D I V ERCITY the official newsletter of the city of port phillip
issn 1328-0309
| issue 67 april/may 2013
Volunteers make a difference! R U OK? Conversations that could change a life!
tell us what you think‌
from the Mayor Dear Residents, Volunteering is good for the community and good for you. It’s also a topic that is close to my heart. Since my university days I have volunteered for several worthy causes and, in more recent times, volunteered in the local community. I have found that volunteering enables you to develop a real sense of connection with others in the community. Whether it’s picking up litter on the beach, BBQing at the local life saving club or organising fundraising events for your child’s school or kindergarten, these shared experiences help form bonds with your community. I would like to acknowledge the great work that volunteers do in our community: looking after the vulnerable, running our sporting and recreation clubs and helping to keep our beaches safe and clean, to mention but a few of the volunteer roles in our city. The community benefits greatly from the work of volunteers. Volunteers are role models for good citizenship for our children and others, and themselves receive a beneficial sense of wellbeing by acting to help others.
Thanks for stopping by Thanks to everyone who stopped by at one of our seven conversation tents! Over 400 people commented on what they think Council’s priorities should be for the future of Port Phillip. The feedback has been used to help us draft our 2013-2017 Council Plan. More opportunities to comment Other consultations on key Council projects during April and May include: • C ommunity facilities – help improve our local community and neighbourhood centres • H ealth and Wellbeing Plan – find out about workshops that will explore key themes in the draft plan. For information about these consultations and more, visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/ haveyoursay You can register to take part in discussion forums or surveys and to stay in touch about current and upcoming consultations via regular email updates.
Your views on loos ple ase
Council has a dr 2013–23 to gu aft Public Toilet Plan ide planning local loos. Info about th e dr af t will Council-man aged public to be in all ilets, childcare centres, libra ries and tow n halls. You are invite d to provide fe edback on the Have Your Say web si te. Final date for comment is Friday 26 Apr il 2013.
I suggest that all members of our community consider volunteering. It’s a role that makes a significant and valuable contribution to our community, a role that also gives the individual who volunteers a great sense of personal satisfaction. On another note, in February and March this year, my fellow councillors and I held seven Conversation Tents (one in each ward). It was great to listen to your ideas and priorities for Port Phillip. Thanks to everyone who shared their priorities and participated in our online forum at Have Your Say. Enjoy, and stay safe. Amanda Stevens Mayor, City of Port Phillip
Share your ideas for laneway music Did you happen to see a musical pop-up in a lane off Acland Street? During St Kilda Festival, passersby were lucky enough to experience performances by Felix and Sam, an instrumental duo from St Kilda, and string quartets from the Australian National Academy of Music. Send your ideas for future laneway events to ddewar@portphillip.vic.gov.au
New planning policy for sustainable design Council is proposing to introduce a new local planning policy that would ensure environmentally sustainable design principles are applied to new development. The policy would apply to the following types of planning permit applications:
The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Yalukit Wilam Clan of the Boon Wurrung. We pay our respect to their Elders, both past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land.
• new residential and non-residential buildings • extensions to existing residential and non-residential buildings that are 50 square metres in floor area or greater. Planning Scheme Amendment C97 is currently on public exhibition. Submissions can be made until 29 April 2013. Details of the amendment can be viewed at Council offices or online at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/planning_amendments.htm, or you can phone ASSIST for more information.
Cover photo: Chris Cassar
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Mayor Cr Amanda Stevens, Deputy Mayor Cr Serge Thomann and Cr Jane Touzeau joined some of the world’s best skateboarders as they ‘previewed’ the facilities at Marina Reserve. Pictured with the councillors are international skaters Curren Caples (USA), Sam Beckett (UK), Corbin Harris (AUS), Rune Glifberg (DK), Renton Miller (AUS), Dylan Radloff and Eric Koston (Thai/USA).
World’s best say Marina Reserve rocks Two major new landmark capital projects were completed in March. The Bubup Nairm Family and Children’s Centre (formerly known as the St Kilda Children’s Centre) and the Marina Reserve are now thrilling children and parents alike. The opening of the Marina Reserve is possibly the final chapter in a decade long quest to find an appropriate place for skate-boarding and other recreational activities. The new family park includes skate-able space, public toilets, picnic and play area, improved environmental features and quiet spaces to watch the water and skyline. As Divercity went to press, Council was completing the final elements of the Bubup Nairm Family and Children’s Centre including landscaping and child safety features for services to commence.
language for children and Nairm (nam) is Port Phillip Bay. Council was assisted in these decisions by Aunty Carolyn Briggs, Boon Wurrung senior elder. The new integrated family and children’s centre is a magnificent new building located adjacent to the St Kilda Town Hall. It has children’s services (including 116 long day care places), playgroups, parent groups, immunisation services, early childhood intervention services and a multi-purpose room for community hire. This comes on top of the recently completed South Melbourne Market roof. Other major capital works spending this year include Northport Pavilion stage two, Emerald Hill Library and Heritage Centre and the Liardet Street Family and Children’s Service Centre.
In February, Council unanimously decided to adopt Bubup Nairm as the name for the children’s centre. Bubup (bub-up) is Boon Wurrung
Market roof is tops!
Keeping the promenade fun for everyone Just Look is a Council campaign to prompt beach users to safely share paths and public spaces near our beaches. Just Look urges pedestrians, cyclists and skaters to follow simple tips like keeping left, ringing your bike’s bell before passing people, and skating or blading at walking speed in busy areas.
South Melbourne Market’s shiny new roof covers 270 car spaces, has solar panels and feeds rain water into 500,000 litre storage tanks. The impressive design is set to feature in Architecture Australia magazine.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Video evidence: A 24 hour video survey taken near the Sea Baths over a sunny weekend in November 2012 counted over 17,574 people promenading. The video survey revealed there was little conflict between pedestrians and other users. Out of a total 10 hits or near misses, one involved a bike, while most others were pedestrian vs pedestrian.
Information, requests, questions or feedback Telephone 03 9209 6777 Fax 03 9536 2722 SMS 0432 005 405 Email assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au Internet eservices.portphillip.vic.gov.au If you are deaf, hearing or speech impaired please use the National Relay Service (www.relayservice.com.au). TTY users can call 133 677, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Speak and Listen users can call 1300 555 727, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Or visit ASSIST in person Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall 208 – 220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne
Translations For a translation please call the Council’s Language assistance interpreter service:
廣東話 普通話 Polska Ελληνικά Россию Other languages
9679 9810 9679 9858 9679 9812 9679 9811 9679 9813 9679 9814
divercity 67 Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 200 vision-impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.
April/May 2013 Editor: Greg Day gday@edunity.com.au Next deadline: 26 April for June/July Writers: Reece Marks, Kathryn McGrath and Greg Day. Thanks to Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo. Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au Divercity is printed on recycled paper
What to do when things are not OK Despite a growing understanding of mental health, many of us are not sure what to do when someone around needs help. What can we do and where can we turn for support? Divercity spoke to the mental health crisis team at the Alfred Hospital to get some general advice on how to respond to a crisis. If the person you are concerned about is a friend or family member, the best place to start is to ask ‘Are you OK?’ Don’t be surprised if the person says they are fine, despite acting anything but OK. It’s important to understand that people may need time and space to feel comfortable about accepting help. In the meantime, you can say that you are ready to listen when they are ready to talk. If you feel that the situation needs more than a friendly chat, suggest that the person seek help from their GP. Alternatively, they could call Lifeline, a telephone counselling service for people experiencing an emotional crisis. If the person is aged 12-25 years, there is also a service called Headspace. They have a website, as well as GPs, psychiatrists and mental health and drug & alcohol counsellors. If you have noticed that the person is really struggling to cope or is talking about suicide and needs help quickly, you could call the psychiatric triage service at the Alfred Hospital. The service is staffed by skilled clinicians (nurses and social workers) who can provide information and respond to a crisis.
MBERS Lifeline 13 11 1 4 Headspace Els 9526 1600 ternwick Alfred Health 1300 363 746 –triage trained respons for a clinically health crisis e to mental Police 000 – if public threat t there is a o safety Your options are similar – but different – if the person you are concerned about is someone you don’t know, such as person acting strangely on the street. It is important to always treat people with dignity and respect. One of the great things about our community is that we tolerate a wide range of behaviours and appearances. If you feel the person is in immediate danger of getting hurt, you can call the police and make them aware of the situation. Say that you are not reporting a crime but making them aware of someone who may need help.
www.ruokday.com has useful hints on how to ask R U OK.
Thanks to A/Prof Simon Stafrace, Alfred Health Director of Psychiatry, for help with this story.
Expo showcases support services St Kilda Town Hall is the venue for a unique mental health carers expo that will showcase support services available in and around our community. Come along and find out what you can do, who can support you and your family and where to go to get this support. There will be information stalls and people from a variety of mental health support agencies and other carers to talk to.
Presentations will be available in Greek 3 pm, Russian 4 pm, Polish 5 pm, Mandarin 6 pm. Mental Health Carers Expo St Kilda Town Hall 16 April, 2.00 pm – 7.30 pm Interpreters will be present. Presented by the Inner South Mental Health Carers Network. ONLINE RESOURCE www.carersouth.org.au has links to local support services and agencies.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
: s r e e e c t n n e r u e a diff Vol Make
Khadija Gbla, a prominent young activist from the African community in Adelaide, will be the guest speaker at the volunteer expo in May.
From soup kitchens to sailing programs, op shops to tuck shops, for seniors and in schools, volunteers help make our community a better place. Some give years, other hours, some have special skills, while others are just happy to lend a helping hand. This Divercity shows volunteers at work in our community.
Mary Ellen Talmage: long time bird watcher Few people know more about the bird life of Albert Park Lake than Mary Ellen Talmage. We can say that with confidence, because we know Mary Ellen has surveyed the birds and counted their numbers on a weekly basis since 1979. Yes, 1979. That’s not a typographical error. ‘[When I was] working at Prince Henry’s Hospital, I became interested in the lake and its bird life,’ Mary Ellen explains. ‘I started weekly counts in 1979 and haven’t stopped since.’ She regularly counts 70 species of bird around the lake and park areas; this includes 30 species that breed in the area. Her observations have also monitored the impact of the Grand Prix and climate on the bird populations. Her data show that bush birds are more negatively affected by the preparations for and activity of the race than are the water birds. ‘It’s what you expect when 1000 trees are cut down,’ she said. Mary Ellen is most delighted when she sees tiny Japanese snipe in the park. The snipe migrate annually from Japan and eastern Russia for a spell down under.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Don’t miss our volunteers’ expo
olunteers making a difference is the theme of an exciting expo for volunteers being held at the Port Melbourne Town Hall in May. With a host of displays, speakers and people to talk to about volunteering, the expo will showcase the activities of over 20 local organisations and represent the breadth of volunteering opportunities available to people of all ages and abilities. At the expo you will be able to meet people from SouthPort UnitingCare, Extended Families, Good Shepherd, Ardoch Youth Foundation, Inclusion Melbourne, Elwood–St Kilda Learning Neighbourhood Centre, Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House, Friends of West Gate Park and Friends of Suai. LEARN MORE www.facebook.com/portphillipvolunteers Volunteers’ expo, Port Melbourne Town Hall, Tuesday 14 May, 2 pm – 7 pm. Guest speaker 5.30 pm.
Celebratin volunteer g s
In recogn ition of o ur won volunteer s and volu derful organisati nteer ons, Coun cil will be a celebrati holding on at Hall on W the St Kilda Town ednesd Watch ou ay 12 June. r website for details .
Make friends at the Elwood Canal Earthcare St Kilda is starting up a new Friends of Elster Creek group and you are invited to get involved. Elster Creek becomes Elwood Canal as it flows to the bay. There is much to be done to make it a better environment for wildlife and humans. The Friends are looking at revegetation, installing nest boxes, pond creation and habitat log placement. They also plan to help local residents create habitat and plant indigenous plants in their gardens. LOVE YOUR CANAL www.earthcarestkilda.org.au
Andrea Gowers cycles from her home in St Kilda to U3A in Albert Park for an Italian class.
A class act for 25 years
Ardoch’s Quyen Do and Elwood Primary School’s Assistant Principal Nicole Richards work closely with students. Photo: Chris Cassar
n 2013, Ardoch Youth Foundation marks 25 years of providing education support to disadvantaged children and young people.
In the classroom, Ardoch volunteers work with students one on one and in small groups to help develop children’s reading, writing and maths skills. The caring relationships established with volunteers provide stability and reassurance for students who need some extra help at school. ‘Anyone can volunteer for Ardoch,’ says Rosanne Osborn, Education Support Coordinator at Ardoch Youth Foundation. ‘The main skill required is the ability to communicate. Other than that we believe that skills can be developed over time. ‘The feedback from our volunteers is really positive,’ Rosanne said. ‘For instance we had a volunteer whose highlight of the year was sitting down with a child who, at the beginning of the year, was very reluctant to write even one sentence. With the persistence of school staff and the volunteer’s regular visits, he finished a 15 part assessment paper before many other children in his class. He wrote all the answers himself, with a bit of help with the spelling.’ MORE INFORMATION 9537 2414 www.ardoch.asn.au
Keeping volunteers on course
Ardoch’s 25th Anniversary Picnic will take place in early October. It will be kindly hosted by St Kilda Primary School. Register at www.ardoch.asn.au to receive an invite closer to the date.
Andrea Gowers is the new course coordinator for University of the Third Age (U3A) Port Phillip and an example of the many volunteers behind the scenes. Andrea, who has a background in Early Childhood Education, has taken those skills, together with husband Geoff (an engineer), to Western Samoa, Papua New Guinea and Pakistan during her career. Now Andrea is coordinating the many and varied courses that are offered at U3A as well as researching new ideas to keep the curriculum rich and vibrant. The backbone of U3A is volunteerism. All of the teaching, planning and administration is done in a voluntary capacity by retired resident members, whose skills and experience are identified and recruited. KEEP ON LEARNING 9696 3495 www.u3app.org.au
Paralegal skills nee
s a vibrant and gal Service ha The St Kilda Le ogram. The service is r pr active voluntee strong lunteers with vo l ca lo g in ground. seek ck ba l ga or parale and other administrative with paralegal st si as ill w rs ately three Voluntee k for approxim or w e iv at tr is admin is also happy to k. The service ee w r though a pe s ur ho w students, al la d an rs ye w hear from la ed? Contact apply. Interest rg.au or on waiting list may ls anthea@sk .o at le ak Te a Anthe 8598 6613.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
: s r e e t Volun Make a difference
Photo: Chris Cassar
St John Ambulance
St John Ambulance Service always needs enthusiastic, willing and capable people to assist in helping our community save lives through first aid. If you can provide 12 to 24 days a year to attend free events and training, apply at www.stjohnvic.com.au/volunteers
Sacred Heart Mission Help the Mission in its op shops, serve up a hot meal, become a companion, run a footy clinic or art class, volunteer your professional medical skills or answer the telephone. Contact Sacred Heart Mission’s volunteer coordinator Jill Richardson on 9536 8471 or email jrichardson@sacredheartmission.org
Red Cross Discover volunteer opportunities with the Red Cross. Visit www.redcross.org.au/volunteer-vic.aspx to find out how. You could also give blood at the South Melbourne Donor Centre, Level 1, 51–65 Clarke Street, Southbank. Call 13 14 95 to make an appointment.
Aged care residents made to feel at home
very Monday afternoon Georgia Canfoti visits the elderly Greek residents at CaSPA Care’s South Port site in Albert Park. She brings with her companionship and, on the day that Divercity visited, a delicious cake called revani. Staff members at the aged care facility brew some special coffee, turn up the Greek music, and Georgia does the rest with her charm and ability to speak residents’ native tongue. A manager at the facility says the residents appreciate Georgia’s visits. ‘The special afternoons provide a comfortable sensory experience for the residents and a feeling of cultural belonging. Plus, once you get them talking, they don’t stop!’
Georgia herself enjoys the sense of community that her visits bring. ‘There’s lots of talking, music, cake, and often, dancing. ‘I like it because it makes them happy.’ Team effort: Julie Baillie and Angela Harris help to keep the shop running smoothly.
CaSPA Care welcomes new volunteers to support a range of activities, including arts and craft, recreation, resident transport and, of course, socialising. MORE INFORMATION 9682 2936 www.caspacare.org.au The New Hope Foundation is also looking for social support volunteers who can speak a language other than English, to provide companionship to elderly immigrants once a fortnight. Volunteers receive training, support and a travel allowance. Call 9510 5877 or visit www.newhope.asn.au/become-a-volunteer
Opportunities abound at local charity store Angela Harris has been a volunteer with South Port Uniting’s Opportunity Shop in Bay Street, Port Melbourne, for just over five months. In her role as Team Leader she oversees activities such as rostering, customer service and product sorting. ‘What I enjoy most about the work is offering service and interacting with customers.’ Angela got involved after hearing about the opening through word of mouth. With the shop still being relatively new, it is in need of more volunteers to lend a hand. JOIN THE TEAM 9645 4300
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Music skills help bring seniors together When Timna Kenny starts playing the piano, the participants in the Sounds of Culture multicultural seniors group all light up. It sounds great when the rich, clear notes fill the room at the Cora Graves Community Centre. As a volunteer, Timna helps make this group a friendly and enjoyable experience for everyone. Sounds of Culture is a Port Phillip social inclusion program for very senior residents – currently, the youngest member is 78 and the oldest is 97, although most members are in their 80s. Besides enjoying music, the participants discuss books, poetry and drama, review what’s on at the movies, chat about travel, comment on breaking news and regularly test their general knowledge through the Age quiz. They are quite happy to argue, with politics and religion frequently on the agenda. Sounds of Culture is looking for new members. Each session costs $4.55 and includes afternoon tea and transport if required. Contact 9209 6557 for more details. Helga (second from right) says sewing is a great way to exchange creative ideas. Photo: Chris Cassar
Pictured, from left: Roma Sheldon, Timna Kenny (standing), Elizabeth Gorski. Rimma Dudko, Ilse Ziffer, Bill Bradshaw, Elizabeth Brooker and Karen Watson.
Close-knit group has a good yarn
elga Kleber’s weekly sewing groups are a bundle of fun. The tailor master regularly volunteers her time to teach participants the art of sewing. Her relaxed and informal sessions, which cater for all skill levels, include practice in alterations, overlocking and creative design, as well as fastening zips and buttons to garments. However, the lessons mean more to the participants than simply threading a needle. ‘There’s a great social atmosphere at the groups. In fact, some people just come for a cup of tea and chat, and decide later to participate.’ Helga gets a lot out of the groups herself. ‘We have a ball, and if you can help someone out in the process, it’s worth it.’ Community support is important to help keep the program running. Donations of haberdashery or financial assistance would be very much appreciated, says Helga. The program is in the process of moving to a new venue. If you would like to get involved or can provide some support, call Maggie Mildenhall at the Port Phillip Community Group. MORE INFO 8598 6604
Singing makes life more colourful
Young at Heart singers, with Anna Rogalina (right), at the recent Piers Festival.
‘Singing is in the blood,’ says Anna Rogalina, the inspiration behind South Melbourne’s Young at Heart choir. After her husband died some 15 years ago, Anna recruited other women to join her in singing as a way of dealing with grief. The Young at Heart singers now perform songs in seven languages, touring aged homes and group facilities in the Port Philip area. ‘As a group we like to make life more colourful. It’s good. We are making friends wherever we go,’ Anna said. And to prove the point that singing is in the blood, Anna’s twin sister in Germany has also started a singing group similar to Young at Heart.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Volunteers make for smooth sailing Joan and Roy Williams (pictured) have been involved with the Albert Park Yacht Club (APYC) for 15 years. Once sailors themselves, they have now taken up posts in the tower, from where they take results and monitor safety for the Saturday afternoon races. They are also rostered to operate the rescue boat and to help with administration. APYC welcomes new volunteers to help out with club and race day operations. It also offers training for the ins and outs of sailing. MORE INFO 9690 5418 info@apyc.org.au www.apyc.org.au
: s r e e c n e e t r e n f f u i Vol Make a d
Volunteer Joseph Picone was Elwood Sailing Club’s 2012 Clubperson of the Year. Picture: Chris Cassar
Hand a man a hammer
Men are invited to join a new workshop for woodworking and repair, run by the Port Phillip Men’s Shed Association (PPMSA). You’ll will be able to do projects such as repairs for the local toy library and assist gardening groups with structural work while enjoying a great social atmosphere. Call Stephen Ingrouille on 0432 390 018 or email membership@ppmsa.org.au
Fun start to sailing
Photo: Chris Cassar
Joseph Picone, Elwood Sailing Club 2012 Clubperson of the Year, says ‘off the beach sailing in small boats is the easiest way to get on the water and have a lot of fun.’ Elwood Sailing Club Saturday and Sunday training squads for juniors and adults are a great way to get started in sailing. With enthusiastic trainers and the back-up of a duty boat, the club has helped to nurture a love of sailing in generations of locals. Joseph was a PE teacher when he started sailing dinghies over ten years ago. More recently, Joseph served on the committee to get better facilities and secure grants. GET ON THE WATER 9531 4743 www.elwoodsc.com The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
For all general enquires, contact ASSIST 9209 6777 Cr Amanda Stevens, Mayor Albert Park BH: 9209 6431 M: 0481 034 029 E: mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Church and academy get together for song ALBERT PARK: The first Australian National Academy of Music recital for 2013, to be held at St Silas Anglican Church, 99 Bridport Street, will be on Sunday 21 April at 2.30 pm. It will be produced and presented by flautist Rowan Hamwood. Tickets, which are $25/$15 concession and ANAMates, include afternoon tea. Visit www.parishoftheparks.com.au for more information.
Cr Serge Thomann, Deputy Mayor Catani BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 299 372 E: sthomann@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Local hair salon offers trimmed courses
Cr Vanessa Huxley Carlisle BH: 9209 6705 M: 0406 890 739 E: vhuxley@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Thoroughfare to get upgrade
Cr Anita Horvath emerald hill BH: 9209 6705 M: 0438 906 161 E: ahorvath@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Cr Andrew Bond Junction BH: 9209 6705 M: 0481 034 028 E: abond@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 287 634 E: jtouzeau@portphillip.vic.gov.au
ALBERT PARK: Avidity hair salon is running short courses for the community in May. The courses available are hairdressing, skincare and beauty, and an introduction to work in the retail industry. The sessions, which run over four days, are designed to give students the confidence to apply for assistant roles or undertake further study. Fee is $35. To enquire call 9686 2354 or visit www.avidityalbertpark.com BALACLAVA: A number of renewal projects are scheduled to take place in Carlisle Street this year. They include the Balaclava Station upgrade, track renewal works at the Chapel Street intersection, and paving and drainage works near Woodstock Street. For more information visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/carlislest_activity_centre.htm
Get tech savvy with introductory courses ST KILDA: Over the coming months the Christ Church Community Centre has plenty of activities happening to keep the mind and body active. They include an introduction to iPads, patchwork and quilting and yoga. Community members can also enjoy the Stepping Stones social groups and Open House meals on Wednesday evenings from 5.30 pm. Call 9534 9250 or email communitycentre@christchurchstkilda.org.au
New timetable for community buses CITY-WIDE: Council offers a community bus service that travels across the municipality along designated routes. The service, which has a new timetable, provides transport for older people and people with a disability. Friendly transport officers provide support to help residents get on and off board. Call Marg on 9209 6223 for further details.
Pimp my ride! Cr Bernadene Voss Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 M: 0413 246 704 E: bvoss@portphillip.vic.gov.au
ST KILDA: Check out these funky bikes, decorated for the St Kilda Festival as part of an event organised by Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House.
Direct all enquiries for councillors during office hours to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor: Tel: 9209 6431 Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant Fax: 9536 2711 Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer Fax: 9536 2708 All Councillors, email: councillors@portphillip.vic.gov.au Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Opportunity to join a historical group
ST KILDA: Friends of St Kilda Cemetery is looking for volunteers to join their committee, including people with IT skills or creative ideas for publicity. Join them on one of their autumn tours and learn more about how to get involved. Sunday 7 April, 2 pm: Scots in St Kilda Cemetery People of Scottish ancestry have played an important role in the development and life of Melbourne. This tour will visit the graves of some of those Scottish people. Sunday 19 May, 2 pm: What a way to go! As part of Law Week, Elizabeth Hore will lead a tour of graves where lie people who suffered unusual deaths and a tour of the Melbourne morgue to learn about its history. Both tours meet at the main gates in Dandenong Road at 2 pm. Booking is essential. Ring 9531 6832 or visit www.foskc.org Cost $5 members, $10 non-members.
Event to celebrate community contributions PORT MELBOURNE: The Port Melbourne Business Association is recognising a special group of 10 volunteers who work with local nonprofit organisations and invite the public to join the celebrations. Tuesday 21 May, 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm at the Port Melbourne Town Hall.
Music festival back in town ST KILDA: St Kilda Youth Service, FReeZA and the City of Port Phillip have announced the return of the St Kilda Youth Festival to O’Donnell Gardens on Sunday 14 April, 11 am – 6 pm. The all ages, drug and alcohol free event will feature a circus sideshow theme and roving performances, with bands 8 Bit Love, Kuan Yin Society, Mz Rizk, Soliloquy, Allday and Grey Ghost making the line-up.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Century of Luna on DVD ST KILDA: Around 150 people attended the launch of A Century of Lunacy – Memories of Melbourne’s Luna Park at St Kilda Town Hall in January. This one hour film, funded with a cultural grant from Fay Haskin, her sister and her father who was the first owner of Le Bon cakeshop in 1950s Acland Street. Council and assisted by Luna Park, records fascinating stories and rare photos from one of the world’s oldest amusement parks. The film, on DVD, is available for borrowing from all Council libraries. Free screenings are also being offered to community groups in Port Phillip. Contact Meyer Eidelson on 9090 7964 or email melbwalks@gmail.com
All smiles with new upgrade ST KILDA: Council will be upgrading the Luna Park forecourt from April through to July. The upgrade will include new paving, public lighting and stormwater drainage, along with a raised pedestrian crossing on Cavell Street. It will also include an extension of the forecourt, which will provide residents and visitors a safer space from which to view and photograph the iconic Luna Park face. Visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/stkilda-urban-design-framework.htm
Join in our Autumn walks CITY-WIDE: The April-May Neighbourhood Walks are a chance to explore the environmental and retail history of our city. Bookings are essential. Email walking@portphillip.vic.gov.au or call 9209 6522. Why does Elwood flood? Travel down the flood plain of Elster Creek to the bay and discover why and how this wetland has affected lifestyles from pre-settlement to today. Sunday 21 April, 10 am – 12 noon. Shopping in Port Melbourne Experience the remarkable transformation of Bay Street. Sunday 19 May, 2 pm – 4 pm.
from ASSIST How do I qualify for a reduced fee for registering my pet? From 11 April 2013 an owner will no longer be entitled to the reduced fee for microchipping alone; their pet must also meet one or more of the categories listed below: • be desexed, or • be over 10 years of age, or • be part of a domestic animal business or • be part of an applicable organisation, or • have undergone obedience training, or • be a working dog. How do I qualify for the free animal registration scheme? Cats and dogs less than six months of age will receive free initial registration
Domain interchange set to change SOUTH MELBOURNE: Domain interchange is to undergo a major redevelopment starting at Easter. The project will create an accessible stop with real time tram information, a dedicated bicycle lane and new pedestrian crossings to replace existing L-shaped crossings. A myki machine will also be installed at the interchange. Works are expected to be completed by Friday 12 April.
Local squadron seeks volunteers
• whether desexed or not, and • if purchased or adopted within the previous four weeks (proof required), and • if microchipped.
ST KILDA: The Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron (RMYS) is seeking new volunteer recruits for its Race Management Team, which runs the club’s yacht races from the tower and committee boats. RMYS races almost every Wednesday and Saturday throughout the year. Those who commit themselves to the Race Management Team will be formally trained and gain qualifications such as Marine Radio Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency (Radio Licence) and Powerboat Licence. No prior experience necessary. Call Allicia Rae on 9534 0227 or racing@rmys.com.au to get involved.
Cats and dogs six months or older, will receive free initial registration
Refreshed library open to all
• if purchased or adopted within the previous four weeks (proof required), and • if desexed, and • if microchipped Animals transferred from another Council are exempt from fees for the current registration period if proof of payment to the previous Council can be shown. This does not apply to restricted breed dogs and dogs declared dangerous or menacing.
ST KILDA: Refurbishment of St Kilda library is now complete and the newly renovated building is open to the public. A new range of self-service kiosks and info pods have been installed throughout the building. As well, the library now has improved wi-fi connection to help the public navigate and utilise the library’s services. Final stages of the library improvement have also seen new carpeting, lighting and toilets installed.
Fresh support for rising stars
How many animals may I keep on my property? You may keep up to two dogs or two cats on any one property (commercial, residential, industrial) without a permit at any one time. If you live in a flat or unit, you may keep one cat or one dog without a permit. If you wish to keep dogs and/or cats exceeding this number, download the application form here www.portphillip. vic.gov.au/animal_registration.htm
ASSIST on 9209 6777 is the best number to call for information about Council services or to let us know about a problem.
SOUTH MELBOURNE: Now we know why our local athletes have that spring in their step. South Melbourne Market is supporting healthy eating by supplying fresh fruit to the Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS), which provides training and facilities to young athletes. Every Wednesday, a VIS team member visits Fruits on Coventry to collect their box of fresh, seasonal fruit (valued at $80). The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Super choir joins with Sweethearts and students
Register your dog or cat All dog and cat registrations are due on 10 April 2013 for the 2013–14 registration year. Renewals were sent out at the end of February. Forms for new registrations can be downloaded from the Animal Management web pages or are available at any of the town halls. If you have not received your renewal or require advice about your registration, contact the animal management team for assistance on 9209 6262. Failure to register your dog or cat may result in an infringement fee of $282.
Saver Plus program Saver Plus is a matched savings and financial education program to assist with educationrelated costs. Save up to $500 and receive an equal amount in matched funds for education goals. To be eligible, participants must have either a health care card or a pension concession card and regular paid employment. Saver Plus, developed by the ANZ Bank and the Brotherhood of St Laurence, is delivered locally by Jewish Care. For more information call Henry Frenkel on 8517 5670 or 0488 069 627.
Suitcases, baggage and other synonyms
Melbourne Singers of Gospel is creating a new concert as a celebration of youth making music. Featuring Sweethearts, an all-female student soul–funk group from Geelong’s Matthew Flinders Girls’ Secondary College, a group that tours internationally, and a youth chorus drawn from the secondary colleges in the City of Port Phillip. The chorus will have a repertoire of six songs, three of which they will perform on their own; for the rest they join with Melbourne Singers of Gospel to perform as a super gospel choir. Choir places are limited to 50. Want to get involved? Express your interest to youthchorus@msgchoir.com.au Rehearsals begin May.
Cafe Bazaar – new group started A new drop-in social group for multicultural seniors of all abilities has started. People are welcome to drop in for a short time or stay for the whole session. There will be games, activities and the chance to have a chat and a cuppa with friends, no matter what language you speak. It costs nothing. If you are interested in joining this group, call Cristina Del Frate at City of Port Phillip on 9209 6385 or email cdelfrat@portphillip.vic.gov.au Friday afternoons Elwood–St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre, 87 Tennyson Street, Elwood
Presented by Nick of Time Productions as part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
More inclusive vacation care
Tickets $15–$25 + bf. Bookings at www.theatreworks.org.au or 9534 3388.
JCAAA Enhancing Vacation Care works with local mainstream vacation care providers to support the inclusion of school-aged children with disabilities in these programs. Increased support for children with higher support requirements is now available. Contact us as soon as possible for programs operating in the July 2013 school holidays if you are interested in this service for your child.
17–20 April, Wednesday 7.30 pm and Thursday – Saturday 8 pm Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda.
Contact Emily Mercer, Enhancing Vacation Care Project Officer, on 9209 6159 or emercer@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Five friends, one apartment, countless opinions and, ultimately, one destination. Are they really friends, though? Friend or foe? Foe or toe? Toe or tow? A whimsical, original musical comedy you can’t miss.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Your new online events calendar Council has launched an online events calendar for our city. It’s available via Council’s website. If you are a member of a community group you can submit details of your events via an easy to use online form. Visitors to Council’s site can search the calendar to find out what’s happening here in our community. Check it out at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au
The Disability Respite and Recreation Expo is for parents and carers of people with a disability. This Expo is an excellent opportunity to talk to a variety of service providers about respite and recreation options, to gather information and to network with each other. Free event. Tuesday 23 April, 10 am – 2 pm Phoenix Park Community Centre 22 Rob Roy Road, Malvern East Melway Ref: 69D2 For more information contact the Expo coordinator on 8552 2222 or respiteexpo@moira.org.au
Youth breaks competition This breaking and hip-hop competition is open to anyone 18 years and under who wants to jump in and display their skills, attitude, energy and vibe. The solo and crew battles are performed to DJ break beats and live youth percussionists. Trophies and prizes will be awarded to the under 13 and under 18 solo battle winners and the winner of the crew battles. This is a free, state government sponsored FReeZA Event (alcohol, drug and smoking-free). Fully supervised. Sunday 19 May, doors open 12 noon, competition 12.30 pm – 5.00 pm St Kilda Town Hall Auditorium
How to retain your volunteers How can your organisation successfully compete in the increasingly tight need for volunteers? With volunteering rates decreasing, and with people generally volunteering less time with less flexibility, volunteer-involving organisations cannot afford to ignore these questions. RSVP and find further details at portphillip.vic.gov.au/community_training.htm Volunteer recruitment and retention training, facilitated by Volunteering Victoria Thursday 30 May, 12.30 pm – 4.00 pm Refreshments provided Council Chambers, St Kilda Town Hall
Calling all local enviro artists Does your art inspire care for our environment? To coincide with our World Environment Day event on Thursday 6 June, City of Port Phillip is exhibiting local environmental themed artworks at The Gallery at St Kilda Town Hall. The exhibition will run from Tuesday 29 May to Wednesday 26 June. Submit your expression of interest by Tuesday 30 April.
inbrief The Gallery at the St Kilda Town Hall
Where do you go when you’ve climbed to the top and the rules and the glass have been flipped around? Swan Dive is inspired by the poetry of Leonard Cohen.
Bike Ed instructor/assistant course
Tickets from $25 + bf 25 April – 3 May (no show 30 April), 8 pm 4 May, 5 pm
This two day course is available to community groups and schools that want to run or assist Bike Ed courses.
Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda Bookings: www.theatreworks.org.au or 9534 3388
Bookings essential. Thursday 30 and Friday 31 May, 9 am – 4 pm, Elwood Primary School.
Save on your electricity bills Challenge to Change participants have averaged a 20 per cent reduction in their weekly electricity usage. All you need to do is • a ttend a one hour training session to learn how to save energy at home, using fun gadgets and no cost actions • r ecord the daily reading of your electricity meter for two weeks. Training sessions will run from 22 April – 12 May. Register by Friday 19 April. Challenge to Change is a free program for Port Phillip residents, schools, organisations and businesses.
Meet environmentally minded people Come along and meet environmentally minded people in our community, share your ideas and socialise. This is an excellent opportunity to find out about local groups and their projects. Join us for the third Sustainability Community Action Network (SCAN) function, Wednesday 22 May, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm. For more information and to book your ticket, go to www.scan.eventzilla.net More information can be found at www.enviroehub.com.au, by emailing enviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au or by calling 9209 6548.
Swan dive
#10 songs of lamentation, 2012. Cathy Henenberg
No child …
Cathy Henenberg: songs of lamentation: an elegy Room 1 Henenberg explores themes of absence and presence, the need for memorialising and the role of photography in this process. Prompted by the death of the artist’s father, Henenberg began collecting flowers from her garden and neighbourhood as a reminder of the transience of life and our mortality. Kyle Weyburne: Nocturnes Rooms 2 and 3 An exhibition incorporating a series of oil paintings, digital animations and glass paintings that delves into mythical and religious topics. The images embrace universal iconography that enable people from all cultures to appreciate the work on a personal level. Gallery at the St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda 8.30 am – 5.00 pm weekdays
Soccer season kick off with a bite
A brilliant revelation of the disparities that lie at the heart of America, No Child is an incisive portrait of a broken system as well as a rallying cry on behalf of an entire generation. Tickets $35–$45 + bf 7 – 19 May Tuesday – Saturday, 8 pm, Wednesday and Thursday, 1 pm, Sunday, 5 pm Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda Bookings: www.theatreworks.org.au or 9534 3388
Beacon Cove handed over to Council
It doesn’t get better than this – new league, new season and a home match! The Port Melbourne Sharks SC has been promoted to the Victorian Premier League, and their season begins with a match against Hume City FC on Friday 5 April at JL Murphy Reserve - SS Anderson Oval. The match begins at 8.30 pm. Oooooooooh It’s a Grand Old Team to play for. Easy!
Council has assumed management of the Beacon Cove Estate in Port Melbourne from Major Projects Victoria. This includes the roads, car parks, open spaces, paths, timber piles, restaurant buildings, decking surrounding the restaurants and foreshore promenade. As the Committee of Management, Council will provide certainty to the community and a more responsive and proactive management for the area.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip