Divercity Newsletter 66 Feb/Mar 2013

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the official newsletter of the city of port phillip | issn 1328-0309 | issue 66 Feb/March 2013

Bikefest heads to Port Melbourne

Made in port phillip Local food, film and more to enjoy

Courses guide inside


Kitchen talk preserves more than food

from the Mayor Dear Residents, I hope you are enjoying summer in Port Phillip, especially our beaches and foreshore areas. There are a number of projects on the foreshore that I’d like to tell you about. Children will be literally head-over-heels at the re-opened Plum Garland playground on Beaconsfield Parade. With its great location at the terminus of the No.1 tram, the playground is adventurously designed and packed with a variety of things to do. So take the kids for a walk or a tram ride and have a play. Construction of the Marina Reserve project is rapidly taking shape. When complete in coming months, the reserve will add to the St Kilda promenade with more places to walk, skate, ride or just enjoy the view. Also on the foreshore, Council has a number of projects to protect the precious remnant dunes, especially in parts of Port Melbourne. We need to take care of these small but important dune areas and their unique flora and fauna. This is part of a bigger foreshore management plan adopted by Council last year. Among other things, the plan recognises the unique local character, significant vegetation and cultural history of our foreshores. One of the first tasks of all new councils is to develop a Council Plan that sets the strategic direction for the next four years. During February and March there will be many opportunities for you to contribute to the new Council Plan. The Councillors and I would really like your input. We want to know what your priorities are. So please get involved: stop by the conversation tents and other consultations or get in touch via Have Your Say at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au I would also encourage you to join in the many free summer community events we have coming up. Why not cycle to the Bike Festival in Port Melbourne, or share the indigenous welcome at Yalukit Willam Ngargee, or show your colours at the Pride March or join the crowd for music, food and kids’ activities at the St Kilda Festival? Have a safe and enjoyable summer. Amanda Stevens Mayor, City of Port Phillip The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Yalukit Wilam Clan of the Boon Wurrung. We pay our respect to their Elders, both past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land.



Sharing the food and stories of Timor-Leste has led to an exhibition at The Gallery

Kitchen Talks, the food and culture of Timor-Leste, is a community arts project that involves first generation Timorese immigrants in celebrating their culture through images, recipes and stories collected by making connections in the kitchen with artists Jorge de Araujo, Carmelita Gomes and Marnie Badham. Kitchen Talks features an exhibition in The Gallery, St Kilda Town Hall, from 20 March to 17 April. There will also be a dinner and festive gathering on Saturday, 12 April. As this group of immigrants age, they are concerned that the younger generation is in danger of losing important history and language. Kitchen Talks aims to address these concerns by capturing people’s stories through sharing food and recipes that will trigger memories of East Timor. This in turn stimulates interest and the opportunity to share delicious food and stories with the broader public. Kitchen Talks is a collaborative arts event sponsored by Council, Friends of Suai/Covalima, Multicultural Arts Victoria, the Timorese Association of Victoria, Melbourne East Timor Activity Centre and Belgium Road Neighbourhood House. Proceeds from the Kitchen Talks dinner and festivities will help to sponsor vocational training scholarships in East Timor with Friends of Suai/Covalima and the publication of an East Timor cookbook.  For more information contact Pat Jessen on 9209 6777  pjessen@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Join the conversation about Council Council is preparing its Council Plan for the next four years and you are invited to discuss your ideas with your Councillors during informal conversation tents during February and March. Saturday 2 February Elwood Primary School Market 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Saturday 9 February Olives Corner, Liardet Street, Port Melbourne 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Saturday 16 February Broadway reserve (the village green), Dundas Place, Albert Park 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Saturday 23 February South Melbourne Market 9.30 am – 12.30 pm

Sunday 24 February Rotary Fitzroy Street Farmers Market (cnr Fitzroy Street and Lakeside Drive, St Kilda) 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Saturday 2 March Veg Out Farmers Market (Chaucer Street, St Kilda) 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Sunday 3 March 161 Carlisle Street (near cnr Woodstock Street, outside Priceline) 9.30 am – 12.30 pm  For more information visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

There will be 26 playgroups at the new St Kilda centre.

Photo: Chris Cassar (and cover)

Port Bikefest

For the very first time, Bay Street will close to traffic for a full day celebration of bike riding, the likes of which Melbourne has never seen. Presented by the Port Melbourne Business Association and supported by Council, Bikefest has something for every kind of bike rider: young and old, new and experienced, the curious and the committed. The day begins with a ride in partnership with the James Cross Charitable Trust. Starting at bike shops around the city, Crossy’s Ride will unite cyclists in a show of solidarity in celebration of James, who was killed in a dooring incident in 2010. Arriving at Port Melbourne via the Beach Road, Sandridge Rail Trail and the Westgate Punt bike route, riders will find Bay Street transformed into a two wheeler playground. Free bicycle valet parking will be available at the Beach Road and Bridge Street ends of Bay Street. The day’s program includes a criterium presented by the St Kilda Cycling Club, bike polo demonstrations, a cargo bike obstacle course, bike decorating workshops, maintenance classes, sprint, trackstand and footdown competitions, custom and historical bike displays, bike trivia, artistic cycling performances, a bike photo booth and kids activities. Roller racing is presented as the final of the Melbourne District Messenger Association summer series. Once all the velo fun is over, the evening program kicks off with entertainment at live music venues The Local and The Exchange. Port Melbourne Bikefest Sunday 3 March 10 am – 10 pm Bay Street, Port Melbourne (road closure from Beach Street to Bridge Street) www.melbournebikefest.com.au Crossy’s Ride 10 am – 12 noon Starts at various bike shops around Melbourne www.crossys.com.au

Playgroups by the dozen When the doors to the new St Kilda Family and Children’s Centre open in coming weeks, the centre will become the new home of no fewer than 26 playgroups. And no one could be more excited than Kate McLoughlin, St Kilda Playgroup President and mother of two. ‘The purpose built new building will be ideal. It has indoor and outdoor play areas, but most importantly the centre has a range of services under the one roof, including the maternal and child health nurses,’ Kate explained. The central location and proximity to shops is also ideal she said. ‘St Kilda Playgroup provides a space for local parents and carers to regularly meet with their babies, toddlers, or preschoolers. The popularity of playgroups is really a testament to how much the playgroups benefit both the parents and the children. ‘Having everything you need in the one centre will be terrific for families and children who need extra assistance from time to time,’ she said. In addition to the playgroups, the St Kilda Family and Children’s Centre will have childcare, maternal and child health services, immunisation services, early childhood intervention services, family services and a multipurpose room. The new centre is located at 99B Carlisle Street near the corner of Chapel (next to the St Kilda Town Hall).  Visit www.stkildaplaygroup.org.au for more information about St Kilda playgroup.  Visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au for more about the centre.

Locals get priority on childcare waiting list Families who live, work or study in the City of Port Phillip will be given priority on the Children’s Services Centralised Waiting List from 1 February 2013. This is in addition to the criteria set by the Commonwealth Government Priority of Access Guidelines.

Take electric wheels for a spin You can take an electric car for a spin or test ride an electric bike at the EcoCentre’s Electric Vehicle Festival on Beaconsfield Parade on Sunday 24 February, 10 am – 4 pm. Experts will be on hand to answer your questions about the vehicles and the technology. Test drives cost $10. Bookings are required. Visit the website at www.trybooking.com/CGHT

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip





Mission to find the heart of St Kilda

Information, requests, questions or feedback Telephone 03 9209 6777 Fax 03 9536 2722 SMS 0432 005 405 Email assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au Internet eservices.portphillip.vic.gov.au If you are deaf, hearing or speech impaired please use the National Relay Service (www.relayservice.com.au). TTY users can call 133 677, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Speak and Listen users can call 1300 555 727, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Or visit ASSIST in person Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall 208 – 220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne

Translations For a translation please call the Council’s Language assistance interpreter service:

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9679 9810 9679 9858 9679 9812 9679 9811 9679 9813 9679 9814

divercity 66 Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 200 vision-impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.

February/March 2013 Editor: Greg Day gday@edunity.com.au Next deadline: 22 February for April/May Writers: Reece Marks, Kathryn McGrath and Greg Day. Thanks to Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo. Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au Divercity is printed on recycled paper



Families and friends are invited to form teams of four in Sacred Heart’s Mission: find the heart of St Kilda. Pictured are Cr Serge Thomann with Ruth, Charlotte, Zara, Allegra, Luisa and Rita.

To celebrate Sacred Heart Mission’s 30th anniversary, you are invited to join an amazing race fundraising event around St Kilda. Teams will vie for prizes – fastest to complete the circuit in each category, the team that raises the most money and the best fancy dress – while they fundraise for the Mission by getting sponsorships from their family and friends. The race coincides with an open day when Sacred Heart Mission’s doors are being thrown open to the community to show its work with people who experience homelessness. Sunday 24 February 2013 Open day: 2 pm – 5 pm Race: After they register, contestants will be assigned a start time. There will be staggered starts throughout the morning and early afternoon. To register or for more information, visit www.heartofstkilda.gofundraise.com.au Sacred Heart Mission, 87 Grey Street, St Kilda  www.sacredheartmission.org  1800 443 278

“St Kilda’s a city, not in whole but complete. Wher e homeless and wealt the walk the same streethy ” Ian Bland The Hear t of St Kilda 2010

Festival of youth St Kilda Youth Service FReeZA and the Council are proud to announce the return of the St Kilda Youth Festival to O’Donnell Gardens on Sunday 14 April 2013. Now in its second year, the St Kilda Youth Festival is a free for youth by youth community event that promotes the diversity, talent and input of young people. This all ages, drug and alcohol free extravaganza is a highlight of National Youth Week. This year’s circus sideshow theme features live music, as well as roving performances and attractions. Sunday 14 April 2013, 11 am – 8 pm, Free, O’Donnell Gardens, St. Kilda (alongside Luna Park)

The St Kilda Youth Festival Committee is creating its own circus sideshow. Pictured are Ed Bergemann, Elena Iliadis, Fiona Nguyen, Harry Stobbie and Brad Szmerling. Photo: Jenny Ritchie-Jones

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

foodie firsts from Port Phillip Did you know that Australia’s first Meals on Wheels started in South Melbourne in 1952 when the Community Chest started to deliver using a tricycle? Divercity went looking for other edible ideas that were first conceived in Port Phillip.

Home brew

n i e mad t por ip l l i ph

The former Cadbury Chocolate factory in Port Melbourne is now home to the Matilda Bay Brewery Bar where you can enjoy hyperlocal craft brews, Port Melbourne lager and Bertie Street porter. It’s from here, at it’s Port Melbourne HQ, that Matilda Bay produces 600,000 litres of beer a year.

Another bonus of having a local brewer is its Growler Swap and Go system, which enables you to get beer, unfiltered and unpasteurised, straight from the fermenter. They supply the first bottle, and then you can come back for a refill. It saves on glass and it also gives customers the chance to taste beer straight from the source.

Bagel belt and beyond Don’t be surprised if you are served by Mendel Glick himself when you pop into his shop in Balaclava for some of his famous bagels. Although he will turn 90 next year, Mr Glick still works up to 70 hours each week in his business, where he makes traditional kosher products. Glick’s, with a modern factory in Carnegie, now supplies Melburnians with about 70,000 bagels a week.

Photo: Angela Wylie/The Age

Matilda Bay employs six brewery staff and the same number again in its adjoining restaurant and bar.

Barista to the world An empire was born in South Melbourne when Salvatore Malatesta took over St Ali in a quiet lane off Clarendon Street. There are now South Yarra and northern outposts, a Big Day Out food circus and multiple successful offshoot businesses, including Sensory Lab at David Jones. St Ali barista Matt Perger took his coffee making skills to Vienna last year, where he won the 2012 World Brewers Cup, the world championship of filter coffee making.

Other food success stories from Port Phillip Yumi’s Dips began as a fish shop in Glen Eira Road, Ripponlea. South Melbourne Market’s famous dim sims have a reputation as long as the queues. Andrew’s Hamburgers, Albert Park, where the burgers really are better. Guy Grossi, Port Phillip Business Award Hall of Fame Inductee in 2012, had one of his first jobs in the kitchen at Tolarno’s. Now he owns the place. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Fresh ideas In 2005, when an accountant thought of taking leftover food from the Prahran Market to the Sacred Heart Mission in the boot of his car, it seemed inconceivable that just seven years later the idea would have grown to the point where 3.5 million kilograms of food is now redistributed annually. And so Second Bite was born. It now operates across Australia and still has a strong focus on fresh food and vegetables. It also retains a strong link to South Melbourne Market via the Help Yourself program, which delivers fresh produce to residents in local public housing.  SHOW YOUR SUPPORT at www.secondbite.org Volunteer Brian helps collect and distribute tomatoes for people in need



n i e mad t por ip l l i ph Win tickets to RocKwiz There’s a lot of local in each episode of SBS’s music quiz RocKwiz. Not only is each episode filmed in the infamous Gershwin Room at the Espy, but many of the cast and crew are also locals. Producer Peter Bain-Hogg said that he, quizmaster Brian Nankervis and Dugald the roadie, all have children at a local primary school. ‘There’s a lot of St Kilda in every RocKwiz,’ he said.


South Melbourne Ted stars in Hollywood When Divercity heard that Ted, the animated teddy bear from the 2012 film of the same name, was created locally, we went looking for the home-grown story. Ted was born in South Melbourne at Iloura, a computer generated graphics studio located in a former butter factory. The Butter Factory is a creative hub for the film, television and commercials sectors. Armstrong Studios purchased and moved into the Butter Factory 37 years ago and was subsequently renamed Armstrong Audio Video (AAV) Australia, later to Metropolis Audio, then Omnilab Media Melbourne and ultimately Deluxe Australia (which now owns Digital Pictures, Iloura, Flagstaff Studios, Boffswana and PAX Entertainment). In that time the businesses and technology that inhabited the Butter Factory have evolved from a recording

studio to an audiovisual company to film post production, visual effects and experiential media.

now: We have two doub le passes recording to th of in Februar RocKwiz at the Esp e y later y. To be in the draw double pa to win a to divercit ss, send an email y@portph illip.vic.go with the a v.au nswer to th is questio Who is th n: e lucky RocKwiz o one in the rchestra? Entries clo se CoB Th 14 Februa ursday ry.

There are about 200 people working at the Butter Factory. All of these people operate in the realm of creative technology, including VFX and animation, colour grading, editing, sound design, media management and media delivery. It’s easy to understand why creative people love South Melbourne, with its cafes, the market and an occasional sea breeze. But why does Hollywood choose South Melbourne?

According to Digital Picture’s Acting General Manager Caroline Pitcher, Hollywood productions are attracted by the strong VFX capability. ‘World-renowned director James Cameron uses our expertise in stereoscopic 3D post production, advertisers look to the sound designers and animators, and great Australian television production and feature film producers, directors and cinematographers come to tap in to the genius of the colour graders,’ she said proudly. As the world of film rapidly changes to adopt digital media processes, the Butter Factory continues to evolve with it, moving from tape and film-based workflows to data management and delivery. From the outside the Butter Factory remains the same, however, behind its walls there is constant change, challenge and amazing creativity occurring every day.

Highrise block?

Ted took his first steps in Coventry Street in this pitch reel



Divercity can reveal that The Block is back in South Melbourne this year! Production has commenced on a new series and the contestants are transforming a rundown old motel in Park Street into luxury apartments.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Filmed in Port Phillip Council grants over 200 permits for filming annually, most of it for local television series. Of the top rating 2012 Australian-made television shows, many had Port Phillip locations as their background. Some of them – including The Block, House Husbands, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Winners and Losers, Underground – The Julian Assange Story, Prank Patrol, RocKwiz, Jack Irish and Killing Time, even had a local character. Watch for Port Phillip locations in these programs as they go to air in 2013: Underbelly Squizzy Taylor, Twenty Something, It’s A Date, Time of Our Lives, Mr and Mrs Murder and MasterChef Professionals.

Local family bent on blacksmithing

Photo: Chris Cassar

The Wood family has metal running through its veins. David Wood owns Bent Metal blacksmithing workshop in South Melbourne. He uses traditional hand-forged blacksmithing techniques to produce his artworks, which include the new gates at the entrances to the St Kilda Botanical Gardens and the spaceship installation on top of SMIK Hairdressing in Acland Street. David is passing these techniques on to his 26 year old nephew Aaron (pictured above right). David’s grandfather Wilfred Wood (pictured left) was also a wrought iron blacksmith, who produced the grand gates that can still be seen at Sidney Myer’s Toorak mansion.

Wonder weaving women Women can get a first-hand insight into the magic of weaving at a special International Women’s Day event at the Australian Tapestry Workshop (ATW). In partnership with Multicultural Arts Victoria, the Emerald Hill Conversation event Women’s Gathering – weaving stories together will showcase the refugee women’s weaving project, which includes artists weaving and sharing tales from their many cultures. Australian Tapestry Workshop, 262–266 Park Street, South Melbourne, Friday 8 March, 10 am – 12.30 pm.  V isit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/ conversations_emeraldhill.htm for more information.

Arty, crafty, locally The Esplanade Market is a handy place to pick up locally made treasures and trends. Many of the stallholders live and work locally, including Albert Park artist Mirabela Varga who sells her paintings. Other locally made treats include ceramics, stained glass, wind chimes and photography. The market operates every Sunday (except St Kilda Festival Sunday) 10 am – 5 pm, Upper Esplanade, St Kilda

She sells seascapes by the seaside, local artist Mirabela Varga.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip





Landcare for Singles Are you single? Get ready to mingle at the Landcare for Singles event. Get your hands (or gloves) dirty weeding, mulching and watering to help care for plants. Meet new people, learn about the indigenous cultural significance of this site and enjoy a delicious morning tea. Saturday 16 February, 9 am – 10.30 am, Cnr St Kilda Road and Fitzroy Street, St Kilda

Hermans Hill – start of the walking track to the lookout

Wind energy options

Destination friendship

Council recently engaged Damien Moyse and Craig Memery from the Alternative Technology Association to report on the suitability of wind power to generate energy in our city. Damien and Craig will share their findings and answer questions about wind energy generation at a public meeting.

Friendship between the City of Port Phillip and Hindmarsh Shire Council was formally endorsed in 2008 to boost collaboration, connection and understanding between rural and inner city communities. The friendship focuses on sharing knowledge and expertise through community to community relationships, with special emphasis on the arts and environmental conservation.

Tuesday 19 February, 6.30 pm – 8 pm, Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron, Pier Road, St Kilda

You can get involved by joining us in any of the interesting weekend programs – such as Friendship Weekend, Painting Weekend and Community Planting Weekend – that aim to build and foster grassroots friendships between the people of both communities while sharing their mutual interests in the arts, environment and community gardens.

Join us for the second SCAN function Sustainability Community Action Network (SCAN) aims to help achieve Council’s ambitious targets for community water and greenhouse gas savings. Join us for the second SCAN function. Come along and meet environmentally minded people in our community, share your ideas and socialise. It is an excellent opportunity to find out about local groups and their projects. Thursday 28 February, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm, St Kilda Town Hall, 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda For more information and to book your ticket, visit www.scan.eventzilla.net or call 9209 6548.

Kids who ride go further This course will increase your confidence and techniques to enable you to better teach your child riding skills and safety. An hour has been allocated at the end of this course to address road rules and safety when riding on the road with your teen. Tuesday 12 March, 9.45 am – 2.45 pm, St Columba’s Primary School, 24 Glenhuntly Road, Elwood To book phone 9209 6548 or email enviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au


and – Hindmarsh in Dimboola nd s ke on ee m W om ip C arsh Friendsh eks and the At Nine Cre ng the Hindm yi jo en s nt reside Port Phillip


You can also visit Hindmarsh to be part of the community events. You will have no problem meeting fun loving friendly country people.

Made in Hindmarsh, sold from Port Phillip One of the biggest local employers in Hindmarsh is Luv-a-Duck Pty Ltd, the largest fully integrated duck processing operation in the southern hemisphere. Its head office is in Port Melbourne.

Hindmarsh highlights in February and March All Singles Cocktail Ball fundraiser for community health is at the Nhill Memorial Community Centre on Saturday 16 February 2013, 7.30 pm. Tickets are $25/person. For bookings, telephone Goroke Community Health Centre on 5363 2201. Local band The Crocodiles will play covers from the 80’s and 90’s. Community market, hosted by Nhill Rotary Club on Saturday 23 February 2013, 10 am – 2 pm. Wander the main street of Nhill and find a present for yourself or that person who has everything. Gerang Gerung Market on Sunday 17 March 2013 will have local history and memorabilia on display. There will also be numerous stallholders. Stalls will include fresh and preserved produce, home and handmade products and craft, and some surprises for the kids. Gerang Gerung is located about half way between Dimboola and Nhill – get a sneak preview at www.facebook.com/ GerangGerungMarket. Nhill Sheep Dog Trials at the Showgrounds on Monday 18 March 2013.

Nhill Lake – Port Phillip artists painting the lake and the bush at the Hindmarsh Painting Weekend

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Hindmarsh. shwater lake, Lake Victoria’s largest fre

Limestone former school building at Pella Lutheran Ch near Rainbow. urch

Make a weekend of it Hindmarsh has four main towns – Dimboola, Jeparit, Nhill and Rainbow – as well as many smaller communities throughout the Shire. There are loads of places to visit and things to do while enjoying country hospitality. For nature enthusiasts: Go four wheel driving along many tracks through the Little and Big Deserts and Wyperfeld National Park, along the Netting Fence, Hermans Hill and around Lake Hindmarsh and Lake Albacutya. There are walking tracks, particularly at Nine Creeks Reserve at Dimboola. Enjoy the many peaceful picnic areas and tranquil fishing spots along the Wimmera River. For water lovers: Enjoy water skiing, rowing or canoeing on Lake Hindmarsh or Horseshoe Bend, Dimboola. Other entertainments: Trail bike riding is a favourite pastime in the area. And don’t forget to pack your golf clubs and enjoy a relaxing, peaceful game of golf. Each town has a golf course; Dimboola, Jeparit and Rainbow are seasonal while Nhill’s greens are open all year round. For historians: If history is more your thing, take a step back in time at the Wimmera Mallee Pioneer Museum in Jeparit or at the Yurunga Homestead and Pella Church at Rainbow. Dimboola is home to the fabulous Print Museum and Court House Museum, and each town has a prolific historical society crammed with information and stories of yesteryear. Hindmarsh is the perfect spot for photographers and painters, with picturesque sunsets and scenic views of wildflowers, other flora and fauna. A list of accommodation can be found at www.hindmarsh.vic.gov.au and search for accommodation listing. To find out more about the Friendship Program • v isit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/port_phillip_and_ hindmarsh.htm

Facts about Hindmarsh

• f ollow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ HindmarshPortPhillipFriendship

• J eparit’s great claim to fame is that it is the birthplace of Sir Robert Menzies, Australia’s longest serving prime minister.

• r egister your expression of interest via email to ykojima@portphillip.vic.gov.au

• L ake Hindmarsh is Victoria’s largest freshwater lake.

Shire and City in numbers Hindmarsh

Port Phillip





7,527 square kilometres

21 square kilometres

Place of birth

89 % Australian-born

60.5 % Australian-born

Median age

47 years

35 years


7 % speak a language other than English at home

20 % speak a language other than English at home

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

A range of current, new and ongoing consultations to enable the community to provide feedback on key projects, issues and decisions can be found on Council’s Have Your Say online consultation portal. Keep your eye out for these projects in early 2013. Council Plan – discuss key directions and ideas for the new Council plan and find out about the upcoming conversation tents in your ward. Fishermans Bend – register your interest for project updates and stay in touch with the project as it progresses. Indigenous Arts Strategy – help inform the development of Council’s Indigenous arts strategy. Emerald Hill Master Plan – detailed designs will be available for comment as part of the next phase of community consultation for the project. Visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/ haveyoursay, where you can register to take part in discussion forums and surveys, as well as find out about current and upcoming consultations via regular email bulletins.





For all general enquires, contact ASSIST 9209 6777 Cr Amanda Stevens, Mayor Albert Park BH: 9209 6431 M: 0481 034 029 E: mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Serge Thomann, Deputy Mayor Catani BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 299 372 E: sthomann@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Vanessa Huxley Carlisle BH: 9209 6705 M: 0406 890 739 E: vhuxley@portphillip.vic.gov.au



Long wait almost over for Marina Reserve ST KILDA: Works on the long-awaited Marina Reserve project are on track to be completed in coming months. The reserve will add to the St Kilda promenade by providing more places to walk, skate, ride or just enjoy the view. Click onto www.marinareserve. cloud9.com.au to see real-time photographs of the work as it happens.

Construction on local station draws near BALACLAVA: During April and May last year, Public Transport Victoria undertook a community engagement process to provide community members with the opportunity to discuss the project and submit their feedback on the concept designs. Over 45 submissions were received and feedback was considered as part of the preliminary design process. The $13.3 million Balaclava Station Upgrade project aims to upgrade the station to improve access with new ramps and stairs, improve security through the increase of closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) and improve station amenities such as a booking office and waiting room. Tenders for the construction of the project are currently being sought with construction expected to commence early in 2013. To keep up to date with the project visit www.corp.ptv.vic.gov.au/projects or call 1800 800 007.

Head to the backyard for a film and a snag Cr Anita Horvath emerald hill BH: 9209 6705 M: 0438 906 161 E: ahorvath@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Andrew Bond Junction BH: 9209 6705 M: 0481 034 028 E: abond@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 287 634 E: jtouzeau@portphillip.vic.gov.au

ALBERT PARK: As part of its third outdoor cinema season Gasworks Backyard Cinema is showcasing films at dusk on Fridays until 1 March. Films include Best in Show (8 February), The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (15 February), Hugo (22 February) and Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows (1 March). There will also be a BBQ. Ticket prices are $18 for adults, $15 for concession and group bookings of six or more, and for those who cycle to the event. To book, visit www.gasworks.org.au or call 9699 3253.

How about a sewing circle? ELWOOD: Classes at the Elwood St Kilda Learning Centre (ESNLC) have started for 2013. Classes include computers, literacy, (Certificate of General Learning for Adults (CGEA), yoga, Pilates, dance and movement for children, art, Reiki and hypnotherapy. Childcare available. ESNLC has also purchased six new sewing machines. If you would like to start a sewing circle or have any brilliant ideas, drop in and say hello, or give them a call on 9531 1954.

Local speed limit made safer Cr Bernadene Voss Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 M: 0413 246 704 E: bvoss@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Direct all enquiries for councillors during office hours to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor: Tel: 9209 6431 (Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant) Fax: 9536 2711 Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 (Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer) Fax: 9536 2708 All Councillors, email: councillors@portphillip.vic.gov.au Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182



ELWOOD: Council has installed standard 40 km/h speed limit signs in the Elwood Local Traffic Precinct. This area encompasses Carlisle Street, Brighton Road, Milton Street, Mitford Street and Barkly Street. The reduced speed limit doubles the chance of survival for vulnerable road users in the case of an accident.

Local church joins in worldwide celebrations MIDDLE PARK: World Day of Prayer 2013 is to be celebrated locally on Friday 1 March at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church in Richardson Street, Middle Park. The service will commence at 1 pm and will be followed by afternoon tea. This year’s theme is I was a stranger and you welcomed me and everyone is certainly welcome to attend.

Help keep the canal tidy for autumn ELWOOD: Join in the Elwood Canal clean up to help remove rubbish from our local landmark. Meet on the grassy banks beside the Glenhuntly Road bridge opposite the primary school at 9 am for an hour on Sundays, 17 February and 10am on 10 March. Bring gloves and a couple of bags (one for recyclables).

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Brollies open up at the market SOUTH MELBOURNE: Council has upgraded the South Melbourne Market Cecil Street streetscape. This includes the installation of new umbrellas that will provide diners with shade and shelter from the rain. Trees in planter boxes have replaced the elm trees, the growing roots of which may have damaged the underground gas services. For more information about the Cecil Street upgrade project contact Wayne Pretty, Project Manager, on 9209 6316 or email wpretty@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Playground open for some beachside fun

Learning opportunities available at local church SOUTH MELBOURNE: St Luke’s Anglican Church in Dorcas Street is offering a number of community programs, including English classes on Mondays from 9.30 am to 12 noon in the church hall. The cost is $10 per term and includes morning tea. The church is also offering a free Homies homework help club on Monday and Thursday evenings at the Emerald Hill Library for children aged up to Year 7. The program is very popular and places are limited. Call 9686 8521 for more information.

Game, set, match ALBERT PARK: The Albert Park Hockey and Tennis Centre is offering a tennis program until Saturday 31 March. The program includes competitions and coaching on most evenings, court hire and social hit out games on Sunday afternoons from 4 pm – 7 pm. Cost $16. Visit www.albertparktennis.com.au or call 9593 8188 for more information. The centre is also interested in talking to personal trainers or other fitness providers who may be interested in hiring the synthetic courts during off peak times. Call 8102 6166 for more information.

Handy outlet for a cuppa and chat SOUTH MELBOURNE: Council is working with City of Melbourne, South Port UnitingCare, St Luke’s Anglican Church and local residents to develop a men’s shed program in our municipality. The program will offer men the chance to get together to socialise with others while working on hands-on projects for themselves and the community. In so doing it aims to help maintain men’s physical and mental wellbeing, and ease men’s transition from full-time employment to other activities in retirement. To learn more about the program, call Danielle on 9686 5127. ALBERT PARK: Plum Garland Memorial Playground is now open and has been flooded with happy users since it opened. The upgrade of the playground has seen significant improvements, including high quality play equipment, water play elements, shelter and a variety of surface finishes to help keep children safe while playing.

Watts in store at the market SOUTH MELBOURNE: Council has funded a $20,000 feasibility study to investigate options for Australia’s first community-owned solar farm on the South Melbourne Market roof. Proposed by Locals Into Victoria’s Environment (LIVE), the study will investigate the feasibility of having community funded generating capacity.

Tram route on track for improvement DING-DING: Route 96, one of Melbourne’s busiest tram routes. It has been selected as the first route to run the new low-floor trams being built in Dandenong as part of the $800 m tram upgrade program. As part of this program, PTV, in partnership with Yarra Trams and VicRoads, is currently developing plans for infrastructure upgrades along Route 96 including changes to stops in Acland and Fitzroy Streets. Watch for community consultation starting in February. For more information visit www.corp.ptv.vic.gov.au/projects

New bike lanes under construction ST KILDA: The length of Alma Road between Chapel Street and St Kilda Road has received a new pedestrian refuge as well as bike, traffic and parking lanes after Council secured state government funding of $240,000. Also installed is a new raised pavement zebra crossing in Clark Street near Port Melbourne Primary School. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Anglican activist priest retires Father Jim Minchin from Christ Church St Kilda in Acland Street has retired after 47 years as a priest, 14 years of which were spent in St Kilda. He gave his farewell service on 6 January. Jim helped shape the church into a vibrant community resource, including Theatreworks and popular community rooms that operated alongside morning prayers and Holy Communion. An outstanding feature of the church, besides the magnificent architecture and stained glass, was its open attitude. The grounds have no fences and its community activities attracted a variety of people. People who closely observed Jim say he was always ready to help people in need. He often helped troubled people at all hours of the night when they found their way to his door. Jim also made a significant contribution to church music. As a social activist he earned the wrath of the Singapore government. You can hear a fascinating interview with Jim recorded by the ABC’s John Cleary.  www.abc.net.au/sundaynights/stories/s3625365.htm www.portphillip.vic.gov.au



from ASSIST How do I apply to get a residential parking permit? Start by downloading a parking permit application form from the Council website or get one from ASSIST at the town hall. Read the application form carefully before applying and note the item/s of proof of residency required. You can lodge the form via email, fax, in person at our ASSIST reception desks, or by post. There are a few things you need to know before you lodge your application with us. • B usinesses are not eligible for parking permits. • N ot all residential addresses are eligible for residential and/or visitors’ permits. Call ASSIST on 9209 6777 to check if you are eligible for these permits before applying. What can council do about noisy neighbours? Council uses the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act when dealing with any noise issues. We can assist residents by providing copies of a helpful EPA booklet entitled Annoyed by Noise. Council can assist with noise issues; however, noise associated with behavioural issues and late night or early morning noise, such as parties, is still addressed by police. How do I get info about the Grand Prix? This year the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix will be held at Albert Park Lake on the 14, 15, 16 and 17 March. Grand Prix parking permits and a community information brochure are distributed to residents a couple of weeks prior to the event. The Grand Prix is not a council event; it is run by the Australian Grand Prix Corporation.  www.grandprix.com.au  9258 7100

ASSIST on 9209 6777 is the best number to call for information about Council services or to let us know about a problem.





Social group moves to the beat ELWOOD: Music lovers and social bees can join Elwood’s Got Talent, a friendship network of musicians and other locals who enjoy music. The group organises monthly music evenings and open mic events. Future gigs will be at the Elwood Sailing Club and other community venues. Get on their newsletter mailing list by emailing vix.b@bigpond.com or venuehire@elwoodsc.com

Local training course a beauty ALBERT PARK: Social enterprise hair salon Avidity is delivering Certificate II in Hairdressing and Certificate II in Retail Makeup and Skin Care. The 20 week courses includes sponsored workshops with Schwarzkopf and Napoleon Perdis. Cost is $300 for eligible applicants. Visit www. avidityalbertpark.com or call 9686 2354.

Get your kids enrolled in kinder ELWOOD: Lady Forster Kindergarten on Ormond Esplanade has vacancies in their 4–5 year old group. The centre has a strong coastal environment program that includes weekly visits to the beach and environmental studies. The long daycare program, which runs from 8.15 am – 6.00 pm, attracts the Child Care Benefit. For enquiries visit www.lfk.org.au or call 9531 6812.

Sail before the sunset ST KILDA: Join in the fun of twilight sailing racing at the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron, happening every Wednesday night until the end of March. Go upstairs to the Squadron’s Olympic Bar between 4.30 pm and 5.00 pm to sign in and put your name on the board. You will be matched up with a sailing crew so you can compete in a race. Comfortable clothing and a light waterproof jacket are recommended, even during summer months. White, non-marking soled shoes are essential. The cost is $20. Call 9534 0227 for more information.

Take a beachside stroll through our local history February and March Neighbourhood Walks are a chance to celebrate our much-loved bayside culture. Bookings are essential for the free informative walks. Call 9209 6522 or email walking@portphillip.vic.gov.au PORT MELBOURNE: Take another look around the bend in Port Melbourne to learn more about its history, from the original sandy landscape to the development of Victoria’s automotive industry. Sunday 24 February, 10 am – 12 noon. MIDDLE and ALBERT PARK: Explore the beautiful coastline of these two suburbs and hear about the social history of their bathing pavilions, architecture and personalities. Sunday 24 March, 10 am – 12 noon.

Get on board Linking Neighbours The Linking Neighbours Seniors Register (LNSR) works throughout the whole municipality. Residents have prepared a wide range of events for 2013 so that neighbours can share the good times and be around to support each other in times of need. Six coffee groups meet weekly; hydrotherapy sessions start soon at MSAC. Once again there will be a tramboat trip to Williamstown, which has proved to be very popular in the past. Pub lunches and dinners every month are continuing, as are trips to rural centres. Port Phillip residents who are over 55 and are not already on the register, contact the coordinator, Michael Wood, through ASSIST on 9209 6777.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

inbrief You are not alone with your ME/CFS The St Kilda Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Support Group provides support and social contact for sufferers of ME/CFS and their carers. It is an informal group in which everyone shares their experience and knowledge of treatments. Tea and coffee are provided, please BYO snacks to share with the group. Contact Kitty on 0416 562 968 or kitty.lobert@gmail.com

Final flap for the Butterfly Club Sammy J and Randy’s Eviction Party Award winning, gala hosting, international festival headlining man puppet duo Sammy J and Randy. Before they conquered Melbourne, Edinburgh and Montreal, they started out at the Butterfly Club. Now they’ve been given the honour of being the final ever show in the South Melbourne premises. No pressure. Sammy J – Potentially

St Kilda, second Tuesday of the month, 2 – 5 pm

Help promote reconciliation Join Port Phillip Citizens for Reconciliation (PPCfR) for the first planning meeting of 2013. They welcome ideas and input especially from newcomers. The group of volunteers holds events, arranges speakers for local schools and publishes Mungo, a monthly newsletter. Visit www.ppcfr.org or ring 9699 8804 to learn more. Tuesday 19 February, 6.30 pm Community Hub, South Melbourne Town Hall Fishley Street entrance.

The Nolan Lineage

The Australian premiere of Sammy J’s acclaimed solo show. Featuring stories, confessions and songs from his ARIA-nominated album Skinny Man, Modern World. You will enjoy yourself. Potentially. Potentially: Wednesday 6 February, 8 pm (one night only), $28 – $35 Eviction Party: Sunday 10 February, 9:30 pm (one night only), $28 – $35 All bookings: thebutterflyclub.com

Green offices rewarded

Reflection of Sidney Nolan, Russell Nolan Lewis 2011

St Kilda Historical Society hosts an informal talk by retired engineer turned artist, Russell Nolan Lewis. He retraces his Nolan family history from Ireland to Ballarat during the goldrush through northeast Victoria and the Kelly Gang, and highlights his illustrious cousin Sidney Nolan, who grew up in St Kilda. Sidney Nolan would go on to polarise the art world of Melbourne and Sydney with his vibrant works that capture St Kilda. Light refreshments provided, entry $5 non-members or join SKHS at door; $20 pa. Bookings at info@stkildahistory.org.au or call 9209 6866 and leave a clear voice message or call/text 0405 510 799. Sunday 17 February, 2.45 pm for 3 pm St Kilda Community Room, Foyer St Kilda Library, 150 Carlisle Street

From left to right: Climate Commissioner Professor Veena Sahalwalla; finalist from Baenziger Coles, Christina Groebl; Port Phillip Mayor, Cr Amanda Stevens; finalist from Baenziger Coles, Sue Coles; Cr Anita Horvath.

Significant energy savings have been achieved by the CitySwitch Green Office signatories of the year who were announced at an official awards ceremony in November. Finalists included City of Port Phillip businesses Ark Resources, Tank branding, Baenziger Coles and Australian Institute of Management. Baenziger Coles has also been nominated as a finalist in the National New Signatory of the Year category. For more details contact CitySwitch program manager, Jeff Elliott, on 9209 6763 or jelliott@portphillip.vic.gov.au

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip




Free community leadership training

Byte size help for small businesses Auspicious Arts in South Melbourne has created a set of bite-sized hints for owners of small business who are overwhelmed by the internet. Topics include social media, photography, marketing language, video and all things online. Book and pay in advance – get your money back at the door. Thursday 21 February, 5.30 – 8.00 pm Auspicious Arts, 228 Bank Street, South Melbourne Bookings at www.auspiciousincubator.com.au/online $49 booked in advance, $50 cash back on arrival

Are you worried about someone’s mental health? The Mental Health Carers’ Expo showcases the mental health supports available for you and your family in the inner south. Talk to staff at the information stalls. A guest speaker presentation will be available in Greek, Chinese, Polish and Russian and interpreters will be available. Contact Lindy on 9076 6204 for more details.

Are you motivated and passionate about your community? Community Leadership Training is a series of eight workshops starting in March. Facilitator Geoff Brown will help you to develop the skills and confidence needed to design and deliver community projects. Places are limited to 25 participants.

Tuesday 16 April, 2 pm – 7.30 pm St Kilda Town Hall

Come and try crew rowing

For more information visit www.enviroehub.com.au, call 9209 6548 or email enviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Our movers and shapers go digital

Dreyfus free music concert

Barbara Spalding and Heather Wheat exploring the new digital book. Photographer: U3APP member, Barry McIntosh

Renowned composer George Dreyfus presents Dreyfus, Dreyfus, Dreyfus based on the infamous Dreyfus affair of the 19th century. The first half of the concert will revisit some of Dreyfus’ most famous compositions, including his much loved theme from the 1974 television series Rush. Orchestra conducted by George Dreyfus, featuring the Camberwell Chorale and Canterbury Girls’ Secondary College Choir. Free admission. Contact George on 9809 2671 or email gdreyfus@bigpond.net.au for more information. Sunday 10 March, 3 pm St Kilda Town Hall



Just turn up and have fun learning to row. Bookings not necessary unless you have a group of 6 or more. Open to people aged 13 to 80. Pre-booked classes are also available at other times. Sundays, 3 February, 3 March and 7 April at 10 am, cost $10. Come Back to Rowing We have squads of easy going and like-minded women. You don’t have to commit to one crew unless you wish, just row as much or as little as you can. Call 9592 2147 or email yrowingcentre@hotmail.com www.ozonline.com.au/ywca-rowing Y Rowing Centre, 34 Lakeside Drive, Albert Park Lake

U3A Port Phillip’s book, Movers & Shapers: People who inspire us, which celebrates the achievements of people, such as local resident Michael Gawenda, who modernised Australia in the postwar years, is sold out. With the aid of a community grant from Council, U3APP has republished it in digital format as an e-book. In its new format, that wonderful collection of social and personal histories related by remarkable people can now reach a wider audience and will be donated to schools and libraries. For more information call 9696 3495

Finding friends over 50 Over 50 and looking for a friendly social group in the Port Phillip area? Make new friends and enjoy activities such as bushwalking, book groups, theatre, cinema and dining. Check out the Port Phillip Life Activities Club at www.life.org.au/pplac or contact the Membership Secretary on 9646 1861.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Youth under the radar

Defensive Bike Riding Course Bike riding is an efficient, practical option with multiple side benefits but riding a bike is a skilled activity that’s more than just balancing, pedalling and steering. You will learn tactical and control skills to prevent conflicts, crashes or collisions when negotiating with traffic. You will also increase rider knowledge, learn road rules, how to recognise hazards and how to choose your most appropriate route.

Blake Borcich’s short film The Trouble with Alexander won the St Kilda Film Festival award for Best Youth Short Film in 2012. Visit his website at www.blakeborcich.com for inspiration.

Under the Radar, St Kilda Film Festival’s Under 21s Youth Short Film Competition, is an opportunity for young filmmakers to show their work in an internationally recognised film festival. This category will be dedicated solely to the work that is being produced by young filmmakers in Australia; films produced outside Australia will not be included. Entries close 1 March www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/under-the-radar.htm

2013–14 City of Port Phillip Funding and Subsidy Opportunities

Sunday 17 March, 8.30 am – 4.30 pm, Peanut Farm Reserve Pavilion, Spenser Street, St Kilda To register, call 9209 6274 or email enviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Timor Leste Kitchen Talks Kitchen Talks is a community-based arts project that uses traditional food and stories to celebrate Timorese culture. Over five months, artists Marnie Badham, Carmelita Gomes and Jorge de Araujo will visit elders in their Melbourne homes and kitchen talk – learning recipes and triggering memories of East Timor. 20 March – 17 April 2013

Gallery hosts local art Penelope by Red Stitch and Theatreworks

Pictured above: Future Perfect, a Port Phillip grant program recipient.

The City of Port Phillip’s 2013–14 Annual Grant Programs provides funding opportunities through the Community Grants Program, Cultural Development Fund, Local Festivals Fund, Small Poppy Neighbourhood Grants, Seniors Festival Funding and the Multicultural Celebrations Fund. Council subsidy schemes will cover town hall hire, community meals and community transport. Applications are open from 18 February to 28 March 2013 for projects, programs or activities that promote social justice, creativity, health and wellbeing, inclusion, and arts and cultural heritage within the municipality. For more information on specific program dates and details visit portphillip.vic.gov.au/council_ funding_opps.htm Please note that there are a number of changes to the 2013/14 Community Grants Program. Grant information sessions

Four well-oiled male suitors – the last remaining in the legendary battle for the heart of Queen Penelope – rehearse their entreaties in the hope that one of them will be chosen before her husband, Odysseus, returns from battle to destroy them all. Tickets $20 – $39 +bf. 20 March – 13 April Wednesday – Saturday 8 pm; matinees Saturday 4 pm, Sunday 6.30 pm Preview Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 March, 8 pm Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda www.theatreworks.org.au 9534 3388

Seniors get web savvy Free personalised training in the use of email and the internet is available for people over 50 under the Commonwealth/NEC Broadband for Seniors program and U3A Port Phillip. Registrants will receive two hours one-on-one training and time to practise what they learn. Call U3A Port Phillip on 9696 3495, 10 am – 12 noon to register. Middle Park Community Centre

Studio 106 Group show: An exhibition of works by artists at Studio 106, an artist run studio in the heart of St Kilda. The studio is home to 22 artists working in a diverse range of media. 13 February – 13 March 2013 The Gallery, St Kilda Town Hall Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5.00 pm

Tuesday 19 February, 10 am – 11.30 am South Melbourne Community Centre Hall Cnr Park Street and Ferrars Place, South Melbourne Wednesday 20 February, 7 pm – 8.30 pm Council Chambers, 1st Floor St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda (enter via portico entrance) Thursday 21 February, 1.30 pm – 3 pm Liardet Community Centre 154 Liardet Street, Port Melbourne RSVP to grants@portphillip.vic.gov.au or 9209 6345.

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The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Cultural Development Fund information session Thursday 28 February, 6.30 – 7.30 pm The Gallery and Foyer Annex, Ground Floor, St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda Free grant writing workshops Wednesday 20 February, 11 am – 2 pm Wednesday 6 March, 5.45 pm – 8.30 pm Ground Floor Training Room, St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda (enter opposite St Kilda Library) Bookings are essential via communitytraining@portphillip.vic.gov.au or 9209 6345



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