The City of Port Phillip is creating an innovative Social Justice Charter. The Charter will promote social justice and make the city a better place to live in for all. Find out more from early April, with posters in Council services (like libraries). Have your say on the Charter via surveys, the Port Phillip website and at local meetings.
Council, in partnership with VicRoads has completed the Cecil Street Bike Path Stage 1 (Whiteman to York Street). The bike path improves safety by separating cyclists from traffic. Stage 2 (York to Park Street) is currently being designed.
The Tempest
Mameloshn – How Yiddish Made a Home in Melbourne opens to the public on Sunday 3 April, 10am – 5pm in the Loti Smorgon Gallery, Jewish Museum of Australia. The exhibition runs until Sunday 11 March, 2012.
Legends in your lunchtime University of the Third Age Port Phillip invites you to a lunchtime series of conversations with remarkable Australians. The series opens with Australian Living Treasure, Professor the Hon Barry Jones AO on Wednesday 11 May. Other guests will include 2010 Walkley Award winner, Shirley Shackleton, and artist Mirka Mora. Bookings essential, call 9696 3495.
Drama to prick your heart Magnormos presents the Melbourne premiere of The Hatpin, set in Sydney in 1892. It tells the true story of single mother, Amber Murray, who, in a desperate attempt to save the life of her beloved baby finds herself embroiled in one of the most captivating and moving criminal trials in Australian history. Tickets $48, Conc/Group (7+) $43 + BF at or 9534 3388.
Inotrope Productions, in collaboration with the St Kilda Uniting Care Drop in Centre, will perform the fantastical Shakespearean masterpiece, The Tempest, directed by John Bolton. To book call 9534 3388.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Bike paths on track
Opens Tuesday 3 May for one week Theatre Works 14 Acland Street, St Kilda
Market moves Cecil St @ South Melbourne Market The South Melbourne Market’s Cecil Street restaurant strip is now really cooking. It’s open four nights a week (Wed – Sat). It is a fun multi-flavoured place with loads of music.
13 - 28 May, 8 pm Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda
Circus by the sea baths
South Melbourne Town Hall Theatrette Wednesdays from 11 May (except for 18 May) 12.15 pm - 1.30 pm
Back pain or sciatica? You may be eligible for free physiotherapy treatment in your local area as part of a La Trobe University PhD research project. To qualify for the trial, participants:
Eat More Fruit wins award
• Must not have had previous back surgery
The 50th Anniversary tour, showcasing acts of breathtaking skill and agility on the foreshore at St Kilda. Book at Ticketek 132 849. Information and show times at moscowcircus.
For more information call 9479 5871, email or visit stopsbackpain.
6 – 26 April St Kilda South Beach Reserve (adjacent to the Sea Baths) Jacka Boulevard, St Kilda
• Must be aged 18 – 65 •M ust have had back pain or sciatica for between 6 weeks and 6 months
A stallholder at South Melbourne Market has just won the Mushroom Growers Association award for fruiterer of the year. Eat More Fruit (located bang on the corner of Cecil and Coventry Streets, South Melbourne) is owned and operated by two brothers — Alex and Colin Abdl-Karim. Their stall has a great range of mushrooms with good signage and knowledgeable staff.