the official newsletter of the city of port phillip | issn 1328-0309 | issue 65 dec/jan 2012
Luna Park turns 100 d You’re invite back to 1912
ember 15 & 16 Dec Luna Park
Meet your new Council Foreshore events guide inside
from the Mayor On behalf of all the Councillors, I’d like to welcome you to the summer edition of Divercity. The lead up to summer has been a busy time for us. We are an enthusiastic Council and are keen to get on with the job of representing the community. For me, it is an honour and a privilege to have been elected by my fellow Councillors as Mayor and to serve the community in this role. I am pleased also to have the support of my Deputy Mayor, Cr Serge Thomann. The Councillors and I are committed to working together and we have a strong interest in ensuring the community are well informed and engaged. This magazine is a great way to stay informed as is our website. We are on Facebook and Twitter too, so feel free to join in a conversation with others. You can also go to our ‘Have Your Say’ website that has a variety ways to get involved in a range of local projects through surveys, discussion forums, polls, questions, videos and more. Summer is a very active time in Port Phillip. Our foreshore plays host to great events like fun runs, triathlons, beach volleyball and the Pride March. The centre pages of Divercity has a program of events, including details of any road closures. We are asking everyone to help continue the campaign against litter on our beaches too. Please remember to keep cigarette butts and glass off the beach – both to keep them clean and make them safer. Council will have special teams working to keep the municipality clean and a cleaning machine will be working on the beaches every day to help keep them free of litter. We hope you enjoy your summer and we wish you a happy and healthy festive season and look forward to sharing 2013 with you. Amanda Stevens Mayor, City of Port Phillip
The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Yalukit Wilam Clan of the Boon Wurrung. We pay our respect to their Elders, both past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land.
Port Phillip by numbers
On Census n ig (9 August 20 ht 1 there were 2 1), ,178 overseas visi Port Phillip, tors in compared to 1,930 in the census ten years ag o.
The first data released from last year’s Census provides a numerical snapshot of our community and the opportunity for insight and comparison to other parts of Melbourne and Australia. On census night 2011, Port Phillip recorded a population of 91,526. The city experienced an increase in population of 7.7 per cent from 2006-2011. The largest changes between 2006–2011 were in the age group five to 11 years (+819 persons), 18 to 24 years (-431 persons), 35 to 49 years (+1942 persons) and 60 to 69 years (+1545 persons).
The largest change in countries of birth between 2006 and 2011 were people born in the United Kingdom (+853), New Zealand (+638), India (+928), Ireland (+784) and Greece (-104). Overall, 31 per cent of the population was born overseas, up by 4 per cent from 2006. And 19.7 per cent were from a non-English speaking background. The largest non-English speaking countries of birth were India 1,899 (+928), Greece 1,285 (-104), China 1,175 (+355), Malaysia 741 (+198) and Germany 676 (+63). Compared to Greater Melbourne, Port Phillip continues to have a higher proportion of people who speak English only and a smaller proportion of those speaking a language other than English. The dominant language spoken at home, other than English, was Greek, with 3.1 per cent of the population, or 2,873 people speaking this language at home. The largest changes in the spoken languages of the population in the City of Port Phillip between 2006 and 2011 were for those speaking Mandarin (+348 persons), French (+346 persons), Hindi (+297 persons), and Gujarati (+253 persons). SEE MORE DATA
Help to stay safe during extreme weather Summer is here and that can mean heatwaves and flooding. You will be able to cope better in extreme situations if you are well prepared. To help you, Council has compiled an online guide to preparing for extreme weather. The site has useful information that will help every household be better prepared for heatwaves, storms and floods. There’s a guide to creating a home emergency plan, a contents list for a home emergency kit, a checklist for preparing for storms and other useful tips. How would your household cope if an evacuation was required? Go online today and get some tips before you really need them. BE PREPARED
Holiday service information – Port Phillip ASSIST Call Centre
St Kilda Service Desk
South Melbourne Service Desk
Port Melbourne Service Desk
Fri 21 Dec 2012
8 am - 5.30 pm
8.30 am - 5 pm
8.30 am - 5 pm
8.30 am - 5 pm
Mon 24 Dec 2012
8 am - 3 pm
8.30 am - 3 pm
Tue 25 Dec 2012
Wed 26 Dec 2012
Thu 27 Dec 2012
8 am - 5.30 pm
8.30 am - 5 pm
Fri 28 Dec 2012
8 am - 5.30 pm
8.30 am - 5 pm
Mon 31 Dec 2012
8 am - 3 pm
8.30 am - 3 pm
Tue 1 Jan 2013
Wed 2 Jan 2013
8 am - 5.30 pm
8.30 am - 5 pm
8.30 am - 5 pm
8.30 am - 5 pm
ASSIST 9209 6777 has an after-hours service that operates every day, including weekends and public holidays.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
United for cleaner beaches
news briefs
Community groups are working with Council to clean up our beaches. Everyone is invited to get involved.
The public is urged to call the police on 000 if they are concerned about jet skis breaking the rules on our beaches. All watercraft (including personal watercraft) must adhere to a 5 kph speed limit within 200 metres of any beach. New laws that started in December 2010 also include swimming only zones around Sandridge Beach, Middle Park Beach, Port Melbourne and South Melbourne lifesaving clubs, and St Kilda beach between the pier and marina. SEE A MAP OF BEACH ZONES
Library closes briefly for much needed upgrade The St Kilda Library will close for about four weeks from Monday 7 January while the toilets and help desk areas are refurbished. The library is expected to reopen on Monday 4 February. Books can still be returned through the returns chute in Carlisle Street and online reservations can be made for items in the St Kilda collection. The upgrade includes a new look entry area, with a ‘concierge’ help-desk. The other major improvements will be the refurbishment of the public toilets and the parents’ room with change facilities.
Market set for festive season Traders at the South Melbourne Market are gearing up for a fabulous festive season. With the spectacular new roof, the market will be drier in the wet and cooler in the heat. Also note in your diaries that the market will be open for continuous trading on the six days leading up to Christmas (19 - 24 December).
Photo: Chris Cassar
New rules for jet skis
Saturday by the bay
You are invited to join the team for cleaner beaches this summer. Dozens of volunteers have already taken up the cause and are working with Council to remove litter from beaches. They are urging you to make the first move by keeping our streets cleaner. Beach Patrol 3206 and Beach Patrol 3207 (pictured with the red and blue t-shirts) have been holding regular beach clean ups for two and three years respectively. The Coast Monkeys, a beach running group, combine a jog along the sand with picking up litter as they go. Council is also stepping up efforts to keep both beaches and streets cleaner. And
Be part of th e Baycare fam ily event on Satu rday 8 Decem ber, 9 am - 12 no on, on the be ach between Ker ferd Road an d Mills Street. Activit ies include sh ell count, beach clean-up, wat er testing anda butt safari. More info at m
remember, glass and smoking are no longer permitted on Port Phillip beaches. This rule applies all year to ensure beaches are kept clean and safe for all. GET INVOLVED The Beach Patrol groups are looking for people to extend the activities to St Kilda 3182 and Elwood 3184. For more information email
Bikes on parade for festival Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House will host a decorated bike parade for the 2013 St Kilda Festival. Community centres, art groups and individuals are invited to submit a concept and start work on their own decorated bike (entries close 10 December). These colourful, personal
two-wheeled creations will be on display on Festival Sunday, riding in parade through the crowd. GET YA BIKE IN PARADE Visit Call 9645 1476 to participate
The market will also be open all four days leading up to the New Year, 28 - 31 December. CHECK OUT THE MARKET ON FACEBOOK
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Ban applies from 12.01 am on New Year’s Eve to 9.00 am on New Year’s Day
Information, requests, questions or feedback Telephone 03 9209 6777 Fax 03 9536 2722 SMS 0432 005 405 Email Internet If you are deaf, hearing or speech impaired please use the National Relay Service ( TTY users can call 133 677, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Speak and Listen users can call 1300 555 727, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Or visit ASSIST in person Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall 208 – 220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne
Translations For a translation please call the Council’s Language assistance interpreter service:
廣東話 普通話 Polska Ελληνικά Россию Other languages
9679 9810 9679 9858 9679 9812 9679 9811 9679 9813 9679 9814
divercity 65 Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 200 vision-impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.
December/January 2012 Editor: Greg Day Next deadline: 21 December 2012 for Feb/ March 2013 Writers: Reece Marks, Kathryn McGrath and Greg Day. Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: Divercity is printed on recycled paper
Celebrating a Century of Luna Park When Luna Park first opened on Friday 13 December 1912, an excited 22,000 people flocked through the now famous face and towers and the huge Mr Moon mouth. One hundred years later, Divercity looks back at how Luna Park became a St Kilda icon with the help of Reginald Boyd and Rose Stone, and their winning entries in the Port Phillip Seniors Writing Festival Competition.
The Spectacle Key attractions during the early years of Luna Park included the Great Scenic Railway, the Palace of Illusions (which later became the Giggle Palace), the River Caves and the Ferris Wheel. Live entertainment was also very popular at the time, including global high-wire stars Granada and Fedora, who would traverse high above Luna Park on a length of wire, dressed up as an elephant.
The Thrills Reginald Boyd was born in 1929 and spent many a Saturday afternoon with hundreds of other children who would line up well before opening time to get on their favourite attractions. In the 1940s the best [rides], in order, would have been the Big Dipper followed by The Whip, The Whirl and the Dodgem Cars. After that we would consider the Scenic Railway if the queue was not too long, but it paled behind the Big Dipper for thrills. The Big Dipper was the favourite because of its speed, tight corners and drastic dips.
Be part of the fun Relive Luna Park history – go back to 1912 Winding back the clock to explore the time when the magic first began, Luna Park will be recreated in the style of its origins. With horses and carts, vintage stands and staff in historic uniforms, visitors will be able to experience the park as it really was in the beginning. Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 December Opening the gates to community groups Luna Park is opening for free to our city’s most courageous community groups – a chance for Luna Park to give back to those who have made significant contributions to our community. Daryl Braithwaite and support acts will entertain. A limited number of general public tickets will be available by online ballot. Thursday 13 December
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
in the crowd… Fun Facts • T he world’s first full-length feature film The Story of the Kelly Gang was filmed on the site of Luna Park in 1906. • T hroughout World War I, Luna Park added a side-show called Kaiser’s Kitchen to the Palace of Illusions. Visitors could take their anger out on the German ‘enemy’ by hurling crockery at an effigy of Kaiser Wilhelm. • T he Great Scenic Railway is the oldest continually operating wooden roller coaster in the world still operating under its original design with a ride-on brake operator.
Read seniors' stories
The Romance Luna Park was hugely popular as a place to take a new beau, and romance often blossomed under the fairy lights. In her story, Rose Stone relates her first visit:
The full vers Rose and Reg ion of inald’s stories , along with o ther entries from the Seniors Fe stival writing competition, are available online at ww w.po rtphillip.vic. _festival.htm
The first year of the war. A 17 year old girl who had left her family behind her in a small town in Poland that didn’t even have electricity. A girl who had never been kissed. Out with a boy for the first time. …we go to the Big Dipper. The boy says it’s the best... we slow down, almost stop in mid-air. Then like a whirlwind we descend. Everyone is screaming, I am frightened and screaming, I hang on to the boy, my arms around his neck, I am holding on tight. Suddenly a warm feeling enfolds my body. It’s like I am melting. I realise that I am being kissed. Rose Stone was born in Poland in 1922, and in 1938 at the age of 16 she came on her own to Australia with hopes that her family would soon follow. However war broke out and they perished. She now lives in St Kilda.
The Future Today, Luna Park remains a favourite destination for its 800,000 yearly visitors and features 18 rides and attractions, including the Great Scenic Railway, the recently restored Carousel, the spooky Ghost Train, the Dodgem Cars and contemporary rides including the Spider, Enterprise and Pharaoh’s Curse. Mary Stuart, Luna Park’s Executive Director reveals what is in store for the coming year. ‘This summer will see Luna Park hosting a spinning roller coaster and the Power Surge will return, as well as the Coney Drop ride, the cousin of the ride installed at Coney Island, New York. ‘The focus on renewal of Art in the Park will continue with installation of the Palace mosaic by local artist Pamela Irving. ‘A Luna Park iPhone App will be launched in December that includes an augmented reality capacity that will translate yesteryear into the 21st century. ‘I think the future for Luna Park will be very strong and vibrant because of the commitment that the people of Melbourne have to this place. Everyone in Melbourne has a sense of ownership of Luna Park and this is a great strength.’ The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Divercity asked Great Scenic Railway brakeman Rob Cameron about the ups-anddowns of his job. How long have you worked at Luna Park? What was your first job there? Eight and a half years, operating such rides as The Carousel and The Sky Rider ferris wheel. About eight months after I started, on a beautiful spring day in March, I got my hands on the brake handle of the red train and underwent my scenic driver training with my trainer Georgia. How does it feel to operate the Great Scenic Railway? The old girl will also be celebrating her 100th birthday this year. While I am cruising around up there I think of all the years and people before me who have made their living from driving the Scenic Railway and find myself in quite a profound mood when I am back on ground level heading to my next ride to operate. And what’s code rainbow? Code rainbow is when a guest has regurgitated their lunch somewhere throughout park. We have codes for most situations in the park. My favourite is code 12, lunch time! Apart from the Scenic Railway, do you have a favourite ride at Luna Park? Operating the rides for the smaller children, and seeing the smiles and bewilderment on their faces can really melt your heart. My quirky little thrill is turning on all the park’s lights at dusk on a hot summer’s day, which creates a magical atmosphere as the lights display throughout the night. Do you have a least favourite job? That would have to be when you have to clean up a code rainbow! What’s the best thing about your job? We have a great team here and everybody is friendly. We’re lucky to have really good management that makes our jobs more comfortable, including hot chocolate runs on the cold nights or handing out Powerade on the hot days.
Port Phillip Councillors ward Contact details
Occupation or employment description
Previous community involvement
What inspired you to be a councillor?
What is your favourite part of your ward and why
What are your interests outside council or politics?
Amanda Stevens Albert Park
Vanessa Huxley
Serge Thomann
9209 6431
9209 6705
9209 6705
0481 034 029
0406 890 739
0432 299 372
Lawyer and management consultant specialising in corporate governance. I initially practiced in corporate litigation and then spent 10 years at ASIC were I held national management roles. Two years ago I set up my own business consulting in corporate governance, leadership and gender diversity.
I am currently employed as a relationship manager with a leading data centre and cloud computing consultancy. My role focuses on building effective networks, as well as managing and growing a portfolio of new and existing business. I have a broad knowledge of business & IT and am degree qualified in Communications.
After coming to Australia to work as a marketing executive for L'Oréal, I stayed here to be a selfemployed photographer working with prestigious names in the entertainment industry. Also active as an event organizer and PR consultant. Became more or less a full-time Councillor in my previous term.
At University, I volunteered in a number of community legal services. More recently, I have served on committees with Victorian Women Lawyers, Environment Victoria and Clarendon Childcare Centre. Currently I am in my second year on the School Council at Middle Park Primary School.
Previous involvement in Dress for Success, a Not for Profit Organisation that promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged women. Also I’m currently a member of unChain.
Founded unChain St Kilda, which became unChain. Espy campaign, AIDS Trust, SIDS / Red Nose Day and more.
As a volunteer, parent and resident, I recognise the need to build our community. We need more childcare, aged care, affordable housing and new schools. I want to make sure that these services are provided. Most of all, I want to ensure that Council listens and responds to residents and local business owners.
Inspired by our progressive and diverse community, I strongly believe younger residents need a voice on Council and I will work to ensure Port Philip continues to grow in creativity, liveability and service delivery. I credit my parents for my sense of social awareness and my desire to make a difference.
I stood in 2008 because I was angry that the previous Council did not listen to its community on the Triangle. Since then I have been inspired by the diverse community around us. Being able to make a difference in people’s lives inspires me… I meet amazing people every day and this gets me going!
The people; a remarkably diverse, friendly and open community thrives in Albert Park. The beach, lake, beautiful tree-lined heritage streets, the village shopping strips with great restaurants and shops come a close second.
I love spending my weekends on Carlisle Street – there’s a great mix of cafes, retail stores and boutique food stores. Over the past few months I’ve met some great people there; business owners, residents and shoppers. Oh and I love the new self-serve frozen yogurt place!
Too many to mention, but I like to watch the sunset from behind Kerby’s sitting on the rocks… watching the little penguins coming home… I like some of the grand homes in St Kilda and the foreshore… and the Palais of course!
I enjoy running and completed my first marathon in October. I also enjoy reading, cooking and eating great food. And most of all the company of my family and friends.
Live music, fashion, fitness, friends and family.
Music, travel, reading, dinner with friends, walking, sleep!
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Anita Horvath Emerald Hill
Andrew Bond Junction
Jane Touzeau Point Ormond
Bernadene Voss Sandridge
9209 6705
9209 6705
9209 6705
9209 6705
0438 906 161
0481 034 028
0432 287 634
0413 246 704
Solicitor part-time in intellectual property licensing. After becoming a mother, I worked part-time as corporate Counsel of a natural and cultural heritage consultancy of which I was a director and co-owner. I have been a guest lecturer in aspects of intellectual property law; a banking and finance lawyer; and a litigator.
National sales manager for an fast moving consumer goods company.
I have worked in adult education teaching community development, adult literacy and English as a second language in neighbourhood houses, TAFE colleges and Victoria University.
Previously founder and director of a loyalty technology and marketing services organisation. Currently a marketing and virtual communications consultant and working as a business manager in a small firm. For the last six years I have also been the director of the Port Melbourne Family & Children’s Hub.
I volunteer at St Kilda Legal Service and have volunteered at legal services since being a student. I have served on the committees for the Albert Park College Childcare Centre, Liardet Street Children’s Centre Steering Committee and Council’s Community Grants Assessment Committee.
Over the years I have held various committee positions with a suburban football club and have been a church youth group leader. As I got older I have progressed into local politics, chairing the Albert Park Electoral Conference for the Liberal Party for the past two years.
I have been involved over many years in groups including Parents for Music, Save Albert Park, various community singing groups, Parents against Cuts in Education, Elwood Primary School Council, Elwood College Parents Association, Port Phillip Community Forum, and Australia East Timor Association.
Director and active participant in the Port Melbourne Family & Children’s Hub, kindergarten and childcare committees, School PFA and council steering committees.
Since making my first speech to Moorabbin Council as a 13 year old, I have advocated for people and community. Community spirit and caring for others, was kindled by my parents. I am keen to help people preserve and enhance our wonderful community and be a voice for the residents.
An interest in people, local business and community, and the desire to see each have the opportunity to thrive in Port Phillip.
I stood for Council four years ago out of concern for the then proposed commercial development on the Triangle site beside the Palais. I felt my background in community development and adult education could contribute to Council, and I have found this to be the case.
Being actively involved in the community has instilled a sense of responsibility for ensuring inclusive and open participation in local activities and for all residents within the Port Melbourne community to have a sense of belonging. I want to represent and advocate for the community which I belong.
My favourites span my love of culture, people and landscape; the South Melbourne Town Hall and Library precinct for its grandeur, imposing aspect, home to ANAM and possibilities; the South Melbourne Market for its vibrancy, diversity, bargains and authenticity; Albert Park Lake, for its poplars, big sky, reflective waters and recreational possibilities.
The Junction Oval. I remember catching the train from Altona to St Kilda as a teenager to watch Williamstown play Coburg at the Junction Oval in the 1986 VFA Grand Final. Great atmosphere with some of the true legends of the VFA playing, Phil Cleary sent off for whacking Terry Wheeler, and a 13 point Williamstown victory.
My favourite part of Elwood is the people. There are so many happy faces and happy children enjoying the relaxed environment, it is a special part of the world.
I enjoy walking in the many parks and open reserves in Port Melbourne. My children and my dog enjoy the fresh air and open spaces.
Family and friends. Cooking and eating. Reading and creative writing. Cycling, swimming, walking – around the lake, or by the bay, but preferably in the bush. Some light gym workouts, Yoga and Tai Chi. The arts: film, theatre, galleries, music.
The North Melbourne Football Club. I’m a passionate, loud and proudly one-eyed North Melbourne tragic. I might have to trade my 10 year old sleeveless football jumper for some different attire this coming season…
I enjoy Tai Chi, my singing group, art and community arts, riding my bike and walking. I like to get into the country to absorb nature, and I love taking little Ruby to pre-school music group – I have become a Grandparent for Music!
My family, my friends, my dog, food and wine and the school community. I love sports and the arts.
I have a degree in International Trade and have worked in sales roles for a number of different sized companies both here and overseas in the past 20 years.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Summer days ar Make the most of our beach, bay and bike paths by getting involved in Port Phillip’s summer events. Join in a fun run, triathlon, beach volleyball comp, cinema under the stars, or stroll with the crowds at the St Kilda Festival. For more information about these events and many other activities in the city over summer, visit or call ASSIST on 9209 6777. February 2013
December 2012
Sunday 3 February Pride March 12 noon – 8 pm
Sunday 2 December Sussan Women’s Fun Run 7.30 am – 11.30 am
Albert Park to St Kilda Beach and Catani Gardens
Catani Gardens Road Closure: Beach Road from Glenhuntly Road to Kerferd Road
Road Closure: Fitzroy/Upper Esplanade Sunday 2 December International Sailing Federation (ISAF) 10 am – 4 pm Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron, St Kilda Foreshore and Catani Gardens Sunday 2 December – Sunday 30 December St Kilda Open Air Cinema 6 pm – 11 pm South Beach Reserve
Wednesday 2 January – Sunday 6 January St Kilda Open Air Cinema 6 pm – 11 pm
Central St Kilda
South Beach Reserve
Road Closures: Fitzroy Street, Acland Street, Upper Esplanade and Jacka Boulevard
Friday 11 January – Sunday 13 January National Beach Volleyball Series 7 am – 8 pm
Sunday 17 February Nissan Corporate Triathlon National Series Melbourne 7.00 am – 11.30 am
Sunday 16 December
South Beach Reserve and St Kilda Foreshore
Gatorade Triathlon Race 2 7.00 am – 11.30 am
Elwood Park Road Closure: Ormond Esplanade and Beach Road from St Kilda Street to Kerferd Road
Sunday 13 January Gatorade Triathlon Race 3 7.00 am – 11.30 am Elwood Park Road Closure: Ormond Esplanade and Beach Road from St Kilda Street to Kerferd Road
Saturday 22 December
Summer KICK 10 am – 9 pm
Saturday 19 January SLAM Volleyball 10 am – 9 pm
Saturday 23 February – Sunday 24 February Melbourne Summer Cycle 6 am – 3 pm
St Kilda Beach and South Beach Reserve
Friday 28 December – Tuesday 3 January 2013
Sunday 20 January XOSIZE Tri Series 7.00 am – 11.30 am Elwood Park
Port Melbourne Beach
Road Closure: Ormond Esplanade and Beach Road from St Kilda Street to Kerferd Road
Road Closure: Ormond Esplanade and Beach Road from St Kilda Street to Kerferd Road
No road closures
Hobie Cat National Catamaran Championships 9 am – 5 pm
Head Street Reserve, Elwood
St Kilda Beach and South Beach Reserve
Sunday 10 February St Kilda Festival 5 am – midnight
January 2013
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
April 2013 Sunday 7 April Gatorade Triathlon Race 6 7.30 am – 11.30 am Catani Gardens Road Closure: Ormond Esplanade and Beach Road from St Kilda Street to Kerferd Road
March 2013 Friday 1 March – Sunday 3 March Professional Beach Volleyball 7 am – 6 pm St Kilda Foreshore Sunday 3 March March against Melanoma 8.30 am – 1.30 pm Catani Gardens Sunday 10 March Sanitarium Weet-bix Kids TRY-athlon 9 am – 1 pm Catani Gardens Road Closure: Beaconsfield Parade, St Kilda Sunday 24 March Ironman Asia Pacific Championship – Melbourne 7 am – 12 midnight South Beach Reserve, Catani Gardens and St Kilda Foreshore Road Closure: Pier Road
Net yourself some beach volleyball fun Coaching for volleyball is available at South Melbourne Beach for all levels from Tuesday through to Thursday from 6.30 pm, as well as a two-a-side competition for beginners/intermediates on Saturday afternoons, junior volleyball on Tuesday afternoons and Saturday mornings, and tournaments on Sundays. Nets are also available free of charge at any time – just bring a ball. St Kilda Beach (outside Republica bar) also has Tuesday to Thursday mixed four-a-side competition in the afternoons. Head to or call Chico on 0421 204 578 for details.
Head out on the bay The Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron in St Kilda is hosting a Discover Sailing Day on Sunday 2 December. All boats and safety equipment are provided free of charge for people to give sailing a try. Just bring some clothes and shoes that you don’t mind getting wet, sunscreen, hat and loads of enthusiasm. Children as young as five can sail if accompanied by a parent or guardian. Visit
Get active, try something new Our foreshore plays host to a great range of organised sport and recreation. Join the kite boarders as they fly above the waves, drop in on the neighbours by sky diving, get stood up on a paddle board, see the sea from a kayak or take a pony for a ride.
foreshore events
e here again:
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Sell your craft by the sea shore
Prose and poetry on the menu SOUTH MELBOURNE: Join the fun of free open mic literary readings at the South Melbourne Market on Mondays from 7.30 pm. Bring a monologue, short prose, song lyrics (unaccompanied) or poems to read, or simply listen to work from others. There will also be special guests on the first Monday of each month. For more information, including the venue, visit Gilgamesh Readings on Facebook or call 9645 5779. Food for thought: The best offerings will be published in a fortnightly pamphlet by Gilgamesh Productions. Pic: Michael Reynolds.
Council adopts new pets plan CITY-WIDE: Council has adopted a new Domestic Animal Management Plan which includes creating a new fenced off leash area in Eastern Reserve and trialing a new off-leash area in Middle Park. More than 230 people provided feedback on the plan which focuses on education for pet owners, pet registration, keeping dogs under control in shared public spaces, micro chipping, de-sexing and encouraging people to pick up after their dogs.
Farmers markets are mushrooming CITY-WIDE: Local farmers markets are blossoming in our city. Join in the market at Veg Out next to Peanut Farm Oval (8.00 am – 12.30 pm) on the first Saturday of the month and Gasworks Art Park (8.30 am – 1.00 pm) on the third Saturday. From Sunday 23 December, the South Melbourne St Kilda Rotary is Commons launches a fortnightly farmers market. holds their markets on Calendar at the fourth Sunday at Fitzroy Street in St Kilda (8 am – 1 pm). Keep your eyes peeled also for new Elwood Farmers Market dates, to be held monthly at Elwood College.
Join in the Christmas cheer at the Village ALBERT PARK: Celebrate the festive season at the Albert Park Village Christmas community festival. The event will feature music and a runway show showcasing fashion from local shops. There will also be tasty nibbles and drinks on offer from the Village’s diverse food purveyors in and around the Bridport Street precinct. Traders will be open late and will offer complementary gift wrapping. Wednesday 5 December, 4 pm – 9 pm.
Looking for the perfect gift? With more than 130 stalls of quality handmade one-of-a-kind gifts, there is something for all tastes.
ST KILDA: The St Kilda Esplanade Market takes applications every month for new stallholders selling their own handmade art and craft products. Visit for more details. Check out the more than 130 stalls every Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm on Upper Esplanade St Kilda.
Church to showcase local creativity BALACLAVA: The Holy Trinity Anglican Church will be holding its first Community Christmas Tree Festival from Friday 7 to Sunday 9 December. Visitors will be able to see over 50 Christmas trees decorated in a variety of themes by local community groups and members (gold coin donation for adults, children free). The Melbourne Singers of Gospel will also be performing their Lighting the World concert on the Saturday at 6 pm ($20 at the door, children under 12 free), and everybody is welcome to join in carols from 4 pm on the Sunday. The church is on the corner of Chapel Street and Brighton Road.
Local park pops up SOUTH MELBOURNE: Residents are set to get a new Pop-Up Park in South Melbourne. Port Phillip’s first ever temporary park will miraculously appear in Emerald Hill Place in December, complete with synthetic grass, park furniture and new plants. Council’s landscape architects are working on a design to permanently turn this site from asphalt into green open space late next year.
Evening shopping in style this December SOUTH MELBOURNE: Fashionistas, foodies and music lovers have until Thursday 20 December to catch Style After Dark at the South Melbourne Market. The event runs Thursday evenings, 5.30 pm – 9.30 pm, with stalls featuring locallydesigned and made clothing, jewellery, headwear, homewares and children’s toys, as well as plenty of food from local outlets. Visit to see what’s on each week.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Library upgrade underway
Seeing is b elieving
See vivid real -time time lapse photogr aphy of the Marina Reser ve pr St Kilda – it’s oject in amazing www.portph / marina-reserv e.htm
SOUTH MELBOURNE: Construction is commencing on the new Emerald Hill Library and Heritage Centre. Library facilities have temporarily relocated to the South Melbourne Town Hall theatrette and will be back in their permanent location by mid to late 2013 when construction is finished. During this period the opening hours will be 10 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday, except for Wednesday (1 pm – 5 pm), and 10 am – 2 pm Saturday. For more information visit
Relaxation at the learning house
Local promenade made more accessible
ELWOOD: The Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning House has a number of activities running over the summer months including yoga and pilates. Patrons can also enjoy the community garden, make use of the free barbeque and let the children free on the playground. Visit to learn more about the Learning House’s programs.
Water inspires poets ELWOOD: Water was the theme for the 2012 Elwood Poetry Prize and you can read the winning poems at the EcoCentre website To get you in the mood, here is St Columba’s Primary School student Max Markham’s best limerick. Near by the water
Ease of use: A wheelchair accessible drinking fountain has also been installed close to St Kilda Pier.
There was a man who could hear the sea, It was as far as the eye could see, With the waves crashing, The water spraying, That’s where I want to be.
ST KILDA: Council has completed construction of a beach access flat pad that can be accessed from the St Kilda Promenade, in front of Beachcombers restaurant. The structure is made from recycled plastic decking boards that are both durable and sustainable. The nearest disabled car parking spaces are located in the St Kilda Sea Baths carpark.
Join forces for tidy beaches
Children’s centre set to open its doors
MIDDLE PARK/ PORT MELBOURNE: The 3207BeachPatrol and 3206BeachPatrol volunteer groups celebrate two years since they began cleaning litter from the Middle Park and Port Melbourne beaches. New volunteers are welcome to join the groups on Saturday 1 December at 9am to help tidy the beaches. The 3207BeachPatrol gathers at First Point Beach (Princes Pier) and 3206BeachPatrol at the beach end of McGregor Street. The group is also looking for volunteer coordinators to help expand the program to the 3182 and 3184 regions. For more information email
ST KILDA: The St Kilda Family and Children’s Centre (SKFCC) is on track to open in early 2013. The brand new centre is located next to the Town Hall on Carlisle Street and will provide childcare, early learning and long day-care, immunisation services, maternal and child health services, spaces for playgroups and new parent groups. For more information about the centre contact Brigid Jenkinson on 9209 6238.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Summer fun in our nature ST KILDA: The EcoCentre is presenting a number of events over summer to keep nature-lovers busy, including Moonlight Cinema evenings on Mondays 3 December (film: Animate Earth) and 14 January. Local expert Neil Blake is also running nature walks during the evenings along the St Kilda foreshore to showcase our local flora and fauna such as the little penguins. See the calendar of events at for further details.
from ASSIST What are the ASSIST hours over the holiday period? Complete details of the ASSIST service hours are on page two. Want to report an after-hours emergency? Call Assist on 9209 6777 – this is a 24 hour service, seven days a week. Are we allowed to have fireworks on our own property on the New Year’s Eve? No. It is against the law to set off illegal fireworks. Any persons interested in organising fireworks for a major event or on private property needs to contact Worksafe Victoria on 9641 1444 for a license. Council does not issue permits for fireworks on private property. How can I dispose of my Christmas tree? The Council will pick up trees as part of hard/green waste collection. Book a pick-up by contacting ASSIST on 9209 6777. Are there changes to parking over summer? From November, all Port Phillip foreshore car parking charges change from the winter parking rate of $4.50 to the summer rate of $10.50. (There are no changes to fees in other areas). Over the holiday period there is a marked increase in drivers parking in no stopping areas and loading zones. Loading zones are for commercial vehicles only. Please take care to plan ahead for your shopping trip and ensure you allow enough time to find appropriate parking. All areas including no stopping areas and loading zones are constantly patrolled – don’t let a parking infringement spoil your day!
Christmas cheer in your local shop front PORT MELBOURNE: The areas around Bay, Liardet and Rouse Streets will come alive in the lead up to Christmas, with window decorations and a 12 Days of Christmas competition for kids. Twelve animal figures will be hidden among the store window decorations, and postcards will be distributed so children can locate the animals and submit their entries. The launch of the Christmas in Port Melbourne celebrations will be on Thursday 29 November, 5 pm – 9 pm, with carols, a circus street performance, sausage sizzle, and a photo opportunity with Santa.
Sneak peek at St Kilda Festival local gigs ST KILDA: During Live N Local week, St Kilda venues will open their doors to the best local music talent. Musicians can add to their professional skills by participating in a series of talks, forums and workshops as part of St Kilda Festival’s Artist Development Program. The events will feature leading Australian music industry professionals such as singer-songwriter Jen Cloher, who will host the I Manage My Music workshop on Sunday 3 February at the Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre. The St Kilda Sports Club will join a growing list of local venues that will host live music as part of Live N Local week (3 - 9 February). Expect performances throughout the festival week, bringing the bowls venue to melodic life. Yalukit Willam Ngargee – 2 February 2013 Live N Local – 3 - 9 February 2013 Festival Sunday – 10 February 2013
A pet is for life, not just for Christmas EAST ST KILDA: The St Kilda Veterinary Clinic is offering free information sessions on pet adoption between 4 pm and 5 pm on Wednesdays leading up to Christmas. The 20 minute consultations will help you make an informed decision on what type of animal is right for your family, and will also provide tips on making a safe household environment for your adopted pet. Call 9534 1741 for more information. If you are thinking of getting a pet over Christmas, consider adopting one from an animal shelter. Most shelters have reasonable adoption fees that help to cover costs such as veterinary care, vaccinations, micro-chipping, animal behaviour assessment and de-sexing.
Parking, the Law and you brochures from the Victoria Law Foundation are available from our town halls or ASSIST. This handy guide explains common parking laws such as how much space to leave when parking, common parking signs, who can issue a parking fine and who to contact if you need more help.
Lost Dogs Home
ASSIST 9209 6777 is the best number to call for information about council services or to let us know about a problem.
RSPCA Victoria
Jen Cloher
2 Gracie Street, North Melbourne. For more information visit or call 9329 2755. Victorian Dog Rescue and Resource Group (VicDRG) Dogs and cats as well as guinea pigs and rabbits can be adopted. Visit
St Kilda vet clinic’s Mitzy-Mu with vet Dr Karen Boyd-Jones.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
North by North West for Summer
2013-14 City of Port Phillip Funding and Subsidy Opportunities The City of Port Phillip’s 2013 –14 Annual Grant Programs will be opening soon. Funding opportunities will be available through the Community Grants Program, Cultural Development Fund, Local Festivals Fund, Small Poppy Neighbourhood Grants, Seniors Festival Funding and the Multicultural Celebrations Fund. Council Subsidy Schemes will cover Town Hall Hire, Community Meals and Community Transport.
The redfin are biting in Lake Hindmarsh
Applications open from 18 February to 28 March 2013 for projects, programs or activities that promote social justice, inclusion, creativity, equity, health and well-being and arts and cultural heritage within the municipality. For more information on specific program dates and details visit funding_opps.htm
Hindmarsh has relaxation down to a fine art over summer. Boxing Day races at Nhill have fun for all ages with beauty contests, tab on course, book makers and fine calibre of horse racing. The redfin are biting at Lake Hindmarsh and in the Wimmera River or try catching a yabby or two. Accommodation is a billion star rated in numerous campsites around the Shire. Check all there is to offer at
Community Grants Program Information Sessions 2013
The Elwood MS support circle is a new support group for the family, friends and carers of people with MS. Find support and fun with friends. Dinner provided, BYO drinks.
Wednesday 20 February, 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm Council Chambers, 1st Floor St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda (enter via Portico entrance) Thursday 21 February, 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm Liardet Community Centre 154 Liardet Street, Port Melbourne Cultural Development Fund Information Session 2013 Thursday 28 February, 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm The Gallery and Foyer Annex, Ground Floor, St Kilda Town Hall
Experience a French weekend in Port Phillip with the Alliance Française de Melbourne. The gates of the prestigious Eildon Mansion will open and offer free French language trial classes and assessments, arts and craft, storytelling, French food court, market stalls, film screenings, petanque game and prizes to be won.
Third Saturday of each month, 4 pm – 7 pm Elwood Neighbourhood House 87 Tennyson Street, Elwood People with MS are also invited to be part of the St Kilda MS peer support group, which has participants from all ages and stages of living with MS. Meetings include lunch and guest speakers.
Saturday 8 December, 10 am – 8 pm and Sunday 9 December, 1 pm – 6 pm Alliance Française, 51 Grey Street, St Kilda
First Tuesday of each month, 11 am – 2 pm. Betty Day Centre For more information on both groups please call Gayle at MS Australia on 9845 2763 or call MS Connect 1800 042 138 or email
Free Grant Writing Workshops – Hone your skills in successful grant writing
Holiday period waste and recycling collection
Wednesday 20 February, 1 pm – 3 pm Wednesday 6 March, 7 pm – 9 pm
Christmas Day Collection, Tuesday 25 Dec 2012 will be collected on Wednesday 26 Dec 2012.
Ground Floor Training Room St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda (enter opposite St Kilda Library)
Boxing Day Collection, Wednesday 26 Dec 2012 will be collected on Thursday 27 Dec 2012.
Great ideas grow with Small Poppy grants
Friday 28 Dec Collection will be collected Saturday 29 Dec 2012.
If you need a little help getting your new idea off the ground, apply for a Small Poppy Neighbourhood Grant. The grants are given out to residents for clever ideas that create a sense of community in your neighbourhood, from a communal compost bin to a tool exchange or book club. What will you come up with this summer? For more information, email or visit
Petit Paris in Port Phillip French Christmas Market and Open Day
Thursday 27 Dec Collection will be collected Friday 28 Dec 2012.
No Changes to New Years Day Collections Resource Recovery Centre and City of Port Phillip depot opening times Closed Public Holidays: Christmas Day 25 Dec 2012 Boxing Day 26 Dec 2012 New Years Day 1 Jan 2013 Resource Recovery Centre Operating hours: Monday to Friday 7.30 am – 3.30 pm Saturday and Sunday 9 am – 1 pm
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Lanterns to light up Catani Gardens
Photo: Chris Cassar
Tuesday 19 February, 10.00 am – 11.30 am South Melbourne Community Centre Hall Corner Park Street and Ferrars Place, South Melbourne
Share the journey with friends
The Planetary Healing Artists Association will bring together people from different faiths and beliefs to decorate the rotunda in Catani gardens with paper lanterns. The event will feature indigenous presentations, interfaith prayers, music, and spiritual groups to celebrate the summer solstice. The community are invited to bring their own paper lanterns to be part of the healing. Rotunda, Catani Gardens Corner Jacka Boulevard and Fitzroy Street, St Kilda 21 December, 7.30 pm – 10.30 pm
The Nutcracker – a Christmas tradition
Garden Gossip for kids
Play in the sand pit, catch a bug, go plant hunting or build a teepee! Bring your family and meet other like-minded families and share skills through garden play! Garden Gossip with kids will be held in the nurturing and productive EcoCentre gardens. Sunday 9 December 2012, 10.30 am, EcoCentre Garden, Blessington Street, St Kilda
New TravelSmart Maps Did you know the average daily walking time in the City of Port Phillip is 49 minutes? Also, 27 per cent of residents ride a bicycle in a typical week. Get a copy of the new TravelSmart Maps to plan your next walk or ride. Available at Town Halls.
More share cars coming to a street near you
A single car share vehicle replaces up to 14 privately owned cars, helps reduce parking stress and car ownership levels as well as enhancing air quality. There are currently 16 on-street car share bays in Port Phillip with more to come in 2013. To better respond to the evolving industry, Council has adopted a policy to formalise support for car sharing: share.htm
Maternity Coalition Elwood is presenting monthly documentary films in collaboration with guest speakers to discuss birth, pregnancy and beyond. MC works to improve our maternity system so that it better meets the needs and choices of Australian women. They provide current, evidence-based information as well as the experiential knowledge of mothers, midwives and health professionals. For more information go to Screening Guerilla Midwife Wednesday 12 December, 7.30 pm ESNLC, 87 Tennyson Street, Elwood Cost: $15 at the door or $10 PayPal
International student feedback wanted Are you an international student or do you know someone who is? Council is establishing a working group in 2013 to find out more about the issues facing international students in Port Phillip. Please call Cristina Del Frate on 9209 6385 or email cdelfrat@portphillip.vic. to share your ideas.
There is no other Nutcracker quite like the National Theatre Ballet’s production – the world’s favourite Christmas ballet in all its glory, for four performances only. Marvel at the four metre Christmas tree shimmering like diamonds, the penguins playing on their sleighs, and the beautiful Snow Queen and Snow Fairies. Friday 7 December, 7.30 pm Saturday 8 December, 2.30 pm, 7.30 pm Sunday 9 December, 2.30 pm Ticket prices – Adult $35, conc $30, child $15, family $90 (2 adults and 2 children) + BF for telephone bookings. Call 9525 4611 or visit to book. The National Theatre, Corner Carlisle and Barkly Streets, St Kilda
Confined 5 Shane Lovett – Deep Bay Dream
The premier visual arts exhibition featuring contemporary works by Indigenous prisoners in Victoria returns to St Kilda in 2013. Confined is part of the Yalukit Willam Ngargee Festival. 10 January – Friday 8 February 2013 Visit for more information. The Gallery, St Kilda Town Hall, 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Help select community grants Nominations are now open for a two year voluntary appointment to the City of Port Phillip Community Grants Assessment Panel. For further information and selection criteria contact Emma Blackford on 9209 6345 or Applications close 10 December.
Be quick for free sport and recreation activities The 2013 Summer Leisure and Lifestyle Program provides free sport and recreation activities to Port Phillip residents from January to March 2013. For a full list of activities and to register your interest, go to community.htm
South Melbourne Youth Festival Avidity, Australia’s first social enterprise salon was launched by TV presenter Livinia Nixon in September. In just six months over 200 people have trained at the salon, gaining industry skills and experience in hairdressing and makeup. The salon provides training for people who are marginalised, unemployed or disadvantaged. Avidity is an initiative of the Inner Melbourne VET Cluster, a not-for-profit vocational training education organisation.
Finding friends over fifty Over 50 and looking for a friendly social group in the Port Phillip area? Make new friends and enjoy activities such as bushwalking, book groups, theatre, cinema and dining. Check out the Port Phillip Life Activities Club at or contact the Membership Secretary on 9646 1861.
Give the gift of a job in East Timor
Cultural sounds for vision impaired
Come and see the Freestyle Fever under 18’s Hip Hop Dance competitors perform at the South Melbourne Youth Festival.
This SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALI DOCIOUS event is intended to highlight the talents of young people as they celebrate youth across the city and features a free barbeque, art demos, rides, face painting, hip hop performances, live music and BMX demos. The more young people, the better the events will be. To take part or get more information, find them on Facebook at City of Port Phillip Youth Action Committee page, call 9209 6167 or email *Thanks to Nicole Sumargo, Justice Malaitai – Cameron, James Ryan. Organised by the Kombiz Youth Network and ISCHS in collaboration with the City of Port Phillip, funded by FreeZa. Sol Green Recreation Centre Reserve Corner Coventry and Montague Street, South Melbourne Friday 7 December, 4.30 pm – 8.30 pm
Sounds of Culture is a weekly group for seniors who are interested in discussing literature, art, music and current affairs. The group has spoken word and piano performances too. It’s inclusive of older people who are experiencing problems with their vision…hence the emphasis on audio. Rotary South Melbourne is donating audio books for the group to enjoy. It’s a multicultural group with members from Poland, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Israel, England and Australia, though all speak in English. Cost is $4.55 including refreshments. Transport can be provided for members who are vision impaired.
The Friends of Suai are seeking your support for a scholarship scheme to help with jobs and training in East Timor.
Mondays 1 pm – 3 pm, Cora Graves Centre, 38 Blessington Street, St Kilda
The Community Centre in Suai, supported by the Port Phillip friendship agreement, is currently taking applications from community members. Employment training is crucial for rural people. Of the total population, 33 per cent are under 15 years of age and a further 50 per cent aged between 15-30 years.
Comment on new State Government plan for Melbourne
The East Timor government has proposed an oil and gas supply based in Suai. The community hope this will open up new employment opportunities and the creation of local jobs.
State Planning Minister Matthew Guy has released a discussion paper about a new Metropolitan Planning Strategy. The public are invited to join the conversation and have a say about Melbourne’s future. The deadline for comments is 1 March 2013. Visit the website to read the paper and ways to have your say.
Friends of Suai/Covalima is seeking your support to provide scholarships in 2013. To make a donation call Pat Jessen 9209 6598 or email or visit
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip