Divercity Newsletter 68 June/July 2013

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D I V ERCITY the official newsletter of the city of port phillip


issn 1328 -0309

| issue 68 june / july 2013

Thumbs up for Bubup Nairm Grand opening 23 June

1 pm – 4 pm

e v e ry f a m i ly edition

Prizes for playgrounds


from the Mayor Dear residents, The theme of this issue of Divercity, ‘Every Family’, provides an insight into some of the services provided for elderly, disabled, newborn, young children and adolescents in our community. We are particularly proud of the newly constructed Bubup Nairm (Indigenous words for children and Port Phillip Bay) Family and Children’s Centre. Also, this year the Liardet Street Family and Children’s Centre will be completed. A new home has been found on Elwood’s foreshore for the Lady Forster Kindergarten and work will commence in South Melbourne on increasing maternal child health, playgroup and toy library services. These four initiatives across our municipality were undertaken in recognition of the increase in the number of babies and young children in our city. Together, these projects will see the city’s childcare, kindergarten and other children’s services significantly increased. The Bubup Nairm centre will provide 116 places, the Liardet Street centre 135 places and Lady Forster Kindergarten 49 places. Council has just finished the six month process of hiring a new Chief Executive Officer and we are thrilled to announce the appointment of Tracey Slatter. As a former local government CEO and senior executive in the Victorian public service, she brings 20 years of diverse leadership experience to our organisation. Drafts of the Council Plan and Budget were released for public consultation on 7 May; submissions close on 6 June. Anyone who makes a submission may also address the Council meeting on 11 June. Council will consider submissions before final adoption of the Council Plan and Budget at the Council meeting on 25 June. So read our plan for the city over the next four years and share your thoughts and aspirations for your community. Enjoy, and stay safe. Amanda Stevens Mayor, City of Port Phillip The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Yalukit Wilam Clan of the Boon Wurrung. We pay our respect to their Elders, both past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land.

Cover photo: Chris Cassar



Help to live independently longer Divercity looks at the ways Council supports frail older people, people with a disability and their carers to remain living independently at home. In Victoria, the Home and Community Care (HaCC) program is funded by federal, state and local government. Services assist frail older people and people with moderate, severe or profound disabilities of all ages and these people’s carers. Eligibility for services is based on the individual’s capacity to perform everyday activities of living. These may be showering and grooming, shopping, bill paying, eating well, social activities and tasks in and around the home. Eligibility is determined following an individual assessment of needs and the person’s ability to manage daily activities. Age alone does not determine eligibility. Not every person aged 70 or over, for example, will be eligible for services, or will require assistance with everyday activities. Listening to your needs to maximise your independence The HaCC program aims to provide support to you, or the person who cares for you, to stay active and independent and living at home for as long as possible. It is proven that when people stay active, involved and doing as much for themselves as possible they remain more independent and have a better sense of wellbeing. This is the approach we take when working with you.

Listening We start by listening to you and talking about: • what you can do for yourself • what you need help with to stay safe and well at home • what you want to be able to do or keep doing. Making a plan We make sure that you are at the centre of every decision. The plan we make says what you want and lists the supports and services available to help. It is all about helping you to remain living at home and in your community. We work in partnership with other people who support you, such as family, friends, local community groups, your doctor and other health professionals. Setting up support Sometimes our support will be only for a short time while you get back on your feet other times support will be ongoing. It can change over time as your circumstances change. We will help you do as much as you can for yourself to help maintain your independence. FIND OUT MORE  9209 6592

Council has a new CEO A six month executive search has concluded with the appointment by Council of Ms Tracey Slatter as our new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Formerly CEO of Colac Otway Shire, Tracey Slatter was most recently employed as a senior executive in the Victorian public service as Head of Claims for the Transport Accident Commission. Mayor Cr Amanda Stevens said Ms Slatter has a proven track record in local government and in large organisations of delivering high quality services to the community. Ms Slatter commenced as CEO on 20 May.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Diary Dates World Environment Day Thursday 6 June, 4.30 pm – 7.30 pm St Kilda Town Hall

Grand Opening: Bubup Nairm Family and Children’s Centre Sunday 23 June, 1 pm – 4 pm Carlisle Street, St Kilda (adjacent to the Council offices) Take a look inside the fabulous new centre. There will be activities for all ages, with fun, food and entertainment, as well as a mini health expo showing what’s locally available for you and your family. Come along and join in for a great family outing or just to see what’s going on. The event will begin at 1 pm with a traditional smoking ceremony.

Tim Gill, international speaker on childhood Wednesday 17 July, 10 am – 12 noon Thursday 18 July, 7 pm – 9 pm St Kilda Town Hall Tim Gill, one of the UK’s leading thinkers on childhood and an effective advocate for positive change in children’s everyday lives, is coming to Port Phillip. Tim will talk on the changing nature of childhood, children’s play and free time, and their evolving relationships with the people and places around them. The sessions are free but bookings are necessary (bookings open from 1 June). For more information contact ASSIST on 9209 6777.

Photo: Chris Cassar

Celebrate with a free exhibition, workshops, performances and more. Learn ikebana, the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement, using native Australian flora, hone your illustration skills in an Indigenous plant drawing workshop or refashion something old from your wardrobe into something new with natural plant dyes. Enjoy interactive music and dance performances by local artists and help create a mandala from reclaimed materials. Activities for children, too.

L-R Bridie-Ru, Yvie, Claudia and Milla take a bow with Miss Fiona, Beverly Fry and Miss Tasker prove that you can never get tutu much ballet.

Generations of dancers Generations of dancers have taken their first positions at the National Theatre Ballet School. The school has recently introduced a class for the tiniest of budding ballet dancers, First Steps for two year olds. ‘We have two lovely ladies, Miss Tasker and Miss Fiona, who have been with the school for over 40 years,’ says Beverly Fry, artistic director. Miss Eileen Tasker still teaches in the studio, while Miss Fiona is a fixture at the piano, getting involved with classes and giving advice. ‘Mothers will come in with their children, and they will have danced here, or their cousin has or their sister.’ First Steps is held on Thursday mornings at the National Theatre Ballet School, Barkly Street, St Kilda.  Ballet office: 9534 0224  ballet@nationaltheatre.org.au

Reader prize

Tell us about your favourite playground To celebrate our children and families edition, we have three family passes to Luna Park to give away. To enter, simply tell us in 50 words or less, which is your favourite playground in Port Phillip and why. Send your entries by email to divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au before 1 July. Winners will be chosen by draw. Only one entry per household please. Every entry from residents under 13 years old will receive a reply by mail if they include their age and postal address. We’ll also publish some the best children’s responses in Divercity.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip





Information, requests, questions or feedback Telephone 03 9209 6777 Fax 03 9536 2722 SMS 0432 005 405

Write for winter

Email assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au Internet eservices.portphillip.vic.gov.au If you are deaf, hearing or speech impaired please use the National Relay Service (www.relayservice.com.au). TTY users can call 133 677, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Speak and Listen users can call 1300 555 727, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Or visit ASSIST in person Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall 208 – 220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne

U3A writers’ group: Claire Humphrys-Hunt, Ana Cristina, Anne Sedgely, Adair Bunnet, Alison Bain, Barbara Denton, Lois Daley, Brenda Richards and John Monro.

Translations For a translation please call the Council’s Language assistance interpreter service:

廣東話 普通話 Polska Ελληνικά Россию Other languages

9679 9810 9679 9858 9679 9812 9679 9811 9679 9813 9679 9814

divercity 68 Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 200 vision-impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.

June/July 2013 Editor: Greg Day gday@edunity.com.au Next deadline: 21 June for August/September Writers: Reece Marks, Kathryn McGrath and Greg Day. Thanks to Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo. Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au Divercity is printed on recycled paper



Divercity asked the U3A writers’ group to pen 50 words on winter in Port Phillip.

Moving in 1996: Barbara Denton

Winter of content: John Monro

The furniture removalist looked around the dingy, smelly, old house and said, ‘I’ll take you back to Eltham if you’ve changed your mind’. I looked at the park, the beacon and the bay and answered, ‘This will do me’.

The residents take back Port Phillip in winter. The summer visitors now drink and eat in their own suburbs, leaving our pubs quiet and the cafe footpaths uncluttered. Seagulls and windsurfers reclaim the beachfront. Strolling down the streets and along the beachfront is a pleasure once more.

Life cycle: Anne Sedgley As children we dug deep holes in the wintry beach, covered them with cardboard and sand, and waited for people to fall in. Years later, I struggled to work my windsurfer out of the shallows onto dark green water. Now I cycle along the beach track, hoping it won’t rain.

The Spirit of Us: Claire Humphrys-Hunt He and I visited The Espy regularly. Greeted by the pong of determination, emanating from the sticky carpet. Music pumped through the senses. Sometimes walking the pier. Hearing the waves roaring, slapping against the sand. We were immersed in nature’s all embracing wonder. He and I miss your soul.

Winter calling: Brenda Richards He pushed back the warm blankets, struggled into his orange outfit, and then headed out into the wild weather. A tree had come down on a house. The electricity went out. The shivering pensioner inside was petrified. He cleared the mess. ’God bless you,’ she said. It was enough.

Wheels, Walkers and Joggers: Alison Bain Snug in their winter woollies, the hardy ones jog around Albert Park Lake, some pushing babies in prams. They pedal along the bike trails against blustery winds. Bracing themselves, head down, they step out along the pier to the café. Shelter and coffee greet them. Port Phillip winters are invigorating.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Seniors Festival: call for entries The 2013 Port Phillip Seniors (55+) Festival will be held from Monday 14 to Sunday 20 October. Seniors are encouraged to submit their creative efforts in these events for artists and writers.

Flood study shows costs and benefits

Seniors Writing Awards: ‘A Port Phillip Life’ Seniors are invited to enter with a story, poem or fact about life in Port Phillip. Residents can enter in one, two or all three categories: fiction, poetry or fact. Entries must be limited to 1000 words and may be submitted in languages other than English. Entries open 1 July and close 2 September

Seniors Festival Art Expo Senior visual artists who work in the art forms of painting, drawing, ceramics and sculpture are invited to enter a favourite piece of work for our Seniors Festival Art Expo. Entries close 27 September. Art groups are welcome to register as part of the Art Expo.

Glenhuntly Road during flash flooding in February 2011 was described as a 1-in-500 year event. Photo: Paul Loughnan, Newspix. A research study about possible adaptation responses to urban flooding was publicly released in April by the Commonwealth Government. The Port Phillip Bay Coastal Adaptation Pathways project was commissioned by all three levels of government; Port Phillip Council was one of four councils involved in the study. The purpose was to develop a high-level understanding of responses to climate change, based on economic cost benefit analyses. The study used flood modelling scenarios and a range of economic models to develop the analyses. The study’s findings demonstrate that timely actions or ‘pathways’ (ranging from actions to accommodate flooding through to major engineering measures) will better equip coastal communities to deal with future flooding and sea level rise impacts. Findings included that:

Launch – Thursday 17 October, 4 pm; Open Days – Friday 18 and Saturday 19 October; Port Melbourne Town Hall

• I f nothing is done, the impacts (of flooding for instance) from climate change will get worse.

Call ASSIST on 9209 6777 for any enquiries or to have the entry forms sent to you; you can also download forms from www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/ seniors_festival.htm

• T imely adaptation investment will support continued use and viability of vulnerable coastal areas.

Winter memories: Lois Daley I walk, holding my father’s hand. The waves come over the timber rail between Station and Princes Piers. We are dressed appropriately. It is 1942. Centenary Bridge looms high in the distance, or so it seems for a small child. We are off to buy fresh fish from the Beasleys, as we did most Saturday mornings.

Bay Street: Liz Low The bitter southerly blasts up Bay Street. The tradies from the new flats have given up on shorts and have their hoods up as they cross the street for coffee and carbs. They push into cafes crammed with huge prams and toddlers. Disgruntled dogs in designer suits wait outside.

• E arly policy changes and moderate investment are both cost-effective and give the best economic return on investment.

Study areas included Elwood and Southbank. The Elwood case study projected that the most effective pathways combined moderate and major flood protection actions from 2020 to 2070. In addition to this report, Council has developed a Flood Management Plan (in conjunction with Melbourne Water) which details both short and long term actions about flood management. An integral part of the plan is the detailed modelling of the municipality in order to determine the effects of flooding on the drainage network. This analysis will enable Council to plan for any system properties are at risk of flooding.

Flood action list 2011 Elwood floods were a 1-in-500 years event Council actions include: • Increased drainage maintenance • More and better street cleaning • Working with local groups to involve the public in understanding the options upgrades and determine what

Council is also undertaking preventative drainage maintenance and renewal and an improved street cleaning program. Information packs for residents on climate events (Being Safe during Floods, Storms and Heatwaves and Local FloodSafe Guide) can be found on the Council’s website. Council will be running a community information session in June/July to share the findings of the report and what Council’s next steps will be.  The full report can be read at http://goo.gl/wNy9x

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip



Photo: Chris Cassar

Something to smile about Dental health doesn’t have to be scary. The preschool dental program run by Inner South Community Health Service (ISCHS), and funded by the Council, is helping to improve children’s oral health by providing oral health education, dental screening and health promotion at preschools, childcare centres, family day care and playgroups. The program also works with staff to support water policies and healthy eating policies. So far this year, over 711 children have been screened; just over 100 have required follow-up with the ISCHS dentists.

Bubup says children Bubup Nairm was chosen as the name of the new family and children’s centre in St Kilda after discussion with Aunty Carolyn Briggs, senior elder of the Yalukit clan of the Boon Wurrung people. Simply translated, Bubup means ‘child’ or ‘children’ and Nairm means ‘of Port Phillip Bay’. Council then asked Deadly Design, a design agency with an Indigenous heritage, to create a concept design that incorporated the Port Phillip logo colours. Their concept is an incorporation of the tree of life, children and family, who are represented in a heart shape near the bottom of the tree, and Port Phillip Bay and the horizon at the bottom.

A healthy start for your baby Parents and carers with children aged from birth to six years can access the free maternal and child health (MCH) nurse service who are also registered nurses and midwives. The family-focused service offers guidance and support as well as practical information on all aspects of parenting, maternal health and family wellbeing. The MCH service provides 10 key age and stage assessments to monitor the growth and development of your child. After you have your baby, the hospital informs the local MCH service. Your MCH nurse will contact you to arrange your first inhome visit and talk to you about future visits and new parent groups. If you are new to the City of Port Phillip and have children aged between birth and four years, contact the central booking number on 9209 6766 to make an appointment.

Immunisation sessions City of Port Phillip provides seven immunisation sessions each month at six different venues across the municipality. Remember to bring your child’s health record book to all sessions.  www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/immunisation.htm

Help after hours The Maternal and Child Health Line is a 24 hour telephone service staffed by qualified maternal and child health nurses. The telephone line provides over the phone information, advice and referral to all families with young children.  13 22 29



The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

The scouting family Parent Emma Baxter Graf tells Divercity about the experiences of her son Sam after he joined the local scouting group. ‘When my son joined Elwood Cub Scouts I thought it was just another activity to go with ukulele, basketball, piano and all the rest of it. But over the last year I’ve learnt that joining Cub Scouts is more like getting a second family. Sam has been on camps, sleepovers, guided walks and observatory visits. He’s been go-karting, talked to servicemen at Anzac Day, made kites, played hundreds of games, learnt new songs and made some very good friends. The leaders care about all aspects of the children: their morals, their understanding of the world, their health and how they get along with others. My son has flourished in such a supportive and positive group and my daughter can’t wait until she’s seven and a half so she can join too.’

Photo: Chris Cassar

For more information on Elwood Scouts  www.elwoodscouts.asn.au  gl.elwood1st@vicscouts.asn.au  Jenni Eaton, Group Leader on 9531 0574 or 0406 107 040

Matt, Henry and Sam selling raffle tickets at a sausage sizzle

Midwife outreach for mums to be Cath Hannon is a Council funded community outreach midwife at Inner South Community Health Service. She works with pregnant women who may not otherwise have access to regular antenatal services. When Divercity visited, Cath was meeting with Alexandra, whose first baby is due in July. Alexandra is nervous and excited about the impending birth all at the same time. ‘I’m really nervous, I just want everything to be perfect. I just want my baby to be happy,’ Alexandra says. Her priority at the moment is finding a better space to live in so she can take care of her baby and equip herself to begin the transition into motherhood. Cath can connect Alexandra to services, help get her to medical appointments and answer the million and one questions all prospective mothers have – from swaddling techniques to which baby capsule to buy. ‘We talk to the women about skills for parenting, book them into hospital services, provide access to housing and health services, and generally support them to make their baby the priority,’ says Cath. Alexandra smiles and draws her arms wide as she talks about her plans for her baby’s new room. ‘It will be decorated on the walls with stickers that are this big!’ CONNECT FOR HEALTH  Inner South Community Health Service 9525 1300 The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip



Hands on World Record To celebrate Family Day Care Week in May, children contributed painted cutout handprints for a world record breaking collage of children’s art. We don’t know if they broke the record, but they had a handful of fun trying. Family day care is a popular alternative to centre-based care for children under 12. Port Phillip has a group of culturally diverse educators who provide quality programs to the children in their care. FIND OUT MORE  Enrol your child 9209 6698  www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/family-day-care.htm

Become an educator Port Phillip is recruiting more local family day care educators. As an educator, you’ll be a Council employee and part of a committed, skilled team providing quality childcare. To find out more, call the family day care coordination unit on 9209 6698.

Photo: Chris Cassar

Amateur boxing promotes focus Amateur boxing training at St Kilda PCYC is a welcoming and non-threatening environment that is all about hard work and love of the sport. Operating three nights a week, the training focuses on boxing technique and training, ringcraft and sparring. Supervised by qualified trainers, and guided by professional and amateur boxing champions, the training builds self-esteem and new skills. Check it out. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 5.00 pm – 6.30 pm, St Kilda PCYC.

Girls’ Club is open St Kilda PCYC has turned its upstairs chillout room into an exclusive hangout for girls. This group is supervised by passionate female volunteers who happily spend their Friday nights organising fun indoor group activities. The Girls’ Club does some really cool stuff, including craft, movies, games, art, acting and more. Every Friday night, 5.15 pm – 7.15 pm during school terms.

Have myki will engage As Council’s new Outreach and Engagement Officer, Renee is an active presence at the Marina Reserve Skate Park and various other hot spots that young people frequent across the municipality. Armed with a first aid kit, a backpack and her myki card, Renee can be found talking to young people all around Port Phillip to help Council understand their needs – and whereabouts – in ways that will inform future services. If you see Renee, say g’day.



The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Photo: Wayne Mouse Thompson

 www.stkildapcyc.org 179 Inkerman Street, St Kilda

Kids send their own message Children and families of Port Melbourne, South Melbourne, Albert Park and Middle Park made this wall of their thoughts about the Two School Now campaign. Tiernan, in Grade 5, worries about getting into the local high school, so is Meagan. Others want a nearby school so they can walk or ride. Some just want space to play that’s not too crowded. Two Schools Now president Alanna Vaz said the students wanted to voice how deeply they felt about the overcrowding and uncertainty. ‘Everyone is excited by news that money has been allocated to purchase the school site in Ferrars Street – it’s a great first step but there is much more to be done,’ she said. Pics: Erika Johnson

Add your voice  www.twoschoolsnow.com

Local school gets wheel good support Non-profit group Back2Bikes meets at South Melbourne Commons on Mondays to fix old bikes and sell refurbished ones. The latest Back2Bikes project consisted of fixing 25 customised bikes for students at Port Melbourne Specialist School. The team will continue to do maintenance on the bikes, which are used daily and dearly loved by the students. Volunteers, bike purchases and donations are all welcome. GET INVOLVED  0416 988 516  www.back2bikes.com.au/volunteering

Gangs of East St Kilda Romy Paltoglou knows what it’s like moving to a new neighbourhood with a new baby. ‘I felt really isolated, being at home and not knowing anyone who lived around us.’ She would see other mums doing their shopping or taking their baby for a walk, but needed something to break the ice. With some inspiration from her friend Alice Morrell, who had come up with the idea of Street Gangs – mothers who live in the same street banding together to support each other – Romy approached another mum walking by with her pram. ‘It started off just having a chat. The other mum was really keen so I made up a little note to drop in the letterboxes of houses in the street that looked like they had kids. I put my email address on there and got about 12 responses, which was really encouraging. Eventually, nine or so mums met for a picnic in the local park, and we went from there, exchanging contact details and making regular meeting times to catch up.’ Romy says there is now a core group of four to five mums (and some dads) who rely on each other for help with the shopping, picking up a loaf of bread from the bakery, child minding, sharing tools and children’s toys. It’s a simple idea that takes just a few words to get you started. Consider starting a gang in your street.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip





For all general enquires, contact ASSIST 9209 6777 Cr Amanda Stevens, Mayor Albert Park BH: 9209 6431 M: 0481 034 029 E: mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Serge Thomann, Deputy Mayor Catani BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 299 372 E: sthomann@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Vanessa Huxley Carlisle BH: 9209 6705 M: 0406 890 739 E: vhuxley@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Anita Horvath emerald hill BH: 9209 6705 M: 0438 906 161 E: ahorvath@portphillip.vic.gov.au



Local roads get an upgrade ST KILDA EAST: Council has completed safety improvement works on Alma Road. A 1.7m wide painted pedestrian refuge with traffic islands in the centre of the road reservation between St Kilda Road and Chapel Street has been created. The works were financed through a $230,000 VicRoads funding bid. Bike lanes in both directions will also be created, complementing those between Chapel and Westbury streets.

Kindergarten to continue in Elwood ELWOOD: Lady Forster Kindergarten is set to continue operating out of the Elwood Community Centre, following Council’s proposal to extend their lease to ten years, pending a public submission process. If approved, the move will see an additional 49 early childhood education and care places available in Port Philip. Council will advertise the lease and resolves to hear and consider any submissions at the Council meeting on 26 June.

No limits at St Kilda Skate Park

Cr Andrew Bond Junction BH: 9209 6705 M: 0481 034 028 E: abond@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 287 634 E: jtouzeau@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Bernadene Voss Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 M: 0413 246 704 E: bvoss@portphillip.vic.gov.au Direct all enquiries for councillors during office hours to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor: Tel: 9209 6431 Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant Fax: 9536 2711 Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer Fax: 9536 2708 All Councillors, email: councillors@portphillip.vic.gov.au Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182



Pic: Wayne Thompson

ST KILDA: Christiaan ‘Otter’ Bailey wowed onlookers at the St Kilda Skate Park in April, showcasing his chairskating skills at the recently launched venue. The 31 year old from Santa Cruz, California, was left paralysed from his waist down after a skateboarding accident in 2006, but that hasn’t stopped him from continuing as a professional surfer and skateboarder. Disability Recreation Victoria (DSR) is looking to establish a chairskating workshop at the park, and needs sponsorship for specially modified chairs for the participants, which cost about $6000 each. Contact DSR’s Alex Dandanis on 9473 0133 or email alexandra@dsr.org.au if you can support the program. Watch an amazing video of Christiaan’s skills at http://youtu.be/_Ej98W0QFkM The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Artist Billy Zammitt with his dolphin sculpture

Artists come together for the environment ALBERT PARK: Residents of Sacred Heart Mission’s Queens Road rooming house have come together to establish Artworks in Green, an environmental exhibition showcasing works made by the residents themselves. The 2D and 3D pieces have been created out of recycled materials, including slate roof tiles dating back to the 1900s, removed from Mission buildings during a recent roof renovation. See the exhibition at from 3 – 23 June, 9 am – 5 pm at Gasworks Arts Park, 21 Graham Street, Albert Park.

High tide for local poets

Hear about the deaf school

ELWOOD: Residents and students in the City of Port Phillip are invited to submit original poems into this year’s Elwood Poetry Prize. This year’s theme is ‘Tide’. Entries close Friday 23 August. School prizes will be awarded at the Port Phillip Sustainable Schools Awards on Thursday 12 September; community prizes will be awarded at a poetry reading and afternoon tea at the Ecocentre, 2 pm on Sunday 22 September. Application forms are available from www.ecocentre.com and ASSIST on 9209 6777.

ST KILDA: The St Kilda Historical Society is hosting an illustrated talk by Noel Henderson from Deaf Children Australia (DCA). Noel will discuss the 1860s establishment of the Gothic Revival bluestone building at 597 St Kilda Road as a residential school for deaf children. He will also cover DCA’s current restoration and redevelopment proposals for this heritage site. Sunday 14 July at 3 pm, St Kilda Community Room, St Kilda Library.

Homeless remembered

Members free. Visitors $5. Light refreshments provided. For bookings call 0405 610 799 or email secretary@stkildahistory.org.au

ST KILDA: The annual Homeless Memorial will be held Wednesday 19 June, 5.00 pm – 7.30 pm at Peanut Farm Reserve, corner Chaucer Street and Shakespeare Grove near Veg Out. The memorial is a chance to reflect upon the experiences of people who are marginalised in our community.

The Society is also holding its next meeting on Sunday 16 June at 3 pm at St Kilda Uniting Parish Mission Church, corner of Chapel and Carlisle Streets, St Kilda. Chairman of the Organ Historical Society of Australia John Maidment will talk about the organs of St Kilda churches.

See rising stars spread their wings

Members free, non members $5. Booking essential for catering purposes.

ST KILDA: The National Theatre Ballet School is showcasing Swan Lake, Act III, and A Perfect Day on Saturday 29 June at 7.30 pm and Sunday 30 June at 2.30 pm. Tickets range from $15 for children to $30 for adults. Concession, group and family tickets are also available. Visit www.nationaltheatre.org.au or call 9525 4611 to book. Throughout June the National Theatre is also hosting performances by the Children’s Performing Company of Australia and Young Australian Broadway Chorus. Phone 9384 1644 for more information. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Email secretary@stkildahistory.org.au or call 0405 510 799.

Keep our canal beautiful ELWOOD: Join the team that helps to clean up the grassy banks of the Elwood Canal. Meet at the Glenhuntly Road bridge at 10 am on Sundays 16 June and 21 July. Bring gloves and a couple of bags, one for recyclables. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au



Local school remembers our fallen


Keep up to date about Fishermans Bend PORT MELBOURNE: Council is working collaboratively with Places Victoria and key state government departments on the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Strategic Framework Plan and is a key participant on the Places Victoria project control group and various working groups. You can stay up to date with the latest developments at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/fishermans-bend.htm

Fascinating stories behind each grave ST KILDA: Do you know the history of your local cemetery? If you would like to find out more, join the Friends of St Kilda Cemetery (FOSKC) on a walking tour on Sunday 21 June that will visit the graves of some of the notable people buried there. Meet at the main gates on Dandenong Road at 2 pm. Cost is $10 for non-members, $5 for members. Bookings essential, call 9531 6832 or visit www.foskc.org

Join in the art of conversation SOUTH MELBOURNE: Auspicious Arts Incubator is hosting an Emerald Hill Conversation evening on sustainability on Thursday 11 July, 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm. The evening will be a chance to discuss topics such as the business case for sustainability, what others are doing and how the key concepts can be applied in a company. The venue is 228 Bank Street. For bookings visit www.auspiciousincubator.com.au/events

Celebrating 25 years at Eildon Road ST KILDA: Eildon Road Children’s Centre is holding its 25 year anniversary and is inviting all past families and staff members to help it celebrate on Thursday 13 June, 7.30 pm at the St Kilda Bowls Club. Tickets are $35 per head. Monies raised on the night will go towards funding an interactive outdoor play area for the children. Phone 9209 6750 for bookings.

Be a cut above with salon short course

PORT MELBOURNE: The Port Melbourne Primary School community joined in ANZAC commemorations in April, with each child laying a flower at the foot of the school flagpole. In keeping with recent customs, the school choir also led the hymn singing while staff, parents and students joined the assembly, which has grown over the past decade.

New park facility gets into the swing of things SOUTH MELBOURNE: Upgrades of the playspace at the south side of Eastern Reserve are nearly complete. The revamped playspace includes new play equipment, park shelter structure, barbecue, picnic table settings and drinking fountain.

Forty years since freeway protest SOUTH MELBOURNE: In late 1971 the state government proposed a freeway to link the soon-to-beopened Westgate Bridge to St Kilda Junction through St Vincent’s Place and along Canterbury Road. This was part of a 1969 plan to build 307 miles of freeways crisscrossing Melbourne. As a result of the proposal, the South Melbourne Freeway Action Group was formed; members joined with the already existing Emerald Hill Association. The group worked hard to prevent plans for this and other freeways proceeding. Protest posters and placards were all designed and printed by local artist Ron Arnott.

ALBERT PARK: Avidity hair salon is running a retail ready short course for the community in July. Learn about the retail industry and develop skills in customer service, sales and selling, visual merchandising, point of sale, security awareness, handling customer complaints and working in teams. Two Sundays: 14 and 21 July, 9 am – 4 pm. Fee is $35. To enquire call 9686 2354 or visit www.avidityalbertpark.com



In 1973, the government, in preparation for the 1974 election, cut the freeway plan by more than half, including the F14 that was planed to go through South Melbourne. But this left the South Melbourne Council to deal with the influx of traffic from the new bridge. The blocking of Montague Street at City Road with what is now the Sol Green Reserve is a lasting legacy of the council’s pioneering traffic calming strategies.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

inbrief Port Phillip Access Network (CoPPAN) The Council is committed to equitable, dignified access and inclusion for all residents to all of its services, programs, premises, employment and communication systems. To support this work, Council is pulling together a network of interested community members and experts to provide feedback on access issues. It’s easy to join and you can participate by email, telephone, postal mail or in person. To get involved contact us at access@portphillp.vic.gov.au or call 9209 6777.

Multipurpose room at Bubup Nairm for hire A beautiful new space for children and family oriented presentations and events is available for hire at the Bubup Nairm Centre. The room seats 60–70 people; the space also has a kitchenette, AV and IT equipment available. The usual Port Phillip Community facilities charges apply. After hours use incurs a $70 plus GST fee to cover security costs. To find out more call Brigid or Peta on 9209 6403.

Parenting information sessions Creative Approaches to Mindfulness Education Wednesday 29 May

Manage your diabetes Inner South Community Health Service now employs a credentialed diabetes educator at their South Melbourne and St Kilda sites. As part of a team that includes dieticians, podiatrists, physiotherapists/exercise physiologists and counsellors, the educator provides information on self-monitoring of blood glucose levels, the benefits of physical activity, how medications work and how to prevent or manage complications. Individual appointments are offered. In these, clients are supported to make informed choices about how to manage their diabetes. A Diabetes Support Group also runs in St Kilda on the first Wednesday of the month. Diabetes exercise groups can help clients become more active and support them to use local facilities. You can refer yourself by calling intake and referral on 9525 1300 or talk to your GP.

Grandma Poss made bush magic

Town Hall Gallery

Presented by Janet Etty-Leal, author of Mediation Capsules. Janet will teach parents how to be more mindful skills to pass on to their children.

An-octopus’-garden by Carmel Wallace

Creative Connections: World Environment Day Celebrate World Environment Day with an exhibition of local artists. Wednesday 29 May – Wednesday 26 June Painting Architectural Portraiture (Room 1)

Holistic Nutrition: Practical Strategies for Parents Wednesday 14 August Presented by nutritionist Cinzia Cozzolino from Nutrition Darling. Find out what to feed growing bodies, how to read labels and how to safely supplement. Partying Safely: Tips for parents and young people Wednesday 9 October Presented by educator Sonya Karras from Whole New World. A practical and realistic discussion to educate parents and young people about how to party safely. Arrive at all sessions at 6.30 pm for a 7 pm start. Elwood College, 101 Glenhuntly Road, Elwood.

Fawkner Street by Susan Woods

The artist presents a series of 20 small acrylic paintings on wood that reference the urban environments and landscape around the City of Port Phillip. The Jewel Fish of Karnak (Rooms 2 and 3)

To book, call 9531 9566 or email elwood.co@edumail.vic.gov.au For more information go to www.portphillip.vic.gov.au or call ASSIST on 9209 6777.

Food for Beginners Come along and learn more about introducing solid food to your baby. All sessions are facilitated by a maternal and child health nurse. Sessions start on time and places are limited, so call 9209 6766 to reserve your place. She made wombats blue and kookaburras pink, dingoes smile and emus shrink, but the best magic of all was the Possum Magic that made baby Hush invisible. This year, Possum Magic will mark its 30th anniversary as a favourite Australian children’s book and over 20 years on stage.

Poets Grove Children’s Centre, 18 Poets Grove, Elwood Wednesdays 26 June, 24 July 2 pm – 4 pm

Possum Magic 2013 – the Final Farewell Tour. All tickets $18. Friday 12 July, 2 pm Saturday 13 July, 9.30 am, 11.30 am and 2 pm

St Kilda MCH Centre, Bubup Nairm Family and Children’s Centre Wednesday 10 July 10.30 am – 12.30 pm

Gasworks Theatre, Gasworks Arts Park 21 Graham Street, Albert Park

Port Melbourne MCH Centre, Town Hall, Bay Street Thursdays 13 June, 11 July 2 pm – 4 pm

Alma Road Community House, 200 Alma Road, St Kilda Wednesday 26 June 2 pm – 3.30 pm

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Sneaking Inside by Graeme Base

This exhibition features 30 illustrations from Australian author and illustrator Graeme Base’s latest book, The Jewel Fish of Karnak. The book, inspired by Base’s overseas travel to Egypt, is set against the wonders of the ancient world. Wednesday 3 July – Wednesday 31 July Invitation to exhibit The City of Port Phillip invites artists and community groups to submit expressions of interest for the 2014 exhibition program in The Gallery. Download an application form from www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/the_gallery.htm, or contact Louisa Scott, Curator, on 9209 6215, or email lscott@portphillip.vic.gov.au Closing date for the 2014 exhibition program submissions is Friday 21 June.



sustain ability Stay warm this winter and still save on your energy bills Pensioners and health care card holders can get their home retrofitted with free energy and water saving products. Contact Sustainable Programs on 9209 6548 or enviro@portphillip.vic. gov.au for a free installation through our Carbon Cut program.

Personal Journeys Workshop


Lauren is a qualified and registered counsellor who specialises in relationships and personal counselling.

Sunday sounds South Melbourne Symphony Orchestra presents a Sunday afternoon concert conducted by Lynette Bridgland, with soloist Alex Morris on clarinet. Admission: adults $20, concession $15, children aged 12 and under, no charge. Sunday 23 June, 2.30 pm South Melbourne Town Hall 210 Bank Street, South Melbourne www.vicnet.net.au/~smso

The workshop ‘Beginning the Journey – Life Mapping’ is an exploration of family, friendships, social relationships, creative experience, body experience and important events and happenings. This is a low cost – $10 – workshop for the Port Phillip community. Bookings essential. Call Lauren on 0418 714 166, email theholdingplace@bigpond.com or visit facebook.com/theholdingplace June 2013, confirm dates and times on booking. South Melbourne Community Centre Corner Park Street and Ferrars Place

SKYS OutLoud

Kids can cook

Positive charge Get free, trusted and tailored advice on solar power, as well as great deals on energy saving products and electric bicycles. To sign up to Positive Charge, visit www.positivecharge.com.au or call 9385 8555. Supported by City of Port Phillip.

St Kilda Youth Service (SKYS) OutLoud is an innovative program that supports young people to improve and maintain their mental health. If you are a young same-sex attracted, sex or gender diverse (SSASGD) person living in Port Phillip and would like to help develop an innovative new program and website, get in touch. The program involves • a new website featuring live chat • peer support training for young people • d evelopment of local and global relationships with other SSASGD organisations and young people • a dedicated time each week for young SSASGD people to meet, hang out and get to know one another, including excursions, guest speakers, projects and access to support staff.

Seedlings – Early Years Education for Sustainability From July 2013 early childhood services across Port Phillip will be participating in the new Seedlings project. Seedlings aims to empower, enable and connect children, families, early childhood professionals and the community to live more sustainably. Seedlings provides a package of tools for all early childhood professionals to meet and exceed required standards, and provides resources for families, services and communities to support each other. Ask your early childhood service to find out more at www.enviroehub.com.au or look for Seedlings on Facebook.



If you are aged between 15 and 25 and would like to be involved in any aspect of the program, email Rosa on rosa@skys.org.au, call 9696 5340 or visit www.outloud.org.au SKYS Learning Centre 62–74 Pickles Street, South Melbourne

Next Steps on the Draft Council Plan and Budget Thanks to everyone who took the time to prepare a submission for the draft Council Plan 2013–17 and Annual Budget 2013/14. Council is looking forward to receiving the submissions and hearing from submitters at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 11 June. Following consideration of the submission it is intended to adopt the Council Plan and Budget at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 June 2013. More information on the Council Plan and Budget is available at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au

Add some flavour to your kids’ holiday experience with a cooking workshop facilitated by Sally Lukey from Sweetpea Cuisine at the South Melbourne Market. There are two different workshops, where petit chefs will chop, mix and bake their way through some foodie fun. Aprons, take home recipes and activity sheets will top off this sweet kitchen experience. For bookings or more information call 9209 6887 or visit www.southmelbournemarket.com.au Kids Can Cook School Holiday Workshops South Melbourne Market Wednesday 3 and Friday 5 July, 11 am – 12.30 pm $50 per child per workshop

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Get together by getting out of town


from ASSIST How do I enrol my child into childcare or kindergarten in Port Phillip?

Get Out of Town, a popular school holiday program, is run by Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House and funded by the Council for low income families. This fun filled school holiday program has been running for nearly ten years and the number of families involved grows each year. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their recent trips to the Melbourne Aquarium, Funfields Water Park in Geelong, Royal Melbourne Show and Luna Park. In July 2013, there will be trips to Lake Mountain ski fields, Disney on Ice and the movies. For more information contact the Get Out of Town coordinator, Kate Power, at Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House on 9645 1476. The program is for families living in Port Phillip who hold a current Centrelink concession card.

World Breastfeeding Week event An upcoming event at the new Bubup Nairm Family and Children’s Centre will celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, 1 – 7 August. This event is to show support for women and children in East Timor. Friends of Suai/Covalima, together with the Alola Foundation, will host MILK: Mothers Unite for East Timor, a morning tea to raise awareness about maternal issues faced in East Timor. Mums, dads, friends and families are welcome to attend to celebrate the joys and challenges of breastfeeding and motherhood. According to the Alola Foundation, 42 per cent of East Timorese women aged 15–49 who died in the period 2003–10, died from pregnancyrelated causes, compared with 0.6 per cent of Australian women. One-third of East Timorese women have no access to antenatal care. Details to be announced. For more information and booking, contact Pat Jessen, Coordinator, Friends of Suai, 9209 6598.

Have your say A range of consultations on Council projects will be underway throughout June and July. They include: • p lanning and design projects for the Port Melbourne area that will shape the future of this vibrant waterfront community • h ealth and wellbeing in our community – your feedback will help Council form a picture of what a happy, healthy and resilient Port Phillip might look like, so contact us at healthplan@portphillip.vic.gov.au • u pgrading reserves and parks throughout the City of Port Phillip – your feedback will help shape parks and reserves in your area. Register to take part in discussion forums and surveys and to stay in touch via regular email bulletins about current and upcoming consultations. To find out more and have your say online visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Council operates a centralised waiting list for the following services: Family Day Care; Bubup Nairm Children’s Centre, St Kilda (previously St Kilda Children’s Centre); Clark Street Children’s Centre, Port Melbourne; Coventry Children’s Centre, South Melbourne; North St Kilda Children’s Centre, St Kilda; Ada Mary A’Beckett Children’s Centre, Port Melbourne; Albert Park College Children’s Centre, Port Melbourne; Eildon Road Children’s Centre, St Kilda; Elwood Children’s Centre, Elwood; Poets Grove Family and Children’s Centre, Elwood; The Avenue Children’s Centre, Balaclava; Clarendon Children’s Centre, South Melbourne; South Melbourne Childcare Centre, Albert Park To register your child’s details and requirements, call 9209 6360. To check on availability of spaces for all other children’s services located in Port Phillip, you will need to contact the services directly. Visit our website at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au and search for ‘Applying for childcare’. There, you will find more information, including contact details for individual centres and answers to FAQs. Does Council hire out baby capsules? Maxam Baby Capsule Hire is contracted by the Council to provide residents with a baby capsule hire services. Fees and a deposit ($30) apply for using the service and booking ahead is recommended. For information and costs call Maxam Baby Capsule Hire Service on 1300 885 645. How do I get leaves and other green waste collected by the Council? Any leaves that you would like collected by Council need to be bagged and booked in for a green waste collection prior to being placed out on the nature strip for removal. Call ASSIST on 9209 6777 and your call will be directed to make a booking. Remember, leaves need to be bagged; boxes are no good for winter with the rain. Any items that are left out more than one day prior to the arranged collection date may make the resident liable to an infringement of local laws (this is considered to be rubbish dumping).



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