Divercity #75 August/September 2014

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D I V ERCITY the official newsletter of the city of port phillip | issn 1328 -0309 | issue 75 aug / sept 2014

Good sports from Port Transplant games Homeless make art

Learning a thing or two from Obu

Meet Bronwyn and Ron, our new community bus drivers. Ron, who comes with a wealth of experience, is an ex-paramedic so we are all in safe hands. Bronwyn’s warm personality, fabulous sense of humour and raucous laugh make for an enjoyable journey.

Bus with community Most use it because it’s free. Others use it because it’s convenient. But for some, such as George Wloch, the community bus is just a good place for a yarn. George rides the bus every day, ‘to get out of the flat and get some fresh air’. ‘And I like to talk to the drivers,’ he says to Bronwyn Flinn in the front seat. She is one of four drivers on the two bus routes operating Monday to Friday. She says regulars such as George make the community bus a special workplace. The free service is designed for the elderly and disabled, but can be used by anyone going to destinations that include Alfred Hospital, Betty Day Centre, Sacred Heart Mission, Inner South Community Health Service, St Kilda Library and Cora Graves Community Centre. The most popular destination is the South Melbourne Market on Wednesdays and Fridays. To see the Community Bus timetables, visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/ community_bus.htm or call 9209 6223. The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Yalukit Wilam Clan of the Boon Wurrung. We pay our respect to their Elders, both past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land.


The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Mayor Amanda Stevens and CEO Tracey Slatter joined members of a Community delegation to our Japanese sister city Obu. Here they share some of their observations with Divercity.

Mayor Cr Amanda Stevens and Mayor Takayasu Ku no of Obu.

Cr Stevens said the visit was a wonderful opportunity to see how Obu engages its community to create a healthy and resilient city. ‘We face similar challenges to Obu, such as flooding and population growth,’ she said. ‘We were impressed with Obu’s preparation for extreme weather. Ideas such as using a school ground to mitigate flooding was one of many examples we saw.’ Port Phillip CEO Tracey Slatter was impressed with how Japanese cities were embracing sustainable technologies.

Toyota City where cutting-edge electric cars are made available for its community.

‘Obu’s new school was an example of sustainable design, with solar panels, green roof and walls, and an energy monitoring system. ‘Toyota City’s cutting edge John Stirling with hosts. sustainable transport initiatives provided valuable insight for us as we also promote sustainable transport options,’ she said. Visiting Obu and sharing Japanese culture, hospitality and friendship were highlights for John Stirling, one of eight community delegation members. ‘Staying with my young host family and learning firsthand the Japanese lifestyle was very special. ‘Strong bonds were strengthened between the respective mayors and council officials. Such friendships help us understand and respect other cultures,’ John said.

In winter time it’s great to rug up and get out to enjoy our beautiful city. Whether it be watching your favourite footy team, walking or cycling along the foreshore, supporting the upcoming Transplant Games in September, trying bike polo or visiting the local park, there is lots to do to keep active. We are very lucky to have so many great open spaces and activities that everyone can enjoy. I know there has been a lot of talk recently around the Gasworks Park Plan and Soil Remediation. Council recognises that some people in the community are uncertain that the site poses a health risk and consider Council’s remediation plan is unwarranted or too drastic. Others have told us they are very concerned about contamination and want something to be done to ensure the long term safety of all park users. Our dilemma is, Fishermans Bend we want our renewal is both an community to opportunity and continue to enjoy challenge for our their lovely park municipality. and also ensure that Council is dealing responsibly with the soil contamination. Council is actively listening to community and will make a decision in September based on the community consultation and technical information. I greatly value the Gasworks Arts Park and want to ensure the park is here for our whole community to enjoy now and into the future. We hope you find the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal insert informative, as Australia’s biggest urban renewal it could double Port Phillip’s population over the next 40 years. Our vision is for a community as vibrant and diverse as the one that currently exists in Port Phillip. I hope to see you out and about enjoying all that the city has to offer. Mayor CR Amanda Stevens

Kelly. Photo: Kate

From the Mayor

Sisters doing it for the craft Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre and SisterWorks have teamed up to launch SisterWorks Salon, a weekly handicraft market and cafe run by refugee women. The social enterprise is open on Thursdays, 11 am – 2 pm, at the corner of Nott and Liardet streets.

Budget allocates more to public spaces Council has adopted a budget with an average rate rise of 4.75 per cent, ongoing operational savings and new funds for better public spaces. In addition to a $32.7 million capital program, Council will spend $390,000 more on managing public spaces and fund new placemaking projects across the city, including $892,000 to enhance local shopping strips and activity centres. There will be a $4 increase in the Council-sponsored pensioner rate rebate, to $148. At a glance • M ore than $2 million in permanent savings achieved, with a further $1.8 million savings target for 2014/15. • Focus on Council placemaking priorities with funding of $1.835 million for the St Kilda Seaside Precinct (including St Kilda Triangle), $400,000 for projects linked to the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area and $892,000 to make our city’s villages more vibrant. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au


council c o n ta c t s Information, requests, questions or feedback Telephone 03 9209 6777 Fax 03 9536 2722 SMS 0432 005 405 Email assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au Internet eservices.portphillip.vic.gov.au

Get set for the Seniors Fest Contribute your artistic and written talents to the upcoming Port Phillip Seniors Festival 2014.

Volunteers needed to have a ball

From Monday 13 – Sunday 19 October our municipality will celebrate seniors. The festival is an opportunity for our older citizens to meet new people, try new activities and have fun.

The annual Port Phillip Ball is looking for volunteers to help with food service, guest support and dancing. Contact Sherridan Green via ASSIST on 9209 6777. Thursday 9 October, 4.30 pm – 9.00 pm

Write your heart out

St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda

Write a story or poem of adventure in Port Phillip or around Port Phillip Bay. Enter the Port Phillip Writes Seniors’ Writing Awards in one, two or all three categories: fiction, non-fiction or poetry. Entries are limited to 1,000 words, can be submitted in languages other than English and all will be published in the annual collection. Entries close Friday 5 September.

South Melbourne Town Hall 208 – 220 Bank Street, South Melbourne

Enter an artwork

For more information visit: www.relayservice.gov.au Visit ASSIST in person Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5 pm

Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne


For a translation please call Council’s Language assistance interpreter service:

廣東話 普通話 Polska Ελληνικά Россию Other languages

All visual artists aged 55 and over who work in the art forms of painting, drawing, ceramics and sculpture may enter a favourite piece of work in the Seniors Festival Art Expo. Art groups are also welcome to register. Entries close Saturday 27 September.

9679 9810 9679 9858 9679 9812 9679 9811 9679 9813 9679 9814

Call ASSIST on 9209 6777 for any enquiries or to have entry forms sent to you, or download a form from www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/seniors_ festival.htm

Book tea dance tickets

divercity 75 Audio recordings of Divercity are available on Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 80 vision impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.

August/September 2014 Editor: Greg Day gday@edunity.com.au Next deadline: 22 August for Oct/Nov Writers: Reece Marks, Kathryn McGrath and Greg Day. Thanks to Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo. Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au Divercity is printed on recycled paper 4

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

rds W r it in g Awa c e l e b r at e TEN y e a r s

tured left Lesley Greagg (pic ner with previous win has lived Brenda Richards) 79, and is in Elwood since 19 r of the an original membe sultative Older Persons Con ) formed Committee (OPCC founder in 1999. Lesley is a Phillip of the City of Port rt Phillip Writing Awards, Po ating its Writes, now celebr tenth year.

Kick up your heels at the festival launch with the Mayor’s Tea Dance on Monday 13 October. Enjoy dancing to a band and afternoon tea at St Kilda Town Hall. This is a free event, but bookings are essential. Call ASSIST on 9209 6777 or email rsvp@portphillip.vic.gov.au to receive your tickets (maximum four tickets per person; no group bookings). The full events program will be available from early September at any town hall, library or community centre.

Arts trail tells homeless story

Homeless Persons’ Week 4 – 10 August 2014

Community artist Katie Lockett (far right) with artists Jennifer and Rachel and Capitan Fracassa’s Toby and Tony. Traders in Carlisle Street will host artworks during Homeless Persons’ Week.

No Fixed Address is a community arts project being run for Homeless Persons’ Week, 4 – 10 August 2014. During the week, take a self-guided walking tour along Carlisle Street to view original artwork, poetry and stories of people who have experienced and encountered homelessness. Follow the illustrated map to discover a collection of colour, words, honesty and hilarity, and learn more about the people within our community.

Sit with me Sit with me and learn about my experiences and views of the world celebrates the work of 20 artists and musicians from the Queens Road Rooming House, and demonstrates how the arts can provide a pathway to being included in society. TAKE A SEAT Wednesday 10 September – Wednesday 8 October The Gallery, St Kilda Town Hall

PICK UP A MAP Capitan Fracassa Cafe, 115 Carlisle Street, Balaclava

Goat by Leslie Holding – a whimsical animal, painted in acrylics set in the Australian outback.

Port Phillip Community Group, 161 Chapel Street, St Kilda

Schizoid Dolls: Various artists are working on both the dolls and their chairs. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au


Let’s get moving on transport Local transport problems and solutions will be at the top of the agenda at a special transport forum to be held with local state election candidates at the Port Melbourne Town Hall in August. Here are two projects Council considers priorities for our city.

ParK Street tram – the missing link Project: Constructing tram tracks between Kings Way and Heather Street (near Moray Street). Estimated cost: $18 million Benefits: Better connections between Western CBD, South Melbourne and south eastern suburbs. Trams currently run along two sections of Park Street in South Melbourne, but there is a 300 metre section missing between Kings Way and Heather Street. With this relatively modest addition, many more tram connections could be made at the Domain Interchange. An immediate benefit would be easier connections between the Western CBD, South Melbourne and the south eastern suburbs.

Transport forum

Safer cycling on St Kilda Road

Forum and talk to Come to the Metropolitan Transport sport issues that your local candidates about the tran matter most to you. Ask a question or upload a video at haveyoursayatportphillip.net.au/mtf g Join the conversation on Twitter usin the hashtag #transportforumpp pm Wednesday 13 August, 7 pm – 8.15 l Port Melbourne Town Hal 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne RSVP t_phillip  www.transportforum.org.au/por


The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Project: Creating a continuous, separated bike lane along St Kilda Road. Estimated cost: $11.7 million Benefits: Increased use, greater safety, better health, reduction in dooring and collisions with cars. St Kilda Road is one of Melbourne’s most used commuter bike routes, with an estimated 659,000 trips each year. But despite its popularity, it has also been nominated by cyclists as their most avoided local route. Council estimates that completion of a continuous, separated bike route along St Kilda Road would boost bike use by 25 per cent in the first year alone.

Balaclava Station urban renewal project

Urban Art commissioned Council has commissioned artwork for the concrete wall adjacent to the new platform access ramp. The piece chosen, Social Collider, is by Lump Studios. It represents the diverse multicultural nature of the area and its ability to co-exist harmoniously.

Improvements are taking shape at Balaclava Station. Round the clock works on the upgrade of the station have delivered the first of many benefits to customers, with part of Platform 1 completely replaced over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. The city end of Platform 1 has been extended to be almost twice as wide, with new lighting, a smoother surface and better drainage to prevent puddles forming. Raised tactiles have also been installed on Platform 2 to safely guide customers with a visual impairment along the platform. Over the next few months the new station building, amenities and CCTV cameras will be installed and the new accessible ramps from Carlisle Street to the platforms will be constructed.

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant tram superstop A planning permit has been lodged with Council for the installation of a new DDA compliant superstop at the front of the redeveloped Balaclava Station. The superstop forms part of the Balaclava Walk Masterplan implementation approved by Council in November 2012. The superstop will create a better Balaclava public transport interchange with improved visual and pedestrian links between tram, rail, and footpath area.

Lady of St Kilda restoration works The Lady of St Kilda will undergo restoration works over the coming months. The artwork will be dismounted temporarily and restored to improve and enhance the longevity of this iconic art piece.

The superstop is expected to be installed later this year.

Draft plan of proposed superstop.



Pole position

Albert Park abuzz as games draw near The Australian Transplant Games 2014 are coming to Albert Park and the public is invited to join in a fun run on Sunday 28 September. The run, which comes with a three or five kilometre option, will trace a course around Albert Park Lake. Registrations are open until Sunday 31 August. The Games take place from Friday 26 September – Saturday 4 October, and will bring together up to 1,500 people from across Australia and overseas who have been touched by organ and tissue donation. Sports include athletics, cricket, table tennis, bowling, archery, tennis, golf, and even board games such as Scrabble and chess. The Games will also play host to the FilmLife Dinner and Trivia Night on Thursday 2 October, 7 pm – 10.30 pm. The night will feature short films that capture stories of organ and tissue donation and transplantation, and will be held at The Park, 36 Lakeside Drive, Albert Park. Cost is $40 adults/$20 children (12 and under). CELEBRATE LIFE  www.australiantransplantgames.com 8

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

GET SPINNING  www.bikepolo.com.au  facebook.com – search for Melbourne Newbie Bike Polo

Colts have great first season The Port Melbourne Colts women’s team is enjoying their first season in the Victorian Women’s Football League. At the time of writing, the team is second on the ladder in Division 3/4, with six wins and just one loss. The team trains on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with matches on Sundays. The club welcomes new player and sponsors. GO COLTS  portmelbournecolts@hotmail.com

impaired g in r a e h r fo k Auskic d children tes hearing impaire

AFL Auskick invi e young South Melbourne e enthusiasm of on th by d ire sp In y. foot sist. Local to enjoy the fun of ter is on hand to as re rp te in g all participant, an AUSLAN said it’s about givin f ol W e av D r to na ordi ve footy. Auskick centre co ing everybody to lo lp he d an e nc rie kids a full expe aser Street REGISTER t Park, opposite Fr er lb A 11 l va O s, Saturday morning rk entrance to the pa c.com.au ds  auskick@sm

Photo: Will Grice

Peter Champion – pictured with his daughter Lizzie – received a life-saving liver transplant back in 2012.

Armed with little more than a pair of wheels and a homemade mallet, locals are converging on Lakeside Drive for a spot of bike polo. This amateur sport blends traditional polo, hockey, cycling and a whole lot of socialising. Newbies are invited to give it a try on Wednesday evenings at the Futsal Courts on Aughtie Drive, Albert Park. The group will assist if you need to borrow a bicycle or mallet.

Local girls having a ball The St Kilda City Junior Football Club Under 13 Girls team has kicked off its first season playing in the South Metro Junior Football League. The team includes Maeve Brown and Emma Johnson, 50 and 75 game ‘veterans’ who have played boys and girls football, and Jessica Zivin a 2013 Best and Fairest award winner. The players hone their skills at training on Wednesday nights at Peanut Farm Reserve, and will be aiming for the finals in August. JOIN THE TEAM  www.smjfl.com.au  president@stkildacityjfc.com.au

Bats all round for Monday meet up s Join event host Be

lgin Lisa Bennett an d the group as they conv erge on Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centr e for some table te nn is. The players meet at 6.30 pm inside the tabl e tennis stadium. All levels are welcome. Cos t is $10 and includes table hire, bats and balls , but players are welcom e to bring their ow n bat. RSVP  www.meetup.co m – search for Social Table Tennis  belle@bellefit ness.com.au www.portphillip.vic.gov.au



neighbourhood news

For all general enquires, contact ASSIST 9209 6777

Penguins need helpers

Cr Amanda Stevens, Mayor Albert Park BH: 9209 6431 M: 0481 034 029 E: mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au Cr Serge Thomann, Deputy Mayor Catani BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 299 372 E: sthomann@portphillip.vic.gov.au Cr Vanessa Huxley Carlisle BH: 9209 6705 M: 0406 890 739 E: vhuxley@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Anita Horvath emerald hill BH: 9209 6705 M: 0438 906 161 E: ahorvath@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Andrew Bond Junction BH: 9209 6705 M: 0481 034 028 E: abond@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 287 634 E: jtouzeau@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Bernadene Voss Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 M: 0413 246 704 E: bvoss@portphillip.vic.gov.au Direct all enquiries for councillors during office hours to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor: Tel: 9209 6431 Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant Fax: 9536 2711 Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer Fax: 9536 2708 All Councillors, email: councillors@portphillip.vic.gov.au Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182


The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

ST KILDA: Earthcare is calling for volunteers to join their Penguin Guide team during the daylight saving period. Volunteers will be rostered fortnightly to supervise penguin viewing and provide information to visitors. Applicants must be over 16, members of Earthcare (discounted joining fee of $10) and attend training on Saturday 20 September. Email your name, phone number and preferred email address to fam@ecocentre.com

Lots to talk about SOUTH MELBOURNE: Further consultation for the South Melbourne Parking Precinct Plan is happening in August. Previous feedback has assisted with the revised approach to parking in the area. Have your say at www.haveyoursayatportphillip.net.au

Social chats are a simple affair PORT MELBOURNE: The Port Melbourne Coffee Club meets on the first Wednesday of every month from 10.30 am – 11.15 am. For a gold coin donation, you can meet people, have a chat, share ideas and find out about local activities. The venue is Simple Affair Café, corner Bay and Liardet streets. Call 9525 1300 or email ship@ischs.org.au for more information.

Society sheds light on city’s dark side PORT MELBOURNE: The Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society will host From the Shadows at its Annual General Meeting on Monday 25 August at 7.30 pm. The talk will explore the dark side of the port, from locals hung for murder to the military records of gangsters who served in World War 1. Places are limited. Call 9646 9360 to book.

Share some delicious recipes ST KILDA: Transition Port Phillip runs Convivial Kitchen recipe workshops at the EcoCentre on the last Wednesday of every month from 7 pm – 9 pm. Convivial Kitchen is a chance to cook, swap, experiment and share favourite dishes among fellow attendees. Start your culinary journey by visiting www.transitiontownportphillip.groupsite.com or www.facebook.com/convivialkitchen

Deadline draws near for poetry prize ELWOOD: There is still time to enter the Elwood Poetry Prize for 2014. This year the theme is Earth. Call 9209 6705 for an entry form. Closing date is Thursday 14 August. Poetry reading and awards will be at the EcoCentre on Sunday 14 September at 2.30 pm.

Centre of attention PORT MELBOURNE: Garden City’s Centre Avenue has received a facelift. Council has been working with business and building owners to look at ways to improve this retail strip. Check out the results of the new lighting, additional cleaning services, fresh paint job and signage.

Lend a hand at the canal clean up

New residential zones update

ELWOOD: Join the Elwood Canal clean up and help keep plastic and other litter out of the waterway. Meet at the grassy banks of the canal by Glen Huntly Road bridge on Sundays 3 August and 14 September at 10 am. Bring gloves and a couple of garbage bags.

CITY-WIDE: Council has welcomed feedback received from the community on how it should apply the State Government’s three new residential zones across Port Phillip. Council’s approach balances opportunities for housing growth with protecting Port Phillip’s heritage and neighbourhood character. Council decided in May to implement the new zones in two stages. Stage 1, based on the consultation proposal, has been forwarded to the Minister for Planning to introduce into the planning scheme. Stage 2 is now underway and is further investigating specific precincts to determine appropriate opportunities to increase housing potential. For more information and updates, visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/new-residential-zones.htm or phone the Strategic Planning Unit on 9209 6237.

Cemetery tour to paint a picture of war ST KILDA: Join Friends of St Kilda Cemetery (FoSKC) on its August tour, which will feature the stories of Australian war artists from World Wars 1 and 2. Sunday 17 August at 2 pm. Cost is $10 for non-members; members free. FoSKC is also hosting an armchair tour of the cemetery at the new Emerald Hill Library and Heritage Centre. Saturday 20 September at 2.30 pm (after the AGM). Bookings are required for both events. Call 9531 6832 or visit www.foskc.org



neighbourhood news All aboard the neighbourhood walks

Marketing brimming with action

PORT MELBOURNE/ST KILDA: Explore the route along the Port Melbourne light rail in celebration of the 160th anniversary of the first significant train line in Australia. Sunday 14 September, 10 am – 12 noon. October’s neighbourhood walk will be a chance to rediscover Acland Street. Travel from Barkly Street to Fitzroy Street, exploring heritage buildings, cultural sites, cafes, theatres, churches and more. Sunday 5 October, 10 am – 12 noon. Bookings essential. Call 9209 6522 or email walking@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Street light upgrade CITY-WIDE: Council has replaced 1,100 street lights with energy efficient globes. This financial year an additional 2,100 street lights will be changed over. The new street lights mean at least a 60 per cent reduction in energy use, an estimated $5.8 million in savings over 20 years, and a reduction of 22,000 tonnes in greenhouse gas emissions over 20 years, equating to a 10 per cent reduction in Council’s emissions.

Tasty times: Join in the Great Dim Sim Giveaway during Market Week.

SOUTH MELBOURNE: South Melbourne Market traders have joined forces with local charity St Kilda Mums to host an online charity auction. Traders have donated goods and services to the auction. All proceeds will go to help parents and children experiencing hardship. To join the fundraising effort visit facebook.com/ southmelbournemarket from 8 – 10 August. Also, check out the market website at www.southmelbournemarket. com.au for details of Create SO:ME Space, 6 – 31 August, and Market Week, 6 – 14 September.

Fitzroy Street sees the light ST KILDA: A $250,000 State Government grant announced in June will be used by Council to upgrade lighting in Fitzroy Street. The grant, funded through a Department of Justice community crime prevention program, will be used to improve the lighting over footpaths, under heavy awnings and at pedestrian crossings. Some of the funding will also be used to upgrade seating and greenery.

Local footy team welcomes guests PORT MELBOURNE: Port Melbourne Football Club, the Boroughs, is to host the Canada Northwinds when they come to Melbourne for the 2014 AFL International Cup. The Boroughs will provide training facilities in partnership with Council. The International Cup will be played in Melbourne from Saturday 9 August – Saturday 23 August. Keep up to date with the games by visiting www.aflcommunityclub.com.au 12

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Spring into kids gymnastics PORT MELBOURNE: Fishermans Bend Gymnastics Club (FBGC) has launched a new rhythmic gymnastics program for kids. New members are welcome to try out any of FBGC’s classes, including Kindergym (for 2 – 5 year olds) and LaunchPad (for 5 – 8 year olds). To join, email fbgc_gym@yahoo.com.au or call 9646 1897.

inbrief Alliance Open Day Alliance Française welcomes current and prospective students, parents and friends to Open Day 2014’s showcase of French courses and activities. Enjoy the entertainment and atmosphere at the heritage-listed mansion Saturday 6 September from 9.30 am. Histoires croisées Fifty artworks celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Élysée Agreement and the French-German friendship. Free admission. Tuesday 12 – Saturday 23 August Alliance Française de Melbourne 51 Grey Street, St Kilda www.afmelbourne.com.au

Marketing your event – tips and tools for success A free seminar for anyone who organises a community event, this session features guest speakers and information on how to promote your event. RSVP essential. Email eventpermits@portphillip.vic.gov.au or call Diane Sneddon on 9209 6320. Thursday 11 September, 6 pm – 8 pm. Doors open for networking from 5.30 pm St Kilda Town Hall Council Chambers 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda

Inspiration from Holly Ransom The Rotary Club of Albert Park invites you to an evening with Holly Ransom – A Lightning Rod for Positive Change. As a 21 year old, Holly was handpicked to work with Rio Tinto’s CEO and named one of the most influential women in Australia. Cost $27 including dinner. To book email henryb@icleadership.com.au or call 0418 581 812. Wednesday 13 August, 6 pm – 8 pm Lifesaving Victoria, 200 The Boulevard, Port Melbourne

Glory Dazed by Cat Jones Glory Dazed is a response to the over-representation of ex-servicemen in UK prisons. From workshops conducted with real prisoners, Cat Jones tells the story of a man teetering on the brink. Wednesday 23 July – Saturday 23 August. Q&A with the cast, Thursday 7 August Red Stitch Actors Theatre, 2 Chapel Street, St Kilda redstitch.net

Linden Book Club August’s book is Mullumbimby by Melissa Lucashenko. Cost $30; includes drinks and a $20 Readings gift card. Bookings essential. Wednesday 27 August, 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm Toddler Tales at Linden For children aged from 0 – 6 years and their carers. Thursday 21 August, 11 am – 11.30 am Linden Centre for Contemporary Art, 26 Acland Street, St Kilda www.lindenarts.org

See the MCH nurse on Saturdays A maternal and child health nurse will be available one Saturday morning a month for key age and stage consultations for your 0 – 4 year old child. Immunisation sessions are also available on these dates. To book, call 9209 6766 or ask your local MCH nurse. Saturdays 23 August, 20 September, 25 October, 22 November, 20 December South Melbourne Town Hall 208-220 Bank Place, South Melbourne

Spring at ANAM Voices of Angels British violinist Jack Liebeck, with Australian composer Brett Dean and ANAM musicians, in a program of chamber music featuring Brahms’ F Minor Piano Quintet. Friday 22 August, 7 pm, $55 / $40 / $30 Baroque Winds Harpsichordist Olga Watts and bassoonist Lyndon Watts. Ticket includes light refreshments and opportunity to meet the musicians. Friday 12 September, 11 am, $27 For the full August/September program see anam.com.au Australian National Academy of Music, 210 Bank Street, South Melbourne



s u s ta i n a b i l i t y


Ride safe to Ripponlea

Learn something new locally

The Glen Eira Road bike lane between Ripponlea Station and Hotham Street is now complete. The new lane is a response to the growing number of riders using Glen Eira Road to get to the Ripponlea Village shopping area.

Support for St Kilda Road Ride2Work Council will support 20 local workplaces, organisations and community groups along St Kilda Road to host events for Ride2Work Day, Wednesday 15 October. Council will provide prizes, promotional material and free boxes of fruit to participating workplaces and groups, plus connections with local bike shops in the lead up to the day. Contact workplacetravel@portphillip.vic.gov.au to express your interest.

Op shops and burgers by bike Join the Bicycle Users Group to explore op shops in St Kilda and South Melbourne. There will be time for a coffee en route. Book at www.trybooking.com/FGIE Saturday 16 August, 9 am

Make the most of the internet Build your computer and internet skills. Bring your own laptop or use one of ours. Thursdays 12.30 pm – 3 pm Alma Road Community House 200 Alma Road, St Kilda East Digital literacy in Russian Computer skills for Russian speakers. Mondays 10 am – 12 noon and 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm Betty Day Centre 67 Argyle Street, St Kilda Learn English Improve your English skills in a friendly, welcoming environment. Mondays 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Alma Road Community House 200 Alma Road, St Kilda East

Business workshops Council offers workshops to assist with starting and growing business. Cost $30 – $35 per session. Book at portphillipbusiness.com.au Finance – Monetising Your Passion Monday 4 August Top Financial Business Tips for Women Thursday 7 August 7 ‘must do’ checks before signing a franchise agreement Thursday 21 August 6 pm – 7.30 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda Marketing for Growth Tuesday 16 September 5 pm – 8.30 pm Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne

The Op Shop Opera

Also try the Night Burger Ride to Matilda Bay Brewing Company for a beer and a burger (vegetarian and gluten free available). Bring your lights, high visibility gear and money for dinner. Book at www.trybooking.com/FGID Thursday 18 September, 6.30 pm Both rides meet at the EcoCentre, 55A Blessington Street, St Kilda.

A participatory performance by inclusive theatre company City of Voices Community Theatre. Tickets $20 / $15. Book via Melbourne Fringe Festival at www.melbournefringe.com.au, call 9660 9666, or purchase at door. For more info contact 9645 1476. Wednesday and Thursdays 24 September – 2 October, 7 pm Sacred Heart Mission Op Shop, 87a Grey Street, St Kilda


The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Thérèse Raquin

FYI f ro m a s s i s t Green waste disposal Green waste can be placed into your general waste bin in small quantities or dropped off in household quantities without charge at the Resource Recovery Centre, Boundary Street, South Melbourne.

Bin collection times

Based on the Emile Zola novel, Thérèse Raquin tells the story of a young woman trapped in a life of servitude. Thursday 14 – Saturday 30 August Visit www.theatreworks.org.au or call 9534 3388 for times and tickets. Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda

Heart of St Kilda

Place your general waste and recycle bins at the kerb by 6 am on your designated collection day. The only exception is the section of South Melbourne east of Ferrars Street, where bins need to be out by 10 am each Monday. Return your bins to your property within 24 hours of collection. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/residential_ garbage_collection.htm

Sacred Heart Mission’s annual fundraising concert will be hosted by MC Brian Nankervis (pictured), and feature Tim Rogers, The Basics (with Wally De Backer, AKA Gotye), Rebecca Barnard and more. Book through Ticketmaster on 136 100 or at www.ticketmaster.com.au Wednesday 13 August Palais Theatre, Lower Esplanade, St Kilda

Multicultural Women’s Day Celebration Celebrating the contribution of multicultural women in our local communities, this women-only event provides free entertainment, activities and light refreshments. Wear your traditional clothing with pride. Bookings essential; places are limited, so call 9510 5877 by Friday 5 September. Limited free transport is available from Grattan Gardens to St Kilda Town Hall. Interpreters available. Friday 19 September, 10.30 am – 1.30 pm St Kilda Town Hall Auditorium 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda

Mental Health Forum A free forum – Minding Our Mental Health – focuses on the challenges that young people face with mental health and wellbeing. Hosted by St Kilda Rotary, Port Phillip Council and Australian Rotary Health, forum highlights include speakers Les Twentyman and Dr Felice Jacka from Deakin University, a Q&A session and exhibition booths. Light refreshments provided. Free entry, but for catering purposes, please register at www.stkildarotary.org.au Tuesday 26 August, 6 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda

Parking at Albert Park Albert Park Lake is managed by Parks Victoria, which is also responsible for reserve parking permits for streets including Aquatic Drive. For more information on parking, events and activities, visit the Parks Victoria website at parkweb.vic.gov.au/explore/parks/ albert-park

The ASSIST (Advice SolutionS Information Service Team) 9209 6777 phone service operates Monday – Friday 8 am – 5.30pm. Out of these hours, your call will divert to our after-hours service. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au


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