Newsletter Autumn 2013
JCAAA Contacts JCAAA Staff contacts Rosie Thomas (Mon to Fri) Team Leader Ph: 9209 6753 Amanda Ireland (Mon to Wed) Arts and Recreation Officer Ph: 9209 6753 David Connolly (Mon to Thurs) Sports Development Officer Ph: 9209 6552 Emily Mercer (Mon to Fri) Enhancing Vacation Care Project Officer Ph:9209 6159 Rebecca Stella (Mon to Fri) Arts and Recreation Officer Ph: 9209 6159 Lani Kingston (Fri only) Community Kitchen Project Officer
Front cover photograph of Alisha Barclay attending the Holiday Arts Program at Phoenix Park Community Centre. Theme of the week was to create Everyday Superhero's costumes.
Enhancing Vacation Care Enhancing Vacation Care works in partnership with local mainstream Vacation Care Programs (VCPs) to support the inclusion and participation of primary and secondary school aged children with disabilities in these programs. Enhancing Vacation Care supplies funding to each VCP so they can provide additional support staff. To be eligible for this service, each child or youth must: Live and/or participate in activities within the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Port Phillip or Stonnington; Live at home with support from family or an unpaid carer. Attend school or equivalent within the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Port Phillip or Stonnington Enhancing Vacation Care has two levels of support: A shared support worker for children with mild to moderate disabilities with a ratio of one additional worker per two to three registered participants and; One on one support for children with more sever disabilities and higher support requirements. The level of support your child may require will be determined through our registration and needs assessment process. If you are interested in this service for your child for the July 2013 holidays, please contact us as soon as possible, as there are limited spaces available. Contact:
Emily Mercer on 9209 6159 3
Holiday Programs Holiday Arts for Adults Experience a variety of visual and performing arts. In April activities include painting, filming and editing, drama and music recording. Workshops are facilitated by artists and materials are provided. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Term 2: Monday 8 to Friday 12 July 9am to 4pm Phoenix Park Neighbourhood House, 22 Rob Roy Road, Malvern East (Melway 69 D2) 18 to 55 years $15 per day - Includes all art materials. BYO lunch/drinks Rebecca Stella on 9209 6706
MSAC Teenage Recreation Program Stay fit and have fun during the holidays. Participate in a variety of sport and recreation activities such as swimming, basketball, badminton, athletics, yoga and aerobics. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact: 4
Term 2: Monday 1 to Friday 5 July 9am to 4pm Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park 13 to 18 years $15 per day. BYO lunch/drinks David Connolly on 9209 6552
Art Programs SnapShot Photography SnapShot Photography classes continue to inspire. Come along and discover all of the photographic masterpieces you can create. Go on outings, learn to use your camera, edit your photos and have heaps of fun! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Saturdays 10.30am to 12.30pm Term 2: 20 April to 22 June St Kilda Library Community Centre 150 Carlisle Street, St Kilda 18 to 55 years $90 for 9 weeks Rebecca Stella on 9209 6706
Performing Arts at Circus Oz Clowning, juggling, drama, hula hoops, rope walking and dance, there is always something fun to try! The program will be running all school terms in 2013. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Sundays 10.30am to 12.30pm Term 2: 28 April to 23 June Circus Oz Headquarters, 40 Bay Street, Port Melbourne 12 to 21 years with mild to moderate disabilities $120 for 8 weeks Rebecca Stella on 9209 6706 5
Social and Recreation Yoga Moves Breathe deeply, relax, improve posture, and become more supple. Yoga Moves is run by a professional yoga teacher with a support worker to encourage and assist. Parents and friends can attend too as ‘Buddies’ for the same cost. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Every Wednesday 4.30pm to 5.30pm Term 2: 24 April to 26 June Yoga Station Studio 3, 52 Bay Road, Sandringham 18 years and over $100 for 10 week terms Rebecca Stella on 9209 6706
Hype Get out, meet new people and have some fun! For 14 to 18 year olds with a mild to moderate disability. Likely outings for 2013 include the planetarium, picnicking, the zoo, the good ship Polly Woodside, lunch at Crown……..and more! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact 6
One Saturday each month 12pm to 4pm Peterson Youth Centre Cnr Highett Rd and Peterson St, Highett 14 to 21 years $10 per session plus entrance fees if applicable Rebecca Stella on 9209 6706
Social and Recreation Stitched Up Stitched Up is a fun and engaging drama program that helps participants boost confidence and create new friendships. This program is facilitated by a professional drama teacher who teaches a range of drama techniques. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Every Monday 4.00pm to 5.30pm Term 2: 22 April to 24 June South Melbourne Community Centre Cnr Park Street and Ferrars Place, Sth Melb 13 to 21 years $90 for 9 week term Rebecca Stella 9209 6706
Fresh Social recreation group for 25 to 55 year olds providing opportunities to socialise and undertake great activities around Melbourne. There are currently places available. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Monthly on Sundays 11am to 5pm Grattan Gardens Community Centre 40 Grattan Street, Prahran 35 to 55 years $10 per session plus entrance fees if applicable Rebecca Stella on 9209 6706 7
Social and Recreation Groove Central Dance your way to fitness with Groove Central. This supported and energetic dance fitness program will boost your confidence, increase your coordination and fitness levels whilst being with friends. There are currently vacancies in this program. When: Date: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Wednesdays 4.30pm to 5.30pm Term 2: 24 April to 26 June Betty Day Community Centre 67 Argyle Street, St Kilda 16 years and over $100 for 10 weeks Rebecca Stella on 9209 6706
Get Into Bayside Social recreation group for 18 to 35 year olds providing opportunities to socialise and undertake great activities around Melbourne. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact: 8
Monthly on Saturdays Meet at Brighton Recreation Centre, 93 Outer Crescent, Brighton 18 to 35 years $10 per session plus entrance fees if applicable Rebecca Stella on 9209 6706
Social and Recreation Saturday Night Fever Put your dancing shoes on and groove the night away with our great DJ. This is a big event, with over 80 people attending! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Saturday 20 April, 22 June, 24 August Melbourne Bowling Club 138 Union Street, Windsor 18 years and over $10 includes entry, pizza and glow stick Carers free Rebecca Stella on 9209 6706
Community Kitchen This is a social, educational program for adults aged 18 years and over with a disability. Learn how to plan a menu, budget for shopping and cook your favourite recipes! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Saturdays 4.30pm to 7.30pm Term 2: 11 May to 29 June Betty Day Community Centre 67 Argyle Street, St Kilda 18 years and over $10 per week Lani Kingston on 9209 6753 or 9
Sport and Fitness Sailability Sailability is a Yachting Victoria program that uses purpose-built boats that don’t capsize, to allow people of all ages and abilities to discover the joy of sailing. It is held on the safe and sheltered waters on Albert Park Lake. Individuals can now book into set time slots. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Wednesdays 2pm to 3pm from 20 March 2013 The Boatshed, Albert Park Lake, 3 Aquatic Drive All ages Contact The Boatshed for details (payment required up front and for a full term) Tom Cotter at The Boatshed 9686 2571
Basketball - McKinnon Super Star Cougars This program has smashed all expectations, growing to two courts and entering multiple teams in the all ability tournaments. New players are always welcome to join! Develop your basketball skills and become a member of a winning team! When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact: 10
Saturdays 9.30am throughout school terms Bentleigh Secondary College Stadium (enter via Clarence Street, Bentleigh East) 12 years and over $45 for seven week program or $8 casual entry McKinnon Basketball Association 9579 1200
Sport and Fitness Gecko Kids Fitness SNAP program Gecko’s Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP) offers a unique and inclusive environment. Participants feel a sense of belonging and are given opportunities to participate fully and equally in the fitness/gym program. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Sundays 10.00am to 10.45am or 10.45am to 11.30am Gecko Kids Fitness 338 South Road, Hampton East 4 to 18 years $200 per term Andrea Cummins at Gecko 0404015096
Parafinning (snorkelling) Parafinning (snorkelling) is on the horizon for summer 2012/13 at Ricketts Point, a marine sanctuary and underwater wonderland of sea life. The Disabled Divers Association would love to hear from people of all abilities who want to learn to snorkel. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Weekly on Wednesdays 10am-12pm until the end of April Ricketts Point, Beaumaris 12 years and older $25 per person per week (includes snorkelling equipment and snorkelling instructors) Mike Letch 0407 353 969 11
Sport and Fitness
MSAC Sporty Tackers This weekly program combines a range of fun indoor sports all in the one location. This program has been modified and will offer different sports each week. For full details on the program contact Jeff Torney at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC). When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Saturdays during school terms Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park 8 to 15 years (12.30pm to 1.45pm) $8.90 per week Jeff Torney at MSAC 9926 1547
MSAC Sporty All Stars This weekly program combines a range of fun indoor sports all in the one location. Activities include basketball, volleyball, squash, table tennis and swimming. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Saturdays during school terms Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park 15 to 55 years (2pm to 4pm) $8.90 per week Jeff Torney at MSAC 9926 1547
Sport and Fitness Fishing for All Abilities This program gives people of all abilities the opportunity to try fishing in a supportive environment. Participants will need to be dressed for the conditions (warm clothes, sturdy shoes). Groups welcome. When: Where: Cost: Contact:
Second Tuesday of the month 10am to 1pm Station Pier, Port Melbourne Gold coin donation (includes rod, reel, bait and fishing instructor) Remy Baya at FishCare 0418 311 684
Swim 4 All Swim 4 All is a program designed to provide children and adults with disabilities the opportunity to learn to swim with qualified, disability trained instructors. Classes are half an hour in duration and are tailored to each participant’s needs. The classes are run from a quiet facility minimising distractions and excess noise. Please contact Natalie to book a free try-out session. For more information, such as location and cost, contact Natalie Clarke 0411 131 641. 13
Sport and Fitness
Hampton Dolphins Soccer Club Hampton Dolphins 2013 season is due to kick off on 13 April and will run until early November. The Dolphins program is a group of children, teens and young adults with special needs that get together each week to learn basic soccer skills in a relaxed, friendly, non-competitive environment. The emphasis is on having fun while exercising and learning some basic soccer skills. This program is as popular as ever and will include the annual fun day with the Richmond Eagles All Abilities team. The club is keen to welcome new participants to the program in 2013, so if you would like to learn soccer skills in a fun, friendly, safe and non-competitive environment contact the club on the numbers below for more information. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Saturdays 1.15pm to 2.30pm Simpson Reserve, Fewster Road, Hampton 6 years and up Ask the club for details Ian Spence 9571 5492 (AH) or Terry Baker 9589 4800
Sport and Fitness
Accessible and Inclusive Walking Groups JCAAA has been working with local community organisation to promote accessible and inclusive walking groups that the whole family can enjoy. Good Living Walking Group - Basterfield Park Wednesday 1pm to 2pm Basterfield Park, Corner Dane Road and Seafoam Street, Hampton East Good Living Walking Group - Peterson Reserve Wednesday 11.15am to 12.15pm Peterson Reserve, Cnr Peterson St and Danson St, Highett Please ensure you contact Intake at Bentleigh Bayside Community Health on 9575 5322 to register your interest. Alma Road Community House Walking Group Friday 10am to 11.30am 200 Alma Rd, St Kilda East Contact the Community House on 9525 8746 to find out more information about this program.
Sport and Fitness All Abilities Lawn Bowls The program at Black Rock Bowling Club has been running successfully for over 10 years due to the fantastic commitment of club members and volunteers. The club is looking for participants for the 2012-13 Summer program which runs until April 2013. When: Where: Age: Cost: Contact:
Sundays 10am to 12pm (Date: April 21) Black Rock Lawn Bowls Club, 8 Fern Street, Black Rock All ages and abilities $5 per week includes training and morning tea Bill Richardson at the club on (03) 9533 5338 or email at
Back cover photograph of Angela Littledyke attending the Holiday Arts Program at Phoenix Park Community Centre. Theme of the week was to create Everyday Superhero's costumes.