JCAAA Autumn 2012 Newsletter

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Autumn 2012 Newsletter

Luna Park photo taken by one of our very talented SnapShot Photography Participants

JCAAA letter…. Welcome back to another new year! We are well and truly into 2012 and most of the JCAAA programs have already recommenced. There are a few updates to bring you up to speed with what has been going on around here. There are going to be a couple of staffing changes over the coming months. Rosie Thomas has accepted a voluntary position in Vanuatu as a Community Engagement Officer! Rosie will be away from JCAAA until January 2013 and a temporary Sports Development Officer will be appointed to replace her during this time. Congratulations Rosie, we will miss you... In terms of JCAAA programming, if you have some spare time on your hands and are looking for ways to get active, have fun and meet new people, come and check out JCAAA’S Zumba program “Groove Central” - there are a few spaces available on this energetic, dance based program happening every Wednesday afternoon at the Betty Day Community Centre. See inside for program details. We are currently in the process of developing a model for an exciting music program. If you are interested in learning to play an instrument or in singing, dance and sound, this might be the program for you. Watch this space for program updates and enrolment information! Until the Winter edition, Bianca and team

JCAAA Staff contacts Bianca Rayner (Mon to Fri) Team Leader Ph: 9209 6753 brayner@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Rebecca Stella (Thur and Fri) Recreation Officer Ph: 9209 6159 rstella@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Rosie Thomas (Mon to Fri) Sports Development Officer Ph: 9209 6552 rthomas@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Lani Kingston (Fri only) Community Kitchen Project Officer lkingsto@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Amanda Ireland (Mon to Wed) Arts Officer Ph: 9209 6159 mireland@portphillip.vic.gov.au

For general enquiries email: aaa@portphillip.vic.gov.au or call 9209 6753 www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/jcaaa.htm


Art Programs SnapShot Photography SnapShot Photography classes continue to inspire. Come along and discover all of the photographic masterpieces you can create. Go on outings, learn to use your camera, edit your photos and have heaps of fun! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Saturdays 10.30am to 12.30pm Term 2: 28 April to 23 June 2012 St Kilda Library Community Centre 18 to 55 years $70 for 7 weeks Stella on 9209 6159

Performing Arts at Circus Oz The ever popular Circus Oz classes continue! From clowning, drama, hula hoops, character, rope walking and dance there is always something new to try and fun for all! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Sundays 10.30am to 12.30pm (one class only) Term 2: 22 April to 3 June Circus Oz Headquarters, Bay Street, Port Melbourne 8 to 18 years with mild to moderate disabilities $105 for 7 weeks Amanda on 9209 6159


Holiday Programs Enhancing Vacation Care Program (EVCP) JCAAA’s EVCP works in partnership with local school holiday program providers to enable their programs to include children and young people with mild disabilities. This program enables your child to participate in a supported, mainstream vacation care program. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

School Holidays Various schools in Bayside, Glen Eira, Port Phillip, Stonnington 6 to18 years School holiday program costs Bianca on 9209 6753

MSAC Teenage Recreation Program Stay fit and have fun during the holidays. Participate in a variety of sports such as swimming, basketball, badminton and table tennis. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Monday 2 April to Thursday 5 April 2012 Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park 13 to 18 years $15 per day. BYO lunch/drinks Amanda on 9209 6159

Holiday Arts for Adults Experience a variety of visual and performing arts. In January activities included a photography excursion to the beach, circus skills, drama, drawing and ceramics. Workshops are facilitated by artists and materials are provided. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Tuesday 10 April to Friday 13 April Highett Neighbourhood Community House 2 Livingstone St Highett (Melways 77: D8) 18 to 55 years $15 per day. Includes all art materials. BYO lunch/drinks Amanda on 9209 6159


Social and Recreation Yoga Moves JCAAA, in partnership with Yoga Station and the City of Bayside, presents YOGA MOVES; a new introductory yoga program for men and women aged 18 years and over. There are currently vacancies in this program. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Wednesdays 4.30pm to 5.30pm Term 2: 18 April to 20 June Yoga Station Studio 3, 52 Bay Road, Sandringham 18 years and over $100 for 10 sessions Amanda on 9209 6159

Hype Get out, meet new people and have some fun! Hype is a new social recreation program for 14 to 18 year olds with a mild to moderate disability. Participants meet at the Peterson Youth Centre once a month and enjoy a range of activities. We started off 2012 with a trip to the St Kilda Festival. We are looking for some more young women to join the program. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact

One Saturday each month 12pm to 4pm Peterson Youth Centre Cnr Highett Rd and Peterson St, Highett 14 to 18 years Dependent on activities Amanda on 9209 6159


Social and Recreation Saturday Night Fever Put your dancing shoes on and dance the night away with our great DJ. This is a big event, over 80 people attending! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Saturday 7 April, 2 June,18 Aug Melbourne Bowling Club 138 Union Street, Windsor 18 years and over $10 (Includes entry, pizza, snacks & glow stick. Carers free) Stella on 9209 6159

Fresh Social recreation group providing opportunities to socialise, undertake great activities around Melbourne and have some fun. There are currently places available. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Monthly on Sundays Grattan Community Centre Prahran 25 to 55 years $10 per session plus entrance fee prices to various activities Stella on 9209 6159

Groove Central Dance your way to fitness with Groove Central. This supported and energetic dance fitness program will boost your confidence, increase your coordination and fitness levels whilst being with friends. Be quick to register as there are limited positions available! When: Date: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Wednesdays 4:30pm to 5:30pm Term 2:18 April to 20 June Betty Day Community Centre 16 years and over $100 for 10 weeks Stella on 9209 6159


Social and Recreation Community Kitchen JCAAA’s Community Kitchen is a social, educational program for adults aged 18 years and over with a disability. Learn how to plan a menu, budget for shopping and cook all of your favourite recipes! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:


Saturday afternoons 4.30pm to 7.30pm Betty Day Community Centre 67 Argyle Street, St Kilda 18 years and over $5 per week lkingsto@portphillip.vic.gov.au or Bianca on 9209 6753 There is currently a waiting list for the Community Kitchen

Get Into Bayside Social recreation group providing opportunities to socialise, undertake great activities around Melbourne and have some fun. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Monthly on Saturdays Meet at Brighton Recreation Centre 15 to 25 years $10 per session plus entrance fee prices to various activities Stella on 9209 6159


Sport and Fitness AFL Footy is back this season‌. As Buddy, Gary and Juddy get ready for the AFL season ahead, JCAAA has opportunities for YOU to get involved in footy this season too! The Beaumaris Sharks All Abilities team are on the hunt for players like you! Recreational football is a non-contact, modified version of AFL and is for both males and females who want to learn new skills, train, play modified footy, make friends and most of all have fun! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Mondays 6:30pm to 7:30pm starting 7 May Banksia Reserve, Oak St, Beaumaris 14 years and over $25 (for 8 week program) with the option to buy a Beaumaris Sharks training top (additional $20) Rosie at JCAAA on 9209 6552

Hampton Hammers Inclusive Leadership and Mentoring Program The Hampton Hammers are committed to inclusion and have been working hard to provide and promote positive experiences for people with disabilities and club members in a mainstream community club environment. Since then, they have developed an innovative and inclusive Leadership Mentoring program. This will provide valuable leadership and communication knowledge and skills to prepare mentees (with and without disabilities) for leadership opportunities/volunteer opportunities within clubs. For more information on this program, please contact Kerrie Brindell (club secretary) via email kbrindell@virginbroadband.com.au or to find inclusive volunteering roles within your local club, Rosie Thomas (JCAAA) on 9209 6552 7

Sport and Fitness Basketball - McKinnon Super Star Cougars This program has smashed all expectations, growing to two courts and entering multiple teams in the all ability tournaments. However, they always welcome new players to join to develop their basketball skills and become a member of a winning team! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Saturdays 9.30am throughout school terms Bentleigh Secondary College 12 years and over (under 12’s coming soon!) $45 for seven week program McKinnon Basketball Association 9579 1200

Blind and Low Vision Swimming Program Blind Sports Victoria are offering a 4 week program which will increase your swimming confidence in a friendly and welcoming environment. When: Where: Cost: Contact:

Thursdays 2pm to 3pm (starting 1 March) Re-Creation & Trackside Health Club, 110 Railway Walk North, Hampton $3 per week Blind Sports Victoria 9822 8876

Fishing for All Abilities This program gives people of all abilities the opportunity to try fishing in a supportive environment. Participants will need to be dressed for the conditions (warm clothes, sturdy shoes etc.) Groups welcome. When: Where: Cost: Contact:

Tuesdays monthly 10am to 1pm Port Melbourne Gold coin donation (includes rod, reel, bait and fishing instructor) Remy Baya at FishCare 0418 311 684


Sport and Fitness Gecko Kids Fitness SNAP program Gecko’s Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP) offers a unique and inclusive environment. The young people feel a sense of belonging and are given opportunities to participate fully and equally in the fitness/gym program. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Sundays 10.00am to 10.45am or 10.45am to 11.30am Gecko Kids Fitness, 338 South Road, Hampton East 4 to 18 years $200 per term Paul at Gecko 9532 0077

Hampton Dolphins Soccer Club This program is as popular as ever and will include the annual fun day with the Richmond Eagles All Abilities team. Learn soccer skills in a fun, friendly, safe and non competitive environment. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Saturdays 1.15pm Simpson Reserve, Fewster Road, Hampton 5 to 18 years Ask the club for details Ian Spence 9571 5492 or Terry Baker 9589 4800

Lawn Bowls This program has been running successfully for over 10 years due to the commitment from the Black Rock bowls club and it’s volunteers. Get involved before this season ends! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Sundays 10am to 12pm 18 March, 1 & 15 April Black Rock Lawn Bowls Club 8 Fern Street, Black Rock All ages $5 Includes training and morning tea Rosie on 9209 6552


Sport and Fitness MSAC Sporty All Stars and Sporty Tackers These weekly programs combine a range of fun indoor sports all in the one location. Activities include basketball, volleyball, squash and table tennis When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Saturdays during school terms Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park 8 to 15 years (12.30pm to 1.45pm) 15 to 45 years (2pm to 4pm) $8.50 Jeff Torney at MSAC 9926 1547

Sailability Learn the skills of sailing or just enjoy the freedom and fun of sailing in a supportive social atmosphere. Sailability allows people of all ages and abilities to enjoy sailing When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, year round The Boatshed, Albert Park Lake, 3 Aquatic Drive All ages $12 per session Josh Sadler at Sailability 0425 826 390

Rowing (Learn to Row for Deaf & hard of hearing) Albert Park South Melbourne (APSM) Rowing Club are running another ‘learn to row’ program. Rowers then have the opportunity to join a development squad and progress into club rowing. Who: When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:

People who are Deaf or hard of hearing Sundays 10am to 12pm (May) APSM Rowing Club, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park 18 and over $80 for 4 week program (upfront payment required) John Gorman, APSM President on jg@01.com.au


Sport and Fitness Snorkelling Ricketts Point is a marine sanctuary and underwater wonderland of sea life. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity. Who: Age: Where: Cost:

When: Contact:

People of all abilities who are interested in learning to snorkel or dive 16 years and older Ricketts Point, Beaumaris $25 per person per week (includes snorkelling equipment & snorkelling instructors) Weekly on Wednesdays at 10am Mike Letch, Disabled Divers Association on 0407 353 969 to register for a time slot

Swim 4 All Swim 4 All is a program designed to provide children and adults with special needs and disabilities with the opportunity to learn to swim with qualified and specifically disability trained instructors. Classes are half an hour in duration and tailored to each participant’s needs. The classes are run from a quiet facility minimising distractions and excess noise. Please contact Natalie to book a free try out session.  When: Thursdays from 3.30pm and Saturdays mornings from 9am Where: Berendale School, 2 Berend St, Hampton East Cost: $40 for private classes, $25 for semi-private classes (2 students of similar ability) Contact: Natalie Clarke 0411 131 641


Sport and Fitness Inclusive Sports Club Volunteering Are you looking for a fun and sporty way to spend a few hours each Saturday? The Moorabbin Kangaroos Football Club (based in Hampton) are seeking the assistance of an energetic and reliable volunteer to assist with a number of duties including Umpire Escort, Water Person, Scoreboard. The volunteer will be matched with a club member who will assist the new volunteer to learn their role. This is a fantastic way to be involved in your local sporting community. Call Rosie from JCAAA on 9209 6552 for more information.

Event Diversity Day - Celebrate the differences & similarities Come and taste exciting foods and enjoy live entertainment! What:

Bollywood dancing, samba, zumba, hip hop, indigenous dance; community choirs, henna painting JCAAA will have tasters on offer from the Community Kitchen Program as well as a photo exhibition from the SnapShot Photography program

When: Time: Where: Cost:

Wednesday 21 March 12pm to 2pm St Kilda Town Hall (front lawn) FREE


JCAAA Participant Profile Andrew Fisher How old are you? I am 18 years old What JCAAA programs have/do you participate in and which do you like the most? I have been to Hampton Dolphins Soccer, MSAC Holiday Programs, Under 18 Dance parties, Get Into Bayside, Stitched Up Drama Program and Football with the Beaumaris Sharks. I like going to MSAC during the school holidays the most because I love going on the big waterslides and doing all the other things there like table tennis and athletics. I love playing footy and soccer too. What is your favourite sport? My favourite sport is AFL football. I like to kick goals.

Andrew at the MSAC holiday program

Who is your hero and why? I love Hawthorn and my hero is Lance Franklin because he kicks lots of goals every season.

What is your favourite weekend activity? I like to play soccer with the Dolphins and I like going to the MCG to watch the football. I play golf sometimes with my dad and my big brother Edward. What do you want to do when you finish school? Work in a coffee shop. I have been learning to make coffees and other hot drinks at my Work Experience. I can use the big coffee machine

Andrew in training with Hampton Dolphins Andrew with mum Jenny


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