Autumn 2013
ISEPICH Collaborative Forum 30th April- Integrated Planning ISEPICH’s Health Promotion, Prevention and Population Health (HipPipH) Committee are undertaking an Integrated Planning Project to inform strategic planning in the next four year cycle for its members. Given the unique position of the Department of Health’s newly aligned reporting and planning requirements for Community Health Services, Women’s Health, PCPs and Local Governments, an opportunity exists for more integrated, aligned planning. Stage One is currently underway with contributions from several HipPipH member organisations. This stage involves the development of a catchment-wide Population Health Atlas which synthesises and strengthens current knowledge to ensure an evidence-informed approach to priority setting and planning. The Atlas aims to integrate member’s data to ensure a robust evidence base as a common platform for HipPipH members to work from. Drawing on publically available data, consultant’s expertise, key informant interviews and existing community consultations ensures a comprehensive approach. Key to this process is the application of a social health lens to analyse and contextualise the data and draw out ‘the story’. Availability of the Atlas will be early April. A Service Gaps & Needs Analysis Forum which brings together all our members and key ISEPICH Committees is planned for Stage Two. The forum is an opportunity to further contextualise the Atlas data, drawing on the expertise of the ISEPICH membership including service providers, community members and other key stakeholders. ISEPICH members are encouraged to participate so ‘SAVE THE DATE’ for Tuesday 30th April 2013 and look forward to an opportunity for members to network and formally meet the new ISEPICH team. The detailed evidence base from the Atlas and Forum will inform subsequent priority setting that best utilizes the strengths, opportunities and current work of member agencies to inform strategic planning for 2013-17 across the catchment. The expertise and insights from our members is a fundamental part of this process and we look forward to your contributions and attendance on the 30th April (Venue to be confirmed!) For further information contact Laura Newstead, Health Development Officer on (03) 9209 6394 or
It is with great pleasure that Inner South Community Health Service is pleased to announce that the new GP clinic located in Prahran is now taking bookings. This initiative embeds Inner South as a comprehensive primary health care service and aims to address access issues for community health and medical services for the local community that is accessible, integrated and affordable. The bulk bill service is open to all members of the public regardless if residential address and a health care card is not required. The newly renovated facility boasts a range of services and is ideally located on the corner of Malvern Road and Little Chapel Street Prahran.
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NEWS UPDATE ISEPICH to Merge with KBPCP The Governance Committees of Kingston Bayside Primary Care Partnership (KBPCP) and Inner South East Partnership of Community and Health (ISEPICH) have agreed to work together with the aim of forming one Primary Care Partnership (PCP) by June 2014 encompassing the areas of Kingston, Bayside , Port Phillip, Stonnington and Glen Eira councils and all member agencies of both PCPs within this geographic area. There are a number of reasons influencing this action: Providing more effective services to member agencies An opportunity to better utilise the skills and experience of both PCP teams The most effective and efficient use of available funds Recognising the opportunities available through the establishment of the Bayside Medicare Local which covers the same area as the two PCPs. The Executive of ISEPICH and Management Committee of KBPCP see the merger proposal as timely and envisage more effective promotion of partnership initiatives in the new entity. Paramount in this work will be the identification of member agencies’ views and intentions on objectives, projects, programs and plans the new Partnership should pursue. There are, of course, implications for the 2013-2017 integrated planning. The merger target date is June 2014 and until then a Transition Workgroup will propose practical steps to progress an interim working partnership. Governance, respective fund holding and employment arrangements will continue until a formal merger has been agreed and implemented. It is envisaged, for example, that the respective committee structures may be streamlined where activities are most effectively progressed across the whole area. In this case accountability and reporting will be to both governance committees. We look forward with optimism to the next 18 months as we work with you in creating the new Partnership and achieving our collective goals. Regards Kent Burgess Chair
June Gray Deputy Chair
Wendy Dawson Executive Officer
Bayside Medicare Local 1st Birthday! Nearly a year on from BML's official launch by the Hon. Mark Dreyfus QC MP BML is planning a celebration to mark their first birthday. You can help celebrate and see how BML is making a difference and keeping people healthy and out of hospital. How? Join BML at a community barbeque When? Wednesday, 27 March, 4–7pm Where? Karkarook Park, Fairchild St Heatherton (Melway 78 D8)
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Welcome to New Members
ISEPICH is working collaboratively with Alfred Psychiatry and PDRSS on a project to improve physical health outcomes for people with a serious mental illness. There is extensive evidence to show that there are considerable health inequalities and a higher incidence of physical illness and mortality experienced by people with a severe mental illness compared with the rest of the population. The Health Matters Project is designed to improve outcomes in three of the most chronic health conditions which have been identified in this group, namely cardiovascular disease, diabetes and oral health. The project will adopt a multi-modal approach which will include a range of interventions to build the capacity of both consumers and service providers to better identify and respond to physical health needs. The project team is also working closely with researchers from Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc) and the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC), to ensure that the project follows a robust research design and evaluation framework and can potentially be replicated as an evidence based model in other mental health settings.
LEARN FOR YOURSELF Learn For Yourself is a not for profit pre-accredited community education organisation. Established for over 25 years, are primarily funded by the Victorian Government under the Learn Local umbrella and the City of Port Phillip. Our mission is to deliver high quality learning experiences in the City of Port Phillip for people whose opportunities have been limited due to factors such as mental health, disability, age and social disadvantage because we believe education and engagement build personal empowerment.
Community Participation Update CAG members have held successful forums on community participation creating greater awareness and rejuvenating many existing programs both among ISEPICH partner agencies and other community groups. Members also attended many other forums both ISEPICH auspiced and external to further knowledge and understanding of all areas of community health. CAG has extended invitations to representatives of both ISEPICH and other agencies to deliver presentations at CAG meetings further expanding knowledge of available services and roles. The addition of members to CAG has also added skills to the group including management, leadership and project development. CAG are currently advertising for new members please contact
BAYSIDE MEDICARE LOCAL Bayside Medicare Local (BML), which serves Melbourne's southern suburbs, is one of 61 Medicare Locals now established across Australia as part of a major national health reform. Our task is to help ensure health resources are most appropriately directed to keeping people healthy and out of hospital where possible.
Autumn 2013
A Service Sector Reform Project, being led by Professor Peter Shergold AC, with the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS) is investigating ways to help improve outcomes for those in need. Issues to be examined are: ·
Increasing demand for services with population growth and ageing;
Pressure on government finances with population ageing, and the proportion of working age people declining;
Changing nature of demand with more people presenting with multiple issues and particular geographies experiencing rapid demand for social services;
Increasing costs particularly the cost of wages following the recent decision by Fair Work Australia to award pay increases of between 23 & 45 percent to certain social and community services.
A discussion paper has been released, Towards a more effective and sustainable community services system to encourage debate and participation in the consultation process. As well as accepting written submissions, face-to-face sector consultations are taking place until midApril. Sessions are being held in most major regional cities. A copy of the document, consultation dates and further information visit:
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NATIONAL CLOSE THE GAP DAY Thursday 21st March National Close the Gap Day aims to highlight the importance of working together to achieve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equality and to close the life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples still die 10-17 years younger than other Australians. Closing this health gap cannot be done overnight. A long-term commitment with adequate funding, and investment in real partnerships is needed’. National Close the Gap Day is on 21 March. Your involvement in this important national event will help to build support for Indigenous health equality across Australia Since 2006, the Close the Gap campaign has achieved an enormous amount. In 2012 alone, more than 130,000 Australians joined National Close the Gap Day to show their support, to talk about, to spread the word, and to take action to improve, Indigenous health.
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Social Health and Inclusion Port – A placed-based health promotion project The Australian Government’s Home Energy Saver Scheme is a new free service provided through community organisations to assist vulnerable and low income households that are having trouble managing their needs and bills. In Victoria, Kildonan Uniting Care has been appointed to deliver this no-cost service to households across the state, including our region. Phone: 1 800 685 682 for more information. Jewish Care in partnership with the Brotherhood of St Laurence, ANZ Bank and others is delivering the Saver Plus Program within the Cities of Port Phillip, Kingston and Glen Eira and is currently looking for people to participate in this Program. As advised, Saver Plus is a matched savings and financial education program that aims to assist people on lower incomes to strengthen their financial skills and to develop a savings habit. The program provides financial training and support and motivates participants to save by matching their savings dollar for dollar, up to $500. This money can be used to pay for education related costs such as computers, text books, uniforms, swimming lessons, excursions and tools of trade. Since 2002 Saver Plus has had an enormous impact on the Community, reaching more than 14,000 people; and 2011 received funding from the Australian Government to deliver the program for a further four years in 61 communities across Australia. Jewish Care looks forward to continuing its work of delivering this Program in the coming years. For more information visit:
Social Health and Inclusion Port (more commonly known as the SHIP Project) is a new health promotion project in Port Melbourne being led by Inner South Community Health Service (ISCHS). The project is building strong partnerships between local residents and community organisations, working together to create a healthy and inclusive Port Melbourne community. ISCHS has made a commitment to a five-year project in Port Melbourne. The work of building partnerships and engaging the community started last year and the project will run until 2017. The current focus is a comprehensive community assessment to understand what the community would like the project to focus on. Ten local residents have been trained as community researchers and are currently undertaking surveys with other residents across the suburb. The community assessment will be used to develop a four-year action plan for the project. Everyone involved in the SHIP project is committed to ensuring local residents are at the centre of decision-making about the project. Ten local residents have joined the Community Committee, where they will work with representatives from local agencies, to set the direction of the project and support the implementation of the action plan. For more info visit, email or call Dave Godden, Health Promotion Coordinator, on 9525 1300.
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Unique Opportunity Course in Service Coordination (22191VIC) Expressions of interest now open for the first course commencing May 2013
Bringing the pieces of the client care puzzle together
Why Service Coordination? Fragmented care is one of the major challenges of our current health care system which is having a dramatic impact on our clients with complex needs and their carers. Service coordination aims to address this issue through a collaborative approach which actively involves the client, their family, carers, support people and service providers to ensure the best possible outcomes for the client. Who this course is for: All healthcare professionals, community workers and support staff working in primary care where coordination of service delivery is critical to meet the needs of our clients. Participants of this course will gain knowledge and skills in Service Coordination by: Placing the client at the centre of all service delivery. Comprehensive initial needs assessment. Facilitating access to appropriate services. Enhancing communication with other providers and agencies to ensure a smooth transition of the client between services. When: Saturday 4th May, 1st June and 3rd of August Participants are required to attend all 3 days Where: Bayside Medicare Local Office,11 Corporate Drive, Heatherton Time : 9.00am - 4.00pm Lunch provided Cost: $350 PARTICIPANT NUMBERS ARE LIMITED, REGISTER EARLY There are opportunities for this course to be subsidised For any further queries contact Shelly Lavery, Department of Health 9096 1322. or email Register your expression of interest for this course by 21 with your details.
March by emailing: